version := `cargo pkgid | tr '#' '\n' | tail -n 1` ok: lint test lint: cargo fmt --all cargo clippy --all --all-features -- -D warnings test: cargo test --workspace # Run the Talon server run: cargo run -- run -d tmp # Generate the openapi.json documentation oai-doc: cargo run --bin openapi # Generate the JS API client oai-client: && npm-setup rm -rf ui/menu/node_modules/talon-client openapi-generator-cli generate -i openapi.json -g typescript-fetch -o ui/talon-client -p "npmName=talon-client" npm-setup: npm install --prefix ui/talon-client npm install --prefix ui/menu # Start the dev server for the sidebar menu menu-dev: cd ui/menu && npm run dev # Build the sidebar menu -> ui/menu/dist/talon.js menu-build: cd ui/menu && npm run build release: if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then echo "Workdir must be clean"; exit 1; fi if git rev-parse "v{{version}}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Version tag v{{version}} already exists"; exit 1; fi if [ -f "" ]; then git-cliff --tag "v{{version}}" --unreleased --prepend; else git-cliff --tag "v{{version}}" --unreleased --output; fi git add git commit -m "chore(release): prepare for v{{version}}" git-cliff --tag "v{{version}}" --unreleased --strip all | git tag -a -F - --cleanup whitespace "v{{version}}"