Jason Kankiewicz 8de2fa9bd4
C API 2 (#530)
The AMvalue union, AMlistItem struct, AMmapItem struct, and AMobjItem struct are gone, replaced by the AMitem struct.

The AMchangeHashes, AMchanges, AMlistItems, AMmapItems, AMobjItems, AMstrs, and AMsyncHaves iterators are gone, replaced by the AMitems iterator.

The AMitem struct is opaque, getting and setting values is now achieved exclusively through function calls.

The AMitemsNext(), AMitemsPrev(), and AMresultItem() functions return a pointer to an AMitem struct so you ultimately get the same thing whether you're iterating over a sequence or calling AMmapGet() or AMlistGet().

Calling AMitemResult() on an AMitem struct will produce a new AMresult struct referencing its storage so now the AMresult struct for an iterator can be subsequently freed without affecting the AMitem structs that were filtered out of it.

The storage for a set of AMitem structs can be recombined into a single AMresult struct by passing pointers to their corresponding AMresult structs to AMresultCat().

For C/C++ programmers, I've added AMstrCmp(), AMstrdup(), AM{idxType,objType,status,valType}ToString() and AM{idxType,objType,status,valType}FromString(). It's also now possible to pass arbitrary parameters through AMstack{Item,Items,Result}() to a callback function.
2023-02-25 18:47:00 +00:00

193 lines
5.9 KiB

use automerge as am;
use libc::c_int;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::str::FromStr;
use crate::byte_span::AMbyteSpan;
use crate::result::{to_result, AMresult};
macro_rules! to_actor_id {
($handle:expr) => {{
let handle = $handle.as_ref();
match handle {
Some(b) => b,
None => return AMresult::error("Invalid `AMactorId*`").into(),
pub(crate) use to_actor_id;
/// \struct AMactorId
/// \installed_headerfile
/// \brief An actor's unique identifier.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct AMactorId {
body: *const am::ActorId,
hex_str: RefCell<Option<Box<str>>>,
impl AMactorId {
pub fn new(actor_id: &am::ActorId) -> Self {
Self {
body: actor_id,
hex_str: Default::default(),
pub fn as_hex_str(&self) -> AMbyteSpan {
let mut hex_str = self.hex_str.borrow_mut();
match hex_str.as_mut() {
None => {
let hex_string = unsafe { (*self.body).to_hex_string() };
Some(hex_str) => hex_str.as_bytes().into(),
impl AsRef<am::ActorId> for AMactorId {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &am::ActorId {
unsafe { &*self.body }
/// \memberof AMactorId
/// \brief Gets the value of an actor identifier as an array of bytes.
/// \param[in] actor_id A pointer to an `AMactorId` struct.
/// \return An `AMbyteSpan` struct for an array of bytes.
/// \pre \p actor_id `!= NULL`
/// \internal
/// # Safety
/// actor_id must be a valid pointer to an AMactorId
pub unsafe extern "C" fn AMactorIdBytes(actor_id: *const AMactorId) -> AMbyteSpan {
match actor_id.as_ref() {
Some(actor_id) => actor_id.as_ref().into(),
None => Default::default(),
/// \memberof AMactorId
/// \brief Compares two actor identifiers.
/// \param[in] actor_id1 A pointer to an `AMactorId` struct.
/// \param[in] actor_id2 A pointer to an `AMactorId` struct.
/// \return `-1` if \p actor_id1 `<` \p actor_id2, `0` if
/// \p actor_id1 `==` \p actor_id2 and `1` if
/// \p actor_id1 `>` \p actor_id2.
/// \pre \p actor_id1 `!= NULL`
/// \pre \p actor_id2 `!= NULL`
/// \internal
/// #Safety
/// actor_id1 must be a valid pointer to an AMactorId
/// actor_id2 must be a valid pointer to an AMactorId
pub unsafe extern "C" fn AMactorIdCmp(
actor_id1: *const AMactorId,
actor_id2: *const AMactorId,
) -> c_int {
match (actor_id1.as_ref(), actor_id2.as_ref()) {
(Some(actor_id1), Some(actor_id2)) => match actor_id1.as_ref().cmp(actor_id2.as_ref()) {
Ordering::Less => -1,
Ordering::Equal => 0,
Ordering::Greater => 1,
(None, Some(_)) => -1,
(None, None) => 0,
(Some(_), None) => 1,
/// \memberof AMactorId
/// \brief Allocates a new actor identifier and initializes it from a random
/// UUID value.
/// \return A pointer to an `AMresult` struct with an `AM_VAL_TYPE_ACTOR_ID` item.
/// \warning The returned `AMresult` struct pointer must be passed to
/// `AMresultFree()` in order to avoid a memory leak.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn AMactorIdInit() -> *mut AMresult {
to_result(Ok::<am::ActorId, am::AutomergeError>(am::ActorId::random()))
/// \memberof AMactorId
/// \brief Allocates a new actor identifier and initializes it from an array of
/// bytes value.
/// \param[in] src A pointer to an array of bytes.
/// \param[in] count The count of bytes to copy from the array pointed to by
/// \p src.
/// \return A pointer to an `AMresult` struct with an `AM_VAL_TYPE_ACTOR_ID` item.
/// \pre \p src `!= NULL`
/// \pre `sizeof(`\p src `) > 0`
/// \pre \p count `<= sizeof(`\p src `)`
/// \warning The returned `AMresult` struct pointer must be passed to
/// `AMresultFree()` in order to avoid a memory leak.
/// \internal
/// # Safety
/// src must be a byte array of length `>= count`
pub unsafe extern "C" fn AMactorIdFromBytes(src: *const u8, count: usize) -> *mut AMresult {
if !src.is_null() {
let value = std::slice::from_raw_parts(src, count);
to_result(Ok::<am::ActorId, am::InvalidActorId>(am::ActorId::from(
} else {
AMresult::error("Invalid uint8_t*").into()
/// \memberof AMactorId
/// \brief Allocates a new actor identifier and initializes it from a
/// hexadecimal UTF-8 string view value.
/// \param[in] value A UTF-8 string view as an `AMbyteSpan` struct.
/// \return A pointer to an `AMresult` struct with an `AM_VAL_TYPE_ACTOR_ID` item.
/// \warning The returned `AMresult` struct pointer must be passed to
/// `AMresultFree()` in order to avoid a memory leak.
/// \internal
/// # Safety
/// hex_str must be a valid pointer to an AMbyteSpan
pub unsafe extern "C" fn AMactorIdFromStr(value: AMbyteSpan) -> *mut AMresult {
use am::AutomergeError::InvalidActorId;
to_result(match (&value).try_into() {
Ok(s) => match am::ActorId::from_str(s) {
Ok(actor_id) => Ok(actor_id),
Err(_) => Err(InvalidActorId(String::from(s))),
Err(e) => Err(e),
/// \memberof AMactorId
/// \brief Gets the value of an actor identifier as a UTF-8 hexadecimal string
/// view.
/// \param[in] actor_id A pointer to an `AMactorId` struct.
/// \return A UTF-8 string view as an `AMbyteSpan` struct.
/// \pre \p actor_id `!= NULL`
/// \internal
/// # Safety
/// actor_id must be a valid pointer to an AMactorId
pub unsafe extern "C" fn AMactorIdStr(actor_id: *const AMactorId) -> AMbyteSpan {
match actor_id.as_ref() {
Some(actor_id) => actor_id.as_hex_str(),
None => Default::default(),