Alex Good 4f03cd2a37 Add an e2e testing tool for the JS packaging
JS packaging is complicated and testing it manually is irritating. Add a
tool in `automerge-js/e2e` which stands up a local NPM registry and
publishes the various packages to that registry for use in automated and
manual tests. Update the test script in `scripts/ci/js_tests` to run the
tests using this tool
2022-10-04 17:23:37 +01:00

438 lines
15 KiB

import {once} from "events"
import {setTimeout} from "timers/promises"
import {spawn, ChildProcess} from "child_process"
import * as child_process from "child_process"
import {command, subcommands, run, array, multioption, option, Type} from "cmd-ts"
import * as path from "path"
import * as fsPromises from "fs/promises"
import fetch from "node-fetch"
const VERDACCIO_DB_PATH = path.normalize(`${__dirname}/verdacciodb`)
const VERDACCIO_CONFIG_PATH = path.normalize(`${__dirname}/verdaccio.yaml`)
const AUTOMERGE_WASM_PATH = path.normalize(`${__dirname}/../../automerge-wasm`)
const AUTOMERGE_JS_PATH = path.normalize(`${__dirname}/..`)
const EXAMPLES_DIR = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, "../", "examples"))
// The different example projects in "../examples"
type Example = "webpack" | "vite" | "create-react-app"
// Type to parse strings to `Example` so the types line up for the `buildExamples` commmand
const ReadExample: Type<string, Example> = {
async from(str) {
if (str === "webpack") {
return "webpack"
} else if (str === "vite") {
return "vite"
} else if (str === "create-react-app") {
return "create-react-app"
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown example type ${str}`)
type Profile = "dev" | "release"
const ReadProfile: Type<string, Profile> = {
async from(str) {
if (str === "dev") {
return "dev"
} else if (str === "release") {
return "release"
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown profile ${str}`)
const buildjs = command({
name: "buildjs",
args: {
profile: option({
type: ReadProfile,
long: "profile",
short: "p",
defaultValue: () => "dev" as Profile
handler: ({profile}) => {
console.log("building js")
withPublishedWasm(profile, async (registryUrl: string) => {
await buildAndPublishAutomergeJs(registryUrl)
const buildWasm = command({
name: "buildwasm",
args: {
profile: option({
type: ReadProfile,
long: "profile",
short: "p",
defaultValue: () => "dev" as Profile
handler: ({profile}) => {
console.log("building automerge-wasm")
const buildexamples = command({
name: "buildexamples",
args: {
examples: multioption({
long: "example",
short: "e",
type: array(ReadExample),
profile: option({
type: ReadProfile,
long: "profile",
short: "p",
defaultValue: () => "dev" as Profile
handler: ({examples, profile}) => {
if (examples.length === 0) {
examples = ["webpack", "vite", "create-react-app"]
buildExamples(examples, profile)
const runRegistry = command({
name: "run-registry",
args: {
profile: option({
type: ReadProfile,
long: "profile",
short: "p",
defaultValue: () => "dev" as Profile
handler: ({profile}) => {
withPublishedWasm(profile, async (registryUrl: string) => {
await buildAndPublishAutomergeJs(registryUrl)
console.log(` Verdaccio NPM registry is running at ${registryUrl}`)
console.log(" press CTRL-C to exit ")
await once(process, "SIGINT")
}).catch(e => {
console.error(`Failed: ${e}`)
const app = subcommands({
name: "e2e",
cmds: {buildjs, buildexamples, buildwasm: buildWasm, "run-registry": runRegistry}
run(app, process.argv.slice(2))
async function buildExamples(examples: Array<Example>, profile: Profile) {
await withPublishedWasm(profile, async (registryUrl) => {
printHeader("building and publishing automerge")
await buildAndPublishAutomergeJs(registryUrl)
for (const example of examples) {
printHeader(`building ${example} example`)
if (example === "webpack") {
const projectPath = path.join(EXAMPLES_DIR, example)
await removeExistingAutomerge(projectPath)
await fsPromises.rm(path.join(projectPath, "yarn.lock"), {force: true})
await spawnAndWait("yarn", ["--cwd", projectPath, "install", "--registry", registryUrl, "--check-files"], {stdio: "inherit"})
await spawnAndWait("yarn", ["--cwd", projectPath, "build"], {stdio: "inherit"})
} else if (example === "vite") {
const projectPath = path.join(EXAMPLES_DIR, example)
await removeExistingAutomerge(projectPath)
await fsPromises.rm(path.join(projectPath, "yarn.lock"), {force: true})
await spawnAndWait("yarn", ["--cwd", projectPath, "install", "--registry", registryUrl, "--check-files"], {stdio: "inherit"})
await spawnAndWait("yarn", ["--cwd", projectPath, "build"], {stdio: "inherit"})
} else if (example === "create-react-app") {
const projectPath = path.join(EXAMPLES_DIR, example)
await removeExistingAutomerge(projectPath)
await fsPromises.rm(path.join(projectPath, "yarn.lock"), {force: true})
await spawnAndWait("yarn", ["--cwd", projectPath, "install", "--registry", registryUrl, "--check-files"], {stdio: "inherit"})
await spawnAndWait("yarn", ["--cwd", projectPath, "build"], {stdio: "inherit"})
type WithRegistryAction = (registryUrl: string) => Promise<void>
async function withRegistry(action: WithRegistryAction, ...actions: Array<WithRegistryAction>) {
// First, start verdaccio
printHeader("Starting verdaccio NPM server")
const verd = await VerdaccioProcess.start()
for (const action of actions) {
try {
type Step = "verd-died" | "action-completed"
const verdDied: () => Promise<Step> = async () => {
await verd.died()
return "verd-died"
const actionComplete: () => Promise<Step> = async () => {
await action("http://localhost:4873")
return "action-completed"
const result = await Promise.race([verdDied(), actionComplete()])
if (result === "verd-died") {
throw new Error("verdaccio unexpectedly exited")
} catch(e) {
await verd.kill()
throw e
await verd.kill()
async function withPublishedWasm(profile: Profile, action: WithRegistryAction) {
await withRegistry(
function buildAutomergeWasm(profile: Profile): WithRegistryAction {
return async (registryUrl: string) => {
printHeader("building automerge-wasm")
await spawnAndWait("yarn", ["--cwd", AUTOMERGE_WASM_PATH, "--registry", registryUrl, "install"], {stdio: "inherit"})
const cmd = profile === "release" ? "release" : "debug"
await spawnAndWait("yarn", ["--cwd", AUTOMERGE_WASM_PATH, cmd], {stdio: "inherit"})
async function publishAutomergeWasm(registryUrl: string) {
printHeader("Publishing automerge-wasm to verdaccio")
await fsPromises.rm(path.join(VERDACCIO_DB_PATH, "automerge-wasm"), { recursive: true, force: true} )
await yarnPublish(registryUrl, AUTOMERGE_WASM_PATH)
async function buildAndPublishAutomergeJs(registryUrl: string) {
// Build the js package
printHeader("Building automerge")
await removeExistingAutomerge(AUTOMERGE_JS_PATH)
await removeFromVerdaccio("automerge")
await fsPromises.rm(path.join(AUTOMERGE_JS_PATH, "yarn.lock"), {force: true})
await spawnAndWait("yarn", ["--cwd", AUTOMERGE_JS_PATH, "install", "--registry", registryUrl, "--check-files"], {stdio: "inherit"})
await spawnAndWait("yarn", ["--cwd", AUTOMERGE_JS_PATH, "build"], {stdio: "inherit"})
await yarnPublish(registryUrl, AUTOMERGE_JS_PATH)
* A running verdaccio process
class VerdaccioProcess {
child: ChildProcess
stdout: Array<Buffer>
stderr: Array<Buffer>
constructor(child: ChildProcess) {
this.child = child
// Collect stdout/stderr otherwise the subprocess gets blocked writing
this.stdout = []
this.stderr = []
this.child.stdout && this.child.stdout.on("data", (data) => this.stdout.push(data))
this.child.stderr && this.child.stderr.on("data", (data) => this.stderr.push(data))
const errCallback = (e: any) => {
console.error("!!!!!!!!!ERROR IN VERDACCIO PROCESS!!!!!!!!!")
console.error(" ", e)
if (this.stdout.length > 0) {
console.log("\n**Verdaccio stdout**")
const stdout = Buffer.concat(this.stdout)
if (this.stderr.length > 0) {
console.log("\n**Verdaccio stderr**")
const stdout = Buffer.concat(this.stderr)
this.child.on("error", errCallback)
* Spawn a verdaccio process and wait for it to respond succesfully to http requests
* The returned `VerdaccioProcess` can be used to control the subprocess
static async start() {
const child = spawn("yarn", ["verdaccio", "--config", VERDACCIO_CONFIG_PATH], {env: { ...process.env, FORCE_COLOR: "true"}})
// Forward stdout and stderr whilst waiting for startup to complete
const stdoutCallback = (data: Buffer) => process.stdout.write(data)
const stderrCallback = (data: Buffer) => process.stderr.write(data)
child.stdout && child.stdout.on("data", stdoutCallback)
child.stderr && child.stderr.on("data", stderrCallback)
const healthCheck = async () => {
while (true) {
try {
const resp = await fetch("http://localhost:4873")
if (resp.status === 200) {
} else {
console.log(`Healthcheck failed: bad status ${resp.status}`)
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Healthcheck failed: ${e}`)
await setTimeout(500)
await withTimeout(healthCheck(), 10000)
// Stop forwarding stdout/stderr
child.stdout &&"data", stdoutCallback)
child.stderr &&"data", stderrCallback)
return new VerdaccioProcess(child)
* Send a SIGKILL to the process and wait for it to stop
async kill() {
this.child.stdout && this.child.stdout.destroy()
this.child.stderr && this.child.stderr.destroy()
try {
await withTimeout(once(this.child, "close"), 500)
} catch (e) {
console.error("unable to kill verdaccio subprocess, trying -9")
await withTimeout(once(this.child, "close"), 500)
* A promise which resolves if the subprocess exits for some reason
async died(): Promise<number | null> {
const [exit, _signal] = await once(this.child, "exit")
return exit
function printHeader(header: string) {
console.log(` ${header}`)
* Removes the automerge, automerge-wasm, and automerge-js packages from
* `$packageDir/node_modules`
* This is useful to force refreshing a package by use in combination with
* `yarn install --check-files`, which checks if a package is present in
* `node_modules` and if it is not forces a reinstall.
* @param packageDir - The directory containing the package.json of the target project
async function removeExistingAutomerge(packageDir: string) {
await fsPromises.rm(path.join(packageDir, "node_modules", "automerge-wasm"), {recursive: true, force: true})
await fsPromises.rm(path.join(packageDir, "node_modules", "automerge"), {recursive: true, force: true})
type SpawnResult = {
stdout?: Buffer,
stderr?: Buffer,
async function spawnAndWait(cmd: string, args: Array<string>, options: child_process.SpawnOptions): Promise<SpawnResult> {
const child = spawn(cmd, args, options)
let stdout = null
let stderr = null
if (child.stdout) {
stdout = []
child.stdout.on("data", data => stdout.push(data))
if (child.stderr) {
stderr = []
child.stderr.on("data", data => stderr.push(data))
const [exit, _signal] = await once(child, "exit")
if (exit && exit !== 0) {
throw new Error("nonzero exit code")
return {
stderr: stderr? Buffer.concat(stderr) : null,
stdout: stdout ? Buffer.concat(stdout) : null
* Remove a package from the verdaccio registry. This is necessary because we
* often want to _replace_ a version rather than update the version number.
* Obviously this is very bad and verboten in normal circumastances, but the
* whole point here is to be able to test the entire packaging story so it's
* okay I Promise.
async function removeFromVerdaccio(packageName: string) {
await fsPromises.rm(path.join(VERDACCIO_DB_PATH, packageName), {force: true, recursive: true})
async function yarnPublish(registryUrl: string, cwd: string) {
await spawnAndWait(
stdio: "inherit",
env: {
FORCE_COLOR: "true",
// This is a fake token, it just has to be the right format
npm_config__auth: "//localhost:4873/:_authToken=Gp2Mgxm4faa/7wp0dMSuRA=="
* Wait for a given delay to resolve a promise, throwing an error if the
* promise doesn't resolve with the timeout
* @param promise - the promise to wait for @param timeout - the delay in
* milliseconds to wait before throwing
async function withTimeout<T>(promise: Promise<T>, timeout: number): Promise<T> {
type Step = "timed-out" | {result: T}
const timedOut: () => Promise<Step> = async () => {
await setTimeout(timeout)
return "timed-out"
const succeeded: () => Promise<Step> = async () => {
const result = await promise
return {result}
const result = await Promise.race([timedOut(), succeeded()])
if (result === "timed-out") {
throw new Error("timed out")
} else {
return result.result