Alex Good dd3c6d1303
Move rust workspace into ./rust
After some discussion with PVH I realise that the repo structure in the
last reorg was very rust-centric. In an attempt to put each language on
a level footing move the rust code and project files into ./rust
2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
benches Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
src Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
.gitignore Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
automerge-1.0.js Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
automerge-js.js Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
automerge-rs.js Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
automerge-wasm.js Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
baseline.js Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
Cargo.toml Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
editing-trace.js Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
edits.json Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
Makefile Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00
package.json Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00 Move rust workspace into ./rust 2022-10-16 19:55:51 +01:00

Edit trace benchmarks

Try the different editing traces on different automerge implementations

Automerge Experiement - pure rust

make rust


There are some criterion benchmarks in the benches folder which can be run with cargo bench or cargo criterion. For flamegraphing, cargo flamegraph --bench main -- --bench "save" # or "load" or "replay" or nothing can be useful.

Automerge Experiement - wasm api

make wasm

Automerge Experiment - JS wrapper

make js

Automerge 1.0 pure javascript - new fast backend

This assumes automerge has been checked out in a directory along side this repo

node automerge-1.0.js

Automerge 1.0 with rust backend

This assumes automerge has been checked out in a directory along side this repo

node automerge-rs.js

Baseline Test. Javascript Array with no CRDT info

make baseline