2022-01-09 08:05:00 -08:00

1415 lines
55 KiB

const pako = require('pako')
const { copyObject, parseOpId, equalBytes } = require('./common')
const {
utf8ToString, hexStringToBytes, bytesToHexString,
Encoder, Decoder, RLEEncoder, RLEDecoder, DeltaEncoder, DeltaDecoder, BooleanEncoder, BooleanDecoder
} = require('./encoding')
// Maybe we should be using the platform's built-in hash implementation?
// Node has the crypto module: and browsers have
// However, the WebCrypto API is asynchronous (returns promises), which would
// force all our APIs to become asynchronous as well, which would be annoying.
// I think on balance, it's safe enough to use a random library off npm:
// - We only need one hash function (not a full suite of crypto algorithms);
// - SHA256 is quite simple and has fairly few opportunities for subtle bugs
// (compared to asymmetric cryptography anyway);
// - It does not need a secure source of random bits and does not need to be
// constant-time;
// - I have reviewed the source code and it seems pretty reasonable.
const { Hash } = require('fast-sha256')
// These bytes don't mean anything, they were generated randomly
const MAGIC_BYTES = new Uint8Array([0x85, 0x6f, 0x4a, 0x83])
const CHUNK_TYPE_DEFLATE = 2 // like CHUNK_TYPE_CHANGE but with DEFLATE compression
// Minimum number of bytes in a value before we enable DEFLATE compression (there is no point
// compressing very short values since compression may actually make them bigger)
const DEFLATE_MIN_SIZE = 256
// The least-significant 3 bits of a columnId indicate its datatype
const COLUMN_TYPE = {
// The 4th-least-significant bit of a columnId is set if the column is DEFLATE-compressed
// In the values in a column of type VALUE_LEN, the bottom four bits indicate the type of the value,
// one of the following types in VALUE_TYPE. The higher bits indicate the length of the value in the
// associated VALUE_RAW column (in bytes).
const VALUE_TYPE = {
NULL: 0, FALSE: 1, TRUE: 2, LEB128_UINT: 3, LEB128_INT: 4, IEEE754: 5,
// make* actions must be at even-numbered indexes in this list
const ACTIONS = ['makeMap', 'set', 'makeList', 'del', 'makeText', 'inc', 'makeTable', 'link']
const OBJECT_TYPE = {makeMap: 'map', makeList: 'list', makeText: 'text', makeTable: 'table'}
{columnName: 'objActor', columnId: 0 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.ACTOR_ID},
{columnName: 'objCtr', columnId: 0 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.INT_RLE},
{columnName: 'keyActor', columnId: 1 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.ACTOR_ID},
{columnName: 'keyCtr', columnId: 1 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.INT_DELTA},
{columnName: 'keyStr', columnId: 1 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.STRING_RLE},
{columnName: 'idActor', columnId: 2 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.ACTOR_ID},
{columnName: 'idCtr', columnId: 2 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.INT_DELTA},
{columnName: 'insert', columnId: 3 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.BOOLEAN},
{columnName: 'action', columnId: 4 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.INT_RLE},
{columnName: 'valLen', columnId: 5 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.VALUE_LEN},
{columnName: 'valRaw', columnId: 5 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.VALUE_RAW},
{columnName: 'chldActor', columnId: 6 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.ACTOR_ID},
{columnName: 'chldCtr', columnId: 6 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.INT_DELTA}
{columnName: 'predNum', columnId: 7 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.GROUP_CARD},
{columnName: 'predActor', columnId: 7 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.ACTOR_ID},
{columnName: 'predCtr', columnId: 7 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.INT_DELTA}
{columnName: 'succNum', columnId: 8 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.GROUP_CARD},
{columnName: 'succActor', columnId: 8 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.ACTOR_ID},
{columnName: 'succCtr', columnId: 8 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.INT_DELTA}
{columnName: 'actor', columnId: 0 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.ACTOR_ID},
{columnName: 'seq', columnId: 0 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.INT_DELTA},
{columnName: 'maxOp', columnId: 1 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.INT_DELTA},
{columnName: 'time', columnId: 2 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.INT_DELTA},
{columnName: 'message', columnId: 3 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.STRING_RLE},
{columnName: 'depsNum', columnId: 4 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.GROUP_CARD},
{columnName: 'depsIndex', columnId: 4 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.INT_DELTA},
{columnName: 'extraLen', columnId: 5 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.VALUE_LEN},
{columnName: 'extraRaw', columnId: 5 << 4 | COLUMN_TYPE.VALUE_RAW}
* Maps an opId of the form {counter: 12345, actorId: 'someActorId'} to the form
* {counter: 12345, actorNum: 123, actorId: 'someActorId'}, where the actorNum
* is the index into the `actorIds` array.
function actorIdToActorNum(opId, actorIds) {
if (!opId || !opId.actorId) return opId
const counter = opId.counter
const actorNum = actorIds.indexOf(opId.actorId)
if (actorNum < 0) throw new RangeError('missing actorId') // should not happen
return {counter, actorNum, actorId: opId.actorId}
* Comparison function to pass to Array.sort(), which compares two opIds in the
* form produced by `actorIdToActorNum` so that they are sorted in increasing
* Lamport timestamp order (sorted first by counter, then by actorId).
function compareParsedOpIds(id1, id2) {
if (id1.counter < id2.counter) return -1
if (id1.counter > id2.counter) return +1
if (id1.actorId < id2.actorId) return -1
if (id1.actorId > id2.actorId) return +1
return 0
* Takes `changes`, an array of changes (represented as JS objects). Returns an
* object `{changes, actorIds}`, where `changes` is a copy of the argument in
* which all string opIds have been replaced with `{counter, actorNum}` objects,
* and where `actorIds` is a lexicographically sorted array of actor IDs occurring
* in any of the operations. `actorNum` is an index into that array of actorIds.
* If `single` is true, the actorId of the author of the change is moved to the
* beginning of the array of actorIds, so that `actorNum` is zero when referencing
* the author of the change itself. This special-casing is omitted if `single` is
* false.
function parseAllOpIds(changes, single) {
const actors = {}, newChanges = []
for (let change of changes) {
change = copyObject(change)
actors[] = true
change.ops = expandMultiOps(change.ops, change.startOp,
change.ops = => {
op = copyObject(op)
if (op.obj !== '_root') op.obj = parseOpId(op.obj)
if (op.elemId && op.elemId !== '_head') op.elemId = parseOpId(op.elemId)
if (op.child) op.child = parseOpId(op.child)
if (op.pred) op.pred =
if (op.obj.actorId) actors[op.obj.actorId] = true
if (op.elemId && op.elemId.actorId) actors[op.elemId.actorId] = true
if (op.child && op.child.actorId) actors[op.child.actorId] = true
for (let pred of op.pred) actors[pred.actorId] = true
return op
let actorIds = Object.keys(actors).sort()
if (single) {
actorIds = [changes[0].actor].concat(actorIds.filter(actor => actor !== changes[0].actor))
for (let change of newChanges) {
change.actorNum = actorIds.indexOf(
for (let i = 0; i < change.ops.length; i++) {
let op = change.ops[i] = {counter: change.startOp + i, actorNum: change.actorNum, actorId:}
op.obj = actorIdToActorNum(op.obj, actorIds)
op.elemId = actorIdToActorNum(op.elemId, actorIds)
op.child = actorIdToActorNum(op.child, actorIds)
op.pred = => actorIdToActorNum(pred, actorIds))
return {changes: newChanges, actorIds}
* Encodes the `obj` property of operation `op` into the two columns
* `objActor` and `objCtr`.
function encodeObjectId(op, columns) {
if (op.obj === '_root') {
} else if (op.obj.actorNum >= 0 && op.obj.counter > 0) {
} else {
throw new RangeError(`Unexpected objectId reference: ${JSON.stringify(op.obj)}`)
* Encodes the `key` and `elemId` properties of operation `op` into the three
* columns `keyActor`, `keyCtr`, and `keyStr`.
function encodeOperationKey(op, columns) {
if (op.key) {
} else if (op.elemId === '_head' && op.insert) {
} else if (op.elemId && op.elemId.actorNum >= 0 && op.elemId.counter > 0) {
} else {
throw new RangeError(`Unexpected operation key: ${JSON.stringify(op)}`)
* Encodes the `action` property of operation `op` into the `action` column.
function encodeOperationAction(op, columns) {
const actionCode = ACTIONS.indexOf(op.action)
if (actionCode >= 0) {
} else if (typeof op.action === 'number') {
} else {
throw new RangeError(`Unexpected operation action: ${op.action}`)
* Encodes the integer `value` into the two columns `valLen` and `valRaw`,
* with the datatype tag set to `typeTag`. If `typeTag` is zero, it is set
* automatically to signed or unsigned depending on the sign of the value.
* Values with non-zero type tags are always encoded as signed integers.
function encodeInteger(value, typeTag, columns) {
let numBytes
if (value < 0 || typeTag > 0) {
numBytes = columns.valRaw.appendInt53(value)
if (!typeTag) typeTag = VALUE_TYPE.LEB128_INT
} else {
numBytes = columns.valRaw.appendUint53(value)
columns.valLen.appendValue(numBytes << 4 | typeTag)
* Encodes the `value` property of operation `op` into the two columns
* `valLen` and `valRaw`.
function encodeValue(op, columns) {
if ((op.action !== 'set' && op.action !== 'inc') || op.value === null) {
} else if (op.value === false) {
} else if (op.value === true) {
} else if (typeof op.value === 'string') {
const numBytes = columns.valRaw.appendRawString(op.value)
columns.valLen.appendValue(numBytes << 4 | VALUE_TYPE.UTF8)
} else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(op.value)) {
const numBytes = columns.valRaw.appendRawBytes(new Uint8Array(op.value.buffer))
columns.valLen.appendValue(numBytes << 4 | VALUE_TYPE.BYTES)
} else if (op.datatype === 'counter' && typeof op.value === 'number') {
encodeInteger(op.value, VALUE_TYPE.COUNTER, columns)
} else if (op.datatype === 'timestamp' && typeof op.value === 'number') {
encodeInteger(op.value, VALUE_TYPE.TIMESTAMP, columns)
} else if (typeof op.datatype === 'number' && op.datatype >= VALUE_TYPE.MIN_UNKNOWN &&
op.datatype <= VALUE_TYPE.MAX_UNKNOWN && op.value instanceof Uint8Array) {
const numBytes = columns.valRaw.appendRawBytes(op.value)
columns.valLen.appendValue(numBytes << 4 | op.datatype)
} else if (op.datatype) {
throw new RangeError(`Unknown datatype ${op.datatype} for value ${op.value}`)
} else if (typeof op.value === 'number') {
if (Number.isInteger(op.value) && op.value <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && op.value >= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) {
encodeInteger(op.value, 0, columns)
} else {
// Encode number in 32-bit float if this can be done without loss of precision
const buf32 = new ArrayBuffer(4), view32 = new DataView(buf32)
view32.setFloat32(0, op.value, true) // true means little-endian
if (view32.getFloat32(0, true) === op.value) {
columns.valRaw.appendRawBytes(new Uint8Array(buf32))
columns.valLen.appendValue(4 << 4 | VALUE_TYPE.IEEE754)
} else {
const buf64 = new ArrayBuffer(8), view64 = new DataView(buf64)
view64.setFloat64(0, op.value, true) // true means little-endian
columns.valRaw.appendRawBytes(new Uint8Array(buf64))
columns.valLen.appendValue(8 << 4 | VALUE_TYPE.IEEE754)
} else {
throw new RangeError(`Unsupported value in operation: ${op.value}`)
* Given `sizeTag` (an unsigned integer read from a VALUE_LEN column) and `bytes` (a Uint8Array
* read from a VALUE_RAW column, with length `sizeTag >> 4`), this function returns an object of the
* form `{value: value, datatype: datatypeTag}` where `value` is a JavaScript primitive datatype
* corresponding to the value, and `datatypeTag` is a datatype annotation such as 'counter'.
function decodeValue(sizeTag, bytes) {
if (sizeTag === VALUE_TYPE.NULL) {
return {value: null}
} else if (sizeTag === VALUE_TYPE.FALSE) {
return {value: false}
} else if (sizeTag === VALUE_TYPE.TRUE) {
return {value: true}
} else if (sizeTag % 16 === VALUE_TYPE.UTF8) {
return {value: utf8ToString(bytes)}
} else {
if (sizeTag % 16 === VALUE_TYPE.LEB128_UINT) {
return {value: new Decoder(bytes).readUint53()}
} else if (sizeTag % 16 === VALUE_TYPE.LEB128_INT) {
return {value: new Decoder(bytes).readInt53()}
} else if (sizeTag % 16 === VALUE_TYPE.IEEE754) {
const view = new DataView(bytes.buffer, bytes.byteOffset, bytes.byteLength)
if (bytes.byteLength === 4) {
return {value: view.getFloat32(0, true)} // true means little-endian
} else if (bytes.byteLength === 8) {
return {value: view.getFloat64(0, true)}
} else {
throw new RangeError(`Invalid length for floating point number: ${bytes.byteLength}`)
} else if (sizeTag % 16 === VALUE_TYPE.COUNTER) {
return {value: new Decoder(bytes).readInt53(), datatype: 'counter'}
} else if (sizeTag % 16 === VALUE_TYPE.TIMESTAMP) {
return {value: new Decoder(bytes).readInt53(), datatype: 'timestamp'}
} else {
return {value: bytes, datatype: sizeTag % 16}
* Reads one value from the column `columns[colIndex]` and interprets it based
* on the column type. `actorIds` is a list of actors that appear in the change;
* `actorIds[0]` is the actorId of the change's author. Mutates the `result`
* object with the value, and returns the number of columns processed (this is 2
* in the case of a pair of VALUE_LEN and VALUE_RAW columns, which are processed
* in one go).
function decodeValueColumns(columns, colIndex, actorIds, result) {
const { columnId, columnName, decoder } = columns[colIndex]
if (columnId % 8 === COLUMN_TYPE.VALUE_LEN && colIndex + 1 < columns.length &&
columns[colIndex + 1].columnId === columnId + 1) {
const sizeTag = decoder.readValue()
const rawValue = columns[colIndex + 1].decoder.readRawBytes(sizeTag >> 4)
const { value, datatype } = decodeValue(sizeTag, rawValue)
result[columnName] = value
if (datatype) result[columnName + '_datatype'] = datatype
return 2
} else if (columnId % 8 === COLUMN_TYPE.ACTOR_ID) {
const actorNum = decoder.readValue()
if (actorNum === null) {
result[columnName] = null
} else {
if (!actorIds[actorNum]) throw new RangeError(`No actor index ${actorNum}`)
result[columnName] = actorIds[actorNum]
} else {
result[columnName] = decoder.readValue()
return 1
* Encodes an array of operations in a set of columns. The operations need to
* be parsed with `parseAllOpIds()` beforehand. If `forDocument` is true, we use
* the column structure of a whole document, otherwise we use the column
* structure for an individual change. Returns an array of `{id, name, encoder}`
* objects.
function encodeOps(ops, forDocument) {
const columns = {
objActor : new RLEEncoder('uint'),
objCtr : new RLEEncoder('uint'),
keyActor : new RLEEncoder('uint'),
keyCtr : new DeltaEncoder(),
keyStr : new RLEEncoder('utf8'),
insert : new BooleanEncoder(),
action : new RLEEncoder('uint'),
valLen : new RLEEncoder('uint'),
valRaw : new Encoder(),
chldActor : new RLEEncoder('uint'),
chldCtr : new DeltaEncoder()
if (forDocument) {
columns.idActor = new RLEEncoder('uint')
columns.idCtr = new DeltaEncoder()
columns.succNum = new RLEEncoder('uint')
columns.succActor = new RLEEncoder('uint')
columns.succCtr = new DeltaEncoder()
} else {
columns.predNum = new RLEEncoder('uint')
columns.predCtr = new DeltaEncoder()
columns.predActor = new RLEEncoder('uint')
for (let op of ops) {
encodeObjectId(op, columns)
encodeOperationKey(op, columns)
encodeOperationAction(op, columns)
encodeValue(op, columns)
if (op.child && op.child.counter) {
} else {
if (forDocument) {
for (let i = 0; i < op.succ.length; i++) {
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < op.pred.length; i++) {
let columnList = []
for (let {columnName, columnId} of forDocument ? DOC_OPS_COLUMNS : CHANGE_COLUMNS) {
if (columns[columnName]) columnList.push({id: columnId, name: columnName, encoder: columns[columnName]})
return columnList.sort((a, b) => -
function expandMultiOps(ops, startOp, actor) {
let opNum = startOp
let expandedOps = []
for (const op of ops) {
if (op.action === 'set' && op.values && op.insert) {
if (op.pred.length !== 0) throw new RangeError('multi-insert pred must be empty')
let lastElemId = op.elemId
for (const value of op.values) {
expandedOps.push({action: 'set', obj: op.obj, elemId: lastElemId, value, pred: [], insert: true})
lastElemId = `${opNum}@${actor}`
opNum += 1
} else if (op.action === 'del' && op.multiOp > 1) {
if (op.pred.length !== 1) throw new RangeError('multiOp deletion must have exactly one pred')
const startElemId = parseOpId(op.elemId), startPred = parseOpId(op.pred[0])
for (let i = 0; i < op.multiOp; i++) {
const elemId = `${startElemId.counter + i}@${startElemId.actorId}`
const pred = [`${startPred.counter + i}@${startPred.actorId}`]
expandedOps.push({action: 'del', obj: op.obj, elemId, pred})
opNum += 1
} else {
opNum += 1
return expandedOps
* Takes a change as decoded by `decodeColumns`, and changes it into the form
* expected by the rest of the backend. If `forDocument` is true, we use the op
* structure of a whole document, otherwise we use the op structure for an
* individual change.
function decodeOps(ops, forDocument) {
const newOps = []
for (let op of ops) {
const obj = (op.objCtr === null) ? '_root' : `${op.objCtr}@${op.objActor}`
const elemId = op.keyStr ? undefined : (op.keyCtr === 0 ? '_head' : `${op.keyCtr}@${op.keyActor}`)
const action = ACTIONS[op.action] || op.action
const newOp = elemId ? {obj, elemId, action} : {obj, key: op.keyStr, action}
newOp.insert = !!op.insert
if (ACTIONS[op.action] === 'set' || ACTIONS[op.action] === 'inc') {
newOp.value = op.valLen
if (op.valLen_datatype) newOp.datatype = op.valLen_datatype
if (!!op.chldCtr !== !!op.chldActor) {
throw new RangeError(`Mismatched child columns: ${op.chldCtr} and ${op.chldActor}`)
if (op.chldCtr !== null) newOp.child = `${op.chldCtr}@${op.chldActor}`
if (forDocument) { = `${op.idCtr}@${op.idActor}`
newOp.succ = => `${succ.succCtr}@${succ.succActor}`)
checkSortedOpIds( => ({counter: succ.succCtr, actorId: succ.succActor})))
} else {
newOp.pred = => `${pred.predCtr}@${pred.predActor}`)
checkSortedOpIds( => ({counter: pred.predCtr, actorId: pred.predActor})))
return newOps
* Throws an exception if the opIds in the given array are not in sorted order.
function checkSortedOpIds(opIds) {
let last = null
for (let opId of opIds) {
if (last && compareParsedOpIds(last, opId) !== -1) {
throw new RangeError('operation IDs are not in ascending order')
last = opId
function encoderByColumnId(columnId) {
if ((columnId & 7) === COLUMN_TYPE.INT_DELTA) {
return new DeltaEncoder()
} else if ((columnId & 7) === COLUMN_TYPE.BOOLEAN) {
return new BooleanEncoder()
} else if ((columnId & 7) === COLUMN_TYPE.STRING_RLE) {
return new RLEEncoder('utf8')
} else if ((columnId & 7) === COLUMN_TYPE.VALUE_RAW) {
return new Encoder()
} else {
return new RLEEncoder('uint')
function decoderByColumnId(columnId, buffer) {
if ((columnId & 7) === COLUMN_TYPE.INT_DELTA) {
return new DeltaDecoder(buffer)
} else if ((columnId & 7) === COLUMN_TYPE.BOOLEAN) {
return new BooleanDecoder(buffer)
} else if ((columnId & 7) === COLUMN_TYPE.STRING_RLE) {
return new RLEDecoder('utf8', buffer)
} else if ((columnId & 7) === COLUMN_TYPE.VALUE_RAW) {
return new Decoder(buffer)
} else {
return new RLEDecoder('uint', buffer)
function makeDecoders(columns, columnSpec) {
const emptyBuf = new Uint8Array(0)
let decoders = [], columnIndex = 0, specIndex = 0
while (columnIndex < columns.length || specIndex < columnSpec.length) {
if (columnIndex === columns.length ||
(specIndex < columnSpec.length && columnSpec[specIndex].columnId < columns[columnIndex].columnId)) {
const {columnId, columnName} = columnSpec[specIndex]
decoders.push({columnId, columnName, decoder: decoderByColumnId(columnId, emptyBuf)})
} else if (specIndex === columnSpec.length || columns[columnIndex].columnId < columnSpec[specIndex].columnId) {
const {columnId, buffer} = columns[columnIndex]
decoders.push({columnId, decoder: decoderByColumnId(columnId, buffer)})
} else { // columns[columnIndex].columnId === columnSpec[specIndex].columnId
const {columnId, buffer} = columns[columnIndex], {columnName} = columnSpec[specIndex]
decoders.push({columnId, columnName, decoder: decoderByColumnId(columnId, buffer)})
return decoders
function decodeColumns(columns, actorIds, columnSpec) {
columns = makeDecoders(columns, columnSpec)
let parsedRows = []
while (columns.some(col => !col.decoder.done)) {
let row = {}, col = 0
while (col < columns.length) {
const columnId = columns[col].columnId
let groupId = columnId >> 4, groupCols = 1
while (col + groupCols < columns.length && columns[col + groupCols].columnId >> 4 === groupId) {
if (columnId % 8 === COLUMN_TYPE.GROUP_CARD) {
const values = [], count = columns[col].decoder.readValue()
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let value = {}
for (let colOffset = 1; colOffset < groupCols; colOffset++) {
decodeValueColumns(columns, col + colOffset, actorIds, value)
row[columns[col].columnName] = values
col += groupCols
} else {
col += decodeValueColumns(columns, col, actorIds, row)
return parsedRows
function decodeColumnInfo(decoder) {
// A number that is all 1 bits except for the bit that indicates whether a column is
// deflate-compressed. We ignore this bit when checking whether columns are sorted by ID.
let lastColumnId = -1, columns = [], numColumns = decoder.readUint53()
for (let i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
const columnId = decoder.readUint53(), bufferLen = decoder.readUint53()
if ((columnId & COLUMN_ID_MASK) <= (lastColumnId & COLUMN_ID_MASK)) {
throw new RangeError('Columns must be in ascending order')
lastColumnId = columnId
columns.push({columnId, bufferLen})
return columns
function encodeColumnInfo(encoder, columns) {
const nonEmptyColumns = columns.filter(column => column.encoder.buffer.byteLength > 0)
for (let column of nonEmptyColumns) {
function decodeChangeHeader(decoder) {
const numDeps = decoder.readUint53(), deps = []
for (let i = 0; i < numDeps; i++) {
let change = {
actor: decoder.readHexString(),
seq: decoder.readUint53(),
startOp: decoder.readUint53(),
time: decoder.readInt53(),
message: decoder.readPrefixedString(),
const actorIds = [], numActorIds = decoder.readUint53()
for (let i = 0; i < numActorIds; i++) actorIds.push(decoder.readHexString())
change.actorIds = actorIds
return change
* Assembles a chunk of encoded data containing a checksum, headers, and a
* series of encoded columns. Calls `encodeHeaderCallback` with an encoder that
* should be used to add the headers. The columns should be given as `columns`.
function encodeContainer(chunkType, encodeContentsCallback) {
const CHECKSUM_SIZE = 4 // checksum is first 4 bytes of SHA-256 hash of the rest of the data
const HEADER_SPACE = MAGIC_BYTES.byteLength + CHECKSUM_SIZE + 1 + 5 // 1 byte type + 5 bytes length
const body = new Encoder()
// Make space for the header at the beginning of the body buffer. We will
// copy the header in here later. This is cheaper than copying the body since
// the body is likely to be much larger than the header.
body.appendRawBytes(new Uint8Array(HEADER_SPACE))
const bodyBuf = body.buffer
const header = new Encoder()
header.appendUint53(bodyBuf.byteLength - HEADER_SPACE)
// Compute the hash over chunkType, length, and body
const headerBuf = header.buffer
const sha256 = new Hash()
const hash = sha256.digest(), checksum = hash.subarray(0, CHECKSUM_SIZE)
// Copy header into the body buffer so that they are contiguous
bodyBuf.set(MAGIC_BYTES, HEADER_SPACE - headerBuf.byteLength - CHECKSUM_SIZE - MAGIC_BYTES.byteLength)
bodyBuf.set(checksum, HEADER_SPACE - headerBuf.byteLength - CHECKSUM_SIZE)
bodyBuf.set(headerBuf, HEADER_SPACE - headerBuf.byteLength)
return {hash, bytes: bodyBuf.subarray(HEADER_SPACE - headerBuf.byteLength - CHECKSUM_SIZE - MAGIC_BYTES.byteLength)}
function decodeContainerHeader(decoder, computeHash) {
if (!equalBytes(decoder.readRawBytes(MAGIC_BYTES.byteLength), MAGIC_BYTES)) {
throw new RangeError('Data does not begin with magic bytes 85 6f 4a 83')
const expectedHash = decoder.readRawBytes(4)
const hashStartOffset = decoder.offset
const chunkType = decoder.readByte()
const chunkLength = decoder.readUint53()
const header = {chunkType, chunkLength, chunkData: decoder.readRawBytes(chunkLength)}
if (computeHash) {
const sha256 = new Hash()
sha256.update(decoder.buf.subarray(hashStartOffset, decoder.offset))
const binaryHash = sha256.digest()
if (!equalBytes(binaryHash.subarray(0, 4), expectedHash)) {
throw new RangeError('checksum does not match data')
header.hash = bytesToHexString(binaryHash)
return header
* Returns the checksum of a change (bytes 4 to 7) as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
function getChangeChecksum(change) {
if (change[0] !== MAGIC_BYTES[0] || change[1] !== MAGIC_BYTES[1] ||
change[2] !== MAGIC_BYTES[2] || change[3] !== MAGIC_BYTES[3]) {
throw new RangeError('Data does not begin with magic bytes 85 6f 4a 83')
return ((change[4] << 24) | (change[5] << 16) | (change[6] << 8) | change[7]) >>> 0
function encodeChange(changeObj) {
const { changes, actorIds } = parseAllOpIds([changeObj], true)
const change = changes[0]
const { hash, bytes } = encodeContainer(CHUNK_TYPE_CHANGE, encoder => {
if (!Array.isArray(change.deps)) throw new TypeError('deps is not an array')
for (let hash of change.deps.slice().sort()) {
encoder.appendPrefixedString(change.message || '')
encoder.appendUint53(actorIds.length - 1)
for (let actor of actorIds.slice(1)) encoder.appendHexString(actor)
const columns = encodeOps(change.ops, false)
encodeColumnInfo(encoder, columns)
for (let column of columns) encoder.appendRawBytes(column.encoder.buffer)
if (change.extraBytes) encoder.appendRawBytes(change.extraBytes)
const hexHash = bytesToHexString(hash)
if (changeObj.hash && changeObj.hash !== hexHash) {
throw new RangeError(`Change hash does not match encoding: ${changeObj.hash} != ${hexHash}`)
return (bytes.byteLength >= DEFLATE_MIN_SIZE) ? deflateChange(bytes) : bytes
function decodeChangeColumns(buffer) {
if (buffer[8] === CHUNK_TYPE_DEFLATE) buffer = inflateChange(buffer)
const decoder = new Decoder(buffer)
const header = decodeContainerHeader(decoder, true)
const chunkDecoder = new Decoder(header.chunkData)
if (!decoder.done) throw new RangeError('Encoded change has trailing data')
if (header.chunkType !== CHUNK_TYPE_CHANGE) throw new RangeError(`Unexpected chunk type: ${header.chunkType}`)
const change = decodeChangeHeader(chunkDecoder)
const columns = decodeColumnInfo(chunkDecoder)
for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
if ((columns[i].columnId & COLUMN_TYPE_DEFLATE) !== 0) {
throw new RangeError('change must not contain deflated columns')
columns[i].buffer = chunkDecoder.readRawBytes(columns[i].bufferLen)
if (!chunkDecoder.done) {
const restLen = chunkDecoder.buf.byteLength - chunkDecoder.offset
change.extraBytes = chunkDecoder.readRawBytes(restLen)
change.columns = columns
change.hash = header.hash
return change
* Decodes one change in binary format into its JS object representation.
function decodeChange(buffer) {
const change = decodeChangeColumns(buffer)
change.ops = decodeOps(decodeColumns(change.columns, change.actorIds, CHANGE_COLUMNS), false)
delete change.actorIds
delete change.columns
return change
* Decodes the header fields of a change in binary format, but does not decode
* the operations. Saves work when we only need to inspect the headers. Only
* computes the hash of the change if `computeHash` is true.
function decodeChangeMeta(buffer, computeHash) {
if (buffer[8] === CHUNK_TYPE_DEFLATE) buffer = inflateChange(buffer)
const header = decodeContainerHeader(new Decoder(buffer), computeHash)
if (header.chunkType !== CHUNK_TYPE_CHANGE) {
throw new RangeError('Buffer chunk type is not a change')
const meta = decodeChangeHeader(new Decoder(header.chunkData))
meta.change = buffer
if (computeHash) meta.hash = header.hash
return meta
* Compresses a binary change using DEFLATE.
function deflateChange(buffer) {
const header = decodeContainerHeader(new Decoder(buffer), false)
if (header.chunkType !== CHUNK_TYPE_CHANGE) throw new RangeError(`Unexpected chunk type: ${header.chunkType}`)
const compressed = pako.deflateRaw(header.chunkData)
const encoder = new Encoder()
encoder.appendRawBytes(buffer.subarray(0, 8)) // copy MAGIC_BYTES and checksum
return encoder.buffer
* Decompresses a binary change that has been compressed with DEFLATE.
function inflateChange(buffer) {
const header = decodeContainerHeader(new Decoder(buffer), false)
if (header.chunkType !== CHUNK_TYPE_DEFLATE) throw new RangeError(`Unexpected chunk type: ${header.chunkType}`)
const decompressed = pako.inflateRaw(header.chunkData)
const encoder = new Encoder()
encoder.appendRawBytes(buffer.subarray(0, 8)) // copy MAGIC_BYTES and checksum
return encoder.buffer
* Takes an Uint8Array that may contain multiple concatenated changes, and
* returns an array of subarrays, each subarray containing one change.
function splitContainers(buffer) {
let decoder = new Decoder(buffer), chunks = [], startOffset = 0
while (!decoder.done) {
decodeContainerHeader(decoder, false)
chunks.push(buffer.subarray(startOffset, decoder.offset))
startOffset = decoder.offset
return chunks
* Decodes a list of changes from the binary format into JS objects.
* `binaryChanges` is an array of `Uint8Array` objects.
function decodeChanges(binaryChanges) {
let decoded = []
for (let binaryChange of binaryChanges) {
for (let chunk of splitContainers(binaryChange)) {
if (chunk[8] === CHUNK_TYPE_DOCUMENT) {
decoded = decoded.concat(decodeDocument(chunk))
} else if (chunk[8] === CHUNK_TYPE_CHANGE || chunk[8] === CHUNK_TYPE_DEFLATE) {
} else {
// ignoring chunk of unknown type
return decoded
function sortOpIds(a, b) {
if (a === b) return 0
if (a === '_root') return -1
if (b === '_root') return +1
const a_ = parseOpId(a), b_ = parseOpId(b)
if (a_.counter < b_.counter) return -1
if (a_.counter > b_.counter) return +1
if (a_.actorId < b_.actorId) return -1
if (a_.actorId > b_.actorId) return +1
return 0
function groupDocumentOps(changes) {
let byObjectId = {}, byReference = {}, objectType = {}
for (let change of changes) {
for (let i = 0; i < change.ops.length; i++) {
const op = change.ops[i], opId = `${}@${}`
const objectId = (op.obj === '_root') ? '_root' : `${op.obj.counter}@${op.obj.actorId}`
if (op.action.startsWith('make')) {
objectType[opId] = op.action
if (op.action === 'makeList' || op.action === 'makeText') {
byReference[opId] = {'_head': []}
let key
if (objectId === '_root' || objectType[objectId] === 'makeMap' || objectType[objectId] === 'makeTable') {
key = op.key
} else if (objectType[objectId] === 'makeList' || objectType[objectId] === 'makeText') {
if (op.insert) {
key = opId
const ref = (op.elemId === '_head') ? '_head' : `${op.elemId.counter}@${op.elemId.actorId}`
byReference[objectId][opId] = []
} else {
key = `${op.elemId.counter}@${op.elemId.actorId}`
} else {
throw new RangeError(`Unknown object type for object ${objectId}`)
if (!byObjectId[objectId]) byObjectId[objectId] = {}
if (!byObjectId[objectId][key]) byObjectId[objectId][key] = {}
byObjectId[objectId][key][opId] = op
op.succ = []
for (let pred of op.pred) {
const predId = `${pred.counter}@${pred.actorId}`
if (!byObjectId[objectId][key][predId]) {
throw new RangeError(`No predecessor operation ${predId}`)
let ops = []
for (let objectId of Object.keys(byObjectId).sort(sortOpIds)) {
let keys = []
if (objectType[objectId] === 'makeList' || objectType[objectId] === 'makeText') {
let stack = ['_head']
while (stack.length > 0) {
const key = stack.pop()
if (key !== '_head') keys.push(key)
for (let opId of byReference[objectId][key].sort(sortOpIds)) stack.push(opId)
} else {
// FIXME JavaScript sorts based on UTF-16 encoding. We should change this to use the UTF-8
// encoding instead (the sort order will be different beyond the basic multilingual plane)
keys = Object.keys(byObjectId[objectId]).sort()
for (let key of keys) {
for (let opId of Object.keys(byObjectId[objectId][key]).sort(sortOpIds)) {
const op = byObjectId[objectId][key][opId]
if (op.action !== 'del') ops.push(op)
return ops
* Takes a set of operations `ops` loaded from an encoded document, and
* reconstructs the changes that they originally came from.
* Does not return anything, only mutates `changes`.
function groupChangeOps(changes, ops) {
let changesByActor = {} // map from actorId to array of changes by that actor
for (let change of changes) {
change.ops = []
if (!changesByActor[]) changesByActor[] = []
if (change.seq !== changesByActor[].length + 1) {
throw new RangeError(`Expected seq = ${changesByActor[].length + 1}, got ${change.seq}`)
if (change.seq > 1 && changesByActor[][change.seq - 2].maxOp > change.maxOp) {
throw new RangeError('maxOp must increase monotonically per actor')
let opsById = {}
for (let op of ops) {
if (op.action === 'del') throw new RangeError('document should not contain del operations')
op.pred = opsById[] ? opsById[].pred : []
opsById[] = op
for (let succ of op.succ) {
if (!opsById[succ]) {
if (op.elemId) {
const elemId = op.insert ? : op.elemId
opsById[succ] = {id: succ, action: 'del', obj: op.obj, elemId, pred: []}
} else {
opsById[succ] = {id: succ, action: 'del', obj: op.obj, key: op.key, pred: []}
delete op.succ
for (let op of Object.values(opsById)) {
if (op.action === 'del') ops.push(op)
for (let op of ops) {
const { counter, actorId } = parseOpId(
const actorChanges = changesByActor[actorId]
// Binary search to find the change that should contain this operation
let left = 0, right = actorChanges.length
while (left < right) {
const index = Math.floor((left + right) / 2)
if (actorChanges[index].maxOp < counter) {
left = index + 1
} else {
right = index
if (left >= actorChanges.length) {
throw new RangeError(`Operation ID ${} outside of allowed range`)
for (let change of changes) {
change.ops.sort((op1, op2) => sortOpIds(,
change.startOp = change.maxOp - change.ops.length + 1
delete change.maxOp
for (let i = 0; i < change.ops.length; i++) {
const op = change.ops[i], expectedId = `${change.startOp + i}@${}`
if ( !== expectedId) {
throw new RangeError(`Expected opId ${expectedId}, got ${}`)
function encodeDocumentChanges(changes) {
const columns = { // see DOCUMENT_COLUMNS
actor : new RLEEncoder('uint'),
seq : new DeltaEncoder(),
maxOp : new DeltaEncoder(),
time : new DeltaEncoder(),
message : new RLEEncoder('utf8'),
depsNum : new RLEEncoder('uint'),
depsIndex : new DeltaEncoder(),
extraLen : new RLEEncoder('uint'),
extraRaw : new Encoder()
let indexByHash = {} // map from change hash to its index in the changes array
let heads = {} // change hashes that are not a dependency of any other change
for (let i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
const change = changes[i]
indexByHash[change.hash] = i
heads[change.hash] = true
columns.maxOp.appendValue(change.startOp + change.ops.length - 1)
for (let dep of change.deps) {
if (typeof indexByHash[dep] !== 'number') {
throw new RangeError(`Unknown dependency hash: ${dep}`)
if (heads[dep]) delete heads[dep]
if (change.extraBytes) {
columns.extraLen.appendValue(change.extraBytes.byteLength << 4 | VALUE_TYPE.BYTES)
} else {
columns.extraLen.appendValue(VALUE_TYPE.BYTES) // zero-length byte array
let changesColumns = []
for (let {columnName, columnId} of DOCUMENT_COLUMNS) {
changesColumns.push({id: columnId, name: columnName, encoder: columns[columnName]})
changesColumns.sort((a, b) => -
return { changesColumns, heads: Object.keys(heads).sort() }
function decodeDocumentChanges(changes, expectedHeads) {
let heads = {} // change hashes that are not a dependency of any other change
for (let i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
let change = changes[i]
change.deps = []
for (let index of => d.depsIndex)) {
if (!changes[index] || !changes[index].hash) {
throw new RangeError(`No hash for index ${index} while processing index ${i}`)
const hash = changes[index].hash
if (heads[hash]) delete heads[hash]
delete change.depsNum
if (change.extraLen_datatype !== VALUE_TYPE.BYTES) {
throw new RangeError(`Bad datatype for extra bytes: ${VALUE_TYPE.BYTES}`)
change.extraBytes = change.extraLen
delete change.extraLen_datatype
// Encoding and decoding again to compute the hash of the change
changes[i] = decodeChange(encodeChange(change))
heads[changes[i].hash] = true
const actualHeads = Object.keys(heads).sort()
let headsEqual = (actualHeads.length === expectedHeads.length), i = 0
while (headsEqual && i < actualHeads.length) {
headsEqual = (actualHeads[i] === expectedHeads[i])
if (!headsEqual) {
throw new RangeError(`Mismatched heads hashes: expected ${expectedHeads.join(', ')}, got ${actualHeads.join(', ')}`)
* Transforms a list of changes into a binary representation of the document state.
function encodeDocument(binaryChanges) {
const { changes, actorIds } = parseAllOpIds(decodeChanges(binaryChanges), false)
const { changesColumns, heads } = encodeDocumentChanges(changes)
const opsColumns = encodeOps(groupDocumentOps(changes), true)
for (let column of changesColumns) deflateColumn(column)
for (let column of opsColumns) deflateColumn(column)
return encodeContainer(CHUNK_TYPE_DOCUMENT, encoder => {
for (let actor of actorIds) {
for (let head of heads.sort()) {
encodeColumnInfo(encoder, changesColumns)
encodeColumnInfo(encoder, opsColumns)
for (let column of changesColumns) encoder.appendRawBytes(column.encoder.buffer)
for (let column of opsColumns) encoder.appendRawBytes(column.encoder.buffer)
function decodeDocumentHeader(buffer) {
const documentDecoder = new Decoder(buffer)
const header = decodeContainerHeader(documentDecoder, true)
const decoder = new Decoder(header.chunkData)
if (!documentDecoder.done) throw new RangeError('Encoded document has trailing data')
if (header.chunkType !== CHUNK_TYPE_DOCUMENT) throw new RangeError(`Unexpected chunk type: ${header.chunkType}`)
const actorIds = [], numActors = decoder.readUint53()
for (let i = 0; i < numActors; i++) {
const heads = [], numHeads = decoder.readUint53()
for (let i = 0; i < numHeads; i++) {
const changesColumns = decodeColumnInfo(decoder)
const opsColumns = decodeColumnInfo(decoder)
for (let i = 0; i < changesColumns.length; i++) {
changesColumns[i].buffer = decoder.readRawBytes(changesColumns[i].bufferLen)
for (let i = 0; i < opsColumns.length; i++) {
opsColumns[i].buffer = decoder.readRawBytes(opsColumns[i].bufferLen)
const extraBytes = decoder.readRawBytes(decoder.buf.byteLength - decoder.offset)
return { changesColumns, opsColumns, actorIds, heads, extraBytes }
function decodeDocument(buffer) {
const { changesColumns, opsColumns, actorIds, heads } = decodeDocumentHeader(buffer)
const changes = decodeColumns(changesColumns, actorIds, DOCUMENT_COLUMNS)
const ops = decodeOps(decodeColumns(opsColumns, actorIds, DOC_OPS_COLUMNS), true)
groupChangeOps(changes, ops)
decodeDocumentChanges(changes, heads)
return changes
* DEFLATE-compresses the given column if it is large enough to make the compression worthwhile.
function deflateColumn(column) {
if (column.encoder.buffer.byteLength >= DEFLATE_MIN_SIZE) {
column.encoder = {buffer: pako.deflateRaw(column.encoder.buffer)} |= COLUMN_TYPE_DEFLATE
* Decompresses the given column if it is DEFLATE-compressed.
function inflateColumn(column) {
if ((column.columnId & COLUMN_TYPE_DEFLATE) !== 0) {
column.buffer = pako.inflateRaw(column.buffer)
column.columnId ^= COLUMN_TYPE_DEFLATE
* Takes all the operations for the same property (i.e. the same key in a map, or the same list
* element) and mutates the object patch to reflect the current value(s) of that property. There
* might be multiple values in the case of a conflict. `objects` is a map from objectId to the
* patch for that object. `property` contains `objId`, `key`, a list of `ops`, and `index` (the
* current list index if the object is a list). Returns true if one or more values are present,
* or false if the property has been deleted.
function addPatchProperty(objects, property) {
let values = {}, counter = null
for (let op of property.ops) {
// Apply counters and their increments regardless of the number of successor operations
if (op.actionName === 'set' && op.value.datatype === 'counter') {
if (!counter) counter = {opId: op.opId, value: 0, succ: {}}
counter.value += op.value.value
for (let succId of op.succ) counter.succ[succId] = true
} else if (op.actionName === 'inc') {
if (!counter) throw new RangeError(`inc operation ${op.opId} without a counter`)
counter.value += op.value.value
delete counter.succ[op.opId]
for (let succId of op.succ) counter.succ[succId] = true
} else if (op.succ.length === 0) { // Ignore any ops that have been overwritten
if (op.actionName.startsWith('make')) {
values[op.opId] = objects[op.opId]
} else if (op.actionName === 'set') {
values[op.opId] = {value: op.value.value, type: 'value'}
if (op.value.datatype) {
values[op.opId].datatype = op.value.datatype
} else if (op.actionName === 'link') {
// NB. This assumes that the ID of the child object is greater than the ID of the current
// object. This is true as long as link operations are only used to redo undone make*
// operations, but it will cease to be true once subtree moves are allowed.
if (!op.childId) throw new RangeError(`link operation ${op.opId} without a childId`)
values[op.opId] = objects[op.childId]
} else {
throw new RangeError(`Unexpected action type: ${op.actionName}`)
// If the counter had any successor operation that was not an increment, that means the counter
// must have been deleted, so we omit it from the patch.
if (counter && Object.keys(counter.succ).length === 0) {
values[counter.opId] = {type: 'value', value: counter.value, datatype: 'counter'}
if (Object.keys(values).length > 0) {
let obj = objects[property.objId]
if (obj.type === 'map' || obj.type === 'table') {
obj.props[property.key] = values
} else if (obj.type === 'list' || obj.type === 'text') {
makeListEdits(obj, values, property.key, property.index)
return true
} else {
return false
* When constructing a patch to instantiate a loaded document, this function adds the edits to
* insert one list element. Usually there is one value, but in the case of a conflict there may be
* several values. `elemId` is the ID of the list element, and `index` is the list index at which
* the value(s) should be placed.
function makeListEdits(list, values, elemId, index) {
let firstValue = true
const opIds = Object.keys(values).sort((id1, id2) => compareParsedOpIds(parseOpId(id1), parseOpId(id2)))
for (const opId of opIds) {
if (firstValue) {
list.edits.push({action: 'insert', value: values[opId], elemId, opId, index})
} else {
list.edits.push({action: 'update', value: values[opId], opId, index})
firstValue = false
* Recursively walks the patch tree, calling appendEdit on every list edit in order to consense
* consecutive sequences of insertions into multi-inserts.
function condenseEdits(diff) {
if (diff.type === 'list' || diff.type === 'text') {
diff.edits.forEach(e => condenseEdits(e.value))
let newEdits = diff.edits
diff.edits = []
for (const edit of newEdits) appendEdit(diff.edits, edit)
} else if (diff.type === 'map' || diff.type === 'table') {
for (const prop of Object.keys(diff.props)) {
for (const opId of Object.keys(diff.props[prop])) {
* Appends a list edit operation (insert, update, remove) to an array of existing operations. If the
* last existing operation can be extended (as a multi-op), we do that.
function appendEdit(existingEdits, nextEdit) {
if (existingEdits.length === 0) {
let lastEdit = existingEdits[existingEdits.length - 1]
if (lastEdit.action === 'insert' && nextEdit.action === 'insert' &&
lastEdit.index === nextEdit.index - 1 &&
lastEdit.value.type === 'value' && nextEdit.value.type === 'value' &&
lastEdit.elemId === lastEdit.opId && nextEdit.elemId === nextEdit.opId &&
opIdDelta(lastEdit.elemId, nextEdit.elemId, 1)) {
lastEdit.action = 'multi-insert'
lastEdit.values = [lastEdit.value.value, nextEdit.value.value]
delete lastEdit.value
delete lastEdit.opId
} else if (lastEdit.action === 'multi-insert' && nextEdit.action === 'insert' &&
lastEdit.index + lastEdit.values.length === nextEdit.index &&
nextEdit.value.type === 'value' && nextEdit.elemId === nextEdit.opId &&
opIdDelta(lastEdit.elemId, nextEdit.elemId, lastEdit.values.length)) {
} else if (lastEdit.action === 'remove' && nextEdit.action === 'remove' &&
lastEdit.index === nextEdit.index) {
lastEdit.count += nextEdit.count
} else {
* Returns true if the two given operation IDs have the same actor ID, and the counter of `id2` is
* exactly `delta` greater than the counter of `id1`.
function opIdDelta(id1, id2, delta = 1) {
const parsed1 = parseOpId(id1), parsed2 = parseOpId(id2)
return parsed1.actorId === parsed2.actorId && parsed1.counter + delta === parsed2.counter
* Parses the document (in compressed binary format) given as `documentBuffer`
* and returns a patch that can be sent to the frontend to instantiate the
* current state of that document.
function constructPatch(documentBuffer) {
const { opsColumns, actorIds } = decodeDocumentHeader(documentBuffer)
const col = makeDecoders(opsColumns, DOC_OPS_COLUMNS).reduce(
(acc, col) => Object.assign(acc, {[col.columnName]: col.decoder}), {})
let objects = {_root: {objectId: '_root', type: 'map', props: {}}}
let property = null
while (!col.idActor.done) {
const opId = `${col.idCtr.readValue()}@${actorIds[col.idActor.readValue()]}`
const action = col.action.readValue(), actionName = ACTIONS[action]
if (action % 2 === 0) { // even-numbered actions are object creation
const type = OBJECT_TYPE[actionName] || 'unknown'
if (type === 'list' || type === 'text') {
objects[opId] = {objectId: opId, type, edits: []}
} else {
objects[opId] = {objectId: opId, type, props: {}}
const objActor = col.objActor.readValue(), objCtr = col.objCtr.readValue()
const objId = objActor === null ? '_root' : `${objCtr}@${actorIds[objActor]}`
let obj = objects[objId]
if (!obj) throw new RangeError(`Operation for nonexistent object: ${objId}`)
const keyActor = col.keyActor.readValue(), keyCtr = col.keyCtr.readValue()
const keyStr = col.keyStr.readValue(), insert = !!col.insert.readValue()
const chldActor = col.chldActor.readValue(), chldCtr = col.chldCtr.readValue()
const childId = chldActor === null ? null : `${chldCtr}@${actorIds[chldActor]}`
const sizeTag = col.valLen.readValue()
const rawValue = col.valRaw.readRawBytes(sizeTag >> 4)
const value = decodeValue(sizeTag, rawValue)
const succNum = col.succNum.readValue()
let succ = []
for (let i = 0; i < succNum; i++) {
if (!actionName || obj.type === 'unknown') continue
let key
if (obj.type === 'list' || obj.type === 'text') {
if (keyCtr === null || (keyCtr === 0 && !insert)) {
throw new RangeError(`Operation ${opId} on ${obj.type} object has no key`)
key = insert ? opId : `${keyCtr}@${actorIds[keyActor]}`
} else {
if (keyStr === null) {
throw new RangeError(`Operation ${opId} on ${obj.type} object has no key`)
key = keyStr
if (!property || property.objId !== objId || property.key !== key) {
let index = 0
if (property) {
index = property.index
if (addPatchProperty(objects, property)) index += 1
if (property.objId !== objId) index = 0
property = {objId, key, index, ops: []}
property.ops.push({opId, actionName, value, childId, succ})
if (property) addPatchProperty(objects, property)
return objects._root
module.exports = {
encoderByColumnId, decoderByColumnId, makeDecoders, decodeValue,
splitContainers, encodeChange, decodeChangeColumns, decodeChange, decodeChangeMeta, decodeChanges,
decodeDocumentHeader, encodeDocument, decodeDocument,
getChangeChecksum, appendEdit, constructPatch