import { CallableInstance, escapeHTML, identity } from '@/internal/utils' describe('CallableInstance', () => { class FixtureCallable extends CallableInstance { readonly salutation: string constructor (salutation: string) { super() this.salutation = salutation } __call__ (name: string) { return this.salute(name) } salute (name: string) { return `${this.salutation}, ${name}!` } } describe('subclass', () => { it('can be instantiated using new', () => { expect(() => new FixtureCallable('Hello') ).not.toThrow() }) }) describe('subclass instance', () => { let instance: FixtureCallable beforeEach(() => { instance = new FixtureCallable('Hello') }) it('is an instance of its class', () => { expect( instance ).toBeInstanceOf(FixtureCallable) expect( instance.salutation ).toBe('Hello') expect( instance.salute('world') ).toBe('Hello, world!') }) it('is an instance of Function', () => { expect( instance ).toBeInstanceOf(Function) }) it('is a typeof function', () => { expect( typeof instance ).toBe('function') }) it('has function property "name" that equals the class name', () => { expect( ).toBe('FixtureCallable') }) it('has function property "length" that equals number of arguments of the __call__ method', () => { expect( instance.length ).toBe(1) }) it('can be called, redirects to the method __call__', () => { expect( instance('world') ).toBe('Hello, world!') expect( instance.apply(null, ['world']) ).toBe('Hello, world!') // eslint-disable-line no-useless-call expect(, 'world') ).toBe('Hello, world!') // eslint-disable-line no-useless-call }) }) }) describe('.escapeHTML', () => { test.each([ /* input | expected */ ['&' , '&' ], ['<' , '<' ], ['>' , '>' ], ['Hey >_>', 'Hey >_<! <<&>>'], ])('"%s" -> "%s"', (input, expected) => { expect( escapeHTML(input) ).toEqual(expected) }) }) describe('.identity', () => { it('returns the first given argument', () => { expect( identity('a', 'b') ).toBe('a') }) })