window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["OrdScalarValue",""],["RealizedObject","A `RealizedObject` is a representation of all the current values in a document - including conflicts."]],"fn":[["mk_counter",""],["new_doc",""],["new_doc_with_actor",""],["pretty_panic",""],["pretty_print","Pretty print the contents of a document"],["realize",""],["realize_obj",""],["realize_prop",""],["sorted_actors","Returns two actor IDs, the first considered to be ordered before the second"]],"macro":[["assert_doc","This macro makes it easy to make assertions about a document. It is called with two arguments, the first is a reference to an `automerge::Automerge`, the second is an instance of `RealizedObject`."],["assert_obj","Like `assert_doc` except that you can specify an object ID and property to select subsections of the document."],["list","Construct `RealizedObject::Sequence`. This macro represents a sequence of values"],["map","Construct `RealizedObject::Map`. This macro takes a nested set of curl braces. The outer set is the keys of the map, the inner set is the set of values for that key:"]],"struct":[["ExportedOpId",""]]};