Alex Good 5763210b07
wasm: Allow a choice of text representations
The wasm codebase assumed that clients want to represent text as a
string of characters. This is faster, but in order to enable backwards
compatibility we add a `TextRepresentation` argument to
`automerge_wasm::Automerge::new` to allow clients to choose between a
`string` or `Array<any>` representation. The `automerge_wasm::Observer`
will consult this setting to determine what kind of diffs to generate.
2023-01-10 12:52:19 +00:00

244 lines
8.4 KiB

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
import { describe, it } from 'mocha';
import * as assert from 'assert'
import { create, load, initSyncState } from '..'
describe('Automerge', () => {
describe('Readme Examples', () => {
it('Using the Library and Creating a Document', () => {
const doc = create(true)
const sync = initSyncState()
it('Automerge Scalar Types (1)', () => {
const doc = create(true)
doc.put("/", "prop1", 100) // int
doc.put("/", "prop2", 3.14) // f64
doc.put("/", "prop3", "hello world")
doc.put("/", "prop4", new Date(0))
doc.put("/", "prop5", new Uint8Array([1,2,3]))
doc.put("/", "prop6", true)
doc.put("/", "prop7", null)
assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize("/"), {
prop1: 100,
prop2: 3.14,
prop3: "hello world",
prop4: new Date(0),
prop5: new Uint8Array([1,2,3]),
prop6: true,
prop7: null
it('Automerge Scalar Types (2)', () => {
const doc = create(true)
doc.put("/", "prop1", 100, "int")
doc.put("/", "prop2", 100, "uint")
doc.put("/", "prop3", 100.5, "f64")
doc.put("/", "prop4", 100, "counter")
doc.put("/", "prop5", 1647531707301, "timestamp")
doc.put("/", "prop6", new Date(), "timestamp")
doc.put("/", "prop7", "hello world", "str")
doc.put("/", "prop8", new Uint8Array([1,2,3]), "bytes")
doc.put("/", "prop9", true, "boolean")
doc.put("/", "prop10", null, "null")
it('Automerge Object Types (1)', () => {
const doc = create(true)
// you can create an object by passing in the inital state - if blank pass in `{}`
// the return value is the Object Id
// these functions all return an object id
const config = doc.putObject("/", "config", { align: "left", archived: false, cycles: [10, 19, 21] })
const token = doc.putObject("/", "tokens", {})
// lists can be made with javascript arrays
const birds = doc.putObject("/", "birds", ["bluejay", "penguin", "puffin"])
const bots = doc.putObject("/", "bots", [])
// text is initialized with a string
const notes = doc.putObject("/", "notes", "Hello world!")
it('Automerge Object Types (2)', () => {
const doc = create(true)
const config = doc.putObject("/", "config", { align: "left", archived: false, cycles: [10, 19, 21] })
doc.put(config, "align", "right")
// Anywhere Object Ids are being used a path can also be used.
// The following two statements are equivalent:
const id = doc.getWithType("/", "config")
if (id && id[0] === 'map') {
doc.put(id[1], "align", "right")
doc.put("/config", "align", "right")
assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize("/"), {
config: { align: "right", archived: false, cycles: [ 10, 19, 21 ] }
it('Maps (1)', () => {
const doc = create(true)
const mymap = doc.putObject("_root", "mymap", { foo: "bar"})
// make a new map with the foo key
doc.put(mymap, "bytes", new Uint8Array([1,2,3]))
// assign a byte array to key `bytes` of the mymap object
const submap = doc.putObject(mymap, "sub", {})
// make a new empty object and assign it to the key `sub` of mymap
assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize("_root"), { mymap: { bytes: new Uint8Array([1,2,3]), foo: "bar", sub: {} }})
it('Lists (1)', () => {
const doc = create(true)
const items = doc.putObject("_root", "items", [10,"box"])
// init a new list with two elements
doc.push(items, true) // push `true` to the end of the list
doc.putObject(items, 0, { hello: "world" }) // overwrite the value 10 with an object with a key and value
doc.delete(items, 1) // delete "box"
doc.splice(items, 2, 0, ["bag", "brick"]) // splice in "bag" and "brick" at position 2
doc.insert(items, 0, "bat") // insert "bat" to the beginning of the list
doc.insertObject(items, 1, [ 1, 2 ]) // insert a list with 2 values at pos 1
assert.deepEqual(doc.materialize(items),[ "bat", [ 1 ,2 ], { hello : "world" }, true, "bag", "brick" ])
it('Text (1)', () => {
const doc = create(true, "aaaaaa")
const notes = doc.putObject("_root", "notes", "Hello world")
doc.splice(notes, 6, 5, "everyone")
assert.deepEqual(doc.text(notes), "Hello everyone")
it('Querying Data (1)', () => {
const doc1 = create(true, "aabbcc")
doc1.put("_root", "key1", "val1")
const key2 = doc1.putObject("_root", "key2", [])
assert.deepEqual(doc1.get("_root", "key1"), "val1")
assert.deepEqual(doc1.getWithType("_root", "key2"), ["list", "2@aabbcc"])
assert.deepEqual(doc1.keys("_root"), ["key1", "key2"])
const doc2 = doc1.fork("ffaaff")
// set a value concurrently
assert.deepEqual(doc1.get("_root","key3"), "doc2val")
assert.deepEqual(doc1.getAll("_root","key3"),[[ "str", "doc1val", "3@aabbcc"], ["str", "doc2val", "3@ffaaff"]])
it('Counters (1)', () => {
const doc1 = create(true, "aaaaaa")
doc1.put("_root", "number", 0)
doc1.put("_root", "total", 0, "counter")
const doc2 = doc1.fork("bbbbbb")
doc2.put("_root", "number", 10)
doc2.increment("_root", "total", 11)
doc1.put("_root", "number", 20)
doc1.increment("_root", "total", 22)
assert.deepEqual(doc1.materialize("_root"), { number: 10, total: 33 })
it('Transactions (1)', () => {
const doc = create(true)
doc.put("_root", "key", "val1")
assert.deepEqual(doc.get("_root", "key"),"val1")
assert.deepEqual(doc.get("_root", "key"),undefined)
doc.put("_root", "key", "val2")
doc.commit("test commit 1")
assert.deepEqual(doc.get("_root", "key"),"val2")
it('Viewing Old Versions of the Document (1)', () => {
const doc = create(true)
doc.put("_root", "key", "val1")
const heads1 = doc.getHeads()
doc.put("_root", "key", "val2")
const heads2 = doc.getHeads()
doc.put("_root", "key", "val3")
assert.deepEqual(doc.get("_root","key"), "val3")
assert.deepEqual(doc.get("_root","key",heads2), "val2")
assert.deepEqual(doc.get("_root","key",heads1), "val1")
assert.deepEqual(doc.get("_root","key",[]), undefined)
it('Forking And Merging (1)', () => {
const doc1 = create(true)
doc1.put("_root", "key1", "val1")
const doc2 = doc1.fork()
doc1.put("_root", "key2", "val2")
doc2.put("_root", "key3", "val3")
assert.deepEqual(doc1.materialize("_root"), { key1: "val1", key2: "val2", key3: "val3" })
assert.deepEqual(doc2.materialize("_root"), { key1: "val1", key3: "val3" })
it('Saving And Loading (1)', () => {
const doc1 = create(true)
doc1.put("_root", "key1", "value1")
const save1 =
const doc2 = load(save1, true)
doc2.materialize("_root") // returns { key1: "value1" }
doc1.put("_root", "key2", "value2")
const saveIncremental = doc1.saveIncremental()
const save2 =
const save3 = new Uint8Array([... save1, ... saveIncremental])
// save2 has fewer bytes than save3 but contains the same ops
const doc3 = load(save2, true)
const doc4 = load(save3, true)
assert.deepEqual(doc1.materialize("_root"), { key1: "value1", key2: "value2" })
assert.deepEqual(doc2.materialize("_root"), { key1: "value1", key2: "value2" })
assert.deepEqual(doc3.materialize("_root"), { key1: "value1", key2: "value2" })
assert.deepEqual(doc4.materialize("_root"), { key1: "value1", key2: "value2" })
//it.skip('Syncing (1)', () => { })