Alex Good dd3c6d1303
Move rust workspace into ./rust
After some discussion with PVH I realise that the repo structure in the
last reorg was very rust-centric. In an attempt to put each language on
a level footing move the rust code and project files into ./rust
2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00

227 lines
6.2 KiB

export type Actor = string;
export type ObjID = string;
export type Change = Uint8Array;
export type SyncMessage = Uint8Array;
export type Prop = string | number;
export type Hash = string;
export type Heads = Hash[];
export type Value = string | number | boolean | null | Date | Uint8Array
export type MaterializeValue = { [key:string]: MaterializeValue } | Array<MaterializeValue> | Value
export type ObjType = string | Array<ObjType | Value> | { [key: string]: ObjType | Value }
export type FullValue =
["str", string] |
["int", number] |
["uint", number] |
["f64", number] |
["boolean", boolean] |
["timestamp", Date] |
["counter", number] |
["bytes", Uint8Array] |
["null", null] |
["map", ObjID] |
["list", ObjID] |
["text", ObjID] |
["table", ObjID]
export type FullValueWithId =
["str", string, ObjID ] |
["int", number, ObjID ] |
["uint", number, ObjID ] |
["f64", number, ObjID ] |
["boolean", boolean, ObjID ] |
["timestamp", Date, ObjID ] |
["counter", number, ObjID ] |
["bytes", Uint8Array, ObjID ] |
["null", null, ObjID ] |
["map", ObjID ] |
["list", ObjID] |
["text", ObjID] |
["table", ObjID]
export enum ObjTypeName {
list = "list",
map = "map",
table = "table",
text = "text",
export type Datatype =
"boolean" |
"str" |
"int" |
"uint" |
"f64" |
"null" |
"timestamp" |
"counter" |
"bytes" |
"map" |
"text" |
export type SyncHave = {
lastSync: Heads,
bloom: Uint8Array,
export type DecodedSyncMessage = {
heads: Heads,
need: Heads,
have: SyncHave[]
changes: Change[]
export type DecodedChange = {
actor: Actor,
seq: number
startOp: number,
time: number,
message: string | null,
deps: Heads,
hash: Hash,
ops: Op[]
export type Op = {
action: string,
obj: ObjID,
key: string,
value?: string | number | boolean,
datatype?: string,
pred: string[],
export type Patch = PutPatch | DelPatch | SplicePatch | IncPatch;
export type PutPatch = {
action: 'put'
path: Prop[],
value: Value
conflict: boolean
export type IncPatch = {
action: 'put'
path: Prop[],
value: number
export type DelPatch = {
action: 'del'
path: Prop[],
length?: number,
export type SplicePatch = {
action: 'splice'
path: Prop[],
values: Value[],
export function create(actor?: Actor): Automerge;
export function load(data: Uint8Array, actor?: Actor): Automerge;
export function encodeChange(change: DecodedChange): Change;
export function decodeChange(change: Change): DecodedChange;
export function initSyncState(): SyncState;
export function encodeSyncMessage(message: DecodedSyncMessage): SyncMessage;
export function decodeSyncMessage(msg: SyncMessage): DecodedSyncMessage;
export function encodeSyncState(state: SyncState): Uint8Array;
export function decodeSyncState(data: Uint8Array): SyncState;
export function exportSyncState(state: SyncState): JsSyncState;
export function importSyncState(state: JsSyncState): SyncState;
export interface API {
create(actor?: Actor): Automerge;
load(data: Uint8Array, actor?: Actor): Automerge;
encodeChange(change: DecodedChange): Change;
decodeChange(change: Change): DecodedChange;
initSyncState(): SyncState;
encodeSyncMessage(message: DecodedSyncMessage): SyncMessage;
decodeSyncMessage(msg: SyncMessage): DecodedSyncMessage;
encodeSyncState(state: SyncState): Uint8Array;
decodeSyncState(data: Uint8Array): SyncState;
exportSyncState(state: SyncState): JsSyncState;
importSyncState(state: JsSyncState): SyncState;
export class Automerge {
// change state
put(obj: ObjID, prop: Prop, value: Value, datatype?: Datatype): void;
putObject(obj: ObjID, prop: Prop, value: ObjType): ObjID;
insert(obj: ObjID, index: number, value: Value, datatype?: Datatype): void;
insertObject(obj: ObjID, index: number, value: ObjType): ObjID;
push(obj: ObjID, value: Value, datatype?: Datatype): void;
pushObject(obj: ObjID, value: ObjType): ObjID;
splice(obj: ObjID, start: number, delete_count: number, text?: string | Array<Value>): ObjID[] | undefined;
increment(obj: ObjID, prop: Prop, value: number): void;
delete(obj: ObjID, prop: Prop): void;
// returns a single value - if there is a conflict return the winner
get(obj: ObjID, prop: Prop, heads?: Heads): Value | undefined;
getWithType(obj: ObjID, prop: Prop, heads?: Heads): FullValue | null;
// return all values in case of a conflict
getAll(obj: ObjID, arg: Prop, heads?: Heads): FullValueWithId[];
keys(obj: ObjID, heads?: Heads): string[];
text(obj: ObjID, heads?: Heads): string;
length(obj: ObjID, heads?: Heads): number;
materialize(obj?: ObjID, heads?: Heads): MaterializeValue;
// transactions
commit(message?: string, time?: number): Hash;
merge(other: Automerge): Heads;
getActorId(): Actor;
pendingOps(): number;
rollback(): number;
// patches
enablePatches(enable: boolean): void;
registerDatatype(datatype: string, callback: Function): void;
popPatches(): Patch[];
// save and load to local store
save(): Uint8Array;
saveIncremental(): Uint8Array;
loadIncremental(data: Uint8Array): number;
// sync over network
receiveSyncMessage(state: SyncState, message: SyncMessage): void;
generateSyncMessage(state: SyncState): SyncMessage | null;
// low level change functions
applyChanges(changes: Change[]): void;
getChanges(have_deps: Heads): Change[];
getChangeByHash(hash: Hash): Change | null;
getChangesAdded(other: Automerge): Change[];
getHeads(): Heads;
getLastLocalChange(): Change | null;
getMissingDeps(heads?: Heads): Heads;
// memory management
free(): void;
clone(actor?: string): Automerge;
fork(actor?: string): Automerge;
forkAt(heads: Heads, actor?: string): Automerge;
// dump internal state to console.log
dump(): void;
// experimental api can go here
applyPatches<Doc>(obj: Doc, meta?: unknown, callback?: (values: Value[]) => undefined): Doc;
export interface JsSyncState {
sharedHeads: Heads;
lastSentHeads: Heads;
theirHeads: Heads | undefined;
theirHeed: Heads | undefined;
theirHave: SyncHave[] | undefined;
sentHashes: Heads;
export class SyncState {
free(): void;
clone(): SyncState;
lastSentHeads: Heads;
sentHashes: Heads;
readonly sharedHeads: Heads;