la indie: name: LA Indie description: La Indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in Latin America, particularly in Mexico and Argentina. It features a blend of indie rock and traditional Latin American music, incorporating elements such as salsa, cumbia, and bolero. La Indie music often has a distinctively upbeat and danceable sound, with lyrics that touch on themes such as love, identity, and social justice. parent: indie rock region: LA localized_name: true rank: 343 playlists: "2018": 1w61jEm47dcyD5s7otVFzE "2019": 4VKkJIC5EPTiSr0fdRhPUh "2020": 2vjJ83QGydBTFAlESzV7Fe "2021": 6e7SfvZ03aZqPgO71iD20k "2022": 3p3Tg4Ej10wWZJi3ZZkede "2023": 6L58BPmSqJa2ubTDPkUg55 edge: 0Pr3kEtVQ7skEwgMxWNIC6 intro: 4U2ERStXMAT89B2616HALr pulse: 3ZTUXy2GqS54DAJgUN0Fh0 sound: 0C1hLm2vFuQgqMnjv31lBK la pop: name: LA Pop description: A subgenre of pop music originating from Latin America, characterized by its upbeat rhythms and catchy melodies. La pop often incorporates elements of traditional Latin American music, such as salsa, cumbia, and reggaeton, and is known for its energetic and danceable sound. parent: pop region: LA localized_name: true rank: 442 playlists: "2019": 6t4eydjgVINtBV11bqzyAu "2020": 4DqlI7DsCd9wdHdGJTEC6w "2021": 6S4eSOw493qmJiibq6SfUn "2022": 5KUaCYa6Nf30nsN8gENj53 "2023": 7wpbSgrdOenbdof0yAR7p0 edge: 3X5VbasVb65vkRJFnnvztb intro: 5lqxAjzimMPtPlClzTdpxQ pulse: 18ThGcWJlkBhcE1Xnqon2u sound: 7AqOmLV0JV4a3GpIU1qxbL laboratorio: name: Laboratorio description: Laboratorio is a genre of experimental music that emerged in the 1960s in Italy. It is characterized by its use of unconventional instruments and sounds, as well as its focus on improvisation. Laboratorio musicians often incorporate elements of jazz, avant-garde, and electronic music into their compositions. The genre has influenced a wide range of artists and has become an important part of the experimental music scene. parent: italian experimental rank: 1715 playlists: "2020": 67FSIYKumIwrXp9He9oIxL "2022": 4AUqlqvNpKSRM0ElXHe7c0 "2023": 6NV5Dz3I8Sb5clCBqfuB9R edge: 3nsNgEFBiZW2aLrB1D6OSj intro: 3LL3Dr7a6T3n4glUGSb6Gr pulse: 0736Tl70GcabZo0PjFH1rY sound: 1qDYupZn3TPJIDFR1tzETe ladakhi pop: name: Ladakhi Pop description: Ladakhi pop is a genre of music that originated in the Ladakh region of India. It blends traditional Ladakhi folk music with modern pop elements, creating a unique sound that is both catchy and culturally rich. The lyrics often focus on themes of love, nature, and spirituality. parent: pop language: lbj country: IN localized_name: true rank: 5871 playlists: "2021": 1tWeV7qOog8r5tamSSihyy "2022": 5ELHZg4lCKykJNbO2QGT3R "2023": 00aXqIXHS59hqgWxvFqD3A intro: 3WWtNOqQnggjtNx69kx2EO pulse: 4z7mA0CEee8lbQTt3AEjkr sound: 7soq6Lz7g6PWvigWX3cVCn lafayette indie: name: Lafayette Indie description: Lafayette indie is a subgenre of indie rock that emerged in the city of Lafayette, Louisiana. It is characterized by its eclectic mix of musical influences, including Cajun, zydeco, and blues. Lafayette indie bands often incorporate local culture and history into their music, creating a distinct sound that is both nostalgic and forward-thinking. parent: indie rock country: US rank: 3860 playlists: sound: 3UziAt6SZEbzRThnSMyU5K lagu aceh: name: Lagu Aceh description: Lagu Aceh is a traditional music genre from the Aceh region of Indonesia. It features a variety of instruments, including the gendang (drum), serunai (flute), and rebab (stringed instrument). The lyrics often focus on themes of love, religion, and social issues. Lagu Aceh has a rich history and is an important part of Acehnese culture. parent: indonesian folk localized_name: true rank: 3551 playlists: "2021": 5K8v6yzuwduB4X2lKY1Axq "2022": 64cYUzTmZQ61tDsePSBLsR "2023": 0GA91hKhJRImcPrvxOC5Vd edge: 4rkEgLEZ627QAqCCgO3uiQ intro: 103JFvXTOPYL1cPnFpUzrt pulse: 71AFqvlUv9yJHcfEVXSTql sound: 78IYTCUA99H1rwKXjTYSCO lagu bali: name: Lagu Bali description: Lagu Bali is a traditional music genre from Bali, Indonesia. It is characterized by its use of gamelan instruments, such as metallophones, gongs, and drums, and its distinct vocal style. The music is often accompanied by dance performances and tells stories of Balinese mythology and daily life. parent: balinese traditional localized_name: true rank: 3213 playlists: "2021": 3MTmH3CuhptdUls7kdNsnQ "2022": 0hVftYkftJljRkLBeWGW5w "2023": 5ihuhkMW3MhceX6w983WKz edge: 3fApRC6g8ehaTLgecH9S4o intro: 7CDUhNiB3uNeahk6sCrfVi pulse: 7CkEowBvUZcny4eVuuHBOO sound: 1dqR8owoT4vz61AMGMc0cA lagu betawi: name: Lagu Betawi description: Lagu Betawi is a traditional music genre from Jakarta, Indonesia. It incorporates elements of Malay, Javanese, and Chinese music, reflecting the diverse cultural influences in the city. The music features a variety of instruments, including the rebab, gambang, and kendang, and is often played at weddings and other festive occasions. parent: indonesian folk language: bew localized_name: true rank: 5678 playlists: intro: 6nK5EmD2ZzlJXGbTwHhL3D pulse: 5T93uEZ44PXlmfHLD2Kisq sound: 6TN46YwH8yprurqRB4lQ9l lagu bugis: name: Lagu Bugis description: Lagu Bugis is a traditional music genre from South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is characterized by its use of traditional instruments, such as the gendang and the biola, and its unique vocal style, which involves a technique called "senggora." The music often tells stories of Bugis history and culture and is an important part of traditional ceremonies and celebrations. parent: indonesian folk language: bug localized_name: true rank: 3347 playlists: "2022": 1a74qOBLRE22JpbOjJS1gR "2023": 1xajvAgbhcQbUKIoErM8LW edge: 7Gjx4WB3Lv4ji0c3qgcDuv intro: 0LpnQXLjG3rmlgtAC1ZHaI pulse: 38wC8yqW9tIQqJ4csl7rts sound: 0kPKNYj7UGKveCz4kikG7Q lagu iban: name: Lagu Iban description: Lagu Iban is a genre of music that originates from the Iban people of Malaysia. It is characterized by its use of traditional instruments such as the sape and the gendang, and its lyrics often revolve around themes of love, nature, and life in rural areas. parent: malaysian traditional language: iba localized_name: true rank: 5182 playlists: "2021": 1Hw4nPoOdEpgOjnqRrtkpN "2022": 0n4ulv1amJVJiGAOcZu6hx "2023": 5GbqnLnxXsGSH2fSaJ7y4d edge: 0kFS21EvguyqGWcXZln9Pm intro: 72mFULTnrcRDOJ0TU4HukF pulse: 2ao1eXx2rwZaaU9pnHnqRP sound: 7y00fhiUdviML8AhwU7NUL lagu jambi: name: Lagu Jambi description: Lagu Jambi is a traditional music genre from the Jambi province of Indonesia. It features a blend of Malay and Javanese influences, with the use of instruments such as the rebana, gambus, and serunai. The lyrics often touch on themes of love, spirituality, and the natural world. parent: indonesian folk localized_name: true rank: 6089 playlists: sound: 1Qw878bmGXb4ZvjHdvThZW lagu jawa: name: Lagu Jawa description: Lagu Jawa is a genre of music that originates from the island of Java in Indonesia. It features a blend of traditional Javanese music with modern influences, and is characterized by the use of instruments such as the gamelan and the kendang. The lyrics often revolve around themes of love, nature, and spirituality. parent: indonesian folk language: jav localized_name: true rank: 455 playlists: "2021": 3rgzfMJ624dAvzjiNixoHc "2022": 30a63NEn3pdVeuSpHg0GNU "2023": 1wbjV710AsNsdKe3HYkEWN edge: 3DhslAxx4A9ATIb3BkJ5lR intro: 3YEBhjyv6GlxIeIQhYaWsY pulse: 6ijUVWxGPlXrHSXpyDWTEu sound: 0sj7X3mU67gtQXbsrjnpyP lagu karo: name: Lagu Karo description: Lagu karo is a traditional music genre from the Karo ethnic group in North Sumatra, Indonesia. It is characterized by the use of traditional instruments such as the gendang, serunai, and gong. The lyrics often revolve around themes of love, nature, and daily life. The music has a lively and upbeat tempo, with strong rhythms and harmonies that are unique to the Karo culture. parent: indonesian folk language: btx localized_name: true rank: 4471 playlists: "2022": 5YNMDXSO4S9TIGWz4doHnd "2023": 3gLTkYcKqh3l0rZ3G5Fcm2 edge: 6W8rbO7niqzlkCqLLGzUEa intro: 59Mmwpjhr4Utxhe4yBSncB pulse: 0hI4BzeIP1Xljyu7LKBaNR sound: 3UENNqTZntCPXIL3tlm5Ok lagu lampung: name: Lagu Lampung description: Lagu lampung is a traditional music genre from the Lampung province in southern Sumatra, Indonesia. It is characterized by the use of traditional instruments such as the gendang, serunai, and rebab. The lyrics often revolve around themes of nature, love, and social criticism. The music has a slow and melodic tempo, with haunting melodies and intricate rhythms that are unique to the Lampung culture. parent: indonesian folk localized_name: true rank: 6167 playlists: intro: 5WH0eegzg10BznaYV0pH5x sound: 3wTmRDseZi0s4Q0OpBUg4q lagu madura: name: Lagu Madura description: Lagu madura is a traditional music genre from the Madura island in East Java, Indonesia. It is characterized by the use of traditional instruments such as the gendang, gambus, and rebana. The lyrics often revolve around themes of love, religion, and daily life. The music has a fast and energetic tempo, with strong rhythms and melodies that are unique to the Madura culture. parent: indonesian folk language: mad localized_name: true rank: 6223 playlists: sound: 734X09F97uQg7AWgeNQGGt lagu maluku: name: Lagu Maluku description: Lagu Maluku is a genre of music originating from the Maluku Islands of Indonesia. It is characterized by its upbeat rhythms, use of traditional instruments such as the tifa and gong, and lyrics that often tell stories of love, nature, and daily life in the islands. parent: indonesian folk localized_name: true rank: 5456 playlists: "2021": 1q0yRnlw24C131gqNOnXS9 "2022": 0zjjFbSeXJh2G9WXrauqUj "2023": 4AEkL21bYkMQUTAyaqC53r edge: 6BvOk8Am3cYxWrJTFAtjae intro: 0a78LKelhq2cU0F72wwqDW pulse: 71hVPIXGyHMj4g2qJiBtBu sound: 7CCAguYh80dpcFURxzwzQ8 lagu manado: name: Lagu Manado description: Lagu Manado is a genre of music from the North Sulawesi region of Indonesia. It is known for its lively beats, use of traditional instruments such as the kolintang and tambourine, and lyrics that often celebrate the beauty of the region and its people. parent: indonesian folk localized_name: true rank: 4592 playlists: "2022": 1obt5fpkuga6ZTuBCzmWcF "2023": 1hobHg1AWgktt0DTSJfLPf intro: 1neDSXxTbL0CW1CKRqB8x8 pulse: 4QlP9nK2tqxj1qZ6ls3jDc sound: 4k2MgmvYXkWUxLwMrp863V lagu melayu: name: Lagu Melayu description: Lagu Melayu is a genre of music from Malaysia and Indonesia that blends traditional Malay and Islamic influences with modern pop and rock elements. It is characterized by its use of the gamelan and other traditional instruments, as well as its soulful vocals and poetic lyrics that often tell stories of love and loss. parent: malaysian traditional localized_name: true rank: 1754 playlists: "2022": 3UVJMhn0rXfAKShJTm3ShG "2023": 0tnrWF43TIA85s4gz38PId edge: 5jn3wVwN3UJn8xwyD05oS6 intro: 56wR4BX3nthAAnNP3XV4sl pulse: 6bFCcCDsXaa1dvyunTYmMr sound: 51SbeDACNjwd4GtTeeQodt lagu sabahan: name: Lagu Sabahan description: Lagu Sabahan is a genre of music originating from Sabah, Malaysia. It is characterized by a fusion of traditional and modern music, with influences from various ethnic groups in the region. The lyrics often reflect the natural beauty and cultural diversity of Sabah. The music is usually accompanied by traditional instruments such as the kulintangan, gong, and sape. parent: malaysian traditional localized_name: true rank: 4211 playlists: "2021": 0I02dqsdsZw9mz8AxWKegM "2022": 1grsgXkE3tMYxYSMfAWRd8 "2023": 0cL2FFArVcoxHp1192s7Av edge: 1huNVCBoGubNAmB8SNsbf1 intro: 1a62DvCd4FqGSpRT3kpgYA pulse: 0ftnhvnq41zTqQ4RsusZO9 sound: 6suhLOSv1aTHZNzQ0JsCLk lagu sasak: name: Lagu Sasak description: Lagu Sasak is a traditional music genre from Lombok, Indonesia. It is characterized by the use of the sasak language, which is unique to the region. The music is usually accompanied by traditional instruments such as the gendang, gong, and suling. The lyrics often reflect the daily life and culture of the Sasak people, including their customs, beliefs, and traditions. parent: indonesian folk language: sas localized_name: true rank: 4020 playlists: intro: 4auMhp6pjpKiAovcvR4bMQ pulse: 2866XU6yxg6dYBDinEUZQ5 sound: 49KNl5r9iJkG8BYo8VlWxX lagu sunda: name: Lagu Sunda description: Lagu Sunda is a traditional music genre from West Java, Indonesia. It is characterized by the use of the Sundanese language and traditional instruments such as the angklung, kendang, and suling. The music is often accompanied by traditional dance performances, and the lyrics often reflect the natural beauty and cultural diversity of the Sundanese people. The music is known for its soothing melodies and intricate rhythms. parent: indonesian folk language: sun localized_name: true rank: 3027 playlists: "2021": 5mTdNoO12jnteJ0M9X4wrs "2022": 7vk26aTsDsyy0TVVQodDTr "2023": 2Ui6vXYG95XywmKo60L9Ni edge: 7KfJhzJqZQTFIO54E09z7x intro: 7dC4N8kZMqyRTgv7NzTT6J pulse: 2pndQFUkKleRrmcyOf85Rw sound: 2ALQhQTaGMcIhayym0beqS lagu tarling: name: Lagu Tarling description: Lagu Tarling is a traditional Indonesian music genre that originated from the Sundanese community in West Java. It is characterized by its unique fusion of traditional Sundanese music with modern pop and dangdut elements. The lyrics often tell stories of love, heartbreak, and everyday life in the Sundanese community. parent: indonesian folk localized_name: true wikidata_id: 10979284 rank: 4517 playlists: "2021": 4WZOXV2d9xcVwceCQwJl60 "2022": 6Jf0qvuFuLtmFmxCEftJqr "2023": 2AJaohBXEXJNFY2xgJb7pM intro: 421YVBMrKlu1hHvKGNPaO7 pulse: 44uO5FGbppnQasbSEzBNTk sound: 6G0LJl6u6SVoDoGIaPoQrj lagu timur: name: Lagu Timur description: Lagu Timur, or Eastern Indonesian music, is a diverse genre that encompasses a range of traditional and modern music styles from the eastern regions of Indonesia. It is characterized by its use of traditional instruments such as the sasando, tifa, and gong, as well as modern instruments like electric guitars and synthesizers. The lyrics often reflect the cultural and environmental diversity of the eastern Indonesian regions. parent: indonesian folk localized_name: true rank: 1690 playlists: "2021": 5TkclNL2w54xE90SBUFlzZ "2022": 3kK0nK8rqiTjGFFWAJhXQ3 "2023": 3TfeoX0zSmhAGLoYmCKEuL edge: 2mIX7AXZwQqQzbXGrj5rjd intro: 6CLc6wugAvePu0fM6Ua37g pulse: 00pyYQtjrHKGNDo0KKsLJV sound: 0S6mwmMZjJwmPm6Mtt20Oa lai hla: name: Lai Hla description: Lai Hla is a traditional music genre from Myanmar, also known as Burmese folk music. It is characterized by its use of traditional instruments such as the saung (harp), pat waing (drum circle), and hne (reed instrument). The lyrics often tell stories of love, nature, and the everyday lives of Myanmar people. Lai Hla is an important part of Myanmar's cultural heritage and is often performed at festivals and other cultural events. parent: burmese traditional localized_name: true rank: 5583 playlists: "2021": 2TU3bZWFLa76YF3IPtz2zP "2022": 1BKj689zoOGEguHXglvAa6 "2023": 2hHlmYf9TBFo17DfRgJnc8 edge: 4m9pJvr35WXyMdFle2WVoD intro: 5tzNFbSkVAGRn6N3Qibwyi pulse: 525vvkGVzW58zw9GNHu9Hx sound: 5nv4lr6p6likzx61NLCQEY laiko: name: Laïko description: Laiko is a popular music genre in Greece that combines traditional Greek folk music with modern pop and rock elements. It often features the use of traditional Greek instruments such as bouzouki and baglama, as well as electric guitars and synthesizers. Laiko music is known for its catchy melodies, emotional lyrics, and energetic rhythms that make it a staple of Greek nightlife. parent: greek folk localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 702 playlists: "2020": 4jz1R1dDR0macPB4ca6zj6 "2021": 6tBf9Fy0xU876G2TGHWRvh "2022": 2NAxos7H6iFyZdPn0cyvj2 "2023": 5I5SUBGkheiKhL2M7dpPGV edge: 7jCOYxsY4ZfOfrlf8FFTZR intro: 4vTUTaxjdHplyP87seFK0z pulse: 2s7P22uou8i1QxEB6IP2Vb sound: 5NmSX3apChYsQj54LLufIV lambadao: name: Lambadão description: Lambada is a dance from State of Pará, Brazil. The dance briefly became internationally popular in the 1980s, especially in the Philippines, Latin America and Caribbean countries. It has adopted aspects of dances such as forró, salsa, merengue, maxixe, carimbó and Bolivian saya. parent: dance language: por country: BR localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 2101 playlists: "2023": 7cWnN02gnhV3Y9htdovoz1 edge: 1puq8GgiFF38w689pdNPS2 intro: 6y042AgY1WMp1WGqa6NZYR pulse: 2bpYbZE0wvshztIBhpCvMj sound: 1teLnfl5F9DD1Ko5fLy8lG lampung indie: name: Lampung Indie description: Lampung Indie is a music genre that originated in the Lampung province of Indonesia. It features a blend of traditional Lampung music with modern indie rock and pop influences. Lampung Indie music often incorporates traditional instruments such as the suling (bamboo flute) and gendang (drum), as well as electric guitars and synthesizers. The lyrics often touch on themes such as love, nature, and local culture. parent: indonesian indie rank: 3518 playlists: sound: 5fXpNVUC5QymlxNrIivhxL lancashire indie: name: Lancashire Indie description: Lancashire indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in the Lancashire region of England. It is characterized by its raw, unpolished sound, often featuring distorted guitars and introspective lyrics. Lancashire indie bands often draw inspiration from the region's industrial past and working-class culture. parent: english indie rock rank: 4029 playlists: sound: 3GTitzQCtoUcVkLKAY2J2G lancaster pa indie: name: Lancaster PA Indie description: Lancaster PA indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area. It is characterized by its melodic, guitar-driven sound and introspective lyrics. Lancaster PA indie bands often draw inspiration from the region's rural landscapes and small-town culture. parent: indie rock country: US localized_name: true rank: 3978 playlists: sound: 2vnSy7bTDFfI6FN0AkLZiu landler: name: Ländler description: Landler is a traditional folk music genre that originated in the Alpine regions of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. It is characterized by its lively, upbeat tempo and the use of accordion, clarinet, and violin. Landler music is often associated with dancing and is a popular genre for traditional festivals and celebrations in the Alpine regions. parent: volksmusik wikipedia_url: rank: 6001 playlists: intro: 5zD3tw5PwzSRSBkxCaudAq pulse: 5AnCHARmRglUFejpX4MDiK sound: 6yZn81v1jP6Phi9S0tm4At language: name: Language description: '"Language" is a genre that focuses on the use of words and their meanings as the primary focus of the music. It often features spoken word poetry and experimental sounds that challenge traditional music structures.' parent: reading localized_name: true rank: 4202 playlists: intro: 6YZLMusIUS6TZA2oO3K1zI pulse: 6YeBDUs4gTRPTE8hlByrgr sound: 222ayS1WOFrZVmTeVOFhfd "2023": 2eYlkrbkNYIBn6nWZYLmx7 lao hip hop: name: Lao Hip Hop description: '"Lao hip hop" is a genre that combines the elements of traditional Lao music with hip hop beats and lyrics. It often features themes of social justice, cultural identity, and personal struggles, and is popular among young people in Laos.' parent: hip hop language: lao country: LA localized_name: true rank: 4887 playlists: "2021": 2QZBKxqiCpHmoRnQFoH93i "2022": 6HRzxrkiQEtkGQP1m17rjZ "2023": 0DESr9zhj2cC2GIIJPHMW1 intro: 46ha1LNhCQxV3UurMvEI5f pulse: 7mU9FYk2E6o9CB2cIZVkXO sound: 0yVmsZK4AtiNMpby2WqLZY lao pop: name: Lao Pop description: '"Lao pop" is a genre that blends traditional Lao music with contemporary pop sounds. It often features catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms, and is popular among a wide range of audiences in Laos and Southeast Asia. Its lyrics often touch on themes of love, relationships, and everyday life.' parent: pop language: lao country: LA localized_name: true rank: 4933 playlists: "2021": 0rFNRUgB9sFxrlLdfL0kUV "2022": 4NM7Gm1OUgDdkSj8EGAowi "2023": 4BDy6M8bNkqoMU71HwBqwV edge: 5lBtm3K3mdxR7zxuFaxhyR intro: 4uLV1DuRnhUFISzGEUOfcx pulse: 1ArvseNJAk4KTtleX2EewK sound: 6O63cFOsWByxmtFy8vPUmr lao traditional: name: Lao Traditional description: Lao traditional music is a genre that has been passed down through generations in Laos. It features instruments such as the khaen and the saw, and often tells stories of love, nature, and daily life. The music is characterized by its slow, melodic rhythms and haunting vocals. parent: folk language: lao country: LA localized_name: true rank: 6254 playlists: sound: 6PIhwFYl5paNWQ0UxMN2Ys lapland hip hop: name: Lapland Hip Hop description: Lapland hip hop is a unique blend of traditional Sami music and modern hip hop beats. The lyrics often touch on themes of identity, cultural pride, and political issues. The music incorporates traditional Sami instruments such as the joik and the luohti, giving it a distinct sound. parent: finnish hip hop localized_name: true rank: 5072 playlists: "2021": 7ryZBiakbBgtLhwUrgkYeH "2022": 5LIa6F6ZR4CAshMJk33IqT "2023": 13lCbPKQgB4GuGkuWv3fSd edge: 0PRBIuBbIPZPJSi0FHMf8X intro: 7JzULUbPLjd6gwvBeHstgs pulse: 4m3QUJXDlpO1dysXW2KDhF sound: 1f8Bn97KgjFabZaAYf15Vd lapland metal: name: Lapland Metal description: Lapland metal is a genre that combines the heavy, aggressive sound of metal with elements of Sami music. The lyrics often touch on themes of nature, mythology, and cultural identity. The music is characterized by its fast-paced rhythms, distorted guitar riffs, and powerful vocals. The use of traditional Sami instruments such as the yoik and the shaman drum gives the music a unique, otherworldly feel. parent: finnish metal localized_name: true rank: 3299 playlists: "2022": 5c6trKe507F0S0FIz0P0UH sound: 2roNZbSQjCICekvwRQnAUz lastelaulud: name: Lastelaulud description: A genre of Estonian children's music that features simple, playful melodies and lyrics that are easy for young children to sing along with. Lastelaulud often incorporate themes of nature, animals, and fairy tales, and are designed to be both entertaining and educational. parent: children's music language: est country: EE localized_name: true rank: 5122 playlists: "2022": 5f44LRZnGx3z5FQ8kyuciT "2023": 1TYjPDdeeppv795MvzBQZT edge: 3hKtKTFVUSEaUzozmsKRgS intro: 66IT25N384YanRfc4yrQaZ pulse: 2vhrTh8U2Iz7t0az5Z2p2C sound: 6EGPEBVVMs1EgT7PuKitD0 lasten satuja: name: Lasten Satuja description: A genre of Finnish children's music that centers around storytelling and fairy tales. Lasten satuja often features spoken word segments interspersed with music, and the music itself is typically gentle and soothing, designed to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere for children. The lyrics often teach important life lessons and values, such as kindness, honesty, and perseverance. parent: children's story language: fin country: FI localized_name: true rank: 4698 playlists: "2022": 2KGsoLt0KpRXFac7l6T9Az "2023": 6F3ma3SQT1y2QoFOtqmnqb intro: 4YdvAtTmQKYh3bVr2najmG pulse: 5Sim0qMhE8jfqm0KCF0ut1 sound: 4RhupISMLdVdHZoCJFhWCt lata: name: Lata description: Lata is a genre of Indian music that originated in the 1940s and is characterized by soulful melodies and poetic lyrics. It is often associated with the golden age of Bollywood music and is still popular today. parent: filmi rank: 1144 playlists: sound: 0ylNGJ6oQ43HQ9OE40syp4 late romantic era: name: Late Romantic Era description: Late Romantic Era music is a style of classical music that emerged in the late 19th century and is characterized by lush harmonies, rich orchestration, and an emphasis on emotion and expression. Composers such as Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, and Sergei Rachmaninoff are associated with this period. parent: classical localized_name: true rank: 512 playlists: "2019": 7HQq3txLGH4KSpCorgvv48 "2020": 0nsv0kfqDirYXFQ03U2gQT "2021": 3CiVbPMs3c3SbgaTbMoUgu "2022": 7hBygdVdA279kKgs0z7sio "2023": 2fgR7bqhOVE4lLcUgvoNZW edge: 3IaxU3e0GizCpgGnRlKiRi intro: 4uZ6Sy9q8G7kiz2mAarg3Y pulse: 6JcvXlRufkTJS7kP7vsP9B sound: 7e68yBvjBB80O77iLiVt3l latin afrobeat: name: Latin Afrobeat description: Latin afrobeat is a fusion of Latin American rhythms and African beats, characterized by complex percussion and funky basslines. This genre emerged in the 1970s and combines elements of Afro-Cuban, Brazilian, and West African music. Latin afrobeat is known for its energetic and danceable sound that blends traditional and modern styles. parent: afrobeat language: spa region: LA rank: 1112 playlists: "2019": 4npa3oDn77bTm8NlYbbH0g "2020": 0eeATC9ARARPXHpgGlM82m "2021": 3PjE0lnPrF4OL4jKD1CdRF "2022": 7rkfxeUCCCuWwWw5DbfaKT "2023": 3JroSDRzAYFQViVqxZ8bZi edge: 6smdy7HJeSA4wiVJmNUmzx intro: 35MuRTaJGILfv5Cs1j8H2b pulse: 4UiVV4LtujNsgT70ClFDnZ sound: 1a24EyiWhu2ChuRM5Bfqfu latin alternative: name: Latin Alternative description: Latin alternative is a genre that blends Latin American music with alternative rock, electronic, and hip-hop. This genre emerged in the 1990s and is characterized by its experimental and eclectic sound. Latin alternative artists often incorporate traditional instruments such as the charango, quena, and maracas into their music, creating a unique fusion of old and new. parent: alternative rock language: spa region: LA rank: 66 playlists: "2018": 2DwNGQqq2wqyuq4oXBtgez "2019": 3Ce772zownx0l8f2NHOoNe "2020": 2tVKTOJjbQPuNvsDUyws70 "2021": 3zM3n9rbyb7OKp6BQzLGM9 "2022": 1nBfWHdGj4CVbkNuew7Iv7 "2023": 1EiljfU75A8b30QKiDabgM edge: 0Ceit5zxqEvUACZjkIYTR0 intro: 17ywfdSP9OcGbFGpKtmvLP pulse: 0vGa1uFvzt27coUeWOz9VU sound: 6PBjVS6WmDRbFXYe39j8hN latin american baroque: name: Latin American Baroque description: Latin American baroque is a style of music that emerged in the 17th and 18th centuries in Latin America. This genre is characterized by its ornate and elaborate compositions that blend European baroque music with indigenous and African rhythms. Latin American baroque music was often used in religious ceremonies and is known for its grandeur and complexity. This genre has experienced a revival in recent years, with many contemporary artists incorporating baroque elements into their music. parent: baroque language: spa region: LA localized_name: true rank: 5915 playlists: intro: 7KjNwIK0uBrkBeYbozbzzK pulse: 5bkR26avOzZGcV59vjaRkw sound: 2Y0PsfHwq4EAfoV2CGQI5t "2023": 6QwztZkQgHftUP1FJjxBIJ latin american classical piano: name: Latin American Classical Piano description: Latin American classical piano is a genre that features the works of Latin American composers played on the piano. It combines the elegance and sophistication of classical music with the unique rhythms and melodies of Latin America, resulting in a captivating and rich sound. parent: classical piano language: spa region: LA localized_name: true rank: 5885 playlists: "2020": 1jaj4ix1Q3k5mJpwMj1BDU "2021": 42vF10sJevnU4DVDDRhi3e "2022": 1q4LqrctMiz2S97VLwXpAs "2023": 2wWTxGt31CmKz6dEpOJmtq intro: 5iHXD4a3cWLLb5y1GiMJT0 pulse: 5v05UvpVP8hYxOtCM4y3kE sound: 7u5l82eY5aEZ2WN4PMxJ6K latin american heavy psych: name: Latin American Heavy Psych description: Latin American heavy psych is a genre that emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s, characterized by heavy guitar riffs, psychedelic soundscapes, and Latin American rhythms. It is a fusion of rock, blues, and traditional Latin American music, creating a distinct and powerful sound that is both trippy and groovy. parent: heavy psych language: spa region: LA localized_name: true rank: 5607 playlists: "2021": 4QdLiR8ehsgecDIveLbViN "2022": 6nJPMABvt0cnM9Qsc1aymM "2023": 5fQgJlCdw3RMO00dypzLXr intro: 2wrmVCVhXWmp27rmIoNW1r pulse: 3gN4iQW6dZiYLFpOq1sEVm sound: 5xoQJ99HdfiyskuR1M0n8V latin arena pop: name: Latin Arena Pop description: Latin arena pop is a genre that features upbeat, danceable pop music with Latin American influences. It is characterized by catchy melodies, lively rhythms, and lyrics that often celebrate love, partying, and living life to the fullest. It is a popular genre in Latin America and has gained global popularity in recent years. parent: latin pop rank: 70 playlists: "2018": 2I7jiA3eCRGtMlS8IjMZsv "2019": 221lvV38ZsxHaYu9QlOdmw "2020": 7554XPe3POkc7VQiG6Zw6a "2021": 0gHEkjQzYAdFmrbbwlzmVn "2022": 7k2YLpjxnWO8qbTlQy4ELg "2023": 1IBDkONfojcyYnH8oKFhBX edge: 6W45hD2KxyL4EyC3IX8ye1 intro: 6Yh5KvPeOH0zQWsYu98yHU pulse: 2duki8YGwvoVfRNUCg4KYn sound: 59qMoqvlNat6Knc0feSWJn latin christian: name: Latin Christian description: Latin Christian music combines traditional Latin rhythms with Christian lyrics and themes. It is often used in worship services and can include a variety of instruments such as guitars, percussion, and brass. The genre has a strong focus on faith and spirituality, and its uplifting melodies and lyrics inspire listeners to connect with their faith and find hope in difficult times. parent: christian music language: spa region: LA localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 263 playlists: "2018": 7tZtif5lJJRZxi2Qmi27Ym "2019": 7kdY7GKIe4ac2Vayi7h4b3 "2020": 2Ob3g8dB9x6D7q3pDqmJyM "2021": 0mTVvbdjB9u8kQ7ovUQQKY "2022": 2n9r1wPAzgwA7fwYq3KuRU "2023": 3IyjUZzrnwM4Zq9z8eYxlB edge: 1awRwotDhLDgPbtqmM91dj intro: 75X5mkMptPeR11glbAbywt pulse: 6xxfsLej7QZ8dzvApBPjox sound: 2p0LqJK2o0uCq2COZJyhls latin classical: name: Latin Classical description: Latin classical music refers to the classical music of Latin America, which has its roots in European classical music but incorporates traditional Latin American rhythms and melodies. It often features a blend of orchestral instruments with indigenous instruments such as the maracas and panpipes. The genre is known for its rich harmonies and complex rhythms, and its composers have created a unique and vibrant musical tradition that celebrates the cultural diversity of Latin America. parent: classical language: spa region: LA localized_name: true rank: 1577 playlists: "2019": 4IZX7Hj4kTdYQZUM1DGPC3 "2020": 6w2OgPv0HHu2v2vwRqohwk "2021": 5x7YYgGkRlLPWFQrmdgBBq "2022": 1wzoWsuJ2j2EqOFOPNWzxE "2023": 0oBNJyVPZHLR9pU341FXLV edge: 001AnKT0qjrxUe2X1fSvG2 intro: 3MGUccAwLvNOzTmZ8Trur4 pulse: 1RvQOm7wo5MKGoT1yuZP0L sound: 7KHzvfzU7SVFsooG7EhsQZ latin funk: name: Latin Funk description: Latin funk is a genre that combines the rhythms and instrumentation of funk music with the vibrant and energetic sounds of Latin music. It features prominent basslines, brass sections, and percussion, and often incorporates elements of jazz and soul. Latin funk is known for its infectious grooves and danceable beats, and has been popularized by artists such as War, Santana, and Ozomatli. parent: funk language: spa region: LA rank: 2008 playlists: "2019": 53E1fbdY8bn1VLrlZkiPXC "2020": 2JUaCX0Hi77JGYlif8S1dD "2021": 0enmZBrRJFfnjvvSY9IzdQ "2022": 2wapy0OzQb0Jk2xfYZQX36 "2023": 23nmxJ4GdJeksFxc8ius2f edge: 669vHANS7APMrKqsHuy8oV intro: 197w1Qd7kcb7IowKleCEwh pulse: 4e3BFcj97yhCpOtksuy6MF sound: 6v8bleGrMNjuFRykLAPFix latin hip hop: name: Latin Hip Hop description: Latin hip hop is a fusion of Latin American music and hip hop. It incorporates elements of salsa, reggaeton, and other Latin genres with the beats and rhymes of hip hop. Latin hip hop often features bilingual lyrics, mixing Spanish and English, and is known for its high-energy, danceable beats. Artists such as Pitbull, Daddy Yankee, and Cypress Hill have helped popularize this genre. parent: hip hop language: spa region: LA wikipedia_url: rank: 78 playlists: "2018": 7tLGYoBusndchz01Ayxo9E "2019": 3NEBVPmypZ7sm1EFrPOvoQ "2020": 5XClc6vLDOy7O0TYtDMtoG "2021": 7zHgcLt3XM6NP3iiLuunhm "2022": 0AK71HXZKTWmZzbJRosEi9 "2023": 3qAkLODbf4iwTPRkDM4iRi edge: 3DTP5IPUMRAWfMhrHGw6Mi intro: 4SfWjh4xDLb2EDPKbcy6iw pulse: 2mJ0FBu83c4U60yq0YhL17 sound: 31pfQ67BktLUcQ9n5VGnDI latin house: name: Latin House description: Latin house is a subgenre of house music that incorporates elements of Latin American music, such as salsa, merengue, and samba. It features driving beats, infectious rhythms, and often incorporates live percussion and brass sections. Latin house is known for its upbeat, danceable sound, and has been popularized by artists such as Louie Vega, David Guetta, and DJ Chus. It is a genre that is particularly popular in clubs and dance parties. parent: house language: spa region: LA wikipedia_url: rank: 2349 playlists: "2020": 4mRVeSpwQYa20WSHCsgFzy "2021": 5FvqKtjRfrkxoYHVdxus9W "2022": 6MpCV9uC4xC9gDFwzCUl81 "2023": 1u55r4D64r739IgU9mJGyV edge: 0mMUYQbAp2k8H98TYOYmIQ intro: 1noUfgYFyWdwc1360knqJM pulse: 2OCQRyNxQUXJm5DhQqyI4W sound: 4RAw5T49Kgd7BdsFsWe4qS latin jazz: name: Latin Jazz description: Latin jazz is a fusion of traditional jazz with Latin American rhythms and instrumentation. It features complex rhythms, improvisation, and a wide range of instruments such as congas, bongos, and timbales. Latin jazz is known for its energetic and passionate performances that showcase the vibrant culture of Latin America. parent: jazz language: spa region: LA wikipedia_url: rank: 1145 playlists: "2018": 7hAwbioSLgcgXSOLmEx1Ya "2019": 2hsFwaUxTD4BWwrQFa5JjN "2020": 7EScW5LFZjow740CTwKoXs "2021": 5FQuv7kn5Kon8lLyAovqEY "2022": 0o2WD7uokshmV7bYiuk3UT "2023": 2gIHW5lOj9kMg7VnkuwNuz edge: 2jnFcqePtV2xhmEiL7HdYb intro: 4fJHwSC9hJOyDVxnVzXFdu pulse: 3j9OUkEQUkI06P3L7GSZRR sound: 3bhnRBlvTikmxpW50jBaIZ latin metal: name: Latin Metal description: Latin metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that incorporates Latin American rhythms and instrumentation. It features aggressive guitar riffs, thundering drums, and intense vocals that blend seamlessly with Latin American percussion and instruments such as maracas and cowbells. Latin metal is known for its powerful and dynamic sound that combines the intensity of metal with the passion of Latin music. parent: metal language: spa region: LA wikipedia_url: rank: 1366 playlists: "2018": 4sXQqqIfCrhwyoIspIeVAZ "2019": 6dwK2as3L9QnfyNDbJkAzj "2020": 48fsw3BACn8ARiMru1ZYrj "2021": 0TLIwf17YEZFqJ8c6AerQy "2022": 0Bo9MNrJqR45d8xA12PjvN "2023": 4biy3q7uYeko5BM5AYLArp edge: 6SqaLInTuvMHbUoWI9o2rh intro: 37Fh1OLSInvs3u785Jc0xD pulse: 0Poq70YjMBOQtyVjocRQoi sound: 79hARNnoeG5aL4cC0pJrJ8 latin pop: name: Latin Pop description: Latin pop is a genre that blends Latin American rhythms and melodies with pop music. It often features catchy hooks, upbeat tempos, and romantic lyrics. Latin pop has gained widespread popularity in recent years, thanks to artists like Shakira, Enrique Iglesias, and Jennifer Lopez. parent: pop language: spa region: LA wikipedia_url: rank: 13 playlists: "2018": 5Sc2MxQ87OvxmTmw63uZ4m "2019": 5gzX58xKfKpNAV9guQu9xc "2020": 4yM5O9awy1pALAxJIcxZ75 "2021": 1m6ahmhRAWUcpqLnAXD9A4 "2022": 54ZLiWb9lBoqhjLj7wW0DO "2023": 4EcrYS632XGq5lKVELRU6k edge: 26BrbEELbH7JkgXr34U5J1 intro: 6mvsUopNyizrXA5HIVZHCu pulse: 4BPIrb66EcLq1UxQIJ9pa3 sound: 5tRvNV4dHaAbqPORml4YFS latin rock: name: Latin Rock description: Latin rock is a fusion of rock music and Latin American rhythms. It emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s, with bands like Santana and Los Lobos leading the way. Latin rock often features electric guitars, percussion, and horns, and its lyrics often address social and political issues. parent: rock language: spa region: LA wikipedia_url: rank: 83 playlists: "2018": 2bkSkAhuVhsSjYUtlsTy1u "2019": 5ffgJQepb9Vn5VLH3pIeTG "2020": 5Ny5hRUT3n3B3BvL8HagPr "2021": 4t6tzm6G3ZkJhUD4ily7fr "2022": 4Kf5e330G8qbeWxPNPgN5B "2023": 2g8IEVHZka62b8FglS0IGL edge: 7Bvtvu4INZQpq5yujxN9MG intro: 2BERMiPzFOtl1XDzRRXahv pulse: 6sMq5yXEuMRVgiQMNklHya sound: 31YWtFP5V22xiYZ2og7HOy latin shoegaze: name: Latin Shoegaze description: Latin shoegaze is a subgenre of shoegaze that incorporates Latin American rhythms and instrumentation. It is characterized by dreamy, atmospheric soundscapes, distorted guitars, and hazy vocals. Latin shoegaze often features lyrics in Spanish or Portuguese and draws inspiration from a range of Latin American musical traditions, including cumbia, bolero, and bossa nova. Some notable Latin shoegaze bands include Mint Field and Balún. parent: shoegaze language: spa region: LA rank: 5105 playlists: "2020": 2KMCESAS5ahYz6vT74Wt9l "2021": 31EzlxupCZ5VYwey65UcSo "2022": 6x0ZJE43ahhIeQb8k0z3yd "2023": 07Dp9VDm3RZIEPLc7xMsjO edge: 1m2UIIMLgP0P08y9mzcuRc intro: 3OSKUF3nLbyTNRifijllgn pulse: 28nN900L0QmTnsZ1dJly1A sound: 2c18XJtmWR962C1qAM6HAN latin ska: name: Latin Ska description: Latin ska is a fusion of ska music with Latin American rhythms, such as salsa, merengue, and cumbia. It is characterized by its upbeat and lively tempo and the use of brass instruments, percussion, and guitar. The lyrics often touch on social and political issues, as well as love and relationships. parent: ska language: spa region: LA rank: 2574 playlists: "2018": 56hVuoYnjCM6PDacMCGQjS "2019": 2Hg5hbrtNO7zKhOGH4gbei "2020": 3dWLMBODdXOg9N2dvhqGh4 "2021": 5s35lEhWzEFcJ8kpFZzRbK "2022": 0ng6cRaNEAEUU8NDTNi9RE "2023": 6GuvAgDmFkwky5Uc2lfmTm edge: 2UhtvZtQ8TQyCv93YWLrxr intro: 0JqSQhtPUmRdXOFHm6murT pulse: 7xNRAGL06pHtENrEmZy7Kv sound: 7HSFHkTHpBbDuhTyP68zww latin soundtrack: name: Latin Soundtrack description: Latin soundtrack is a genre of music that is composed specifically for films and television shows with Latin American themes. It incorporates a variety of musical styles, such as salsa, bolero, and mariachi, and is often accompanied by traditional instruments like guitar, accordion, and trumpet. The music is designed to enhance the emotional impact of the visuals and to transport the listener to the world of the story. parent: soundtrack language: spa region: LA rank: 2049 playlists: "2020": 6YW7TbQ4NmiBa6MNuKZU19 "2021": 0HpBchb3qexUrEiS7phvei "2022": 4l6yAVYzS5FFWhfBNnmUs6 "2023": 0sMDKM1rkiyKiKcweIz9Nu edge: 7tqUbXJsknj3j7rp8ixaDJ intro: 38rlrnIdqBe060hs0oJWka pulse: 3PhAAAlLvXBkQ40XVyK7Pi sound: 7xYLH2Pb2n9rILuSADRfVK latin surf rock: name: Latin Surf Rock description: Latin surf rock is a subgenre of surf rock that originated in Latin America in the 1960s. It features the driving guitar riffs and drum beats of traditional surf rock, but with a Latin twist, incorporating elements of salsa, mambo, and cha-cha. The music is often associated with beach culture and the surfing lifestyle, and is characterized by its energetic and upbeat sound. parent: surf music language: spa region: LA rank: 5271 playlists: "2020": 7bjxKpmtWBX03HjTXIkgsV "2021": 5TKzNdtA6t0TLe03grVPQJ "2022": 3270I8jYDpa1nJtLoFIcQb "2023": 7vJGVG5MgmX0WupRTGzweG edge: 6HIkN326D7Rq4JMGZoqCVQ intro: 5ORo9t70LO3FVFEbveNqlD pulse: 1LjgkTSqaHs7kIm6FawLO0 sound: 78zBtTmgkplb8MUI3Fijek latin talent show: name: Latin Talent Show description: This genre is a showcase of the best Latin music talents. It features a variety of musical styles, from traditional to modern, and is often accompanied by dance performances. Latin talent shows are popular across Latin America and showcase the diverse sounds of the region. parent: talent show language: spa region: LA rank: 814 playlists: "2019": 2sh6mnovMF0YiEN7kSHAFL "2020": 6aHbxgIAZsrLcKSyWNPaFs "2021": 4lCT5tNdune88U19t5Vrh2 "2022": 6dZuTV62yPmJybaNsBeig2 "2023": 4Hn3JypBCcXSuexXhbNopf edge: 4qjzxut6VxWavRcC8nP0kY intro: 4UKrw2MlGuDTSn9PWdguYP pulse: 5pvSw7GlXzQ1YaNBOVISIG sound: 1L1Hmf2PkeZbiiQbgD93hC latin tech house: name: Latin Tech House description: Latin tech house is a fusion of Latin rhythms and electronic music. It combines the energy of house music with the passion of Latin beats, resulting in a high-energy, danceable sound. This genre is perfect for those who want to dance the night away and experience the best of both worlds. parent: tech house language: spa region: LA rank: 2871 playlists: "2019": 3oGaJxe5mkOKh5HkwWGBmb "2020": 6vxdiAVT0Hb12w6IlgdYLz "2021": 0Ix3icsYlRORJj2DjwpYsB "2022": 6cbfjGPO3xao1dvAAR2KBE "2023": 7Ekcq87U9jUUJUq8ZcF2oa edge: 6yiCnUTngpsxWxM8HERbT2 intro: 5EYAHqdZ7t9Xz5tD0Qktnk pulse: 7lIuzc4ywJk80quKF3TFNI sound: 3bP1vgmYyNso0EoemyVMBE latin tek: name: Latin Tek parent: techno language: spa region: LA localized_name: true rank: 1481 playlists: sound: 68OUii4o41iPaCju7o2ENc "2023": 70bwJkuZUl0JMqRKyiiKcm latin viral pop: name: Latin Viral Pop description: Latin viral pop is a genre that blends the catchy beats and rhythms of pop music with the vibrant energy of Latin music. This genre is characterized by its upbeat tempo, infectious hooks, and danceable rhythms that are sure to get you moving and grooving. With its infectious melodies and catchy lyrics, Latin viral pop has become a global phenomenon that has taken the world by storm. parent: viral pop language: spa region: LA rank: 138 playlists: "2018": 15KqfXw3zronjBO8UgZIvK "2019": 2SQe4FxEURhmUOufYPX33K "2020": 5D7d4hDs86xqGXiHflb61a "2021": 2BRbQE0dcROWFWvULPhDgh "2022": 3w35MRi3IPQFea97MaKGWD "2023": 0mTv2wtmGHFniFdcZHpPX5 edge: 7gBmYAG1rToYadzgb75H1G intro: 0fdfAveOUm2FVvyyFlx44k pulse: 0GE5qaOITedlcOJCb9h98f sound: 6yZCXdIyG6jxAnWnm2wXKp latin viral rap: name: Latin Viral Rap description: Latin viral rap is a genre that combines the hard-hitting beats and powerful lyrics of hip-hop with the infectious rhythms and melodies of Latin music. This genre is characterized by its gritty, raw sound, and socially conscious lyrics that address issues such as poverty, inequality, and social justice. With its powerful message and infectious beats, Latin viral rap has become a force to be reckoned with in the world of music. parent: viral rap language: spa region: LA rank: 1785 playlists: "2020": 0Wfg7TENKnfbxnCloWpZkf "2021": 4ieaneRbUO5ujbX1EJCmne "2022": 31pQCUR9oTBi0SAErq8ga5 "2023": 1WEmNOrAIO0wyNGRlCn2k9 edge: 4tKLNKnKkMsqgGpfp7FKxO intro: 0fP0Y3vVKJibnXT9cVLMm2 pulse: 0pRtPnJaUS6cReBCd0rfUU sound: 0eoW0DceOCQoyWLMqBO496 latin worship: name: Latin Worship description: Latin worship is a genre that blends the rich musical traditions of Latin America with the spiritual themes and messages of Christian worship. This genre is characterized by its emotive melodies, heartfelt lyrics, and passionate performances that are designed to inspire and uplift the listener. With its powerful message of faith and hope, Latin worship has become a beloved genre among Christian music fans around the world. parent: worship language: spa region: LA localized_name: true rank: 399 playlists: "2018": 4RzewARyqMFmNJbYu5Ec8A "2019": 3WpkC27f3HLxNArmzcSone "2020": 4WOQMFPXdLUTvtEnhWbAAT "2021": 4ARzWUGTYgzJfCXPLic9yQ "2022": 7LxDiwrMMrqyu1JmRxyOMt "2023": 7mCiggsiBbJys5h4CNFgFD edge: 4NGne6EfJ3CLxDXU7IzdDU intro: 0nEqT9rZvImPv1J4loLiFK pulse: 7N0GXroP1qFP7VwdMSYkNq sound: 6qubMJr7QEW6vCHogJU9u3 latincore: name: Latincore description: Latincore is a subgenre of metalcore that combines traditional Latin rhythms with heavy metal instrumentation. It often features aggressive vocals, distorted guitars, and driving percussion, and its lyrics can address a range of social and political issues. The genre has gained popularity in Latin America and among Latin American communities in the United States, and its fusion of Latin and metal influences creates a powerful and unique sound that appeals to fans of both genres. parent: metalcore language: spa region: LA rank: 2523 playlists: "2019": 5nhdFPUF8sdefiXjNOyxpu "2020": 7vJJJ2yXy5tbxDzgZzwtcz "2021": 5pAceqqktcny0OlY1H6tcy "2022": 1XGeiuSd1S1g8FW7H5zZLa "2023": 4wGXUKk2jxU8ZaeZVXBy32 edge: 6GXcFcH83BVNcPrNMhG0h0 intro: 0N8l4nVQahvNwKYNXrvasQ pulse: 54kDZj0jpPMWJgzL2ttq7F sound: 212BIjWzEJVNkScamNoETN latino comedy: name: Latino Comedy description: Latino comedy is a genre of comedy that focuses on the experiences and humor of Latino culture. It features comedians who use their personal experiences and observations to create relatable and hilarious content. Latino comedy often addresses issues such as family, relationships, and cultural identity, while also incorporating elements of satire, parody, and social commentary. It is known for its unique perspective and ability to connect with audiences across different backgrounds. parent: comedy language: spa region: LA rank: 4653 playlists: "2020": 00rs1BShokhdIlaCHansY7 "2021": 5TPF04tsZSetCj9TrtMdSL "2022": 4Il7XGHTBtKarNwSpVx0TF "2023": 2f6tAnGponuE95HavMtLog edge: 0cR8zRD0UZmDpr3yAMSuCk intro: 4Xc65T47EW4C2xEJz3xgnW pulse: 3iGEQwbW38kRtv67MDdLoh sound: 2CKj3hTGepAg0wJJ3N2q0a latintronica: name: Latintronica description: Latintronica is a fusion of Latin rhythms and electronic music. It combines the traditional sounds of Latin music with the latest electronic beats, resulting in a unique and exciting sound. Latintronica is perfect for those who want to experience the best of both worlds and dance to a fresh, innovative sound. parent: electronica language: spa region: LA rank: 2094 playlists: "2018": 5bdO3HitfbnEh432EC0n19 "2019": 4MpNP3Re4qk7mxeNPXKcdL "2020": 37Qu5quGA2C97AaPYk6449 "2021": 0mhKdvJT3q4EKIqlBLb8Lv "2022": 3OFWSSBkhqhoC7ZD1i0wtN "2023": 62SmmBhduXNqZPeLtIsIQi edge: 2SuFyz8zvVzxFyRG3veST7 intro: 4hPqTSf9U2yVObqLCJ1OBI pulse: 4JqQ6KE1R8HmrF8qQOVTkf sound: 4MrFNFcSkTQogqtxqELYCu latinx alternative: name: LatinX Alternative rank: 1560 playlists: "2020": 5hlOoBzjlPt6D3pQ5LQ5SB "2021": 2D3U0awaE08wBR9OGuS76a "2022": 5k4GiTR0tHGO1QJqjOW4zW "2023": 0tLsFycChKDDiyl2sEgvJc edge: 66OsmU4bBorlOjimqWie4J intro: 5aEFCGf4KUeJbFjkujXToz pulse: 5Fny59p1AuR1sRtkaZZZFS sound: 0TOn5GNhITcfhKiZRuQHV1 alias: latin alternative latmiya: name: Latmiya description: Latmiya is a genre of Islamic music that is traditionally performed during the month of Muharram, a period of mourning for Shia Muslims. It features rhythmic chanting and drumming, and often includes themes of grief and sorrow. The lyrics are typically in Arabic and are meant to evoke a sense of spiritual connection and emotional release. parent: islamic language: ara wikipedia_url: rank: 3765 playlists: "2023": 3QPKKBrgyEVukR8IskrpBJ edge: 73CJ5LRKk25J9tMIRJBYGo intro: 2Td9ld31k21yjZ6UYG51U5 pulse: 3KdotewnenmONe0JWsdnKj sound: 38pB7h48pDluEPSFk7NuyF latvian electronic: name: Latvian Electronic description: Latvian electronic music is characterized by its experimental and futuristic soundscapes, often incorporating elements of techno, house, and ambient music. It frequently features intricate rhythms and textures, and is influenced by the country's rich history of folk music. Notable Latvian electronic artists include Kodek, Gas of Latvia, and Toms Treibergs. parent: electronica language: lav country: LV localized_name: true rank: 5257 playlists: "2022": 7zKuNcVVf2Y30Aprtam2NX "2023": 7uXdeY9pmK0f0LjdhdOnrk sound: 511jonbPzmVIAWUgH3PzCw latvian folk: name: Latvian Folk description: Latvian folk music is deeply rooted in the country's traditions and folklore, and is characterized by its use of traditional instruments such as the kokle (a type of zither), the dūdas (a type of bagpipe), and the pūšļa (a type of horn). It often features intricate vocal harmonies and storytelling lyrics that explore themes of love, nature, and mythology. Some notable Latvian folk artists include Ilgi, Rasa, and Laima Jansone. parent: folk language: lav country: LV localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 5154 playlists: "2020": 4vxrITqU7V4FJ9XNeDESxp "2021": 4mumtVaCwaYoBtR4dUmnlS "2022": 66W60qsCuPiVqTceFQIGn2 "2023": 5fW0YG4t6stjbtujeNYE8k edge: 0HP1VCLEIMWRUu7CRgAo9Q intro: 7aWNr0dooi71DihuTrYHh1 pulse: 5eVuBA1S7CfIymTOmktYuJ sound: 0hAZ6i8FsZikvHCAMfqvhN latvian hip hop: name: Latvian Hip Hop description: Latvian hip hop is a blend of traditional hip hop elements with local influences. The lyrics often touch on social and political issues, as well as personal experiences. The beats are heavy and energetic, with a focus on bass and drums. Latvian hip hop has gained popularity in recent years and has become a prominent part of the local music scene. parent: hip hop language: lav country: LV localized_name: true rank: 3185 playlists: "2018": 7d0GKCpEJFgfLwtMKUM0TF "2019": 06z4r3uCEoYrKNpmUXTxbc "2020": 6Q3o2sVptptKH7fHqtlSb6 "2021": 7i6DoOSGD6NRW4vvci8eMb "2022": 23O8ustZfDWXQkIaV7Avg3 "2023": 1fUMlsHNTrPPw0J0FCHJ69 edge: 6iBRbre0rgXQJGzAWfJMeO intro: 5jUsRoPOzkbAfkR8swkO9r pulse: 0xBo80GdxXgUDNZYVyc7Ek sound: 6UNk3cgOY4fHzxNBXmSui9 latvian indie: name: Latvian Indie description: Latvian indie is characterized by its alternative sound and DIY ethos. The music often features unconventional instruments and experimental production techniques. The lyrics are introspective and poetic, exploring themes of identity, love, and loss. Latvian indie bands are known for their raw, authentic performances and have gained a dedicated following both locally and internationally. parent: indie pop language: lav country: LV localized_name: true rank: 4470 playlists: "2019": 2Nttvet4o5wQMb9Ocwpi4w "2020": 7l6y4EHoxL12Pug8gJaRRL "2021": 28kzQRYqKCEDgh95GBkBby "2022": 6szTfPp1PX1LlmLjbPJ3Pw "2023": 5iidbE5dti6EEkHXxN8NUX edge: 7mzXFHZMJwVrqvuU0LnkYW intro: 6WCej8A52nxS6ypN0DvKP6 pulse: 2isIGFBVHZIimaT8MtBTSY sound: 3y7GFNHSVQoII6mOYTvJaO latvian metal: name: Latvian Metal description: Latvian metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that emphasizes speed, aggression, and technical proficiency. The music often features complex guitar riffs, thunderous drums, and soaring vocals. The lyrics are often dark and introspective, exploring themes of death, despair, and the occult. Latvian metal bands have gained a loyal following both in Latvia and abroad, with many fans drawn to the genre's intense energy and technical prowess. parent: metal language: lav country: LV localized_name: true rank: 5995 playlists: "2022": 17j0RCYFOQ1S5oQ3NcAuj5 "2023": 4V6ytKSmpXJv0JUv7f3jie intro: 5eCqREozMo0lISa0wPHfU0 pulse: 0iG8q0hZQIea9eGrGmNDXE sound: 6B1R2NhaSBVDEuKRDqhjAo latvian pop: name: Latvian Pop description: Latvian pop music is a blend of modern and traditional sounds, with catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms. It is characterized by its use of electronic instruments, synthesizers, and drum machines. The lyrics often deal with love, relationships, and everyday life, and are sung in Latvian. parent: pop language: lav country: LV localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 2809 playlists: "2018": 6bF5wPM5Fi0u8pRNRiq4ZG "2019": 0NnFTEOjD0NxEMeV7USzlG "2020": 14jrwKNYo4wC9DObJFj2oP "2021": 1AAL3n7TNZo549ATrGT5GQ "2022": 10mFAIHHWdMfkCCB2xENy4 "2023": 4D5kScnBfxAfbAav7EytkK edge: 4E11hdeIwYhsuvF9Jo3q04 intro: 0jsxO8QzplPPBdf7fYWAFk pulse: 7rEcI7ZA3iQjClqGylb0cz sound: 64uNwoWinoCtqoIRe4f3mb latvian rock: name: Latvian Rock description: Latvian rock music is a genre that emerged in the 1970s and has since become an important part of Latvian culture. It is characterized by its heavy use of electric guitars, bass, and drums, and often features powerful vocals and lyrics that deal with social and political issues. The music ranges from hard rock to punk and alternative, and has a loyal following in Latvia and beyond. parent: rock language: lav country: LV localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 4687 playlists: "2019": 5YFrd7hNJrvNCPQ8fHCbdW "2020": 2k4mmytrFuIvTOwk6kbOMe "2021": 3FUn6scopEUGcV50GogBby "2022": 5y0nCvulst7QuPtkkvK1Ve "2023": 7guI2pQG0jyNlTlLkHll71 edge: 4l7ZLjf176rGICW1bGTlGZ intro: 5EZQQcDF74wqsrF1sKN9vU pulse: 7F56iQv0STdyMBq23XK3zC sound: 6Wc5d03C3fyD4oXEeclMEE laulaja-lauluntekija: name: Laulaja-lauluntekijä description: Laulaja-lauluntekija is a Finnish music genre that translates to "singer-songwriter". It is characterized by its focus on the lyrics and the singer's personal experiences, often accompanied by acoustic guitar or piano. The songs are typically introspective and emotional, dealing with themes such as love, loss, and self-discovery. The genre has produced many successful artists in Finland, such as Juha Tapio and Maija Vilkkumaa. parent: singer-songwriter language: fin country: FI localized_name: true rank: 4186 playlists: "2021": 6otjjlxbqIrlJuy87LOpdC "2022": 3n9rDGfR462e7kASb9qV7S "2023": 2Coc9pU833SWzGtnFn4Ls1 edge: 6Px5X4mnhy48n0i3U9HUvz intro: 0gbjhdbCQjxIXa48EMOk8u pulse: 0r49oAZd2kpoEXzpr4vM9B sound: 3HHF173MIu4NBRr3pbgXsB lawrence ks indie: name: Lawrence KS Indie description: Lawrence KS Indie is a genre of music that originated in the town of Lawrence, Kansas. It is characterized by its DIY ethos, lo-fi production, and a focus on introspective lyrics. Lawrence KS Indie often features jangly guitars, melodic basslines, and a mix of acoustic and electronic instrumentation. The genre has a strong following in the Midwest and has produced several influential bands over the years. parent: indie rock country: US localized_name: true rank: 4775 playlists: sound: 0g7XBWmSd7Bm9dLP04dbhm lds: name: LDS description: LDS music is a genre of religious music that is associated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is characterized by its focus on Christian themes and values, as well as its emphasis on vocal harmonies. LDS music often features choral arrangements, piano accompaniment, and a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary Christian songs. The genre has a large following among members of the LDS Church and is often performed in worship services and at other church events. parent: christian music localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 2019 playlists: "2018": 3gzRu5F9RHFeIPVe5LvvxO "2019": 1AxQOYkEpnGnjvySbI5UjM "2020": 1NYn8AhE1cuv3jPgc1sWeV "2021": 4iPeeGoutUn7mmUgTabMJG "2022": 2PCV6TG5LoRcYSomiRuvsU "2023": 70A5f3lMskj3VHRzIKrheU edge: 45u9H9lX6Hh7HuaGdU63H3 intro: 3dNo1onU9qlovwGrPT9jEO pulse: 4wJIvn0bd6OsD4JGSe7dFz sound: 6PA6TCSmljI69KJ8Co6tVd lds instrumental: name: LDS Instrumental description: LDS Instrumental is a sub-genre of LDS music that focuses on instrumental arrangements of Christian hymns and other religious songs. It is characterized by its use of orchestral instruments such as strings, brass, and woodwinds, as well as its emphasis on melody and harmony. LDS Instrumental music is often parent: lds localized_name: true rank: 2916 playlists: "2023": 3Xilwv59c8RmzjQzSBMkdR edge: 0JvvSruQJfOfQ5bLfWyy2x intro: 6baGx6ajXDJQRkJeZsqQni pulse: 7wn4jMnmLYzk9nXmYBQQgW sound: 4LMmTHb7UkNibXuX7hdYrT lds youth: name: LDS Youth description: This music genre is inspired by the beliefs and values of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It features uplifting and positive lyrics that encourage young people to live a virtuous and wholesome life. The music is often performed by young artists and has a contemporary pop or rock sound. parent: lds localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 1971 playlists: "2019": 5Z3zFuluZTNlWPU1r8Nf6u "2020": 3jOgFWHnRBX1TkEYnKyRFZ "2021": 4g4mkqugUvC46cCUns1KyN "2022": 4LtdUiQJcE2428G8ToJ0F4 "2023": 7qll6E94czDKimDZgFt3W7 edge: 2u76LMflYL1ZKbgPr8SNMg intro: 4zrTIdinVmWfFHNGbQWkuZ pulse: 6jZX5CAiogflVzeHRR6bpR sound: 1E7BcIB5KcUEgeivGlZKy1 lebanese indie: name: Lebanese Indie description: This genre of music is characterized by its experimental and alternative approach. It often features unconventional instruments and sounds, and the lyrics address social and political issues. Lebanese indie artists often collaborate with other musicians and create a unique sound that blends traditional Lebanese music with modern elements. parent: indie pop language: ara country: LB localized_name: true rank: 3554 playlists: "2020": 30IaVsYLvnGkYfszK7TFax "2021": 1DUFKXF14w5UMmMgc7q5pP "2022": 55t3fYhNVYwjlpAVglO72v "2023": 2lIdnEawM1YJi4zn3gUwY6 edge: 0EujYPwiFtrl01bfNgr9VS intro: 6MTuYEnUfL5dLirHKfXQ5j pulse: 5skMZqEcd4DlzmSDM3Z5LK sound: 0nARPYNjb8i5X0R1PYtian lebanese pop: name: Lebanese Pop description: This music genre is characterized by its upbeat and catchy melodies, with lyrics that often focus on love and relationships. Lebanese pop music has a distinct Middle Eastern flavor, with influences from Arabic and Mediterranean music. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many Lebanese pop artists achieving international success. parent: pop language: ara country: LB localized_name: true rank: 1084 playlists: "2018": 7qqQicgVMqtDd6xIAPuFt7 "2019": 4RiOQTKsOP5Fo8Qn0skqdA "2020": 3e5zKkxjzms6gGn1yl1GCo "2021": 5o4qfYb1O1fGNHJslk8k6J "2022": 6cQLdXHuywSQKz9FXT3htt "2023": 1e9pssO2D6Lh2jPNvBiGcE edge: 0gNemWDVcE2UZmgxXCMMrH intro: 1ZP2mKgIGUey7MJglrCP04 pulse: 2Kdg59t5m9EldH3pDkX5wr sound: 6rHNgj04KCZqwGnLdGIVEu leeds indie: name: Leeds Indie description: Leeds indie is a genre of alternative rock music that originated in Leeds, England. It is characterized by its raw, guitar-driven sound and introspective lyrics. Bands like The Kaiser Chiefs, The Pigeon Detectives, and The Cribs are some of the most well-known Leeds indie acts. parent: english indie rock rank: 3290 playlists: "2020": 365IR3Y8AEDd2pu5xURIg5 "2021": 3Mbd385nQAdkk8UNsCD1Z9 "2023": 4qBnzclEZglMTleIq8W4yl edge: 2X0CHpM3SCOvl5QEtgWW00 intro: 0swZb7lJ72GFG3aQyG0DFq pulse: 23ZYDI58NryH1dhAvo1J0J sound: 1y18nWKJAUmRUHT7sbLABU leicester indie: name: Leicester Indie description: Leicester indie is a subgenre of alternative rock that emerged from Leicester, England. It is known for its jangly guitars, catchy melodies, and introspective lyrics. Bands like Kasabian, Easy Life, and Young Knives are some of the most prominent Leicester indie acts. parent: english indie rock rank: 2199 playlists: sound: 4H8Sh5efiQCWU3fOuygWUu leipzig electronic: name: Leipzig Electronic description: Leipzig electronic is a genre of electronic dance music that emerged from Leipzig, Germany. It is characterized by its experimental soundscapes, intricate rhythms, and use of analog synthesizers. Acts like Modeselektor, Pantha Du Prince, and Shed are some of the most influential Leipzig electronic artists. parent: german techno localized_name: true rank: 2376 playlists: "2020": 1KanYpqR185qx0B5rVaf0w "2021": 42cLgnq6RxgkXdlPTSsnQp "2022": 0zGByOoEBXTIW7Eu7O30WM "2023": 1lHJhI4tfXVumRlw7M7dj2 intro: 6P4XsNkCV2hHLpJ5mOFzWN pulse: 53lvVUUpnyF5Gjc2dm3281 sound: 5LAEfBsVtQOtofWiRIPnt2 leipzig indie: name: Leipzig Indie description: Leipzig indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in the city of Leipzig, Germany. It is characterized by its DIY ethos, experimental soundscapes, and introspective lyrics. Leipzig indie bands often incorporate elements of post-punk, shoegaze, and electronic music into their sound. parent: german indie rock localized_name: true rank: 4002 playlists: "2020": 17sR1qOZJFc0746u1HRVmw "2021": 57fddSaRHfPk45iLzH8Ke9 "2022": 2lsEzs7KKMDsnO48UFce2L intro: 2Suj5vyJOF0X1CAla11a6n sound: 1Bq02QfRLJHEfGZGabm1hl leon gto indie: name: León Gto Indie description: Leon GTO indie is a style of indie rock that emerged in the city of Leon, Mexico. It is known for its energetic and upbeat sound, often featuring catchy guitar riffs and driving rhythms. Leon GTO indie bands often sing in Spanish and draw inspiration from a range of genres, including punk rock, pop, and traditional Mexican music. parent: indie rock mexicano localized_name: true rank: 5235 playlists: "2021": 5K2r5IyFlP7BOrybfvxbDy "2022": 6i8sYMPzmYEJVwl2GUDRs2 sound: 4Aq9WJgae8vjDQWFMiJsLM lesen: name: Lesen description: Lesen is a genre of experimental music that combines elements of ambient, drone, and avant-garde music. It is characterized by its use of unconventional instrumentation, such as field recordings, found objects, and manipulated electronics. Lesen music often creates immersive soundscapes that transport the listener to otherworldly realms. It is a genre that rewards active listening and encourages exploration and experimentation. parent: reading language: deu region: DH localized_name: true rank: 2254 playlists: "2018": 6msy8hT310tmZnt6HZcXGP "2019": 7h13N4GevIOZbqsk0NeSAW "2020": 3dKRkRLYIEEj5vQo8AVjuN "2021": 2zw3lMSdwFMAz5e9u3QZ7T "2022": 7GMjImJwYx13Xj1bpZqzGd "2023": 3yLb9ajlAuUMKQCGRqF5S8 edge: 7c4dvtykGdwIetpugfFoQE intro: 1gZiEezJ6M01T60rnhiBGo pulse: 4phGodbGLsTNviZb1FdtSb sound: 5lhSLZIxNEpC4uttsZZdrN lesotho traditional: name: Lesotho Traditional description: Lesotho traditional music is a blend of various styles that reflect the country's rich cultural heritage. The music is characterized by the use of traditional instruments such as the lekolulo, setolo-tolo, and the mohobelo. The songs are often accompanied by dance and are used to celebrate important events in the community. parent: folk language: sot country: LS localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 5250 playlists: "2022": 0ZP1BRCgY3KL7FlGyir4jo "2023": 6bd8XtwmFHP3BbHT7JEJqx intro: 6vUdNrr7oo5jCgch5v1YGv pulse: 2OqG8WFTvDvwuCUsR3U36L sound: 4G7wNUIVBC5vUk7aWdbIcn levenslied: name: Levenslied description: Levenslied, also known as Dutch folk music, is a genre that emerged in the Netherlands in the 1950s. The music is characterized by its simple melodies, sentimental lyrics, and use of accordion and guitar. The songs often tell stories of love, heartbreak, and everyday life. Levenslied has remained popular in the Netherlands and has influenced other genres such as Dutch pop and hip-hop. parent: dutch pop localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 962 playlists: "2018": 05WFKVmAZkvg1bP8xCq17i "2019": 3c87fm3PUof2bRq33yALsg "2020": 45FtAn88XD9DjnQ5wVAaNU "2021": 7uxPpr7jV83fM5XCjSS5f6 "2022": 5Y5GM4fAtqSJ41JSTkXZTF "2023": 0Akf8dNGarbC24KM0wHlLW edge: 7rLz7Vm7zlvoJ4IOHE6tKW intro: 6bgwFPQGSGaTnU7Grf6wvw pulse: 1F5gHMTqBxCdOoBGvH8vVv sound: 6ttzwuno3FKJSdGdtXM5IG lexington ky indie: name: Lexington KY Indie description: Lexington KY indie, also known as Kentucky indie, is a subgenre of indie rock that emerged in the early 2000s. The music is characterized by its raw and unpolished sound, with influences from country and folk music. The lyrics often reflect the struggles of everyday life in the American South. Lexington KY indie has a strong DIY ethos, with many bands self-releasing their music and playing in local venues. parent: indie rock country: US localized_name: true rank: 3437 playlists: intro: 3VYjXkHM5Wzjrv9SGcCXte sound: 4I9PfkVAq6KhX2IyOjUhyL lezginka: name: Lezginka description: Lezginka is a traditional dance and music genre from the Caucasus region, particularly popular in Azerbaijan and Dagestan. It features fast-paced rhythms and energetic movements, often accompanied by instruments such as the tar, kamancha, and dhol. parent: caucasian folk wikipedia_url: rank: 4204 playlists: "2020": 5Y9ZwbXvhYNLD5FVTGkYN6 "2021": 31kmQ9jU6edPqBMkgoHdmK "2022": 34qSHSPWiUdWoDOxvtGn0n "2023": 0DIcmHJjvS1mECzhLGVhu7 edge: 4WEGqwW9pb1HVQzNicxVax intro: 1vmqTng2EEnyCK7k9yhsNn pulse: 3CpWFNArNU7dyKpy6rxacu sound: 6FkNnTm2YASOamCQuUqbWx lgbtq+ hip hop: name: LGBTQ+ Hip Hop description: LGBTQ+ hip hop is a subgenre of hip hop that centers on the experiences and perspectives of queer and trans artists and audiences. It often addresses themes of identity, discrimination, and activism, and can incorporate a range of musical styles and influences. parent: hip hop wikipedia_url: rank: 199 playlists: "2018": 551BGPItgW3qz0cywWRbvm "2019": 1OoQWMPXMJn9y2oxPDq4m7 "2020": 3xcIYGyLqtcIrN436hZQPr "2021": 3Hrh22wWQlejv3LuEYmTn3 "2022": 6rsI9rKfM1YYZdmn05JuNj "2023": 7GpP8dXboEBt2pOlR19GJU edge: 4vAHqkKL1PdJCLXUnVIUGo intro: 6rb2HPixi8nPJiWMCmrX3d pulse: 0Se9AOSe5ibDXC2xmNy6bv sound: 0njc7Pu7XGeU25wdaJRdLm liberian pop: name: Liberian Pop description: Liberian pop is a vibrant and eclectic genre that blends traditional African rhythms with contemporary pop, hip hop, and reggae influences. It emerged in the 1970s and 80s as a form of protest music during Liberia's civil wars, and has since become a popular and influential style throughout West Africa and beyond. parent: pop country: LR localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 5970 playlists: "2021": 4iQQxeoRJJIdkpLQ4jSMBH "2022": 500ZTU5pNuSJiW1YhRpqgq "2023": 1nvv0WEdu8yY5gE9V6cA46 edge: 0W1quX8A1CGxZX1TaTJuuN intro: 6HhmpdrsArcNeKy50qrGoE pulse: 6BeVzFuk2odgAHpUNG5f7Q sound: 2Uu1r2ra4Xjiweb2VjDkjl library music: name: Library Music description: Library music, also known as production music, is a type of music composed specifically for use in film, television, and other media productions. It is often instrumental and designed to be background music, with a wide range of styles and moods to fit different scenes and settings. parent: soundtrack localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 3032 playlists: "2020": 6sysattmTjEAgAmzcQoMyr edge: 0Yu7y0fGGMGfMCwEvMZ2Lk intro: 7hlCpg8AR9u5RjYrMerOHT pulse: 6Xn5cKN0KG8uLYGGOFoR2K sound: 24azhjaYlJvkXF6xUKtnxp libyan hip hop: name: Libyan Hip Hop description: Libyan hip hop is a subgenre of hip hop music that originated in Libya and is influenced by traditional Libyan music and culture. It often incorporates Arabic lyrics and rhythms, as well as elements of Western hip hop. The lyrics often address social and political issues in Libya and the wider Arab world. parent: hip hop language: ara country: LY localized_name: true rank: 5472 playlists: "2022": 137u8MXBDENWyBvf10cBF5 "2023": 1SAuYXqRj83Hd2nm2oF9hl edge: 4H9wdqcbbNJeewb52tsiNE intro: 68k2hzNZCfYCUputqTYRlP pulse: 2UeMrYvoSxUe5b4enoP8JC sound: 4Ix9jeNGBuEhyUAbGzEY9w libyan pop: name: Libyan Pop description: Libyan pop is a genre of popular music that originated in Libya and is influenced by both Arabic and Western music. It often features Arabic lyrics and melodies, as well as elements of pop, rock, and electronic music. The lyrics often address themes of love, relationships, and personal experiences. Libyan pop has gained popularity in recent years, both within Libya and in other parts of the Arab world. parent: pop language: ara country: LY localized_name: true rank: 4054 playlists: "2021": 3VjtUpXZE7ucKvSg5Ft15r "2022": 1HYnXifpMWLd0w9xrWRXOz "2023": 2IoqtmsvtzDp8JjfZFY2Lq edge: 6a8j4njsfQI8sSvEgOA7WW intro: 7yiXBv8eIjJ9tguDwgaarK pulse: 68gofWWbCdn92tpybsDECG sound: 298IiSjgnmBCBH66gf21j2 liechtenstein: name: Liechtenstein description: Liechtenstein is a sub-genre of indie pop that originated in the principality of Liechtenstein. It is characterized by its dreamy, melodic sound and introspective lyrics. The genre often features electronic and acoustic instrumentation, creating a unique blend of old and new sounds. parent: world language: deu country: LI localized_name: true rank: 4763 playlists: sound: 3AxSX3HPwdYS7HWJOlTUnt liedermacher: name: Liedermacher description: Liedermacher is a German music genre that translates to "songwriter." It is characterized by its poetic lyrics and acoustic instrumentation, often featuring guitar and piano. The genre emerged in the 1960s and is known for its political and social commentary, as well as its focus on personal experiences and emotions. parent: singer-songwriter language: deu region: DH localized_name: true rank: 1707 playlists: "2018": 2aQhAQ2vUg6f12vHouvUYV "2019": 0gvWbZXzWML6rD9NSHaeyQ "2020": 1WFbaGCEdehrYHxVpHsXpu "2021": 4rX4NeOpI8dvUJd5AVOqoz "2022": 3nitdWxFRAk7yNCJ0XoJm7 "2023": 42YecNI4LSZk4IoI4BKfIn edge: 4AsWKco1XlEu64Xu4zsP8W intro: 6dUryeVYKbgM7WGagpjIVz pulse: 6qjSDsysgSU48cYzHrvEL3 sound: 2CUoWOcTZtUfKD1DeRFFcK light music: name: Light Music description: Light music is a broad genre that encompasses a variety of styles, including classical, pop, and jazz. It is characterized by its easy listening qualities and is often used as background music in films, television, and advertisements. The genre features catchy melodies and simple harmonies, making it accessible to a wide audience. parent: classical localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 4023 playlists: "2020": 4Os1oV48Or8J2JzXz1Jj3v "2022": 0Wfs8terj1NZ5FxtRpIPtp "2023": 1AmlUZFUJIUeoQtiLKX95p intro: 3LXsOp0n4xgmr4eYb8N5JN pulse: 6haI6b6SIPRRQWJrKlHaJD sound: 19Lk45ZXIYyC5ZGYqfTNCk lilith: name: Lilith description: Lilith is a subgenre of folk music that originated in the 1980s. It is characterized by female singers who have a haunting, ethereal quality to their voices. The lyrics often deal with themes of feminism, spirituality, and nature. Lilith music is known for its introspective and emotional nature, and it has been influential in shaping the modern folk music scene. parent: folk localized_name: true rank: 298 playlists: "2018": 3hMHGHXY7KjiSNYM9muWCt "2019": 1GXdpQOp0hkQsIpubcyT2m "2020": 3PQnTf6GVoE9sPSCgQ71MO "2021": 14XX1oeWR1X393DfYQDO9S "2022": 4uDaeSL015dDcGpFVqhxr3 "2023": 71jsKip46zJ95ns0MlwTKH edge: 7jyysk0XrYuGG8VNFlILDV intro: 11UeXKyvTMLuBB21w4p5Ph pulse: 6SitAQ23g8MOubMQBGl8Kb sound: 7yNFFzl1njPs3ToiRrWU9w limerick indie: name: Limerick Indie description: Limerick Indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in the city of Limerick in Ireland. It is characterized by its raw, energetic sound and its DIY ethos. Limerick Indie bands often have a punk rock influence and are known for their catchy, anthemic choruses. The lyrics often deal with themes of youth, rebellion, and social issues. Limerick Indie has been influential in shaping the Irish music scene and has gained a following around the world. parent: irish indie rock rank: 4079 playlists: sound: 3NjB4oamzRkLEKzAOATcVW lincoln ne indie: name: Lincoln NE Indie description: Lincoln NE Indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska. It is characterized by its melodic, guitar-driven sound and its introspective lyrics. Lincoln NE Indie bands often have a DIY ethos and a strong connection to their local community. The lyrics often deal with themes of love, loss, parent: indie rock country: US localized_name: true rank: 5877 playlists: sound: 2DEoTCwNKhPrscHszesnoC lion city hardcore: name: Lion City Hardcore description: Lion City Hardcore is a high-energy punk rock subgenre that originated in Singapore. It is characterized by its aggressive sound, fast-paced drumming, and socially conscious lyrics that address issues such as politics and inequality. parent: hardcore country: SG localized_name: true rank: 5998 playlists: "2022": 4kVp5Ub9d43i4GMp3PkS3E "2023": 7kwuHR7OYC3Ewz3NGFkSVM edge: 1sY6hAOwDzyp6RH7vTsNCo intro: 7dkrUljRvyqLCZ9QTj8PIn pulse: 4hP0fcp4r6mwLrCc3QRfnL sound: 7tiDQk0zN2A7jATyNBJ8aT liquid funk: name: Liquid Funk description: Liquid Funk is a subgenre of drum and bass that emerged in the early 2000s. It is characterized by its smooth, melodic sound, which incorporates elements of soul, jazz, and funk. The genre is known for its use of rolling basslines, intricate drum patterns, and atmospheric textures. parent: funk rank: 1287 playlists: "2018": 5lGeEp8g3FyihivVabbQEK "2019": 7MJGFBvQ3P5hXUvu7iXUg1 "2020": 2d5pgBRIAM1AGefjaxzRPC "2021": 3NVcJumBKKYCjQ0O43Mqxo "2022": 5D6yCD7XXeaUwc3VB6FvoT "2023": 79XebYHhEmMUov8lIFwf6g edge: 67e58UMhsHOo9Ojy0wlhuG intro: 5YbgoBm7438nuXjHwuTbCU pulse: 19xpwJfP7UrFc5SMnbLq2O sound: 5mu96o6F1pWzA5C9R8LAOm lithuanian edm: name: Lithuanian EDM description: Lithuanian EDM is a vibrant electronic dance music scene that has emerged in Lithuania over the past decade. It encompasses a variety of subgenres, including house, techno, and trance, and is known for its innovative production techniques and high-energy performances. The genre has gained international recognition in recent years, with Lithuanian DJs and producers making waves on the global stage. parent: edm language: lit country: LT localized_name: true rank: 2099 playlists: "2021": 3Ad19G6yCXs6hFRJldtwwI "2022": 22WqPtUXSLiG1YVMJ0Kkrf "2023": 79Yxg33fovVenSTF3NZXK7 edge: 5Ly2Bresoy92bUe0vy4dBB intro: 25e8Fcqif26k0ZxLhsNdmu pulse: 4rojyw2VG96uF6FuVR6WXH sound: 2HSt4RAoPw18TPri85TJEn lithuanian electronic: name: Lithuanian Electronic description: Lithuanian electronic music is a blend of modern electronic sounds with traditional Lithuanian music. It often features complex rhythms, experimental soundscapes, and a range of electronic instruments. The genre is known for its innovative and boundary-pushing approach to music production. parent: electronica language: lit country: LT localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 2186 playlists: "2019": 6Pm15ZnMqz2nv7TMcuhqEy "2020": 3EikYvM5qUtTPnwAnRmhw4 "2021": 62EmLCQhZ10queOv5SMDMd "2022": 31ctpPmvS7K0IKZsvtqJdm "2023": 34GRD8LugWiGmXCzf3km7g edge: 1aaXZB3cTJ9QOc8HZ1Ag8b intro: 3vOWwQB4gxkRc159rtBMqx pulse: 65tYlpOmF0uXvmwWzCPO0b sound: 33wFbAFX8W0IgVqEPpxqth lithuanian folk: name: Lithuanian Folk description: Lithuanian folk music is deeply rooted in the country's cultural heritage, featuring traditional instruments like the kanklės, skrabalai, and birbynė. The music often tells stories of Lithuanian history and mythology, and is characterized by its haunting melodies and intricate harmonies. The genre has experienced a revival in recent years, with contemporary artists putting their own spin on traditional folk tunes. parent: folk language: lit country: LT localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 5608 playlists: "2021": 5occbpk2WBGpzbGnaX6K7t "2022": 2NzCbAD3bxk3HO5fDxYRdC "2023": 2W7LWtWuPgjmZXjmDHBtDU intro: 3s4INRy9wgeX68tfcr0mtJ pulse: 6yhz31CnynG0csrkXIVgKF sound: 5DWQbOTFXIjbekyTkPUsFU lithuanian hip hop: name: Lithuanian Hip Hop description: Lithuanian hip hop has a distinct sound that blends elements of traditional Lithuanian music with modern rap beats. The genre is known for its socially conscious lyrics, often addressing issues like poverty, inequality, and political corruption. Many Lithuanian hip hop artists have gained international recognition in recent years, helping to put the country's music scene on the map. parent: hip hop language: lit country: LT localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 3402 playlists: "2018": 6MdB0u2Xjg5yReveBB23Jq "2019": 1AP9ejkrWpENNQKexO5sCQ "2020": 0WZ3JxC1YGVu58CgqUBdpw "2021": 29k1gX1aI73VOjpOP8wRn7 "2022": 26YuaxKZ41zPIkCsmlgbHw "2023": 5f64PgHQ22Ftkqr1VBlpSd edge: 21CU3rjBZTmjpOP9hCXzQ3 intro: 0VKHAq9jcJbhO8P7MQpVzP pulse: 1g0chyqbYpAWtKcJqutibq sound: 0QMhgDcbW2yZVGV7VNSL0A lithuanian indie: name: Lithuanian Indie description: Lithuanian indie is a genre of music that encompasses a wide range of styles, from dreamy and introspective to upbeat and danceable. It often features intricate melodies, poetic lyrics, and a DIY ethos. Artists in this genre are known for their creativity and experimentation, drawing inspiration from a variety of sources. parent: indie pop language: lit country: LT localized_name: true rank: 4323 playlists: "2019": 2KiCCXBAIJTNeIkqIiK7Pi "2020": 7GDeiY6tEx5iCidb7EJrrG "2021": 3ipWxwYx26NPdMIju3WByq "2022": 1yE7u2Q5R6FOFmIgPya9vA "2023": 4cFk3IoQZbALJWvo8FgM55 edge: 14Zi1OUiIy3vwTTT2sxnQd intro: 3qgo7zwsII3yfV3oEpNEqN pulse: 4wwzKrkDXUdaVoBfI5obEr sound: 35TkC5o2mnTjREHgS8coYY lithuanian jazz: name: Lithuanian Jazz description: Lithuanian jazz is a sophisticated and improvisational style of music that incorporates elements of swing, bebop, and fusion. It features complex harmonies, intricate rhythms, and virtuosic solos, and is often performed by highly skilled musicians. Jazz has a long and storied history in Lithuania, with many talented artists contributing to its vibrant and ever-evolving scene. parent: jazz language: lit country: LT localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 5955 playlists: sound: 32189ym3b8UZkpus5l7mYM lithuanian metal: name: Lithuanian Metal description: Lithuanian metal is a heavy and intense genre of music that is characterized by its aggressive riffs, thunderous drums, and growling vocals. It often explores dark and taboo themes, and is beloved by fans of extreme music around the world. Lithuanian metal bands are known for their technical prowess and uncompromising approach, and have gained a reputation for being some of the most intense and powerful performers in the genre. parent: metal language: lit country: LT localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 5841 playlists: "2021": 6FqUuIqatib0j9NYYtKg2q "2022": 3sFWnR9jgZy4SpEmyo5qbN "2023": 0bnVbL7KY3CMVxTlMcsiSC intro: 1KzGDoIcjQj13Rrc3IlpBh pulse: 7HtJyuICbnnvmuMSUrTRiE sound: 5gQcpV3OAkC7q9EvDBditZ lithuanian pop: name: Lithuanian Pop description: Lithuanian pop is a catchy and upbeat genre that combines traditional Lithuanian folk elements with modern pop beats and rhythms. It often features catchy hooks and lyrics that are easy to sing along to, making it a popular choice for radio and dance clubs. parent: pop language: lit country: LT localized_name: true rank: 1964 playlists: "2019": 4QGp68qAnc4FweLkHH7rYm "2020": 7zGgQKN4YwPOKElHpNYtyY "2021": 7ogXeo5K34AyZUirlqxMLm "2022": 6Bjbsxripl6AHJRwKfJ3Yb "2023": 2neWuthQncYZdXyMcHnxTV edge: 77U8Di7EXM77ZPNIBeYUic intro: 2obFqlfPMoa4SkiAHZPjwB pulse: 2gvPVCQV1q3POWUniTQ2ca sound: 0jh60zPtx0PsQn8EfLWHw3 lithuanian rock: name: Lithuanian Rock description: Lithuanian rock is a high-energy genre that draws inspiration from classic rock and heavy metal. It often features driving guitar riffs, powerful vocals, and lyrics that explore themes of rebellion and individuality. Fans of Lithuanian rock are passionate about their music and often attend live shows to experience the full force of the genre. parent: rock language: lit country: LT localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 4574 playlists: "2019": 6ms5X2h39KXHhJxU0hqFpR "2020": 4N67fWfinKkNbjWSWu6g0W "2021": 3Uk2kEU1syX5iXyPCbNjpV "2022": 48YRPEhSOwqOdxZb6oqiSO "2023": 62dFpsIKUft5vVsYr32EZ9 edge: 7prAW2q7xPjhCpbGCeiNWF intro: 6OiBSdZQDLRhqKtUQcXHuS pulse: 1lCVg9hCGlvRB6j8fGCACv sound: 7rZpex2Aw8cxcBFVYXRLds lithuanian trap: name: Lithuanian Trap description: Lithuanian trap is a subgenre of hip-hop that originated in the United States and has since been adapted by Lithuanian artists. It features heavy basslines, electronic beats, and rapid-fire lyrics that often focus on themes of wealth, power, and street life. Lithuanian trap is popular among younger audiences and has gained a significant following on social media platforms like TikTok. parent: trap language: lit country: LT localized_name: true rank: 3600 playlists: "2022": 6lVtkuASvOoV7ZuHWxGfD6 "2023": 7LWj6e7HZcDpLClk1uZqDu edge: 5HSk45s0N8HTVO6FSbdExt intro: 6l3CPFfPJOPMhEO5I0ylhF pulse: 2owQpq3DcpZMYgnDAoTyYY sound: 18fOS8FrEmjHMZKSt7VLqs little rock indie: name: Little Rock Indie description: Little rock indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in the city of Little Rock, Arkansas. It is characterized by its raw and gritty sound, often drawing inspiration from garage rock and punk. Little rock indie bands typically feature distorted guitars, energetic drumming, and angst-filled lyrics. parent: indie rock country: US rank: 4259 playlists: sound: 79jec9Wnk9LUMfos4Jqo50 liverpool indie: name: Liverpool Indie description: Liverpool indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in the city of Liverpool, England. It is characterized by its jangly guitar riffs, melodic basslines, and introspective lyrics. Liverpool indie bands often draw inspiration from the city's rich musical history, with nods to classic Merseybeat and post-punk. parent: english indie rock rank: 1483 playlists: "2018": 5U78SHWnoELB4G4TY1UGmP "2019": 4FmVJ7PDzMf1Mj4fR6yBy0 "2020": 5ZKskDGLurGaixnWBPzOyP "2021": 55J6nhkFZFPzCJWCxrJOxp "2022": 45a8uZ1WDioGdpnS7NtbQW "2023": 42ksoUlYe7f2ercc6ANfGq edge: 1otbGfY8IqOWAiRtDNc4sv intro: 7tnUwUutWUNWBd7PstDTj3 pulse: 15gnVGqcLdA79ZN2I834pb sound: 6Lme4XrGrtLxfFdMTXZtsv livetronica: name: Livetronica description: Livetronica is a genre of electronic music that incorporates live instrumentation into its performances. It is characterized by its fusion of electronic beats and sounds with live instruments such as guitars, drums, and keyboards. Livetronica artists often incorporate improvisation into their performances, creating a unique and dynamic live experience. The genre has roots in jam bands and electronic dance music. parent: electronica rank: 1181 playlists: "2019": 7AsGo1j6SAz1uf830NDBcc "2020": 238WwT4W1YTQkt230UzdUK "2021": 4sAfNSZeJuKTkWzf0xEfjg "2022": 0wXUAXZJ73W99pnTzPbbKS "2023": 4iox6rcTQCp6IKwWk54pjx edge: 5ETAGgIZksLNuaicug5n3t intro: 3S8qUudD4d76s8sGRzrQOc pulse: 1kPwoVjfPtTQbnP2QGLoeF sound: 7J9GDUnv2JMOvNK6xCKCE1 lldm: name: LLDM description: Lldm is a genre of Christian music that originated in Mexico. It is characterized by its strong vocal harmonies, use of traditional instruments such as guitars and trumpets, and lyrics that focus on faith, love, and devotion. Lldm music is often performed during religious services and celebrations, and is an important part of the cultural heritage of the Lldm community. parent: latin christian language: spa country: MX localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 3870 playlists: "2021": 43y5F4DYJWRuiueWWba2H0 "2022": 3W3TZ2Z0ICrzocxNKS6c2U "2023": 7iel9JcbEePIHwl2swCZQ7 edge: 2ncMy9sMwYLKLHSRR9AwLU intro: 4coaXNekyNvzKx4Ex7dzpn pulse: 4mXA2zBVk98r8b5bL3kByd sound: 3uBMvagrQmxD0fFw5W6fOS lo star: name: Lo Star description: "" parent: indie rock rank: 4415 playlists: sound: 11VtEIEQN30XWjYbmLXrT6 lo-fi: name: Lo-Fi description: Lo-fi is a genre of music that is characterized by its low-fidelity sound quality. It often features distorted or muffled vocals, and uses unconventional recording techniques to create a raw and unpolished sound. Lo-fi music is often associated with indie and alternative rock, and has gained popularity in recent years as a reaction to the overly-produced and polished sound of mainstream music. parent: chill wikipedia_url: rank: 1000 playlists: "2018": 5mJKeQbdOqPwsIDt5oC4jy "2019": 4HJGUoiuwGVzHzfrrhRS4D "2020": 5vnxgdpatUUt41JmyP9Y8A "2021": 4btIM4RKHIsynOaeBPZTLA "2022": 34vCINuRnYKquPNdvlIHwK "2023": 7snaYqTK8ovc0itHMuqNva edge: 65WdYyVPlfWN1nsj1Glst5 intro: 4PaLjqACHcDs4xjk2sSaOq pulse: 0EGr9nduywnIpLEwzZerwK sound: 3uzi1GRl4eTJYyQhGvDf7X lo-fi beats: name: Lo-Fi Beats description: Lo-fi beats are a sub-genre of lo-fi music that focus specifically on instrumental hip-hop beats. They are often characterized by their use of vintage or analog equipment, such as vinyl records and samplers, and their laid-back and mellow vibe. Lo-fi beats are commonly used as background music for studying, relaxation, and meditation, and have gained a large following on streaming platforms such as YouTube and Spotify. parent: lo-fi rank: 393 playlists: "2018": 3t1uoFW9Ftiw24rgh9osd0 "2019": 4vdGqwcJliXY0O88p1XhYS "2020": 7lzLz7FKzgE6T8K4cc89Wh "2021": 5gTNik2rSPUEMPRkhtT0uQ "2022": 4Gv40eXQx2Qsbb4WW42S1u "2023": 0h6UYiWyPQEdi2dKfppDpo edge: 0bWqPvWmtVrAoHWpK0RAkQ intro: 3hZ6N7t0owGXe8afpoSmtz pulse: 4lQx2jLFLFpnAUtHt2veOY sound: 5OzAgYmdiqJKWjGvX7cP4Q lo-fi brasileiro: name: Lo-Fi Brasileiro description: Lo-fi brasileiro is a subgenre of lo-fi music that originated in Brazil. It is characterized by its laid-back and mellow sound, often incorporating elements of samba, bossa nova, and other Brazilian musical styles. Lo-fi brasileiro is perfect for creating a relaxed and soothing atmosphere, with its warm and inviting sound. parent: lo-fi language: por country: BR localized_name: true rank: 2520 playlists: "2020": 1cKl7AhOQmweeMf8XSWpHo "2021": 388rEZuP7XA8EfUVGIvCKr "2022": 11Q7p56eyfJTAdrra2Nmht "2023": 3YO17tBbeRssLkdkcfPLGT edge: 7GnUNe6G5XfRLTJhucpMb6 intro: 2ChiiDGBXKVWIZWQbACSpq pulse: 0UjDexzDFeLYnLUGiPH1gm sound: 33mIX3kzpt4p3BGv0b508d lo-fi chill: name: Lo-Fi Chill description: Lo-fi chill is a subgenre of lo-fi music that is perfect for creating a relaxing and calming atmosphere. It is characterized by its slow and mellow sound, often incorporating elements of jazz, hip-hop, and ambient music. Lo-fi chill is perfect for studying, reading, or just unwinding after a long day. parent: chill out rank: 825 playlists: "2020": 6bvU6JjXMqSZp3kUc0OU9l "2021": 1z0BrVXetHECMJyiKg8RG8 "2022": 6T2lw1vyOfH6LXb4ighP2t "2023": 02y03YDHIVZrRUIK85JTLC edge: 1qZKMyHlRBsTgbqVWYo2Wk intro: 2pUXQSGxXTosSrXZeWmtK6 pulse: 2lUzSMJibTZdYka9xvMvyT sound: 12bxvDyycP9jNYaYKK57DO lo-fi cover: name: Lo-Fi Cover description: Lo-fi cover is a subgenre of lo-fi music that is characterized by its stripped-down and intimate sound. It involves covering popular songs in a lo-fi style, often using acoustic instruments and minimal production. Lo-fi covers are perfect for creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere, with their raw and authentic sound. parent: lo-fi rank: 765 playlists: "2020": 34o2BTm9j7jfCbGVdbMfMd "2021": 44qiLfBykZIVHhbBPvubh7 "2022": 17E9QQnWEFP320pBiulEjP "2023": 0XtpL0qfInXDrPHypIKyy0 edge: 1SUvhWPSG4lx6IkRnF9xNU intro: 1IGHqOQ9zWQ50TANBIXb1r pulse: 71WwPM3WH3HELEFmWRn1SV sound: 1GNpGs1XlJhH1ByOFhYfcN lo-fi emo: name: Lo-Fi Emo description: Lo-fi emo is a subgenre of emo music that incorporates lo-fi production techniques. It features melancholic and introspective lyrics, often dealing with themes of heartbreak and loneliness. The music is characterized by its raw, DIY sound, with distorted guitars and lo-fi drum beats. The lo-fi production gives the music a nostalgic and vintage feel, adding to the emotional impact of the lyrics. parent: emo rank: 1215 playlists: "2020": 72XquE39LXDu0S4PgNt00I "2021": 4WNSNn61m6kWYXhDItJcx0 "2022": 3FExxJi6VrMwhQrxU6H0uF "2023": 2GTywgHH37u4eK3yhkaHFx edge: 6erEQCAJdH9PkmoE1kys2E intro: 1wiZThi93GebmUiEhQF87r pulse: 3wa8GJiBoswAcEOOoIXOdl sound: 3gDyXNhx15j4TSaddiiLq8 lo-fi house: name: Lo-Fi House description: Lo-fi house is a subgenre of house music that emphasizes a raw, stripped-down sound. It often features distorted and sampled drum beats, as well as chopped-up vocal samples. The music is characterized by its lo-fi production, giving it a gritty and underground feel. Lo-fi house is often associated with the DIY and lo-fi aesthetic of the cassette tape scene, and is popular among fans of experimental and avant-garde music. parent: house rank: 1553 playlists: "2018": 6H7FhfzSCZcLLNJZBq5iDh "2019": 4QQ7T6os0QUPCacW4AO7df "2020": 0MC8efuYspL2rAovhflCma "2021": 0GxdDMl6JuRQPUh4Mkg3dN "2022": 4fCilSbEnZ9ILmeic6kVp3 "2023": 2CZfFR5fKHlAaMYZWZZW8q edge: 6aWblUTISSud903yIbHgDl intro: 6CJF1OXxB1AQzUmP0D0MDf pulse: 0wUnLyC8Ox7fHgjbMI6bMj sound: 0RHJbt2wuy7LkUiIL8WdYE lo-fi indie: name: Lo-Fi Indie description: Lo-fi indie is a subgenre of indie rock that incorporates lo-fi production techniques. It features a DIY aesthetic, with a focus on raw, unpolished sound. The music is often characterized by its use of distorted guitars, lo-fi drum beats, and hazy vocals. Lo-fi indie is often associated with the DIY and lo-fi aesthetic of the cassette tape scene, and is popular among fans of alternative and underground music. The lo-fi production gives the parent: lo-fi rank: 387 playlists: "2020": 0oJ4HQDCNFrZIkjb1mvjxp "2021": 07pVHfzYsEj56AhrwdhYHp "2022": 67AJcMqzevl9QoOdMIFpqI "2023": 0pknUFX5eDNMDExge6mBQ3 edge: 3llHI2Jipw4QE6MfPdsSLU intro: 58Reyc8Pf1U3laPkQCkSVw pulse: 0hMq9SPRCHsSJueVDle0T7 sound: 6bLWoiHrkb8pP82YGCqCHi lo-fi jazzhop: name: Lo-Fi Jazzhop description: Lo-fi jazzhop is a blend of jazz and hip-hop that is characterized by its relaxed, mellow beats and nostalgic sound. The use of vinyl crackle and vintage samples adds to its nostalgic feel, while the incorporation of live instruments such as saxophones and pianos gives it a jazzy touch. parent: lo-fi rank: 663 playlists: "2021": 2M2sDGGDYM7MZsYOS1r8rJ "2022": 0FAuC8lQzNyl7NznzNvSNh "2023": 49S0Qnk6sB5LLsgcxQZtco edge: 5znX0cA4fB91ejUTM8Ctf6 intro: 42Ju6DFF3eDDZqwH15EAYg pulse: 7nWDypnPS1t0q4eicyTZXf sound: 4Z6Tnnja5F2bkd8JhX6OC5 lo-fi latino: name: Lo-Fi Latino description: Lo-Fi Latino is a subgenre of lo-fi music that blends elements of Latin music, such as salsa, cumbia, and reggaeton, with lo-fi production techniques. It is characterized by its warm, analog sound, with crackling vinyl samples and dusty beats. parent: lo-fi region: LA localized_name: true rank: 2735 playlists: "2023": 4Zgg4uH1aHUxKGqLn0sLIN edge: 7doZLzm5UFmdNZdHaVXgnh intro: 3bcufWtDiHhp0N0Tb729J2 pulse: 2sz3dapkqt1GGAoAi2OFUi sound: 1nFxxcluywOmPZPBkRYBCy lo-fi product: name: Lo-Fi Product description: Lo-fi product is a subgenre of lo-fi music that is specifically designed to provide background music for studying, working, or relaxing. It is characterized by its minimalistic and repetitive nature, with simple melodies and beats that are intended to create a calming and soothing atmosphere. The use of ambient sounds such as rain and birdsong is also common in this genre. parent: lo-fi rank: 980 playlists: "2021": 6a3zBu0TMre6fEYvFHulxA "2022": 1zuqW0UDuHJIPUadRwPBoh "2023": 3MLxeQVrEqfofVBqRp11Xq edge: 6mVLO41Jv0RbZxqd5NRXbh intro: 1fvc8edyFX7m64yX4T0xmJ pulse: 426TPG8pTTxNRkH3jVkYLr sound: 2ucuFoIFqmKn5VK1tyngBZ lo-fi rap: name: Lo-Fi Rap description: Lo-fi rap is a style of hip-hop that is characterized by its rough and raw sound, often featuring distorted beats and vocals. The lo-fi production style gives the music a gritty and underground feel, with heavy use of samples and unconventional sounds. The lyrics often focus on personal struggles and societal issues, with a raw and unfiltered delivery that adds to the genre's authenticity and sincerity. parent: hip hop rank: 1192 playlists: "2021": 3swrZaz5B3XUGp758tUE23 "2022": 2MniOROcH1LokgP4LuTDwV "2023": 3DmvbrlIruhII5jNyrzwYc edge: 2SnFnPstRshkuQjHHUZ762 intro: 1q3PWiehMz7RAKrK4WYkhZ pulse: 2E8A4APzsJhPKDaalgM85P sound: 57ZSwCZ7iILUL4OQ7bnwTP lo-fi sleep: name: Lo-Fi Sleep description: Lo-fi sleep is a sub-genre of ambient music that is designed to help listeners relax and fall asleep. It features slow, gentle melodies, soft sounds, and a minimalistic approach to production. Lo-fi sleep music is often used as a tool for meditation, mindfulness, and stress relief. parent: lo-fi localized_name: true rank: 802 playlists: "2023": 6HHVS3X80dQYoGbsDW2vXd edge: 57bcYqYFNr7ir9LAly1CV1 intro: 0UJh0gEiSiscGDoPceCdZj pulse: 786ZPeKqpeqf9vDAdNMyJ4 sound: 2A63BXH1J4xWU5mMSMhZAO lo-fi study: name: Lo-Fi Study description: Lo-fi study is a sub-genre of instrumental hip-hop that is designed to help listeners focus and concentrate while studying or working. It features slow, repetitive beats, simple melodies, and a minimalistic approach to production. Lo-fi study music is often used as a background soundtrack for productivity, studying, and creative work. parent: lo-fi localized_name: true rank: 376 playlists: "2023": 6aTBKv1Apqv8uYwWPzSmjm edge: 5lswEeovb5bzYXzE5NlHkX intro: 4CPAX0pPCdfMuRIUXLIgQD pulse: 5OdG9dX4XcoyZvGwQUwfJc sound: 6KM2bexSz0CWtpMtrrA4iX lo-fi vgm: name: Lo-Fi VGM description: Lo-fi VGM is a subgenre of video game music that features low-fidelity production techniques. It often combines nostalgic video game sounds with modern lo-fi beats and melodies, creating a unique and relaxing listening experience. parent: video game music localized_name: true rank: 1128 playlists: "2020": 7KDDBm7LTeMmZEcKUM0MQV "2021": 5co0t8Ro4fMEWhLTZdAsln "2022": 3gPBTnwhMuLzWW4TaFk1Nw "2023": 0m721oh25iDdgFhoO1Ag25 edge: 4F41qresTrrNBzttSG5l2J intro: 0it8rrESFOnLiK7n4ZvM1n pulse: 6mvUrh2AHmZuRb0BSTXoav sound: 213ytvvMz8Fjj5cQ405EUX lok dohori: name: Lok Dohori description: Lok Dohori is a traditional Nepali folk music genre that originated in the rural areas of Nepal. It features a combination of storytelling and singing, accompanied by traditional instruments such as the sarangi and madal. The lyrics often revolve around love, social issues, and daily life in rural Nepal. parent: folk language: nep country: NP localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 5747 playlists: "2021": 4dE1Ux44Zc2Yrt2xTHGQr0 "2022": 0n7T5aKS3l0n3PNSdmOs89 "2023": 3x2tX4BFECzLzqrTvfYbgR edge: 2EhJAucvqyGJ3EEYN0YsDH intro: 5kvxFovA7OGNRdF7XzRDNh pulse: 0cYOagKqEq90eS3jC6jEGV sound: 7nu5BmQuFxYU7p0FE6GyLl lombok indie: name: Lombok Indie description: Lombok Indie is a music genre that originated in the Indonesian island of Lombok. It features a blend of traditional Sasak music with modern indie rock and pop influences. The lyrics often touch on themes such as love, nature, and cultural identity. The sound is characterized by its use of traditional instruments such as the suling and kendang, combined with electric guitars and synthesizers. parent: indonesian indie rank: 5398 playlists: sound: 4q1x2DRR89SHVqxkRqSyvY london indie: name: London Indie description: London indie music is characterized by its guitar-driven sound, introspective lyrics, and DIY ethos. It draws influences from post-punk, Britpop, and garage rock, and often features jangly guitars, catchy melodies, and melancholic vocals. This genre has produced some of the most iconic bands of the last few decades, from The Smiths to Arctic Monkeys. parent: english indie rock localized_name: true rank: 2656 playlists: "2020": 2IPB3dA6dK7ljZSlKCc0mn "2021": 3rl8YAwVlzOmYwHxLbgcpL "2022": 7x7EB7pU0UIRbkiUBZofqr "2023": 0SKYFUmeMHfv7IXKkOmC0b edge: 49yOcVEM2HlHMHb8AGWUan intro: 6kBgjV5QcMxhfoQtuASW9r pulse: 6qzBQ7wo4DMf0GeRsdN22y sound: 68flNqi5a3bGzvTqpCkNZS london on indie: name: London ON Indie description: London on indie is a subgenre of indie rock that emerged in the early 2010s. It is characterized by its lo-fi production, DIY aesthetic, and introspective lyrics. This genre often features hazy guitars, dreamy vocals, and atmospheric soundscapes, and draws influences from shoegaze, post-punk, and alternative rock. London on indie has been championed by labels such as Captured Tracks and Sub Pop. parent: canadian indie localized_name: true rank: 4636 playlists: sound: 2b1a66G3u1GA6SrCYrR70S london rap: name: London Rap description: London rap is a subgenre of hip-hop that originated in the UK capital in the late 1990s. It is characterized by its distinctive British accent, gritty lyrics, and electronic beats. This genre often features socially conscious themes, political commentary, and street-level storytelling, and has been influenced by grime, garage, and dub. London rap has produced some of the most influential artists in the UK music parent: hip hop localized_name: true rank: 883 playlists: "2019": 4kMndl2v6IdjnKJbdA27XJ "2020": 3WbtMBEYZGO5QG1Np8hdgY "2021": 3PbedpIWJHKwpXdTF8KGc6 "2022": 2loPDyGDT4jTSplP3r05cY "2023": 1SusAUodd2iFd6rwWQNCj0 edge: 7xLuR1Ol8DLnvtLvfzmnmk intro: 0h3CBpMTezyh437qvqnqEN pulse: 6pp114nDaXhk1ekcM9iEoQ sound: 2sAetSf2QJCdtJtEXi0MWR long island punk: name: Long Island Punk description: Long Island punk is a subgenre of punk rock that emerged in Long Island, New York in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It is characterized by its fast-paced, aggressive sound and socially conscious lyrics that often address issues such as politics, social injustice, and personal struggles. parent: punk country: US rank: 3168 playlists: "2021": 5mP1A9AHfyCC7Rk8uQzyze "2022": 59NPJ7WyZC35WwytvFUFf4 "2023": 6sQQjDpMGXiDNMFX7eHRXH edge: 0JXXyznR2IQL8SgRgiJv2p intro: 1Iopm5HvTnoFLu08A5SaME pulse: 57kqB9n0miQoe8LqdcEGaM sound: 3GPYC8RKQqvwic7uRMwRWQ louange: name: Louange description: Louange is a genre of Christian music that originated in French-speaking countries. It is characterized by its use of traditional Christian hymns and contemporary Christian music styles such as pop, rock, and gospel. Louange music is often used in worship services and is known for its uplifting and inspirational lyrics that celebrate the love and grace of God. parent: christian music language: fra rank: 3923 playlists: "2021": 7c2wCb2z7fZlMw8jREsHII "2022": 0DOUjMqyhYB5TnlrSN7kKn "2023": 7yEeJNYLL2EsuSTGCA1VB4 edge: 5MyXsxo3AYIT0MQWvMIFzc intro: 5ES7ARuoxb5WDdE0zpvFo3 pulse: 25NVGzwAkkr4kGd3XShOCm sound: 09XCT5qBhFP0GdHH8kaB3K louisiana blues: name: Louisiana Blues description: Louisiana blues is a genre of blues music that originated in the state of Louisiana. It is characterized by its use of the accordion and the washboard, as well as its distinctive rhythms and melodies. Louisiana blues is known for its raw, emotional sound and its focus on storytelling through music. parent: blues country: US rank: 1992 playlists: "2019": 1GtVEfHEEm4DBb7RVSJXa9 "2020": 2G5n6XYMBS5ZGrLbHIYowe "2021": 2Jbj13NBJc1kTaXdQmPRVK "2022": 5LSdiYzoQ5bCS85Zz61Y40 "2023": 0MVV4KEluPtQvGe55uVgH3 edge: 4LEs9tUP0hTDD9qA0ta88n intro: 5Es0saDvbKQmGmb5Nqc9JQ pulse: 3BJ9jmzOuKt0UXVeqFg9Yt sound: 2fvTmmnb2UbU5TWvbMolPz louisiana metal: name: Louisiana Metal description: Louisiana metal is a subgenre of heavy metal music that originated in Louisiana. It is characterized by its heavy, aggressive sound and its use of distorted guitars, pounding drums, and intense vocals. Louisiana metal bands often draw inspiration from the state's rich musical heritage, incorporating elements of blues, jazz, and Cajun music into their sound. parent: metal country: US rank: 3456 playlists: "2020": 3lp0TSxHxeqY6LLTw60zyZ "2021": 0yc18MVNkXBhG7yhyNNCor "2022": 2y3cqb6iozMO26RVhUKK5p "2023": 1me7n6PecDFzZRvmiH1Sci intro: 3R7uF95aqIYxmh2rD278bw pulse: 5kldaooQvJLRvnvqxPVxyK sound: 0TLvkyZa3zlTc4oEGNMROg louisville indie: name: Louisville Indie description: Louisville indie is a genre of independent music that originated in Louisville, Kentucky. It is characterized by its DIY ethos and its focus on originality and experimentation. Louisville indie bands often draw inspiration from a variety of genres, including rock, folk, and electronic music, and are known for their innovative songwriting and unique sound. parent: indie rock country: US rank: 2654 playlists: intro: 3ZvfPskFg7js4IeedZQeuz pulse: 5RxnEGgpIBpd5DRT0l5fP8 sound: 1W0VdiGxj7w2zd5RVl0rvV louisville underground: name: Louisville Underground description: Louisville underground - This genre is characterized by its raw and gritty sound, often featuring distorted guitars and heavy drums. It emerged from the underground music scene in Louisville, Kentucky and is known for its DIY ethos and rebellious spirit. parent: louisville indie rank: 4611 playlists: "2022": 5NTjsDb4CxfxNHRVyc0pnB "2023": 2ICUgkntDy7liA3vCWIHii intro: 6fcb9oRHnqnIDEyKgmiPe1 pulse: 3okpj9N4IV0BZG2razNWNp sound: 0WEcr0KepcAho5Wu3vAbXE lounge: name: Lounge description: Lounge - Lounge music is often associated with the sophisticated atmosphere of upscale bars and hotels. It features smooth melodies, lush arrangements, and a relaxed tempo. This genre is perfect for creating a laid-back ambiance, whether you're hosting a dinner party or enjoying a quiet night in. parent: easy listening wikipedia_url: rank: 221 playlists: "2018": 1mAwscDjZXPNXbUiCmSk2Z "2019": 6WT02MyeMM4MDLlbUPadIl "2020": 7HGFDgjPwtHf2kBnHriGrj "2021": 4O97NE0Z5r8z0HVIjaJFZN "2022": 09Q1Q2p9Pk3JC8qXl1E9QI "2023": 0AENpmhnygplxBA9pvgclD edge: 3GFZ5IHXHbdnMgScls5EPS intro: 2lj8Ye8tRH41HLfqIel6de pulse: 0gTLFL6Mv3jnCT82ljAVgQ sound: 7jk0EKyr4Lc4jc4XPE4ycL lounge house: name: Lounge House description: Lounge house - Lounge house is a subgenre of house music that combines the chilled-out vibe of lounge music with the upbeat rhythms of dance music. It typically features deep basslines, jazzy chords, and soulful vocals. This genre is perfect for those who want to dance the night away while still maintaining a relaxed and sophisticated atmosphere. parent: house rank: 4756 playlists: "2018": 41voDjoWidZo12NXzauxb3 "2020": 1VMNofuY5ilHSKDqvfERaR "2022": 02w4a9yymTMIwyyvsWsCst "2023": 2FZK7WDHgoRUZy3ikejMdW edge: 6f8MZlZvcHAhGsDrdtp5VL intro: 3zCbUcvt7dj9BWBmjkpIEh pulse: 1QwzccaV986C8fZZN6SYoW sound: 01rNJ4ySEztGmhSevXtjVk louvor: name: Louvor description: Louvor is a genre of Christian music that originated in Brazil and is characterized by its uplifting lyrics and upbeat rhythms. It is often performed in churches and other religious settings, and is intended to inspire worship and praise. parent: christian music language: por country: BR localized_name: true rank: 1822 playlists: "2018": 38v5jawMg4VhCMTVVTmcQ5 "2019": 0dUekdZsOxveIdMNoTcXij "2020": 1GINdboTuuzjaV4x9wT8WL "2021": 0bavUQXRjRGtyPCKlP5FKf "2022": 1U8QFmiJsjDxRby7y9EMCH "2023": 1slJ1Ht76mOaqkj1tuW3de edge: 68b9fVsZ8XAUBCw4p18Dpo intro: 1xw5Yr3lYawi7lEp7dBbcT pulse: 5kFxCS2YQ8IvjL5z78y8zL sound: 1gT67GuBr4HCKNNhhq6Gnc louvor icm: name: Louvor ICM description: Louvor ICM is a subgenre of louvor that is associated with the Igreja Cristã Maranata, a Brazilian Pentecostal denomination. It features a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs, and is often performed with a full band and choir. parent: louvor localized_name: true rank: 3352 playlists: "2020": 1sS1nx4iXTTbXzFE7CsWDH "2021": 5DPrHdelDqvHuq1Fjz0joK "2022": 1ehgsqa2UcUSvaS1tpUFUb "2023": 55koElAJxCS4z3zCcGLB18 intro: 48RduET2ROF3jJ0gAyLOLu pulse: 3CqyIeka4Rw3yAYfAShtnr sound: 0xTQBGbsRCabjI5MwUieJx louvores pentecostais: name: Louvores Pentecostais parent: christian music language: por country: BR localized_name: true rank: 2858 playlists: sound: 1oC4g0U51Xk1Xu9VeGqJqD "2023": 0hlPBje6Evf0Tlhdl3axUr lovecraftian metal: name: Lovecraftian Metal description: Lovecraftian metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that draws inspiration from the works of horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. It is characterized by its dark and ominous sound, with lyrics that explore themes of cosmic horror and the unknown. Bands in this genre often incorporate elements of progressive rock and avant-garde music to create a truly unique listening experience. parent: black metal rank: 5094 playlists: "2020": 12DlQEQxj6VgrWHgqI8bMK "2021": 3wTA7FxdWtuv4ScBWoONSL "2022": 4efMLU1N8my1SFufQEOOk2 "2023": 5LNin4DeFWOPbDbkshzzLH intro: 6PcM3PFyfzsbeyDMVNYS6N sound: 3XiUfGn0daCb4CnghKUSCO lovers rock: name: Lovers Rock description: Lovers Rock is a sub-genre of reggae that originated in the UK during the 1970s. It is characterized by smooth and romantic melodies, soulful vocals, and a slower tempo than traditional reggae. Lovers Rock often features lyrics about love and relationships, and is known for its laid-back and mellow vibe. parent: reggae wikipedia_url: rank: 1209 playlists: "2018": 33VqODyhJfOIUZ2UIpI9zN "2019": 0IEH3dytkIHjmBWF0DZs7G "2020": 6hpGIkIIuuaGFWy7zaZuoV "2021": 4NbYBAjiB85sozPN0YnfR5 "2022": 71xGoHp6qBV4RUzucazgv5 "2023": 3pFGx43QZ5gVish24NwJrM edge: 3fdJBSsadZhExyjthMAU2u intro: 2wbls1TgYWd6VkRALunHoJ pulse: 1sNievp1SXj4gKRtQj27cJ sound: 7KNEp9goFIQIuIwqFDFgTg lowercase: name: Lowercase description: Lowercase is an experimental music genre that emerged in the early 2000s. It is characterized by very quiet and minimalistic sounds, often created using field recordings, found objects, and acoustic instruments. Lowercase music is intended to be listened to at low volumes and can be described as meditative and introspective. It is often associated with the concept of "microsound" and is popular among fans of ambient and avant-garde music. parent: chill wikipedia_url: rank: 5170 playlists: "2020": 1YmeYaaH8dzlecm3u5tMot "2021": 1srx7qUEGoXASdZyiWJpuk "2022": 68mKQBFa17C4l7HlBgPP9u "2023": 6ZnD8WrtsCqF515PIRu2LT intro: 7fy4vg9m2ZN0zM7eZ59dkQ pulse: 4EgnJOOdyUbvv8MCo7fxdf sound: 0X48ayqAs9PQ2Z4wRe2YBb lowlands hardcore: name: Lowlands Hardcore description: Lowlands hardcore is a subgenre of hardcore punk that originated in the Netherlands. It is characterized by fast-paced, aggressive music with politically charged lyrics. The sound is influenced by other subgenres of punk, as well as metal and rock. parent: hardcore language: nld country: NL localized_name: true rank: 5280 playlists: "2021": 6ZCCu28wiqGhGgl21WUycX "2022": 7IBkApZmlVoWwUGEWNzCr7 "2023": 0jVdApwjvcjeva8LJRwp1C intro: 4bVXD6DZMsAAI9qGbC4nlL pulse: 5Oqe4hQJmJcLgVHuSjgIgJ sound: 4rSQrZ0wzYg0caXe7mcFqU luk thung: name: Luk Thung description: Luk thung is a popular music genre from Thailand that emerged in the 1930s. It is known for its distinctive sound, which features traditional Thai instruments such as the khene and phin. The lyrics often tell stories of love, heartbreak, and rural life. Luk thung has evolved over the years to include elements of pop, rock, and other genres. parent: thai folk localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 2545 playlists: "2018": 2kGULZABPBivfdf5zIdc7u "2019": 6aLC4vPCHm5VJS1Hu4sxdp "2020": 2w16ft011PU6j21ahFmZmf "2021": 7w6FUCTRKuR0RDy8TWAVe7 "2022": 6QUKrFej9u7kxF6S33KnXx "2023": 1JigkdpMmY3hjErcEMrEuO edge: 29CxOvVxPjpT1VShQkJAIE intro: 1kqev7ERI75M5AekTSHmBL pulse: 6MslyOrYueYGlzlUsxJqSP sound: 1rdqGPtCn0Tgdl5gjw8RkO lullaby: name: Lullaby description: Lullabies are soothing songs that are typically sung to children to help them fall asleep. They are often characterized by slow, gentle melodies and calming lyrics. Lullabies can be found in many cultures around the world and have been passed down through generations. They are often sung by parents or caregivers and can be accompanied by simple instruments or sung a cappella. parent: children's music localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 425 playlists: "2019": 6I0DP9SE8m9365Da0ikG1S "2020": 2rRpwa8jtmuFH0CA7yIjK7 "2021": 5OptflmTNzXFo5SU7sJEa5 "2022": 0gTWx4j8X5pNz9G4k54iXU "2023": 3RL5laTXBeZL0Kou4PxPWK edge: 7u4oCHyOpUijaTHoub7jwn intro: 0vD2DP72lJhZKgoSVES3j9 pulse: 6zhlqe0M2QyjCfeETrLBGf sound: 1HF6J83A0lrauLpdJ9N4Nz lund indie: name: Lund Indie description: Lund indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in Lund, Sweden. It is characterized by its dreamy and atmospheric sound, often featuring reverb-heavy guitars and ethereal vocals. Lund indie bands often draw inspiration from shoegaze and post-rock, creating a unique blend of genres that is both introspective and emotive. parent: swedish indie rock rank: 4209 playlists: sound: 5yqIDJMkMc1KSGQFmkXxKx lustrum: name: Lustrum description: Lustrum is a genre of music that emerged in the early 2000s, combining elements of post-punk, new wave, and synthpop. It is characterized by its dark, brooding sound, often featuring angular guitar riffs, pulsing basslines, and atmospheric synths. Lustrum bands often explore themes of alienation, disillusionment, and existential angst, creating a moody and introspective atmosphere. parent: dutch edm rank: 1695 playlists: "2020": 49lZUxl4hk0MHoPCXWPxNP "2021": 25fKJnYf0lIRS4QbpYpWRf "2022": 0caHZayLDggF6VIIqAJI2v "2023": 27LSNtfzgkQHuFk4a3sYLi edge: 1Kabm5j8TPflL19uhMwbVw intro: 2V24vC9TNwpia2PYCbgci2 pulse: 7tXjHVViMRs1C5lwoegZf4 sound: 1z4JkNqD4UHNWMTfIOKZBe lute: name: Lute description: Lute music is a genre of classical music that originated in the Renaissance period. It is characterized by its use of the lute, a plucked string instrument with a long neck and a pear-shaped body. Lute music often features intricate fingerpicking patterns and delicate melodies, creating a gentle and refined sound that was popular among the aristocracy of the time. Lute music is still performed and studied today, with many musicians and scholars dedicated to preserving this important cultural tradition. parent: instrument localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 5374 playlists: "2020": 6WupNBW6d2OZU7CFnwsLLy "2021": 2UXHRBI6eTYu3AY04U6A42 "2022": 13DEgdRS5SrFkqh7CiLH62 "2023": 4vkOBG0ocJBIM0Oxhaa2T1 edge: 2o2Gcea1Aw5g9fiaakpnNp intro: 4Z50lOYuLuRgUh0l4zp4eH pulse: 3eOGSwhl1FaGKU0OvvKWpw sound: 52VptovPDaoqCMZm1dzIcP luxembourgian electronic: name: Luxembourgian Electronic description: Luxembourgian electronic music is a fusion of experimental sounds and cutting-edge technology. It incorporates elements of house, techno, and ambient music, creating a unique and dynamic sound that is both innovative and captivating. parent: electronica country: LU localized_name: true rank: 6117 playlists: sound: 0S5jjWoTd7P8avvYWHbTAP luxembourgian hip hop: name: Luxembourgian Hip Hop description: Luxembourgian hip hop is a genre that combines the raw energy of hip hop with the melodic sensibilities of Luxembourgian music. It is characterized by its socially conscious lyrics, intricate rhymes, and powerful beats, and has become a powerful voice for the country's youth culture. parent: hip hop country: LU localized_name: true wikipedia_url: rank: 5635 playlists: "2021": 2RJ3AYq8H0evf0po9kpCXN "2022": 2atH4WJW6ZBOEW5rDfb2ZQ "2023": 09U5yAeUZtbizC2IwELrsL edge: 4YiiAfn6waMRJLIyih6xcp intro: 630V3Eb6Z3tgigVhbUZG4Y pulse: 17bFn36lqmKDDsQGt2i8gR sound: 6rUSUvFHUYFDKq7zdv4tXT luxembourgian indie: name: Luxembourgian Indie description: Luxembourgian indie music is a diverse and eclectic genre that encompasses a wide range of styles and influences. It is characterized by its emphasis on creativity, experimentation, and individuality, and is often associated with underground and alternative music scenes. From dreamy shoegaze to upbeat pop, Luxembourgian indie music is a vibrant and exciting part of the country's musical landscape. parent: indie rock country: LU localized_name: true rank: 4362 playlists: "2021": 2hWC6NBsxr18A1feSEEnm7 "2022": 55iBvMg0meWYLPUJAwLOwc "2023": 7mUZQbSCITIJL09EsKFERG intro: 1qNJEi5TE08Wir9fj5KyJf pulse: 5ooobz9xmeJ8Y8e4hXUlTe sound: 32N5xfn5QZ7Vxc1Zm7nYlB luxembourgian metal: name: Luxembourgian Metal description: Luxembourgian metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that originated in Luxembourg. It features aggressive guitar riffs, fast-paced drumming, and powerful vocals. The lyrics often revolve around themes of darkness, anger, and rebellion. Bands such as Abstract Rapture and Scarred are popular representatives of this genre. parent: metal country: LU localized_name: true rank: 5896 playlists: sound: 6XJ2Qa8gDoXrT7tafPbwIj luxembourgian pop: name: Luxembourgian Pop description: Luxembourgian pop is a type of popular music that originated in Luxembourg. It features catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and simple lyrics that are easy to sing along to. The songs often reflect the culture and traditions of Luxembourg, with themes such as love, friendship, and community. Artists such as Serge Tonnar and Claire Parsons are popular representatives of this genre. parent: pop country: LU localized_name: true wikipedia_url:,_rock,_pop rank: 5401 playlists: "2021": 0tccnQWz8PnKXpbYAcvgvd "2022": 4GrxlLs3CqJeTRL8EyQi1T "2023": 2QnstKuCzXvWaqy6e96FKi edge: 1wYXnu8bSXW08j9gthVyN8 intro: 2RqboeZHopuiSkQzVCd3lj pulse: 3QnlScQXiUagfVMbtbVPs1 sound: 0LSkh5924Qd0PihnyVM3v0