const e=Object.freeze({displayName:"Racket",name:"racket",patterns:[{include:"#comment"},{include:"#not-atom"},{include:"#atom"},{include:"#quote"},{match:"^#lang",name:"keyword.other.racket"}],repository:{args:{patterns:[{include:"#keyword"},{include:"#comment"},{include:"#default-args"},{match:"[^(\\#)\\[\\]{}\",'`;\\s][^()\\[\\]{}\",'`;\\s]*",name:"variable.parameter.racket"}]},argument:{patterns:[{begin:"(?x) (?<=[(\\[{]) \\s* (\\|)",beginCaptures:{1:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.begin.racket"}},contentName:"variable.parameter.racket",end:"\\|",endCaptures:{0:"punctuation.verbatim.end.racket"}},{begin:`(?x) (?<=[(\\[{]) \\s* (\\#% | \\\\\\ | [^\\#()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) `,beginCaptures:{1:{name:"variable.parameter.racket"}},contentName:"variable.parameter.racket",end:"(?=[()\\[\\]{}\",'`;\\s])",patterns:[{match:"\\\\ "},{begin:"\\|",beginCaptures:{0:"punctuation.verbatim.begin.racket"},end:"\\|",endCaptures:{0:"punctuation.verbatim.end.racket"}}]}]},"argument-struct":{patterns:[{begin:"(?x) (?<=[(\\[{]) \\s* (\\|)",beginCaptures:{1:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.begin.racket"}},contentName:"variable.other.member.racket",end:"\\|",endCaptures:{0:"punctuation.verbatim.end.racket"}},{begin:`(?x) (?<=[(\\[{]) \\s* (\\#% | \\\\\\ | [^\\#()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) `,beginCaptures:{1:{name:"variable.other.member.racket"}},contentName:"variable.other.member.racket",end:"(?=[()\\[\\]{}\",'`;\\s])",patterns:[{match:"\\\\ "},{begin:"\\|",beginCaptures:{0:"punctuation.verbatim.begin.racket"},end:"\\|",endCaptures:{0:"punctuation.verbatim.end.racket"}}]}]},atom:{patterns:[{include:"#bool"},{include:"#number"},{include:"#string"},{include:"#keyword"},{include:"#character"},{include:"#symbol"},{include:"#variable"}]},"base-string":{patterns:[{begin:'"',beginCaptures:{0:[{name:"punctuation.definition.string.begin.racket"}]},end:'"',endCaptures:{0:[{name:"punctuation.definition.string.end.racket"}]},name:"string.quoted.double.racket",patterns:[{include:"#escape-char"}]}]},binding:{patterns:[{begin:"(?x) (?<=[(\\[{]) \\s* (\\|)",beginCaptures:{1:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.begin.racket"}},contentName:"",end:"\\|",endCaptures:{0:"punctuation.verbatim.end.racket"}},{begin:`(?x) (?<=[(\\[{]) \\s* (\\#% | \\\\\\ | [^\\#()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) `,beginCaptures:{1:{name:""}},contentName:"",end:"(?=[()\\[\\]{}\",'`;\\s])",patterns:[{match:"\\\\ "},{begin:"\\|",beginCaptures:{0:"punctuation.verbatim.begin.racket"},end:"\\|",endCaptures:{0:"punctuation.verbatim.end.racket"}}]}]},bool:{patterns:[{match:`(?x) (?<=^|[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) \\# (?: [tT](?: rue)?|[fF](?: alse)?) (?=[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) `,name:"constant.language.racket"}]},"builtin-functions":{patterns:[{include:"#format"},{include:"#define"},{include:"#lambda"},{include:"#struct"},{captures:{1:{name:"support.function.racket"}},match:`(?x) (?<=$|[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) ( \\.\\.\\. | _ | syntax-id-rules | syntax-rules | \\#%app | \\#%datum | \\#%declare | \\#%expression | \\#%module-begin | \\#%plain-app | \\#%plain-lambda | \\#%plain-module-begin | \\#%printing-module-begin | \\#%provide | \\#%require | \\#%stratified-body | \\#%top | \\#%top-interaction | \\#%variable-reference | \\.\\.\\. | :do-in | => | _ | all-defined-out | all-from-out | and | apply | arity-at-least | begin | begin-for-syntax | begin0 | call-with-input-file | call-with-input-file\\* | call-with-output-file | call-with-output-file\\* | case | case-lambda | combine-in | combine-out | cond | date | date\\* | define | define-for-syntax | define-logger | define-namespace-anchor | define-sequence-syntax | define-struct | define-struct\\/derived | define-syntax | define-syntax-rule | define-syntaxes | define-values | define-values-for-syntax | do | else | except-in | except-out | exn | exn:break | exn:break:hang-up | exn:break:terminate | exn:fail | exn:fail:contract | exn:fail:contract:arity | exn:fail:contract:continuation | exn:fail:contract:divide-by-zero | exn:fail:contract:non-fixnum-result | exn:fail:contract:variable | exn:fail:filesystem | exn:fail:filesystem:errno | exn:fail:filesystem:exists | exn:fail:filesystem:missing-module | exn:fail:filesystem:version | exn:fail:network | exn:fail:network:errno | exn:fail:out-of-memory | exn:fail:read | exn:fail:read:eof | exn:fail:read:non-char | exn:fail:syntax | exn:fail:syntax:missing-module | exn:fail:syntax:unbound | exn:fail:unsupported | exn:fail:user | file | for | for\\* | for\\*\\/and | for\\*\\/first | for\\*\\/fold | for\\*\\/fold\\/derived | for\\*\\/hash | for\\*\\/hasheq | for\\*\\/hasheqv | for\\*\\/last | for\\*\\/list | for\\*\\/lists | for\\*\\/or | for\\*\\/product | for\\*\\/sum | for\\*\\/vector | for-label | for-meta | for-syntax | for-template | for\\/and | for\\/first | for\\/fold | for\\/fold\\/derived | for\\/hash | for\\/hasheq | for\\/hasheqv | for\\/last | for\\/list | for\\/lists | for\\/or | for\\/product | for\\/sum | for\\/vector | gen:custom-write | gen:equal\\+hash | if | in-bytes | in-bytes-lines | in-directory | in-hash | in-hash-keys | in-hash-pairs | in-hash-values | in-immutable-hash | in-immutable-hash-keys | in-immutable-hash-pairs | in-immutable-hash-values | in-indexed | in-input-port-bytes | in-input-port-chars | in-lines | in-list | in-mlist | in-mutable-hash | in-mutable-hash-keys | in-mutable-hash-pairs | in-mutable-hash-values | in-naturals | in-port | in-producer | in-range | in-string | in-value | in-vector | in-weak-hash | in-weak-hash-keys | in-weak-hash-pairs | in-weak-hash-values | lambda | let | let\\* | let\\*-values | let-syntax | let-syntaxes | let-values | let\\/cc | let\\/ec | letrec | letrec-syntax | letrec-syntaxes | letrec-syntaxes\\+values | letrec-values | lib | local-require | log-debug | log-error | log-fatal | log-info | log-warning | module | module\\* | module\\+ | only-in | only-meta-in | open-input-file | open-input-output-file | open-output-file | or | parameterize | parameterize\\* | parameterize-break | planet | prefix-in | prefix-out | protect-out | provide | quasiquote | quasisyntax | quasisyntax\\/loc | quote | quote-syntax | quote-syntax\\/prune | regexp-match\\* | regexp-match-peek-positions\\* | regexp-match-positions\\* | relative-in | rename-in | rename-out | require | set! | set!-values | sort | srcloc | struct | struct-copy | struct-field-index | struct-out | submod | syntax | syntax-case | syntax-case\\* | syntax-id-rules | syntax-rules | syntax\\/loc | time | unless | unquote | unquote-splicing | unsyntax | unsyntax-splicing | when | with-continuation-mark | with-handlers | with-handlers\\* | with-input-from-file | with-output-to-file | with-syntax | λ | \\#%app | \\#%datum | \\#%declare | \\#%expression | \\#%module-begin | \\#%plain-app | \\#%plain-lambda | \\#%plain-module-begin | \\#%printing-module-begin | \\#%provide | \\#%require | \\#%stratified-body | \\#%top | \\#%top-interaction | \\#%variable-reference | -> | ->\\* | ->\\*m | ->d | ->dm | ->i | ->m | \\.\\.\\. | :do-in | <=\\/c | =\\/c | == | => | >=\\/c | _ | absent | abstract | add-between | all-defined-out | all-from-out | and | and\\/c | any | any\\/c | apply | arity-at-least | arrow-contract-info | augment | augment\\* | augment-final | augment-final\\* | augride | augride\\* | bad-number-of-results | begin | begin-for-syntax | begin0 | between\\/c | blame-add-context | box-immutable\\/c | box\\/c | call-with-atomic-output-file | call-with-file-lock\\/timeout | call-with-input-file | call-with-input-file\\* | call-with-output-file | call-with-output-file\\* | case | case-> | case->m | case-lambda | channel\\/c | char-in\\/c | check-duplicates | class | class\\* | class-field-accessor | class-field-mutator | class\\/c | class\\/derived | combine-in | combine-out | command-line | compound-unit | compound-unit\\/infer | cond | cons\\/c | cons\\/dc | continuation-mark-key\\/c | contract | contract-exercise | contract-out | contract-struct | contracted | copy-directory\\/files | current-contract-region | date | date\\* | define | define-compound-unit | define-compound-unit\\/infer | define-contract-struct | define-custom-hash-types | define-custom-set-types | define-for-syntax | define-local-member-name | define-logger | define-match-expander | define-member-name | define-module-boundary-contract | define-namespace-anchor | define-opt\\/c | define-sequence-syntax | define-serializable-class | define-serializable-class\\* | define-signature | define-signature-form | define-struct | define-struct\\/contract | define-struct\\/derived | define-syntax | define-syntax-rule | define-syntaxes | define-unit | define-unit-binding | define-unit-from-context | define-unit\\/contract | define-unit\\/new-import-export | define-unit\\/s | define-values | define-values-for-export | define-values-for-syntax | define-values\\/invoke-unit | define-values\\/invoke-unit\\/infer | define\\/augment | define\\/augment-final | define\\/augride | define\\/contract | define\\/final-prop | define\\/match | define\\/overment | define\\/override | define\\/override-final | define\\/private | define\\/public | define\\/public-final | define\\/pubment | define\\/subexpression-pos-prop | define\\/subexpression-pos-prop\\/name | delay | delay\\/idle | delay\\/name | delay\\/strict | delay\\/sync | delay\\/thread | delete-directory\\/files | dict->list | dict-can-functional-set\\? | dict-can-remove-keys\\? | dict-clear | dict-clear! | dict-copy | dict-count | dict-empty\\? | dict-for-each | dict-has-key\\? | dict-implements\\/c | dict-implements\\? | dict-iterate-first | dict-iterate-key | dict-iterate-next | dict-iterate-value | dict-keys | dict-map | dict-mutable\\? | dict-ref | dict-ref! | dict-remove | dict-remove! | dict-set | dict-set! | dict-set\\* | dict-set\\*! | dict-update | dict-update! | dict-values | dict\\? | display-lines | display-lines-to-file | display-to-file | do | dynamic->\\* | dynamic-place | dynamic-place\\* | else | eof-evt | except | except-in | except-out | exn | exn:break | exn:break:hang-up | exn:break:terminate | exn:fail | exn:fail:contract | exn:fail:contract:arity | exn:fail:contract:blame | exn:fail:contract:continuation | exn:fail:contract:divide-by-zero | exn:fail:contract:non-fixnum-result | exn:fail:contract:variable | exn:fail:filesystem | exn:fail:filesystem:errno | exn:fail:filesystem:exists | exn:fail:filesystem:missing-module | exn:fail:filesystem:version | exn:fail:network | exn:fail:network:errno | exn:fail:object | exn:fail:out-of-memory | exn:fail:read | exn:fail:read:eof | exn:fail:read:non-char | exn:fail:syntax | exn:fail:syntax:missing-module | exn:fail:syntax:unbound | exn:fail:unsupported | exn:fail:user | export | extends | failure-cont | field | field-bound\\? | file | file->bytes | file->bytes-lines | file->lines | file->list | file->string | file->value | find-files | find-relative-path | first-or\\/c | flat-contract-with-explanation | flat-murec-contract | flat-rec-contract | for | for\\* | for\\*\\/and | for\\*\\/async | for\\*\\/first | for\\*\\/fold | for\\*\\/fold\\/derived | for\\*\\/hash | for\\*\\/hasheq | for\\*\\/hasheqv | for\\*\\/last | for\\*\\/list | for\\*\\/lists | for\\*\\/mutable-set | for\\*\\/mutable-seteq | for\\*\\/mutable-seteqv | for\\*\\/or | for\\*\\/product | for\\*\\/set | for\\*\\/seteq | for\\*\\/seteqv | for\\*\\/stream | for\\*\\/sum | for\\*\\/vector | for\\*\\/weak-set | for\\*\\/weak-seteq | for\\*\\/weak-seteqv | for-label | for-meta | for-syntax | for-template | for\\/and | for\\/async | for\\/first | for\\/fold | for\\/fold\\/derived | for\\/hash | for\\/hasheq | for\\/hasheqv | for\\/last | for\\/list | for\\/lists | for\\/mutable-set | for\\/mutable-seteq | for\\/mutable-seteqv | for\\/or | for\\/product | for\\/set | for\\/seteq | for\\/seteqv | for\\/stream | for\\/sum | for\\/vector | for\\/weak-set | for\\/weak-seteq | for\\/weak-seteqv | gen:custom-write | gen:dict | gen:equal\\+hash | gen:set | gen:stream | generic | get-field | get-preference | hash\\/c | hash\\/dc | if | implies | import | in-bytes | in-bytes-lines | in-dict | in-dict-keys | in-dict-values | in-directory | in-hash | in-hash-keys | in-hash-pairs | in-hash-values | in-immutable-hash | in-immutable-hash-keys | in-immutable-hash-pairs | in-immutable-hash-values | in-immutable-set | in-indexed | in-input-port-bytes | in-input-port-chars | in-lines | in-list | in-mlist | in-mutable-hash | in-mutable-hash-keys | in-mutable-hash-pairs | in-mutable-hash-values | in-mutable-set | in-naturals | in-port | in-producer | in-range | in-set | in-slice | in-stream | in-string | in-syntax | in-value | in-vector | in-weak-hash | in-weak-hash-keys | in-weak-hash-pairs | in-weak-hash-values | in-weak-set | include | include-at\\/relative-to | include-at\\/relative-to\\/reader | include\\/reader | inherit | inherit-field | inherit\\/inner | inherit\\/super | init | init-depend | init-field | init-rest | inner | inspect | instantiate | integer-in | interface | interface\\* | invariant-assertion | invoke-unit | invoke-unit\\/infer | lambda | lazy | let | let\\* | let\\*-values | let-syntax | let-syntaxes | let-values | let\\/cc | let\\/ec | letrec | letrec-syntax | letrec-syntaxes | letrec-syntaxes\\+values | letrec-values | lib | link | list\\*of | list\\/c | listof | local | local-require | log-debug | log-error | log-fatal | log-info | log-warning | make-custom-hash | make-custom-hash-types | make-custom-set | make-custom-set-types | make-handle-get-preference-locked | make-immutable-custom-hash | make-mutable-custom-set | make-object | make-temporary-file | make-weak-custom-hash | make-weak-custom-set | match | match\\* | match\\*\\/derived | match-define | match-define-values | match-lambda | match-lambda\\* | match-lambda\\*\\* | match-let | match-let\\* | match-let\\*-values | match-let-values | match-letrec | match-letrec-values | match\\/derived | match\\/values | member-name-key | mixin | module | module\\* | module\\+ | nand | new | new-∀\\/c | new-∃\\/c | non-empty-listof | none\\/c | nor | not\\/c | object-contract | object\\/c | one-of\\/c | only | only-in | only-meta-in | open | open-input-file | open-input-output-file | open-output-file | opt\\/c | or | or\\/c | overment | overment\\* | override | override\\* | override-final | override-final\\* | parameter\\/c | parameterize | parameterize\\* | parameterize-break | parametric->\\/c | pathlist-closure | peek-bytes!-evt | peek-bytes-avail!-evt | peek-bytes-evt | peek-string!-evt | peek-string-evt | peeking-input-port | place | place\\* | place\\/context | planet | port->bytes | port->bytes-lines | port->lines | port->string | prefix | prefix-in | prefix-out | pretty-format | private | private\\* | procedure-arity-includes\\/c | process | process\\* | process\\*\\/ports | process\\/ports | promise\\/c | prompt-tag\\/c | prop:dict\\/contract | protect-out | provide | provide-signature-elements | provide\\/contract | public | public\\* | public-final | public-final\\* | pubment | pubment\\* | quasiquote | quasisyntax | quasisyntax\\/loc | quote | quote-syntax | quote-syntax\\/prune | raise-blame-error | raise-not-cons-blame-error | range | read-bytes!-evt | read-bytes-avail!-evt | read-bytes-evt | read-bytes-line-evt | read-line-evt | read-string!-evt | read-string-evt | real-in | recontract-out | recursive-contract | regexp-match\\* | regexp-match-evt | regexp-match-peek-positions\\* | regexp-match-positions\\* | relative-in | relocate-input-port | relocate-output-port | remove-duplicates | rename | rename-in | rename-inner | rename-out | rename-super | require | send | send\\* | send\\+ | send-generic | send\\/apply | send\\/keyword-apply | sequence\\/c | set! | set!-values | set-field! | set\\/c | shared | sort | srcloc | stream | stream\\* | stream-cons | string-join | string-len\\/c | string-normalize-spaces | string-replace | string-split | string-trim | struct | struct\\* | struct-copy | struct-field-index | struct-out | struct\\/c | struct\\/ctc | struct\\/dc | submod | super | super-instantiate | super-make-object | super-new | symbols | syntax | syntax-case | syntax-case\\* | syntax-id-rules | syntax-rules | syntax\\/c | syntax\\/loc | system | system\\* | system\\*\\/exit-code | system\\/exit-code | tag | this | this% | thunk | thunk\\* | time | transplant-input-port | transplant-output-port | unconstrained-domain-> | unit | unit-from-context | unit\\/c | unit\\/new-import-export | unit\\/s | unless | unquote | unquote-splicing | unsyntax | unsyntax-splicing | values\\/drop | vector-immutable\\/c | vector-immutableof | vector-sort | vector-sort! | vector\\/c | vectorof | when | with-continuation-mark | with-contract | with-contract-continuation-mark | with-handlers | with-handlers\\* | with-input-from-file | with-method | with-output-to-file | with-syntax | wrapped-extra-arg-arrow | write-to-file | ~\\.a | ~\\.s | ~\\.v | ~a | ~e | ~r | ~s | ~v | λ | expand-for-clause | for-clause-syntax-protect | syntax-pattern-variable\\? | \\* | \\+ | - | \\/ | < | <= | = | > | >= | abort-current-continuation | abs | absolute-path\\? | acos | add1 | alarm-evt | always-evt | andmap | angle | append | arithmetic-shift | arity-at-least-value | arity-at-least\\? | asin | assf | assoc | assq | assv | atan | banner | bitwise-and | bitwise-bit-field | bitwise-bit-set\\? | bitwise-ior | bitwise-not | bitwise-xor | boolean\\? | bound-identifier=\\? | box | box-cas! | box-immutable | box\\? | break-enabled | break-parameterization\\? | break-thread | build-list | build-path | build-path\\/convention-type | build-string | build-vector | byte-pregexp | byte-pregexp\\? | byte-ready\\? | byte-regexp | byte-regexp\\? | byte\\? | bytes | bytes->immutable-bytes | bytes->list | bytes->path | bytes->path-element | bytes->string\\/latin-1 | bytes->string\\/locale | bytes->string\\/utf-8 | bytes-append | bytes-close-converter | bytes-convert | bytes-convert-end | bytes-converter\\? | bytes-copy | bytes-copy! | bytes-environment-variable-name\\? | bytes-fill! | bytes-length | bytes-open-converter | bytes-ref | bytes-set! | bytes-utf-8-index | bytes-utf-8-length | bytes-utf-8-ref | bytes<\\? | bytes=\\? | bytes>\\? | bytes\\? | caaaar | caaadr | caaar | caadar | caaddr | caadr | caar | cadaar | cadadr | cadar | caddar | cadddr | caddr | cadr | call-in-nested-thread | call-with-break-parameterization | call-with-composable-continuation | call-with-continuation-barrier | call-with-continuation-prompt | call-with-current-continuation | call-with-default-reading-parameterization | call-with-escape-continuation | call-with-exception-handler | call-with-immediate-continuation-mark | call-with-parameterization | call-with-semaphore | call-with-semaphore\\/enable-break | call-with-values | call\\/cc | call\\/ec | car | cdaaar | cdaadr | cdaar | cdadar | cdaddr | cdadr | cdar | cddaar | cddadr | cddar | cdddar | cddddr | cdddr | cddr | cdr | ceiling | channel-get | channel-put | channel-put-evt | channel-put-evt\\? | channel-try-get | channel\\? | chaperone-box | chaperone-channel | chaperone-continuation-mark-key | chaperone-evt | chaperone-hash | chaperone-of\\? | chaperone-procedure | chaperone-procedure\\* | chaperone-prompt-tag | chaperone-struct | chaperone-struct-type | chaperone-vector | chaperone-vector\\* | chaperone\\? | char->integer | char-alphabetic\\? | char-blank\\? | char-ci<=\\? | char-ci<\\? | char-ci=\\? | char-ci>=\\? | char-ci>\\? | char-downcase | char-foldcase | char-general-category | char-graphic\\? | char-iso-control\\? | char-lower-case\\? | char-numeric\\? | char-punctuation\\? | char-ready\\? | char-symbolic\\? | char-title-case\\? | char-titlecase | char-upcase | char-upper-case\\? | char-utf-8-length | char-whitespace\\? | char<=\\? | char<\\? | char=\\? | char>=\\? | char>\\? | char\\? | check-duplicate-identifier | check-tail-contract | checked-procedure-check-and-extract | choice-evt | cleanse-path | close-input-port | close-output-port | collect-garbage | collection-file-path | collection-path | compile | compile-allow-set!-undefined | compile-context-preservation-enabled | compile-enforce-module-constants | compile-syntax | compiled-expression-recompile | compiled-expression\\? | compiled-module-expression\\? | complete-path\\? | complex\\? | compose | compose1 | cons | continuation-mark-key\\? | continuation-mark-set->context | continuation-mark-set->list | continuation-mark-set->list\\* | continuation-mark-set-first | continuation-mark-set\\? | continuation-marks | continuation-prompt-available\\? | continuation-prompt-tag\\? | continuation\\? | copy-file | cos | current-break-parameterization | current-code-inspector | current-command-line-arguments | current-compile | current-compiled-file-roots | current-continuation-marks | current-custodian | current-directory | current-directory-for-user | current-drive | current-environment-variables | current-error-port | current-eval | current-evt-pseudo-random-generator | current-force-delete-permissions | current-gc-milliseconds | current-get-interaction-input-port | current-inexact-milliseconds | current-input-port | current-inspector | current-library-collection-links | current-library-collection-paths | current-load | current-load-extension | current-load-relative-directory | current-load\\/use-compiled | current-locale | current-logger | current-memory-use | current-milliseconds | current-module-declare-name | current-module-declare-source | current-module-name-resolver | current-module-path-for-load | current-namespace | current-output-port | current-parameterization | current-plumber | current-preserved-thread-cell-values | current-print | current-process-milliseconds | current-prompt-read | current-pseudo-random-generator | current-read-interaction | current-reader-guard | current-readtable | current-seconds | current-security-guard | current-subprocess-custodian-mode | current-thread | current-thread-group | current-thread-initial-stack-size | current-write-relative-directory | custodian-box-value | custodian-box\\? | custodian-limit-memory | custodian-managed-list | custodian-memory-accounting-available\\? | custodian-require-memory | custodian-shut-down\\? | custodian-shutdown-all | custodian\\? | custom-print-quotable-accessor | custom-print-quotable\\? | custom-write-accessor | custom-write\\? | date\\*-nanosecond | date\\*-time-zone-name | date\\*\\? | date-day | date-dst\\? | date-hour | date-minute | date-month | date-second | date-time-zone-offset | date-week-day | date-year | date-year-day | date\\? | datum->syntax | datum-intern-literal | default-continuation-prompt-tag | delete-directory | delete-file | denominator | directory-exists\\? | directory-list | display | displayln | double-flonum\\? | dump-memory-stats | dynamic-require | dynamic-require-for-syntax | dynamic-wind | environment-variables-copy | environment-variables-names | environment-variables-ref | environment-variables-set! | environment-variables\\? | eof | eof-object\\? | ephemeron-value | ephemeron\\? | eprintf | eq-hash-code | eq\\? | equal-hash-code | equal-secondary-hash-code | equal\\? | equal\\?\\/recur | eqv-hash-code | eqv\\? | error | error-display-handler | error-escape-handler | error-print-context-length | error-print-source-location | error-print-width | error-value->string-handler | eval | eval-jit-enabled | eval-syntax | even\\? | evt\\? | exact->inexact | exact-integer\\? | exact-nonnegative-integer\\? | exact-positive-integer\\? | exact\\? | executable-yield-handler | exit | exit-handler | exn-continuation-marks | exn-message | exn:break-continuation | exn:break:hang-up\\? | exn:break:terminate\\? | exn:break\\? | exn:fail:contract:arity\\? | exn:fail:contract:continuation\\? | exn:fail:contract:divide-by-zero\\? | exn:fail:contract:non-fixnum-result\\? | exn:fail:contract:variable-id | exn:fail:contract:variable\\? | exn:fail:contract\\? | exn:fail:filesystem:errno-errno | exn:fail:filesystem:errno\\? | exn:fail:filesystem:exists\\? | exn:fail:filesystem:missing-module-path | exn:fail:filesystem:missing-module\\? | exn:fail:filesystem:version\\? | exn:fail:filesystem\\? | exn:fail:network:errno-errno | exn:fail:network:errno\\? | exn:fail:network\\? | exn:fail:out-of-memory\\? | exn:fail:read-srclocs | exn:fail:read:eof\\? | exn:fail:read:non-char\\? | exn:fail:read\\? | exn:fail:syntax-exprs | exn:fail:syntax:missing-module-path | exn:fail:syntax:missing-module\\? | exn:fail:syntax:unbound\\? | exn:fail:syntax\\? | exn:fail:unsupported\\? | exn:fail:user\\? | exn:fail\\? | exn:missing-module-accessor | exn:missing-module\\? | exn:srclocs-accessor | exn:srclocs\\? | exn\\? | exp | expand | expand-for-clause | expand-once | expand-syntax | expand-syntax-once | expand-syntax-to-top-form | expand-to-top-form | expand-user-path | explode-path | expt | file-exists\\? | file-or-directory-identity | file-or-directory-modify-seconds | file-or-directory-permissions | file-position | file-position\\* | file-size | file-stream-buffer-mode | file-stream-port\\? | file-truncate | filesystem-change-evt | filesystem-change-evt-cancel | filesystem-change-evt\\? | filesystem-root-list | filter | find-executable-path | find-library-collection-links | find-library-collection-paths | find-system-path | findf | fixnum\\? | floating-point-bytes->real | flonum\\? | floor | flush-output | foldl | foldr | for-clause-syntax-protect | for-each | format | fprintf | free-identifier=\\? | free-label-identifier=\\? | free-template-identifier=\\? | free-transformer-identifier=\\? | gcd | generate-temporaries | gensym | get-output-bytes | get-output-string | getenv | global-port-print-handler | guard-evt | handle-evt | handle-evt\\? | hash | hash->list | hash-clear | hash-clear! | hash-copy | hash-copy-clear | hash-count | hash-empty\\? | hash-eq\\? | hash-equal\\? | hash-eqv\\? | hash-for-each | hash-has-key\\? | hash-iterate-first | hash-iterate-key | hash-iterate-key\\+value | hash-iterate-next | hash-iterate-pair | hash-iterate-value | hash-keys | hash-keys-subset\\? | hash-map | hash-placeholder\\? | hash-ref | hash-ref! | hash-remove | hash-remove! | hash-set | hash-set! | hash-set\\* | hash-set\\*! | hash-update | hash-update! | hash-values | hash-weak\\? | hash\\? | hasheq | hasheqv | identifier-binding | identifier-binding-symbol | identifier-label-binding | identifier-prune-lexical-context | identifier-prune-to-source-module | identifier-remove-from-definition-context | identifier-template-binding | identifier-transformer-binding | identifier\\? | imag-part | immutable\\? | impersonate-box | impersonate-channel | impersonate-continuation-mark-key | impersonate-hash | impersonate-procedure | impersonate-procedure\\* | impersonate-prompt-tag | impersonate-struct | impersonate-vector | impersonate-vector\\* | impersonator-ephemeron | impersonator-of\\? | impersonator-prop:application-mark | impersonator-property-accessor-procedure\\? | impersonator-property\\? | impersonator\\? | in-cycle | in-parallel | in-sequences | in-values\\*-sequence | in-values-sequence | inexact->exact | inexact-real\\? | inexact\\? | input-port\\? | inspector-superior\\? | inspector\\? | integer->char | integer->integer-bytes | integer-bytes->integer | integer-length | integer-sqrt | integer-sqrt\\/remainder | integer\\? | internal-definition-context-binding-identifiers | internal-definition-context-introduce | internal-definition-context-seal | internal-definition-context\\? | keyword->string | keyword-apply | keyword<\\? | keyword\\? | kill-thread | lcm | legacy-match-expander\\? | length | liberal-define-context\\? | link-exists\\? | list | list\\* | list->bytes | list->string | list->vector | list-ref | list-tail | list\\? | load | load-extension | load-on-demand-enabled | load-relative | load-relative-extension | load\\/cd | load\\/use-compiled | local-expand | local-expand\\/capture-lifts | local-transformer-expand | local-transformer-expand\\/capture-lifts | locale-string-encoding | log | log-all-levels | log-level-evt | log-level\\? | log-max-level | log-message | log-receiver\\? | logger-name | logger\\? | magnitude | make-arity-at-least | make-base-empty-namespace | make-base-namespace | make-bytes | make-channel | make-continuation-mark-key | make-continuation-prompt-tag | make-custodian | make-custodian-box | make-date | make-date\\* | make-derived-parameter | make-directory | make-do-sequence | make-empty-namespace | make-environment-variables | make-ephemeron | make-exn | make-exn:break | make-exn:break:hang-up | make-exn:break:terminate | make-exn:fail | make-exn:fail:contract | make-exn:fail:contract:arity | make-exn:fail:contract:continuation | make-exn:fail:contract:divide-by-zero | make-exn:fail:contract:non-fixnum-result | make-exn:fail:contract:variable | make-exn:fail:filesystem | make-exn:fail:filesystem:errno | make-exn:fail:filesystem:exists | make-exn:fail:filesystem:missing-module | make-exn:fail:filesystem:version | make-exn:fail:network | make-exn:fail:network:errno | make-exn:fail:out-of-memory | make-exn:fail:read | make-exn:fail:read:eof | make-exn:fail:read:non-char | make-exn:fail:syntax | make-exn:fail:syntax:missing-module | make-exn:fail:syntax:unbound | make-exn:fail:unsupported | make-exn:fail:user | make-file-or-directory-link | make-hash | make-hash-placeholder | make-hasheq | make-hasheq-placeholder | make-hasheqv | make-hasheqv-placeholder | make-immutable-hash | make-immutable-hasheq | make-immutable-hasheqv | make-impersonator-property | make-input-port | make-inspector | make-keyword-procedure | make-known-char-range-list | make-log-receiver | make-logger | make-output-port | make-parameter | make-phantom-bytes | make-pipe | make-placeholder | make-plumber | make-polar | make-prefab-struct | make-pseudo-random-generator | make-reader-graph | make-readtable | make-rectangular | make-rename-transformer | make-resolved-module-path | make-security-guard | make-semaphore | make-set!-transformer | make-shared-bytes | make-sibling-inspector | make-special-comment | make-srcloc | make-string | make-struct-field-accessor | make-struct-field-mutator | make-struct-type | make-struct-type-property | make-syntax-delta-introducer | make-syntax-introducer | make-thread-cell | make-thread-group | make-vector | make-weak-box | make-weak-hash | make-weak-hasheq | make-weak-hasheqv | make-will-executor | map | match-\\.\\.\\.-nesting | match-expander\\? | max | mcar | mcdr | mcons | member | memf | memq | memv | min | module->exports | module->imports | module->indirect-exports | module->language-info | module->namespace | module-compiled-cross-phase-persistent\\? | module-compiled-exports | module-compiled-imports | module-compiled-indirect-exports | module-compiled-language-info | module-compiled-name | module-compiled-submodules | module-declared\\? | module-path-index-join | module-path-index-resolve | module-path-index-split | module-path-index-submodule | module-path-index\\? | module-path\\? | module-predefined\\? | module-provide-protected\\? | modulo | mpair\\? | nack-guard-evt | namespace-anchor->empty-namespace | namespace-anchor->namespace | namespace-anchor\\? | namespace-attach-module | namespace-attach-module-declaration | namespace-base-phase | namespace-mapped-symbols | namespace-module-identifier | namespace-module-registry | namespace-require | namespace-require\\/constant | namespace-require\\/copy | namespace-require\\/expansion-time | namespace-set-variable-value! | namespace-symbol->identifier | namespace-syntax-introduce | namespace-undefine-variable! | namespace-unprotect-module | namespace-variable-value | namespace\\? | negative\\? | never-evt | newline | normal-case-path | not | null | null\\? | number->string | number\\? | numerator | object-name | odd\\? | open-input-bytes | open-input-string | open-output-bytes | open-output-string | ormap | output-port\\? | pair\\? | parameter-procedure=\\? | parameter\\? | parameterization\\? | parse-leftover->\\* | path->bytes | path->complete-path | path->directory-path | path->string | path-add-extension | path-add-suffix | path-convention-type | path-element->bytes | path-element->string | path-for-some-system\\? | path-list-string->path-list | path-replace-extension | path-replace-suffix | path-string\\? | path<\\? | path\\? | peek-byte | peek-byte-or-special | peek-bytes | peek-bytes! | peek-bytes-avail! | peek-bytes-avail!\\* | peek-bytes-avail!\\/enable-break | peek-char | peek-char-or-special | peek-string | peek-string! | phantom-bytes\\? | pipe-content-length | placeholder-get | placeholder-set! | placeholder\\? | plumber-add-flush! | plumber-flush-all | plumber-flush-handle-remove! | plumber-flush-handle\\? | plumber\\? | poll-guard-evt | port-closed-evt | port-closed\\? | port-commit-peeked | port-count-lines! | port-count-lines-enabled | port-counts-lines\\? | port-display-handler | port-file-identity | port-file-unlock | port-next-location | port-print-handler | port-progress-evt | port-provides-progress-evts\\? | port-read-handler | port-try-file-lock\\? | port-write-handler | port-writes-atomic\\? | port-writes-special\\? | port\\? | positive\\? | prefab-key->struct-type | prefab-key\\? | prefab-struct-key | pregexp | pregexp\\? | primitive-closure\\? | primitive-result-arity | primitive\\? | print | print-as-expression | print-boolean-long-form | print-box | print-graph | print-hash-table | print-mpair-curly-braces | print-pair-curly-braces | print-reader-abbreviations | print-struct | print-syntax-width | print-unreadable | print-vector-length | printf | println | procedure->method | procedure-arity | procedure-arity-includes\\? | procedure-arity\\? | procedure-closure-contents-eq\\? | procedure-extract-target | procedure-impersonator\\*\\? | procedure-keywords | procedure-reduce-arity | procedure-reduce-keyword-arity | procedure-rename | procedure-result-arity | procedure-specialize | procedure-struct-type\\? | procedure\\? | progress-evt\\? | prop:arity-string | prop:authentic | prop:checked-procedure | prop:custom-print-quotable | prop:custom-write | prop:equal\\+hash | prop:evt | prop:exn:missing-module | prop:exn:srclocs | prop:expansion-contexts | prop:impersonator-of | prop:input-port | prop:legacy-match-expander | prop:liberal-define-context | prop:match-expander | prop:object-name | prop:output-port | prop:procedure | prop:rename-transformer | prop:sequence | prop:set!-transformer | pseudo-random-generator->vector | pseudo-random-generator-vector\\? | pseudo-random-generator\\? | putenv | quotient | quotient\\/remainder | raise | raise-argument-error | raise-arguments-error | raise-arity-error | raise-mismatch-error | raise-range-error | raise-result-error | raise-syntax-error | raise-type-error | raise-user-error | random | random-seed | rational\\? | rationalize | read | read-accept-bar-quote | read-accept-box | read-accept-compiled | read-accept-dot | read-accept-graph | read-accept-infix-dot | read-accept-lang | read-accept-quasiquote | read-accept-reader | read-byte | read-byte-or-special | read-bytes | read-bytes! | read-bytes-avail! | read-bytes-avail!\\* | read-bytes-avail!\\/enable-break | read-bytes-line | read-case-sensitive | read-cdot | read-char | read-char-or-special | read-curly-brace-as-paren | read-curly-brace-with-tag | read-decimal-as-inexact | read-eval-print-loop | read-language | read-line | read-on-demand-source | read-square-bracket-as-paren | read-square-bracket-with-tag | read-string | read-string! | read-syntax | read-syntax\\/recursive | read\\/recursive | readtable-mapping | readtable\\? | real->decimal-string | real->double-flonum | real->floating-point-bytes | real->single-flonum | real-part | real\\? | regexp | regexp-match | regexp-match-exact\\? | regexp-match-peek | regexp-match-peek-immediate | regexp-match-peek-positions | regexp-match-peek-positions-immediate | regexp-match-peek-positions-immediate\\/end | regexp-match-peek-positions\\/end | regexp-match-positions | regexp-match-positions\\/end | regexp-match\\/end | regexp-match\\? | regexp-max-lookbehind | regexp-quote | regexp-replace | regexp-replace\\* | regexp-replace-quote | regexp-replaces | regexp-split | regexp-try-match | regexp\\? | relative-path\\? | remainder | remove | remove\\* | remq | remq\\* | remv | remv\\* | rename-file-or-directory | rename-transformer-target | rename-transformer\\? | replace-evt | reroot-path | resolve-path | resolved-module-path-name | resolved-module-path\\? | reverse | round | seconds->date | security-guard\\? | semaphore-peek-evt | semaphore-peek-evt\\? | semaphore-post | semaphore-try-wait\\? | semaphore-wait | semaphore-wait\\/enable-break | semaphore\\? | sequence->stream | sequence-generate | sequence-generate\\* | sequence\\? | set!-transformer-procedure | set!-transformer\\? | set-box! | set-mcar! | set-mcdr! | set-phantom-bytes! | set-port-next-location! | shared-bytes | shell-execute | simplify-path | sin | single-flonum\\? | sleep | special-comment-value | special-comment\\? | split-path | sqrt | srcloc->string | srcloc-column | srcloc-line | srcloc-position | srcloc-source | srcloc-span | srcloc\\? | stop-after | stop-before | string | string->bytes\\/latin-1 | string->bytes\\/locale | string->bytes\\/utf-8 | string->immutable-string | string->keyword | string->list | string->number | string->path | string->path-element | string->symbol | string->uninterned-symbol | string->unreadable-symbol | string-append | string-ci<=\\? | string-ci<\\? | string-ci=\\? | string-ci>=\\? | string-ci>\\? | string-copy | string-copy! | string-downcase | string-environment-variable-name\\? | string-fill! | string-foldcase | string-length | string-locale-ci<\\? | string-locale-ci=\\? | string-locale-ci>\\? | string-locale-downcase | string-locale-upcase | string-locale<\\? | string-locale=\\? | string-locale>\\? | string-normalize-nfc | string-normalize-nfd | string-normalize-nfkc | string-normalize-nfkd | string-port\\? | string-ref | string-set! | string-titlecase | string-upcase | string-utf-8-length | string<=\\? | string<\\? | string=\\? | string>=\\? | string>\\? | string\\? | struct->vector | struct-accessor-procedure\\? | struct-constructor-procedure\\? | struct-info | struct-mutator-procedure\\? | struct-predicate-procedure\\? | struct-type-info | struct-type-make-constructor | struct-type-make-predicate | struct-type-property-accessor-procedure\\? | struct-type-property\\? | struct-type\\? | struct:arity-at-least | struct:date | struct:date\\* | struct:exn | struct:exn:break | struct:exn:break:hang-up | struct:exn:break:terminate | struct:exn:fail | struct:exn:fail:contract | struct:exn:fail:contract:arity | struct:exn:fail:contract:continuation | struct:exn:fail:contract:divide-by-zero | struct:exn:fail:contract:non-fixnum-result | struct:exn:fail:contract:variable | struct:exn:fail:filesystem | struct:exn:fail:filesystem:errno | struct:exn:fail:filesystem:exists | struct:exn:fail:filesystem:missing-module | struct:exn:fail:filesystem:version | struct:exn:fail:network | struct:exn:fail:network:errno | struct:exn:fail:out-of-memory | struct:exn:fail:read | struct:exn:fail:read:eof | struct:exn:fail:read:non-char | struct:exn:fail:syntax | struct:exn:fail:syntax:missing-module | struct:exn:fail:syntax:unbound | struct:exn:fail:unsupported | struct:exn:fail:user | struct:srcloc | struct\\? | sub1 | subbytes | subprocess | subprocess-group-enabled | subprocess-kill | subprocess-pid | subprocess-status | subprocess-wait | subprocess\\? | substring | symbol->string | symbol-interned\\? | symbol-unreadable\\? | symbol<\\? | symbol\\? | sync | sync\\/enable-break | sync\\/timeout | sync\\/timeout\\/enable-break | syntax->datum | syntax->list | syntax-arm | syntax-column | syntax-debug-info | syntax-disarm | syntax-e | syntax-line | syntax-local-bind-syntaxes | syntax-local-certifier | syntax-local-context | syntax-local-expand-expression | syntax-local-get-shadower | syntax-local-identifier-as-binding | syntax-local-introduce | syntax-local-lift-context | syntax-local-lift-expression | syntax-local-lift-module | syntax-local-lift-module-end-declaration | syntax-local-lift-provide | syntax-local-lift-require | syntax-local-lift-values-expression | syntax-local-make-definition-context | syntax-local-make-delta-introducer | syntax-local-match-introduce | syntax-local-module-defined-identifiers | syntax-local-module-exports | syntax-local-module-required-identifiers | syntax-local-name | syntax-local-phase-level | syntax-local-submodules | syntax-local-transforming-module-provides\\? | syntax-local-value | syntax-local-value\\/immediate | syntax-original\\? | syntax-pattern-variable\\? | syntax-position | syntax-property | syntax-property-preserved\\? | syntax-property-symbol-keys | syntax-protect | syntax-rearm | syntax-recertify | syntax-shift-phase-level | syntax-source | syntax-source-module | syntax-span | syntax-taint | syntax-tainted\\? | syntax-track-origin | syntax-transforming-module-expression\\? | syntax-transforming-with-lifts\\? | syntax-transforming\\? | syntax\\? | system-big-endian\\? | system-idle-evt | system-language\\+country | system-library-subpath | system-path-convention-type | system-type | tan | terminal-port\\? | thread | thread-cell-ref | thread-cell-set! | thread-cell-values\\? | thread-cell\\? | thread-dead-evt | thread-dead\\? | thread-group\\? | thread-receive | thread-receive-evt | thread-resume | thread-resume-evt | thread-rewind-receive | thread-running\\? | thread-send | thread-suspend | thread-suspend-evt | thread-try-receive | thread-wait | thread\\/suspend-to-kill | thread\\? | time-apply | truncate | unbox | uncaught-exception-handler | unquoted-printing-string | unquoted-printing-string-value | unquoted-printing-string\\? | use-collection-link-paths | use-compiled-file-check | use-compiled-file-paths | use-user-specific-search-paths | values | variable-reference->empty-namespace | variable-reference->module-base-phase | variable-reference->module-declaration-inspector | variable-reference->module-path-index | variable-reference->module-source | variable-reference->namespace | variable-reference->phase | variable-reference->resolved-module-path | variable-reference-constant\\? | variable-reference\\? | vector | vector->immutable-vector | vector->list | vector->pseudo-random-generator | vector->pseudo-random-generator! | vector->values | vector-cas! | vector-copy! | vector-fill! | vector-immutable | vector-length | vector-ref | vector-set! | vector-set-performance-stats! | vector\\? | version | void | void\\? | weak-box-value | weak-box\\? | will-execute | will-executor\\? | will-register | will-try-execute | wrap-evt | write | write-byte | write-bytes | write-bytes-avail | write-bytes-avail\\* | write-bytes-avail-evt | write-bytes-avail\\/enable-break | write-char | write-special | write-special-avail\\* | write-special-evt | write-string | writeln | zero\\? | \\* | \\*list\\/c | \\+ | - | \\/ | < | <\\/c | <= | = | > | >\\/c | >= | abort-current-continuation | abs | absolute-path\\? | acos | add1 | alarm-evt | always-evt | andmap | angle | append | append\\* | append-map | argmax | argmin | arithmetic-shift | arity-at-least-value | arity-at-least\\? | arity-checking-wrapper | arity-includes\\? | arity=\\? | arrow-contract-info-accepts-arglist | arrow-contract-info-chaperone-procedure | arrow-contract-info-check-first-order | arrow-contract-info\\? | asin | assf | assoc | assq | assv | atan | banner | base->-doms\\/c | base->-rngs\\/c | base->\\? | bitwise-and | bitwise-bit-field | bitwise-bit-set\\? | bitwise-ior | bitwise-not | bitwise-xor | blame-add-car-context | blame-add-cdr-context | blame-add-missing-party | blame-add-nth-arg-context | blame-add-range-context | blame-add-unknown-context | blame-context | blame-contract | blame-fmt->-string | blame-missing-party\\? | blame-negative | blame-original\\? | blame-positive | blame-replace-negative | blame-source | blame-swap | blame-swapped\\? | blame-update | blame-value | blame\\? | boolean=\\? | boolean\\? | bound-identifier=\\? | box | box-cas! | box-immutable | box\\? | break-enabled | break-parameterization\\? | break-thread | build-chaperone-contract-property | build-compound-type-name | build-contract-property | build-flat-contract-property | build-list | build-path | build-path\\/convention-type | build-string | build-vector | byte-pregexp | byte-pregexp\\? | byte-ready\\? | byte-regexp | byte-regexp\\? | byte\\? | bytes | bytes->immutable-bytes | bytes->list | bytes->path | bytes->path-element | bytes->string\\/latin-1 | bytes->string\\/locale | bytes->string\\/utf-8 | bytes-append | bytes-append\\* | bytes-close-converter | bytes-convert | bytes-convert-end | bytes-converter\\? | bytes-copy | bytes-copy! | bytes-environment-variable-name\\? | bytes-fill! | bytes-join | bytes-length | bytes-no-nuls\\? | bytes-open-converter | bytes-ref | bytes-set! | bytes-utf-8-index | bytes-utf-8-length | bytes-utf-8-ref | bytes<\\? | bytes=\\? | bytes>\\? | bytes\\? | caaaar | caaadr | caaar | caadar | caaddr | caadr | caar | cadaar | cadadr | cadar | caddar | cadddr | caddr | cadr | call-in-nested-thread | call-with-break-parameterization | call-with-composable-continuation | call-with-continuation-barrier | call-with-continuation-prompt | call-with-current-continuation | call-with-default-reading-parameterization | call-with-escape-continuation | call-with-exception-handler | call-with-immediate-continuation-mark | call-with-input-bytes | call-with-input-string | call-with-output-bytes | call-with-output-string | call-with-parameterization | call-with-semaphore | call-with-semaphore\\/enable-break | call-with-values | call\\/cc | call\\/ec | car | cartesian-product | cdaaar | cdaadr | cdaar | cdadar | cdaddr | cdadr | cdar | cddaar | cddadr | cddar | cdddar | cddddr | cdddr | cddr | cdr | ceiling | channel-get | channel-put | channel-put-evt | channel-put-evt\\? | channel-try-get | channel\\? | chaperone-box | chaperone-channel | chaperone-continuation-mark-key | chaperone-contract-property\\? | chaperone-contract\\? | chaperone-evt | chaperone-hash | chaperone-hash-set | chaperone-of\\? | chaperone-procedure | chaperone-procedure\\* | chaperone-prompt-tag | chaperone-struct | chaperone-struct-type | chaperone-vector | chaperone-vector\\* | chaperone\\? | char->integer | char-alphabetic\\? | char-blank\\? | char-ci<=\\? | char-ci<\\? | char-ci=\\? | char-ci>=\\? | char-ci>\\? | char-downcase | char-foldcase | char-general-category | char-graphic\\? | char-in | char-iso-control\\? | char-lower-case\\? | char-numeric\\? | char-punctuation\\? | char-ready\\? | char-symbolic\\? | char-title-case\\? | char-titlecase | char-upcase | char-upper-case\\? | char-utf-8-length | char-whitespace\\? | char<=\\? | char<\\? | char=\\? | char>=\\? | char>\\? | char\\? | check-duplicate-identifier | checked-procedure-check-and-extract | choice-evt | class->interface | class-info | class-seal | class-unseal | class\\? | cleanse-path | close-input-port | close-output-port | coerce-chaperone-contract | coerce-chaperone-contracts | coerce-contract | coerce-contract\\/f | coerce-contracts | coerce-flat-contract | coerce-flat-contracts | collect-garbage | collection-file-path | collection-path | combinations | compile | compile-allow-set!-undefined | compile-context-preservation-enabled | compile-enforce-module-constants | compile-syntax | compiled-expression-recompile | compiled-expression\\? | compiled-module-expression\\? | complete-path\\? | complex\\? | compose | compose1 | conjoin | conjugate | cons | cons\\? | const | continuation-mark-key\\? | continuation-mark-set->context | continuation-mark-set->list | continuation-mark-set->list\\* | continuation-mark-set-first | continuation-mark-set\\? | continuation-marks | continuation-prompt-available\\? | continuation-prompt-tag\\? | continuation\\? | contract-continuation-mark-key | contract-custom-write-property-proc | contract-first-order | contract-first-order-passes\\? | contract-late-neg-projection | contract-name | contract-proc | contract-projection | contract-property\\? | contract-random-generate | contract-random-generate-fail | contract-random-generate-fail\\? | contract-random-generate-get-current-environment | contract-random-generate-stash | contract-random-generate\\/choose | contract-stronger\\? | contract-struct-exercise | contract-struct-generate | contract-struct-late-neg-projection | contract-struct-list-contract\\? | contract-val-first-projection | contract\\? | convert-stream | copy-file | copy-port | cos | cosh | count | current-blame-format | current-break-parameterization | current-code-inspector | current-command-line-arguments | current-compile | current-compiled-file-roots | current-continuation-marks | current-custodian | current-directory | current-directory-for-user | current-drive | current-environment-variables | current-error-port | current-eval | current-evt-pseudo-random-generator | current-force-delete-permissions | current-future | current-gc-milliseconds | current-get-interaction-input-port | current-inexact-milliseconds | current-input-port | current-inspector | current-library-collection-links | current-library-collection-paths | current-load | current-load-extension | current-load-relative-directory | current-load\\/use-compiled | current-locale | current-logger | current-memory-use | current-milliseconds | current-module-declare-name | current-module-declare-source | current-module-name-resolver | current-module-path-for-load | current-namespace | current-output-port | current-parameterization | current-plumber | current-preserved-thread-cell-values | current-print | current-process-milliseconds | current-prompt-read | current-pseudo-random-generator | current-read-interaction | current-reader-guard | current-readtable | current-seconds | current-security-guard | current-subprocess-custodian-mode | current-thread | current-thread-group | current-thread-initial-stack-size | current-write-relative-directory | curry | curryr | custodian-box-value | custodian-box\\? | custodian-limit-memory | custodian-managed-list | custodian-memory-accounting-available\\? | custodian-require-memory | custodian-shut-down\\? | custodian-shutdown-all | custodian\\? | custom-print-quotable-accessor | custom-print-quotable\\? | custom-write-accessor | custom-write-property-proc | custom-write\\? | date\\*-nanosecond | date\\*-time-zone-name | date\\*\\? | date-day | date-dst\\? | date-hour | date-minute | date-month | date-second | date-time-zone-offset | date-week-day | date-year | date-year-day | date\\? | datum->syntax | datum-intern-literal | default-continuation-prompt-tag | degrees->radians | delete-directory | delete-file | denominator | dict-iter-contract | dict-key-contract | dict-value-contract | directory-exists\\? | directory-list | disjoin | display | displayln | double-flonum\\? | drop | drop-common-prefix | drop-right | dropf | dropf-right | dump-memory-stats | dup-input-port | dup-output-port | dynamic-get-field | dynamic-object\\/c | dynamic-require | dynamic-require-for-syntax | dynamic-send | dynamic-set-field! | dynamic-wind | eighth | empty | empty-sequence | empty-stream | empty\\? | environment-variables-copy | environment-variables-names | environment-variables-ref | environment-variables-set! | environment-variables\\? | eof | eof-object\\? | ephemeron-value | ephemeron\\? | eprintf | eq-contract-val | eq-contract\\? | eq-hash-code | eq\\? | equal-contract-val | equal-contract\\? | equal-hash-code | equal-secondary-hash-code | equal<%> | equal\\? | equal\\?\\/recur | eqv-hash-code | eqv\\? | error | error-display-handler | error-escape-handler | error-print-context-length | error-print-source-location | error-print-width | error-value->string-handler | eval | eval-jit-enabled | eval-syntax | even\\? | evt\\/c | evt\\? | exact->inexact | exact-ceiling | exact-floor | exact-integer\\? | exact-nonnegative-integer\\? | exact-positive-integer\\? | exact-round | exact-truncate | exact\\? | executable-yield-handler | exit | exit-handler | exn-continuation-marks | exn-message | exn:break-continuation | exn:break:hang-up\\? | exn:break:terminate\\? | exn:break\\? | exn:fail:contract:arity\\? | exn:fail:contract:blame-object | exn:fail:contract:blame\\? | exn:fail:contract:continuation\\? | exn:fail:contract:divide-by-zero\\? | exn:fail:contract:non-fixnum-result\\? | exn:fail:contract:variable-id | exn:fail:contract:variable\\? | exn:fail:contract\\? | exn:fail:filesystem:errno-errno | exn:fail:filesystem:errno\\? | exn:fail:filesystem:exists\\? | exn:fail:filesystem:missing-module-path | exn:fail:filesystem:missing-module\\? | exn:fail:filesystem:version\\? | exn:fail:filesystem\\? | exn:fail:network:errno-errno | exn:fail:network:errno\\? | exn:fail:network\\? | exn:fail:object\\? | exn:fail:out-of-memory\\? | exn:fail:read-srclocs | exn:fail:read:eof\\? | exn:fail:read:non-char\\? | exn:fail:read\\? | exn:fail:syntax-exprs | exn:fail:syntax:missing-module-path | exn:fail:syntax:missing-module\\? | exn:fail:syntax:unbound\\? | exn:fail:syntax\\? | exn:fail:unsupported\\? | exn:fail:user\\? | exn:fail\\? | exn:misc:match\\? | exn:missing-module-accessor | exn:missing-module\\? | exn:srclocs-accessor | exn:srclocs\\? | exn\\? | exp | expand | expand-once | expand-syntax | expand-syntax-once | expand-syntax-to-top-form | expand-to-top-form | expand-user-path | explode-path | expt | externalizable<%> | failure-result\\/c | false | false\\/c | false\\? | field-names | fifth | file-exists\\? | file-name-from-path | file-or-directory-identity | file-or-directory-modify-seconds | file-or-directory-permissions | file-position | file-position\\* | file-size | file-stream-buffer-mode | file-stream-port\\? | file-truncate | filename-extension | filesystem-change-evt | filesystem-change-evt-cancel | filesystem-change-evt\\? | filesystem-root-list | filter | filter-map | filter-not | filter-read-input-port | find-executable-path | find-library-collection-links | find-library-collection-paths | find-system-path | findf | first | fixnum\\? | flat-contract | flat-contract-predicate | flat-contract-property\\? | flat-contract\\? | flat-named-contract | flatten | floating-point-bytes->real | flonum\\? | floor | flush-output | fold-files | foldl | foldr | for-each | force | format | fourth | fprintf | free-identifier=\\? | free-label-identifier=\\? | free-template-identifier=\\? | free-transformer-identifier=\\? | fsemaphore-count | fsemaphore-post | fsemaphore-try-wait\\? | fsemaphore-wait | fsemaphore\\? | future | future\\? | futures-enabled\\? | gcd | generate-member-key | generate-temporaries | generic-set\\? | generic\\? | gensym | get-output-bytes | get-output-string | get\\/build-late-neg-projection | get\\/build-val-first-projection | getenv | global-port-print-handler | group-by | group-execute-bit | group-read-bit | group-write-bit | guard-evt | handle-evt | handle-evt\\? | has-blame\\? | has-contract\\? | hash | hash->list | hash-clear | hash-clear! | hash-copy | hash-copy-clear | hash-count | hash-empty\\? | hash-eq\\? | hash-equal\\? | hash-eqv\\? | hash-for-each | hash-has-key\\? | hash-iterate-first | hash-iterate-key | hash-iterate-key\\+value | hash-iterate-next | hash-iterate-pair | hash-iterate-value | hash-keys | hash-keys-subset\\? | hash-map | hash-placeholder\\? | hash-ref | hash-ref! | hash-remove | hash-remove! | hash-set | hash-set! | hash-set\\* | hash-set\\*! | hash-update | hash-update! | hash-values | hash-weak\\? | hash\\? | hasheq | hasheqv | identifier-binding | identifier-binding-symbol | identifier-label-binding | identifier-prune-lexical-context | identifier-prune-to-source-module | identifier-remove-from-definition-context | identifier-template-binding | identifier-transformer-binding | identifier\\? | identity | if\\/c | imag-part | immutable\\? | impersonate-box | impersonate-channel | impersonate-continuation-mark-key | impersonate-hash | impersonate-hash-set | impersonate-procedure | impersonate-procedure\\* | impersonate-prompt-tag | impersonate-struct | impersonate-vector | impersonate-vector\\* | impersonator-contract\\? | impersonator-ephemeron | impersonator-of\\? | impersonator-prop:application-mark | impersonator-prop:blame | impersonator-prop:contracted | impersonator-property-accessor-procedure\\? | impersonator-property\\? | impersonator\\? | implementation\\? | implementation\\?\\/c | in-combinations | in-cycle | in-dict-pairs | in-parallel | in-permutations | in-sequences | in-values\\*-sequence | in-values-sequence | index-of | index-where | indexes-of | indexes-where | inexact->exact | inexact-real\\? | inexact\\? | infinite\\? | input-port-append | input-port\\? | inspector-superior\\? | inspector\\? | instanceof\\/c | integer->char | integer->integer-bytes | integer-bytes->integer | integer-length | integer-sqrt | integer-sqrt\\/remainder | integer\\? | interface->method-names | interface-extension\\? | interface\\? | internal-definition-context-binding-identifiers | internal-definition-context-introduce | internal-definition-context-seal | internal-definition-context\\? | is-a\\? | is-a\\?\\/c | keyword->string | keyword-apply | keyword<\\? | keyword\\? | keywords-match | kill-thread | last | last-pair | lcm | length | liberal-define-context\\? | link-exists\\? | list | list\\* | list->bytes | list->mutable-set | list->mutable-seteq | list->mutable-seteqv | list->set | list->seteq | list->seteqv | list->string | list->vector | list->weak-set | list->weak-seteq | list->weak-seteqv | list-contract\\? | list-prefix\\? | list-ref | list-set | list-tail | list-update | list\\? | listen-port-number\\? | load | load-extension | load-on-demand-enabled | load-relative | load-relative-extension | load\\/cd | load\\/use-compiled | local-expand | local-expand\\/capture-lifts | local-transformer-expand | local-transformer-expand\\/capture-lifts | locale-string-encoding | log | log-all-levels | log-level-evt | log-level\\? | log-max-level | log-message | log-receiver\\? | logger-name | logger\\? | magnitude | make-arity-at-least | make-base-empty-namespace | make-base-namespace | make-bytes | make-channel | make-chaperone-contract | make-continuation-mark-key | make-continuation-prompt-tag | make-contract | make-custodian | make-custodian-box | make-date | make-date\\* | make-derived-parameter | make-directory | make-directory\\* | make-do-sequence | make-empty-namespace | make-environment-variables | make-ephemeron | make-exn | make-exn:break | make-exn:break:hang-up | make-exn:break:terminate | make-exn:fail | make-exn:fail:contract | make-exn:fail:contract:arity | make-exn:fail:contract:blame | make-exn:fail:contract:continuation | make-exn:fail:contract:divide-by-zero | make-exn:fail:contract:non-fixnum-result | make-exn:fail:contract:variable | make-exn:fail:filesystem | make-exn:fail:filesystem:errno | make-exn:fail:filesystem:exists | make-exn:fail:filesystem:missing-module | make-exn:fail:filesystem:version | make-exn:fail:network | make-exn:fail:network:errno | make-exn:fail:object | make-exn:fail:out-of-memory | make-exn:fail:read | make-exn:fail:read:eof | make-exn:fail:read:non-char | make-exn:fail:syntax | make-exn:fail:syntax:missing-module | make-exn:fail:syntax:unbound | make-exn:fail:unsupported | make-exn:fail:user | make-file-or-directory-link | make-flat-contract | make-fsemaphore | make-generic | make-hash | make-hash-placeholder | make-hasheq | make-hasheq-placeholder | make-hasheqv | make-hasheqv-placeholder | make-immutable-hash | make-immutable-hasheq | make-immutable-hasheqv | make-impersonator-property | make-input-port | make-input-port\\/read-to-peek | make-inspector | make-keyword-procedure | make-known-char-range-list | make-limited-input-port | make-list | make-lock-file-name | make-log-receiver | make-logger | make-mixin-contract | make-none\\/c | make-output-port | make-parameter | make-parent-directory\\* | make-phantom-bytes | make-pipe | make-pipe-with-specials | make-placeholder | make-plumber | make-polar | make-prefab-struct | make-primitive-class | make-proj-contract | make-pseudo-random-generator | make-reader-graph | make-readtable | make-rectangular | make-rename-transformer | make-resolved-module-path | make-security-guard | make-semaphore | make-set!-transformer | make-shared-bytes | make-sibling-inspector | make-special-comment | make-srcloc | make-string | make-struct-field-accessor | make-struct-field-mutator | make-struct-type | make-struct-type-property | make-syntax-delta-introducer | make-syntax-introducer | make-tentative-pretty-print-output-port | make-thread-cell | make-thread-group | make-vector | make-weak-box | make-weak-hash | make-weak-hasheq | make-weak-hasheqv | make-will-executor | map | match-equality-test | matches-arity-exactly\\? | max | mcar | mcdr | mcons | member | member-name-key-hash-code | member-name-key=\\? | member-name-key\\? | memf | memq | memv | merge-input | method-in-interface\\? | min | mixin-contract | module->exports | module->imports | module->indirect-exports | module->language-info | module->namespace | module-compiled-cross-phase-persistent\\? | module-compiled-exports | module-compiled-imports | module-compiled-indirect-exports | module-compiled-language-info | module-compiled-name | module-compiled-submodules | module-declared\\? | module-path-index-join | module-path-index-resolve | module-path-index-split | module-path-index-submodule | module-path-index\\? | module-path\\? | module-predefined\\? | module-provide-protected\\? | modulo | mpair\\? | mutable-set | mutable-seteq | mutable-seteqv | n->th | nack-guard-evt | namespace-anchor->empty-namespace | namespace-anchor->namespace | namespace-anchor\\? | namespace-attach-module | namespace-attach-module-declaration | namespace-base-phase | namespace-mapped-symbols | namespace-module-identifier | namespace-module-registry | namespace-require | namespace-require\\/constant | namespace-require\\/copy | namespace-require\\/expansion-time | namespace-set-variable-value! | namespace-symbol->identifier | namespace-syntax-introduce | namespace-undefine-variable! | namespace-unprotect-module | namespace-variable-value | namespace\\? | nan\\? | natural-number\\/c | natural\\? | negate | negative-integer\\? | negative\\? | never-evt | newline | ninth | non-empty-string\\? | nonnegative-integer\\? | nonpositive-integer\\? | normal-case-path | normalize-arity | normalize-path | normalized-arity\\? | not | null | null\\? | number->string | number\\? | numerator | object% | object->vector | object-info | object-interface | object-method-arity-includes\\? | object-name | object-or-false=\\? | object=\\? | object\\? | odd\\? | open-input-bytes | open-input-string | open-output-bytes | open-output-nowhere | open-output-string | order-of-magnitude | ormap | other-execute-bit | other-read-bit | other-write-bit | output-port\\? | pair\\? | parameter-procedure=\\? | parameter\\? | parameterization\\? | parse-command-line | partition | path->bytes | path->complete-path | path->directory-path | path->string | path-add-extension | path-add-suffix | path-convention-type | path-element->bytes | path-element->string | path-element\\? | path-for-some-system\\? | path-get-extension | path-has-extension\\? | path-list-string->path-list | path-only | path-replace-extension | path-replace-suffix | path-string\\? | path<\\? | path\\? | peek-byte | peek-byte-or-special | peek-bytes | peek-bytes! | peek-bytes-avail! | peek-bytes-avail!\\* | peek-bytes-avail!\\/enable-break | peek-char | peek-char-or-special | peek-string | peek-string! | permutations | phantom-bytes\\? | pi | pi\\.f | pipe-content-length | place-break | place-channel | place-channel-get | place-channel-put | place-channel-put\\/get | place-channel\\? | place-dead-evt | place-enabled\\? | place-kill | place-location\\? | place-message-allowed\\? | place-sleep | place-wait | place\\? | placeholder-get | placeholder-set! | placeholder\\? | plumber-add-flush! | plumber-flush-all | plumber-flush-handle-remove! | plumber-flush-handle\\? | plumber\\? | poll-guard-evt | port->list | port-closed-evt | port-closed\\? | port-commit-peeked | port-count-lines! | port-count-lines-enabled | port-counts-lines\\? | port-display-handler | port-file-identity | port-file-unlock | port-next-location | port-number\\? | port-print-handler | port-progress-evt | port-provides-progress-evts\\? | port-read-handler | port-try-file-lock\\? | port-write-handler | port-writes-atomic\\? | port-writes-special\\? | port\\? | positive-integer\\? | positive\\? | predicate\\/c | prefab-key->struct-type | prefab-key\\? | prefab-struct-key | preferences-lock-file-mode | pregexp | pregexp\\? | pretty-display | pretty-print | pretty-print-\\.-symbol-without-bars | pretty-print-abbreviate-read-macros | pretty-print-columns | pretty-print-current-style-table | pretty-print-depth | pretty-print-exact-as-decimal | pretty-print-extend-style-table | pretty-print-handler | pretty-print-newline | pretty-print-post-print-hook | pretty-print-pre-print-hook | pretty-print-print-hook | pretty-print-print-line | pretty-print-remap-stylable | pretty-print-show-inexactness | pretty-print-size-hook | pretty-print-style-table\\? | pretty-printing | pretty-write | primitive-closure\\? | primitive-result-arity | primitive\\? | print | print-as-expression | print-boolean-long-form | print-box | print-graph | print-hash-table | print-mpair-curly-braces | print-pair-curly-braces | print-reader-abbreviations | print-struct | print-syntax-width | print-unreadable | print-vector-length | printable\\/c | printable<%> | printf | println | procedure->method | procedure-arity | procedure-arity-includes\\? | procedure-arity\\? | procedure-closure-contents-eq\\? | procedure-extract-target | procedure-impersonator\\*\\? | procedure-keywords | procedure-reduce-arity | procedure-reduce-keyword-arity | procedure-rename | procedure-result-arity | procedure-specialize | procedure-struct-type\\? | procedure\\? | processor-count | progress-evt\\? | promise-forced\\? | promise-running\\? | promise\\/name\\? | promise\\? | prop:arity-string | prop:arrow-contract | prop:arrow-contract-get-info | prop:arrow-contract\\? | prop:authentic | prop:blame | prop:chaperone-contract | prop:checked-procedure | prop:contract | prop:contracted | prop:custom-print-quotable | prop:custom-write | prop:dict | prop:equal\\+hash | prop:evt | prop:exn:missing-module | prop:exn:srclocs | prop:expansion-contexts | prop:flat-contract | prop:impersonator-of | prop:input-port | prop:liberal-define-context | prop:object-name | prop:opt-chaperone-contract | prop:opt-chaperone-contract-get-test | prop:opt-chaperone-contract\\? | prop:orc-contract | prop:orc-contract-get-subcontracts | prop:orc-contract\\? | prop:output-port | prop:place-location | prop:procedure | prop:recursive-contract | prop:recursive-contract-unroll | prop:recursive-contract\\? | prop:rename-transformer | prop:sequence | prop:set!-transformer | prop:stream | proper-subset\\? | pseudo-random-generator->vector | pseudo-random-generator-vector\\? | pseudo-random-generator\\? | put-preferences | putenv | quotient | quotient\\/remainder | radians->degrees | raise | raise-argument-error | raise-arguments-error | raise-arity-error | raise-contract-error | raise-mismatch-error | raise-range-error | raise-result-error | raise-syntax-error | raise-type-error | raise-user-error | random | random-seed | rational\\? | rationalize | read | read-accept-bar-quote | read-accept-box | read-accept-compiled | read-accept-dot | read-accept-graph | read-accept-infix-dot | read-accept-lang | read-accept-quasiquote | read-accept-reader | read-byte | read-byte-or-special | read-bytes | read-bytes! | read-bytes-avail! | read-bytes-avail!\\* | read-bytes-avail!\\/enable-break | read-bytes-line | read-case-sensitive | read-cdot | read-char | read-char-or-special | read-curly-brace-as-paren | read-curly-brace-with-tag | read-decimal-as-inexact | read-eval-print-loop | read-language | read-line | read-on-demand-source | read-square-bracket-as-paren | read-square-bracket-with-tag | read-string | read-string! | read-syntax | read-syntax\\/recursive | read\\/recursive | readtable-mapping | readtable\\? | real->decimal-string | real->double-flonum | real->floating-point-bytes | real->single-flonum | real-part | real\\? | reencode-input-port | reencode-output-port | regexp | regexp-match | regexp-match-exact\\? | regexp-match-peek | regexp-match-peek-immediate | regexp-match-peek-positions | regexp-match-peek-positions-immediate | regexp-match-peek-positions-immediate\\/end | regexp-match-peek-positions\\/end | regexp-match-positions | regexp-match-positions\\/end | regexp-match\\/end | regexp-match\\? | regexp-max-lookbehind | regexp-quote | regexp-replace | regexp-replace\\* | regexp-replace-quote | regexp-replaces | regexp-split | regexp-try-match | regexp\\? | relative-path\\? | remainder | remf | remf\\* | remove | remove\\* | remq | remq\\* | remv | remv\\* | rename-contract | rename-file-or-directory | rename-transformer-target | rename-transformer\\? | replace-evt | reroot-path | resolve-path | resolved-module-path-name | resolved-module-path\\? | rest | reverse | round | second | seconds->date | security-guard\\? | semaphore-peek-evt | semaphore-peek-evt\\? | semaphore-post | semaphore-try-wait\\? | semaphore-wait | semaphore-wait\\/enable-break | semaphore\\? | sequence->list | sequence->stream | sequence-add-between | sequence-andmap | sequence-append | sequence-count | sequence-filter | sequence-fold | sequence-for-each | sequence-generate | sequence-generate\\* | sequence-length | sequence-map | sequence-ormap | sequence-ref | sequence-tail | sequence\\? | set | set!-transformer-procedure | set!-transformer\\? | set->list | set->stream | set-add | set-add! | set-box! | set-clear | set-clear! | set-copy | set-copy-clear | set-count | set-empty\\? | set-eq\\? | set-equal\\? | set-eqv\\? | set-first | set-for-each | set-implements\\/c | set-implements\\? | set-intersect | set-intersect! | set-map | set-mcar! | set-mcdr! | set-member\\? | set-mutable\\? | set-phantom-bytes! | set-port-next-location! | set-remove | set-remove! | set-rest | set-subtract | set-subtract! | set-symmetric-difference | set-symmetric-difference! | set-union | set-union! | set-weak\\? | set=\\? | set\\? | seteq | seteqv | seventh | sgn | shared-bytes | shell-execute | shrink-path-wrt | shuffle | simple-form-path | simplify-path | sin | single-flonum\\? | sinh | sixth | skip-projection-wrapper\\? | sleep | some-system-path->string | special-comment-value | special-comment\\? | special-filter-input-port | split-at | split-at-right | split-common-prefix | split-path | splitf-at | splitf-at-right | sqr | sqrt | srcloc->string | srcloc-column | srcloc-line | srcloc-position | srcloc-source | srcloc-span | srcloc\\? | stop-after | stop-before | stream->list | stream-add-between | stream-andmap | stream-append | stream-count | stream-empty\\? | stream-filter | stream-first | stream-fold | stream-for-each | stream-length | stream-map | stream-ormap | stream-ref | stream-rest | stream-tail | stream\\/c | stream\\? | string | string->bytes\\/latin-1 | string->bytes\\/locale | string->bytes\\/utf-8 | string->immutable-string | string->keyword | string->list | string->number | string->path | string->path-element | string->some-system-path | string->symbol | string->uninterned-symbol | string->unreadable-symbol | string-append | string-append\\* | string-ci<=\\? | string-ci<\\? | string-ci=\\? | string-ci>=\\? | string-ci>\\? | string-contains\\? | string-copy | string-copy! | string-downcase | string-environment-variable-name\\? | string-fill! | string-foldcase | string-length | string-locale-ci<\\? | string-locale-ci=\\? | string-locale-ci>\\? | string-locale-downcase | string-locale-upcase | string-locale<\\? | string-locale=\\? | string-locale>\\? | string-no-nuls\\? | string-normalize-nfc | string-normalize-nfd | string-normalize-nfkc | string-normalize-nfkd | string-port\\? | string-prefix\\? | string-ref | string-set! | string-suffix\\? | string-titlecase | string-upcase | string-utf-8-length | string<=\\? | string<\\? | string=\\? | string>=\\? | string>\\? | string\\? | struct->vector | struct-accessor-procedure\\? | struct-constructor-procedure\\? | struct-info | struct-mutator-procedure\\? | struct-predicate-procedure\\? | struct-type-info | struct-type-make-constructor | struct-type-make-predicate | struct-type-property-accessor-procedure\\? | struct-type-property\\/c | struct-type-property\\? | struct-type\\? | struct:arity-at-least | struct:arrow-contract-info | struct:date | struct:date\\* | struct:exn | struct:exn:break | struct:exn:break:hang-up | struct:exn:break:terminate | struct:exn:fail | struct:exn:fail:contract | struct:exn:fail:contract:arity | struct:exn:fail:contract:blame | struct:exn:fail:contract:continuation | struct:exn:fail:contract:divide-by-zero | struct:exn:fail:contract:non-fixnum-result | struct:exn:fail:contract:variable | struct:exn:fail:filesystem | struct:exn:fail:filesystem:errno | struct:exn:fail:filesystem:exists | struct:exn:fail:filesystem:missing-module | struct:exn:fail:filesystem:version | struct:exn:fail:network | struct:exn:fail:network:errno | struct:exn:fail:object | struct:exn:fail:out-of-memory | struct:exn:fail:read | struct:exn:fail:read:eof | struct:exn:fail:read:non-char | struct:exn:fail:syntax | struct:exn:fail:syntax:missing-module | struct:exn:fail:syntax:unbound | struct:exn:fail:unsupported | struct:exn:fail:user | struct:srcloc | struct:wrapped-extra-arg-arrow | struct\\? | sub1 | subbytes | subclass\\? | subclass\\?\\/c | subprocess | subprocess-group-enabled | subprocess-kill | subprocess-pid | subprocess-status | subprocess-wait | subprocess\\? | subset\\? | substring | suggest\\/c | symbol->string | symbol-interned\\? | symbol-unreadable\\? | symbol<\\? | symbol=\\? | symbol\\? | sync | sync\\/enable-break | sync\\/timeout | sync\\/timeout\\/enable-break | syntax->datum | syntax->list | syntax-arm | syntax-column | syntax-debug-info | syntax-disarm | syntax-e | syntax-line | syntax-local-bind-syntaxes | syntax-local-certifier | syntax-local-context | syntax-local-expand-expression | syntax-local-get-shadower | syntax-local-identifier-as-binding | syntax-local-introduce | syntax-local-lift-context | syntax-local-lift-expression | syntax-local-lift-module | syntax-local-lift-module-end-declaration | syntax-local-lift-provide | syntax-local-lift-require | syntax-local-lift-values-expression | syntax-local-make-definition-context | syntax-local-make-delta-introducer | syntax-local-module-defined-identifiers | syntax-local-module-exports | syntax-local-module-required-identifiers | syntax-local-name | syntax-local-phase-level | syntax-local-submodules | syntax-local-transforming-module-provides\\? | syntax-local-value | syntax-local-value\\/immediate | syntax-original\\? | syntax-position | syntax-property | syntax-property-preserved\\? | syntax-property-symbol-keys | syntax-protect | syntax-rearm | syntax-recertify | syntax-shift-phase-level | syntax-source | syntax-source-module | syntax-span | syntax-taint | syntax-tainted\\? | syntax-track-origin | syntax-transforming-module-expression\\? | syntax-transforming-with-lifts\\? | syntax-transforming\\? | syntax\\? | system-big-endian\\? | system-idle-evt | system-language\\+country | system-library-subpath | system-path-convention-type | system-type | tail-marks-match\\? | take | take-common-prefix | take-right | takef | takef-right | tan | tanh | tcp-abandon-port | tcp-accept | tcp-accept-evt | tcp-accept-ready\\? | tcp-accept\\/enable-break | tcp-addresses | tcp-close | tcp-connect | tcp-connect\\/enable-break | tcp-listen | tcp-listener\\? | tcp-port\\? | tentative-pretty-print-port-cancel | tentative-pretty-print-port-transfer | tenth | terminal-port\\? | the-unsupplied-arg | third | thread | thread-cell-ref | thread-cell-set! | thread-cell-values\\? | thread-cell\\? | thread-dead-evt | thread-dead\\? | thread-group\\? | thread-receive | thread-receive-evt | thread-resume | thread-resume-evt | thread-rewind-receive | thread-running\\? | thread-send | thread-suspend | thread-suspend-evt | thread-try-receive | thread-wait | thread\\/suspend-to-kill | thread\\? | time-apply | touch | true | truncate | udp-addresses | udp-bind! | udp-bound\\? | udp-close | udp-connect! | udp-connected\\? | udp-multicast-interface | udp-multicast-join-group! | udp-multicast-leave-group! | udp-multicast-loopback\\? | udp-multicast-set-interface! | udp-multicast-set-loopback! | udp-multicast-set-ttl! | udp-multicast-ttl | udp-open-socket | udp-receive! | udp-receive!\\* | udp-receive!-evt | udp-receive!\\/enable-break | udp-receive-ready-evt | udp-send | udp-send\\* | udp-send-evt | udp-send-ready-evt | udp-send-to | udp-send-to\\* | udp-send-to-evt | udp-send-to\\/enable-break | udp-send\\/enable-break | udp\\? | unbox | uncaught-exception-handler | unit\\? | unquoted-printing-string | unquoted-printing-string-value | unquoted-printing-string\\? | unspecified-dom | unsupplied-arg\\? | use-collection-link-paths | use-compiled-file-check | use-compiled-file-paths | use-user-specific-search-paths | user-execute-bit | user-read-bit | user-write-bit | value-blame | value-contract | values | variable-reference->empty-namespace | variable-reference->module-base-phase | variable-reference->module-declaration-inspector | variable-reference->module-path-index | variable-reference->module-source | variable-reference->namespace | variable-reference->phase | variable-reference->resolved-module-path | variable-reference-constant\\? | variable-reference\\? | vector | vector->immutable-vector | vector->list | vector->pseudo-random-generator | vector->pseudo-random-generator! | vector->values | vector-append | vector-argmax | vector-argmin | vector-cas! | vector-copy | vector-copy! | vector-count | vector-drop | vector-drop-right | vector-fill! | vector-filter | vector-filter-not | vector-immutable | vector-length | vector-map | vector-map! | vector-member | vector-memq | vector-memv | vector-ref | vector-set! | vector-set\\*! | vector-set-performance-stats! | vector-split-at | vector-split-at-right | vector-take | vector-take-right | vector\\? | version | void | void\\? | weak-box-value | weak-box\\? | weak-set | weak-seteq | weak-seteqv | will-execute | will-executor\\? | will-register | will-try-execute | with-input-from-bytes | with-input-from-string | with-output-to-bytes | with-output-to-string | would-be-future | wrap-evt | wrapped-extra-arg-arrow-extra-neg-party-argument | wrapped-extra-arg-arrow-real-func | wrapped-extra-arg-arrow\\? | writable<%> | write | write-byte | write-bytes | write-bytes-avail | write-bytes-avail\\* | write-bytes-avail-evt | write-bytes-avail\\/enable-break | write-char | write-special | write-special-avail\\* | write-special-evt | write-string | writeln | xor | zero\\? ) (?=$|[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s])`}]},"byte-string":{patterns:[{begin:'#"',beginCaptures:{0:[{name:"punctuation.definition.string.begin.racket"}]},end:'"',endCaptures:{0:[{name:"punctuation.definition.string.end.racket"}]},name:"string.byte.racket",patterns:[{include:"#escape-char-base"}]}]},character:{patterns:[{match:`(?x) \\#\\\\ (?: (?: [0-7]{3}) | (?: u[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}) | (?: U[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}) | (?: (?: null? | newline | linefeed | backspace | vtab | page | return | space | rubout | (?: [^\\w\\s] | \\d) ) (?![a-zA-Z]) ) | (?: [^\\W\\d](?=[\\W\\d]) | \\W ) ) 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| (?: \\#[eEiI])?\\#[bB]) (?: (?: (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#* \\/ [01]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\. [01]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? [01]+)? ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) ) @ (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#* \\/ [01]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\. [01]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? [01]+)? ) | (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) ) ) | (?: (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#* \\/ [01]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\. [01]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? [01]+)? ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) )? [+-] (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#* \\/ [01]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\. [01]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? [01]+)? ) | (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) | ) i ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) | (?: (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#* \\/ [01]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [01]* \\. [01]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [01]+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? [01]+)? ) (?=$|[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) `,name:"constant.numeric.bin.racket"}]},"number-dec":{patterns:[{match:`(?x) (?<=^|[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) (?: (?: \\#[dD])?(?: \\#[eEiI])? | (?: \\#[eEiI])?(?: \\#[dD])?) (?: (?: (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#* \\/ \\d+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\. \\d+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? \\d+)? ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) ) @ (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#* \\/ \\d+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\. \\d+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? \\d+)? ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) ) ) | (?: (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#* \\/ \\d+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\. \\d+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? \\d+)? ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) )? [+-] (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#* \\/ \\d+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\. \\d+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? \\d+)? ) | (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) | ) i ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) | (?: (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#* \\/ \\d+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? \\d* \\. \\d+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? \\d+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? \\d+)? ) (?=$|[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) `,name:"constant.numeric.racket"}]},"number-hex":{patterns:[{match:`(?x) (?<=^|[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) (?: \\#[xX](?: \\#[eEiI])? | (?: \\#[eEiI])?\\#[xX]) (?: (?: (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#* \\/ [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F] \\. [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*) ) (?: [slSL] [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+)? ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) ) @ (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#* \\/ [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\. [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*) ) (?: [slSL] [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+)? ) | (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) ) ) | (?: (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#* \\/ [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\. [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*) ) (?: [slSL] [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+)? ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) )? [+-] (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#* \\/ [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\. [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*) ) (?: [slSL] [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+)? ) | (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) | ) i ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) | (?: (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#* \\/ [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]* \\. [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+ \\#*) ) (?: [slSL] [+-]? [0-9a-fA-F]+)? ) (?=$|[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) `,name:"constant.numeric.hex.racket"}]},"number-oct":{patterns:[{match:`(?x) (?<=^|[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) (?: \\#[oO](?: \\#[eEiI])? | (?: \\#[eEiI])?\\#[oO]) (?: (?: (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#* \\/ [0-7]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\. [0-7]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? [0-7]+)? ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) ) @ (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#* \\/ [0-7]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\. [0-7]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? [0-7]+)? ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) ) ) | (?: (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#* \\/ [0-7]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\. [0-7]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? [0-7]+)? ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) )? [+-] (?: (?: (?: (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#* \\/ [0-7]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\. [0-7]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? [0-7]+)? ) | (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) | ) i ) | [+-] (?: (?: [iI][nN][fF])\\.[0f] | (?: [nN][aA][nN])\\.[0f]) | (?: (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#* \\/ [0-7]+ \\#*)| (?: [+-]? [0-7]* \\. [0-7]+ \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#* \\. \\#*) | (?: [+-]? [0-7]+ \\#*) ) (?: [sldefSLDEF] [+-]? [0-7]+)? ) (?=$|[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) `,name:"constant.numeric.octal.racket"}]},"pair-content":{patterns:[{include:"#dot"},{include:"#comment"},{include:"#atom"}]},pairing:{patterns:[{begin:"\\(",beginCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.pair.begin.racket"}},end:"\\)",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.pair.end.racket"}},name:"meta.list.racket",patterns:[{include:"#pair-content"}]},{begin:"\\[",beginCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.pair.begin.racket"}},end:"\\]",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.pair.end.racket"}},name:"meta.list.racket",patterns:[{include:"#pair-content"}]},{begin:"{",beginCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.pair.begin.racket"}},end:"}",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.pair.end.racket"}},name:"meta.list.racket",patterns:[{include:"#pair-content"}]}]},"prefab-struct":{patterns:[{begin:"#s\\(",beginCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.prefab-struct.begin.racket"}},end:"\\)",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.prefab-struct.end.racket"}},name:"meta.prefab-struct.racket",patterns:[{include:"$base"}]},{begin:"#s\\[",beginCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.prefab-struct.begin.racket"}},end:"\\]",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.prefab-struct.end.racket"}},name:"meta.prefab-struct.racket",patterns:[{include:"$base"}]},{begin:"#s{",beginCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.prefab-struct.begin.racket"}},end:"}",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.prefab-struct.end.racket"}},name:"meta.prefab-struct.racket",patterns:[{include:"$base"}]}]},quote:{patterns:[{match:`(?x) (?<=^|[()\\[\\]{}\\",'\`;\\s]) (?: ,@ | ' | \` | , | \\#' | \\#\` | \\#, | \\#~ | \\#,@)+ (?=[()\\[\\]{}\\",'\`;\\s] | \\#[^%] | [^()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s] ) `,name:"support.function.racket"}]},"regexp-byte-string":{patterns:[{begin:'#(r|p)x#"',beginCaptures:{0:[{name:"punctuation.definition.string.begin.racket"}]},end:'"',endCaptures:{0:[{name:"punctuation.definition.string.end.racket"}]},name:"string.regexp.byte.racket",patterns:[{include:"#escape-char-base"}]}]},"regexp-string":{patterns:[{begin:'#(r|p)x"',beginCaptures:{0:[{name:"punctuation.definition.string.begin.racket"}]},end:'"',endCaptures:{0:[{name:"punctuation.definition.string.end.racket"}]},name:"string.regexp.racket",patterns:[{include:"#escape-char-base"}]}]},string:{patterns:[{include:"#byte-string"},{include:"#regexp-byte-string"},{include:"#regexp-string"},{include:"#base-string"},{include:"#here-string"}]},struct:{patterns:[{begin:`(?x) (?<=[(\\[{]) \\s* (struct) \\s+ ([^(\\#)\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s][^()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]*) (?: \\s+ [^(\\#)\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s][^()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]*)? \\s* (\\() `,beginCaptures:{1:{name:"storage.struct.racket"},2:{name:""},3:{name:"punctuation.section.fields.begin.racket"}},end:"\\)",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.fields.end.racket"}},name:"meta.struct.fields.racket",patterns:[{include:"#comment"},{include:"#default-args-struct"},{include:"#struct-field"}]},{begin:`(?x) (?<=[(\\[{]) \\s* (struct) \\s+ ([^(\\#)\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s][^()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]*) (?: \\s+ [^(\\#)\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s][^()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]*)? \\s* (\\[) `,beginCaptures:{1:{name:"storage.struct.racket"},2:{name:""},3:{name:"punctuation.section.fields.begin.racket"}},end:"\\]",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.fields.end.racket"}},name:"meta.struct.fields.racket",patterns:[{include:"#default-args-struct"},{include:"#struct-field"}]},{begin:`(?x) (?<=[(\\[{]) \\s* (struct) \\s+ ([^(\\#)\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s][^()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]*) (?: \\s+ [^(\\#)\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s][^()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]*)? \\s* (\\{) `,beginCaptures:{1:{name:"storage.struct.racket"},2:{name:""},3:{name:"punctuation.section.fields.begin.racket"}},end:"}",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.fields.end.racket"}},name:"meta.struct.fields.racket",patterns:[{include:"#default-args-struct"},{include:"#struct-field"}]}]},"struct-field":{patterns:[{begin:"(?x) (?<=^|[()\\[\\]{}\",'`;\\s]) (\\|)",beginCaptures:{1:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.begin.racket"}},contentName:"variable.other.member.racket",end:"\\|",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.end.racket"}}},{begin:`(?x) (?<=^|[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) (\\#% | \\\\\\ | [^\\#()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) `,beginCaptures:{1:{name:"variable.other.member.racket"}},contentName:"variable.other.member.racket",end:"(?=[()\\[\\]{}\",'`;\\s])",patterns:[{match:"\\\\ "},{begin:"\\|",beginCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.begin.racket"}},end:"\\|",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.end.racket"}}}]}]},symbol:{patterns:[{begin:`(?x) (?<=^|[()\\[\\]{}",;\\s]) (?: \` | ' )+(\\|) `,beginCaptures:{1:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.begin.racket"}},end:"\\|",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.end.racket"}},name:"string.quoted.single.racket"},{begin:`(?x) (?<=^|[()\\[\\]{}",;\\s]) (?: \` | ' )+ (?: \\#% | \\\\\\ | [^\\#()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) `,end:"(?=[()\\[\\]{}\",'`;\\s])",name:"string.quoted.single.racket",patterns:[{match:"\\\\ "},{begin:"\\|",beginCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.begin.racket"}},end:"\\|",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.end.racket"}}}]}]},variable:{patterns:[{begin:"(?x) (?<=^|[()\\[\\]{}\",'`;\\s]) (\\|)",beginCaptures:{1:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.begin.racket"}},end:"\\|",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.end.racket"}}},{begin:`(?x) (?<=^|[()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) (?: \\#% | \\\\\\ | [^\\#()\\[\\]{}",'\`;\\s]) `,end:"(?=[()\\[\\]{}\",'`;\\s])",patterns:[{match:"\\\\ "},{begin:"\\|",beginCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.begin.racket"}},end:"\\|",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.verbatim.end.racket"}}}]}]},vector:{patterns:[{begin:"(?x) \\# (?: fl | Fl | fx | Fx)? [0-9]* \\(",beginCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.vector.begin.racket"}},end:"\\)",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.vector.end.racket"}},name:"meta.vector.racket",patterns:[{include:"$base"}]},{begin:"(?x) \\# (?: fl | Fl | fx | Fx)? [0-9]* \\[",beginCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.vector.begin.racket"}},end:"\\]",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.vector.end.racket"}},name:"meta.vector.racket",patterns:[{include:"$base"}]},{begin:"(?x) \\# (?: fl | Fl | fx | Fx)? [0-9]* {",beginCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.vector.begin.racket"}},end:"}",endCaptures:{0:{name:"punctuation.section.vector.end.racket"}},name:"meta.vector.racket",patterns:[{include:"$base"}]}]}},scopeName:"source.racket"});var t=[e];export{t as default};