= Jupyter Notebook to HTML :npm-name: ipynb2html :gh-name: jirutka/{npm-name} :gh-branch: master :vs-marketplace-uri: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName= ifdef::env-github[] image:https://travis-ci.com/{gh-name}.svg?branch={gh-branch}[Build Status, link="https://travis-ci.com/{gh-name}"] image:https://img.shields.io/npm/v/{npm-name}.svg[npm Version, link="https://www.npmjs.org/package/{npm-name}"] endif::env-github[] TODO == Development == System Requirements * https://nodejs.org[NodeJS] 10.13+ * https://yarnpkg.com[yarn] 1.6+ (can be installed using npm) === Used Tools * https://www.typescriptlang.org[TypeScript] the language * https://yarnpkg.com[yarn] for dependencies management and building * https://eslint.org[ESLint] for linting JS/TypeScript code * https://jestjs.io[Jest] for testing === How to Start . Clone this repository: [source, subs="+attributes"] git clone git@github.com:{gh-name}.git . Install Yarn (if you don’t have it already): [source] npm install -g yarn . Install all JS dependencies: [source] yarn install . Build the project: [source] yarn build . Run tests: [source] yarn test . Run linter: [source] yarn lint IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that JS sources are located in the directory `src`; directory `lib` contains transpiled code (created after running `yarn build`)! === Visual Studio Code If you use Visual Studio Code, you should install the following extensions: * link:{vs-marketplace-uri}EditorConfig.EditorConfig[EditorConfig for VS Code] * link:{vs-marketplace-uri}dbaeumer.vscode-eslint[ESLint] * link:{vs-marketplace-uri}Orta.vscode-jest[Jest] (and link:{vs-marketplace-uri}shtian.jest-snippets-standard[Jest Snippets Standard Style]) * link:{vs-marketplace-uri}gamunu.vscode-yarn[yarn] == Credits * The renderer module is originally based on https://github.com/jsvine/notebookjs[notebookjs] 0.4.2 developed by https://github.com/jsvine[Jeremy Singer-Vine] and distributed under the http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT/[MIT License]. * The mathExtractor module is based on https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/blob/6.0.1/notebook/static/notebook/js/mathjaxutils.js[mathjaxutils.js] from the https://github.com/jupyter/notebook[Jupyter Notebook] 6.0.1 distributed under the https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/blob/6.0.1/COPYING.md[Modified BSD License]. == License This project is licensed under http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT/[MIT License]. For the full text of the license, see the link:LICENSE[LICENSE] file.