
64 lines
948 B

# Format
- Header (16B)
- Displacements (n_disps \* 8B)
- Entries
- Entry data
# Header
- key (8B)
- n_disps (4B)
- n_entries (4B)
# Displacement
- a (4B)
- b (4B)
# Entry
- i (3B)
- k_len (1B)
- v_len (1B)
# Key encoding
The key (kanji) is utf16-encoded to save 1byte per char
# Value encoding
0xxxxxxx: **H**iragana (unicode character: 0x3041 + x)
01111111: Hiragana prolonged sound mark (`ー`, unic: 0x30fc)
10000000: **S**eparator between reading and context (0x80)
11111111: **|** Separator between readings (0xff)
1xxxxxxx: Tail (ASCII character)
The default reading should be placed at the end
as it has the lowest priority. This way we can stop
iterating over the readings once a match is found.
**with tails:**
"描": {
"k": "か",
"": "びょう",
"i": "か",
**with context:**
"色": {
"": "いろ",
"そん": "しょく",