[package] name = "automerge" version = "0.0.2" authors = ["Alex Good "] edition = "2018" license = "MIT" homepage = "https://github.com/alexjg/automerge-rs" repository = "https://github.com/alexjg/automerge-rs" categories = ["data-structures"] description = "Rust implementation of the Automerge replicated JSON datatype" # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [lib] name = "automerge" bench = false [dependencies] serde = { version = "^1.0", features=["derive"] } serde_json = "^1.0" uuid = { version = "^0.8.2", features=["v4"] } automerge-backend = { path = "../automerge-backend" } automerge-frontend = { path = "../automerge-frontend" } automerge-protocol = { path = "../automerge-protocol" } [dev-dependencies] criterion = "0.3.3" hex = "0.4.3" pretty_assertions = "0.7.1" rand = "0.8.2" test-env-log = { version = "0.2.6", features = ["trace"], default-features = false } env_logger = "*" tracing = "0.1.25" tracing-subscriber = {version = "0.2", features = ["chrono", "env-filter", "fmt"]} unicode-segmentation = "1.7.1" maplit = "^1.0.2" smol_str = "0.1.17" [[bench]] name = "crdt_benchmarks" harness = false [[bench]] name = "sync" harness = false [[bench]] name = "save_load" harness = false