Alex Good 1c6da6f9a3
Add JS worker config to Vite app example
Vite apps which use SharedWorker of WebWorker require additional
configuration to get WebAssembly imports to work effectively, add these
to the example.
2022-10-17 01:09:13 +01:00
config Move wrappers/javascript -> javascript 2022-10-16 19:55:54 +01:00
e2e Move wrappers/javascript -> javascript 2022-10-16 19:55:54 +01:00
examples Add JS worker config to Vite app example 2022-10-17 01:09:13 +01:00
src Add typedoc comments to the entire public JS API 2022-10-17 00:41:06 +01:00
test Move wrappers/javascript -> javascript 2022-10-16 19:55:54 +01:00
.eslintignore Move wrappers/javascript -> javascript 2022-10-16 19:55:54 +01:00
.eslintrc.cjs Move wrappers/javascript -> javascript 2022-10-16 19:55:54 +01:00
.gitignore Add typedoc comments to the entire public JS API 2022-10-17 00:41:06 +01:00 Add some READMEs to the javascript directory 2022-10-16 20:01:49 +01:00
LICENSE Move wrappers/javascript -> javascript 2022-10-16 19:55:54 +01:00
package.json Add typedoc comments to the entire public JS API 2022-10-17 00:41:06 +01:00 Add some READMEs to the javascript directory 2022-10-16 20:01:49 +01:00
tsconfig.json Move wrappers/javascript -> javascript 2022-10-16 19:55:54 +01:00
tslint.json Move wrappers/javascript -> javascript 2022-10-16 19:55:54 +01:00 Add typedoc comments to the entire public JS API 2022-10-17 00:41:06 +01:00


Automerge is a library of data structures for building collaborative applications, this package is the javascript implementation.

Detailed documentation is available at but see the following for a short getting started guid.


First, install the library.

yarn add @automerge/automerge

If you're writing a node application, you can skip straight to Make some data. If you're in a browser you need a bundler

Bundler setup

@automerge/automerge is a wrapper around a core library which is written in rust, compiled to WebAssembly and distributed as a separate package called @automerge/automerge-wasm. Browsers don't currently support WebAssembly modules taking part in ESM module imports, so you must use a bundler to import @automerge/automerge in the browser. There are a lot of bundlers out there, we have examples for common bundlers in the examples folder. Here is a short example using Webpack 5.

Assuming a standard setup of a new webpack project, you'll need to enable the asyncWebAssembly experiment. In a typical webpack project that means adding something like this to webpack.config.js

module.exports = {
  experiments: { asyncWebAssembly: true },
  performance: {       // we dont want the wasm blob to generate warnings
     hints: false,
     maxEntrypointSize: 512000,
     maxAssetSize: 512000

Make some data

Automerge allows to separate threads of execution to make changes to some data and always be able to merge their changes later.

import * as automerge from "@automerge/automerge"
import * as assert from "assert"

let doc1 = automerge.from({
    tasks: [
        {description: "feed fish", done: false},
        {description: "water plants", done: false},

// Create a new thread of execution 
let doc2 = automerge.clone(doc1)

// Now we concurrently make changes to doc1 and doc2

// Complete a task in doc2
doc2 = automerge.change(doc2, d => {
    d.tasks[0].done = true

// Add a task in doc1
doc1 = automerge.change(doc1, d => {
        description: "water fish",
        done: false

// Merge changes from both docs
doc1 = automerge.merge(doc1, doc2)
doc2 = automerge.merge(doc2, doc1)

// Both docs are merged and identical
assert.deepEqual(doc1, {
    tasks: [
        {description: "feed fish", done: true},
        {description: "water plants", done: false},
        {description: "water fish", done: false},

assert.deepEqual(doc2, {
    tasks: [
        {description: "feed fish", done: true},
        {description: "water plants", done: false},
        {description: "water fish", done: false},




Copyright 2017present, the Automerge contributors. Released under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE).