const assert = require('assert') const Automerge = require('..') const { assertEqualsOneOf } = require('./helpers') function attributeStateToAttributes(accumulatedAttributes) { const attributes = {} Object.entries(accumulatedAttributes).forEach(([key, values]) => { if (values.length && values[0] !== null) { attributes[key] = values[0] } }) return attributes } function isEquivalent(a, b) { const aProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a) const bProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b) if (aProps.length != bProps.length) { return false } for (let i = 0; i < aProps.length; i++) { const propName = aProps[i] if (a[propName] !== b[propName]) { return false } } return true } function isControlMarker(pseudoCharacter) { return typeof pseudoCharacter === 'object' && pseudoCharacter.attributes } function opFrom(text, attributes) { let op = { insert: text } if (Object.keys(attributes).length > 0) { op.attributes = attributes } return op } function accumulateAttributes(span, accumulatedAttributes) { Object.entries(span).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (!accumulatedAttributes[key]) { accumulatedAttributes[key] = [] } if (value === null) { if (accumulatedAttributes[key].length === 0 || accumulatedAttributes[key] === null) { accumulatedAttributes[key].unshift(null) } else { accumulatedAttributes[key].shift() } } else { if (accumulatedAttributes[key][0] === null) { accumulatedAttributes[key].shift() } else { accumulatedAttributes[key].unshift(value) } } }) return accumulatedAttributes } function automergeTextToDeltaDoc(text) { let ops = [] let controlState = {} let currentString = "" let attributes = {} text.toSpans().forEach((span) => { if (isControlMarker(span)) { controlState = accumulateAttributes(span.attributes, controlState) } else { let next = attributeStateToAttributes(controlState) // if the next span has the same calculated attributes as the current span // don't bother outputting it as a separate span, just let it ride if (typeof span === 'string' && isEquivalent(next, attributes)) { currentString = currentString + span return } if (currentString) { ops.push(opFrom(currentString, attributes)) } // If we've got a string, we might be able to concatenate it to another // same-attributed-string, so remember it and go to the next iteration. if (typeof span === 'string') { currentString = span attributes = next } else { // otherwise we have an embed "character" and should output it immediately. // embeds are always one-"character" in length. ops.push(opFrom(span, next)) currentString = '' attributes = {} } } }) // at the end, flush any accumulated string out if (currentString) { ops.push(opFrom(currentString, attributes)) } return ops } function inverseAttributes(attributes) { let invertedAttributes = {} Object.keys(attributes).forEach((key) => { invertedAttributes[key] = null }) return invertedAttributes } function applyDeleteOp(text, offset, op) { let length = op.delete while (length > 0) { if (isControlMarker(text.get(offset))) { offset += 1 } else { // we need to not delete control characters, but we do delete embed characters text.deleteAt(offset, 1) length -= 1 } } return [text, offset] } function applyRetainOp(text, offset, op) { let length = op.retain if (op.attributes) { text.insertAt(offset, { attributes: op.attributes }) offset += 1 } while (length > 0) { const char = text.get(offset) offset += 1 if (!isControlMarker(char)) { length -= 1 } } if (op.attributes) { text.insertAt(offset, { attributes: inverseAttributes(op.attributes) }) offset += 1 } return [text, offset] } function applyInsertOp(text, offset, op) { let originalOffset = offset if (typeof op.insert === 'string') { text.insertAt(offset, ...op.insert.split('')) offset += op.insert.length } else { // we have an embed or something similar text.insertAt(offset, op.insert) offset += 1 } if (op.attributes) { text.insertAt(originalOffset, { attributes: op.attributes }) offset += 1 } if (op.attributes) { text.insertAt(offset, { attributes: inverseAttributes(op.attributes) }) offset += 1 } return [text, offset] } // XXX: uhhhhh, why can't I pass in text? function applyDeltaDocToAutomergeText(delta, doc) { let offset = 0 delta.forEach(op => { if (op.retain) { [, offset] = applyRetainOp(doc.text, offset, op) } else if (op.delete) { [, offset] = applyDeleteOp(doc.text, offset, op) } else if (op.insert) { [, offset] = applyInsertOp(doc.text, offset, op) } }) } describe('Automerge.Text', () => { let s1, s2 beforeEach(() => { s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => doc.text = new Automerge.Text()) s2 = Automerge.merge(Automerge.init(), s1) }) it('should support insertion', () => { s1 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => doc.text.insertAt(0, 'a')) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(0), 'a') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.toString(), 'a') //assert.strictEqual(s1.text.getElemId(0), `2@${Automerge.getActorId(s1)}`) }) it('should support deletion', () => { s1 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => doc.text.insertAt(0, 'a', 'b', 'c')) s1 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => doc.text.deleteAt(1, 1)) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.length, 2) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(0), 'a') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(1), 'c') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.toString(), 'ac') }) it("should support implicit and explicit deletion", () => { s1 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => doc.text.insertAt(0, "a", "b", "c")) s1 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => doc.text.deleteAt(1)) s1 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => doc.text.deleteAt(1, 0)) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.length, 2) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(0), "a") assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(1), "c") assert.strictEqual(s1.text.toString(), "ac") }) it('should handle concurrent insertion', () => { s1 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => doc.text.insertAt(0, 'a', 'b', 'c')) s2 = Automerge.change(s2, doc => doc.text.insertAt(0, 'x', 'y', 'z')) s1 = Automerge.merge(s1, s2) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.length, 6) assertEqualsOneOf(s1.text.toString(), 'abcxyz', 'xyzabc') assertEqualsOneOf(s1.text.join(''), 'abcxyz', 'xyzabc') }) it('should handle text and other ops in the same change', () => { s1 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => { = 'bar' doc.text.insertAt(0, 'a') }) assert.strictEqual(, 'bar') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.toString(), 'a') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.join(''), 'a') }) it('should serialize to JSON as a simple string', () => { s1 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => doc.text.insertAt(0, 'a', '"', 'b')) assert.strictEqual(JSON.stringify(s1), '{"text":"a\\"b"}') }) it('should allow modification before an object is assigned to a document', () => { s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { const text = new Automerge.Text() text.insertAt(0, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd') text.deleteAt(2) doc.text = text assert.strictEqual(doc.text.toString(), 'abd') assert.strictEqual(doc.text.join(''), 'abd') }) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.toString(), 'abd') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.join(''), 'abd') }) it('should allow modification after an object is assigned to a document', () => { s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { const text = new Automerge.Text() doc.text = text doc.text.insertAt(0, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd') doc.text.deleteAt(2) assert.strictEqual(doc.text.toString(), 'abd') assert.strictEqual(doc.text.join(''), 'abd') }) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.join(''), 'abd') }) it('should not allow modification outside of a change callback', () => { assert.throws(() => s1.text.insertAt(0, 'a'), /object cannot be modified outside of a change block/) }) describe('with initial value', () => { it('should accept a string as initial value', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => doc.text = new Automerge.Text('init')) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.length, 4) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(0), 'i') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(1), 'n') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(2), 'i') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(3), 't') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.toString(), 'init') }) it('should accept an array as initial value', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => doc.text = new Automerge.Text(['i', 'n', 'i', 't'])) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.length, 4) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(0), 'i') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(1), 'n') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(2), 'i') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(3), 't') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.toString(), 'init') }) it('should initialize text in Automerge.from()', () => { let s1 = Automerge.from({text: new Automerge.Text('init')}) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.length, 4) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(0), 'i') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(1), 'n') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(2), 'i') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(3), 't') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.toString(), 'init') }) it('should encode the initial value as a change', () => { const s1 = Automerge.from({text: new Automerge.Text('init')}) const changes = Automerge.getAllChanges(s1) assert.strictEqual(changes.length, 1) const [s2] = Automerge.applyChanges(Automerge.init(), changes) assert.strictEqual(s2.text instanceof Automerge.Text, true) assert.strictEqual(s2.text.toString(), 'init') assert.strictEqual(s2.text.join(''), 'init') }) it('should allow immediate access to the value', () => { Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { const text = new Automerge.Text('init') assert.strictEqual(text.length, 4) assert.strictEqual(text.get(0), 'i') assert.strictEqual(text.toString(), 'init') doc.text = text assert.strictEqual(doc.text.length, 4) assert.strictEqual(doc.text.get(0), 'i') assert.strictEqual(doc.text.toString(), 'init') }) }) it('should allow pre-assignment modification of the initial value', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { const text = new Automerge.Text('init') text.deleteAt(3) assert.strictEqual(text.join(''), 'ini') doc.text = text assert.strictEqual(doc.text.join(''), 'ini') assert.strictEqual(doc.text.toString(), 'ini') }) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.toString(), 'ini') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.join(''), 'ini') }) it('should allow post-assignment modification of the initial value', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { const text = new Automerge.Text('init') doc.text = text doc.text.deleteAt(0) doc.text.insertAt(0, 'I') assert.strictEqual(doc.text.join(''), 'Init') assert.strictEqual(doc.text.toString(), 'Init') }) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.join(''), 'Init') assert.strictEqual(s1.text.toString(), 'Init') }) }) describe('non-textual control characters', () => { let s1 beforeEach(() => { s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text() doc.text.insertAt(0, 'a') doc.text.insertAt(1, { attribute: 'bold' }) }) }) it('should allow fetching non-textual characters', () => { assert.deepEqual(s1.text.get(1), { attribute: 'bold' }) //assert.strictEqual(s1.text.getElemId(1), `3@${Automerge.getActorId(s1)}`) }) it('should include control characters in string length', () => { assert.strictEqual(s1.text.length, 2) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(0), 'a') }) it('should exclude control characters from toString()', () => { assert.strictEqual(s1.text.toString(), 'a') }) it('should allow control characters to be updated', () => { const s2 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => doc.text.get(1).attribute = 'italic') const s3 = Automerge.load( assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(1).attribute, 'bold') assert.strictEqual(s2.text.get(1).attribute, 'italic') assert.strictEqual(s3.text.get(1).attribute, 'italic') }) describe('spans interface to Text', () => { it('should return a simple string as a single span', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('hello world') }) assert.deepEqual(s1.text.toSpans(), ['hello world']) }) it('should return an empty string as an empty array', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text() }) assert.deepEqual(s1.text.toSpans(), []) }) it('should split a span at a control character', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('hello world') doc.text.insertAt(5, { attributes: { bold: true } }) }) assert.deepEqual(s1.text.toSpans(), ['hello', { attributes: { bold: true } }, ' world']) }) it('should allow consecutive control characters', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('hello world') doc.text.insertAt(5, { attributes: { bold: true } }) doc.text.insertAt(6, { attributes: { italic: true } }) }) assert.deepEqual(s1.text.toSpans(), ['hello', { attributes: { bold: true } }, { attributes: { italic: true } }, ' world' ]) }) it('should allow non-consecutive control characters', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('hello world') doc.text.insertAt(5, { attributes: { bold: true } }) doc.text.insertAt(12, { attributes: { italic: true } }) }) assert.deepEqual(s1.text.toSpans(), ['hello', { attributes: { bold: true } }, ' world', { attributes: { italic: true } } ]) }) it('should be convertable into a Quill delta', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('Gandalf the Grey') doc.text.insertAt(0, { attributes: { bold: true } }) doc.text.insertAt(7 + 1, { attributes: { bold: null } }) doc.text.insertAt(12 + 2, { attributes: { color: '#cccccc' } }) }) let deltaDoc = automergeTextToDeltaDoc(s1.text) // From let expectedDoc = [ { insert: 'Gandalf', attributes: { bold: true } }, { insert: ' the ' }, { insert: 'Grey', attributes: { color: '#cccccc' } } ] assert.deepEqual(deltaDoc, expectedDoc) }) it('should support embeds', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('') doc.text.insertAt(0, { attributes: { link: '' } }) doc.text.insertAt(1, { image: '' }) doc.text.insertAt(2, { attributes: { link: null } }) }) let deltaDoc = automergeTextToDeltaDoc(s1.text) // From let expectedDoc = [{ // An image link insert: { image: '' }, attributes: { link: '' } }] assert.deepEqual(deltaDoc, expectedDoc) }) it('should handle concurrent overlapping spans', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('Gandalf the Grey') }) let s2 = Automerge.merge(Automerge.init(), s1) let s3 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => { doc.text.insertAt(8, { attributes: { bold: true } }) doc.text.insertAt(16 + 1, { attributes: { bold: null } }) }) let s4 = Automerge.change(s2, doc => { doc.text.insertAt(0, { attributes: { bold: true } }) doc.text.insertAt(11 + 1, { attributes: { bold: null } }) }) let merged = Automerge.merge(s3, s4) let deltaDoc = automergeTextToDeltaDoc(merged.text) // From let expectedDoc = [ { insert: 'Gandalf the Grey', attributes: { bold: true } }, ] assert.deepEqual(deltaDoc, expectedDoc) }) it('should handle debolding spans', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('Gandalf the Grey') }) let s2 = Automerge.merge(Automerge.init(), s1) let s3 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => { doc.text.insertAt(0, { attributes: { bold: true } }) doc.text.insertAt(16 + 1, { attributes: { bold: null } }) }) let s4 = Automerge.change(s2, doc => { doc.text.insertAt(8, { attributes: { bold: null } }) doc.text.insertAt(11 + 1, { attributes: { bold: true } }) }) let merged = Automerge.merge(s3, s4) let deltaDoc = automergeTextToDeltaDoc(merged.text) // From let expectedDoc = [ { insert: 'Gandalf ', attributes: { bold: true } }, { insert: 'the' }, { insert: ' Grey', attributes: { bold: true } }, ] assert.deepEqual(deltaDoc, expectedDoc) }) // xxx: how would this work for colors? it('should handle destyling across destyled spans', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('Gandalf the Grey') }) let s2 = Automerge.merge(Automerge.init(), s1) let s3 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => { doc.text.insertAt(0, { attributes: { bold: true } }) doc.text.insertAt(16 + 1, { attributes: { bold: null } }) }) let s4 = Automerge.change(s2, doc => { doc.text.insertAt(8, { attributes: { bold: null } }) doc.text.insertAt(11 + 1, { attributes: { bold: true } }) }) let merged = Automerge.merge(s3, s4) let final = Automerge.change(merged, doc => { doc.text.insertAt(3 + 1, { attributes: { bold: null } }) doc.text.insertAt(doc.text.length, { attributes: { bold: true } }) }) let deltaDoc = automergeTextToDeltaDoc(final.text) // From let expectedDoc = [ { insert: 'Gan', attributes: { bold: true } }, { insert: 'dalf the Grey' }, ] assert.deepEqual(deltaDoc, expectedDoc) }) it('should apply an insert', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('Hello world') }) const delta = [ { retain: 6 }, { insert: 'reader' }, { delete: 5 } ] let s2 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => { applyDeltaDocToAutomergeText(delta, doc) }) assert.strictEqual(s2.text.join(''), 'Hello reader') }) it('should apply an insert with control characters', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('Hello world') }) const delta = [ { retain: 6 }, { insert: 'reader', attributes: { bold: true } }, { delete: 5 }, { insert: '!' } ] let s2 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => { applyDeltaDocToAutomergeText(delta, doc) }) assert.strictEqual(s2.text.toString(), 'Hello reader!') assert.deepEqual(s2.text.toSpans(), [ "Hello ", { attributes: { bold: true } }, "reader", { attributes: { bold: null } }, "!" ]) }) it('should account for control characters in retain/delete lengths', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('Hello world') doc.text.insertAt(4, { attributes: { color: '#ccc' } }) doc.text.insertAt(10, { attributes: { color: '#f00' } }) }) const delta = [ { retain: 6 }, { insert: 'reader', attributes: { bold: true } }, { delete: 5 }, { insert: '!' } ] let s2 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => { applyDeltaDocToAutomergeText(delta, doc) }) assert.strictEqual(s2.text.toString(), 'Hello reader!') assert.deepEqual(s2.text.toSpans(), [ "Hell", { attributes: { color: '#ccc'} }, "o ", { attributes: { bold: true } }, "reader", { attributes: { bold: null } }, { attributes: { color: '#f00'} }, "!" ]) }) it('should support embeds', () => { let s1 = Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), doc => { doc.text = new Automerge.Text('') }) let deltaDoc = [{ // An image link insert: { image: '' }, attributes: { link: '' } }] let s2 = Automerge.change(s1, doc => { applyDeltaDocToAutomergeText(deltaDoc, doc) }) assert.deepEqual(s2.text.toSpans(), [ { attributes: { link: '' } }, { image: ''}, { attributes: { link: null } }, ]) }) }) }) it('should support unicode when creating text', () => { s1 = Automerge.from({ text: new Automerge.Text('🐦') }) assert.strictEqual(s1.text.get(0), '🐦') }) })