# zfsmon zfsmon is a simple monitoring tool for ZFS. You can run it in regular intervals with cron and it will send you email notifications when - a scrub completes - new read/write/checksum errors occurred - a vdev becomes degraded/offline - you are running low on disk space ``` */5 * * * * /usr/bin/zfsmon -pool tank -m name@example.com ``` ## CLI arguments - `-pool` Name of the ZFS pool to monitor - `-sendmail` Path to the sendmail-compatible application that sends the emails (`sendmail` by default) - `-m` E-Mail address - `-f` File to store last scan result for comparison (default: ./last_scan.yaml or /etc/zfsmon/last_scan.yaml if running as root) - `-log` Log file (default: ./zfsmon.log or /etc/zfsmon/zfsmon.log if running as root) - `-space` Pool fill level in percent to warn at (default: 90%)