
npm bundle license demo

Carta is a **lightweight**, **fast** and **extensible** Svelte Markdown editor and viewer, based on [Marked](https://github.com/markedjs/marked). Check out the [demo](http://beartocode.github.io/carta-md/) to see it in action. Differently from most editors, Carta includes neither ProseMirror nor CodeMirror, allowing for an extremely small bundle size and fast loading time. ## Features - Keyboard **shortcuts** (extensible); - Toolbar (extensible); - Markdown syntax highlighting; - Scroll sync; - **SSR** compatible; - **Katex** support (plugin); - **Slash** commands (plugin); - **Emojis**, with included search (plugin); - **Tikz** support(plugin); - **Attachment** support(plugin); - Code blocks **syntax highlighting** (plugin). ## Getting started > **Warning** > Sanitization is not dealt with by Carta. You need to provide a `sanitizer` in the options. > Common sanitizers are [isomorphic-dompurify](https://www.npmjs.com/package/isomorphic-dompurify) (suggested) and [sanitize-html](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sanitize-html). ### Installation Core package: ``` npm i carta-md ``` Plugins: ``` npm i @cartamd/plugin-name ``` ### Basic configuration ```svelte ``` Editor component exported properties: | Name | Type | Description | | ---------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | | `carta` | `Carta` | Carta Editor | | `theme` | `string` | For custom css themes, see below for more | | `value` | `string` | Markdown input | | `placeholder` | `string` | Placeholder text for textarea | | `mode` | `'tabs' \| 'split' \| 'auto'` | Tabs settings | | `disableToolbar` | `boolean` | Option to disable the toolbar | ### Plugins Each plugin's _readme_ includes a guide on its use. | Name | Description | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | | [plugin-math](https://github.com/BearToCode/carta-md/tree/master/packages/plugin-math) | Katex support | | [plugin-slash](https://github.com/BearToCode/carta-md/tree/master/packages/plugin-slash) | Slash commands support | | [plugin-emoji](https://github.com/BearToCode/carta-md/tree/master/packages/plugin-emoji) | Emojis support, including inline search | | [plugin-code](https://github.com/BearToCode/carta-md/tree/master/packages/plugin-code) | Code blocks syntax highlighting | | [plugin-tikz](https://github.com/BearToCode/carta-md/tree/master/packages/plugin-tikz) | TikZ support using TikZJax | | [plugin-attachment](https://github.com/BearToCode/carta-md/tree/master/packages/plugin-attachment) | Attachments support | ## Themes customization By using the `theme` property in `CartaEditor` and `CartaPreview` you can change their classes to `carta-editor__{theme}` and `carta-viewer__{theme}`. Check out the [default theme](https://github.com/BearToCode/carta-md/blob/master/packages/carta-md/src/lib/default-theme.css) to customize it. If you are using a plugin, look at its _readme_ for its customization. Markdown highlighting is done using **Speed Highlight JS**, [here](https://github.com/speed-highlight/core/tree/main/src/themes) you can find more themes. You can find complete Markdown stylesheet online. For example [github-markdown-css](https://github.com/sindresorhus/github-markdown-css)(used in the demo), or [tailwind-typography](https://tailwindcss.com/docs/typography-plugin). ## Extensibility ### Options Carta options: | Name | Type | Description | | ------------------ | ------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------- | | `extensions` | `CartaExtension[]` | Editor/viewer extensions | | `rendererDebounce` | `number` | Renderer debouncing timeout, in ms (def. 300ms) | | `disableShortcuts` | `DefaultShortcutId[] \| true` | Remove default shortcuts by ids | | `disableIcons` | `DefaultIconId[] \| true` | Remove default icons by ids | | `disablePrefixes` | `DefaultPrefixId[] \| true` | Remove default prefixes by ids | | `historyOptions` | `Partial` | History (Undo/Redo) options | | `sanitizer` | `(html: string) => string` | HTML sanitizer | You can easily extend Carta by creating custom plugins. Here are all the `CartaExtension` properties: | Name | Type | Description | | ------------------ | -------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `markedExtensions` | `marked.MarkedExtension[]` | Marked extensions, more on that [here](https://marked.js.org/using_advanced) | | `shortcuts` | `KeyboardShortcut[]` | Additional keyboard shortcuts | | `icons` | `CartaIcon[]` | Additional icons | | `prefixes` | `Prefix[]` | Additional prefixes | | `listeners` | `CartaListener[]` | Textarea event listeners | | `components` | `CartaExtensionComponents` | Additional components, that will be put after the editor. All components are given a `carta: Carta`. prop The editor has a `relative` position, so you can position elements absolutely | | `highlightRules` | `HighlightRule[]` | Custom markdown highlight rules. See [Speed-Highlight Wiki](https://github.com/speed-highlight/core/wiki/Create-or-suggest-new-languages). | | `onLoad` | `(data: { carta:Carta, ... }) => void` | Use this callback to execute code when one Carta instance loads the extension. | If you created a plugin and want to share it, you can open an _issue_ and we will consider sponsoring it on this guide. ## Contributions Every contribution is well accepted. If you have a feature request you can open a new issue. This package uses a [pnpm workspace](https://pnpm.io/workspaces), so pnpm is required to download and put everything together properly. ### Committing This repository is [commitizen](https://github.com/commitizen/cz-cli) friendly. To commit use: ``` npm run commit # or, if you have commitizen installed globally git cz ```