2022-08-26 14:15:01 -05:00

397 lines
12 KiB

export { uuid } from './uuid'
import { rootProxy, listProxy, textProxy, mapProxy } from "./proxies"
import { STATE, HEADS, TRACE, OBJECT_ID, READ_ONLY, FROZEN } from "./constants"
import { AutomergeValue, Counter } from "./types"
export { AutomergeValue, Text, Counter, Int, Uint, Float64 } from "./types"
import { API } from "automerge-types";
import { ApiHandler, UseApi } from "./low_level"
import { Actor as ActorId, Prop, ObjID, Change, DecodedChange, Heads, Automerge, MaterializeValue } from "automerge-types"
import { JsSyncState as SyncState, SyncMessage, DecodedSyncMessage } from "automerge-types"
export type ChangeOptions = { message?: string, time?: number }
export type Doc<T> = { readonly [P in keyof T]: Doc<T[P]> }
export type ChangeFn<T> = (doc: T) => void
export interface State<T> {
change: DecodedChange
snapshot: T
export function use(api: API) {
export function getBackend<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : Automerge {
return _state(doc)
function _state<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : Automerge {
const state = Reflect.get(doc,STATE)
if (state == undefined) {
throw new RangeError("must be the document root")
return state
function _frozen<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : boolean {
return Reflect.get(doc,FROZEN) === true
function _heads<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : Heads | undefined {
return Reflect.get(doc,HEADS)
function _trace<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : string | undefined {
return Reflect.get(doc,TRACE)
function _set_heads<T>(doc: Doc<T>, heads: Heads) {
Reflect.set(doc,TRACE,(new Error()).stack)
function _clear_heads<T>(doc: Doc<T>) {
function _obj<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : ObjID {
return Reflect.get(doc,OBJECT_ID)
function _readonly<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : boolean {
return Reflect.get(doc,READ_ONLY) === true
export function init<T>(actor?: ActorId) : Doc<T>{
if (typeof actor !== "string") {
actor = undefined
const state = ApiHandler.create(actor)
return rootProxy(state, true);
export function clone<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : Doc<T> {
const state = _state(doc).clone()
return rootProxy(state, true);
export function free<T>(doc: Doc<T>) {
return _state(doc).free()
export function from<T>(initialState: T | Doc<T>, actor?: ActorId): Doc<T> {
return change(init(actor), (d) => Object.assign(d, initialState))
export function change<T>(doc: Doc<T>, options: string | ChangeOptions | ChangeFn<T>, callback?: ChangeFn<T>): Doc<T> {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
return _change(doc, {}, options)
} else if (typeof callback === 'function') {
if (typeof options === "string") {
options = { message: options }
return _change(doc, options, callback)
} else {
throw RangeError("Invalid args for change")
function _change<T>(doc: Doc<T>, options: ChangeOptions, callback: ChangeFn<T>): Doc<T> {
if (typeof callback !== "function") {
throw new RangeError("invalid change function");
if (doc === undefined || _state(doc) === undefined || _obj(doc) !== "_root") {
throw new RangeError("must be the document root");
if (_frozen(doc) === true) {
throw new RangeError("Attempting to use an outdated Automerge document")
if (!!_heads(doc) === true) {
throw new RangeError("Attempting to change an out of date document - set at: " + _trace(doc));
if (_readonly(doc) === false) {
throw new RangeError("Calls to Automerge.change cannot be nested")
const state = _state(doc)
const heads = state.getHeads()
try {
const root : T = rootProxy(state);
if (state.pendingOps() === 0) {
return doc
} else {
state.commit(options.message, options.time)
return rootProxy(state, true);
} catch (e) {
//console.log("ERROR: ",e)
throw e
export function emptyChange<T>(doc: Doc<T>, options: ChangeOptions) {
if (options === undefined) {
options = {}
if (typeof options === "string") {
options = { message: options }
if (doc === undefined || _state(doc) === undefined || _obj(doc) !== "_root") {
throw new RangeError("must be the document root");
if (_frozen(doc) === true) {
throw new RangeError("Attempting to use an outdated Automerge document")
if (_readonly(doc) === false) {
throw new RangeError("Calls to Automerge.change cannot be nested")
const state = _state(doc)
state.commit(options.message, options.time)
return rootProxy(state, true);
export function load<T>(data: Uint8Array, actor: ActorId) : Doc<T> {
const state = ApiHandler.load(data, actor)
return rootProxy(state, true);
export function save<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : Uint8Array {
const state = _state(doc)
export function merge<T>(local: Doc<T>, remote: Doc<T>) : Doc<T> {
if (!!_heads(local) === true) {
throw new RangeError("Attempting to change an out of date document - set at: " + _trace(doc));
const localState = _state(local)
const heads = localState.getHeads()
const remoteState = _state(remote)
const changes = localState.getChangesAdded(remoteState)
return rootProxy(localState, true)
export function getActorId<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : ActorId {
const state = _state(doc)
return state.getActorId()
type Conflicts = { [key: string]: AutomergeValue }
function conflictAt(context : Automerge, objectId: ObjID, prop: Prop) : Conflicts | undefined {
const values = context.getAll(objectId, prop)
if (values.length <= 1) {
const result : Conflicts = {}
for (const fullVal of values) {
switch (fullVal[0]) {
case "map":
result[fullVal[1]] = mapProxy(context, fullVal[1], [ prop ], true)
case "list":
result[fullVal[1]] = listProxy(context, fullVal[1], [ prop ], true)
case "text":
result[fullVal[1]] = textProxy(context, fullVal[1], [ prop ], true)
//case "table":
//case "cursor":
case "str":
case "uint":
case "int":
case "f64":
case "boolean":
case "bytes":
case "null":
result[fullVal[2]] = fullVal[1]
case "counter":
result[fullVal[2]] = new Counter(fullVal[1])
case "timestamp":
result[fullVal[2]] = new Date(fullVal[1])
throw RangeError(`datatype ${fullVal[0]} unimplemented`)
return result
export function getConflicts<T>(doc: Doc<T>, prop: Prop) : Conflicts | undefined {
const state = _state(doc)
const objectId = _obj(doc)
return conflictAt(state, objectId, prop)
export function getLastLocalChange<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : Change | undefined {
const state = _state(doc)
return state.getLastLocalChange() || undefined
export function getObjectId<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : ObjID {
return _obj(doc)
export function getChanges<T>(oldState: Doc<T>, newState: Doc<T>) : Change[] {
const o = _state(oldState)
const n = _state(newState)
const heads = _heads(oldState)
return n.getChanges(heads || o.getHeads())
export function getAllChanges<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : Change[] {
const state = _state(doc)
return state.getChanges([])
export function applyChanges<T>(doc: Doc<T>, changes: Change[]) : [Doc<T>] {
if (doc === undefined || _obj(doc) !== "_root") {
throw new RangeError("must be the document root");
if (_frozen(doc) === true) {
throw new RangeError("Attempting to use an outdated Automerge document")
if (_readonly(doc) === false) {
throw new RangeError("Calls to Automerge.change cannot be nested")
const state = _state(doc)
const heads = state.getHeads()
return [rootProxy(state, true)];
export function getHistory<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : State<T>[] {
const history = getAllChanges(doc)
return, index) => ({
get change () {
return decodeChange(change)
get snapshot () {
const [state] = applyChanges(init(), history.slice(0, index + 1))
return <T>state
// FIXME : no tests
export function equals(val1: unknown, val2: unknown) : boolean {
if (!isObject(val1) || !isObject(val2)) return val1 === val2
const keys1 = Object.keys(val1).sort(), keys2 = Object.keys(val2).sort()
if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) return false
for (let i = 0; i < keys1.length; i++) {
if (keys1[i] !== keys2[i]) return false
if (!equals(val1[keys1[i]], val2[keys2[i]])) return false
return true
export function encodeSyncState(state: SyncState) : Uint8Array {
return ApiHandler.encodeSyncState(ApiHandler.importSyncState(state))
export function decodeSyncState(state: Uint8Array) : SyncState {
return ApiHandler.exportSyncState(ApiHandler.decodeSyncState(state))
export function generateSyncMessage<T>(doc: Doc<T>, inState: SyncState) : [ SyncState, SyncMessage | null ] {
const state = _state(doc)
const syncState = ApiHandler.importSyncState(inState)
const message = state.generateSyncMessage(syncState)
const outState = ApiHandler.exportSyncState(syncState)
return [ outState, message ]
export function receiveSyncMessage<T>(doc: Doc<T>, inState: SyncState, message: SyncMessage) : [ Doc<T>, SyncState, null ] {
const syncState = ApiHandler.importSyncState(inState)
if (doc === undefined || _obj(doc) !== "_root") {
throw new RangeError("must be the document root");
if (_frozen(doc) === true) {
throw new RangeError("Attempting to use an outdated Automerge document")
if (!!_heads(doc) === true) {
throw new RangeError("Attempting to change an out of date document - set at: " + _trace(doc));
if (_readonly(doc) === false) {
throw new RangeError("Calls to Automerge.change cannot be nested")
const state = _state(doc)
const heads = state.getHeads()
state.receiveSyncMessage(syncState, message)
const outState = ApiHandler.exportSyncState(syncState)
return [rootProxy(state, true), outState, null];
export function initSyncState() : SyncState {
return ApiHandler.exportSyncState(ApiHandler.initSyncState())
export function encodeChange(change: DecodedChange) : Change {
return ApiHandler.encodeChange(change)
export function decodeChange(data: Change) : DecodedChange {
return ApiHandler.decodeChange(data)
export function encodeSyncMessage(message: DecodedSyncMessage) : SyncMessage {
return ApiHandler.encodeSyncMessage(message)
export function decodeSyncMessage(message: SyncMessage) : DecodedSyncMessage {
return ApiHandler.decodeSyncMessage(message)
export function getMissingDeps<T>(doc: Doc<T>, heads: Heads) : Heads {
const state = _state(doc)
return state.getMissingDeps(heads)
export function getHeads<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : Heads {
const state = _state(doc)
return _heads(doc) || state.getHeads()
export function dump<T>(doc: Doc<T>) {
const state = _state(doc)
// FIXME - return T?
export function toJS<T>(doc: Doc<T>) : MaterializeValue {
const state = _state(doc)
const heads = _heads(doc)
return state.materialize("_root", heads)
function isObject(obj: unknown) : obj is Record<string,unknown> {
return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null