import { describe, it } from 'mocha'; //@ts-ignore import assert from 'assert' //@ts-ignore import { BloomFilter } from './helpers/sync' import { create, loadDoc, SyncState, Automerge, encodeChange, decodeChange, initSyncState, decodeSyncMessage, decodeSyncState, encodeSyncState, encodeSyncMessage } from '..' import { DecodedSyncMessage, Hash } from '..' function sync(a: Automerge, b: Automerge, aSyncState = initSyncState(), bSyncState = initSyncState()) { const MAX_ITER = 10 let aToBmsg = null, bToAmsg = null, i = 0 do { aToBmsg = a.generateSyncMessage(aSyncState) bToAmsg = b.generateSyncMessage(bSyncState) if (aToBmsg) { b.receiveSyncMessage(bSyncState, aToBmsg) } if (bToAmsg) { a.receiveSyncMessage(aSyncState, bToAmsg) } if (i++ > MAX_ITER) { throw new Error(`Did not synchronize within ${MAX_ITER} iterations`) } } while (aToBmsg || bToAmsg) } describe('Automerge', () => { describe('basics', () => { it('should init clone and free', () => { let doc1 = create() let doc2 = doc1.clone() }) it('should be able to start and commit', () => { let doc = create() doc.commit() }) it('getting a nonexistant prop does not throw an error', () => { let doc = create() let root = "_root" let result = doc.value(root,"hello") assert.deepEqual(result,undefined) }) it('should be able to set and get a simple value', () => { let doc : Automerge = create("aabbcc") let root = "_root" let result doc.set(root, "hello", "world") doc.set(root, "number1", 5, "uint") doc.set(root, "number2", 5) doc.set(root, "number3", 5.5) doc.set(root, "number4", 5.5, "f64") doc.set(root, "number5", 5.5, "int") doc.set(root, "bool", true) doc.set(root, "time1", 1000, "timestamp") doc.set(root, "time2", new Date(1001)) doc.set_object(root, "list", []); doc.set(root, "null", null) result = doc.value(root,"hello") assert.deepEqual(result,["str","world"]) result = doc.value(root,"number1") assert.deepEqual(result,["uint",5]) result = doc.value(root,"number2") assert.deepEqual(result,["int",5]) result = doc.value(root,"number3") assert.deepEqual(result,["f64",5.5]) result = doc.value(root,"number4") assert.deepEqual(result,["f64",5.5]) result = doc.value(root,"number5") assert.deepEqual(result,["int",5]) result = doc.value(root,"bool") assert.deepEqual(result,["boolean",true]) doc.set(root, "bool", false, "boolean") result = doc.value(root,"bool") assert.deepEqual(result,["boolean",false]) result = doc.value(root,"time1") assert.deepEqual(result,["timestamp",new Date(1000)]) result = doc.value(root,"time2") assert.deepEqual(result,["timestamp",new Date(1001)]) result = doc.value(root,"list") assert.deepEqual(result,["list","10@aabbcc"]); result = doc.value(root,"null") assert.deepEqual(result,["null",null]); }) it('should be able to use bytes', () => { let doc = create() doc.set("_root","data1", new Uint8Array([10,11,12])); doc.set("_root","data2", new Uint8Array([13,14,15]), "bytes"); let value1 = doc.value("_root", "data1") assert.deepEqual(value1, ["bytes", new Uint8Array([10,11,12])]); let value2 = doc.value("_root", "data2") assert.deepEqual(value2, ["bytes", new Uint8Array([13,14,15])]); }) it('should be able to make sub objects', () => { let doc = create() let root = "_root" let result let submap = doc.set_object(root, "submap", {}) doc.set(submap, "number", 6, "uint") assert.strictEqual(doc.pendingOps(),2) result = doc.value(root,"submap") assert.deepEqual(result,["map",submap]) result = doc.value(submap,"number") assert.deepEqual(result,["uint",6]) }) it('should be able to make lists', () => { let doc = create() let root = "_root" let submap = doc.set_object(root, "numbers", []) doc.insert(submap, 0, "a"); doc.insert(submap, 1, "b"); doc.insert(submap, 2, "c"); doc.insert(submap, 0, "z"); assert.deepEqual(doc.value(submap, 0),["str","z"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.value(submap, 1),["str","a"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.value(submap, 2),["str","b"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.value(submap, 3),["str","c"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.length(submap),4) doc.set(submap, 2, "b v2"); assert.deepEqual(doc.value(submap, 2),["str","b v2"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.length(submap),4) }) it('lists have insert, set, splice, and push ops', () => { let doc = create() let root = "_root" let submap = doc.set_object(root, "letters", []) doc.insert(submap, 0, "a"); doc.insert(submap, 0, "b"); assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize(), { letters: ["b", "a" ] }) doc.push(submap, "c"); assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize(), { letters: ["b", "a", "c" ] }) doc.push(submap, 3, "timestamp"); assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize(), { letters: ["b", "a", "c", new Date(3) ] }) doc.splice(submap, 1, 1, ["d","e","f"]); assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize(), { letters: ["b", "d", "e", "f", "c", new Date(3) ] }) doc.set(submap, 0, "z"); assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize(), { letters: ["z", "d", "e", "f", "c", new Date(3) ] }) assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize(submap), ["z", "d", "e", "f", "c", new Date(3) ]) assert.deepEqual(doc.length(submap),6) }) it('should be able delete non-existant props', () => { let doc = create() doc.set("_root", "foo","bar") doc.set("_root", "bip","bap") let heads1 = doc.commit() assert.deepEqual(doc.keys("_root"),["bip","foo"]) doc.del("_root", "foo") doc.del("_root", "baz") let heads2 = doc.commit() assert.deepEqual(doc.keys("_root"),["bip"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.keys("_root", heads1),["bip", "foo"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.keys("_root", heads2),["bip"]) }) it('should be able to del', () => { let doc = create() let root = "_root" doc.set(root, "xxx", "xxx"); assert.deepEqual(doc.value(root, "xxx"),["str","xxx"]) doc.del(root, "xxx"); assert.deepEqual(doc.value(root, "xxx"),undefined) }) it('should be able to use counters', () => { let doc = create() let root = "_root" doc.set(root, "counter", 10, "counter"); assert.deepEqual(doc.value(root, "counter"),["counter",10]), "counter", 10); assert.deepEqual(doc.value(root, "counter"),["counter",20]), "counter", -5); assert.deepEqual(doc.value(root, "counter"),["counter",15]) }) it('should be able to splice text', () => { let doc = create() let root = "_root"; let text = doc.set_object(root, "text", ""); doc.splice(text, 0, 0, "hello ") doc.splice(text, 6, 0, ["w","o","r","l","d"]) doc.splice(text, 11, 0, ["!","?"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.value(text, 0),["str","h"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.value(text, 1),["str","e"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.value(text, 9),["str","l"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.value(text, 10),["str","d"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.value(text, 11),["str","!"]) assert.deepEqual(doc.value(text, 12),["str","?"]) }) it('should be able to insert objects into text', () => { let doc = create() let text = doc.set_object("/", "text", "Hello world"); let obj = doc.insert_object(text, 6, { hello: "world" }); assert.deepEqual(doc.text(text), "Hello \ufffcworld"); assert.deepEqual(doc.value(text, 6), ["map", obj]); assert.deepEqual(doc.value(obj, "hello"), ["str", "world"]); }) it('should be able save all or incrementally', () => { let doc = create() doc.set("_root", "foo", 1) let save1 = doc.set("_root", "bar", 2) let saveMidway = doc.clone().save(); let save2 = doc.saveIncremental(); doc.set("_root", "baz", 3); let save3 = doc.saveIncremental(); let saveA =; let saveB = new Uint8Array([... save1, ...save2, ...save3]); assert.notDeepEqual(saveA, saveB); let docA = loadDoc(saveA); let docB = loadDoc(saveB); let docC = loadDoc(saveMidway) let touched = docC.loadIncremental(save3) assert.deepEqual(touched, ["_root"]); assert.deepEqual(docA.keys("_root"), docB.keys("_root")); assert.deepEqual(,; assert.deepEqual(,; }) it('should be able to splice text', () => { let doc = create() let text = doc.set_object("_root", "text", ""); doc.splice(text, 0, 0, "hello world"); let heads1 = doc.commit(); doc.splice(text, 6, 0, "big bad "); let heads2 = doc.commit(); assert.strictEqual(doc.text(text), "hello big bad world") assert.strictEqual(doc.length(text), 19) assert.strictEqual(doc.text(text, heads1), "hello world") assert.strictEqual(doc.length(text, heads1), 11) assert.strictEqual(doc.text(text, heads2), "hello big bad world") assert.strictEqual(doc.length(text, heads2), 19) }) it('local inc increments all visible counters in a map', () => { let doc1 = create("aaaa") doc1.set("_root", "hello", "world") let doc2 = loadDoc(, "bbbb"); let doc3 = loadDoc(, "cccc"); doc1.set("_root", "cnt", 20) doc2.set("_root", "cnt", 0, "counter") doc3.set("_root", "cnt", 10, "counter") doc1.applyChanges(doc2.getChanges(doc1.getHeads())) doc1.applyChanges(doc3.getChanges(doc1.getHeads())) let result = doc1.values("_root", "cnt") assert.deepEqual(result,[ ['int',20,'2@aaaa'], ['counter',0,'2@bbbb'], ['counter',10,'2@cccc'], ])"_root", "cnt", 5) result = doc1.values("_root", "cnt") assert.deepEqual(result, [ [ 'counter', 5, '2@bbbb' ], [ 'counter', 15, '2@cccc' ], ]) let save1 = let doc4 = loadDoc(save1) assert.deepEqual(, save1); }) it('local inc increments all visible counters in a sequence', () => { let doc1 = create("aaaa") let seq = doc1.set_object("_root", "seq", []) doc1.insert(seq, 0, "hello") let doc2 = loadDoc(, "bbbb"); let doc3 = loadDoc(, "cccc"); doc1.set(seq, 0, 20) doc2.set(seq, 0, 0, "counter") doc3.set(seq, 0, 10, "counter") let touched1 = doc1.applyChanges(doc2.getChanges(doc1.getHeads())) let touched2 = doc1.applyChanges(doc3.getChanges(doc1.getHeads())) let result = doc1.values(seq, 0) assert.deepEqual(touched1,["1@aaaa"]) assert.deepEqual(touched2,["1@aaaa"]) assert.deepEqual(result,[ ['int',20,'3@aaaa'], ['counter',0,'3@bbbb'], ['counter',10,'3@cccc'], ]), 0, 5) result = doc1.values(seq, 0) assert.deepEqual(result, [ [ 'counter', 5, '3@bbbb' ], [ 'counter', 15, '3@cccc' ], ]) let save = let doc4 = loadDoc(save) assert.deepEqual(, save); }) it('paths can be used instead of objids', () => { let doc = create("aaaa") doc.set_object("_root","list",[{ foo: "bar"}, [1,2,3]]) assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize("/"), { list: [{ foo: "bar"}, [1,2,3]] }) assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize("/list"), [{ foo: "bar"}, [1,2,3]]) assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize("/list/0"), { foo: "bar"}) }) it('should be able to fetch changes by hash', () => { let doc1 = create("aaaa") let doc2 = create("bbbb") doc1.set("/","a","b") doc2.set("/","b","c") let head1 = doc1.getHeads() let head2 = doc2.getHeads() let change1 = doc1.getChangeByHash(head1[0]) let change2 = doc1.getChangeByHash(head2[0]) assert.deepEqual(change2, null) if (change1 === null) { throw new RangeError("change1 should not be null") } assert.deepEqual(decodeChange(change1).hash, head1[0]) assert.deepEqual(head1.some((hash) => doc1.getChangeByHash(hash) === null), false) assert.deepEqual(head2.some((hash) => doc1.getChangeByHash(hash) === null), true) }) it('recursive sets are possible', () => { let doc = create("aaaa") let l1 = doc.set_object("_root","list",[{ foo: "bar"}, [1,2,3]]) let l2 = doc.insert_object(l1, 0, { zip: ["a", "b"] }) let l3 = doc.set_object("_root","info1","hello world") // 'text' object doc.set("_root","info2","hello world") // 'str' let l4 = doc.set_object("_root","info3","hello world") assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize(), { "list": [ { zip: ["a", "b"] }, { foo: "bar"}, [ 1,2,3]], "info1": "hello world", "info2": "hello world", "info3": "hello world", }) assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize(l2), { zip: ["a","b"] }) assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize(l1), [ { zip: ["a","b"] }, { foo: "bar" }, [ 1,2,3] ]) assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize(l4), "hello world") }) it('only returns an object id when objects are created', () => { let doc = create("aaaa") let r1 = doc.set("_root","foo","bar") let r2 = doc.set_object("_root","list",[]) let r3 = doc.set("_root","counter",10, "counter") let r4 ="_root","counter",1) let r5 = doc.del("_root","counter") let r6 = doc.insert(r2,0,10); let r7 = doc.insert_object(r2,0,{}); let r8 = doc.splice(r2,1,0,["a","b","c"]); //let r9 = doc.splice(r2,1,0,["a",[],{},"d"]); assert.deepEqual(r1,null); assert.deepEqual(r2,"2@aaaa"); assert.deepEqual(r3,null); assert.deepEqual(r4,null); assert.deepEqual(r5,null); assert.deepEqual(r6,null); assert.deepEqual(r7,"7@aaaa"); assert.deepEqual(r8,null); //assert.deepEqual(r9,["12@aaaa","13@aaaa"]); }) it('objects without properties are preserved', () => { let doc1 = create("aaaa") let a = doc1.set_object("_root","a",{}); let b = doc1.set_object("_root","b",{}); let c = doc1.set_object("_root","c",{}); let d = doc1.set(c,"d","dd"); let saved =; let doc2 = loadDoc(saved); assert.deepEqual(doc2.value("_root","a"),["map",a]) assert.deepEqual(doc2.keys(a),[]) assert.deepEqual(doc2.value("_root","b"),["map",b]) assert.deepEqual(doc2.keys(b),[]) assert.deepEqual(doc2.value("_root","c"),["map",c]) assert.deepEqual(doc2.keys(c),["d"]) assert.deepEqual(doc2.value(c,"d"),["str","dd"]) }) it('should handle merging text conflicts then saving & loading', () => { let A = create("aabbcc") let At = A.set_object('_root', 'text', "") A.splice(At, 0, 0, 'hello') let B = A.fork() assert.deepEqual(B.value("_root","text"), [ "text", At]) B.splice(At, 4, 1) B.splice(At, 4, 0, '!') B.splice(At, 5, 0, ' ') B.splice(At, 6, 0, 'world') A.merge(B) let binary = let C = loadDoc(binary) assert.deepEqual(C.value('_root', 'text'), ['text', '1@aabbcc']) assert.deepEqual(C.text(At), 'hell! world') }) it('should return opIds that were changed', () => { let A = create("aabbcc") let At = A.set_object('_root', 'list', []) A.insert('/list', 0, 'a') A.insert('/list', 1, 'b') let B = A.fork() A.insert('/list', 2, 'c') let opIds = A.merge(B) assert.equal(opIds.length, 0) }) }) describe('sync', () => { it('should send a sync message implying no local data', () => { let doc = create() let s1 = initSyncState() let m1 = doc.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (m1 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } const message: DecodedSyncMessage = decodeSyncMessage(m1) assert.deepStrictEqual(message.heads, []) assert.deepStrictEqual(message.need, []) assert.deepStrictEqual(message.have.length, 1) assert.deepStrictEqual(message.have[0].lastSync, []) assert.deepStrictEqual(message.have[0].bloom.byteLength, 0) assert.deepStrictEqual(message.changes, []) }) it('should not reply if we have no data as well', () => { let n1 = create(), n2 = create() let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() let m1 = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (m1 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, m1) let m2 = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(m2, null) }) it('repos with equal heads do not need a reply message', () => { let n1 = create(), n2 = create() let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() // make two nodes with the same changes let list = n1.set_object("_root","n", []) n1.commit("",0) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { n1.insert(list,i,i) n1.commit("",0) } n2.applyChanges(n1.getChanges([])) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) // generate a naive sync message let m1 = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (m1 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(s1.lastSentHeads, n1.getHeads()) // heads are equal so this message should be null n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, m1) let m2 = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) assert.strictEqual(m2, null) }) it('n1 should offer all changes to n2 when starting from nothing', () => { let n1 = create(), n2 = create() // make changes for n1 that n2 should request let list = n1.set_object("_root","n",[]) n1.commit("",0) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { n1.insert(list, i, i) n1.commit("",0) } assert.notDeepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) sync(n1, n2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) }) it('should sync peers where one has commits the other does not', () => { let n1 = create(), n2 = create() // make changes for n1 that n2 should request let list = n1.set_object("_root","n",[]) n1.commit("",0) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { n1.insert(list,i,i) n1.commit("",0) } assert.notDeepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) sync(n1, n2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) }) it('should work with prior sync state', () => { // create & synchronize two nodes let n1 = create(), n2 = create() let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i) n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) // modify the first node further for (let i = 5; i < 10; i++) { n1.set("_root", "x", i) n1.commit("",0) } assert.notDeepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) }) it('should not generate messages once synced', () => { // create & synchronize two nodes let n1 = create('abc123'), n2 = create('def456') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() let message, patch for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i) n1.commit("",0) } for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n2.set("_root","y",i) n2.commit("",0) } // n1 reports what it has message = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } // n2 receives that message and sends changes along with what it has n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, message) message = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message).changes.length, 5) //assert.deepStrictEqual(patch, null) // no changes arrived // n1 receives the changes and replies with the changes it now knows n2 needs n1.receiveSyncMessage(s1, message) message = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message).changes.length, 5) // n2 applies the changes and sends confirmation ending the exchange n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, message) message = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } // n1 receives the message and has nothing more to say n1.receiveSyncMessage(s1, message) message = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) assert.deepStrictEqual(message, null) //assert.deepStrictEqual(patch, null) // no changes arrived // n2 also has nothing left to say message = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(message, null) }) it('should allow simultaneous messages during synchronization', () => { // create & synchronize two nodes let n1 = create('abc123'), n2 = create('def456') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n1.set("_root", "x", i) n1.commit("",0) } for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n2.set("_root","y", i) n2.commit("",0) } const head1 = n1.getHeads()[0], head2 = n2.getHeads()[0] // both sides report what they have but have no shared peer state let msg1to2, msg2to1 msg1to2 = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) msg2to1 = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) if (msg1to2 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } if (msg2to1 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(msg1to2).changes.length, 0) assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(msg1to2).have[0].lastSync.length, 0) assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(msg2to1).changes.length, 0) assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(msg2to1).have[0].lastSync.length, 0) // n1 and n2 receives that message and update sync state but make no patch n1.receiveSyncMessage(s1, msg2to1) n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, msg1to2) // now both reply with their local changes the other lacks // (standard warning that 1% of the time this will result in a "need" message) msg1to2 = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (msg1to2 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(msg1to2).changes.length, 5) msg2to1 = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) if (msg2to1 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(msg2to1).changes.length, 5) // both should now apply the changes and update the frontend n1.receiveSyncMessage(s1, msg2to1) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getMissingDeps(), []) //assert.notDeepStrictEqual(patch1, null) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), {x: 4, y: 4}) n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, msg1to2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n2.getMissingDeps(), []) //assert.notDeepStrictEqual(patch2, null) assert.deepStrictEqual(n2.materialize(), {x: 4, y: 4}) // The response acknowledges the changes received, and sends no further changes msg1to2 = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (msg1to2 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(msg1to2).changes.length, 0) msg2to1 = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) if (msg2to1 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(msg2to1).changes.length, 0) // After receiving acknowledgements, their shared heads should be equal n1.receiveSyncMessage(s1, msg2to1) n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, msg1to2) assert.deepStrictEqual(s1.sharedHeads, [head1, head2].sort()) assert.deepStrictEqual(s2.sharedHeads, [head1, head2].sort()) //assert.deepStrictEqual(patch1, null) //assert.deepStrictEqual(patch2, null) // We're in sync, no more messages required msg1to2 = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) msg2to1 = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(msg1to2, null) assert.deepStrictEqual(msg2to1, null) // If we make one more change, and start another sync, its lastSync should be updated n1.set("_root","x",5) msg1to2 = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (msg1to2 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(msg1to2).have[0].lastSync, [head1, head2].sort()) }) it('should assume sent changes were recieved until we hear otherwise', () => { let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState(), message = null let items = n1.set_object("_root", "items", []) n1.commit("",0) sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) n1.push(items, "x") n1.commit("",0) message = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message).changes.length, 1) n1.push(items, "y") n1.commit("",0) message = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message).changes.length, 1) n1.push(items, "z") n1.commit("",0) message = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message).changes.length, 1) }) it('should work regardless of who initiates the exchange', () => { // create & synchronize two nodes let n1 = create(), n2 = create() let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n1.set("_root", "x", i) n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) // modify the first node further for (let i = 5; i < 10; i++) { n1.set("_root", "x", i) n1.commit("",0) } assert.notDeepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) }) it('should work without prior sync state', () => { // Scenario: ,-- c10 <-- c11 <-- c12 <-- c13 <-- c14 // c0 <-- c1 <-- c2 <-- c3 <-- c4 <-- c5 <-- c6 <-- c7 <-- c8 <-- c9 <-+ // `-- c15 <-- c16 <-- c17 // lastSync is undefined. // create two peers both with divergent commits let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i) n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2) for (let i = 10; i < 15; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i) n1.commit("",0) } for (let i = 15; i < 18; i++) { n2.set("_root","x",i) n2.commit("",0) } assert.notDeepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) sync(n1, n2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), n2.getHeads()) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) }) it('should work with prior sync state', () => { // Scenario: ,-- c10 <-- c11 <-- c12 <-- c13 <-- c14 // c0 <-- c1 <-- c2 <-- c3 <-- c4 <-- c5 <-- c6 <-- c7 <-- c8 <-- c9 <-+ // `-- c15 <-- c16 <-- c17 // lastSync is c9. // create two peers both with divergent commits let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i) n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) for (let i = 10; i < 15; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i) n1.commit("",0) } for (let i = 15; i < 18; i++) { n2.set("_root","x",i) n2.commit("",0) } s1 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s1)) s2 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s2)) assert.notDeepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), n2.getHeads()) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) }) it('should ensure non-empty state after sync', () => { let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i) n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(s1.sharedHeads, n1.getHeads()) assert.deepStrictEqual(s2.sharedHeads, n1.getHeads()) }) it('should re-sync after one node crashed with data loss', () => { // Scenario: (r) (n2) (n1) // c0 <-- c1 <-- c2 <-- c3 <-- c4 <-- c5 <-- c6 <-- c7 <-- c8 // n2 has changes {c0, c1, c2}, n1's lastSync is c5, and n2's lastSync is c2. // we want to successfully sync (n1) with (r), even though (n1) believes it's talking to (n2) let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() // n1 makes three changes, which we sync to n2 for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i) n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) // save a copy of n2 as "r" to simulate recovering from crash let r, rSyncState ;[r, rSyncState] = [n2.clone(), s2.clone()] // sync another few commits for (let i = 3; i < 6; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i) n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) // everyone should be on the same page here assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), n2.getHeads()) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) // now make a few more changes, then attempt to sync the fully-up-to-date n1 with the confused r for (let i = 6; i < 9; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i) n1.commit("",0) } s1 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s1)) rSyncState = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(rSyncState)) assert.notDeepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), r.getHeads()) assert.notDeepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), r.materialize()) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), {x: 8}) assert.deepStrictEqual(r.materialize(), {x: 2}) sync(n1, r, s1, rSyncState) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), r.getHeads()) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), r.materialize()) }) it('should resync after one node experiences data loss without disconnecting', () => { let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() // n1 makes three changes, which we sync to n2 for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i) n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), n2.getHeads()) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) let n2AfterDataLoss = create('89abcdef') // "n2" now has no data, but n1 still thinks it does. Note we don't do // decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s1)) in order to simulate data loss without disconnecting sync(n1, n2AfterDataLoss, s1, initSyncState()) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), n2.getHeads()) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) }) it('should handle changes concurrent to the last sync heads', () => { let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef'), n3 = create('fedcba98') let s12 = initSyncState(), s21 = initSyncState(), s23 = initSyncState(), s32 = initSyncState() // Change 1 is known to all three nodes //n1 = Automerge.change(n1, {time: 0}, doc => doc.x = 1) n1.set("_root","x",1); n1.commit("",0) sync(n1, n2, s12, s21) sync(n2, n3, s23, s32) // Change 2 is known to n1 and n2 n1.set("_root","x",2); n1.commit("",0) sync(n1, n2, s12, s21) // Each of the three nodes makes one change (changes 3, 4, 5) n1.set("_root","x",3); n1.commit("",0) n2.set("_root","x",4); n2.commit("",0) n3.set("_root","x",5); n3.commit("",0) // Apply n3's latest change to n2. If running in Node, turn the Uint8Array into a Buffer, to // simulate transmission over a network (see let change = n3.getLastLocalChange() //@ts-ignore if (typeof Buffer === 'function') change = Buffer.from(change) if (change === undefined) { throw new RangeError("last local change failed") } n2.applyChanges([change]) // Now sync n1 and n2. n3's change is concurrent to n1 and n2's last sync heads sync(n1, n2, s12, s21) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), n2.getHeads()) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) }) it('should handle histories with lots of branching and merging', () => { let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef'), n3 = create('fedcba98') n1.set("_root","x",0); n1.commit("",0) n2.applyChanges([n1.getLastLocalChange()]) n3.applyChanges([n1.getLastLocalChange()]) n3.set("_root","x",1); n3.commit("",0) // - n1c1 <------ n1c2 <------ n1c3 <-- etc. <-- n1c20 <------ n1c21 // / \/ \/ \/ // / /\ /\ /\ // c0 <---- n2c1 <------ n2c2 <------ n2c3 <-- etc. <-- n2c20 <------ n2c21 // \ / // ---------------------------------------------- n3c1 <----- for (let i = 1; i < 20; i++) { n1.set("_root","n1",i); n1.commit("",0) n2.set("_root","n2",i); n2.commit("",0) const change1 = n1.getLastLocalChange() const change2 = n2.getLastLocalChange() n1.applyChanges([change2]) n2.applyChanges([change1]) } let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) // Having n3's last change concurrent to the last sync heads forces us into the slower code path n2.applyChanges([n3.getLastLocalChange()]) n1.set("_root","n1","final"); n1.commit("",0) n2.set("_root","n2","final"); n2.commit("",0) sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), n2.getHeads()) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.materialize(), n2.materialize()) }) it('should handle a false-positive head', () => { // Scenario: ,-- n1 // c0 <-- c1 <-- c2 <-- c3 <-- c4 <-- c5 <-- c6 <-- c7 <-- c8 <-- c9 <-+ // `-- n2 // where n2 is a false positive in the Bloom filter containing {n1}. // lastSync is c9. let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i); n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) for (let i = 1; ; i++) { // search for false positive; see comment above const n1up = n1.clone('01234567'); n1up.set("_root","x",`${i} @ n1`); n1up.commit("",0) const n2up = n2.clone('89abcdef'); n2up.set("_root","x",`${i} @ n2`); n2up.commit("",0) if (new BloomFilter(n1up.getHeads()).containsHash(n2up.getHeads()[0])) {; n1 = n1up; n2 = n2up; break } } const allHeads = [...n1.getHeads(), ...n2.getHeads()].sort() s1 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s1)) s2 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s2)) sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), allHeads) assert.deepStrictEqual(n2.getHeads(), allHeads) }) describe('with a false-positive dependency', () => { let n1: Automerge, n2: Automerge, s1: SyncState, s2: SyncState, n1hash2: Hash, n2hash2: Hash beforeEach(() => { // Scenario: ,-- n1c1 <-- n1c2 // c0 <-- c1 <-- c2 <-- c3 <-- c4 <-- c5 <-- c6 <-- c7 <-- c8 <-- c9 <-+ // `-- n2c1 <-- n2c2 // where n2c1 is a false positive in the Bloom filter containing {n1c1, n1c2}. // lastSync is c9. n1 = create('01234567') n2 = create('89abcdef') s1 = initSyncState() s2 = initSyncState() for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i); n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) let n1hash1, n2hash1 for (let i = 29; ; i++) { // search for false positive; see comment above const n1us1 = n1.clone('01234567') n1us1.set("_root","x",`${i} @ n1`); n1us1.commit("",0) const n2us1 = n2.clone('89abcdef') n2us1.set("_root","x",`${i} @ n1`); n2us1.commit("",0) n1hash1 = n1us1.getHeads()[0]; n2hash1 = n2us1.getHeads()[0] const n1us2 = n1us1.clone(); n1us2.set("_root","x",`final @ n1`); n1us2.commit("",0) const n2us2 = n2us1.clone(); n2us2.set("_root","x",`final @ n2`); n2us2.commit("",0) n1hash2 = n1us2.getHeads()[0]; n2hash2 = n2us2.getHeads()[0] if (new BloomFilter([n1hash1, n1hash2]).containsHash(n2hash1)) {; n1 = n1us2; n2 = n2us2; break } } }) it('should sync two nodes without connection reset', () => { sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), [n1hash2, n2hash2].sort()) assert.deepStrictEqual(n2.getHeads(), [n1hash2, n2hash2].sort()) }) it('should sync two nodes with connection reset', () => { s1 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s1)) s2 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s2)) sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), [n1hash2, n2hash2].sort()) assert.deepStrictEqual(n2.getHeads(), [n1hash2, n2hash2].sort()) }) it('should sync three nodes', () => { s1 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s1)) s2 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s2)) // First n1 and n2 exchange Bloom filters let m1, m2 m1 = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) m2 = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) if (m1 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } if (m2 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } let touched1 = n1.receiveSyncMessage(s1, m2) let touched2 = n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, m1) assert.deepEqual(touched1, []); assert.deepEqual(touched2, []); // Then n1 and n2 send each other their changes, except for the false positive m1 = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) m2 = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) if (m1 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } if (m2 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } let touched3 = n1.receiveSyncMessage(s1, m2) let touched4 = n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, m1) assert.deepEqual(touched3, []); assert.deepEqual(touched4, ["_root"]); assert.strictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(m1).changes.length, 2) // n1c1 and n1c2 assert.strictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(m2).changes.length, 1) // only n2c2; change n2c1 is not sent // n3 is a node that doesn't have the missing change. Nevertheless n1 is going to ask n3 for it let n3 = create('fedcba98'), s13 = initSyncState(), s31 = initSyncState() sync(n1, n3, s13, s31) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), [n1hash2]) assert.deepStrictEqual(n3.getHeads(), [n1hash2]) }) }) it('should not require an additional request when a false-positive depends on a true-negative', () => { // Scenario: ,-- n1c1 <-- n1c2 <-- n1c3 // c0 <-- c1 <-- c2 <-- c3 <-- c4 <-+ // `-- n2c1 <-- n2c2 <-- n2c3 // where n2c2 is a false positive in the Bloom filter containing {n1c1, n1c2, n1c3}. // lastSync is c4. let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() let n1hash3, n2hash3 for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i); n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) for (let i = 86; ; i++) { // search for false positive; see comment above const n1us1 = n1.clone('01234567') n1us1.set("_root","x",`${i} @ n1`); n1us1.commit("",0) const n2us1 = n2.clone('89abcdef') n2us1.set("_root","x",`${i} @ n2`); n2us1.commit("",0) //const n1us1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.clone(n1, {actorId: '01234567'}), {time: 0}, doc => doc.x = `${i} @ n1`) //const n2us1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.clone(n2, {actorId: '89abcdef'}), {time: 0}, doc => doc.x = `${i} @ n2`) const n1hash1 = n1us1.getHeads()[0] const n1us2 = n1us1.clone() n1us2.set("_root","x",`${i + 1} @ n1`); n1us2.commit("",0) const n2us2 = n2us1.clone() n2us2.set("_root","x",`${i + 1} @ n2`); n2us2.commit("",0) const n1hash2 = n1us2.getHeads()[0], n2hash2 = n2us2.getHeads()[0] const n1us3 = n1us2.clone() n1us3.set("_root","x",`final @ n1`); n1us3.commit("",0) const n2us3 = n2us2.clone() n2us3.set("_root","x",`final @ n2`); n2us3.commit("",0) n1hash3 = n1us3.getHeads()[0]; n2hash3 = n2us3.getHeads()[0] if (new BloomFilter([n1hash1, n1hash2, n1hash3]).containsHash(n2hash2)) {;; n1 = n1us3; n2 = n2us3; break } } const bothHeads = [n1hash3, n2hash3].sort() s1 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s1)) s2 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s2)) sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), bothHeads) assert.deepStrictEqual(n2.getHeads(), bothHeads) }) it('should handle chains of false-positives', () => { // Scenario: ,-- c5 // c0 <-- c1 <-- c2 <-- c3 <-- c4 <-+ // `-- n2c1 <-- n2c2 <-- n2c3 // where n2c1 and n2c2 are both false positives in the Bloom filter containing {c5}. // lastSync is c4. let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i); n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) n1.set("_root","x",5); n1.commit("",0) for (let i = 2; ; i++) { // search for false positive; see comment above const n2us1 = n2.clone('89abcdef') n2us1.set("_root","x",`${i} @ n2`); n2us1.commit("",0) if (new BloomFilter(n1.getHeads()).containsHash(n2us1.getHeads()[0])) { n2 = n2us1; break } } for (let i = 141; ; i++) { // search for false positive; see comment above const n2us2 = n2.clone('89abcdef') n2us2.set("_root","x",`${i} again`); n2us2.commit("",0) if (new BloomFilter(n1.getHeads()).containsHash(n2us2.getHeads()[0])) { n2 = n2us2; break } } n2.set("_root","x",`final @ n2`); n2.commit("",0) const allHeads = [...n1.getHeads(), ...n2.getHeads()].sort() s1 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s1)) s2 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s2)) sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), allHeads) assert.deepStrictEqual(n2.getHeads(), allHeads) }) it('should allow the false-positive hash to be explicitly requested', () => { // Scenario: ,-- n1 // c0 <-- c1 <-- c2 <-- c3 <-- c4 <-- c5 <-- c6 <-- c7 <-- c8 <-- c9 <-+ // `-- n2 // where n2 causes a false positive in the Bloom filter containing {n1}. let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() let message for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i); n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) s1 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s1)) s2 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s2)) for (let i = 1; ; i++) { // brute-force search for false positive; see comment above const n1up = n1.clone('01234567'); n1up.set("_root","x",`${i} @ n1`); n1up.commit("",0) const n2up = n1.clone('89abcdef'); n2up.set("_root","x",`${i} @ n2`); n2up.commit("",0) // check if the bloom filter on n2 will believe n1 already has a particular hash // this will mean n2 won't offer that data to n2 by receiving a sync message from n1 if (new BloomFilter(n1up.getHeads()).containsHash(n2up.getHeads()[0])) { n1 = n1up; n2 = n2up; break } } // n1 creates a sync message for n2 with an ill-fated bloom message = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.strictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message).changes.length, 0) // n2 receives it and DOESN'T send a change back n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, message) message = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.strictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message).changes.length, 0) // n1 should now realize it's missing that change and request it explicitly n1.receiveSyncMessage(s1, message) message = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message).need, n2.getHeads()) // n2 should fulfill that request n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, message) message = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.strictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message).changes.length, 1) // n1 should apply the change and the two should now be in sync n1.receiveSyncMessage(s1, message) assert.deepStrictEqual(n1.getHeads(), n2.getHeads()) }) describe('protocol features', () => { it('should allow multiple Bloom filters', () => { // Scenario: ,-- n1c1 <-- n1c2 <-- n1c3 // c0 <-- c1 <-- c2 <-+--- n2c1 <-- n2c2 <-- n2c3 // `-- n3c1 <-- n3c2 <-- n3c3 // n1 has {c0, c1, c2, n1c1, n1c2, n1c3, n2c1, n2c2}; // n2 has {c0, c1, c2, n1c1, n1c2, n2c1, n2c2, n2c3}; // n3 has {c0, c1, c2, n3c1, n3c2, n3c3}. let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef'), n3 = create('76543210') let s13 = initSyncState(), s12 = initSyncState(), s21 = initSyncState() let s32 = initSyncState(), s31 = initSyncState(), s23 = initSyncState() let message1, message2, message3 for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i); n1.commit("",0) } // sync all 3 nodes sync(n1, n2, s12, s21) // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars -- kept for consistency sync(n1, n3, s13, s31) sync(n3, n2, s32, s23) for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",`${i} @ n1`); n1.commit("",0) } for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { n2.set("_root","x",`${i} @ n2`); n2.commit("",0) } n1.applyChanges(n2.getChanges([])) n2.applyChanges(n1.getChanges([])) n1.set("_root","x",`3 @ n1`); n1.commit("",0) n2.set("_root","x",`3 @ n2`); n2.commit("",0) for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { n3.set("_root","x",`${i} @ n3`); n3.commit("",0) } const n1c3 = n1.getHeads()[0], n2c3 = n2.getHeads()[0], n3c3 = n3.getHeads()[0] s13 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s13)) s31 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s31)) s23 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s23)) s32 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s32)) // Now n3 concurrently syncs with n1 and n2. Doing this naively would result in n3 receiving // changes {n1c1, n1c2, n2c1, n2c2} twice (those are the changes that both n1 and n2 have, but // that n3 does not have). We want to prevent this duplication. message1 = n1.generateSyncMessage(s13) // message from n1 to n3 if (message1 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.strictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message1).changes.length, 0) n3.receiveSyncMessage(s31, message1) message3 = n3.generateSyncMessage(s31) // message from n3 to n1 if (message3 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.strictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message3).changes.length, 3) // {n3c1, n3c2, n3c3} n1.receiveSyncMessage(s13, message3) // Copy the Bloom filter received from n1 into the message sent from n3 to n2. This Bloom // filter indicates what changes n3 is going to receive from n1. message3 = n3.generateSyncMessage(s32) // message from n3 to n2 if (message3 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } const modifiedMessage = decodeSyncMessage(message3) modifiedMessage.have.push(decodeSyncMessage(message1).have[0]) assert.strictEqual(modifiedMessage.changes.length, 0) n2.receiveSyncMessage(s23, encodeSyncMessage(modifiedMessage)) // n2 replies to n3, sending only n2c3 (the one change that n2 has but n1 doesn't) message2 = n2.generateSyncMessage(s23) if (message2 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.strictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message2).changes.length, 1) // {n2c3} n3.receiveSyncMessage(s32, message2) // n1 replies to n3 message1 = n1.generateSyncMessage(s13) if (message1 === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.strictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message1).changes.length, 5) // {n1c1, n1c2, n1c3, n2c1, n2c2} n3.receiveSyncMessage(s31, message1) assert.deepStrictEqual(n3.getHeads(), [n1c3, n2c3, n3c3].sort()) }) it('should allow any change to be requested', () => { let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() let message = null for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i); n1.commit("",0) } const lastSync = n1.getHeads() for (let i = 3; i < 6; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i); n1.commit("",0) } sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) s1.lastSentHeads = [] // force generateSyncMessage to return a message even though nothing changed message = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } const modMsg = decodeSyncMessage(message) modMsg.need = lastSync // re-request change 2 n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, encodeSyncMessage(modMsg)) message = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } assert.strictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(message).changes.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(decodeChange(decodeSyncMessage(message).changes[0]).hash, lastSync[0]) }) it('should ignore requests for a nonexistent change', () => { let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() let message = null for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i); n1.commit("",0) } n2.applyChanges(n1.getChanges([])) message = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (message === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } message = decodeSyncMessage(message) message.need = ['0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'] message = encodeSyncMessage(message) n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, message) message = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) assert.strictEqual(message, null) }) it('should allow a subset of changes to be sent', () => { // ,-- c1 <-- c2 // c0 <-+ // `-- c3 <-- c4 <-- c5 <-- c6 <-- c7 <-- c8 let n1 = create('01234567'), n2 = create('89abcdef'), n3 = create('76543210') let s1 = initSyncState(), s2 = initSyncState() let msg, decodedMsg n1.set("_root","x",0); n1.commit("",0) n3.applyChanges(n3.getChangesAdded(n1)) // merge() for (let i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { n1.set("_root","x",i); n1.commit("",0) } for (let i = 3; i <= 4; i++) { n3.set("_root","x",i); n3.commit("",0) } const c2 = n1.getHeads()[0], c4 = n3.getHeads()[0] n2.applyChanges(n2.getChangesAdded(n3)) // merge() // Sync n1 and n2, so their shared heads are {c2, c4} sync(n1, n2, s1, s2) s1 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s1)) s2 = decodeSyncState(encodeSyncState(s2)) assert.deepStrictEqual(s1.sharedHeads, [c2, c4].sort()) assert.deepStrictEqual(s2.sharedHeads, [c2, c4].sort()) // n2 and n3 apply {c5, c6, c7, c8} n3.set("_root","x",5); n3.commit("",0) const change5 = n3.getLastLocalChange() n3.set("_root","x",6); n3.commit("",0) const change6 = n3.getLastLocalChange(), c6 = n3.getHeads()[0] for (let i = 7; i <= 8; i++) { n3.set("_root","x",i); n3.commit("",0) } const c8 = n3.getHeads()[0] n2.applyChanges(n2.getChangesAdded(n3)) // merge() // Now n1 initiates a sync with n2, and n2 replies with {c5, c6}. n2 does not send {c7, c8} msg = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (msg === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, msg) msg = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) if (msg === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } decodedMsg = decodeSyncMessage(msg) decodedMsg.changes = [change5, change6] msg = encodeSyncMessage(decodedMsg) const sentHashes: any = {} sentHashes[decodeChange(change5).hash] = true sentHashes[decodeChange(change6).hash] = true s2.sentHashes = sentHashes n1.receiveSyncMessage(s1, msg) assert.deepStrictEqual(s1.sharedHeads, [c2, c6].sort()) // n1 replies, confirming the receipt of {c5, c6} and requesting the remaining changes msg = n1.generateSyncMessage(s1) if (msg === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } n2.receiveSyncMessage(s2, msg) assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(msg).need, [c8]) assert.deepStrictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(msg).have[0].lastSync, [c2, c6].sort()) assert.deepStrictEqual(s1.sharedHeads, [c2, c6].sort()) assert.deepStrictEqual(s2.sharedHeads, [c2, c6].sort()) // n2 sends the remaining changes {c7, c8} msg = n2.generateSyncMessage(s2) if (msg === null) { throw new RangeError("message should not be null") } n1.receiveSyncMessage(s1, msg) assert.strictEqual(decodeSyncMessage(msg).changes.length, 2) assert.deepStrictEqual(s1.sharedHeads, [c2, c8].sort()) }) }) }) })