Alex Good de16adbcc5 Explicity create empty changes
Transactions with no ops in them are generally undesirable. They take up
space in the change log but do nothing else. They are not useless
though, it may occasionally be necessary to create an empty change in
order to list all the current heads of the document as dependents of the
empty change.

The current API makes no distinction between empty changes and non-empty
changes. If the user calls `Transaction::commit` a change is created
regardless of whether there are ops to commit. To provide a more useful
API modify `commit` so that if there is a no-op transaction then no
changes are created, but provide explicit methods to create an empty
change via `Transaction::empty_change`, `Automerge::empty_change` and
`Autocommit::empty_change`. Also make these APIs available in Javascript
and C.
2022-12-02 12:12:54 +00:00

229 lines
6.4 KiB

export type Actor = string;
export type ObjID = string;
export type Change = Uint8Array;
export type SyncMessage = Uint8Array;
export type Prop = string | number;
export type Hash = string;
export type Heads = Hash[];
export type Value = string | number | boolean | null | Date | Uint8Array
export type MaterializeValue = { [key:string]: MaterializeValue } | Array<MaterializeValue> | Value
export type ObjType = string | Array<ObjType | Value> | { [key: string]: ObjType | Value }
export type FullValue =
["str", string] |
["int", number] |
["uint", number] |
["f64", number] |
["boolean", boolean] |
["timestamp", Date] |
["counter", number] |
["bytes", Uint8Array] |
["null", null] |
["map", ObjID] |
["list", ObjID] |
["text", ObjID] |
["table", ObjID]
export type FullValueWithId =
["str", string, ObjID ] |
["int", number, ObjID ] |
["uint", number, ObjID ] |
["f64", number, ObjID ] |
["boolean", boolean, ObjID ] |
["timestamp", Date, ObjID ] |
["counter", number, ObjID ] |
["bytes", Uint8Array, ObjID ] |
["null", null, ObjID ] |
["map", ObjID ] |
["list", ObjID] |
["text", ObjID] |
["table", ObjID]
export enum ObjTypeName {
list = "list",
map = "map",
table = "table",
text = "text",
export type Datatype =
"boolean" |
"str" |
"int" |
"uint" |
"f64" |
"null" |
"timestamp" |
"counter" |
"bytes" |
"map" |
"text" |
export type SyncHave = {
lastSync: Heads,
bloom: Uint8Array,
export type DecodedSyncMessage = {
heads: Heads,
need: Heads,
have: SyncHave[]
changes: Change[]
export type DecodedChange = {
actor: Actor,
seq: number
startOp: number,
time: number,
message: string | null,
deps: Heads,
hash: Hash,
ops: Op[]
export type Op = {
action: string,
obj: ObjID,
key: string,
value?: string | number | boolean,
datatype?: string,
pred: string[],
export type Patch = PutPatch | DelPatch | SplicePatch | IncPatch;
export type PutPatch = {
action: 'put'
path: Prop[],
value: Value
conflict: boolean
export type IncPatch = {
action: 'put'
path: Prop[],
value: number
export type DelPatch = {
action: 'del'
path: Prop[],
length?: number,
export type SplicePatch = {
action: 'splice'
path: Prop[],
values: Value[],
export function create(actor?: Actor): Automerge;
export function load(data: Uint8Array, actor?: Actor): Automerge;
export function encodeChange(change: DecodedChange): Change;
export function decodeChange(change: Change): DecodedChange;
export function initSyncState(): SyncState;
export function encodeSyncMessage(message: DecodedSyncMessage): SyncMessage;
export function decodeSyncMessage(msg: SyncMessage): DecodedSyncMessage;
export function encodeSyncState(state: SyncState): Uint8Array;
export function decodeSyncState(data: Uint8Array): SyncState;
export function exportSyncState(state: SyncState): JsSyncState;
export function importSyncState(state: JsSyncState): SyncState;
export interface API {
create(actor?: Actor): Automerge;
load(data: Uint8Array, actor?: Actor): Automerge;
encodeChange(change: DecodedChange): Change;
decodeChange(change: Change): DecodedChange;
initSyncState(): SyncState;
encodeSyncMessage(message: DecodedSyncMessage): SyncMessage;
decodeSyncMessage(msg: SyncMessage): DecodedSyncMessage;
encodeSyncState(state: SyncState): Uint8Array;
decodeSyncState(data: Uint8Array): SyncState;
exportSyncState(state: SyncState): JsSyncState;
importSyncState(state: JsSyncState): SyncState;
export class Automerge {
// change state
put(obj: ObjID, prop: Prop, value: Value, datatype?: Datatype): void;
putObject(obj: ObjID, prop: Prop, value: ObjType): ObjID;
insert(obj: ObjID, index: number, value: Value, datatype?: Datatype): void;
insertObject(obj: ObjID, index: number, value: ObjType): ObjID;
push(obj: ObjID, value: Value, datatype?: Datatype): void;
pushObject(obj: ObjID, value: ObjType): ObjID;
splice(obj: ObjID, start: number, delete_count: number, text?: string | Array<Value>): ObjID[] | undefined;
increment(obj: ObjID, prop: Prop, value: number): void;
delete(obj: ObjID, prop: Prop): void;
// returns a single value - if there is a conflict return the winner
get(obj: ObjID, prop: Prop, heads?: Heads): Value | undefined;
getWithType(obj: ObjID, prop: Prop, heads?: Heads): FullValue | null;
// return all values in case of a conflict
getAll(obj: ObjID, arg: Prop, heads?: Heads): FullValueWithId[];
keys(obj: ObjID, heads?: Heads): string[];
text(obj: ObjID, heads?: Heads): string;
length(obj: ObjID, heads?: Heads): number;
materialize(obj?: ObjID, heads?: Heads, metadata?: unknown): MaterializeValue;
toJS(): MaterializeValue;
// transactions
commit(message?: string, time?: number): Hash | null;
emptyChange(message?: string, time?: number): Hash;
merge(other: Automerge): Heads;
getActorId(): Actor;
pendingOps(): number;
rollback(): number;
// patches
enablePatches(enable: boolean): boolean;
enableFreeze(enable: boolean): boolean;
registerDatatype(datatype: string, callback: Function): void;
popPatches(): Patch[];
// save and load to local store
save(): Uint8Array;
saveIncremental(): Uint8Array;
loadIncremental(data: Uint8Array): number;
// sync over network
receiveSyncMessage(state: SyncState, message: SyncMessage): void;
generateSyncMessage(state: SyncState): SyncMessage | null;
// low level change functions
applyChanges(changes: Change[]): void;
getChanges(have_deps: Heads): Change[];
getChangeByHash(hash: Hash): Change | null;
getChangesAdded(other: Automerge): Change[];
getHeads(): Heads;
getLastLocalChange(): Change | null;
getMissingDeps(heads?: Heads): Heads;
// memory management
free(): void; // only needed if weak-refs are unsupported
clone(actor?: string): Automerge; // TODO - remove, this is dangerous
fork(actor?: string, heads?: Heads): Automerge;
// dump internal state to console.log - for debugging
dump(): void;
// experimental api can go here
applyPatches<Doc>(obj: Doc, meta?: unknown, callback?: (patch: Patch, before: Doc, after: Doc) => void): Doc;
export interface JsSyncState {
sharedHeads: Heads;
lastSentHeads: Heads;
theirHeads: Heads | undefined;
theirHeed: Heads | undefined;
theirHave: SyncHave[] | undefined;
sentHashes: Heads;
export class SyncState {
free(): void;
clone(): SyncState;
lastSentHeads: Heads;
sentHashes: Heads;
readonly sharedHeads: Heads;