os: linux dist: xenial language: rust if: branch = main install: - rustup self update - rustup component add clippy - rustup component add rustfmt - curl https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-pack/installer/init.sh -sSf | sh - nvm install 12 jobs: allow_failures: - rust: nightly fast_finish: true include: - name: Stable - Format, Clippy and Docs rust: stable script: - cargo fmt --all -- --check - cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings - cargo doc --workspace --all-features - name: Stable - Build and Test rust: stable script: - cargo build --all-targets --workspace - cargo test --workspace - name: Stable - Wasm and Interop rust: stable script: - wasm-pack test automerge-frontend --node - cd automerge-backend-wasm - yarn dev - yarn test:js - name: Beta - Format, Clippy and Docs rust: beta script: - cargo fmt --all -- --check - cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings - cargo doc --workspace --all-features - name: Beta - Build and Test rust: beta script: - cargo build --all-targets --workspace - cargo test --workspace - name: Beta - Wasm and Interop rust: beta script: - wasm-pack test automerge-frontend --node - cd automerge-backend-wasm - yarn dev - yarn test:js - name: Nightly - Format, Clippy and Docs rust: nightly script: - cargo fmt --all -- --check - cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings - cargo doc --workspace --all-features - name: Nightly - Build and Test rust: nightly script: - cargo build --all-targets --workspace - cargo test --workspace - name: Nightly - Wasm and Interop rust: nightly script: - wasm-pack test automerge-frontend --node - cd automerge-backend-wasm - yarn dev - yarn test:js