/* This configuration was taken from stefanonepa's project template Copyright (c) 2021 stefanonepa, MIT License https://github.com/stefanonepa/svelte-component-ts This is a modified version of rollup-plugin-css-only Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Ghysels https://github.com/thgh/rollup-plugin-css-only */ import { createFilter } from "@rollup/pluginutils"; function css(options) { if (options === void 0) options = {}; var filter = createFilter( ["**/*.css", "**/*.svelte", "**/*.js", "**/*.ts"], options.exclude ); var isCssOnly = createFilter(options.include || ["**/*.css"], options.exclude); var styles = {}; var order = []; var dest = options.output; var changes = 0; return { name: "css", transform: function transform(code, id) { if (!isCssOnly(id)) { return; } // Track the order that each stylesheet is imported. if (!order.includes(id)) { order.push(id); } // Keep track of every stylesheet // Check if it changed since last render if (styles[id] !== code && (styles[id] || code)) { styles[id] = code; changes++; } return ""; }, generateBundle: function generateBundle(opts, bundle) { // Combine all stylesheets, respecting import order var css = ""; for (var x = 0; x < order.length; x++) { var id = order[x]; css += styles[id] || ""; } // Emit styles through callback if (typeof options.output === "function") { options.output(css, styles, bundle); } }, }; } export default css;