Jason Kankiewicz 8de2fa9bd4
C API 2 (#530)
The AMvalue union, AMlistItem struct, AMmapItem struct, and AMobjItem struct are gone, replaced by the AMitem struct.

The AMchangeHashes, AMchanges, AMlistItems, AMmapItems, AMobjItems, AMstrs, and AMsyncHaves iterators are gone, replaced by the AMitems iterator.

The AMitem struct is opaque, getting and setting values is now achieved exclusively through function calls.

The AMitemsNext(), AMitemsPrev(), and AMresultItem() functions return a pointer to an AMitem struct so you ultimately get the same thing whether you're iterating over a sequence or calling AMmapGet() or AMlistGet().

Calling AMitemResult() on an AMitem struct will produce a new AMresult struct referencing its storage so now the AMresult struct for an iterator can be subsequently freed without affecting the AMitem structs that were filtered out of it.

The storage for a set of AMitem structs can be recombined into a single AMresult struct by passing pointers to their corresponding AMresult structs to AMresultCat().

For C/C++ programmers, I've added AMstrCmp(), AMstrdup(), AM{idxType,objType,status,valType}ToString() and AM{idxType,objType,status,valType}FromString(). It's also now possible to pass arbitrary parameters through AMstack{Item,Items,Result}() to a callback function.
2023-02-25 18:47:00 +00:00

94 lines
4.2 KiB

#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* third-party */
#include <cmocka.h>
/* local */
#include <automerge-c/automerge.h>
#include <automerge-c/utils/stack_callback_data.h>
#include "cmocka_utils.h"
#include "doc_state.h"
static void test_AMitemResult(void** state) {
enum { ITEM_COUNT = 1000 };
DocState* doc_state = *state;
AMstack** stack_ptr = &doc_state->base_state->stack;
/* Append the strings to a list so that they'll be in numerical order. */
AMobjId const* const list =
AMitemObjId(AMstackItem(stack_ptr, AMmapPutObject(doc_state->doc, AM_ROOT, AMstr("list"), AM_OBJ_TYPE_LIST),
cmocka_cb, AMexpect(AM_VAL_TYPE_OBJ_TYPE)));
for (size_t pos = 0; pos != ITEM_COUNT; ++pos) {
size_t const count = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%zu", pos);
char* const src = test_calloc(count + 1, sizeof(char));
assert_int_equal(sprintf(src, "%zu", pos), count);
AMstackItem(NULL, AMlistPutStr(doc_state->doc, list, pos, true, AMbytes(src, count)), cmocka_cb,
/* Get an item iterator. */
AMitems items = AMstackItems(stack_ptr, AMlistRange(doc_state->doc, list, 0, SIZE_MAX, NULL), cmocka_cb,
/* Get the item iterator's result so that it can be freed later. */
AMresult const* const items_result = (*stack_ptr)->result;
/* Iterate over all of the items and copy their pointers into an array. */
AMitem* item_ptrs[ITEM_COUNT] = {NULL};
AMitem* item = NULL;
for (size_t pos = 0; (item = AMitemsNext(&items, 1)) != NULL; ++pos) {
/* The item's reference count should be 1. */
assert_int_equal(AMitemRefCount(item), 1);
if (pos & 1) {
/* Create a redundant result for an odd item. */
AMitem* const new_item = AMstackItem(stack_ptr, AMitemResult(item), cmocka_cb, AMexpect(AM_VAL_TYPE_STR));
/* The item's old and new pointers will never match. */
assert_ptr_not_equal(new_item, item);
/* The item's reference count will have been incremented. */
assert_int_equal(AMitemRefCount(item), 2);
assert_int_equal(AMitemRefCount(new_item), 2);
/* The item's old and new indices should match. */
assert_int_equal(AMitemIdxType(item), AMitemIdxType(new_item));
assert_int_equal(AMitemIdxType(item), AM_IDX_TYPE_POS);
size_t pos, new_pos;
assert_true(AMitemPos(item, &pos));
assert_true(AMitemPos(new_item, &new_pos));
assert_int_equal(pos, new_pos);
/* The item's old and new object IDs should match. */
AMobjId const* const obj_id = AMitemObjId(item);
AMobjId const* const new_obj_id = AMitemObjId(new_item);
assert_true(AMobjIdEqual(obj_id, new_obj_id));
/* The item's old and new value types should match. */
assert_int_equal(AMitemValType(item), AMitemValType(new_item));
/* The item's old and new string values should match. */
AMbyteSpan str;
assert_true(AMitemToStr(item, &str));
AMbyteSpan new_str;
assert_true(AMitemToStr(new_item, &new_str));
assert_int_equal(str.count, new_str.count);
assert_memory_equal(str.src, new_str.src, new_str.count);
/* The item's old and new object IDs are one and the same. */
assert_ptr_equal(obj_id, new_obj_id);
/* The item's old and new string values are one and the same. */
assert_ptr_equal(str.src, new_str.src);
/* Save the item's new pointer. */
item_ptrs[pos] = new_item;
/* Free the item iterator's result. */
AMresultFree(AMstackPop(stack_ptr, items_result));
/* An odd item's reference count should be 1 again. */
for (size_t pos = 1; pos < ITEM_COUNT; pos += 2) {
assert_int_equal(AMitemRefCount(item_ptrs[pos]), 1);
int run_item_tests(void) {
const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = {
return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, setup_doc, teardown_doc);