name: Release on: push: branches: - main jobs: check_if_wasm_version_upgraded: name: Check if WASM version has been upgraded runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: wasm_version: ${{ steps.version-updated.outputs.current-package-version }} wasm_has_updated: ${{ steps.version-updated.outputs.has-updated }} steps: - uses: JiPaix/package-json-updated-action@v1.0.5 id: version-updated with: path: rust/automerge-wasm/package.json env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} publish-wasm: name: Publish WASM package runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: - check_if_wasm_version_upgraded # We create release only if the version in the package.json has been upgraded if: needs.check_if_wasm_version_upgraded.outputs.wasm_has_updated == 'true' steps: - uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: '16.x' registry-url: '' - uses: denoland/setup-deno@v1 - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 ref: ${{ github.ref }} - name: Get rid of local github workflows run: rm -r .github/workflows - name: Remove tmp_branch if it exists run: git push origin :tmp_branch || true - run: git checkout -b tmp_branch - name: Install wasm-bindgen-cli run: cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli wasm-opt - name: Install wasm32 target run: rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown - name: run wasm js tests id: wasm_js_tests run: ./scripts/ci/wasm_tests - name: run wasm deno tests id: wasm_deno_tests run: ./scripts/ci/deno_tests - name: build release id: build_release run: | npm --prefix $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/rust/automerge-wasm run release - name: Collate deno release files if: steps.wasm_js_tests.outcome == 'success' && steps.wasm_deno_tests.outcome == 'success' run: | mkdir $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/deno_wasm_dist cp $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/rust/automerge-wasm/deno/* $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/deno_wasm_dist cp $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/rust/automerge-wasm/index.d.ts $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/deno_wasm_dist cp $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/rust/automerge-wasm/ $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/deno_wasm_dist cp $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/rust/automerge-wasm/LICENSE $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/deno_wasm_dist sed -i '1i /// ' $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/deno_wasm_dist/automerge_wasm.js - name: Create npm release if: steps.wasm_js_tests.outcome == 'success' && steps.wasm_deno_tests.outcome == 'success' run: | if [ "$(npm --prefix $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/rust/automerge-wasm show . version)" = "$VERSION" ]; then echo "This version is already published" exit 0 fi EXTRA_ARGS="--access public" if [[ $VERSION == *"alpha."* ]] || [[ $VERSION == *"beta."* ]] || [[ $VERSION == *"rc."* ]]; then echo "Is pre-release version" EXTRA_ARGS="$EXTRA_ARGS --tag next" fi if [ "$NODE_AUTH_TOKEN" = "" ]; then echo "Can't publish on NPM, You need a NPM_TOKEN secret." false fi npm publish $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/rust/automerge-wasm $EXTRA_ARGS env: NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.NPM_TOKEN}} VERSION: ${{ needs.check_if_wasm_version_upgraded.outputs.wasm_version }} - name: Commit wasm deno release files run: | git config --global "actions" git config --global git add $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/deno_wasm_dist git commit -am "Add deno release files" git push origin tmp_branch - name: Tag wasm release if: steps.wasm_js_tests.outcome == 'success' && steps.wasm_deno_tests.outcome == 'success' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: name: Automerge Wasm v${{ needs.check_if_wasm_version_upgraded.outputs.wasm_version }} tag_name: js/automerge-wasm-${{ needs.check_if_wasm_version_upgraded.outputs.wasm_version }} target_commitish: tmp_branch generate_release_notes: false draft: false env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Remove tmp_branch run: git push origin :tmp_branch check_if_js_version_upgraded: name: Check if JS version has been upgraded runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: js_version: ${{ steps.version-updated.outputs.current-package-version }} js_has_updated: ${{ steps.version-updated.outputs.has-updated }} steps: - uses: JiPaix/package-json-updated-action@v1.0.5 id: version-updated with: path: javascript/package.json env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} publish-js: name: Publish JS package runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: - check_if_js_version_upgraded - check_if_wasm_version_upgraded - publish-wasm # We create release only if the version in the package.json has been upgraded and after the WASM release if: | (always() && ! cancelled()) && (needs.publish-wasm.result == 'success' || needs.publish-wasm.result == 'skipped') && needs.check_if_js_version_upgraded.outputs.js_has_updated == 'true' steps: - uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: '16.x' registry-url: '' - uses: denoland/setup-deno@v1 - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 ref: ${{ github.ref }} - name: Get rid of local github workflows run: rm -r .github/workflows - name: Remove js_tmp_branch if it exists run: git push origin :js_tmp_branch || true - run: git checkout -b js_tmp_branch - name: check js formatting run: | yarn global add prettier prettier -c javascript/.prettierrc javascript - name: run js tests id: js_tests run: | cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli wasm-opt rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown ./scripts/ci/js_tests - name: build js release id: build_release run: | npm --prefix $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/javascript run build - name: build js deno release id: build_deno_release run: | VERSION=$WASM_VERSION npm --prefix $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/javascript run deno:build env: WASM_VERSION: ${{ needs.check_if_wasm_version_upgraded.outputs.wasm_version }} - name: run deno tests id: deno_tests run: | npm --prefix $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/javascript run deno:test - name: Collate deno release files if: steps.js_tests.outcome == 'success' && steps.deno_tests.outcome == 'success' run: | mkdir $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/deno_js_dist cp $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/javascript/deno_dist/* $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/deno_js_dist - name: Create npm release if: steps.js_tests.outcome == 'success' && steps.deno_tests.outcome == 'success' run: | if [ "$(npm --prefix $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/javascript show . version)" = "$VERSION" ]; then echo "This version is already published" exit 0 fi EXTRA_ARGS="--access public" if [[ $VERSION == *"alpha."* ]] || [[ $VERSION == *"beta."* ]] || [[ $VERSION == *"rc."* ]]; then echo "Is pre-release version" EXTRA_ARGS="$EXTRA_ARGS --tag next" fi if [ "$NODE_AUTH_TOKEN" = "" ]; then echo "Can't publish on NPM, You need a NPM_TOKEN secret." false fi npm publish $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/javascript $EXTRA_ARGS env: NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.NPM_TOKEN}} VERSION: ${{ needs.check_if_js_version_upgraded.outputs.js_version }} - name: Commit js deno release files run: | git config --global "actions" git config --global git add $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/deno_js_dist git commit -am "Add deno js release files" git push origin js_tmp_branch - name: Tag JS release if: steps.js_tests.outcome == 'success' && steps.deno_tests.outcome == 'success' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: name: Automerge v${{ needs.check_if_js_version_upgraded.outputs.js_version }} tag_name: js/automerge-${{ needs.check_if_js_version_upgraded.outputs.js_version }} target_commitish: js_tmp_branch generate_release_notes: false draft: false env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Remove js_tmp_branch run: git push origin :js_tmp_branch