## Automerge JS This is a reimplementation of Automerge as a JavaScript wrapper around the "automerge-wasm". This package is in alpha and feedback in welcome. The primary differences between using this package and "automerge" are as follows: 1. The low level api needs to plugged in via the use function. The only current implementation of "automerge-wasm" but another could used in theory. ```javascript import * as Automerge from "automerge-js"; import * as wasm_api from "automerge-wasm"; // browsers require an async wasm load - see automerge-wasm docs Automerge.use(wasm_api); ``` 2. There is no front-end back-end split, and no patch format or patch observer. These concepts don't make sense with the wasm implementation. 3. The basic `Doc` object is now a Proxy object and will behave differently in a repl environment. 4. The 'Text' class is currently very slow and needs to be re-worked. Beyond this please refer to the Automerge [README](http://github.com/automerge/automerge/) for further information.