
8108 lines
304 KiB

name: Bachata
A genre of Latin American music characterized by its romantic lyrics and distinctive
guitar-based sound. Often associated with the Dominican Republic, bachata has gained
popularity worldwide and is known for its sensual dance style.
parent: world
language: spa
country: DO
rank: 250
"2018": 5YCA3F2Urzm1ypAgXwp6ND
"2019": 6XZZwgYNXAJ31BleTFawsS
"2020": 3xwz63SnRRvmRseo6vrsV3
"2021": 6jU9iJE5ZDm5Oqqsk0bvn3
"2022": 4wHJ0yr6uVkBWvxMe2lhoW
"2023": 2XmxsjmQnqbYtybixGYdCs
edge: 4Oh7VjZaw4etsvKXVqRAft
intro: 5jHuGBWYe7rM0IVWlA3zwT
pulse: 7gNCVZ5IkLkANU7PEFI7ld
sound: 5CllQE0jNYEbZWEjyhDD6J
bachata dominicana:
name: Bachata Dominicana
A subgenre of bachata that originated in the Dominican Republic. It features a
faster tempo and a more traditional sound, with a focus on the guitar and
percussion. The lyrics often reflect the struggles and joys of everyday life in the
Dominican Republic.
parent: bachata
rank: 496
"2020": 0dpP9EBQ5D9BufgTYiKx39
"2021": 1KoltazgQ34IDftl9yf474
"2022": 5ZRyaNkjf9YJ9fkOarenP4
"2023": 466kUc3HrwBp9T0rXFzCJy
edge: 1crLsY1eKUWl3DBGO53IEj
intro: 36Q14UiS5iEeJpfc8RByPX
pulse: 2MnzrrsHfD5t2EpC5QikN1
sound: 6ZOErPbFr6wWQ687g0TQGB
bachchon ke geet:
name: Bachchon Ke Geet
A genre of children's music from India that features playful and educational lyrics
set to upbeat melodies. The songs are often used in schools and on children's
television shows to teach basic concepts like counting, the alphabet, and social
skills. The music is catchy and fun, making it a favorite among young children.
parent: children's music
language: hin
country: IN
localized_name: true
rank: 4540
"2022": 05aqph0jk6HZ2nxpHlmQau
"2023": 13sBhdAhnhvnDyqvlUKF1y
intro: 2mGCBqrCPzqvo4SrUesWZH
pulse: 7fLxvJ12BXzLn7saFonT0D
sound: 4oOHs2OLSeyda5vL75yylW
background jazz:
name: Background Jazz
This genre of music is characterized by its smooth and relaxing melodies, perfect
for creating a calming atmosphere. It often features the sounds of saxophones,
pianos, and other jazz instruments, and is ideal for playing in the background of a
social gathering or in a restaurant.
parent: jazz
localized_name: true
rank: 662
"2021": 1FI2g7gGOiiGpYeOCmzGuk
"2022": 12U5PeZLuZGbhnl9jdQc9B
"2023": 403cDn1kT4TWRjcCSXB6ye
edge: 5zRaA09gliOHnl79dDWETo
intro: 5SPFYOqzqRmVx5uMQOy2sQ
pulse: 0uiZMyUYolLzrL3rvEZXAl
sound: 7Ifye2q49cs6RDXTbQxJcq
background jazz product:
name: Background Jazz Product
Similar to background jazz, this genre is specifically designed for use in
commercial settings. It is often used in advertisements, videos, and other
promotional materials to create a sophisticated and elegant atmosphere that appeals
to a wide audience.
parent: background jazz
localized_name: true
rank: 3535
"2022": 1IdHzl7VqSjdjuhLt73XYI
"2023": 2M4ZSqLWb2TwfuVpfYEJ1y
edge: 6Ihp8KAWKBYvbAXaDx9Q5W
intro: 2tnd5ka2Vp8hqEEyPnUZBn
pulse: 34PXmfgAE28B2IAiMryHaP
sound: 5UvT2YrhYo6tUUGASRrUUl
background music:
name: Background Music
This genre encompasses a wide range of musical styles that are designed to be played
in the background of various settings. It can include everything from classical
music to electronic beats, and is often used to create a specific mood or atmosphere
in films, television shows, and other media. Background music is also commonly used
in public spaces such as shopping malls, airports, and hotels to create a pleasant
and welcoming environment.
parent: chill
localized_name: true
rank: 638
"2019": 64ERNtWrkqrbhUgpajOZ1W
"2020": 06IWjimJqXMfY7AOQb4tVK
"2021": 4q532S58i7gHiIr3oTfBSo
"2022": 7wm78zsLASucPn5XYe2dnm
"2023": 6Pww4HY68EPui8AcItAs2p
edge: 15DxhtXuvCGK1ut5CsUQRx
intro: 42cbmExr80m5UUbdpO8ojL
pulse: 0AhxjNThLweYLIrMJlBCfS
sound: 2JsqQdMbBC2hh7GjsEjKFg
background piano:
name: Background Piano
Background piano is a genre of music that is characterized by soft and calming piano
melodies. It is often used as background music in films, television shows, and
commercials to create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. The music is usually
slow-paced and gentle, with a focus on creating a soothing ambiance.
parent: background music
localized_name: true
rank: 454
"2020": 4fjDzk98mxn5jSU1yigE5f
"2021": 0HnSgEONMYsBKHsXDcYUAg
"2022": 7Cd8HgRXAYn7ty7XbJL7uG
"2023": 3okH6U5Eg8SpE6OtWWbQb7
edge: 2bCDEuGqTJLKTTDviMt7g2
intro: 0O3cf9WPXl2NJ5LwZZScyj
pulse: 0myeeljW5iTEoxSSnaVtYU
sound: 66O4FigZBxS4Tz80TbZ9Zc
backing track:
name: Backing Track
A backing track is a musical accompaniment that is used to support a solo performer
or band. It typically includes all of the instrumental parts of a song, minus the
lead vocals. Backing tracks are often used in live performances, as well as in the
recording studio, to add depth and complexity to a song. They can be created using a
variety of instruments and software programs.
parent: background music
localized_name: true
rank: 4677
"2021": 22ihaiNm62l4yPAev82Uoh
"2022": 3awTLV8lk74nhObPCFSzbF
"2023": 5e5X6GeI73J6mCH1ODMr8s
intro: 73gGZTrI8JgTjcVaGje9I6
pulse: 29XyNX6BDIKVUoMCpaBgH2
sound: 0OntTiyGzKP5yAqKhvmPXB
name: Bağlama
Baglama is a traditional Turkish stringed instrument that is often used in folk
music. It has a pear-shaped body and a long, thin neck with frets. The baglama is
played with a plectrum and produces a bright, twangy sound. It is often used to
accompany singing and dancing, and is a popular instrument in Turkish music. The
baglama is also sometimes referred to as the saz or the bağlama.
parent: instrument
country: TR
rank: 2220
"2020": 3qyDL1VJjl0n00M9NbKWZD
"2021": 7zFj2EKgkbItCKABsoFXM8
"2022": 4mhQWCkPF3kBtpaQkf6624
"2023": 3HPpFOgqYAcFeL2pO1FkOz
edge: 49yzTdMhSZWzKUnkyzkpVn
pulse: 66N0M1gPRtxdzyiewzjovE
sound: 4b1bpJSbQCFhWMAMxnX1Ua
name: Bagpipe
Bagpipe music is a traditional form of folk music that originated in Scotland. It
features the distinctive sound of the bagpipes, which are a type of wind instrument
that uses a reed to produce sound. Bagpipe music is often played at weddings,
funerals, and other ceremonial occasions, and is known for its haunting and
melancholy melodies.
parent: british folk
localized_name: true
rank: 3821
"2022": 4geUu58JZENhDAFfXzC7nF
intro: 5m99EF9hWbOZlo20o0ocvA
pulse: 7hRzK1HJf6P3KnIaluasfJ
sound: 2mccXT3LnZ6OsuCzoyXKnS
bagpipe marching band:
name: Bagpipe Marching Band
A bagpipe marching band is a group of musicians who play bagpipes while marching in
formation. The bagpipes are accompanied by drums and other percussion instruments,
and the music is often used to mark important events and celebrations. Bagpipe
marching bands are a popular feature of parades and festivals, and their stirring
music and colorful uniforms make them a crowd favorite.
parent: bagpipe
localized_name: true
rank: 4627
"2022": 5Eelee4x89FnVFpiH03QAc
"2023": 4TPFfDsCU56v58MOZoOVng
intro: 5FWGfSWElrHQDlMp7TfUZl
pulse: 3g4bENneN0Ot488vbKpzLp
sound: 41iWMc04NJfguWYm2r00Sc
name: Bahá'í
Bahai music is a genre of spiritual music that is inspired by the teachings of the
Bahai faith. The music is characterized by its uplifting and inspirational lyrics,
which often focus on themes of love, unity, and peace. Bahai music is performed by
both solo artists and groups, and is often accompanied by traditional instruments
such as the guitar, piano, and drums. The music is intended to uplift the spirit and
promote a sense of unity and harmony among listeners.
parent: meditation
rank: 3856
"2021": 3yVXTXYzuJI7MvfKRrvjAH
"2022": 4HAgjnPeKP5F4PT8KPCiWV
"2023": 2SkCwyd2R5xl1k7f5KHrki
intro: 3Tc2ROXGn2fGSSaFR3U0w1
pulse: 7lt9RzeDaAyJCmDdIY1TEs
sound: 6HxkWVGjZV1rnLDZ7DYZig
bahamian folk:
name: Bahamian Folk
Bahamian folk music is the traditional music of the Bahamas, characterized by its
use of indigenous instruments such as the goombay drum, saw, and conch shell. The
lyrics often reflect the struggles and joys of everyday life in the archipelago,
with themes ranging from love and romance to political and social commentary.
parent: folk
country: BS
localized_name: true
rank: 5558
pulse: 5MiZjwWOtFgV0h34dtryx3
sound: 0GqkGs9QSKFwUAku4VMj3v
bahamian pop:
name: Bahamian Pop
Bahamian pop, on the other hand, is a more modern and commercialized form of music
that blends elements of traditional Bahamian folk music with contemporary pop and
R&B. It often features catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and lyrics that celebrate
the laid-back island lifestyle and the beauty of the Bahamas.
parent: pop
country: BS
localized_name: true
rank: 3865
pulse: 7808py9H3vKUyxaVl8Q9EY
sound: 0rSWozhTVMRbDa6Afqn90f
name: Baião
Baiao is a popular music genre from Brazil, characterized by its use of the
accordion, triangle, and zabumba drum. It originated in the northeastern region of
Brazil and is often associated with the forró dance style. Baiao music is known for
its lively rhythms, catchy melodies, and lyrics that often tell stories of love,
romance, and the struggles of life in the rural northeast.
parent: folk
language: por
country: BR
rank: 3096
"2020": 6hZ7A5Cejvtf7v8moSQzrH
"2021": 3CSNUVQHlLjunbh4LmWAJQ
"2022": 7DFEzd1HF5RDXCoFbSFXxE
"2023": 5hq2YOyFvRHJwFiqvOkjH3
edge: 4gh8lvBrr6MbBp1CX5QEA4
intro: 6RT0qp3JFIGE4v4JED6kgn
pulse: 1hKE6wqwZVtBs8eD6HhdXN
sound: 2whLuuxBLWqwEAtbXnGdIk
baithak gana:
name: Baithak Gana
Baithak gana is a traditional folk music genre from Guyana that originated from the
Indian subcontinent. It is characterized by its use of the harmonium, dholak, and
tabla, and its lyrics that often depict love and social issues. Baithak gana is
commonly performed at weddings, religious events, and community gatherings.
parent: folk
language: hns
country: SR
rank: 5549
"2020": 2JB0uR3MDFRtW7TTsBokTC
"2021": 2eiNRflCE5ZmfX2KSC68WZ
"2022": 4vDlEC2EaqDQYwLbuUQFWR
"2023": 6N7j8Ad0eFkxBeSAknfLA2
edge: 2UX86ZexCTH7P5Z3Pwl2D7
intro: 5JdBcGNhnomn2XolGtiiwq
pulse: 32kIAQf4Cm3QcIumVgbYwz
sound: 7mkbVjaHNgs9uBOfzRKGYm
baja indie:
name: Baja Indie
Baja indie is a subgenre of indie rock that emerged in the early 2000s in Mexico. It
is characterized by its use of brass instruments, such as trumpets and trombones,
and its fusion of traditional Mexican music with rock and pop. Baja indie bands
often sing in Spanish and their lyrics reflect on social and political issues in
parent: indie rock mexicano
rank: 4761
sound: 7brR2dtt87902qmMJAu08D
bajan soca:
name: Bajan Soca
Bajan soca is a popular music genre from Barbados that blends elements of calypso
and soul music. It is characterized by its fast-paced beats, catchy melodies, and
lyrics that often celebrate Caribbean culture and lifestyle. Bajan soca is commonly
played during Carnival season and is enjoyed by locals and tourists alike.
parent: calypso
country: BB
rank: 4609
"2022": 0zTy1w9BzMHERHqMS2z1Cl
"2023": 7ittrYS6P6uK5TlxpTPEUy
edge: 5iR3FKqVKMjQovwbz1uJKd
intro: 3SZamRWKkFZ1Wy8HXI6a9W
pulse: 10Ad2uAPqXRBYPFMCacj26
sound: 1m3bBRIdm9WbACj6hcVpKk
name: Bajki
A genre of Polish psychedelic rock that emerged in the late 1960s, characterized by
its dreamy, surreal soundscapes and poetic lyrics. Bajki often incorporates elements
of folk music and Eastern European mysticism, creating a unique and otherworldly
parent: psychedelic rock
language: pol
country: PL
rank: 2917
"2020": 2RRBHZwWr7bMg5FJ91P8QI
"2021": 1NVQ8LkiU7SHBu3c9N87ON
"2022": 7i3P61vlsvE7dDx2ZUyQz4
"2023": 4elgDxjOD794R7sicGSzXr
intro: 1CoZdia2bIWkuaTOpNkORp
pulse: 41Wq8qBN6NoS0z6ZhI5Oba
sound: 2GdtwYYDxN65eReNI2hL90
bakersfield sound:
name: Bakersfield Sound
A subgenre of country music that originated in Bakersfield, California in the 1950s
and 60s. Known for its stripped-down, electric guitar-driven sound and honky-tonk
influences, Bakersfield Sound was a departure from the more polished Nashville sound
of the time. Artists like Buck Owens and Merle Haggard popularized the style and it
remains a beloved part of country music history.
parent: country
country: US
rank: 1902
"2019": 7uyvgBaLoggTYzZSu16ZOA
"2020": 34r0DUo3aXFBzfang3eFJY
"2021": 1u7F4c4bkavXWmFDSHz4VO
"2022": 0kZRvAcksYDgEKoEvkToSI
"2023": 7wvco60Rylll9o6vX3uhyz
edge: 5yawj7SzuzMtaNPvJyZnzt
intro: 7n65dfIPp4CAw5ZhFJGWbu
pulse: 0Ak0u5D3oDI1d9eMAWu2Ji
sound: 1FHYDt4X8pKAUEv6hlaP0N
name: Bal-musette
Bal-musette is a French genre of instrumental music that originated in the early
20th century. It is characterized by its accordion-driven sound, and its upbeat and
lively tempo. The music is often played at outdoor dances and festivals, and
features a mix of traditional French folk songs and
parent: french folk
country: FR
rank: 4777
"2021": 36JNLvy5BKOo5gJqFTX7lU
"2022": 4DYrWyd2f2B9cTHcR9zNPB
"2023": 6qFw1tQGurMVJkf7j82Ell
intro: 5cQoyrQoaoCc0z0CVEjbMQ
pulse: 6v3Kfv25Dp5WjK77Cs31ga
sound: 2qBRZvImPQjF7KXej3YmHz
name: Balafon
A West African percussion instrument similar to a xylophone, consisting of wooden
bars of varying lengths that are struck with mallets. Balafon music is characterized
by its lively, upbeat rhythms and intricate melodies, often accompanied by other
traditional instruments like djembe drums and kora harps. It is a popular genre
throughout West Africa and has influenced many other styles of music around the
parent: instrument
region: AF
localized_name: true
rank: 5578
sound: 151LvuVlFGqjjS4uQKHd4T
name: Balalaika
A traditional Russian music genre featuring the balalaika, a triangular-shaped
stringed instrument. The sound is often lively and upbeat, with fast-paced melodies
and intricate fingerpicking. The lyrics often tell stories of Russian folklore and
history, accompanied by other traditional instruments such as the domra and
parent: instrument
country: RU
localized_name: true
rank: 5381
"2022": 1PjPBvXm0pBni9RkvUbEHR
intro: 7FsJ5QyUtQFdtM508zWwz1
pulse: 3n5OTvbqWSwhuXENJfNm8p
sound: 66zlv1OjzOvFp5Keh7eflO
name: Balearic
A genre of electronic dance music that originated in the Balearic Islands, Spain. It
combines elements of house, techno, and ambient music, often featuring a laid-back
and dreamy sound. Balearic music is known for its use of samples from a variety of
genres, including rock, pop, and world music. It's often associated with beach
parties and a relaxed, carefree lifestyle.
parent: edm
language: spa
country: ES
rank: 2569
"2018": 5sdwJKgeJnKcno9AuWbRFe
"2019": 5VvyohefzN4qFEqLpP4ADc
"2020": 1uSODVF4Qbpy3i3ETLu1Ki
"2021": 5jp8YXYRZuSmzIaabJGQCG
"2022": 6iRnVM2b9Lw4aRAaHUH710
"2023": 1QiIAvm2ffCXf4KBt4tkOi
edge: 4HyxWiZJTihDulkQShL0Lm
intro: 0nPGdV26olwA6t0xnFQiaE
pulse: 1mcAl6S8OPAoMDs54eAKv7
sound: 3FDQXSzsETVYzbrfOEEJnQ
name: Balfolk
A genre of traditional folk music and dance originating in France, Belgium, and the
Netherlands. Balfolk music is characterized by its lively and upbeat rhythms, often
featuring accordion, fiddle, and other traditional instruments. The accompanying
dances are simple and easy to learn, making it a popular genre for social gatherings
and community events. Balfolk music is often played at festivals and dance parties,
with a focus on community and connection.
parent: folk
region: EU
rank: 4550
"2021": 5Ku2W4rsfFimR9r2PeCXRM
"2022": 5wSCXRuJ1uSELfybNzFUHf
"2023": 5tmVwchJ5yEXRF8SwvqyMB
edge: 76q1bYDKVDLyJfZJz0dNcY
intro: 7GoqRjpj5f9Ox0s0oAkhVc
pulse: 6qdgOyXQNCiFJPuEPvcBCV
sound: 5QRpaFbeggej6goP5CPeMX
bali indie:
name: Bali Indie
Bali indie is a genre that incorporates elements of indie rock, pop, and traditional
Balinese music. It often features dreamy, atmospheric soundscapes, catchy melodies,
and lyrics that reflect the unique culture and traditions of Bali. Artists in this
genre often blend Western and Balinese instruments, creating a sound that is both
modern and traditional.
parent: indie rock
country: ID
rank: 2839
"2021": 0v3EwGJ2BxDbs7yIUvhocY
"2022": 5CIvN6vMfalOw6N3llPe9k
"2023": 0cc8LaCBlibVAmsfvDOqq0
edge: 4bqSKwXlCK6oNk6BtjsG6W
intro: 6IjchR8yWG8tAa8udWuZqO
pulse: 3A7HnkredhN27SCFk9H2jA
sound: 42by0jpew5CNgNsXS9rjkq
balikpapan indie:
name: Balikpapan Indie
Balikpapan indie is a genre that emerged from the indie music scene in Balikpapan, a
city in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is characterized by its raw, DIY sound, and
often features lo-fi production, distorted guitars, and introspective lyrics.
Balikpapan indie bands often play in small venues and underground clubs, and are
known for their independent spirit and DIY ethos.
parent: indonesian indie rock
rank: 6260
sound: 4xHYQJKvXQOORHG2Vn3g3V
balinese traditional:
name: Balinese Traditional
Balinese traditional music is a genre that encompasses a wide range of traditional
music styles from Bali, Indonesia. It includes gamelan music, which is characterized
by its intricate rhythms and use of tuned percussion instruments, as well as kecak,
a vocal music style that features a chorus of male singers. Balinese traditional
music is often performed at religious ceremonies and festivals, and is an important
part of Balinese culture and identity.
parent: indonesian folk
rank: 4781
"2022": 5TqHRqpo0ES4qQ6CsIpV2M
"2023": 5leEtL9kZCPHoHkthbWycm
intro: 1jEDVnz0Sxcn4xNeh8kW1n
pulse: 1VqCxLr1gvhKaWfCT8gxdV
sound: 46bmK7CFBoQjguGbziZgub
balkan beats:
name: Balkan Beats
A fusion of traditional Balkan music with electronic beats, creating a high-energy
dance sound. Influenced by Roma, Serbian, and Bulgarian music, Balkan Beats
incorporates accordion, brass instruments, and Eastern European vocals.
parent: beats
region: BK
rank: 2346
"2021": 2dp7RTkdaomQvRc0i0SNRl
"2022": 2XYh6GKmG4G5nOZfv66c16
"2023": 6yjSU8VaMsJWCGgyAzu63h
edge: 5xM5MZC3sniHEp0umFpLk8
intro: 10FfTQW2zBDkeyDsmWUoDu
pulse: 4BnHshTAiJIYXbDxBS9qPl
sound: 4NDzFx1QQw9nxSOk7PQJ4I
balkan brass:
name: Balkan Brass
A vibrant and energetic genre that blends traditional brass instruments with Balkan
rhythms. This genre is often associated with weddings and celebrations and has its
roots in the Roma communities of Serbia and Bulgaria. Balkan Brass features
fast-paced melodies and complex rhythms that are sure to get you moving.
parent: folk
region: BK
localized_name: true
rank: 2795
"2018": 0DwXhcncVLwzdfeXLEoMB1
"2019": 7uRTEoJ42s5EMgazLYDaW9
"2020": 1uzXp0DezVCIno0ZkUCiY9
"2021": 1TXOuvED61tAQpTcPcAPkv
"2022": 46n1ofkQTRdRfIP69FnP6G
"2023": 6UZWFySv0Ys8ySQ8LfXT39
edge: 1khmawNUU9sXq25qMRROv6
intro: 3zA8jmIaYPwhqcEBtaPfQ4
pulse: 7gkgO4O3pvJbiX3YkRpvip
sound: 1CwMgCvKbC3lzhwj0egsMF
balkan classical piano:
name: Balkan Classical Piano
A genre that combines the rich traditions of classical piano music with the unique
rhythms and melodies of the Balkans. This style often incorporates elements of folk
music from countries like Romania, Bulgaria, and Serbia. The result is a beautiful
and complex sound that showcases the virtuosity of the pianist.
parent: classical piano
region: BK
localized_name: true
rank: 6146
"2022": 4L2fCQutzeHZNCkHfwVvxr
"2023": 3ztFBZZNw2MZhUZ78z5MaD
sound: 0mR6UfEMka4Lr5lodu6mUK
balkan drill:
name: Balkan Drill
Balkan drill is a subgenre of drill music that originated in the Balkan region. It
combines the aggressive beats and lyrics of drill with traditional Balkan melodies
and instruments, creating a unique and energetic sound that is popular among young
people in the region.
parent: drill
region: BK
rank: 3175
"2021": 2de5ZW5ZwL7t3bltkJIFSg
"2022": 6fyLBxxPIUouq3CmKbZrRP
"2023": 3q1dccKVlRO4DhTwKwz4bm
edge: 4tD4qPl4kmz85O4Zk1Xwm3
intro: 5LyMen3EOEPpIfs4RXiPHo
pulse: 2I8DRuJGeidyt1dWEEhIu1
sound: 7AYc8DXO2XO7bm4RH6WfqI
balkan folk metal:
name: Balkan Folk Metal
Balkan folk metal is a fusion of traditional Balkan folk music and heavy metal. It
features the use of traditional instruments such as bagpipes, flutes, and
tamburicas, combined with distorted guitars and powerful vocals. The lyrics often
draw inspiration from Balkan mythology and history, creating a unique and epic sound
that is popular among metal fans around the world.
parent: folk metal
region: BK
rank: 4825
"2021": 7foXAVomP5RZg7T2eQ0nO8
"2022": 64Z8v8Gyk0Xm84ZYQjZTQg
"2023": 7zIkMl6V9nyYf5SChte1tM
intro: 3u2ZoE6mEkFrpfv7zcP2Ad
pulse: 5a4e7gs22XRS5ewf6WdI23
sound: 6F0DBsxGTwJ2nysdf3t2ka
balkan hip hop:
name: Balkan Hip Hop
Balkan hip hop is a subgenre of hip hop that originated in the Balkan region. It
combines the beats and rhymes of hip hop with traditional Balkan melodies and
instruments, creating a unique and vibrant sound that reflects the cultural
diversity of the region. The lyrics often touch on social and political issues, as
well as personal experiences and struggles, making it a powerful and meaningful form
of expression for young people in the region.
parent: hip hop
region: BK
rank: 1696
"2018": 3amxX4r7hQAShWBic5KVW3
"2019": 4MwYSGnrWBlvnicS2xWmV4
"2020": 2sut1kocwOxlk6WGTnMAh8
"2021": 47QnSRfg0rlVmXu1FWWcgY
"2022": 0o5QL3AO8dhRNynYb4XaTi
"2023": 050RRT4yAAbLlFwdddIfI6
edge: 1ABXvYg060130KaxlOkSDG
intro: 6lbiUHcQJ51qSNxtvHeofC
pulse: 5MfxilXT9uiRr57U55iFiz
sound: 6BIS9zOW7eMTURxORLJi2g
balkan post-punk:
name: Balkan Post-Punk
Balkan post-punk blends the energy and rawness of punk rock with the traditional
music of the Balkans. This genre often features complex rhythms, intricate melodies,
and lyrics that explore political and social issues. It is characterized by its use
of traditional Balkan instruments, such as the accordion and the tambura.
parent: post-punk
region: BK
rank: 4563
"2023": 38nWRv2usOb6lSj8qGI1bY
edge: 0RNwHEhJlJMzJkjCHFUhPm
intro: 5ROSxiPCz0tja45S0yykAI
pulse: 3q6qF0JOfmee8fyrre3PPG
sound: 2vAFuLRjqWAba8iL4IiIYS
balkan punk:
name: Balkan Punk
Balkan punk is a raw and energetic style of punk rock that emerged from the Balkan
region in the late 1970s. It is characterized by its fast-paced rhythms, aggressive
guitar riffs, and politically charged lyrics. Balkan punk bands often draw
inspiration from local folklore and cultural traditions, creating a sound that is
both rebellious and deeply rooted in their heritage.
parent: punk
region: BK
rank: 3831
"2023": 3yRanJFAWwT8PMJ2DQZ1co
edge: 2K6xxswDcy22ljeJ3dxD0v
intro: 4fFZ4TAfycc5vgY8AT9FkR
pulse: 6aggVaKJatAeWy4nGk7rxC
sound: 7jMAU8I3M9s8bFAUh8LQBe
balkan trap:
name: Balkan Trap
Balkan trap is a subgenre of trap music that incorporates Balkan folk music elements
into its sound. It often features traditional instruments like accordion and
tambura, mixed with electronic beats and heavy bass. The lyrics are usually in a
local language, and the themes range from love and heartbreak to social and
political issues. The result is a fresh and exciting fusion of traditional Balkan
music and modern trap beats.
parent: trap
region: BK
rank: 1587
"2019": 16U0F9eAHfnmqJXNGNoQ1C
"2020": 4R0GAZScPaXHE9CSjHB2mm
"2021": 7BcJdLzkIiYuioD1WY18iK
"2022": 6iIHgO2L9rgJsaHlZewuwM
"2023": 46ebBuAceG7OOCPbJIOnMX
edge: 50hRcBcO4oBtDJ67JP17Rt
intro: 1scYz8I1Q77gTSTRAU9fQT
pulse: 7IcGOQmfAWSWljtSzTll2D
sound: 3SvVSF8Ex8YyCjjaW9bojd
ballet class:
name: Ballet Class
Ballet class music is traditionally classical and instrumental, with a focus on
rhythm and melody that complements the movements of ballet dancers. The music is
usually played on a piano or orchestral instruments, and the tempo is often slow and
gentle to allow dancers to focus on their technique. The music is designed to
inspire grace and elegance, and to help dancers connect with their emotions and
express themselves through movement.
parent: classical
rank: 1918
"2018": 1FvFSWe6SF13AiQ31z08Ge
"2019": 1nrQ233seZ9fWjtjISGkyC
"2020": 27EPaL1iQO1zWbTTFgFyTt
"2021": 5yzv90PaqOfSSdjPJedh6B
"2022": 75wHLU3dzEbS7UdIxPab5a
"2023": 45qmWKsbk9ocZI1iAqUt8i
edge: 1ztrq5wjSpHM1psvR7FVm0
intro: 3NlJVl1TYFyjItIeMRmyhI
pulse: 0z5YDvpXXhF8MZPdC0uHFr
sound: 0HQGgNqnGE43URSB9W4Dy3
name: Ballroom
Ballroom music is characterized by its lively and upbeat tempo, which is perfect for
dancing. It features a mix of Latin and ballroom styles, including the waltz, tango,
cha-cha, and foxtrot. The music is often played by a live band or DJ, and features a
variety of instruments including drums, saxophones, trumpets, and guitars. Ballroom
music is designed to create a fun and energetic atmosphere, and to encourage dancers
to let loose and have a good time.
parent: dance
rank: 2605
"2018": 5LYQZVvxF3Xv1jptNW4RTC
"2019": 2BWXO3NV9vfGfjftMdB3Ay
"2020": 5ayrc5sc177XxsH4g7Klpy
"2021": 4uDnxslTt0hIxFsu7lWWj1
"2022": 0uiejIQx3XlyajkLDsdYts
"2023": 5MswJr5lBiTdfROyb1lQvR
edge: 6EgS6usYqqzlJLxOVNZs3H
intro: 28kwWorc1CLw3ej3lWUt9Z
pulse: 71UVMu7AbsvWnYJ8tCGeSk
sound: 24FlJf5U7AJ1AnlUY99TZD
balochi folk:
name: Balochi Folk
Balochi folk is a genre of traditional music originating from the Balochistan region
of Pakistan and Iran. It features a blend of local instruments such as the dhol,
soroz, and benju, and is characterized by its upbeat tempo and expressive vocals.
parent: folk
language: bal
rank: 6082
intro: 1V0KrxktlkMpoDWHzFC6TT
pulse: 3ggpSeysykvjgU5dUJqy04
sound: 428nFFSl6VXYheqlggxyvJ
balochi pop:
name: Balochi Pop
Balochi pop is a modernized version of Balochi folk music, incorporating elements of
contemporary pop and rock. It features a fusion of traditional instruments with
modern electronic sounds and is often accompanied by energetic dance routines.
parent: pop
language: pop
rank: 2741
"2022": 7oDgXSpiBMoHs4173nsrhS
"2023": 2Yx7k0MMj6gbLT9IIwqKSI
intro: 6G8QtvVLEZveltXeoagfdq
pulse: 6KUwdvWmO6Wff3KXwHbv5k
sound: 0UJnA86zRo8KYLPRygkrxd
baltic black metal:
name: Baltic Black Metal
Baltic black metal is a subgenre of heavy metal originating from the Baltic states
of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. It is characterized by its dark, aggressive
sound, featuring distorted guitars, blast beats, and harsh vocals. The lyrics often
focus on themes of mythology, folklore, and anti-Christian sentiment.
parent: black metal
region: BT
localized_name: true
rank: 6036
sound: 2OePO9GaqliMNHU4npmPs4
baltic choir:
name: Baltic Choir
This genre features the rich, harmonious sounds of choirs from the Baltic region.
Often incorporating traditional folk elements, Baltic choir music is known for its
haunting melodies and lush arrangements. From solemn hymns to joyful celebrations,
this genre captures the soul of the Baltic people and their deep connection to
parent: choral
region: BT
localized_name: true
rank: 6049
"2022": 6E9vwNOGl27UhCkZSijcPK
"2023": 0mjKOZIlmR87rxs61waHw1
intro: 2SOEUicfvyXH3m7QFMkPbs
pulse: 5VYok5ITiDLA46gnPrTQ43
sound: 4GJRH5oAmoRw170RSXR4HZ
baltic classical:
name: Baltic Classical
Baltic classical music is a genre that encompasses the works of composers from the
Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Characterized by its emotional
depth and intricate harmonies, this genre blends traditional folk elements with
classical forms to create a unique and powerful sound. From orchestral works to solo
pieces, Baltic classical music showcases the rich cultural heritage of the region.
parent: classical
region: BT
localized_name: true
rank: 3689
"2020": 4ust7JRYQ2eOsFEH5rJBM9
"2021": 5nfDigcKk79o0Jln4Dor9P
"2022": 7IFrBBHwmmmAyxpEaqVJ4F
"2023": 7lLdiuCin045urEwvMSljM
intro: 1Y0Gn246Cybhj8H2VlYbcg
pulse: 3s57le9wT65J7fj46flmHd
sound: 3L2EjCGqykpbr8L2izzTs5
baltic classical piano:
name: Baltic Classical Piano
This subgenre of Baltic classical music focuses on the piano as the primary
instrument. Featuring virtuosic performances and complex compositions, Baltic
classical piano music is known for its technical precision and emotional intensity.
From delicate ballads to thunderous concertos, this genre showcases the mastery of
Baltic pianists and their ability to convey deep emotions through music.
parent: classical piano
region: BT
localized_name: true
rank: 6079
"2022": 12CEUWHM0pB1T1YJRuAWWt
sound: 3ocwYOhhO6ayIfYSHDvMfF
baltic folk:
name: Baltic Folk
Baltic folk is a traditional music genre that originated from the Baltic region. It
is characterized by the use of traditional instruments and the incorporation of
regional folk songs and dances. The music is often accompanied by intricate vocal
harmonies and is deeply rooted in the cultural traditions of the region.
parent: folk
region: BT
localized_name: true
rank: 4879
"2020": 4wFfTuJ5MYXRVmYDCUINlU
"2021": 5kAXxwDobIkkAobF9xINEx
"2022": 2Ul2Z5T648HW8ztUEP0ZDd
"2023": 0rQGM7FHtyb4ffIYMAqNiD
edge: 6eVXbq9klYOXSh36mivfeP
intro: 76FzOig3q4wwQFHCpdUIVx
pulse: 2C1sehfSwHymKyeSi77sCt
sound: 3rMsoAdNblV0mrCX8wxEcB
baltic post-punk:
name: Baltic Post-Punk
Baltic post-punk is a sub-genre of post-punk music that emerged in the Baltic region
in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It is characterized by its dark, moody sound and
the use of unconventional instruments, such as synthesizers and drum machines. The
music often features lyrics that are critical of the political and social climate of
the time.
parent: post-punk
region: BT
localized_name: true
rank: 4284
"2021": 7fsFG0suG5wTPfWU0CbPuP
"2022": 5aZYZx8m4LgpoR5ThrVRBP
"2023": 12Fy5fy9TlnJy5SfcaOnt9
intro: 17QhPIFw7NO4gZHDQRy4ia
pulse: 2BZ7bmrbzz1fU4FyMmqBkh
sound: 11z91vLvIlX0IDmGeASMLz
baltimore hip hop:
name: Baltimore Hip Hop
Baltimore hip hop is a sub-genre of hip hop music that originated in Baltimore,
Maryland. It is characterized by its gritty, streetwise sound and its focus on
social and political issues. The music often features lyrics that are deeply
personal and reflective of the struggles faced by the city's residents. The genre
has produced several notable artists, including Tupac Shakur and Jada Pinkett Smith.
parent: hip hop
country: US
rank: 2292
"2018": 6B9ifzUKQ33wiA62qgJK8y
"2019": 67a9NhoqCaLffLpsh98R4I
"2020": 75fUUxepgZs44poj5DtxvM
"2021": 5vmhVmZma0smNkRo4DkIok
"2022": 0iZYnZzatXqRTW8EVN7aFk
"2023": 0CAUoIAIgeAiwqfc3nym8l
edge: 4U9vbkXGXowNfik8KJ2cSe
intro: 3Gpi8m5ysZBoNbB8Vkpppd
pulse: 4YyIeIc1Cx1AjcbFuO2wfN
sound: 4HD6HdYhcJq2GO8BvJjz30
baltimore indie:
name: Baltimore Indie
Baltimore indie is a subgenre of indie rock that emerged in the early 2000s in
Baltimore, Maryland. It is characterized by lo-fi production, experimental sounds,
and a DIY ethic. The music often features elements of punk, garage rock, and
electronic music, with lyrics that touch on social and political issues.
parent: indie rock
country: US
rank: 1020
"2020": 0uYPR9XT8RYw0ysLgy7tya
"2021": 06emkZfyc38v7zU03iCQEA
"2022": 60PZpnt2kLQa4H5E94LBzT
"2023": 25mUyti3Kn60Qntrf6rFrV
edge: 1A4D3YuCfQwoQTYYtqWw55
intro: 2sLYp0yPlUj26nQAgBr8fR
pulse: 1H96B7PHQtIXEbsmdJhG0d
sound: 1Nk6Z3vICkStGHNHIDLfcQ
band organ:
name: Band Organ
A type of mechanical organ that was popular in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries. Band organs were often used in amusement parks, circuses, and other
public places to provide lively and upbeat music. The sound of a band organ is
characterized by its bright and cheerful tones, produced by a combination of pipes,
reeds, and percussion instruments.
parent: instrument
localized_name: true
rank: 6013
intro: 2xZpQAPl26Pv5za6kHYaQa
pulse: 0G1XiHvq2l1wBQpnjM1dvX
sound: 3epCXOPh4FT9jniV2noOHq
name: Banda
Banda is a Mexican music genre that originated in the state of Sinaloa. It is
characterized by the use of brass and percussion instruments, with lyrics that often
tell stories of drug trafficking, violence, and romance. Banda music has gained
popularity in recent years, with many artists incorporating elements of pop, rock,
and electronic music into their sound.
parent: world
language: spa
country: MX
rank: 37
"2018": 6PuKrGHHq3T8ABOE3IpN0m
"2019": 2JDQoH3GMgLho1nziWfUqh
"2020": 1lXyThrCOps8S4dUqWZ3v1
"2021": 7GxiS7RbnVwNWFgX9PEyWK
"2022": 6yjzvVCqKdXT93XhPZKizZ
"2023": 5yK9sleo9yWCy3HxKtFEiM
edge: 3oqg4Z5eeKlPwaj9GzsfdK
intro: 1dv76NqttAb8OGSyNht78Z
pulse: 5ySZtJHI1A2YxSi342lsMc
sound: 6kFjZNVsJZVRGtjZsHbi5U
banda carnavalera:
name: Banda Carnavalera
Banda carnavalera is a type of Mexican music that is typically played during
carnivals and festivals. It features a large ensemble of musicians playing brass,
percussion, and woodwind instruments. The music is upbeat and energetic, often
accompanied by dancers in colorful costumes. The lyrics are usually lighthearted and
playful, celebrating the joy and excitement of the festivities.
parent: banda
rank: 2041
"2020": 63EwtEs39TVnu0MNzIF77G
"2021": 6NCDobaHrSfOcg7snsM7NE
"2022": 4cL0936GNOSYhUjDPjLnoK
"2023": 3U9UiNWTW8GLZfydKp3ihR
edge: 2HqaFkfmgwP5pd1zOk3jYS
intro: 5jk8wlEu5LwgpL5lTbIzQt
pulse: 1XYgTfK6Rr4OFjltPI9LAV
sound: 7pQr2CwatdwF1hXPGCeD4t
banda de viento:
name: Banda de Viento
Banda de viento, or wind band, is a type of music that originated in Europe and has
since spread around the world. It features a variety of woodwind and brass
instruments, including flutes, clarinets, saxophones, trumpets, and trombones. The
music is often played in a concert setting and can range from classical and
traditional to modern and experimental. Banda de viento is known for its rich,
complex harmonies and dynamic arrangements.
parent: banda
rank: 4988
"2022": 21CN0b0dbxLqfo4SQQsajj
"2023": 1V6vcYF98r3JyPHh2SroZl
intro: 0QQCRSichAm8WdD40QOBej
pulse: 3Kmb91VcMjOVSsBZkXhZyf
sound: 3wiB79MfBWu8I63xNXEWOU
banda guanajuatense:
name: Banda Guanajuatense
Banda Guanajuatense is a style of Mexican music that originated in the state of
Guanajuato. It features a large brass section, with a mix of trumpets, trombones,
and tubas, along with traditional Mexican percussion instruments.
parent: banda
rank: 4021
"2023": 3ngPXVyFDxswgvaUplDkwq
edge: 2Xvxyjgy99FGhzjAgCwb9j
intro: 4FXzdVEPVULZlt37XYfHIs
sound: 0GbZPGLBvqOzN2qn3U8DKQ
banda jalisciense:
name: Banda Jalisciense
This traditional Mexican music genre originated in the state of Jalisco and is
characterized by the use of brass instruments, such as trumpets and trombones,
accompanied by drums and sometimes a harp. Banda Jalisciense is often played at
celebrations and festivals and features lively rhythms and catchy melodies.
parent: banda
rank: 812
"2021": 6xGuuIosp16lAoEd6RSlwN
"2022": 7BZqurgI3yEMLvvuXLHxVd
"2023": 3zIJMBl7amjbsZ9Ssx1szp
edge: 0dOGuc7Pvp0NldQgYJvsEI
intro: 4NvW2Zjxon9DmwtAGkTn8e
pulse: 50zR9ABMCcprnAw04OjutE
sound: 6Q0lnbcxTFNpDJSNGkRHbL
banda militar:
name: Banda Militar
This genre of music is typically associated with military marching bands and is
characterized by the use of brass and percussion instruments. Banda Militar music is
often played at military ceremonies, parades, and other formal events. The music is
typically patriotic and uplifting, and is designed to inspire and motivate soldiers
and civilians alike.
parent: banda
localized_name: true
rank: 5110
intro: 1kC3FBgEZtvMlo3ST4Pnra
pulse: 6N3N0CvgH7P7KIieSU9CIY
sound: 2mgpUBKjC5UMpf1sJip82u
banda peruana:
name: Banda Peruana
This music genre originated in Peru and is similar to Banda Jalisciense in that it
features brass instruments and percussion. However, Banda Peruana also incorporates
elements of Andean folk music, such as the use of panpipes and other traditional
instruments. The music is often played at celebrations and festivals, and is known
for its lively rhythms and upbeat melodies.
parent: banda
localized_name: true
rank: 4335
"2022": 48tyVMKpSe8HlEN9dvotxk
"2023": 1Qvejpi7VT771HxDBBDSZB
intro: 0kgZ9UNwWIGJ2tK2EGuMiJ
pulse: 6y8j7htBcKHUCnk5KbSdKL
sound: 0JCZPSxbQAfnWuO8GTaqaS
banda sinaloense:
name: Banda Sinaloense
Originating from the state of Sinaloa in Mexico, Banda Sinaloense is a brass-based
genre that combines traditional Mexican music with European polka rhythms. The music
is characterized by its upbeat tempo, strong brass section, and the use of
clarinets, trumpets, and trombones. Banda Sinaloense is often played at celebrations
such as weddings, quinceañeras, and fiestas.
parent: banda
localized_name: true
rank: 1165
"2023": 0L2H6lKG3gShe3uSlCSnoR
edge: 1dDUnmHgrEwbpnGEHQgbXZ
intro: 6Y6VJgHi2lKZy4GeQnPNou
pulse: 6AJIOhiErIv8WgdMdvHrjY
sound: 24fVjXxvkbhI5PcQkzLnKU
name: Bandinhas
Bandinhas is a Brazilian music genre that originated in the southern state of Rio
Grande do Sul. It is characterized by the use of accordion, guitar, and percussion
instruments such as the drum and tambourine. The music often has a fast tempo and is
played at festivals and dances. Bandinhas has influences from European music such as
polka, waltz, and schottische.
parent: world
language: por
country: BR
rank: 1485
"2019": 12fPeXE8tusgvQDwymVq3k
"2020": 2MEZBQXYY9BCG4TRUpmcf0
"2021": 6luszDdyM3qpdh0K2TCZdc
"2022": 7hKlvCALwaOhyBHOLLgENh
"2023": 412b38KpiB8jgHw1exvBRZ
edge: 5IbNmIUYiKhIKQulhpChA3
intro: 1xnRobfgeAPCH4IjSM8oT7
pulse: 7eaVuRshQOvwKJMaxcuqm9
sound: 6VBe6cQvmjbByAhWav0Qbq
name: Bandolim
Bandolim is a Brazilian music genre that features the mandolin as the main
instrument. The music has its roots in choro, a popular genre in Brazil in the late
19th century. Bandolim is characterized by its fast tempo, intricate melodies, and
improvisation. The genre has influences from European music such as waltz and polka.
parent: instrument
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 5136
"2021": 7dUKjOKxPbSTIh6mRolqxg
"2022": 5iramPYxAZk5h19GI2ZzhV
"2023": 3sJcOOaU63CNzZ4JhJwHKG
intro: 3UDiiVn0zpMeMhO9QdoK44
pulse: 11gd9imgpRPNgxUpbSEiHd
sound: 1YyjDXxLn1KPLHMnN3B1F5
name: Bandoneón
A traditional Argentine music genre that features the bandoneon, a type of
concertina, as the main instrument. The music is characterized by its melancholic
and passionate melodies, often accompanied by guitar, violin, and piano. Bandoneon
music is often associated with tango and has a strong emotional impact on listeners.
parent: instrument
language: spa
country: AR
rank: 3579
"2019": 5gXq0CY11Je5Vtbsp7hfj9
"2020": 7CTq3foRSnxtUsK37RrBaZ
"2021": 1TXrg2WmgGYfBIR6h2rpoC
"2022": 5ZR8ltW5yAir9HYB2DMOTv
"2023": 2NRrb61NQjuqGR9NiSAPQF
edge: 1ADLYdxhLveutlvpkfoE6i
intro: 6g64fmoV8KQgAvkdcMBUor
pulse: 5KGia35lIMAoyAfjWU62yd
sound: 2ZdEVCj3XruQaXQuq0Hfrt
bandung indie:
name: Bandung Indie
A subgenre of indie rock that originated in Bandung, Indonesia. Bandung indie is
known for its eclectic mix of styles, incorporating elements of punk, pop, and
traditional Indonesian music. The lyrics often address social and political issues,
and the music is characterized by its energetic and raw sound. Bandung indie has
gained a strong following in Indonesia and is starting to gain recognition
parent: indonesian indie rock
rank: 1174
"2021": 7yo7KDt8c5iKUeflHWa8lQ
"2022": 0IKaEweQiDi2YXH2Hvv05v
"2023": 2gHzp4UPQoqsyal8IFAuWt
edge: 6JfZ1SMSYPxqLnWRTGH3aR
intro: 0cmOcoNozdMAsbbdfb0PVP
pulse: 13K3znqfkRJYLw4UAmMZ2p
sound: 2htmct6QRhvz7MdvqEl7Xc
name: Bandura
A traditional Ukrainian stringed instrument, the bandura is often used in folk music
and has a unique sound that is both haunting and beautiful. It is often played in
groups and can be heard in both traditional and contemporary Ukrainian music.
parent: folk
country: UA
localized_name: true
rank: 5876
sound: 0Ot8AKx9vVxNhxy3yojdwZ
bangalore indie:
name: Bangalore Indie
A genre of music that originated in Bangalore, India, Bangalore Indie is
characterized by its eclectic mix of styles and influences. It often incorporates
elements of rock, folk, and electronic music, and is known for its experimental and
innovative approach to sound.
parent: indie rock
country: IN
localized_name: true
rank: 4614
"2020": 7LfgU8J3RwRIvAhCFinjFn
"2021": 6vwcActfuhSJskuxAjE9Q9
"2022": 7qtg9Nvchx3YNbdiP5VMMf
"2023": 7vlpbUlBx4zMLnEEHPlPEt
intro: 6YU1aUgQx2CYNlVgLU2lVW
pulse: 1JmTj91zBtMdZ4Pe9NaOHJ
sound: 0yw568vk1Hhi2A0HoV6SqX
bangla gojol:
name: Bangla Gojol
Bangla Gojol is a genre of devotional music from Bangladesh. Influenced by Islamic
culture, it features heartfelt lyrics praising Allah and expressing deep
spirituality. The soothing melodies, accompanied by traditional instruments, create
a peaceful and serene ambiance. Bangla Gojol is a form of expression that connects
listeners to their faith and encourages reflection and devotion.
parent: ghazal
language: ben
country: BD
localized_name: true
rank: 5656
"2023": 3dPmOIqO0nkCt5tZBnoDzd
intro: 0Ncevy1gH1XOv8cYorYciB
pulse: 2gZiyyiEVC5kPo63MVEjMw
sound: 4l9Au9k4gNnPq5curJUKRz
bangla pop:
name: Bangla Pop
Bangla pop is a popular music genre in Bangladesh, which combines elements of
Western pop music with traditional Bengali music. It often features catchy melodies,
electronic beats, and lyrics in Bengali language. Bangla pop has gained popularity
in recent years, especially among the younger generation.
parent: pop
language: ben
country: BD
localized_name: true
rank: 2283
"2021": 7pKwspRAqbjXOnvAYhRVG5
"2022": 1jVR33ByPYFSvhTonnMBHO
"2023": 110HsHNNYJZHTLVshJrXTV
edge: 74WE5LlXCLumqi9DTcfdO9
intro: 2JWD0NkCvRJalWZHcTvvk8
pulse: 5AzYWoJVBBcLVlt9zTLgtF
sound: 44EBmsbBkN77OkwLNVvYGe
bangladeshi hip hop:
name: Bangladeshi Hip Hop
Bangladeshi hip hop is a relatively new genre that combines traditional Bangladeshi
music with Western hip hop beats and lyrics. It often addresses social and political
issues in Bangladeshi society and has gained popularity among the youth in urban
parent: hip hop
language: ben
country: BD
localized_name: true
rank: 4585
"2021": 5yDaJLzxtRRS189gjMjCE9
"2022": 0wSMqJiT9FvFqkUakMqJxR
"2023": 61id7KFf9JtyP9VtPzuyxE
edge: 51nvHtzLWoE1PdrvrKD0rN
intro: 3Deg5KdQNhgMGR79IS5c9Q
pulse: 69M1qlrsvgJTEQG7vu4Izg
sound: 6PbOwNcgDKomwkNOzpiA3M
bangladeshi indie:
name: Bangladeshi Indie
Bangladeshi indie is a genre that encompasses a wide range of music styles,
including folk, rock, pop, and electronic. It is characterized by its independent
and DIY approach to music production and distribution. Bangladeshi indie artists
often experiment with different sounds and themes, creating unique and eclectic
parent: indie pop
language: ben
country: BD
localized_name: true
rank: 3817
"2020": 2cQuFrURJKEVMZYAIjMl92
"2021": 77dlkMV24TibAub2BmWmhX
"2022": 7zx5sam6Q1lEjrDKaKiHab
"2023": 2dDRjM7JsPDoJRKxvDNp3u
edge: 0FvUjZkhl9LmpeajxWMCZ3
intro: 3LAD4KLfjspFbCVqCmZdUL
pulse: 2cf9b76aGNExVkT9Ynl1R2
sound: 6UoFptna0FeYqzMeOR8SVr
bangladeshi rock:
name: Bangladeshi Rock
Bangladeshi rock is a genre that emerged in the 1980s and has since evolved into a
diverse and vibrant scene. It draws influence from Western rock music as well as
traditional Bangladeshi music, creating a fusion of sounds that is both familiar and
new. Bangladeshi rock bands often address social and political issues in their
lyrics, making it an important voice in the country's cultural landscape.
parent: rock
language: ben
country: BD
localized_name: true
rank: 3405
"2020": 1Rr3Uyxp2AePmMXg6N5JuC
"2021": 0sfWeXgl9vAZR8qHgDQqw5
"2022": 3YJo1OBZMwDuCf3ROWTixR
"2023": 0OIY2tceBUze7je62XTdzI
edge: 142hEaI9OxkWL0xf0FFIFO
intro: 6ItOmbu2Aydj9p4JuNIjr9
pulse: 4FL7qDKEo0K6xYLEiQPVbZ
sound: 7yrj1xq9wOYCwUjwBAOQH1
banjara pop:
name: Banjara Pop
Banjara Pop is a unique fusion of traditional Banjara folk music and contemporary
pop elements. Originating from the nomadic Banjara community in India, this genre
combines the rich heritage of their folk music with modern beats and
instrumentation. With its catchy tunes and energetic rhythms, Banjara Pop captivates
listeners, offering a refreshing and vibrant musical experience that celebrates the
cultural diversity of the Banjara community.
parent: indian folk
rank: 4938
"2023": 5hyNTSaW9T5B8GHGdlDpXd
intro: 5eQXtI6rfnthRPXd7MZvCe
pulse: 1HKRZgjeYdrk4ZTAG4Se9g
sound: 7ilAAMYcfRcnI4C72lPocd
name: Banjo
Banjo is a musical instrument that belongs to the string family. It is commonly used
in genres such as bluegrass, country, and folk music. Banjo has a distinctive twangy
sound, which is produced by plucking the strings with a pick. It is often played in
a fast and rhythmic style, making it a popular instrument for dance music.
parent: instrument
localized_name: true
rank: 1852
"2018": 3TGa1XwDQXokM1kjh03oTk
"2019": 2Jxx6YhMdKG9PpFIyltLjZ
"2020": 20yyo6Ws1cdsBq5Kb7ftor
"2021": 0BR6WX0qU87EsxdJogr5pM
"2022": 65q7fHDroxRIAAtJ3aMMSV
"2023": 4mbEY1TE02JasauQxP7ELj
edge: 12fWYtk5Ift8YM2A6QHUlP
intro: 4o1VT8irfslcCpe84BBiDm
pulse: 6ProbFt20oiqJxigPLB6pK
sound: 6xIivwu6v2453oCCJk6Wxo
name: Bansuri
Bansuri is a traditional Indian flute that is commonly used in classical and folk
music. It is made of bamboo and has a soft and melodious sound. Bansuri is often
played in a slow and meditative style, and is used to create a calming and soothing
atmosphere. It is a popular instrument in Indian music, and has gained popularity
worldwide in recent years.
parent: instrument
rank: 4135
"2020": 6Vu4x5t4kt1Gzxw7l1oRTl
"2021": 3QtWEC5sNk0I0V7y4dEeHR
"2022": 3WWm62DqKeSq3VULmS9rND
"2023": 2pUf5ZZmLSM0NFMfO2Z97u
intro: 2DzjQgxnXElYktOY5Yepuu
pulse: 59QYzZKZ2VOayhMdJxrVgF
sound: 44OUoml4AGGKm6L0OB4JxL
name: Baoulé
Baoule music is a traditional genre from the Ivory Coast that features intricate
rhythms and percussion. It is often played during social gatherings and
celebrations, and the lyrics typically focus on themes of love, family, and
parent: folk
country: CI
rank: 6051
"2023": 0dx0NqxzrQL7QWKJffKl62
intro: 4YdrfXEmcVmqBrMVypa8Wn
pulse: 4QUasrngfOERHxXxLDu5Uo
sound: 0pI6WrHCq5oRYSoCwMJkqi
name: BAPS
Baps music is a subgenre of hip-hop that originated in the United Kingdom. It is
characterized by its fast-paced beats, aggressive lyrics, and heavy use of bass.
Baps artists often incorporate elements of grime and trap into their music, and the
genre has gained a significant following among young people in the UK.
parent: uk hip hop
rank: 5243
"2022": 15TfCfmAKujTkJiMcVoJAA
"2023": 01EJOgpAnbpqbf1uI90TDc
intro: 2SED42W19ZKigaqSQ3nq8L
pulse: 1KF89oYg716COqabqRWm0m
sound: 6xPSm4RMB2hFf2IPsicWdI
baptist gospel:
name: Baptist Gospel
Baptist gospel music is a genre of Christian music that originated in African
American churches in the United States. It is characterized by its soulful vocals,
call-and-response style, and use of traditional gospel instruments such as the piano
and organ. The lyrics of Baptist gospel songs often focus on themes of faith,
redemption, and the power of God's love.
parent: gospel
country: US
localized_name: true
rank: 4034
"2019": 76Emyh4Sy50sz6g9OaWRUE
"2020": 2nWLJtkVC5wYzgaw1r9xJY
"2021": 5C5KbYchIoOApo2FfFLyQ6
"2022": 5c2G4tyEzTKtPoE2FL13hq
"2023": 5WBHFvy8jgPEMP7LkLIzQS
edge: 6xvftF9uMDMq5VQPWXV2Ec
intro: 5S8FvRvltrdVIhhXSAJkzN
pulse: 1MAJkw4t2kYnHCPWXzEjDO
sound: 38D801qxfI1GvZZHQG5q1W
barbadian pop:
name: Barbadian Pop
Barbadian pop is a genre of popular music that originated in Barbados. It features
upbeat, danceable rhythms and catchy melodies that often incorporate elements of
reggae, soca, and calypso. The lyrics typically focus on love, relationships, and
partying, and are often sung in Bajan dialect. Barbadian pop has gained
international attention in recent years thanks to artists such as Rihanna and
parent: pop
country: BB
localized_name: true
rank: 246
"2019": 4HBE2RG501K49bI79s8QX5
"2020": 0N14UEcJKUImJ41m3Fyqwf
"2021": 0m8gmHPdN2UGpdMkZw0VfQ
"2022": 7kEhWOMIBiZ5DNFrFz0aXP
"2023": 7KkxHM9NldTKB9PxlL7RKF
edge: 2uQLZqlRLRqGrdy9p6oS3q
intro: 6wp5xnX4P4MZrq59r1Hbvr
pulse: 5DCLiPIYOAUaOl89OaJpcJ
sound: 4skZam98b2PwmuWxS8fAT5
name: Barbershop
Barbershop is a style of a cappella singing that originated in the United States in
the late 19th century. It typically features four-part harmonies sung by a quartet
of male voices, with the melody sung by the lead voice and the other three voices
providing harmonies. Barbershop songs often have a nostalgic or sentimental feel,
with lyrics that focus on love, friendship, and community. The style has remained
popular to this day, with many barbershop groups performing at competitions and
festivals around the world.
parent: vocal
rank: 4305
intro: 71PVaUNnTYBNW1k7IpS8cx
pulse: 0tDaziFLeFBzTQQ7OzJ5VT
sound: 2wyhLEyF9Oju6B2MeAdIrY
"2023": 4xFkA321JjSnKeBaDhHFRm
name: Barcadi
description: ""
parent: south african house
rank: 2243
"2023": 6kHkovg7LYEOMoNPtQocCl
edge: 1bQBEEAeQSvZQb8wTSXJnu
intro: 4RXg580kg1dJd8Ph1KyPpM
pulse: 0fckyTJVQqcnNAYbfAgO55
sound: 4kCmUkI9OGP1dguP3PMtQ0
name: Bard
This genre features music inspired by the medieval bards of Europe. It often
includes traditional instruments like the lute, harp, and flute, and incorporates
storytelling and poetic lyrics. The music is often melancholic and introspective,
reflecting the struggles and joys of everyday life.
parent: medieval
localized_name: true
rank: 3266
"2020": 62KmKqzt21IopcVDuyaor1
"2021": 3leVD18e7TQi6f2EMpULir
"2022": 4JAWKx6STeX9HQ4UJ0qN9J
"2023": 6Ho2gopOyAgtsqzNWbXZKM
edge: 0NgxJ85ignY7cBkJkr49NI
intro: 7nIsKa1Tm2yYiIXYUPJSEb
pulse: 1a2mxyRZuXsWKxsQyTnb4d
sound: 7DQvyqAdgiGX09fZlo1JAj
name: Bardcore
Bardcore is a recent subgenre of medieval-inspired music that takes modern pop and
rock songs and reimagines them as if they were written in the Middle Ages. It
features traditional instruments like the lute, mandolin, and recorder, and often
includes choral arrangements and harmonies. The genre has gained popularity on
social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube.
parent: medieval
rank: 3488
"2020": 0qXWjTszZOlyHABa0fzZn8
"2021": 26x14rOlD3MwpFjBXayL64
"2022": 52NfA2WIOFVpci28ZH51Ne
"2023": 6eYjuxveaKprAZG9PvGOlr
intro: 6H8mce0CHW5OFIifdhMoao
pulse: 4NnxoFhxxNUQhMs8ZcG76x
sound: 6TkBKzb8SP3wI1OGi871qn
name: Barnalög
Barnalog is a fusion of country and electronic music, blending the twangy sounds of
the banjo and fiddle with electronic beats and synths. It often incorporates
elements of dance music, creating a lively and upbeat sound that's perfect for line
dancing or partying. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists
like Diplo and The Chainsmokers incorporating country influences into their music.
parent: country
rank: 4372
"2018": 3EjNCiTcwDeiX4Dkv42j0J
"2020": 26Jr4V7JpuzHHtKtxLUP8N
"2021": 1O0sAVE4ydM6PBA6LmMRKK
"2022": 1dKOACYo9yizynCN3WuJdT
"2023": 1FwPcLWOc0XrfecoYhrOL0
edge: 1NrP9EJFvzPOVRz5ZdC2UA
intro: 6vgKI7wFjKbqb714cvpGFa
pulse: 4xveWTOosFZFxRd6VMWVK0
sound: 7bKo0dC4z3WFAPzi60aBOZ
name: Barnasögur
This music genre is all about storytelling through music. It is a form of children's
music that uses songs to tell stories and convey messages to young listeners. The
lyrics are often simple and easy to understand, making it perfect for children of
all ages. Barnasogur is a great way to introduce children to the world of music and
parent: children's story
language: isl
country: IS
localized_name: true
rank: 4975
"2020": 0BioHbvUbAuIHAGys79cqA
"2021": 6u2cl0hzck9eu9SD6GdlpM
"2022": 0PBMRFl6lGg64bDvePyz6N
"2023": 4CSd4ND0C5tDQOSqdK2ZGl
intro: 380JU2Mq8qPYJPqWOxZwZZ
pulse: 40PqPGSHMVs6ZDMMhmKJq9
sound: 6R3LwBUTmiLahlJGUAHHVI
name: Barnemusikk
Barnemusikk is a genre of music that is specifically made for children. It is
designed to be fun, engaging, and educational. The lyrics are often simple and easy
to sing along with, making it perfect for young children. Barnemusikk can range from
nursery rhymes to pop songs, and it is a great way to introduce children to the
world of music.
parent: children's music
language: nor
country: "NO"
localized_name: true
rank: 1724
"2018": 63lyxxNPjQhaUnlXBsEr01
"2019": 3UIepggGnA15wAvZvXXWz1
"2020": 0Gzpt3xENE9F9pcNIVzSNS
"2021": 3te253JNLpi8zuGnm1LHU1
"2022": 1XTgFhSAupQLQDeL3QhgMq
"2023": 6EreYrCwGy6bsFfzFXwuMs
edge: 7LjKFa0nOdWh9X3ra22YhN
intro: 7Jg70mgHqUNMuhrRkYRlXJ
pulse: 1G3k09oVG9Mrg3cfyvMOrH
sound: 4GVEkhIuT06BqEpbHNgSjt
name: Barnmusik
Barnmusik is a genre of music that is specifically designed for children. It is
meant to be fun, upbeat, and engaging, and it often incorporates elements of pop,
rock, and folk music. The lyrics are often simple and easy to sing along with,
making it perfect for young children. Barnmusik is a great way to introduce children
to the world of music and to encourage them to explore their own musical interests.
parent: children's music
language: swe
country: SE
localized_name: true
rank: 853
"2018": 0ALbtMR0b7y6xpO7vUhDdi
"2019": 5U6f6A5D0cyVtWo7ZxQrrd
"2020": 4Jb1mNo3OpEIg96NubxDq9
"2021": 4Y0OqNRsoNYh07UyDeceGu
"2022": 5BpP8J2TBTz9xUlyNDnIjC
"2023": 0HB463ScHHJcd7j6jGOL5j
edge: 0NDgR7pzgWz2y6kMvcJnqT
intro: 2ah4KYCjzkRxGLJ1wqsIIa
pulse: 2n0FM6VZ352hmqDwJMt7gU
sound: 7LkQdN3mSOphnFoJpsKeUJ
name: Barnsagor
Barnsagor is a Swedish music genre that translates to "children's stories." It
features upbeat and playful melodies that are perfect for children's entertainment.
The lyrics often tell stories that are easy for children to understand and follow
along with. Barnsagor music is a great way to introduce children to the joys of
music and storytelling.
parent: children's story
language: swe
country: SE
localized_name: true
rank: 1210
"2019": 2CFpOs61ycPFh5Tko8YWpj
"2020": 1JT8PXxQUx31ni4jG2PfIS
"2021": 3kEmBujhKiwhj0f0PVhc7N
"2022": 7prB0cq0CTuFn7mDkDiS70
"2023": 7Kblw9a4DYN25aaLzn4ntA
intro: 6XSnd4r4ic4IggG36xeZCW
pulse: 0NrU4LAdFPH3JLU2fvYBAu
sound: 5VfLpPyTr7A2k9CdAzp0Mz
name: Barockinterpreten
Barockinterpreten is a German music genre that translates to "baroque interpreter."
It features classical music from the Baroque era performed by modern musicians. The
music is characterized by its ornamental melodies, complex harmonies, and intricate
counterpoint. Barockinterpreten music is a great way to appreciate the beauty and
complexity of classical music from the Baroque period.
parent: baroque
language: deu
region: DH
localized_name: true
rank: 4495
"2020": 11FgIOVyCAFciW9NH851Mv
"2021": 6JnCLFf4Sdtkz1TwR9H4P1
"2022": 0eJUpEvv9ZmEKwSywKFLHa
"2023": 6QtUqnnl4dMibCSOP6rbOL
edge: 4chdqElpmaNBiMtg1R5HYi
intro: 1CwWwWXb2hzYlE6jLibPwm
pulse: 1g0vngjcuPTIAT0odRtptZ
sound: 3S85Y5ObnzTB7tp2V2ypqA
name: Baroque
Baroque is a music genre that originated in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries.
It features elaborate melodies, ornate harmonies, and intricate counterpoint.
Baroque music is characterized by its grandeur and drama, often featuring large
orchestras and choirs. Some of the most famous Baroque composers include Johann
Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel, and Antonio Vivaldi. Baroque music is a
great way to appreciate the beauty and complexity of classical music.
parent: classical
localized_name: true
rank: 488
"2019": 5xtTPpp6i9W8aCLve7Ql9W
"2020": 1coBBMmNDmguaqA8VCUejp
"2021": 0Y4J9sQDpnuzIzqx2eya4o
"2022": 17kCLD8yCBiMj5HQwBTo7V
"2023": 0qPYKgTs0PaBX3r5oKSAjm
edge: 11RWVYCgztLwE8Y9e85CKF
intro: 1aiN6HM1wbSthKgnuVIU5L
pulse: 7AsF3bH35ghz6Ya8jLmXlE
sound: 4vmfJ9pJfFyeo1s5Z0g9B7
baroque brass:
name: Baroque Brass
This genre is characterized by the use of brass instruments such as trumpets, horns,
and trombones. The music is often grand and majestic, with intricate melodies and
harmonies that showcase the technical abilities of the performers. Baroque brass
music was popular in the 17th and 18th centuries and is still performed today by
many orchestras and ensembles.
parent: baroque
localized_name: true
rank: 6282
"2022": 2fhtZ1LYXSplaxZYXwzqGu
"2023": 6pYJMNiMHDAqdMAiVWz6fp
sound: 0BpOGipPzdkgJomyZXLxYl
baroque cello:
name: Baroque Cello
The baroque cello is a stringed instrument that was popular in the 17th and 18th
centuries. It is similar to the modern cello but has a different shape and is played
with different techniques. Baroque cello music is characterized by its expressive
melodies and intricate harmonies. The music often features a solo cello accompanied
by a small ensemble of other instruments.
parent: instrument
localized_name: true
rank: 6242
"2021": 0dSDzTzzcTCY5akf7qkbOK
"2022": 0aLhd5NlYMfkDfM46fqr8F
"2023": 6o6V6v5caDCcGPuNloTRKv
intro: 7Gbvg1QnlHxfzX3N6oxQj2
pulse: 3OsJojf8MX7pwCcySP8YNj
sound: 3EBMrwEeXilTkGsBB2g9AZ
baroque ensemble:
name: Baroque Ensemble
A baroque ensemble is a group of musicians who perform music from the baroque
period, which spanned from the early 17th century to the mid-18th century. The
ensemble typically includes a variety of instruments, such as strings, woodwinds,
and brass. Baroque ensemble music is known for its intricate melodies and harmonies,
as well as its use of counterpoint and ornamentation. The music is often performed
in a chamber setting, with
parent: baroque
localized_name: true
rank: 5298
"2018": 3w0p7hGld7MDba9NyKaoa3
"2019": 3wPuMggZ8KFNOYpqlHMb9f
"2020": 6bPe5FeAGrU4yOUDtRWaak
"2021": 777xwN1LbtU36Xhx1UYbhE
"2022": 22No7JG9fmAJAdDTJQW7FZ
"2023": 7xVGExNreBoYRen8hAL5N2
edge: 74TydvjXfGViPno8n9BeBx
intro: 7BZMCWff8y0l5jwgu5uzzh
pulse: 4mwWzmE7SaRpHJxRMeJaLF
sound: 0xStZ7FTPxyUc7wuj8MkLW
baroque pop:
name: Baroque Pop
A fusion of rock and classical music with ornate arrangements, complex harmonies,
and intricate melodies. Baroque pop emerged in the mid-1960s and was popularized by
bands like The Beatles, The Beach Boys, and The Zombies.
parent: indie rock
localized_name: true
rank: 291
"2019": 0gLXmONsRi9UEaOx7l02ef
"2020": 4bBX65y8EvFLBRI5iyj7JX
"2021": 2Is7yb5JdsCW1k1jF9u9rR
"2022": 6ceXLipVWAWfZK53ZHBS1m
"2023": 6emCt4yq0K6fcdNJ6SVuZn
edge: 3HenoqRirFDt5P0qGqV3Ua
intro: 1yMtGlrI9cRwzaQ9v2rd9z
pulse: 6hCsLhIx4hX6cCHandzPnZ
sound: 1e3sjciHZnhGYpaVYv6rO1
baroque singing:
name: Baroque Singing
A style of singing that originated in the Baroque era (1600-1750) characterized by
ornate and elaborate vocal embellishments, complex melodic lines, and dramatic
expression. Baroque singing is often associated with opera and sacred music and
requires a high level of technical skill and virtuosity.
parent: baroque
localized_name: true
rank: 5857
"2020": 1UwXnB4lZfrOLafNXOXzbd
"2021": 4NXEUNUxaMtlpBn6AasxKQ
"2022": 5Z3tZtj2udWT1SxmFD7aj6
"2023": 3at9fEXF1zNuaQlQWj4hSV
edge: 6mwb9cXcMeN8w4WWJ0YB2o
intro: 13V6o8zR7PXrmKLC3pZoG0
pulse: 0LQ4YNj3pJg1bIAELqydai
sound: 7F8uSkvkzO9Fhr525tcoHJ
baroque violin:
name: Baroque Violin
A style of violin playing that emerged in the Baroque era and is characterized by a
rich, warm, and expressive tone, complex ornamentation, and a strong emphasis on
improvisation. Baroque violinists use period instruments and techniques to recreate
the sound and style of the Baroque era, often playing music by composers such as
Bach, Vivaldi, and Handel.
parent: baroque
localized_name: true
rank: 6222
"2020": 1uI3KrXCPnYt8vk9jLV0sy
"2021": 5CpxTXzyOaGVGyXz0xXe7P
"2022": 3wBDTNaEuc8lbfRqz8YlLv
"2023": 6BDwfocxV4RRLQ2zLxl2eA
edge: 1CpGfjOrlCASrWjPD3wNpl
intro: 6Y7QomKaklDGRV8mkczPY3
pulse: 1G1wY7U33q6Qw9FtXvKqhO
sound: 51IvzHND37F9uEN264qhe2
baroque woodwind:
name: Baroque Woodwind
Baroque woodwind is a classical music genre that features woodwind instruments such
as the flute, oboe, and bassoon. It originated in the Baroque period and is
characterized by intricate melodies, ornamentation, and harmonies. The music is
often performed in a chamber setting and is highly expressive.
parent: baroque
localized_name: true
rank: 6213
"2020": 4QKgjTQpHo2Bh3YU4d4TtM
"2021": 292ZALmc1krOo8m0QXFyHE
"2022": 7mbjmQp9XiG5OMGyHfrtL9
"2023": 5pbBn1HQiAoCLSCq1cbYqT
edge: 7okbjr4PDESxd0g2YGBiMe
intro: 0d4i7JKED0usiT6qIpxEya
pulse: 763WjDva13uaRgG1ltI8lm
sound: 5Ct4UnnGmDiXOXUhZ6QYGG
barrelhouse piano:
name: Barrelhouse Piano
Barrelhouse piano is a style of blues music that originated in the early 20th
century. It features a strong, rhythmic piano accompaniment and often includes
call-and-response vocals. The music is characterized by its energetic, boisterous
style and is often performed in bars and juke joints.
parent: blues
country: US
rank: 5216
intro: 1wVsoutGCuIyh7Ff4O2ZIQ
pulse: 18ciexxJiRQCodT4O58nMZ
sound: 7FdGVAxDb8iB96NFXOiVMe
basel indie:
name: Basel Indie
Basel indie is a genre of alternative music that originated in the Swiss city of
Basel. It is characterized by its experimental and innovative approach to
music-making, incorporating elements of rock, electronic, and classical music. The
music often features unconventional instrumentation and complex arrangements, and is
known for its emotive and introspective lyrics. Basel indie is a highly creative and
boundary-pushing genre that is constantly evolving.
parent: swiss indie
rank: 5168
sound: 4nwdZdimMWgw2evDDGtQ6I
bases de freestyle:
name: Bases de Freestyle
Bases de freestyle is a genre of music that is a mix of hip hop and freestyle rap.
It is characterized by its fast-paced beats, heavy bass lines, and intricate rhyming
patterns. The genre is often associated with underground rap battles and showcases
the raw talent of up-and-coming artists.
parent: hip hop
localized_name: true
rank: 1013
"2021": 1cwxvfSpZKqC2uL7RGkil7
"2022": 4kWamQdgIKP1sr18E9FpeJ
"2023": 6EJEngrAXYtZXKZcUQx526
edge: 0zXDh4nlOsY3pxsfGJSAk0
intro: 2xShITc9BLFTPHWGFuwTG0
pulse: 51B6OqBXdv0oybrVtbeAp3
sound: 75SDLCiU8CMpgeAJjsmZz5
basque folk:
name: Basque Folk
Basque folk music is a traditional genre that originates from the Basque Country in
Northern Spain and Southern France. It is characterized by its unique rhythms,
melodies, and instruments, including the txalaparta and alboka. The genre often
celebrates Basque culture and history and is performed at festivals and events
throughout the region.
parent: folk
language: eus
localized_name: true
rank: 4916
"2020": 4IqD8ZtRn0ycAiB3EoTyDz
"2021": 5ZTs0EM2v736Jlo9LjPoNb
"2022": 4ievN4SiYKnpPD42FgDpHv
"2023": 6hHfqp68CQ5SghFqbOsRLr
edge: 1OpD95oSAr5uMRC0xv6hpr
intro: 4vwuHguixIPuDRSJH7EWCY
pulse: 37t1lVbv5Hqh9B8h7RujR8
sound: 0hO9RR41kv0bwGywHy4qfR
bass house:
name: Bass House
A subgenre of house music that is characterized by heavy basslines and aggressive
drops. It often features distorted vocal samples and a focus on the low end
frequencies. Bass house is popular in the club scene and is known for its
high-energy and intense sound.
parent: house
rank: 586
"2018": 6Tu1tYJqojgy7OiI0Gxe8v
"2019": 13ycfus8EAzGCXAcd3iaCd
"2020": 2VfksH7fN7d1la0XszmUWQ
"2021": 5Ul6JMs71qaT8bJ0CIvH7U
"2022": 6Vqoa3QBG9OAwgDmTr8w66
"2023": 1umwFQcbQs0Pzf18usc9zv
edge: 0A50MaYc8OpG9lgAfpzZJm
intro: 1ywXN5s7uidNDAlc1z6SrJ
pulse: 16NQfZ2dIVwBroBLDmcZu5
sound: 5ITCoz5fDeGlbKyNmwKXoG
bass music:
name: Bass Music
A catch-all term for electronic music that is characterized by its focus on the low
end frequencies. Bass music can include subgenres such as dubstep, trap, and drum
and bass. It often features heavy basslines, intricate rhythms, and a focus on sound
design. Bass music has been popular in the electronic music scene for over a decade
and continues to evolve and push boundaries.
parent: electronica
rank: 3179
"2018": 4xys22jf6VEIJvA7qWkNGu
"2019": 5DDqqzknKUM3rdYFUTQTOd
"2020": 1Y180h6uuDsPBOTko8dPNE
"2021": 4xz2yW9Xm3mYVeKhrvQrEc
"2022": 5LPXOJDQKQKebNL42B0gOk
"2023": 54NYhLfrrnBSi9VQywhqCW
edge: 3817WChY8XF67NJ34d3Fdk
intro: 5pwif2LB7guPPBe6rbr4Uv
pulse: 3etsIyRr9qoqjvtWjvzzxr
sound: 3fva5PDy3o8ewFmo0zHBLY
bass trap:
name: Bass Trap
A subgenre of trap music characterized by heavy basslines and aggressive beats. It
often features distorted 808s and intense drops, creating a dark and ominous
atmosphere. Bass trap is popular in clubs and festivals, where its high energy and
intense sound can get crowds moving and dancing.
parent: trap
rank: 983
"2018": 2pC7kyCresIZk1iPowbnWb
"2019": 58cRqZWoBxBArsOO35oR1E
"2020": 1tbINQs7UMLDeeYN19Q1Nl
"2021": 1pArsnZirqJKbbd32yPNni
"2022": 4LKyoQMN9WUJmogDRornnX
"2023": 0oL3jt0iT67IyxSGVUcAMr
edge: 3hUMSRt6cIQUvFPEBiehVC
intro: 4W1EJpSwxanOpqWjkEskm1
pulse: 6h9In10dRKi10TwkfoLpNn
sound: 28qL4DDUcphiGvSyJdW77W
bass trip:
name: Bass Trip
A subgenre of electronic music that combines elements of bass music and psychedelic
trance. Bass trip features heavy basslines and trippy, atmospheric soundscapes,
often with a focus on intricate rhythms and complex melodies. It's a genre that's
designed to take listeners on a journey, with its hypnotic beats and otherworldly
parent: psychedelic trance
rank: 4014
"2023": 39Nkni2qxEscNoWlq5n3TS
edge: 1lvZ4pgFORA58pBogeLV3i
intro: 6E3lnLoQJ7cAXzm8WtyB06
pulse: 2MmI5XMy5jsA0dBg5spM4x
sound: 261tckgSRkJTTf8GbK8HH4
name: Basshall
Basshall is a genre of music that is a fusion of dancehall and bass music. It is
characterized by its heavy bass lines, fast-paced beats, and reggae-inspired
melodies. The genre often features dancehall-style vocals and is popular in clubs
and festivals around the world. Basshall is often associated with Caribbean culture
and is a favorite among fans of electronic and reggae music.
parent: dancehall
rank: 1025
"2018": 0eSMmoeT733YX3WKVk5AtN
"2019": 21QCKlAyF0trlDwvRGhWqF
"2020": 6ViqMjTmeIk53VtUdDCups
"2021": 703eXtJMIZZukVw7dEpe16
"2022": 0S5LPb1hmWWqvntfyChrN1
"2023": 1mZEaogbohb8OQRKqa8kzF
edge: 4cuk3XaA1NeASmJhr1nVXF
intro: 6Gk0QnGNBTKXqjm1pD2wD6
pulse: 0XDElrdxWeZOBc1vHuCSWM
sound: 5rPMSk9umM8sDDck6ZMADh
name: Bassline
A UK-based subgenre of garage music that is characterized by its heavy basslines and
syncopated rhythms. Bassline often features chopped up vocal samples and a focus on
the low end frequencies. It has been popular in the UK for over a decade and has
recently gained popularity in other parts of the world.
parent: uk garage
rank: 1109
"2018": 1vyrkc0Has9hMRBQ9SzwMp
"2019": 7oW0ELjio0CBiY4RTMayOH
"2020": 7mfW9dImm55jUYyx3Ddxlf
"2021": 0qndBOwMSZHOM8o4zyaf9e
"2023": 24U8MiTPw6F8ZYWCZtVGsY
edge: 1rSWzO2WDzxqNGdWV2NrXC
intro: 49S9wOOc7lWLkJ7UpuKaGH
pulse: 2xYt46eCF055XwOOYa0ujb
sound: 6FOwXg5jZLFmTSokaSrPRb
name: Batak
A traditional music genre from the Batak people of North Sumatra, Indonesia. It
features complex rhythms and harmonies, with a focus on vocal and instrumental
performance. Batak music often incorporates traditional instruments like the
gondang, taganing, and serune, and is used for a variety of occasions, including
weddings, funerals, and religious ceremonies. The music is characterized by its
lively and upbeat tempo, and is an important part of Batak culture and heritage.
parent: indian folk
rank: 2126
"2018": 2kbDDO64h1b4jlcUT8zj23
"2019": 4RDdYVnXf5eqWRzfGCJUDh
"2020": 2CRutctmMXLzhr2rwg1p67
"2021": 5ntpjaCENe2OMZlDkZBQHY
"2022": 0v2NkwGd7W6Zjvs0tjWVd3
"2023": 5aOvopOzMWoQCcySwgUg7L
edge: 1dy50OJiiaob0N9Z6FhsFo
intro: 1mKZ1kjuMtwGCE3lfbjrsJ
pulse: 1YakY4vctXAGhC8dUvBTcK
sound: 6F8lx4JLdKD4rvUxywo0eO
bath indie:
name: Bath Indie
A subgenre of indie rock that originated in the English city of Bath, Somerset.
parent: english indie rock
rank: 3158
sound: 4n01jgud9nsl5RFVSuVKKb
name: Batida
A genre of electronic dance music that originated in Angola and Portugal. Batida
blends elements of traditional African rhythms with modern electronic beats,
creating a unique and infectious sound that is perfect for the dancefloor. It often
features syncopated percussion, call-and-response vocals, and samples from African
music and culture.
parent: edm
rank: 3766
"2020": 2sLuPvoQgvaBJnDPNMBLMY
"2021": 3tBTuPL25ClninlXWUE215
"2022": 5LTXBh3k5qPdlG8g2R3aq1
"2023": 7nAbRt0CYjU44rkOoqwnvI
edge: 2UXpu3hdVMwPrKmvjbARwV
intro: 1RLv0xdFcdg1HMeyOkRfQq
pulse: 5Yf9jaAsZmDzlNDrHmZemk
sound: 5wd5MOHVeiMLGLCL0UYDsK
batidao romantico:
name: Batidão Romântico
A subgenre of Brazilian funk music that emerged in the 1980s. Batidao Romantico is
characterized by its slow, sensual rhythms and romantic lyrics. It often features
heavy use of synthesizers, drum machines, and other electronic instruments, as well
as smooth, crooning vocals. The genre is closely associated with the city of Belo
Horizonte, where it first gained popularity.
parent: batida
rank: 1074
"2020": 2Uu3o3XY2TBBTdFMRl3wez
"2021": 4OCLCis7eTgMXrB7CaTvUm
"2022": 2KsdB7BBSluRv5niWDIV7u
"2023": 4yJOXZJxSTJuOEMxtyQneJ
edge: 1OzZCbJX7zesJQ2KDsUiDh
intro: 7BRCbhdftEJLmRBPUXTo9G
pulse: 4N7Xg5TdVVkQBuQY24zOZu
sound: 0y2K3aUSmblxNcVIVh3SSN
baton rouge indie:
name: Baton Rouge Indie
Baton Rouge indie music is a unique blend of alternative and indie rock. It's
characterized by its introspective lyrics, catchy melodies, and DIY ethos. Baton
Rouge indie artists often experiment with different sounds and incorporate elements
of other genres, creating a sound that's both familiar and fresh. This music scene
is a hotbed of creativity, and its artists are known for their authenticity and
parent: indie rock
country: US
rank: 5499
sound: 68QwIrQ7rDd6xoII3bLf52
baton rouge rap:
name: Baton Rouge Rap
Baton Rouge rap is a subgenre of Southern hip-hop that's known for its gritty,
streetwise lyrics and hard-hitting beats. It's a reflection of the city's urban
landscape, with its tales of poverty, violence, and survival. Baton Rouge rap
artists often collaborate with each other, creating a tight-knit community that's
focused on elevating the local scene. This music is raw and unapologetic, and its
artists are proud to represent their city.
parent: hip hop
country: US
rank: 427
"2019": 4xKcGdxYQWmflOh1QfbM5u
"2020": 0AeU4NsARpcNwErt4irRLf
"2021": 25Ij6dSjHLsF3DQ8W8Oaeh
"2022": 4XQmfEVNRvmptMQPoI4bUh
"2023": 1Max4r7t9HI7m5O0lr1Ila
edge: 3BiVA08ecpRxNnZB9xCZgH
intro: 02gptkoZzxXDYJ6j91gk7l
pulse: 53awG3w4gXsA1FXrtb19ka
sound: 0F7mtdFDNN5fqlDuxWG8TM
batswana traditional:
name: Batswana Traditional
Botswana traditional music is a genre that encompasses the diverse musical
traditions of Botswana's many ethnic groups. It includes a variety of styles, such
as Tswana music, Kalanga music, and San music, and often features traditional
instruments such as the segaba, thapelo, and setinkane. This music is an important
part of Botswana's cultural heritage and is often performed at weddings, funerals,
and other important events.
parent: folk
language: tsn
country: BW
localized_name: true
rank: 5614
intro: 22OG92ns8oP76bqjOcYdpl
pulse: 2NVJeUxpKxLRkqOIsWAleM
sound: 3IISB2NSN868y1XbxBA2SR
battle rap:
name: Battle Rap
Battle rap is a form of hip-hop that's all about competition and lyrical prowess.
It's a one-on-one battle between two rappers, where they trade insults and clever
wordplay over a beat. The goal is to out-rap your opponent and win over the crowd
with your wit and delivery.
parent: hip hop
rank: 1927
"2018": 1tkdEMwrZCcqQqGjsfLJfz
"2019": 0FDPu74rasg5Gmo52DR58Q
"2020": 7KGfQmZsRV7KwBRqV4oO5c
"2021": 3zIRDc8uZY1MtjKgetUarG
"2022": 1kidRKC0OJKPYkYK13iBIJ
"2023": 5im5VkNuUIXbPFMujxzr7q
edge: 6eVfSiGkRAsuAHJwqarjil
intro: 3BIyHNLyLAc7viedRtaHRf
pulse: 1wfxtdeQTqoKrmI8FslHMn
sound: 3YiBYAadb18yWNjOZz1nN3
bay area hip hop:
name: Bay Area Hip Hop
Bay Area Hip Hop is a subgenre of hip hop music that originated in the San Francisco
Bay Area. It is characterized by its unique sound that blends elements of funk,
soul, and gangsta rap. The lyrics often reflect the realities of life in the Bay
Area, including themes of urban violence, poverty, and police brutality.
parent: hip hop
country: US
rank: 3415
"2018": 0bj30bx9PGGe3kVDrvfWaN
"2019": 7IDPOwq85GBP8mh6WLN5kl
"2020": 3sJVx34XhDhoDqamIhZLtr
"2021": 2yGlE0c5QKipmEnCVr9Faq
"2022": 0dAQ9Ci18WwCRgwGsxx51c
"2023": 08AwRxh7UzL53JoPj742li
edge: 6DewHpdg8OrJNKj5SW4udm
intro: 5vZrRmSYvlX869rfUuimzx
pulse: 3pWKMyQqCO5FWCOzmlw6X7
sound: 6hFP9HDRKTHHJgoGrhUGeu
bay area indie:
name: Bay Area Indie
Bay Area Indie is a subgenre of indie rock that emerged from the San Francisco Bay
Area music scene in the 1990s. It is characterized by its DIY ethos, lo-fi
production values, and experimental approach to songwriting. The sound is often
characterized by jangly guitars, intricate melodies, and introspective lyrics that
explore themes of love, loss, and identity.
parent: indie rock
country: US
rank: 1710
"2019": 0nviOE8JICeWFLZmGFnRjX
"2020": 57FHjuHOl7EPsv5QIStFqg
"2021": 40bhWXwcX0NSroPTPbs13z
"2022": 4Aw87DFyK5YODpJaFypWsq
"2023": 7I0Cm4pvOzOErBbr1Bg7mB
edge: 0RP4bkKTx3Cz8Yx7nubRC9
intro: 5PtmpHDJh45K7ZeShGh6gb
pulse: 7yBuhiE4mblJP9Ed7vF4ZV
sound: 20uxYbOiSyqlO3IsHSbeK5
bayerischer rap:
name: Bayerischer Rap
Bayerischer Rap is a subgenre of German hip hop that originated in the state of
Bavaria. It is characterized by its distinctive sound that blends elements of
traditional Bavarian music with modern hip hop beats. The lyrics often reflect the
realities of life in Bavaria, including themes of cultural identity, regional pride,
and social issues. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many
artists achieving mainstream success in Germany and beyond.
parent: german hip hop
localized_name: true
rank: 2818
"2019": 1y8xiu75JHaQyB4zLhKgCC
"2020": 4MVfgFnl7S9DnSGEmCQ6vR
"2021": 71i8g17a41uxNoqLHhSTcO
"2022": 6QNkFWl7nn2Lr1MK3lCwJ0
"2023": 5WC33W99nkqjwlopPkhMzi
edge: 5eWCIBoOA8zBHpGTZa8CdG
intro: 1BY3wHZE210stnFyyvlwxQ
pulse: 6WDce4DcL0eFyO2EIDR0wL
sound: 74DjsGDWyJRTJSLGLX4cAp
name: Bboy
Bboy - Bboy music is a genre of hip hop that is specifically designed for
breakdancing. It features heavy beats, funky basslines, and a mix of old-school and
new-school sounds. Bboy music is often instrumental, but can also include rap
vocals. It is energetic and upbeat, perfect for getting the crowd pumped up and
ready to dance.
parent: hip hop
rank: 1230
"2018": 48DGkHch4MquUB3Fx1LuLr
"2019": 5SvcZs2Tr5KSVmUpLNuHrA
"2020": 7FV6ec8D2t7R96rSXBtd20
"2021": 16qYpVXvt0jV7lsQSXBpsf
"2022": 7plw3KwL4qEJlT0Fhgi6GE
"2023": 0uXljzIDHk36P848gT8Gcz
edge: 6nxeF7xawHXJX5M8kB3vRp
intro: 7LSv8USIObWoCz08fej8EY
pulse: 3H5iXUKXJIBa3n6isCAVqh
sound: 4Pt1OE9gPOHcEsRDd1e2Jh
bc underground hip hop:
name: BC Underground Hip Hop
BC underground hip hop - BC underground hip hop is a subgenre of hip hop that is
characterized by its gritty, raw sound and socially conscious lyrics. It originated
in British Columbia, Canada and has a strong following in the underground hip hop
scene. BC underground hip hop often features boom-bap beats, soulful samples, and
introspective lyrics that tackle social issues such as poverty, racism, and police
parent: hip hop
country: CA
rank: 1538
"2018": 7dtUTtnsvHQkUVwb7VDYU2
"2019": 4YumGwvcweTQXqZj8rcKyB
"2020": 1GsgUd1FTUyMltPkUxUM6f
"2021": 39VSrzRhukERn2PqCm5oy9
"2022": 6QrkeMWRJw1iYIQhnjUAvA
"2023": 7BzqN9i3tIkQSBhKa5PBiN
edge: 66NFuRlJ2PPaIwcodf4CjK
intro: 43bbiGX2jqWxL1Kcdzz5EJ
pulse: 1uGDhJU2DWCBZcxtkY6COm
sound: 62iU93fUNvuhYsmVAZGk8f
beach house:
name: Beach House
Beach house - Beach house music is a subgenre of electronic music that is
characterized by its dreamy, atmospheric sound and ethereal vocals. It is often
associated with summer and the beach, and its laid-back vibe is perfect for relaxing
and unwinding. Beach house music features slow, pulsing beats, shimmering synths,
and hazy, reverb-drenched vocals.
parent: electronica
rank: 2507
"2019": 5vezBWV1FuIKYU1c3D0N3q
"2020": 1oZeT0B2ZliFcg26hI2lXE
"2021": 4ZsIoIledbJH4e3t7neNyV
"2022": 1iRhLtKLVIy3r7OIdFBSsH
"2023": 4LZqhSp76cWGxd8uNDyXAH
edge: 67DeT7oFjfrPXJ2YagxAdr
intro: 4CzTCICNdauSLu8S9xzmzm
pulse: 16HCZTyIz06zyBMrJj5ecS
sound: 57SpJFKFiMmSLzOmOq2CaZ
beach music:
name: Beach Music
Beach music is a genre that originated in the coastal areas of the southeastern
United States. It is known for its upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and lyrics that
often celebrate the joys of summer and the beach lifestyle. The music is often
performed by large bands with horns and vocal harmonies, and it has been popular
since the 1940s.
parent: pop
country: US
rank: 4656
"2020": 6PKMW3vhO1qyvMc6gefZpx
"2022": 2Q5LmoB4BEWll4Vw0oJFpR
"2023": 3vR8Qzk735gSsUwVshtDHu
intro: 4CtZbXZ44J6Thh0YFMcvoG
pulse: 0m3xiKvN3wUcyCEb4BTHjP
sound: 2NsX3CredBVJ5wAZcIs3U4
beat italiano:
name: Beat Italiano
Beat Italiano - This music genre emerged in Italy in the 1960s, influenced by the
American beat movement. Beat Italiano is characterized by its rebellious and
anti-establishment lyrics, often accompanied by simple guitar riffs and a strong
rhythm section. It was a significant cultural phenomenon in Italy, inspiring a
generation of young people to challenge the status quo and embrace a new way of
parent: merseybeat
language: ita
country: IT
localized_name: true
rank: 3099
"2020": 39BEIJjW9qvXYuJaXy28gu
"2021": 6KKqVUzhE4dwXfgy78oyz6
"2022": 2V950JSqMWXO0ssTXKT3Qn
"2023": 60CBGXwU5mV3NwjwgoPK5P
edge: 5MWcmUCTD2sUEvzBdscVUU
intro: 6y4M3pfbuDjA43JNBlY1S1
pulse: 6nDTv8kX3I6nCkB68DDnnM
sound: 19ayJDtOtm2jjM4gTzGCfd
beat poetry:
name: Beat Poetry
Beat Poetry - This genre combines spoken word poetry with a musical backing. It
originated in the 1950s and 60s, when poets such as Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac
began performing their work alongside jazz musicians. Beat poetry often explores
themes of social injustice, personal freedom, and spirituality, and is characterized
by its improvisational style. The music accompanying the poetry can range from
free-form jazz to more structured rock or
parent: poetry
rank: 5848
sound: 5u4WtjzIuJgzX1B5s7DhVM
name: Beatboxing
Beatboxing is a vocal art form that involves creating percussive sounds using only
the mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. It is often used in hip-hop and electronic
music, and it can be performed solo or as part of a group. Beatboxers use a variety
of techniques to create different sounds, including lip oscillation, throat bass,
and plosives. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with competitions and
festivals dedicated to beatboxing.
parent: vocal
rank: 3413
"2019": 4Y7dCxN4QFzXFhDakU9jNg
"2020": 5ZDLgsI7Rd3BFqtkPbvZzF
"2021": 4nPjbxBHJQEUXJui00jFPP
"2022": 3RR2fb5dOQc3PYLQd4S6Mi
"2023": 3wtu9TKZjYfq3Z3dXQAGmG
edge: 3DFvH7a3TsD0CaVfJmceGF
intro: 7FUiYXLJODuVJseKRmqg7E
pulse: 3Ye6IRbmTSKJDcV1CVQ7Aa
sound: 3i2uukD1MQx9nLVauaHgnG
name: Beatdown
Beatdown is a subgenre of hardcore punk and metal that is known for its heavy,
aggressive sound. The music is characterized by its fast tempos, distorted guitars,
and shouted vocals. The lyrics often deal with themes of anger, violence, and social
injustice. Beatdown bands often incorporate elements of metal, hip-hop, and other
genres into their music, and the genre has a dedicated following among fans of heavy
parent: hardcore
rank: 3421
"2018": 33IpeeVkKEUFFOW1QL9S8S
"2019": 3DMjf3KHLjSjNR1mdedXEm
"2020": 4UOTpJ14jugz7vtY055cwg
"2021": 4AsuxZKF4v2jb8Ch655JPV
"2022": 732XbvNOThvN8NrJf0xw7Y
"2023": 4bJ97UrzKpMvtVEPqZOQSx
edge: 42Omb88A80Tc3yiZeKSEvS
intro: 0VdJbiuCIFTHFkzHaIQ10G
pulse: 1GkxR6HzNX5D1LIJir9bF4
sound: 4uLg82FvdD0blplTBTmR59
name: Beatlesque
Beatlesque - As the name suggests, this genre is heavily influenced by the music of
The Beatles. It typically features catchy melodies, intricate harmonies, and a mix
of acoustic and electric instruments. Beatlesque music often incorporates elements
of pop, rock, and psychedelic music, and is known for its nostalgic and uplifting
qualities. Many artists have attempted to emulate The Beatles' sound over the years,
but few have managed to capture their unique magic.
parent: classic rock
rank: 501
"2020": 6O8ybLPWzX6dwSFGbt6muZ
"2021": 7yvGECdEAppW3R43e68EZQ
"2022": 0Ig3bzRTKeJMSlnaUadzsW
"2023": 4QWJzMVlJHc1MLTNex9rOC
edge: 4Kf4ilFthsZB4sAec3W6an
intro: 6Tr6dkFBC40cl1wlZjqXKh
pulse: 34KFCjZhkoHIEg3YSYkGMN
sound: 7DMAadYDfKZnsaZcDKFPK4
name: Beats
A genre of instrumental hip-hop that focuses on the beats, rhythm, and groove of the
music. The beats are often created using samples from a variety of sources,
including jazz, funk, soul, and rock. The genre is known for its laid-back, chill
vibe and is often used as background music for relaxation or studying.
parent: instrumental hip hop
rank: 3441
"2018": 6zdz52V5UItMwVfTHEkqj3
"2019": 33JAjnPDrVDdQydO3K5eda
"2020": 3B9Qn07md5RL8VobNbpyVh
"2021": 2FRf2pJ4zvhrC4gi54bcuE
"2022": 2oFquy0TmK6cp80n92zgxb
"2023": 0ABF2jhSHBPI5HNLxxLs5g
edge: 6j21DPyffcNMR8t3B8DKia
intro: 0gXH74mKoHt7lVWGCCENCa
pulse: 55tSwA5iW5kvQpS594PFTQ
sound: 1dOnoWJmZAhe8mRkMQxzut
name: Bebop
A style of jazz that emerged in the 1940s and is characterized by fast tempos,
complex harmonies, and intricate melodies. Bebop is known for its improvisational
nature, with musicians often engaging in rapid-fire solos and intricate
call-and-response patterns. The genre is considered to be one of the most
technically demanding forms of jazz and has had a significant influence on modern
jazz and other genres of music.
parent: jazz
rank: 612
"2018": 6VoVpBgQhcqw3gJ9pOEOO4
"2019": 6WHh3aENBxUPhMMHUbiTuV
"2020": 4GYPgaPXXsd8UqHQQgnOi8
"2021": 0CPIdesZaPLaoPsPFO6SJq
"2022": 4PZRJY824Eq9cM3fUxXs05
"2023": 6ZAiAljI8XGsvyCKW4Yw8t
edge: 7zxLHWOFG6pVrxFGG8b3UA
intro: 6hmdy7NC9fKAfxPuc4zPoJ
pulse: 3GvUUl65PSXjsfqsgNDo7z
sound: 55s8gstHcaCyfU47mQgLrB
bedroom pop:
name: Bedroom Pop
A genre of indie pop that is characterized by its lo-fi production and intimate,
introspective lyrics. The term "bedroom pop" refers to the fact that many artists in
the genre produce their music in their own bedrooms using simple recording
equipment. The genre often features simple, catchy melodies and a DIY aesthetic,
with many artists choosing to self-release their music on platforms like Bandcamp
and Soundcloud. The genre has gained popularity in recent years thanks to the rise
of social media.
parent: indie pop
rank: 101
"2018": 0ycVp3HaWZ3sossUQrFHjN
"2019": 1ZtoUXcnfK546glutr4wSE
"2020": 3SjkVnVRqIZ1dZAvsfQmqM
"2021": 22eT3Z2jeEUy77jnSKP3Xw
"2022": 3z0mX0Lw2RwsndwDGQsSgr
"2023": 5YGJORiIrkibIQtNNnrr8A
edge: 2SGve9h353r5kwXZk7igJx
intro: 1YsJtW80CiWzctBaoKks1p
pulse: 1oJhX4YWBClrKaEH51HOIe
sound: 339zjWDksACL7sNs2UehlX
bedroom r&b:
name: Bedroom R&B
Bedroom R&B is a subgenre of R&B that is characterized by its intimate and lo-fi
sound. This genre is often produced in a home studio or bedroom, hence the name, and
features minimal instrumentation and a focus on vocals. It is often associated with
themes of love, heartbreak, and relationships, and is known for its emotional and
introspective lyrics.
parent: r&b
rank: 262
"2023": 0IqdsKoplrrTnA14jyRrjo
edge: 3HDMtwlm360oQBGbR9mOfR
intro: 0KH8KRiblba5yAFOH8aGc2
pulse: 7KyLYey6m7rZ5LioTyM5vB
sound: 2rYV2n4K0QRuE1rcWbsWMM
bedroom soul:
name: Bedroom Soul
A subgenre of soul music that is characterized by its intimate, lo-fi production and
introspective lyrics. Often created in a home recording studio or bedroom, the sound
is minimalistic and raw, with a focus on emotional expression and vulnerability.
parent: soul
rank: 658
"2019": 2Ds3u5kZvLq43KplDlTACh
"2020": 2ErGnyTNz7s9VlQ7OKH8vq
"2021": 4FtsmIuq1qqqfmJsH8eKe9
"2022": 7dogyA5SuIfNpopxOdRbZ0
"2023": 0YkiS8sccylqvstG9aC17I
edge: 15UtTaRVoGBzo6w5lZbMUg
intro: 7uSRP72dydy7RhVjy79rBx
pulse: 0Qbw2H7WuMaXsbQhW1oSD7
sound: 5YhnF0wwxsNlZzyFbMpOzG
belarusian electronic:
name: Belarusian Electronic
A genre of electronic music that has emerged from the underground music scene in
Belarus. It features a mix of experimental and traditional electronic sounds, with
an emphasis on creating unique and innovative sonic landscapes. The music often
incorporates elements of techno, house, and ambient music, and reflects the cultural
and political climate of contemporary Belarus.
parent: electronica
language: bel
country: BY
localized_name: true
rank: 3278
"2021": 0Qp4x9BKDLTq1MH8snWp3y
sound: 1ghBX7KDplRis0ISK7BHjq
belarusian hip hop:
name: Belarusian Hip Hop
A genre of hip hop music that has gained popularity in Belarus in recent years. The
music often features socially conscious lyrics that address issues such as poverty,
inequality, and corruption. The beats are typically influenced by traditional
Belarusian music, and the flow and delivery of the rappers is often more melodic and
rhythmic than in traditional American hip hop. The genre reflects the unique
cultural and political context of Belarusian society.
parent: hip hop
language: bel
country: BY
localized_name: true
rank: 2133
"2020": 0rMmH3u05IOyljFadBZiXk
"2021": 3aVniFDTKPmx4MMW6yaVkw
"2022": 1RPtz2o1X0Qcpm3HA7qk0j
"2023": 52iMRSsOpj8DQi214yyYzW
edge: 2DXVwgwIv0Of0mx16mMsNO
intro: 5nmzTeAB4iCvzJCofmvk8r
pulse: 4MjIt6LnPQEqdweVqzQ2P4
sound: 51YuSJZ2Lr2fdwq1Y0cnIl
belarusian indie:
name: Belarusian Indie
Belarusian indie is a genre of music that encompasses a range of styles, including
folk, rock, and electronic. It is characterized by its experimental nature, with
artists often blending different genres to create a unique sound. The lyrics often
touch on themes of identity, politics, and social issues.
parent: indie rock
language: bel
country: BY
localized_name: true
rank: 2100
"2020": 5vEK8XaCcycWuP1PpzhcrF
"2021": 32ZLT5BNOaoCEK8BJkzUEl
"2022": 7KQNWcjNPyWvnRCzwP76lR
"2023": 3IsnbPMRthksCynb0GXLGR
edge: 5fJomv3Pi5xTPe1xXwdCeB
intro: 7vRcBhe5WiMR7zVVZ1xCga
pulse: 3qv3g0YllwG9jitg7hAWqQ
sound: 6tVRgSyvGCIdn0y97I3mxH
belarusian metal:
name: Belarusian Metal
Belarusian metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that emerged in the 1990s. It is
characterized by its aggressive sound, fast-paced guitar riffs, and powerful vocals.
The lyrics often deal with themes of darkness, death, and destruction. Belarusian
metal bands have gained a strong following both in Belarus and abroad.
parent: metal
language: bel
country: BY
localized_name: true
rank: 5592
"2023": 3cI70MYEKCK5esOoFK38WR
intro: 3f7hGQQ8i721hIqb3sK8m3
sound: 4CVeMaTHVqnDs13oYp0Hs6
belarusian pop:
name: Belarusian Pop
Belarusian pop is a genre of music that is characterized by its catchy melodies,
upbeat rhythms, and polished production. It often incorporates elements of
electronic dance music and hip-hop. The lyrics are generally light-hearted and deal
with themes of love, relationships, and youth culture. Belarusian pop has been
popularized in recent years by the success of artists such as Alyona Lanskaya and
parent: pop
language: bel
country: BY
localized_name: true
rank: 2890
"2020": 0z6lSOl86GNsErYcB3BA43
"2021": 15eBpT9eCLfN2rBl6xZSI5
"2022": 282D26fBGHaXo7HOtgne85
"2023": 6GvB13MeXKdlvZlEUmW3Sq
edge: 2rPHMqiC8G9VLjLQaeeK3S
intro: 2t4XdJ7wvFEoKZSBX1sIxt
pulse: 38H9HogYaG5eNh49UJ2UGc
sound: 4SbkCOtqMhatjtiEBf0fOW
belarusian punk:
name: Belarusian Punk
Belarusian punk is a subgenre of punk rock that originated in Belarus. It is
characterized by its fast-paced, aggressive sound and politically charged lyrics
that often criticize the government. The genre emerged in the late 1970s and has
since been embraced by the Belarusian underground music scene.
parent: punk
language: bel
country: BY
localized_name: true
rank: 4515
"2021": 71zV7NT6P8FzOO4JmUF63P
"2022": 6Ead8qeFF1WTzgUJ7uMX3N
"2023": 7zgzYO3NwIetntIAYPBN9f
edge: 5Us2gOdcAqaqf1Yff5ptlR
intro: 7cm6IGbckrsx4uJNYuVyuz
pulse: 4A453LJS5ITGc57Ba1GuX9
sound: 1aFsZw4oKkoLIikHiyOSbg
belarusian rock:
name: Belarusian Rock
Belarusian rock is a genre of rock music that originated in Belarus. It is
characterized by its heavy use of guitar and bass, and often features lyrics in the
Belarusian language. The genre emerged in the 1980s and has since become popular
throughout Belarus and other parts of Eastern Europe.
parent: rock
language: bel
country: BY
localized_name: true
rank: 3389
"2020": 6LSDxa4JZnp0CVuj6PxlZJ
"2021": 1v3adzkq7gNHKNUIhzszsZ
"2022": 12FSbKTdmOubNc2OAkMYef
"2023": 1VVZRV83sPwXqxHDW2xFFk
edge: 5SlBcBER2hA6Y7txrPYpDq
intro: 2lO0qjy8LxEt5WdvAcfLEw
pulse: 524tp9qZiTS2tYzZXajMWB
sound: 3wZ3TCdTgkrlXxozMUivDq
belfast indie:
name: Belfast Indie
Belfast indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in Belfast, Northern
Ireland. It is characterized by its melodic sound, introspective lyrics, and use of
guitar and keyboard. The genre emerged in the 2000s and has since been embraced by
the Belfast music scene, with bands like Two Door Cinema Club and Snow Patrol
gaining international recognition.
parent: british indie rock
rank: 5988
"2022": 2KEPvBMVDA65Do8g2cpURR
sound: 2yCU7LgE1wtFLeAyXMpN8v
belfast metal:
name: Belfast Metal
Belfast metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that originated in Northern Ireland. It
is characterized by its fast-paced, aggressive sound and often incorporates elements
of punk and hardcore. The lyrics often focus on political and social issues,
reflecting the troubled history of the region.
parent: metal
country: UK
rank: 5960
sound: 1YoMpI53tJdZYGpjplRNhC
belgian black metal:
name: Belgian Black Metal
Belgian black metal is a style of extreme metal that emerged in Belgium in the early
1990s. It is characterized by its harsh, abrasive sound, often featuring blast
beats, tremolo-picked guitar riffs, and shrieked vocals. The lyrics typically deal
with themes of darkness, death, and the occult.
parent: black metal
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 5115
"2021": 3px5ghz615G6g4m4X6jjGy
"2022": 0YLJtH8rZ1pa6wLUCpX1qW
"2023": 51FJbh29uKzfEa9mQokvY8
sound: 3vN5OnVDvYnm8F2taNk0LL
belgian blues:
name: Belgian Blues
Belgian blues is a style of blues music that originated in Belgium in the mid-20th
century. It is characterized by its slow, soulful sound, often featuring a prominent
harmonica and slide guitar. The lyrics often deal with themes of love, heartbreak,
and the struggles of everyday life. Belgian blues has a distinct European flavor,
but still retains the raw emotion and authenticity of traditional blues music.
parent: blues
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 5028
"2022": 6DF5MeErkLx6iDW8h4R2HB
intro: 0rUR2JpSbOkQByFbqCp33v
pulse: 0TD3Ydd1WIx3j7FRUdyaI7
sound: 458j2uOah9F6jTXzX0xLtE
belgian classical piano:
name: Belgian Classical Piano
This genre features the music of Belgian composers played on the piano. It is
characterized by its elegance, sophistication, and technical virtuosity. The pieces
are typically melodic and emotive, with a focus on harmony and expression. Belgian
Classical Piano is a genre that showcases the rich cultural heritage of Belgium and
its contribution to the world of classical music.
parent: classical piano
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 6234
"2022": 0h0GF2OsEwvE3b9Dk24Pe7
sound: 4UQti246d8vnBvGLBCaJ2o
belgian contemporary classical:
name: Belgian Contemporary Classical
This genre is a modern interpretation of classical music with a focus on
experimentation and innovation. It features a blend of traditional and contemporary
elements, and often incorporates electronic and experimental sounds. Belgian
Contemporary Classical is characterized by its avant-garde approach to composition
and its willingness to push the boundaries of traditional classical music.
parent: contemporary classical
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 5112
sound: 7s30KDxEKODMhyy7rkDmCt
belgian dance:
name: Belgian Dance
This genre is a fusion of electronic music and dance rhythms, with a focus on
creating a high-energy, upbeat sound. It features a mix of house, techno, and trance
elements, and is characterized by its pulsing beats and infectious melodies. Belgian
Dance is a popular genre in clubs and festivals around the world, and is known for
its ability to get people moving and grooving on the dancefloor.
parent: dance
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 1250
"2019": 7iXVSVD5NURLDQvtkQZUF1
"2020": 2RpQJEuiqkewXCNhA1K6xb
"2021": 5ma0jKYfMkAEKPce2UG7SH
"2022": 1T6BbpBxJgcQRtHYfVyekr
"2023": 4n0RAn2KUwzA4KQbIa1dy0
edge: 5ZJ7mZoQzGjJdpqyDLL1ow
intro: 6ieAcH4PwdTDnjXnhitx6I
pulse: 2DJ4k7k5rqkKa4orKlVGw7
sound: 7LiSIthh02iaUmBElzs3J8
belgian death metal:
name: Belgian Death Metal
Belgian death metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that originated in Belgium. It is
characterized by aggressive guitar riffs, fast drum beats, and guttural vocals. The
lyrics often deal with themes of death, violence, and horror. Belgian death metal
bands such as Aborted and Leng Tch'e have gained international recognition for their
intense and brutal sound.
parent: death metal
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 5255
"2021": 27IMeVvlltzYfhpRkzkNEO
"2022": 2nuIWHSUJ1YIdkj6qLJ7mi
"2023": 3Xzk1VhC4dl5vUENUp6cAU
sound: 5knZIAyIrFjOBLaqaLa5AN
belgian dnb:
name: Belgian DnB
Belgian dnb, or drum and bass, is an electronic music genre that originated in the
UK but has gained popularity in Belgium. It is characterized by fast breakbeats,
heavy basslines, and chopped-up samples. Belgian dnb producers such as Netsky and
Murdock have gained international recognition for their energetic and
dancefloor-friendly tracks.
parent: drum and bass
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 2861
"2021": 3acIBCdZhB63Jrh97kNABP
"2022": 6zcpp3ltDNyHBgwPiXv8wn
"2023": 3zkGGG6vSaknQQCFXWUZMd
edge: 69EU42Gfyjg7iQS0JLeML5
intro: 1ZrxXUzzX2f7AONji6I848
pulse: 5E1swHc989yRoZHwi2srOY
sound: 1gCKEPHP1xQmIBMqw4aF9M
belgian edm:
name: Belgian EDM
Belgian EDM, or electronic dance music, encompasses a wide range of electronic music
genres such as house, techno, and trance. Belgian EDM producers such as Dimitri
Vegas & Like Mike and Lost Frequencies have gained international recognition for
their catchy and uplifting tracks. Belgian festivals such as Tomorrowland have also
become world-renowned for their extravagant production and top-tier lineup of EDM
parent: edm
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 532
"2019": 1PkMTAxHCuAxL7Ow7FJsnp
"2020": 77oqiuKMnYNGHqLoQTnkIj
"2021": 5Vmv1VTaMzhmGA7Qp78xhu
"2022": 0jQXlTI6NMqWWKmRJRAQqx
"2023": 7mSJb8CNDew6FYjBvsB4Ms
edge: 52gPoVE9vBn3MPugf34Mxe
intro: 0eoOplSKYoicei10nO6BxF
pulse: 5v9jgAUdJVJAK3znjFWyVg
sound: 3YjCK5F0D78d0WXHcwQ7tq
belgian electronic:
name: Belgian Electronic
Belgian electronic music is known for its innovative and futuristic soundscapes,
blending elements of techno, house, and ambient music. Artists such as Charlotte de
Witte and Amelie Lens have gained international recognition for their driving beats
and hypnotic melodies, while others like Rone and Stavroz explore more atmospheric
and introspective sounds.
parent: electronica
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 4263
"2021": 3bLO8GJLo61GzvpYFtP1lu
"2022": 4oRpVYO9nlNmm2NgdQsmzp
"2023": 5Wi44KdNTWBt5xC9x1kPC2
intro: 1jvRNyF5YP4V3ferLkQ00u
pulse: 07DUvy52XAgOfCmLGvJpJm
sound: 1n4Q1wbXMA0f5bysyhPrUl
belgian experimental:
name: Belgian Experimental
Belgian experimental music is a diverse and boundary-pushing genre that encompasses
everything from avant-garde jazz to noise and drone. Artists such as Oiseaux-Tempête
and Ignatz are known for their unconventional instrumentation and improvisational
approach, while others like Annelies Monseré and Köhn create hauntingly beautiful
soundscapes with minimalistic arrangements.
parent: experimental
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 5851
sound: 21rt1kGjzWvxHSnsrGVA88
belgian hardcore:
name: Belgian Hardcore
Belgian hardcore music is a high-energy and aggressive genre that emerged in the
late 1980s and early 1990s. Bands such as Agathocles and Leng Tch'e are known for
their blistering speed and intense vocals, while others like Rise and Fall and
Amenra incorporate elements of post-hardcore and sludge metal to create a more
dynamic and atmospheric sound. The Belgian hardcore scene remains vibrant and
influential, with many bands continuing to push the boundaries of the genre.
parent: hardcore
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 5838
"2022": 01awGrROcQNR2K2soyuxNQ
"2023": 5odik9U6LAqR7htceJgb2E
sound: 5hne3nEjaQ0BLlU1cy1gSA
belgian hip hop:
name: Belgian Hip Hop
Belgian hip hop is a subgenre of hip hop music originating from Belgium. It is
characterized by its unique blend of French and Dutch languages, as well as its
incorporation of electronic music and jazz elements. Belgian hip hop artists often
address social and political issues in their lyrics, creating a raw and
thought-provoking sound.
parent: hip hop
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 688
"2018": 27maPdFQhXccw2ZLCFIWo8
"2019": 1ZBGhRHmxgGwsRheclm9vK
"2020": 0cVbYenlKpx1D30lG6hSLH
"2021": 3i4DZZwgvEAgWFykoXJb7r
"2022": 1URLsVfrPKYo2kx9n761JR
"2023": 5W8gLWq7hANnnc7G0Kiyi3
edge: 1NXTLYQYrk9ooU5sWS1H3h
intro: 7lQdjEDJRx0enKLJXiRPvL
pulse: 4oCjr5U2RKNKekfbMONqoV
sound: 6BxDibVSpcABeoBBo1vToA
belgian indie:
name: Belgian Indie
Belgian indie music is a diverse and eclectic genre that encompasses a wide range of
styles, from dreamy pop to experimental electronic music. It is characterized by its
emphasis on independent production and distribution, as well as its rejection of
mainstream commercialism. Belgian indie artists often experiment with unconventional
sounds and structures, creating a unique and innovative sound.
parent: indie pop
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 1705
"2018": 7pQ99bXHxEw4DU7kfgIj3c
"2019": 4ibbfiGQEsLh60THaONaia
"2020": 0VbF1koASwQsP56lO73Njg
"2021": 6iZUqBJ0nnU3Z5WK6odcFu
"2022": 7khH7mWoW4lwZ24yQBuDuN
"2023": 3L1EH2YoT2fTMhZlmQwJXx
edge: 4L1zpVNctUCrnLFqaPWWVM
intro: 4VOfQywSs4Htlf0pzVmDZx
pulse: 32Q4Popywr6Ujxsh6tGkzZ
sound: 1W3Jws5GbVKXSS35HmMKnQ
belgian indie rock:
name: Belgian Indie Rock
Belgian indie rock is a subgenre of indie music that emphasizes guitar-driven music
and a DIY ethos. It is characterized by its raw and energetic sound, as well as its
emphasis on live performance. Belgian indie rock artists often draw inspiration from
punk and garage rock, creating a gritty and rebellious sound.
parent: hip hop
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 3594
"2018": 3NxMZeEcuAee96EV88ORoG
"2019": 7MudrFfXP1A6xg40kOiMOY
"2020": 569cOvXJZ24TVjvt8hFB71
"2021": 6CIhK0Au5BOt0DTzo7Ssms
"2022": 6aMXXjaseT2dLbdCFsNg7p
"2023": 1vt7sCgCpl62gi1AJAJ1TW
edge: 3YcQ8ou19zyB5PjOyVVrC2
intro: 1xhTJYgiRgXNum8E5svPwd
pulse: 6Hgqhrxqa2z7wWLgrfqBxe
sound: 3D833et5AHcMcMApBSml5s
belgian jazz:
name: Belgian Jazz
Belgian jazz is a genre that combines traditional jazz elements with the unique
cultural influences found in Belgium. It often features improvisation and complex
harmonies, and has been influenced by both American and European jazz traditions.
parent: jazz
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 4227
"2020": 6afQjUJ0VX73Mo8LCc2NVR
"2021": 3Vdf138Ow37VFpSTHplAV9
"2022": 1YrZrRSLM2QSMPZ0sCgFB0
"2023": 6Hop2bfPV8qPv3odCoQcvt
intro: 7CoRpX2bpVezWZC2979F1Z
pulse: 1d1O8vyqjglzQWdC6LLY6z
sound: 7feEEP4MNQEEuxh5oSDg1O
belgian metal:
name: Belgian Metal
Belgian metal is a heavy and aggressive genre that often incorporates elements of
thrash, death, and black metal. It is known for its technical proficiency and
intense live performances, and has a dedicated following in Belgium and beyond.
parent: metal
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 3720
"2020": 5jPurInmtZ2Nkd8Lxditw4
"2021": 0JRcPaX6Sl6ZA2datNYHPn
"2022": 3LMLx3kFMFtms6QoOjOzOC
"2023": 2Lkd4hu9xpR8dufFt7Dk8j
edge: 119MGl4Gllsqx6E6C7BdPC
intro: 5DwdJGeZRbrtj3GTiS3e9S
pulse: 4senx3k7NX6hHFKekh0Ahe
sound: 5mCxFsaNdhe4kn7pup1Z5n
belgian modern jazz:
name: Belgian Modern Jazz
Belgian modern jazz is a genre that pushes the boundaries of traditional jazz,
incorporating elements of electronic music, funk, and avant-garde styles. It often
features complex rhythms and harmonies, and is known for its experimental nature and
innovative approach to jazz music.
parent: jazz
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 4354
"2020": 10CkKTI5UQV23KwyU9kcVL
"2021": 6HhGUkJTivPpWpWsvTqyLc
"2022": 1Ys8rmkFwDwifMLFU41BBs
"2023": 71D678TrxWaWFoUOKjLJNd
edge: 6bObZJF7UCKPnvpj7a0t9o
intro: 6J0Yzn0sIM0fe4o8ZdEWUi
pulse: 2iWgxgBJaBUNc6LAy184N1
sound: 3MZ3gpxfiXeyi8k5iEce0w
belgian new wave:
name: Belgian New Wave
Emerging in the late 1970s, Belgian New Wave is a genre of music that combines
elements of punk rock and new wave. Characterized by its use of synthesizers, drum
machines, and electronic instruments, Belgian New Wave features a dark and moody
sound that reflects the political and social tensions of the time. Bands like The
Neon Judgement and Front 242 were pioneers of the genre, which continues to
influence contemporary electronic music today.
parent: new wave
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 4193
"2020": 0W01KdMaJHFmzTHlPpGlG2
"2021": 4T6zke5DtyWmuDg00rf7VX
"2022": 5g25Lu3MuMgGrPqFehqT9C
"2023": 3C0Jh18CdFwYFVn9nPw4y3
edge: 19sGlAYyE7OGwiGJXrXd86
intro: 0W399EOPZNEQhZt90iBRpP
pulse: 6xrRDwrT0CLp0R2oOlwuBL
sound: 71INgJXyOMLjW7fexwLSvC
belgian pop:
name: Belgian Pop
Belgian Pop is a genre of music that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s, characterized
by its catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and sing-along choruses. Influenced by
American and British pop music, Belgian Pop features a wide range of styles, from
bubblegum pop to rock and roll. Artists like Jacques Brel and Plastic Bertrand
helped to popularize the genre, which continues to thrive in Belgium and beyond.
parent: pop
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 843
"2018": 7rT5ZjnRpFOyTMlK5f6IGX
"2019": 0VlGYgg65t0TtqxCs6Qncj
"2020": 5xaPiAIh7HgqSPz4N6Wf1b
"2021": 5WftvqfFwyzkUqE3UewLUH
"2022": 4w3zd7ljXczRNT0U8B2AQQ
"2023": 3KC6GAcuUiH4QQczBxtchQ
edge: 5p3ezNROmZj27DzTr7fPXT
intro: 629rMzdiwdFygYQrGv72QW
pulse: 6NX5ZnNvtHrdlb16MhaT8l
sound: 08m9824rPzzzSV8kUNqaJ7
belgian post-rock:
name: Belgian Post-Rock
Belgian Post-Rock is a genre of music that emerged in the 1990s, characterized by
its use of experimental sounds, unconventional song structures, and atmospheric
textures. Influenced by genres like shoegaze, ambient, and progressive rock, Belgian
Post-Rock often features long instrumental passages and
parent: post-rock
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 5297
"2022": 2YQ8ZQFwP6XMETFzHkuHMk
pulse: 4yDDfNyeYhVVcCzMCMdq8b
sound: 5JtBncEEG7c7v61vzjlyuW
belgian punk:
name: Belgian Punk
Belgian punk is a genre of music that emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It
is characterized by its fast-paced, aggressive sound and politically charged lyrics.
Belgian punk bands often address social and political issues, making it a powerful
form of protest music.
parent: punk
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 5480
"2020": 0DyuVv8K2KDLcLRD2KPK1Q
"2021": 3zhCx8exKZ8pfcFRWEyoju
"2022": 2ThfqzRVAkj7jvTBunguQe
"2023": 2r1lqg43WOst7oswn6SeyS
edge: 0YRHAetlk1VubgknSewb8o
intro: 6Mb6v4t6hktjhS5xQ8CRGN
pulse: 1FQmutEoDArjp7DAxRoxPv
sound: 4sLca0JgChDj5bhtfPXejv
belgian rock:
name: Belgian Rock
Belgian rock is a genre of music that has been popular in Belgium since the 1960s.
It is characterized by its heavy guitar riffs, catchy melodies, and energetic
performances. Belgian rock bands have a unique sound that blends elements of blues,
pop, and punk rock, making it a versatile and exciting genre.
parent: rock
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 1624
"2018": 1vYKCBjXxylmZg9E7WnE6l
"2019": 5gr51cuBsNZyJBnEHQqHsJ
"2020": 7IVs6NHyAUQqYl4sH0snTf
"2021": 7ivtb5eEQaxK9K81p1Ys26
"2022": 0sjJkYijrjYQdTkI4u8S58
"2023": 0eN0bsADqoZApDq9mtJ5t6
edge: 2MeLe3h0zBKlWs8k9SBa2w
intro: 4hC6TyoCeTGuOLwJkE0oGl
pulse: 2mgIaeEtHLOEF4nXKwaPLF
sound: 1OXxQpaCXYbPe3lYjUdcuq
belgian singer-songwriter:
name: Belgian Singer-Songwriter
Belgian singer-songwriter is a genre of music that is characterized by its
introspective lyrics and acoustic instrumentation. Belgian singer-songwriters often
write about personal experiences, relationships, and emotions, making it a deeply
personal and relatable genre. The music is often stripped down, allowing the lyrics
and vocals to take center stage, creating an intimate and emotional listening
parent: singer-songwriter
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 2768
"2020": 2ZzCoWp1o74dtaEXOUb85t
"2021": 4bQ8y6s8IcRuYRfxPu8k8Z
"2022": 16Mej0GH8nDsQ4hhhxU4e3
"2023": 6Wis5rz0YHowZPrYcjEF6M
edge: 3Mnola2BTfytCXSvUbkKZK
intro: 5lXtEgIpCyb4dW1zxpI6yQ
pulse: 0jJBtshYfyI6BPfPOe3stc
sound: 0MV4KTW4H2ezI4pKMcFID7
belgian stoner rock:
name: Belgian Stoner Rock
Belgian stoner rock is a heavy and distorted subgenre of rock that originated in the
late 80s. It is characterized by slow, sludgy riffs, psychedelic elements, and a
focus on groove and atmosphere. Belgian stoner rock bands often incorporate elements
of blues, doom metal, and punk rock into their sound.
parent: stoner rock
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 5572
"2021": 4r6KOCNg86k4fcNWkXI8IM
"2022": 2NdWMJKbIWdSnO0WQbql8v
"2023": 2VpDZzwZjlsSNbY9Nd6PGs
intro: 2AmcTxUAbIOeENjNQReexb
sound: 6tYftF6cXhtb2UbjhMy2Ad
belgian techno:
name: Belgian Techno
Belgian techno is a genre of electronic dance music that emerged in the late 80s and
early 90s. It is characterized by a fast tempo, repetitive beats, and a focus on the
use of synthesizers and drum machines. Belgian techno often incorporates elements of
industrial and acid house music, and is known for its driving, energetic sound that
is popular in clubs and festivals worldwide.
parent: techno
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 2587
"2020": 2iVI4CPo6vPIHzNnDyCmYR
"2021": 5RpwwCfgXkpAdswCVLSqT2
"2022": 4v3Q1OzVnsbR9DOyO1l5jv
"2023": 4iyLuZczT2OVuAS5FCn4o6
edge: 2Bv09WJwCuRaz4CWeqr6S0
intro: 4MqigD9C03KBymrtRkaMDi
pulse: 7gWeqz5ccJMFsonosmAtax
sound: 3PBhul1KmVf1JVSErEgypU
name: Bells
Bells is a genre of music that features the use of bells as the primary instrument.
It is often associated with religious or ceremonial music, and is characterized by
its bright, ringing sound. Bells music can range from simple melodies to complex
compositions, and is used in a variety of contexts, including weddings, funerals,
and holiday celebrations.
parent: instrument
localized_name: true
rank: 6168
sound: 1y6yh0oYnU38wZsGARkcnX
belly dance:
name: Belly Dance
Belly dance music is a genre that is specifically designed to accompany the
movements of the traditional Middle Eastern dance form. The music is typically
characterized by a driving beat, intricate rhythms, and a blend of traditional
Middle Eastern instruments with modern electronic sounds.
parent: dance
language: ara
country: EG
localized_name: true
rank: 1390
"2018": 170ksKZgzYJu6J3hR4oFkC
"2019": 2P2JpHKSDZ5LcyqKTSN2l6
"2020": 1qhcnrR2fS3Q1LGnqpzsgm
"2021": 3bpaQTgP9qh6ltasVeiyBD
"2022": 3DcTrjELp4AE1tPHnCiX4f
"2023": 73dR7lYBSxmyly12o8otGL
edge: 7aTEwgwCzc8V8TpcZxAE7u
intro: 4pzz4PCgvHpY2VMDFwWKPu
pulse: 3kTt2OylKnbDK1bfonxwS5
sound: 7nRoLyNA8m2l23FFjanoi4
belo horizonte indie:
name: Belo Horizonte Indie
Belo Horizonte Indie is a genre of music that emerged from the city of Belo
Horizonte in Brazil. It is characterized by a blend of indie rock, pop, and
electronic music, and often features introspective lyrics and a laid-back, dreamy
vibe. The genre has gained a following both in Brazil and internationally, with many
bands from the scene achieving success on the global stage.
parent: brazilian indie
localized_name: true
rank: 1816
"2020": 6juXl7RV39tWIY4SFKjiW9
"2021": 4CRDipWV9Ta6HmRd59uktO
"2022": 3v6WtViqXL9kxXyR9OBisX
"2023": 783aQQLPlt0z0jMa1f5obp
edge: 52gZ9JXZstKTzofUJ6U83V
intro: 4LM2rZYZVuejqKYZPnZQhH
pulse: 2IwzUs2qYKfUBsnALWLiCx
sound: 5VVIPbgaEaK3s41D9pMP5v
name: Bemani
Bemani is a genre of music that is closely associated with the Japanese video game
company Konami. It is characterized by fast-paced electronic dance music, typically
featuring a mix of techno, trance, and other EDM subgenres. Bemani music is often
used as the soundtrack for Konami's rhythm games, such as Dance Dance Revolution and
Beatmania, and has a dedicated fanbase of gamers and music enthusiasts.
parent: japanese vgm
rank: 3760
intro: 1Ok1atFhi52dVwSctYJQHG
sound: 4ivlJRUHZWiP25Fm2qN7Dv
name: Benga
Benga is a Kenyan genre that combines traditional Luo rhythms with modern
instruments such as electric guitars and drums. It is characterized by fast-paced
beats, call-and-response vocals, and energetic dance moves.
parent: kenyan pop
rank: 5187
"2018": 6uDHtfAEvZBz5RFMqC7ewf
"2019": 0v917sNKLlYZKMmzk4Cf3H
"2020": 2kAuK2BtdRykFqqN3rsyM3
"2021": 6KpEh41EBaATC9RIz2aEDj
"2022": 5f3w5hn4FaEjYzmuT4J2si
"2023": 6BvQEFuCjsF75zghwPJd33
edge: 2UUi82BL9AixvwBSkcObmb
intro: 25kTS6iw4Wr02kDD0wAsZa
pulse: 3wEIXp2tcswcGppDU4soWk
sound: 7jAbh7lCrzQWvRguJ3cjWn
bengali folk:
name: Bengali Folk
Bengali folk music is a genre that originated in the eastern region of India. It is
a blend of traditional Indian and Bengali music, with influences from folk tales and
mythology. The music is often accompanied by instruments such as the dhol, flute,
and ektara, and features soulful vocals and intricate rhythms.
parent: folk
language: ben
localized_name: true
rank: 5566
"2022": 6K4g7FSd3cYspiHxPZSxIx
"2023": 6WIp4zTxB6IiufVV0CtDll
intro: 7kS2dUWOU68DDWLCi7lBQ0
pulse: 0MaO8lSlkYmHzXSSDftTts
sound: 1c2Js6bZrTdxqRK0AISLuk
beninese pop:
name: Beninese Pop
Beninese pop music is a genre that emerged in the West African country of Benin in
the 1960s. It is a fusion of traditional African rhythms and Western pop music, with
influences from jazz, funk, and soul. The music is characterized by catchy melodies,
upbeat rhythms, and powerful vocals, often sung in French or local languages such as
Fon and Yoruba.
parent: pop
language: fra
country: BJ
localized_name: true
rank: 4808
"2020": 0ATIgVQ972mey9GwFqXirV
"2021": 2uxh85EWUJYAWHegdd3OWQ
"2022": 6itQzXRHwMEkmI5F3oJXXf
"2023": 3BfbYrLCsFMwnrWek7hIcr
edge: 028RIp8dWYlGmTbOOqgOPI
intro: 7JaI8boS7yjLQ5qyc5LAvj
pulse: 4TMIGR9DZogKNwsT92TGtq
sound: 5qMUzoMITcF88UypoWTaAB
bergamo indie:
name: Bergamo Indie
A genre of indie music originating from the city of Bergamo, Italy. Bergamo Indie is
characterized by its upbeat and energetic sound, with influences from pop, rock, and
electronic music. The lyrics often touch on themes of love, relationships, and
personal growth, delivered with a raw and honest vocal style.
parent: indie rock
language: ita
country: IT
rank: 1552
"2020": 2rGmz1bD3NCEgQolKxvRvD
"2021": 6gKi8u70z8tXHQpRwLlatC
pulse: 2oWQ4JYwhHFOssuHUf114v
sound: 42bmY8XpPPDJh1pbyBcejd
bergen indie:
name: Bergen Indie
A genre of indie music hailing from the city of Bergen, Norway. Bergen Indie is
known for its dreamy, atmospheric soundscapes, often featuring ethereal vocals and
intricate guitar work. The music is heavily influenced by the natural beauty of the
region, with lyrics often touching on themes of nature, isolation, and
parent: norwegian indie
rank: 1787
"2019": 39QSd0Nt0aq8Q6P8hy3YxJ
"2020": 2QQ9xQZgxE5ZYmRxNa2Z6x
"2021": 5emYF2hOvbMlsey7tY11Jj
"2022": 6dIs00JtX7zenUQRI8w1bd
"2023": 1cV1eGU9UdESZCDM4Crl7W
edge: 5N2J0jlBKZwyOy3T2DURmO
intro: 5hgtCdPR9EMM32zRxb0JkN
pulse: 0qjpvYkhytrHovWCzDktyD
sound: 5zhUixQhwpUGFOEf63hZVb
berlin minimal techno:
name: Berlin Minimal Techno
A subgenre of techno music that originated in Berlin, Germany. Berlin Minimal Techno
is characterized by its stripped-down, minimalist sound, with an emphasis on
repetitive rhythms and hypnotic melodies. The music is often associated with the
city's underground club scene, with DJs and producers pushing the boundaries of
electronic music and experimenting with new sounds and techniques.
parent: german techno
rank: 4156
intro: 2Ln6ENRguHOKeuNTv3kOsY
pulse: 3pXh2fwoQmOyGeGDkQLqa5
sound: 77bvnztwYvanR3TJq6JSw8
berlin school:
name: Berlin School
rank: 3664
"2020": 5YtDqpfOVN0ndwcjLbGv5n
"2021": 4FolepGPJqABWdSsK1Ddp6
"2022": 4ces6ZnzD4w6PUmwMYCoUX
"2023": 6Z6cRKUBHLnob6hq7lsisp
edge: 3H3MA3HqA2eAnUIIQnASdb
intro: 24ETjvHsGkUiDuQO2MiYlr
pulse: 6pAlx2OUCx3K6eqY4Btije
sound: 2jgy57TEf9gpe5wRZ4cPDF
alias: krautrock
bern indie:
name: Bern Indie
A style of indie rock that originated in Bern, Switzerland, characterized by its
introspective lyrics, jangly guitars, and lo-fi production. Bern Indie bands often
draw inspiration from 90s alternative rock and shoegaze, and are known for their
melancholic, dreamy sound.
parent: swiss indie
rank: 5386
sound: 3MT6eictU27U5iyC5zX8d2
bernu dziesmas:
name: Bērnu Dziesmas
description: Latvian children's music
parent: children's music
language: lav
country: LV
localized_name: true
rank: 5347
"2020": 5qmwjPkdkPtqVlm7qKVrSS
"2021": 3yGBNbkUmraUcYtmXCqUgS
"2022": 4P0Nv0mOBWz7ak7nyvch6a
"2023": 05aTHZUAPJBduus3OKDl8A
edge: 4CZ9WdKLr8h8OtS85Fg2PT
intro: 6GOADSu5v789foO7Vk1ogj
pulse: 4bAHujbWU74od2oSXIj7f8
sound: 42dGKCvDkq9aLYNzKwatSu
name: BGM
rank: 1636
"2022": 4PRubS8zcfAsrwgd8gHxOg
"2023": 1fj45U0ZNHrxDbizs3nlDt
edge: 3zysD4i8AgdTiAG2vqm28z
intro: 1iIz5y5kMOQ3JzBqwiprcD
pulse: 3w4jI1QUL9DKAiBIOgUQBb
sound: 3qmXZHBleLLE52bE1XYAfM
alias: background music
name: Bhajan
Bhajan is a devotional music genre that originated in India. It is often performed
in temples and other religious settings as a way of expressing devotion to a
particular deity or spiritual figure. Bhajans are typically sung in a
call-and-response format, with the lead singer singing a line and the audience
responding with a chorus. The music is often accompanied by traditional Indian
instruments such as the harmonium and tabla.
parent: hinduist
country: IN
rank: 965
"2020": 5c8y3blntVECV7ai6LYDac
"2021": 3VdFhOAmE4IUcVEqKTtmPS
"2022": 7nx15NVMSlRo2BlNy6wADg
"2023": 6VMPhoE9zxrieoqyCHcEW2
edge: 5cOw3LgD761HSQbiPshQ2L
intro: 1P3Ouhhf0ZpUP1wq289Uox
pulse: 4s88KTv8d9Y0EZwwUI492W
sound: 2JehmMfZgnbSe7e68JfElE
name: Bhangra
Bhangra is a lively and upbeat music genre that originated in the Punjab region of
India and Pakistan. It is often associated with dancing and celebration, and is
characterized by its use of traditional Punjabi instruments such as the dhol drum
and tumbi. Bhangra music has become popular around the world, particularly in the UK
and North America, where it has been fused with other genres such as hip-hop and
electronic dance music.
parent: world
language: pan
rank: 1433
"2018": 3Kf3saklibyz9ugWqfn81I
"2019": 7zfxBzCcC5uFH4YtJDBQHw
"2020": 0I4oMhMccYuy4B1xljdlpt
"2021": 6M7Qsgmatb2RdDb4SwCn8K
"2022": 6B9pyK4IFiUArnIMHEUsDp
"2023": 4QGb2MvnDEWrVb9rD4yJnO
edge: 5yfn3OEoqYKnuVZK5Xa9N7
intro: 4EXlXbtNCrmIeQRilPqF71
pulse: 6at3Pwo0uJxQVzSLKjF3TG
sound: 5JQGQrj5NYeAgUvfw5IPp5
bhojpuri folk:
name: Bhojpuri Folk
Bhojpuri folk is a traditional music genre from the northern Indian state of Bihar.
It is characterized by its use of instruments such as the dholak, harmonium, and
tabla, and its lyrics often focus on themes of love, nature, and social issues.
parent: indian folk
language: bho
localized_name: true
rank: 3481
"2023": 5dHJgFwwziSw8opbBmi0YJ
intro: 6q3eBkHMnh2gSWblKKwhZP
pulse: 08IL2N7i4Di8ieu2Xo9BFC
sound: 1VeTIT7DWaGF0hRsWxyMHQ
bhojpuri pop:
name: Bhojpuri Pop
Bhojpuri pop is a popular music genre originating from the Bhojpuri-speaking regions
of India. It combines traditional Bhojpuri folk music with modern pop elements,
creating a unique and catchy sound that is enjoyed by millions of people around the
parent: pop
language: bho
country: IN
localized_name: true
rank: 527
"2021": 3o7KpOE9eErjfLsLfGpjHP
"2022": 6RQoDP0511zGGrTGze6H6L
"2023": 6Avfjbz4rr0nwA881YJrhd
edge: 6A7gZOLrY9J4CvdLIZLMpj
intro: 4GAi8K0wIDOhdxzi5xuOz4
pulse: 3erPCO5WTvnOOe8haP6n8l
sound: 4j5HXUC9WYP8GCptgON472
bhutanese pop:
name: Bhutanese Pop
Bhutanese pop is a genre of music that originated in the small Himalayan kingdom of
Bhutan. It is characterized by its use of traditional Bhutanese instruments, such as
the dranyen and the chiwang, as well as modern pop elements. Bhutanese pop is known
for its upbeat and lively rhythms, and its lyrics often explore themes of love,
friendship, and the beauty of nature.
parent: pop
language: dzo
country: BT
localized_name: true
rank: 5214
"2021": 7F68DPcrNz57nisRIK6KgK
"2022": 02oPxvN2rOnp72e0QYkl2V
"2023": 5ZZGAFOGF8C7T5xlPWl6CD
edge: 65BQQIa6l3gCI5rfTwNiaD
intro: 3Fna1W3rpLtHusDuMPev7a
pulse: 0HwTR3ZCoDSlxTvITsNnMF
sound: 3DdlWboehKDjvM688R25I3
name: Bible
Bible music, also known as Christian music, is a genre of music that is inspired by
the teachings and messages of the Bible. It encompasses a wide range of musical
styles, including gospel, hymns, contemporary Christian, and worship music. Bible
music is often used in religious services and events, and its lyrics are designed to
uplift and inspire listeners with messages of hope, faith, and love.
parent: non-music
localized_name: true
rank: 4155
"2022": 496hz5saLHPlVWrJC6ceYI
"2023": 5hLfzgw6vDqNLEgQAfZUvl
intro: 7f32LMfhlxAXLv3ZVFqcPO
pulse: 7C0G3gy2OAlJr63NB9y66x
sound: 5Kg0nXuFU5d95KSFSN8k76
big band:
name: Big Band
A genre of jazz music that emerged in the 1920s and reached its peak in the 1930s
and 1940s. It typically features a large ensemble of brass, woodwind, and percussion
instruments, with a focus on solos and improvisation. Big band music is known for
its upbeat and energetic sound, with swinging rhythms and catchy melodies.
parent: jazz
rank: 1736
"2018": 79AYCN9jhLSCwcBTH8Kn33
"2019": 6dqtoIIPoOz4YqjSK8Cl4M
"2020": 6Y1ULy4GiSBl4ectPTL2Ah
"2021": 35W744yoBKlMnD6hUhVb5W
"2022": 1PMBmc2l0OISORNvNilJOc
"2023": 5Myuek3UnFKhCgmwlPYJeW
edge: 42MWzO8tGeLzLfFCz42lC1
intro: 3rSOBWgOus0WP2711cQFGv
pulse: 1btXEeYCeFk4rUuOZdhNNC
sound: 2cjIvuw4VVOQSeUAZfNiqY
big beat:
name: Big Beat
A genre of electronic dance music that emerged in the 1990s. It features heavy,
distorted beats and basslines, often with elements of rock and hip-hop. Big beat is
known for its high energy and party atmosphere, with a focus on big, anthemic hooks
and catchy samples. It has been described as a fusion of electronic and rock music,
with a rebellious and anarchic spirit.
parent: edm
rank: 871
"2018": 2YY2ZJ4VAqMRifZE9cVD7c
"2019": 1hhU2kQbSAZ6NWpN2WYFWk
"2020": 19psOJsELDsHnpTakGgKVn
"2021": 3E94rsREV1MJ8VodEgT2SQ
"2022": 4eE3ciw7FF6RajhW7nJxog
"2023": 3DiEXCq12pzSz4Bc0MlLYU
edge: 7tSYgQQmLig5dxYwaKNj2e
intro: 1KIAZjFHfZSkSYwOl7b1DY
pulse: 5xWkpyjQKaLA8M2Q7voB85
sound: 370tEYE4lZui1vrufdq7xy
big room:
name: Big Room
A genre of electronic dance music that emerged in the early 2010s. It features a
big, anthemic sound, with massive drops and soaring melodies. Big room tracks are
designed to be played in large, festival settings, with a focus on creating a sense
of communal energy and excitement. The genre is known for its use of pounding kick
drums, bright synths, and repetitive hooks. Big room music is often associated with
the EDM (electronic dance music) scene.
parent: house
rank: 178
"2018": 3sq8DPAq3STqvGC0l2v6qa
"2019": 15s9u228IIIBS37sQxeN9Z
"2020": 2NILWaxUUUovmS9a3SlEbW
"2021": 36wDb1PLuyllKdSX51D0Yp
"2022": 4hvZPFLYkD9dBhBOkXGGLH
"2023": 1xuKm6seOyT6qXYurvcRGi
edge: 1KoygTiEBWPYu4bdB0pkb9
intro: 6YNnu99n4TSZkdr51SqNC4
pulse: 3OFlys5pAQsXvpeTxsg20J
sound: 70E7wtl8eL3IG2kpaWok6E
name: Bikutsi
Bikutsi is a popular music genre from Cameroon, characterized by its upbeat rhythms
and danceable beats. It features a range of musical instruments such as drums,
xylophones, and maracas, as well as call-and-response vocals. Bikutsi music is often
associated with celebrations and festivals, and its infectious rhythms have gained
popularity across Africa and beyond.
parent: dance
language: fra
country: CM
rank: 5745
"2020": 2ZyyFrIgZ2vapFgPBI1vQh
"2021": 4aRwCtHjPbRc9x10ADHujt
"2022": 3mXXyN0x8gEKsiuY3FWp85
"2023": 4MXejXiDFeXayPRAOwsjxM
intro: 3ir4gayWOnT3d0ESGQMMnz
pulse: 2qBIwS5kBQZHHmrjGOlYSp
sound: 0Qvvs6Pba0ShqUEBzFyHXo
name: Binaural
Binaural music is a genre that uses sound frequencies to create a sense of
relaxation and calmness. It is designed to be listened to with headphones, as the
music is created to stimulate both sides of the brain. Binaural music often
incorporates sounds from nature, such as rain or waves, and is used for meditation,
sleep, and stress relief.
parent: meditation
localized_name: true
rank: 396
"2019": 0cqpWoYo6E5Z58je93Moro
"2020": 1faq1EwN2LSMndeRMdKrQX
"2021": 0eAKAQx3Y9MX2b0utMmN5J
"2022": 0JynYSPdlTIPN7HSY3GITw
"2023": 17zMBCDrdZsq4FrR0W0rhm
edge: 5lowCcyOcqHfa4EJ6CUOZy
intro: 4ymIsEORoc7Ux7AtsB6nyl
pulse: 5OjmjSHiPLJHPlBgSbfqra
sound: 0bhejAZQ6fC8zVZU6wxkrh
name: Birdsong
Birdsong music is a genre that incorporates the sounds of birds into musical
compositions. It is often used in relaxation and meditation, as the sounds of birds
can be calming and soothing. Birdsong music can range from simple recordings of
birds singing to complex compositions that incorporate bird sounds into electronic
music. It is popular with nature lovers and those seeking a peaceful and calming
listening experience.
parent: sound
localized_name: true
rank: 4140
"2020": 0uITvlBE0cc1DMnO49E8MG
"2021": 5rJIT55GIl8knwmdKNgRhO
"2022": 7nqT8KTuyNmqWndNBNbJJu
"2023": 033sB23tAcoPxIdbmJFBiy
edge: 2Ph6aYvm4gNvvSDmHCqljm
intro: 54eLbsWJbkbDV5V0cXwdUu
pulse: 4SQG7OTjqUFWDW7YQvqiG3
sound: 48Rh26zAS7cf7PCM2juNjF
birmingham grime:
name: Birmingham Grime
Birmingham grime is a subgenre of grime music that originated in the city of
Birmingham, UK. It is known for its heavy basslines, rapid-fire lyrics, and gritty,
urban sound. Birmingham grime artists often draw inspiration from their surroundings
and use their music to reflect on the struggles and realities of life in the city.
parent: grime
country: UK
rank: 1725
"2018": 1Ch29WhpVmIrkcVOx6iAe8
"2019": 6JDQCUunt00JGkIaqhpkhQ
"2020": 34DicO0eAZVdYRExW1WCpw
"2021": 4l9ba8sYc0Jcynk1Mvr9VN
"2022": 6lMpaSBgpgnkilBWCppF1V
"2023": 7aHIkTOq4BHnvIdH2fjHAH
edge: 2YGve8ko24zNGRPSRUP5RQ
intro: 66Qfpc71bwCbWLrOkkx5gH
pulse: 6SrcVChU60w9kVIs1nNvku
sound: 6bRM5H6H9bkPMq3r6QRO1S
birmingham hip hop:
name: Birmingham Hip Hop
Birmingham hip hop is a style of hip hop music that emerged from the city of
Birmingham, UK. It is characterized by its fusion of traditional hip hop elements
with the sounds and styles of the city. Birmingham hip hop artists often use their
music to address social and political issues, as well as to celebrate their cultural
parent: uk hip hop
rank: 2024
"2019": 0A2TnpwV1nyo1HlC1LlWLc
"2020": 6krMb0tktzQUb4dWq4HWSz
"2021": 5FU5ZdG1o4nIXGDzYdw2El
"2022": 6vKFvnVtVBtX0aDJ1uvSMK
"2023": 2fifYeL3lqNXTnXZsxjHaR
edge: 0CrcLRUl95cizsYkN2OBoI
intro: 48A09GxgWuuql2plzrHX8h
pulse: 4iIU7mxZBQZYsbxkyoGgmL
sound: 3GjV4OJyXwksJjwVMuHpi2
birmingham indie:
name: Birmingham Indie
Birmingham indie is a subgenre of indie rock music that originated in the city of
Birmingham, UK. It is known for its melodic, guitar-driven sound and introspective
lyrics. Birmingham indie bands often draw inspiration from the city's rich musical
history and use their music to explore themes of identity, belonging, and personal
parent: english indie rock
rank: 3430
"2020": 0WmGMckVfDnfU86PE2eW9V
"2021": 4Fx2WNRDQLNZ0lJTQKORs6
"2022": 1S4ZbuOOMXUbbq14RC8OvZ
"2023": 4G20c0h50Mbzb9bkBQKyaz
edge: 2F5MQmJbH7zTOfsD2ZUktU
intro: 74KPggU2oPJosEwCahZQO4
pulse: 1VAmmxKzk5O68ohkZK2zXp
sound: 0u30dhCaWTOJQ8pH1uzDkZ
birmingham metal:
name: Birmingham Metal
Birmingham metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that originated in the city of
Birmingham, England. It is characterized by its heavy and distorted guitar riffs,
thundering bass lines, and powerful drumming. The genre has produced some of the
most influential bands in the history of metal, including Black Sabbath, Judas
Priest, and Led Zeppelin.
parent: metal
country: UK
rank: 704
"2020": 151spJD6CO3spPpPrdpsWH
"2021": 6SsW0xPL6dcP5QFvogdh4T
"2022": 683UVfdIlpcSISIhNMKUoE
"2023": 4RxK5UocAytelEe0A7EvYt
edge: 02OX4oWuEfesVm1LVixu3X
intro: 22dxQXcWEmeEsshaVq4c8N
pulse: 3uAAoHwmYbn4HZiOv1vHnY
sound: 1zBisMFE9VWtdXHzBxWD2d
name: Birthday
Birthday music is a genre of music that is played at birthday parties. It is often
upbeat and celebratory, with lyrics that focus on the joy of the occasion. The genre
includes a wide variety of styles, from pop and rock to hip-hop and electronic dance
music. Some of the most popular birthday songs include "Happy Birthday to You,"
"Celebration" by Kool & The Gang, and "Birthday" by The Beatles.
parent: event
localized_name: true
rank: 4965
"2022": 2QTrpi6G6TUxpm9mYQIOag
intro: 0eFSFbNOsatmzteiJLXxIK
pulse: 2M8HdLUPH2QSyGduAjiAMh
sound: 5RB5A4Syq4hnEof8q1Hn71
"2023": 08LqRrE6Osli9wbQgPZQwB
bisaya indie:
name: Bisaya Indie
Bisaya indie is a subgenre of indie music that originated in the Philippines,
specifically in the Bisaya-speaking regions of the country. It is characterized by
its use of local dialects and traditional instruments, as well as its incorporation
of elements of folk music and rock. The genre has gained popularity in recent years,
with bands like Urbandub and Cueshé leading the way. Bisaya indie music often deals
with themes of love, loss, and social issues.
parent: pinoy indie
language: ceb
localized_name: true
rank: 4506
"2020": 6RJlsLxDj90Qgsp4gLg4s4
"2021": 6P3sIpJeCXFi8sGo3VlIwc
"2022": 2BykYEMWk1nm6qQRysYn29
"2023": 3BgmvnbUqj7aheAHtHeEgq
edge: 4xZCF52luCS3uIxTVdEDlA
intro: 0gSqDaMeqM6CSNWIkPmZxD
pulse: 0BSzu2k5OHbbR8LKA5qbKH
sound: 4U8rCEbvM6wuegEVUZ87M7
bisaya rap:
name: Bisaya Rap
Bisaya rap is a genre of music that combines the rhythm and flow of hip-hop with the
Bisaya language. It often features lyrics that touch on social issues and personal
experiences, making it relatable to listeners. The beats are usually upbeat and
energetic, making it a popular choice for parties and events.
parent: pinoy hip hop
language: ceb
localized_name: true
rank: 3460
"2020": 0trVfrJEI0Vdf6FHCxqDVA
"2021": 2c9dmba1xzAY4idRPypldu
"2022": 23U9rmHxV7b3P13FfKoU6b
"2023": 1oVGA4H2uEgZJ62eOAA7Bk
edge: 2dSziaS84H5iU7RLYIUgaH
intro: 3OFRO0FJM4tLNycNFgHd1N
pulse: 62v91iB3XQkUv0sWpmIzCD
sound: 0rcyvtwJZ7X49avts9SSBQ
bisaya worship:
name: Bisaya Worship
Bisaya worship is a genre of Christian music that uses the Bisaya language to praise
and worship God. It often features simple yet powerful lyrics that express gratitude
and devotion to God. The music is usually slow and melodic, creating a peaceful and
reflective atmosphere.
parent: worship
language: ceb
country: PH
localized_name: true
rank: 4520
"2023": 2Hi7oWLtVSAaDZnnd4nhGc
edge: 66DirA7G2NAvEOZIOvBldm
intro: 6w1nQPFwNfY1R43NuOaXxF
sound: 5dtZGNx5IeTjAl5IYXRPje
name: BisRock
Bisrock is a genre of rock music that originated in the Visayas region of the
Philippines. It combines the energy and attitude of rock with the Bisaya language,
creating a unique sound that is both powerful and relatable. The lyrics often touch
on social issues and personal experiences, making it a popular choice for young
people who want to express themselves through music.
parent: pinoy rock
language: ceb
rank: 4252
"2020": 3SYFY8vVj2UaedoVtTnx8K
"2021": 3ruFOjnOwNLh5uTz1IkSMF
"2022": 68VxiRWMehgBF1mIYmpRB8
"2023": 4OCpj3Z39EU97OPv2lww6V
edge: 5n1PlzXUAAlLVbw5Qgjbnd
intro: 2WLvG35LNG2EcvZiJL22Yc
pulse: 0n99xy0J9WhVb81QCk1EsN
sound: 3EfPujnG5slz7UuLaGVHOh
name: Bitpop
A subgenre of electronic music that combines the catchy melodies of pop with the
glitchy sounds of 8-bit video game music. It often features nostalgic references to
classic video games and computer technology from the 80s and 90s.
parent: chiptune
rank: 1171
"2020": 4lSqySlDNHp7wctbzVCGUr
"2021": 1kIQKF4mjCbdQIf5MYEwCY
"2022": 4YJ9ruW1kBZiAypCCA9FVt
"2023": 4jgHPnr8Xc2RJ7MTHa2ZmF
edge: 1afVp8CKRyJpIQtAvDTEIL
intro: 198Y451i2xpEb4QNLdqPwO
pulse: 5D5qthggMrADcUXqgB4WSg
sound: 5QV9DIzmUFiUiyBGWWAuGc
black 'n' roll:
name: Black 'N' Roll
A fusion of black metal and rock 'n' roll, black 'n' roll is characterized by its
catchy riffs, groovy rhythms, and raw, aggressive vocals. This genre is known for
its high-energy performances and rebellious attitude, often incorporating themes of
darkness, hedonism, and nihilism.
parent: black metal
rank: 3446
"2020": 7aijVUQ2NppeKCkNWv7hvD
"2021": 2I2OSiozmtLNCfJhVO6iYn
"2022": 2Hod6yqTjcHI69ZTyAfDgh
"2023": 0tqMACPT5XtZd5c2XbQZjU
intro: 4z52CckNbCBXm1tOZrQBgL
pulse: 3TJWLlxA8lOtOnzoCyPezr
sound: 5CJdhmcEj0APTY8toFWfrf
black americana:
name: Black Americana
A genre that blends elements of traditional African American music, such as blues,
gospel, and jazz, with folk and country music. It often tells stories of the black
experience in America, touching on themes of struggle, resilience, and cultural
parent: roots americana
country: US
rank: 754
"2021": 1ZK4Y9Acm2g3kzUi23PAql
"2022": 7tNGzGXoq26XFV6XyIWNuq
"2023": 0icr0h5rPPT3ncerkEM1bZ
edge: 1QE6pOOnkqps2QSalZErKz
intro: 2loVU1NLDiNkUQceZNba9H
pulse: 49ISfkFTBcmYACprMRFmiA
sound: 7aC9044BJHzFWWAX18Bo95
black comedy:
name: Black Comedy
A style of comedy that uses humor to address taboo or controversial subjects, often
related to race, gender, sexuality, and politics. It can be dark, irreverent, and
confrontational, challenging audiences to confront uncomfortable truths and question
societal norms.
parent: comedy
rank: 3524
"2020": 0FlJtJuP57INBGgzf2oTOU
"2021": 2z9dGHO8nyh2IHtbI8KzBy
"2022": 16oonslmQ0RHWJUGz9Y2gL
"2023": 1sDCcFCqckHtnWfUEcOovP
edge: 1OvHS1LL51en3bHet0XWsd
intro: 5Cb0jhx2ZqQWpMGTiLF3Mv
sound: 3JPfdKelScEwS01JZaiH8X
black death:
name: Black Death
A subgenre of extreme metal that combines the raw aggression of black metal with the
dark and heavy sound of death metal. Characterized by its fast-paced rhythms,
intense vocals, and often satanic or occult themes.
parent: death metal
rank: 4651
"2018": 1CoYSWX4Gb5JDPgYY8j4Vp
"2019": 6TEseReakw5vpLnexoR5KZ
"2020": 241nf5UJZeEFWps9a2Yvs3
"2021": 41NQo47JCTnIjTlurMrldp
"2022": 5I9vJOEwUY3nToIKwpJuVO
"2023": 1znBIQxrw0Pojt1FYdJamn
edge: 4citxTQklylltb9xFUXAE7
intro: 1TmTjubqCk9QGFMol50tdi
pulse: 4rEQ8ArY5daRVfa93OqWSL
sound: 2uFx2M1ms8TSWx6r2ARRrq
black metal:
name: Black Metal
A subgenre of heavy metal that emerged in the 1980s, characterized by its dark and
aggressive sound, often featuring fast tempos, shrieking vocals, and heavily
distorted guitars. Lyrically, it often deals with themes such as Satanism, paganism,
and anti-Christianity.
parent: metal
rank: 1154
"2018": 6f1YzL9eQ5awpaXecAj3Vi
"2019": 07oH4VaPcFRgKsDbeaE7kd
"2020": 2bNC5x2m2YqYQ5cw4h0pWT
"2021": 48E9uOdBdrhN15Ad2vauBp
"2022": 4IICXqOzfLE0psctpXuZPD
"2023": 7hFhLRw1Tin993aLpx04om
edge: 3k5Q4LRbGmym8d5Jmbdk7B
intro: 2KPCsjU66nr2hmTI7J5chC
pulse: 4HAfHiJiKXLT4GqHdHPcs0
sound: 2xaw4stu1HBocKtPBllYME
black metal argentino:
name: Black Metal Argentino
A variant of black metal that originated in Argentina, characterized by its raw and
primitive sound, often incorporating elements of traditional South American music.
Lyrically, it often deals with themes such as Argentine history, mythology, and
parent: black metal
language: spa
country: AR
localized_name: true
rank: 6108
sound: 7mO5q3hzRCrtC8HKPsitzQ
black noise:
name: Black Noise
A subgenre of noise music that emerged in the 1990s, characterized by its harsh and
abrasive sound, often featuring heavily distorted and manipulated sounds, feedback,
and static. It is often associated with the black metal scene, and its practitioners
often incorporate black metal imagery and themes into their work.
parent: noise
rank: 5826
intro: 3Qt09nVDIMwpbLIl9hytD8
sound: 03yCfbIgtHKu2DobuNgOqN
black punk:
name: Black Punk
A subgenre of punk rock that incorporates black metal elements, black punk is known
for its fast, aggressive tempos, distorted guitars, and harsh vocals. This genre
often features lyrics that deal with social and political issues, as well as themes
of nihilism, rebellion, and anti-authoritarianism.
parent: punk
rank: 2959
"2020": 0YgL5IfqLoHFIq5QM8W6G6
"2021": 1AcnBO4uLQ0WEZMxECOq6I
"2022": 4MuknCjTYagHDf58d2Emgw
"2023": 0hXD0QQDWONRcVeBhcYzn2
edge: 0JwApju70nCXiOV106Chg8
intro: 5qDaeD0B6uwSeRY39T2gw0
pulse: 09hSutzPW2GHPmBWOALe8k
sound: 1DcAt1K55Jaam0yRSN5VQ3
black sludge:
name: Black Sludge
A subgenre of doom metal that incorporates black metal elements, black sludge is
characterized by its slow, heavy riffs, distorted guitars, and guttural vocals. This
genre often features lyrics that deal with themes of depression, despair, and
nihilism, and is known for its dark, atmospheric soundscapes.
parent: sludge metal
rank: 5218
"2020": 0EkQ2Dwy1pNBL05mrg4MMB
"2021": 3sow2hN8aTj1MXs3ZZKhqR
"2022": 1HLQfmeZaWDUBMXUCCxM69
"2023": 6AWoXLxXoZlKQ72aGnUTiK
intro: 2qYbSTvoGnCNtMil2DUYRB
pulse: 5UgirNsaB8RmOtanMBK2BO
sound: 0fe5Mzpe1pImBgYciFmiYo
black speed metal:
name: Black Speed Metal
Black speed metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that combines the fast-paced tempos
and aggressive riffs of speed metal with the dark and intense themes of black metal.
The vocals are often harsh and guttural, and the lyrics typically deal with
Satanism, anti-Christianity, and other occult themes.
parent: speed metal
rank: 4810
"2020": 3Hph62dasezb4mevQrr1Mo
"2021": 4Q6ooHlazi9EAInysUKaiF
"2022": 0YuEkrjCWx0djhULHtLq5M
"2023": 0pJDy0uJEzxAjYJeqhtYth
edge: 1ehQpKqljEOxXMlqqrpSw3
intro: 3eCHJxIXEVBcvbM5gXI8DN
pulse: 5NJndUDW8Tz67m3XRucYHS
sound: 5EDwrXzHRKVIlwdXHMV7cT
black thrash:
name: Black Thrash
Black thrash is a fusion of black metal and thrash metal, characterized by fast
tempos, aggressive riffs, and harsh vocals. The music often features tremolo-picked
guitar lines, blast beats, and raw, lo-fi production values. The lyrical themes of
black thrash typically revolve around Satanism, violence, and anti-Christianity.
parent: thrash metal
rank: 2650
"2018": 4VLAthBeiqHqLAhMQGNQnO
"2019": 2ciUSWQ6HLB1o7lzkpcB8n
"2020": 6muRpbfIgUZQB26sm9NjpY
"2021": 5PzLdW0rUhX3Zl7JxfqLS7
"2022": 231IuHUXReItC0F8jmrt5L
"2023": 0oMBsZ1ehBsEt7WRLIghou
edge: 7ElmN7RmpbpvRjfH7iLGCS
intro: 7j5AwSABLIyK984MMpc9xr
pulse: 2WExohd8EbgruOQsWxKUJ8
sound: 6Ht0Dm6RMGxWbrtPOPCSKX
blackened crust:
name: Blackened Crust
A fusion of black metal and crust punk, known for its raw and abrasive sound. The
genre is characterized by its heavily distorted guitars, fast and aggressive
drumming, and bleak lyrics that often deal with social and political issues.
parent: crust punk
rank: 4485
"2021": 7rm3QtiCJXMgs3CqXwRQSz
"2022": 5to91h8I3lqfw0Xtxkj5Xg
"2023": 07Yrj6KqNLtHQE7ZEhpapO
intro: 69zVyVjUvT25Lp2ksdBkN6
sound: 3v8IgyYwcCBPSbyxoHKnx2
blackened deathcore:
name: Blackened Deathcore
A genre that blends elements of black metal, death metal, and metalcore. Known for
its heavy breakdowns, fast-paced riffs, and guttural vocals, blackened deathcore
often features dark and nihilistic themes, such as death and destruction.
parent: deathcore
rank: 1948
"2020": 2YGcGclt8UnNNtD2v4GCdX
"2021": 7Mv6Sz9dMvhxjRbaNEt3hZ
"2022": 4hCGCehyp0HBRZo9LLVfUl
"2023": 09FzvwrTvtXaV0ynsiL8KR
edge: 6GJngyLk2o5emnNcJvH2aM
intro: 7rYLPqLb2or8e64A4nzrwA
pulse: 69uPvs5IwF2v3F4JzQmiTc
sound: 5b8PZZmRcuOrqWYjLpJBZl
blackened hardcore:
name: Blackened Hardcore
This genre combines the intensity and aggression of hardcore punk with the dark and
ominous atmosphere of black metal. The music is characterized by fast and heavy
riffs, blast beats, and harsh vocals that range from guttural screams to
high-pitched shrieks. The lyrics often deal with themes of nihilism, despair, and
anti-religion, and the overall sound is raw, chaotic, and uncompromising.
parent: hardcore
rank: 4890
"2020": 5HZr4n2yp5tgDtU7tGGqMp
"2021": 7hWbumunFWGhsJe8BtOhu1
"2022": 4ALiUrZAgSwW6Tbm6pAI5T
"2023": 2q3VnLfZJ7JuPHV1wMIPbn
intro: 4N8KnrfaphHdLnAeassxTu
sound: 6OJxYPaWAtdmVajGo8UZlJ
blackened screamo:
name: Blackened Screamo
Blackened screamo is a subgenre of screamo that incorporates elements of black
metal. The music is characterized by emotional and cathartic vocals, intricate
guitar work, and atmospheric textures that create a sense of darkness and despair.
The lyrics often deal with personal struggles, existential questions, and social
issues, and the overall sound is intense, passionate, and haunting.
parent: screamo
rank: 4125
"2022": 0PnY44oRtj6zPU2b3hmWKy
"2023": 1syoEFlpRwHwfyo5Ok59hc
intro: 2bJTicyMGDX0jEAcKJu3Si
pulse: 78hyHSO4IqPUj1v8hUmplB
sound: 4mJCRik4FVLtaSVccmBTzy
name: Blackgaze
Blackgaze is a fusion of black metal and shoegaze that emerged in the early 2000s.
The music is characterized by atmospheric and dreamy guitar textures, blast beats,
and harsh vocals that are often buried in the mix. The lyrics often deal with themes
of nature, melancholy, and spirituality, and the overall sound is ethereal,
hypnotic, and otherworldly. Blackgaze is known for its unique blend
parent: shoegaze
rank: 2493
"2018": 0iWx9XvNBWISYcz43Etcpq
"2019": 4gXZkPWj8jLdbmMhBKxmvH
"2020": 0HmYt1jG43d8ctMMzlyR4q
"2021": 6tqWCcAta23uptDXy2bjrq
"2022": 3pr3YilxABgex9Le5XRBRB
"2023": 1guH3eHpX3eqOJo5x5UNie
edge: 4ekBA2F6bOl2RHfVFRSURM
intro: 1dNA01RbheXJx9UHGTu65x
pulse: 5WiOTVk8ACWnOQKegvFPgA
sound: 0tb4mctI0W8DgwlQzPx2Hd
name: Blaskapelle
Blaskapelle is a type of German brass band that originated in the early 19th
century. The music is typically upbeat and lively, featuring brass instruments such
as trumpets, trombones, and tubas, as well as woodwinds like clarinets and
saxophones. Blaskapelle music is often associated with traditional German folk music
and is frequently played at Oktoberfest celebrations and other cultural events.
parent: blasmusik
localized_name: true
rank: 3070
"2018": 72xxZHBXup02qvSv3bdi0E
"2019": 5AAPEB0pcwy1yr57s1IFof
"2020": 7bINH4NMXn8R6pcdEMpKlG
"2021": 533m7B7K03uekaAUN2Dmvg
"2022": 5JWhW5z2bwq1SvH99RaoVp
"2023": 4eUe1xUMEJVBxhcajRyzPN
edge: 4EzaFbW0yFtb5XoDZoJbI1
intro: 35kt5vErDJpRtphnbapPMy
pulse: 5U9dLruRPKNeztpUIdjj6a
sound: 1ODuLWN9mBdclo37ZgYUz1
name: Blasmusik
This traditional German music genre involves the use of brass instruments such as
trumpets, trombones, and tubas. It is often played at festivals, parades, and other
celebratory events. The lively and upbeat melodies of blasmusik are perfect for
getting people up and dancing.
parent: volksmusik
localized_name: true
rank: 3075
"2020": 1koXraWjcvK8kmaNzPMhmW
"2021": 3OdGKP9C5h9Q1HIKr9aUAF
"2022": 75xDUSGxnmX4qCNs7heMir
"2023": 2RyoyANtT3qfuo3nCmZz9L
edge: 7nmYDoORf1FXwgevzWyVu1
intro: 2cZgMAAyBSvjonV48jmtlL
pulse: 44Ml7lpjxmmsse2xbGDoTI
sound: 03es0x1JNh66XhMmBD9AxS
name: Bleakgaze
parent: shoegaze
rank: 4991
sound: 3n0cDB9weAiKtsTDXDayb5
"2023": 6rVhF7FkCVSIRYsOOfOSKB
bleep techno:
name: Bleep Techno
Bleep techno is a subgenre of techno that emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
It is characterized by its use of short, sharp, and often high-pitched sounds known
as "bleeps." Bleep techno is often associated with the UK rave scene and is known
for its fast-paced, energetic beats that are perfect for dancing.
parent: techno
rank: 3089
"2020": 6lSxV50VVu7SyK9PzYasgA
"2021": 3ugTIF7AAxt1OMORpjfksu
"2022": 6RfxpSVtVMzgd5uJlEXk2v
intro: 6P98MTXXVM9fazg75bMF4b
pulse: 0ghBqZcODraR9NV90f1vgU
sound: 74l4cXfulumPoQ7EyasgY8
name: Bloco
Bloco is a music genre that originated in Brazil and is often associated with
Carnival. It involves the use of percussion instruments such as drums, tambourines,
and shakers, as well as brass instruments such as trumpets and saxophones. The music
is lively and upbeat, with a strong emphasis on rhythm and dance. Bloco is often
played by large groups of musicians who march through the streets during Carnival,
creating a festive and joyful atmosphere.
parent: samba
language: por
country: BR
rank: 4871
intro: 2yRC1n2Z5TNzNQhV3DgryF
sound: 1jzzzEuEkAoffrhTAJN4bH
name: Bluegrass
Bluegrass is a genre of American roots music that originated in the Appalachian
region. It is characterized by its use of acoustic instruments such as the banjo,
mandolin, and fiddle, and its high-energy, fast-paced sound. Bluegrass often
features intricate instrumental solos and tight vocal harmonies.
parent: country
country: US
rank: 1488
"2018": 4cAPkgl6tZDa21XHpM9AOG
"2019": 2nCGdd8JqOut1ezRVKK9i8
"2020": 1LmvB1lOgFDeqRdGXMahPL
"2021": 2nsLBk1wewxQjl0xB41f5g
"2022": 75Ua01LCuuSVD0CtIpPeD6
"2023": 6YxWOsDnPSb5JwEMUutwcV
edge: 4Dsw1cTevSEhable18zprI
intro: 2STtSr7USTcAl07NQmNLnY
pulse: 5Izwqngcbxn07sw1RRwrld
sound: 5JJqX7mabvOf6x2SfHqnzU
bluegrass fiddle:
name: Bluegrass Fiddle
Bluegrass fiddle is a subgenre of bluegrass that places a particular emphasis on the
fiddle. Fiddle players in bluegrass often use a technique called "chopping" to
create a percussive rhythm while playing, and they may also incorporate
improvisation and complex ornamentation into their playing.
parent: bluegrass
rank: 5114
"2021": 2eNvTMUuyNWS329N89mtsH
"2022": 3WSMV3L3zFTpba3Bp9cdaU
"2023": 4HwMZYqsBopcfqyW6tri00
intro: 0ViV6dqUg8f6fMtEHnF90h
pulse: 2TRgvlSAPinzgGpyya5GUs
sound: 2DOzLv2V28INol2KQFiI33
bluegrass gospel:
name: Bluegrass Gospel
Bluegrass gospel is a subgenre of bluegrass that incorporates religious themes and
lyrics into the music. It often features hymns and spirituals that have been adapted
to the bluegrass style, and it is characterized by its soulful harmonies and
heartfelt performances. Bluegrass gospel has been an important part of the bluegrass
tradition since the genre's early days, and it continues to be a popular subgenre
parent: bluegrass
rank: 2551
"2019": 5HGgSkugsOkQR3EE9QDW4L
"2020": 1kdKSYQSdlg0ESA41T7hfK
"2021": 1Gd1nPVWYSMAs8z4f4a5WG
"2022": 6AtIAKz6ICiwaBTT0rt98z
"2023": 0qpKcWaMpuHo3jypmsCs9A
intro: 4PbJF6g1DfS0wZ6nB7zgwe
pulse: 44neTrf6MJIRihnARzqZCE
sound: 2y2KkDXCURfqez8Uvh8dtY
name: Blues
A genre of music that originated in African American communities in the Deep South
of the United States in the late 19th century. It is characterized by its
melancholic lyrics, often about heartbreak and loss, and its distinctive musical
style, which typically features a twelve-bar chord progression and the use of
instruments such as the guitar, harmonica, and piano.
rank: 523
"2018": 0xuBdRouXC6KcjIx7M9F1L
"2019": 4zVQptBCgNr58XLM7Y4LZx
"2020": 5nbqFjw3bjY4T25XoXguRw
"2021": 7iClWGiSiBK0y5HNvFOYzF
"2022": 6q8NguC68iHrc0IIemlecr
"2023": 7JECvEy5UpNuSSISS1Qrh3
edge: 60wPUaqGtSLD7MBp91nIaz
intro: 78OF54fZ7Pw4WxRBDdro68
pulse: 3Dw3neVGv5JuD1GwLcaqqg
sound: 7qACZGMjyo64TdUdKAegjp
blues band:
name: Blues Band
A group of musicians who specialize in playing blues music. Blues bands typically
consist of a lead vocalist, a guitarist, a bassist, a drummer, and sometimes a
harmonica player or keyboardist. They often perform in small venues such as bars and
clubs, and their music is known for its emotional intensity and improvisational
parent: blues
rank: 5813
sound: 6lT1VFJWr2Lmo17Dfjsohk
blues latinoamericano:
name: Blues Latinoamericano
A subgenre of blues music that incorporates elements of Latin American music, such
as salsa, samba, and bossa nova. It is popular in countries such as Argentina,
Chile, and Mexico, and is characterized by its fusion of traditional blues
instrumentation with Latin American rhythms and melodies. The lyrics often address
social and political issues, and the music is known for its lively, danceable
rhythms and upbeat tempo.
parent: blues
language: spa
region: LA
localized_name: true
rank: 3676
"2020": 2zDIX7HUo194IIiawhtIw2
"2021": 3e8iQVAqKUEOi7YUCPNSZ1
"2022": 1UWDraUwxgyzGj4Twf2vuB
intro: 5nheZVaEo7yooejnsj2Mhy
pulse: 0t8yYzzriStbEMvVersqpc
sound: 4vhXen2YUiOwfiuJQf1qcX
"2023": 0GAEMj4P3iulT8Sg56zbZl
blues mexicano:
name: Blues Mexicano
Blues mexicano is a fusion of traditional Mexican music and blues. This genre
incorporates the use of Mexican instruments such as the accordion and the bajo
sexto, and the lyrics are often sung in both Spanish and English. The result is a
unique and soulful sound that celebrates the cultural heritage of both Mexico and
the blues.
parent: blues
language: spa
country: MX
localized_name: true
rank: 4548
intro: 76PZv002hAD8jFrL4q8Z2D
pulse: 5WxYBXEtRPGPR2E7CSweoS
sound: 7C8OEv2qzaLl7hhU5EIrCJ
blues rock:
name: Blues Rock
Blues rock is a style of music that combines elements of blues and rock. This genre
is characterized by its heavy use of electric guitars, drums, and bass, as well as
its emphasis on the blues scale and the 12-bar blues structure. Blues rock often
features powerful vocals and high-energy performances, making it a popular choice
for live shows and festivals.
parent: blues
rank: 209
"2019": 6AcNTlI9EjYNn4EXHdulGP
"2020": 7yRJFvamfHbBA6OvgEJEjO
"2021": 7k7UOqzPGmGl5Kd1Cmnhm8
"2022": 43PAxP1vN8h8fasy6OFhGs
"2023": 40obl7RakJ6MtUZqVmwUEn
edge: 1NZi0yJIA9qTZiDuhxqcem
intro: 6zy1dkShWM1RbsieTkpvVM
pulse: 4aiT230RT1XPkwPPgQXWRK
sound: 2kISScyTs0we9kzH9MKEMb
blues-rock guitar:
name: Blues-Rock Guitar
Blues-rock guitar is a subgenre of blues rock that focuses specifically on the
guitar. This style is characterized by its intricate guitar solos, heavy use of
distortion and effects pedals, and improvisation. Blues-rock guitarists often draw
inspiration from blues legends such as B.B. King and Stevie Ray Vaughan, as well as
rock icons like Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton. The result is a genre that showcases
the raw power and emotion of the guitar.
parent: blues rock
rank: 4446
"2020": 2UW0axp998iwswcFbDamRo
"2021": 2V2MvDNbbbRUtOiwtB3DEj
"2022": 1wSxFsTpwOjVz9qqruDfq5
"2023": 49h8WjEqj9mSAFohfJ7nYZ
edge: 2mqIKPWmnII8nxV01PzQqr
intro: 0x8Ku2JIvdVpNbP8Y0TxRq
pulse: 5dH4dLPeGaYiJdmWQiDMYI
sound: 2VkWOPUqwKkeBWMqcFx0L6
name: Bmore
Bmore, or Baltimore club music, is a genre of dance music that originated in
Baltimore, Maryland. It is characterized by its fast tempo, repetitive beats, and
call-and-response vocals. Bmore is often played at parties and clubs and is known
for its high-energy and infectious rhythms.
parent: house
country: US
rank: 4496
"2020": 4LJAftXpHNfJbamaynua5h
"2021": 2q6HZlputb1RKhJEqa4ak9
"2022": 0bxr1nQdHNF5iCGB4UG8UT
"2023": 0dQdLPkYno1CEf89iz6VTn
edge: 5POUj27iWdCd4rbmZMpAEW
intro: 2gCUZ85vEdqo39YwjX9bEZ
pulse: 5Ag70mCONA41afzGrC4BJk
sound: 0BucwX8Ux9HWxDYgbI445d
bodo pop:
name: Bodo Pop
Bodo pop is a genre of popular music from the Bodo community in Assam, India. It
combines elements of traditional Bodo music with contemporary pop and rock
influences. Bodo pop songs often feature lyrics in the Bodo language and address
themes of love, social issues, and cultural identity. The genre has gained
popularity in recent years and has helped to promote Bodo culture and language.
parent: indian folk
language: brx
rank: 4567
"2021": 0ngry0XbXLq23XzFrcDilm
"2022": 1oJ7Zq0ikgfNRL1O3pVl9m
"2023": 2VESNmVYRoPofvLlzrOnHX
edge: 3RPft8gLOgLdkScb1nsycG
intro: 0BIAmSENPJqIcheqBm5IkW
pulse: 1SDSjN9G5UkkXNEATbHBOy
sound: 18gwmAWHFq8flv45o2BmlC
name: Boeremusiek
Boeremusiek is a traditional Afrikaans music genre that originated in South Africa.
It is characterized by its use of the accordion, concertina, and guitar, and
features lively dance rhythms and cheerful melodies. Boeremusiek is often played at
social gatherings, weddings, and festivals, and is considered an important part of
Afrikaans cultural heritage. The genre has evolved over time, incorporating elements
of jazz, rock, and pop music.
parent: folk
language: afr
country: SA
localized_name: true
rank: 5144
"2020": 1uLUfguMu9SdjjoX8HyAVM
"2021": 4Tf5CaCznXmZZEs3K0vpNA
"2022": 4GQLiBEkxy14vsQwAFoMEr
"2023": 5sySJh6Clt9sssSHxFoEwr
intro: 6i6d6ROibb9b9UMz2v4QYT
pulse: 7iiIcgFU16jXqwiZvveYWF
sound: 3WbtZlOoR4T1XmEcHhUJan
bogor indie:
name: Bogor Indie
Bogor Indie is a music genre originating from the city of Bogor in Indonesia. It is
characterized by its indie rock sound with a touch of traditional Indonesian music.
The lyrics often reflect the daily life of the city and its surroundings, making it
relatable to the local audience.
parent: indonesian indie
rank: 2481
"2020": 66Wk56jz6C2auRTZwyRGtd
"2021": 7E5UwoO83DvU5e5QG3sgL0
"2022": 7yzsATTqb0k9VWSZuIkqFw
"2023": 7DXe7NOmkdFpqHM4vXQRLp
edge: 3uOI5inxW3uKPFY4Ed6bmZ
intro: 43ePP5oUfanMk6E9g7pxz2
pulse: 4gX21pJAY8zAdM3Cmq76w0
sound: 1fO9ZAL1ke9EzwHMSJtR4Z
bohemian baroque:
name: Bohemian Baroque
Bohemian Baroque is a music genre that blends the classical Baroque style with the
bohemian lifestyle. It is characterized by its use of ornate melodies and intricate
harmonies, often played on classical instruments such as the harpsichord and violin.
The lyrics often reflect the artistic and free-spirited nature of the bohemian
parent: baroque
country: CZ
localized_name: true
rank: 4937
"2021": 1mpDfTIKyNQXPrpVhrSDLk
"2022": 3Dn4L3xov83BRdwNYQY6zM
"2023": 46na7KAdpb1aPCsYzHjygy
intro: 2tyWRy0rRSbl2kUvdInrjL
pulse: 5cl3fxT90UcJsFEGuO0Hrn
sound: 4WkhsYSDRiInX4Ij8SMQI9
bohol indie:
name: Bohol Indie
Bohol Indie is a music genre originating from the province of Bohol in the
Philippines. It is characterized by its indie rock sound with a touch of traditional
Filipino music. The lyrics often reflect the beauty of the province and its culture,
making it relatable to the local audience. The genre has gained popularity in recent
years, with many local artists making a name for themselves in the music scene.
parent: pinoy indie
rank: 5891
intro: 4dQOxE4DW05V0jKjPn0uTK
pulse: 4z0tj4WsGYhy9gPspP5nCb
sound: 46kIIqkNXmvgL4U7XWGUtg
name: Bolero
A slow-tempo Latin American music genre that originated in Cuba in the late 19th
century. It is characterized by its romantic lyrics and smooth melody, often
accompanied by a guitar or piano.
parent: world
language: spa
region: LA
rank: 244
"2018": 2VDCSYfGuImGrYRjKoiPYl
"2019": 0IWlPT73QAtGse7U10Tieb
"2020": 1JLO7q45RtnsgMkbGNia30
"2021": 0QgB3VQQXcItsRegXdn4DA
"2022": 2CXvlux2l3iPMO76mn85ec
"2023": 2gyuuAMPBK1QCoYc5qCAGd
edge: 1nD3QZQtxkqYnvzeeMMfmm
intro: 4RHJ7fyfibQsYa6bPBcIOr
pulse: 6wIXz52BoNwxXuiqiIEtU2
sound: 40h91GpdbHja6VVsnetD0r
bolero cubano:
name: Bolero Cubano
A subgenre of bolero that developed in Cuba in the 20th century. It features a more
upbeat tempo and incorporates elements of Afro-Cuban rhythms, such as the clave and
bongo drums.
parent: bolero
country: CU
localized_name: true
rank: 2807
"2019": 0Guyx9mqXtMhNHGppkMk2j
"2020": 4qLj99GiuMq5rLKjLcLaiW
"2021": 4SiifLR6RwOBsbGRlPDBkN
"2022": 1UiIhsIsnLFyPKj6c5Zmbj
"2023": 2M0ie9Ob0YRbhqyMP3RCck
edge: 0hgYkgx77ZchvrqsQzDrkz
intro: 3TnroCthXj8Im8dExU5w7l
pulse: 5Q7YvkWUsVELojRz89OXDT
sound: 3qoRkWaFtGQeEy3PS3VuFd
bolero mexicano:
name: Bolero Mexicano
A variation of bolero that emerged in Mexico in the 1940s. It is known for its
sentimental lyrics and use of orchestral accompaniment, including strings and horns.
The genre gained popularity in Mexico and throughout Latin America, with famous
artists such as Pedro Infante and Javier Solis becoming icons of the genre.
parent: bolero
country: MX
localized_name: true
rank: 967
"2021": 0JN9m0fk9H0h2rXErC15v1
"2022": 4mAgpiAOBF1czafbdVXHlD
"2023": 5ayEN40rtMon4mNa07otZi
edge: 2djMnLLd2rwgmfYrAEvkdf
intro: 3gvaWVPvpD6Dg7dyi8HEit
pulse: 7CvTQz7JP6gLqTpdVxb6sH
sound: 7skhVBoiTy8Po9UdfkJ4Gy
bolivian metal:
name: Bolivian Metal
Bolivian metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that originated in Bolivia. It combines
traditional Andean music with heavy metal elements, creating a unique sound that is
both powerful and culturally significant. Bolivian metal bands often incorporate
indigenous instruments, such as the charango and quena, into their music, giving it
a distinct flavor that sets it apart from other metal genres.
parent: metal
language: spa
country: BO
localized_name: true
rank: 5611
sound: 11lrjbxHzrFU0Y100KdT5g
bolivian rock:
name: Bolivian Rock
Bolivian rock is a genre of rock music that emerged in Bolivia in the 1960s. It is
characterized by its fusion of traditional Bolivian music with Western rock
influences, creating a sound that is both familiar and exotic. Bolivian rock bands
often sing in Spanish and incorporate indigenous instruments, such as the charango
and zampoña, into their music. The genre has evolved over time, but its roots in
Bolivian culture remain strong.
parent: rock
language: spa
country: BO
localized_name: true
rank: 4503
"2019": 3cLl0BguWR0tBhDIT72FOc
"2020": 6uRU4NmeaOOJ9BX6KUOKSD
"2021": 4J1nLzPdR708bNYnwAbuCv
"2022": 3K4nGHzmG0vegdnPADiKaT
"2023": 4V95xPriRlpCUhYuO8JLe6
edge: 2DDy2Q4MpzhrjBULBpcBQk
intro: 0Tpa6lRSFyx18cyZjIXFIJ
pulse: 3vyRwuFA9mqII3M19E70KR
sound: 0MCtzZcGOBSiXSpLxipORS
bolobedu house:
name: Bolobedu House
Bolobedu house is a style of electronic dance music that originated in South Africa.
It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and use of traditional
African instruments, such as the marimba and kalimba. Bolobedu house is popular in
the Limpopo province of South Africa and has gained a following in other parts of
the country and beyond. The genre has evolved over time, but
parent: house
language: spa
country: BO
localized_name: true
rank: 2565
"2022": 1NggCkesvJrcwd2fM6VmQW
"2023": 0QRgDjvVXr3KaVF4tYtwVV
edge: 2asQQkBwG5S5UpdHhQlZYh
intro: 7fFGpkblwOC8qtk6rrWMNG
pulse: 7u4T3uqrhEyDn9Mg2mbzQ2
sound: 7dUNJ7MzTkgLbtSd5smW9T
name: Bomba
Bomba is a traditional Puerto Rican music genre that originated in the 17th century.
It is characterized by the use of drums, maracas, and cuá, a wooden stick that is
struck against the drum. The lyrics are often improvised and deal with social and
political issues.
parent: dance
language: spa
country: PR
rank: 3815
"2021": 0wx6q08Iaq7vRVHLoYD4Lx
"2022": 4EAmJbZGxZ4H0bhBlEzFpD
"2023": 4AA9OjZlYwrFXAa0kRBzKH
edge: 5h3xMiMt3FfNOaswo7ubgl
intro: 2jeXRV27ghwV7WYwhuzUn6
pulse: 73FwXzUtNbV5DiNHeHOKTK
sound: 20FNlUMNgCIUo7EAYRkJwg
bomba y plena:
name: Bomba y Plena
Bomba y plena is a fusion of bomba and plena, another traditional Puerto Rican music
genre. It features the use of drums, tambourines, and other percussion instruments,
as well as call-and-response vocals. The lyrics often tell stories of everyday life,
love, and social struggles.
parent: bomba
rank: 3651
"2021": 4GSw9o4wl6OtqfRf4QhVex
"2022": 3hZTj0UGGv1SozTHB9IWGb
"2023": 689ZFashJKv3ZrfrllnalS
intro: 0gzpqMVYkexcPlI5PN3CWv
pulse: 0YkWY0avzxwEpUv4FkHis7
sound: 3yF1mecrspw7z57kLoHPGK
bongo flava:
name: Bongo Flava
Bongo Flava is a genre of Tanzanian hip hop that emerged in the late 1990s. It
combines elements of hip hop, reggae, and traditional Tanzanian music. The lyrics
are often in Swahili and deal with social issues, love, and everyday life. Bongo
Flava has become popular throughout East Africa and has influenced the development
of other African hip hop genres.
parent: hip hop
language: swa
country: TZ
rank: 2002
"2018": 6i7r1Ph1Af1kNjukoJZUCC
"2019": 5TtplDtGfsY1kkF2PIdk75
"2020": 6ChpiL9LXjeBRnwoXMOH9f
"2021": 6SXxayNHKeW06DMqRqGSzK
"2022": 3xEqkvzdkqQinycAUYCf1g
"2023": 73ytHh55EPVcb4KAOsiQZv
edge: 30nSCJZ0HGitfl7sxOOJof
intro: 5jt9ZcXiIk9lj6XsKT9BpJ
pulse: 6W0Hd1zhAGEbXKkZvz4wML
sound: 3kpbUKUNVhyyvGq7VQWYYs
name: Boogaloo
Boogaloo - A Latin-influenced funk and soul genre that emerged in the 1960s,
characterized by a lively beat, heavy percussion, and a call-and-response style of
singing. Boogaloo was popularized by artists such as Joe Cuba and Pete Rodriguez,
and its infectious rhythm and danceability continue to be celebrated today.
parent: soul
rank: 2455
"2018": 68YqoXt31qfHGTyXLVpwjj
"2019": 2xqu27IMDrVZV622BOPP6B
"2020": 6obwtdVmx8cnfYsLNPjB96
"2021": 1WFXahHQYSt9zBa67Ce54c
"2022": 1mE4xUjkaj4UxB7sB7SxWH
"2023": 2yxJ9JsoiTRqrnDjRrFYOI
edge: 4eyRxsp4EPMbAxLOnP6fE1
intro: 5LzJeJVoDpv17CJqw8YgLu
pulse: 3B1vQUgt4r6rPTCgENIby4
sound: 3AGNffrwzLjTdSfVomZ30a
name: Boogie
Boogie (sometimes called post-disco and electro-funk) is a rhythm and blues genre of
electronic dance music with close ties to the post-disco style, that first emerged
in the United States during the late 1970s to mid-1980s. The sound of boogie is
defined by bridging acoustic and electronic musical instruments with emphasis on
vocals and miscellaneous effects. It later evolved into electro and house music.
parent: edm
rank: 4369
"2020": 1SHn3Z08uPjdGxFtWbLCmI
"2021": 47LRHNEnpgbrML4LnFARIm
"2022": 23BSY5eZC10QFI23ucQbDk
"2023": 75myQlZaND3xwp3ccfpvWU
intro: 3QjTH6AMg1hDEe68EOINEX
pulse: 6PcG29IgAkWVPYCbC5ie8k
sound: 4vLb33ufLI6jjyGh4jpz9P
name: Boogie-Woogie
Boogie-woogie - A piano-based blues genre that originated in the early 20th century,
characterized by a fast, syncopated rhythm and a repetitive bass line. Boogie-woogie
was popularized by artists such as Meade Lux Lewis and Albert Ammons, and its
infectious energy and virtuosic piano playing continue to influence jazz and blues
musicians today.
parent: blues
rank: 4112
"2020": 6JGRoYogsX9VFLNVSu1yrB
"2021": 4KGfCaRqxyFvMeEtRkVRJJ
"2022": 13ACJdpFb9liHiwLsvxeU9
"2023": 6h7Pdb0Jsv7WVYm1bLm6Ug
edge: 56SeJkONWQlzvd5fqKpCoo
intro: 5gTL8RRluj2vQsjVHQ7nKA
pulse: 642fp1i1L9ZHPmxssEFoEH
sound: 3VvwVEZaPYQfI8ZZbOCW5h
boom bap:
name: Boom Bap
A classic hip-hop style marked by its hard-hitting drums, soulful samples, and
straightforward lyricism. It emerged in the 1990s and is characterized by its
gritty, underground sound.
parent: hip hop
rank: 1044
"2018": 14gxLso12m7Sd6455CZzIe
"2019": 1xIyzZyNInHn8RqEZVgDM2
"2020": 0FsURQR6WOnn5BTSiDhI31
"2021": 6oqnuuo6daQ5zazRYtldHF
"2022": 0iLdsIpdCWwsHoqvJQcwp2
"2023": 6fZYXe2b8AOgEBU96CQycA
edge: 5Iq61vCimbHiwzacsNg5o9
intro: 4g1ZCwiZsTHSn3Lh2IbvSA
pulse: 2cq1YO9jST38g71w89JzIK
sound: 7dFWa0xrTjf6RaWa1N7PNQ
boom bap brasileiro:
name: Boom Bap Brasileiro
A subgenre of Brazilian rap that incorporates elements of traditional Brazilian
music, such as samba and bossa nova. It features Brazilian artists rapping over boom
bap beats, creating a unique fusion of sounds.
parent: boom bap
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 1140
"2020": 4IanOCZcE7Iga2T8hUFyFi
"2021": 3Gp9ujTE6ktbZlhm5FOwVs
"2022": 4FqmjyETu8lEgJpCCGIFZw
"2023": 0w1wROWg9IWL5oh9JbLMxM
edge: 1RDaF1QQYJr8iyN8HXWgpj
intro: 17aXu1rr7w2TI1cA56aFt3
pulse: 6GDBjoqK7sxeNhjhJEXVfM
sound: 3j5pi1O3eizTQp6Kc69srX
boom bap espanol:
name: Boom Bap Español
A Spanish-language variant of boom bap that originated in Spain and Latin America.
It features Spanish-language rappers spitting rhymes over boom bap beats, often
incorporating elements of traditional Latin American music into the production. The
genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists from Spain and Latin
America gaining global recognition.
parent: boom bap
language: spa
localized_name: true
rank: 700
"2021": 2XddV851d5QMMBxBtrDJq7
"2022": 2iQZTOGuj2LTSgkiy2Zrly
"2023": 0izSXgH7fGSTyxcVljLdZc
edge: 7GPS3VWnBBV4Be6SyKsFtv
intro: 6unkv7dE3jY5UdvBwRpFXP
pulse: 6x3qROtwtXVj3BxGNJbllp
sound: 6fqRJtaRT3sx0FZrrzGLST
name: Børnehistorier
'"Bornhistorier" is a genre of music that focuses on storytelling for children. With
catchy melodies and simple lyrics, these songs are designed to capture the
imagination of young listeners and teach them important lessons about life and the
world around them.'
parent: children's story
language: dan
country: DK
localized_name: true
rank: 4667
"2021": 59cA4X7wXaJE2n2upvOPDp
"2022": 0NPwN04rprznDIl0a9vzzX
"2023": 2IHmXjQ16jdfGgj46YNWug
intro: 0Ct61QqXmJZXRu3Uca8Dqv
pulse: 3QgI4qawcySFLvPvCyvI7i
sound: 1dGDueP3SFulSK9torTpli
borneo traditional:
name: Borneo Traditional
'"Borneo traditional" is a genre of music that celebrates the rich cultural heritage
of the Borneo region. With a mix of traditional instruments and modern production
techniques, these songs showcase the unique rhythms and melodies of Borneo''s
diverse communities.'
parent: indonesian folk
rank: 5770
"2022": 2FxiFRSalGeumJTESoHgbD
"2023": 5vigBWAE2WFqmEqkOV7gWF
intro: 3k1Xt7XsbGnGLB1ZDYcnch
pulse: 3aGWDan6Z0NFIwadUf7XVN
sound: 2DHlpfni3t0A0chd8sHb4C
name: Børnesange
'"Bornesange" is a genre of music that features songs specifically written for
children to sing and enjoy. Often featuring bright, playful melodies and lyrics that
are easy to learn and remember, these songs are a staple of children''s music around
the world.'
parent: children's music
language: dan
country: DK
localized_name: true
rank: 2609
"2019": 1y9RZh8hka4LXSl3uQWgbU
"2020": 0W3v5uv2yAiTpam41z7zd8
"2021": 41RN8PwI5j0B2Xrvv5to2x
"2022": 1uIggFHoEnUc6WgLUEnSRw
"2023": 09t442O5JrQvOUazblwgKk
edge: 4B9Y2B8gTgqhINTm8K2p8a
intro: 2Ss40RhNOcZAKAaQ9Fj6tp
pulse: 3MrztaBnSQc2hPqxcZGnoh
sound: 6S5gl15J9q0DHwi8curRUi
bosnian electronic:
name: Bosnian Electronic
A fusion of traditional Bosnian music and modern electronic beats, Bosnian
electronic music is a genre that is gaining popularity in the Balkan region and
beyond. With its unique blend of oriental melodies, hypnotic rhythms, and
cutting-edge production, Bosnian electronic music offers a fresh and exciting sound
that is both innovative and deeply rooted in tradition.
parent: electronica
country: BA
localized_name: true
rank: 5109
sound: 6A5yoV5rTi1YV0T1jWWQnX
bosnian indie:
name: Bosnian Indie
Bosnian indie music is a genre that is characterized by its DIY ethos, lo-fi
production, and introspective lyrics. Drawing inspiration from a wide range of
influences, including post-punk, shoegaze, and folk, Bosnian indie bands often
experiment with unconventional song structures and instrumentation, creating a sound
that is both eclectic and deeply personal.
parent: indie pop
country: BA
localized_name: true
rank: 4610
"2021": 1pKDjIcSYRgbY1csA0apfn
"2022": 5dtq8iTTD8BzKDRbPGjXtF
"2023": 3JWPuRLE9VVadRgsNQ5wlt
intro: 5x8oekLyjV3kTKYqQmdU7E
sound: 7p9LTCdkoZNL24GHLExbSA
bosnian pop:
name: Bosnian Pop
Bosnian pop music is a genre that is known for its catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms,
and glossy production. Inspired by international pop stars like Madonna, Britney
Spears, and Justin Timberlake, Bosnian pop artists often incorporate elements of
traditional Bosnian music into their songs, creating a unique and distinctly Balkan
sound that is both accessible and infectious.
parent: pop
country: BA
localized_name: true
rank: 2098
"2021": 5fBIqB5dNbApj0L46mpDOu
"2022": 65aQm4paLWiNWOgghgpVef
"2023": 2WiURPNkMwlWd9WEXbDPoK
edge: 6W7rAGUzEHmYV6oTD0NUFS
intro: 6q1ekfqMPVSK2xBGW9UCSd
pulse: 7hQoKKEmYx8YmWmb8mKFuP
sound: 6GivQQIY1f6pR7CdLpu6R4
bossa nova:
name: Bossa Nova
A Brazilian music genre that combines samba rhythms with jazz harmonies and smooth,
melodic vocals. It emerged in the late 1950s and became popular worldwide in the
1960s. Bossa nova is characterized by its laid-back, romantic vibe and its use of
acoustic guitars, percussion, and sometimes piano.
parent: samba
language: por
country: BR
rank: 385
"2018": 4jfoDUAEprocUi0ZtbnJPx
"2019": 18RuvORvE62GY8txiQgE0f
"2020": 2B0hSS3LSgsEGTB5VZhQtS
"2021": 1OcMGwSZiwtQC6rikbh9Nt
"2022": 1X8mj4d6dj9BiAZU5isTP2
"2023": 3RAIQhInPY7H9XFf7XLM1O
edge: 2ohp4u5OUob6jtYQX4nmO4
intro: 10FrzGKdNYXBTtuSDWuYrx
pulse: 6uWTZiMIwLW4j511uHc7xI
sound: 62CfN1iGlw8MZDMht3P6I3
bossa nova cover:
name: Bossa Nova Cover
A rendition of a popular song in the bossa nova style. This can be done by slowing
down the tempo, adding a bossa nova rhythm, and incorporating smooth vocals and
instrumental solos. Bossa nova covers can breathe new life into old favorites and
bring a fresh perspective to familiar tunes.
parent: bossa nova
rank: 721
"2019": 0rDVtYQE7KFNWK1MlGPGtm
"2020": 0Ig20WrhOWVqgj5LlW0Vas
"2021": 767WPVCV1DM95QJsUu9tqw
"2022": 0ePorwR8cvJrzOtK0R3N35
"2023": 0hUonvYdo7LVY5RkL8qPub
edge: 41hk59zV094ECbgNyxozMj
intro: 0v73EciUIvoUrMQoVNCQde
pulse: 75s8JLO2A6L4E6QH8ItZrM
sound: 6tAUaFl5FAzSh87nk6fbKW
bossa nova jazz:
name: Bossa Nova Jazz
A subgenre of bossa nova that fuses the Brazilian style with jazz improvisation and
instrumentation. Bossa nova jazz often features complex harmonies, virtuosic
instrumental solos, and a more upbeat tempo than traditional bossa nova. It can be
seen as a bridge between the laid-back vibe of bossa nova and the energetic
improvisation of jazz.
parent: bossa nova
rank: 4064
"2020": 6LafIAjBzLAlSqKpZfKRIr
"2022": 3SjcQsFEBx2DBN0UUbq4Tp
"2023": 4EmzDIXHPkbTpceUEL1YMg
intro: 6TKh0RZglXxs9zzWgrU8qy
pulse: 5t2JTLVFuGAWm0A4hLHk5l
sound: 68qffdP3LzsrDkrmrt0xKi
name: Bossbeat
Bossbeat is a subgenre of rock and roll that originated in the early 1960s in the
United States. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, prominent bassline, and
strong emphasis on the backbeat. The term "boss" was slang for "cool" or "excellent"
at the time, and the music was often associated with the mod subculture.
parent: rock-and-roll
rank: 808
"2022": 1Lw5qatCDKmrC3fLifPhw5
"2023": 3Ara59CMtOxdcSM01GN41P
edge: 4RLvUxhFFPMu6P25kcOfHW
intro: 3kSod55u9Z5jMeoR0sgNhM
pulse: 4aBf9pDpbyWqU7VfU25fUM
sound: 4fLlQp5Kscoo3483KIB0zB
bosstown sound:
name: Bosstown Sound
Bosstown sound is a term used to describe a group of psychedelic rock bands that
emerged from Boston in the late 1960s. These bands were heavily influenced by the
British psychedelic movement, but also incorporated elements of folk and blues into
their music. The term "Bosstown sound" was coined by a record executive in an
attempt to create a new scene in Boston, but the movement ultimately failed to gain
widespread attention.
parent: psychedelic rock
country: US
rank: 5420
intro: 7DxIfJDoJqsWoi0H0o2VDe
pulse: 7AZp58mHLqRYwGirda4QPl
sound: 2rhVyRH4zucYiCMBlayKY8
boston electronic:
name: Boston Electronic
Boston electronic refers to the electronic music scene that has developed in Boston
over the past few decades. This scene encompasses a wide range of genres, from house
and techno to experimental and ambient music. Boston has become a hub for electronic
music, with a number of venues and festivals dedicated to showcasing local talent
and bringing in international acts. The city's vibrant music scene has helped to
foster a sense of community among electronic music fans and artists alike.
parent: electronica
country: US
rank: 4958
sound: 2dgamvBCHU1vE95dsKgZxE
boston folk:
name: Boston Folk
Boston folk music is characterized by its simple yet powerful lyrics and acoustic
instrumentation. It has a rich history, with roots in traditional Irish and Scottish
music, and is often associated with protest songs and social activism. Artists like
Joan Baez and Bob Dylan have influenced the genre, and contemporary Boston folk
musicians continue to draw from these traditions while adding their own unique
voices and perspectives.
parent: folk
country: US
rank: 1199
"2020": 5Hr5LKcDqjDZvYsgpjXmtO
"2021": 5KhKs4xQs6XbQIztVShtP1
"2022": 0ANCDb5ukvhAVmDnFRFN5b
"2023": 0oLJcJWUlwwCz40vL21qdb
edge: 6F6f1lfEe0htrOC8JKTc64
intro: 319c2LZOjiIIaljC9Lqk4Z
pulse: 6xk7MayynyvTOGyWyC8PYP
sound: 7Ga0J6eHpVeHcWDhRlUdIa
boston hardcore:
name: Boston Hardcore
Boston hardcore is a subgenre of punk rock that emerged in the late 1970s and early
1980s. It is known for its aggressive, fast-paced music and politically charged
lyrics. Boston has been a major center for hardcore music, with bands like SSD and
Gang Green leading the way. The scene has also been characterized by a strong DIY
ethos, with many bands self-releasing their music and booking their own shows.
parent: hardcore
country: US
rank: 3646
"2018": 4s1lT9HL58GyM9qCbLjtZX
"2020": 6FYB19GqtPPkU86ZBw8yyM
"2021": 00bUv9eUCoRBGXWEQKgPEU
"2022": 0uQhTrxuK1z9JBvkHVVlee
"2023": 18kRHyFi8ofH3841oj395B
edge: 39Posbv1a6o3yWs4QOXjNW
intro: 0fDkJXn2kNnAl1lNFQ2iMa
pulse: 3iogmE07BgfLOqZbOJCYXH
sound: 31G9F2wgbtKLVhnWrxN96b
boston hip hop:
name: Boston Hip Hop
Boston hip hop has a distinct sound that blends elements of East Coast and West
Coast hip hop. It has a rich history that dates back to the 1980s, with artists like
Guru and Ed O.G. paving the way. Today, Boston hip hop is a diverse and vibrant
scene, with artists like Cousin Stizz and Michael Christmas gaining national
attention. The city's hip hop community is known
parent: hip hop
country: US
rank: 1157
"2019": 63RUp0ToTiHT2YINoszqF4
"2020": 5CPnb3A2hoqIRsJaHzb0QR
"2021": 0NMgoVOo6y6jLMG8s0TEnJ
"2022": 2IR4RVThE6TqaVTAq5dx02
"2023": 2HoIRZykeyPiQvlRvT6zuT
edge: 68OZ5ObLcL2NoeRFyprA1j
intro: 4sikSqEjOCgt3k2z6ls5C9
pulse: 6M9MDk61a62NVDB8ZxKcLd
sound: 1qKT01W06KFPouzgMpoULZ
boston indie:
name: Boston Indie
Boston indie music features a unique blend of indie rock, folk, and punk influences.
The sound is characterized by raw, emotional vocals, intricate guitar work, and
introspective lyrics. Bands like Speedy Ortiz, Palehound, and Krill have helped to
put Boston's indie scene on the map.
parent: indie rock
country: US
rank: 1441
"2020": 144mByBxe2NcuVEZggBWJ7
"2021": 6uM1YbJXe5DEjWou1eQcUa
"2022": 4Vl5ejOLNdUijtKry9UGFh
edge: 0WIw7GgzQCvXQIfkelh35f
intro: 72N25H5fkuQ9tgYijkDiOZ
pulse: 5V5hzA7jUYXs1wml7PJJfh
sound: 56BvRtTh50Awa4zOGC70o2
"2023": 1Haph5VwOGlVNdhY4jCrEW
boston metal:
name: Boston Metal
Boston indie is a subgenre of indie rock that emerged from the Boston music scene in
the 2000s. Characterized by its DIY ethos, lo-fi production, and introspective
lyrics, Boston indie bands often feature jangly guitars, off-kilter rhythms, and
melodic hooks that stick in your head for days. With a focus on authenticity and
experimentation, Boston indie is a vibrant and diverse genre that continues to push
the boundaries of what indie rock can be.
parent: metal
country: US
rank: 2206
"2020": 6TbxjElssZKmR1snH9T2sw
intro: 70A0C1dqVVJjLOqMqkL766
pulse: 4qFw1TqNQHKBgXkNrfAATT
sound: 0SPPpYO8YKg4Uaga2tEFaO
boston punk:
name: Boston Punk
Boston indie is a subgenre of alternative rock that originated in Boston,
Massachusetts. It features melodic, guitar-driven songs with introspective and often
introspective lyrics. Boston indie is known for its DIY ethos, with many bands
self-releasing their music and booking their own shows. The sound is often
characterized by jangly guitars, prominent bass lines, and tight drumming.
parent: punk
country: US
rank: 2289
"2020": 2KCHOuxPU9PHdsBc5aVA19
"2021": 4PwPBA1Dhj3aPxSIAwWkXU
"2022": 3Yg160zUQs2U5Rz0LqnuTd
"2023": 15SqjPtWNPLJOiIWBDeN2Z
edge: 31e8gWra3RzkTulSF3v7Ee
intro: 4qHkzdO9U0LuP3CMblZYJH
pulse: 7ph47j4L5sTNkkkK4aQYfK
sound: 5Z8S9q8xXxOzQCdKBXx8Is
boston rock:
name: Boston Rock
Boston rock is a genre that emerged in the 1970s in Boston, Massachusetts,
characterized by its raw, energetic sound and DIY ethos. Influenced by punk and
garage rock, Boston rock bands like The Modern Lovers and The Cars helped shape the
sound of alternative rock. Today, the genre continues to thrive with bands like
Dropkick Murphys and The Mighty Mighty Bosstones.
parent: rock
country: US
rank: 910
"2020": 24zpTjQU34DV4BsCZW88wT
"2021": 7C09airUfYqlg7eXJ7ZkRd
"2022": 1Xk5TeeOVf7e3q3YP2JYRW
edge: 18VzFumFwn62qWQ1qIVCyk
intro: 0X7yo39itp6JaTMiekQJKV
pulse: 5fOlMC8GtYFlV1CWMrgKle
sound: 3nbCGvGDojsTWlcFKRBiBP
bothy ballad:
name: Bothy Ballad
Bothy ballad is a traditional Scottish folk music genre that originated in the 18th
century. These songs were typically sung by farm workers in the bothies, or small
shelters, where they lived during the harvest season. Bothy ballads often tell
stories of rural life and the struggles of the working class. The genre has
experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years, with artists like Karine
Polwart and Emily Smith bringing new life to these old songs.
parent: scottish folk
rank: 6265
sound: 4VIb2spYu2TVsYw9FmWne6
botswana hip hop:
name: Botswana Hip Hop
Botswana hip hop is a relatively new genre that emerged in the late 1990s and early
2000s in Botswana, Africa. Influenced by American hip hop, Botswana hip hop artists
like Vee Mampeezy and Zeus have developed their own unique sound that incorporates
traditional African rhythms and languages. The genre has become increasingly popular
in Botswana and throughout Africa, with many artists using their music to address
parent: hip hop
country: BW
localized_name: true
rank: 5370
"2021": 5PRp0VJfo5HMcaqpIrJAd2
"2022": 7vOa44grDJByVh3V0DIF9H
"2023": 65NOCVOAspNTNlsrDC2jvJ
intro: 7FDZopWSXwJw6NYHGm9aDF
pulse: 7hMBKSLbVY0GP5G0YIpFZ1
sound: 1wtr5dUZ2Fwc4D3Iu1DCdp
botswana pop:
name: Botswana Pop
Botswana pop is a genre of music that emerged in Botswana in the 1980s and gained
popularity in the 1990s. It is characterized by its fusion of traditional Botswanan
rhythms and modern pop music elements, such as electronic beats and synthesizers.
Artists such as Vee Mampeezy and ATI are popular in this genre, and their music
often reflects the country's social and political issues.
parent: pop
country: BW
localized_name: true
rank: 5545
"2021": 3DG0ykFYPipPuyzSB56VaQ
"2022": 7g7nfGmr1sq23UtAKrhKiX
"2023": 40912rE2HpZu2MaWuoDRxH
intro: 2pL629j3bg6Et45E3Hb3b0
pulse: 1iK5lnkmrRkHCk5zqbv5Wm
sound: 4iCWu56IaaF1zfz7HLX4hN
name: Bounce
A high-energy subgenre of hip hop that originated in New Orleans. It is
characterized by its fast-paced beats and repetitive, catchy hooks. Bounce music
often features call-and-response vocals and samples from popular songs. The lyrics
often focus on partying, dancing, and sexual themes.
parent: hip hop
country: US
rank: 2579
"2020": 1ul3Do90jfZvfckkRlSFGz
"2021": 11LGKFWrExkCpSC3zit4y0
"2022": 3atl8ZW3OpDEedR5atwzmX
"2023": 1GZLf5mrJO5uuuUy2mQwvc
edge: 2EE0hpKl5N6KzDO4UpjJtW
intro: 2DohEpA8Fa8Df0JjAcET1L
pulse: 0lQtaWjLJiUu405qk9Vomb
sound: 332sHfXUaNawEwiK4brjaQ
bouncy house:
name: Bouncy House
A subgenre of house music that is known for its upbeat, playful, and energetic
sound. Bouncy house tracks typically feature a driving bassline, catchy melodies,
and a fast tempo. This style of music is often associated with festivals and club
culture, and is designed to get people dancing and moving.
parent: house
rank: 2052
"2018": 3dIuy8El85JGJkbAYuGiua
"2019": 0OElwbI8seZ88jZrPu5Rsy
"2020": 14eGAQIEru0UquPbsBWtog
"2021": 7i4hzVQMAD66JHQII54mtN
"2022": 2hrQHndjL1zbaO93esIVG9
"2023": 18LyJB8bJFLYKypAeLNRyd
edge: 5lnZfBRC6al9Cq1OEt3RzE
intro: 3sB66m2L7JgdA7wCIH1NHg
pulse: 7hBHDwq1SLYaCLQhdCaSQY
sound: 6Hr3sYBBnLg65XUrCOICLZ
name: Bouyon
A genre of music that originated in Dominica and is popular throughout the
Caribbean. It is characterized by its fusion of soca, reggae, and dancehall rhythms,
and features fast-paced beats and energetic vocals. Bouyon music often incorporates
elements of traditional Dominican music, such as the use of drums and other
percussion instruments. The lyrics often focus on social and political issues, as
well as themes of love and partying.
parent: world
country: DM
rank: 3457
"2021": 7tgiooAJ7hfHzEXE2is9SB
"2022": 69FJR6iMnBlxlOEnFeQl5Z
"2023": 2sGn5eA5ObRBncnPfdI1NZ
edge: 6cEIbksO86PM9RNBdYdaP0
intro: 3gm5eLIPOTjJccvUS2NRQa
pulse: 4KixMcgEvH607e7oawL3m7
sound: 6KcFLs8Ujk5HSyOiH7iCcC
name: Bouzouki
A traditional Greek music genre, characterized by the use of a stringed instrument
called bouzouki. The music is lively and upbeat, with intricate melodies and rhythms
that can be both joyful and melancholic. Bouzouki music is often played at
celebrations and events, and is a beloved part of Greek culture
parent: greek folk
rank: 3504
"2020": 5jdUGJ6jQoZXM92PWNypZy
"2021": 2IkVwIqun9WBMSD7khSzhX
"2022": 2166QlIzs5QpKtFHsiQylY
"2023": 33AEEQvfgsCfonL0QxPxaB
edge: 7z7yEmT5Mdfsiz4pMKp8aK
intro: 2bpyTsXhGNXPwH7uprstmk
pulse: 3MOP8aps9dDGYJ36ZnLS8I
sound: 3FD61seVkp8ZlSde7haVlh
bow pop:
name: Bow Pop
A subgenre of pop music that emphasizes the use of string instruments, particularly
the violin and cello. Bow pop songs are typically romantic and emotional, with
soaring melodies and lush arrangements. The genre has its roots in classical music,
but also incorporates elements of folk and world music. Bow pop artists often have a
distinctive, sophisticated style that sets them apart from other pop musicians.
parent: pop
localized_name: true
rank: 1046
"2018": 6o9Huk5qkHpT5Qyb9DNazS
"2019": 6uT0dXrO9r6tt1EPfGVZCp
"2020": 32Vj68jE8WZfdJWVtfCPD1
"2021": 5lyphQTYdmscQPoteOt9c8
"2022": 29sOeP3nard9ulaZiU3slY
"2023": 1QVbTpJRiuqjK3TzjsZ6z5
edge: 72pYCZU1Gdbcy5YwwGftae
intro: 6RgetYbGAugLUptFX9ihsc
pulse: 3cpIsCP9qgpU7tHP60IZEA
sound: 6kD1by03LqVcIK7FfQ23Ub
boy band:
name: Boy Band
A popular music genre that originated in the 1990s, characterized by the use of
harmonized vocals, upbeat tempos, and catchy hooks. Boy bands typically consist of
young male singers who perform synchronized dance moves and have a clean-cut,
wholesome image. The genre has produced some of the biggest pop hits of all time,
and continues to be a favorite of fans around the world. Boy bands often have a
dedicated fan base of mostly young girls, who are drawn to their good looks and
catchy music.
parent: pop
localized_name: true
rank: 119
"2018": 6BTLSBTcFbJcErI7POzhNl
"2019": 6On6TdooZobHHYnsK36Pbg
"2020": 4CSiJOtE8jabaeI9yGtzSw
"2021": 0TmYHXUC2wFoxKUMGhpRVM
"2022": 3WbfxwaNcjCDiVymlc0BdU
"2023": 0pEzoOvj4optmmcxysFi4q
edge: 2y3pTRMEzIEzFjcOPVMtRH
intro: 29qF7EuBTwmDVvPcskLaXA
pulse: 2cTSmSLtypTTkIZ1Xjsoom
sound: 5MqoSHN1RNzdKd5T1QCN8S
boy pop:
name: Boy Pop
Boy pop is a subgenre of pop music that is specifically targeted towards a young
male audience. It typically features upbeat and catchy melodies, with lyrics that
often revolve around themes of love, relationships, and coming of age. Boy pop has
been popularized by boy bands such as One Direction, Backstreet Boys, and NSYNC.
parent: pop
rank: 2800
intro: 4AChXWm0MrLvFpUDC2rUQz
pulse: 61P3iK4pJNCDZHxSTl5Ttw
sound: 5dMfpcHbPq5DwOuDk6qsht
boy soprano:
name: Boy Soprano
Boy soprano refers to a young male singer with a high-pitched voice, typically in
the range of a soprano. This type of singing is often associated with classical
music, particularly in opera, where boy sopranos are used to portray young male
characters. Boy sopranos are highly sought after for their ability to hit high notes
with clarity and precision.
parent: vocal
localized_name: true
rank: 6064
sound: 29oFVjFjwV3667JJYStR6m
name: Bozlak
Bozlak is a type of Turkish folk music that originated in the Anatolian region. It
is characterized by its melancholic and mournful melodies, which often reflect the
struggles and hardships of rural life. Bozlak is typically performed by a solo
singer accompanied by a saz, a type of stringed instrument. The lyrics of bozlak
songs often touch on themes such as love, loss, and the beauty of nature.
parent: turkish folk
rank: 2373
"2020": 1q4YwCH2JKjp8ymHjIlcsv
"2021": 39lKrTBZd5irSYyadlOZq7
"2022": 14GMJ4BgaOzCDfMQhwO5wb
"2023": 5768HpsGDCCb0IZPMtndgQ
edge: 6ISnQh74X11HOjfKpJBCfk
intro: 0ykVKA7ku6kNnm63FWDdrT
pulse: 5t2NFm4zD8mer2v9fpvgKr
sound: 35qTca30VI81L6lzyZFLXH
brain waves:
name: Brain Waves
A genre of music that incorporates binaural beats and other brainwave entrainment
techniques to induce specific states of consciousness in listeners. It is often used
for meditation, relaxation, and other therapeutic purposes, and is known for its
soothing and calming effects.
parent: meditation
localized_name: true
rank: 1610
"2019": 5ZKcPUKEbPkWDN9uFeThwA
"2020": 65VpB9lWn67uMKQZPKyCoJ
"2021": 1EvPHZTFhEIHJl9zTcxIRA
"2022": 6RlI2BcdwfldpnjW7XIp32
"2023": 5P42bEUVOPvO3RNfST1Ek8
edge: 1TNuIzVtkbzbhlR3md6TCS
intro: 21dPRwtlKQ8E9uxRaG76ie
pulse: 21j0MxRxKxm2yMUygAnoaM
sound: 56jIKC6ujc2VuT8p8Q8EIx
name: Braindance
rank: 2006
"2020": 69NWzTzxUDYTTuCWF6UiKo
"2021": 4LCUvTsRBoUBP0G33sDYXS
"2022": 1Zl6qpdwJYLJH5IZawZ4f7
"2023": 28BkhF6QurG9sSM8AaiNg8
edge: 7FCnxfS9LxLw0W22D6hev8
intro: 2u2dzL1hJmxP2GfLN09EcJ
pulse: 7h9RQHj36a8t9Oi3Sns0Wk
sound: 0r1CgdiknCUXvmW7gunLBo
alias: intelligent dance music
brasilia indie:
name: Brasília Indie
description: Indie rock from the city of Brasília
parent: brazilian indie rock
localized_name: true
rank: 4621
intro: 5Dy6yQnk5m7NpGNTPTRDmy
sound: 5xmiJMw9B5JlgiM4Ew47cL
brass band:
name: Brass Band
A brass band is a musical ensemble consisting of brass instruments, percussion, and
occasionally woodwind instruments. Typically associated with marching bands and
military music, brass bands vary in size and style, but often feature a strong,
bright sound and rhythmic precision.
parent: instrument
localized_name: true
rank: 2595
"2018": 06Ci7y1oFEMOqzgxdj1F2A
"2019": 0yqVQ6Su735IfQLL3bx90q
"2020": 5KE3Ww1hdoPph9nRBmP2kp
"2021": 5xV2oSTZNacASNKDnTK6gO
"2022": 3QSJJbOQgTIQAoivyeIx0C
"2023": 4G9rWdsWALy3AXZ35AnqkM
edge: 0oTUBJibOw11xyBIpnS5xD
intro: 5DdyOhsXeRsYIqtJbKpp0g
pulse: 6jP5gRCkKehKs3QndqakSv
sound: 4T8VmUjhJbhSZbI1VrTOm4
brass band brasileiro:
name: Brass Band Brasileiro
Brass band brasileiro is a style of music that blends traditional Brazilian rhythms
with the sound of brass instruments. This genre often features energetic percussion,
bright horn lines, and lively melodies that draw from samba, choro, and other
Brazilian styles.
parent: brass band
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 5336
"2020": 61BCtlYl35xJjEpqFuLNFh
"2021": 0ydzdKemODU6Y2FSOEpxuW
"2022": 5wAMEyhSn4PAE7QCbkUrDN
"2023": 2NydcLrFTPSTHoE3BjnUDT
intro: 5sjtLwlfE696zyIwcS9avk
pulse: 627epaHxJqraoH9dlvee1K
sound: 1KED9gpGOnUAKU9ChGCekB
brass band pop:
name: Brass Band Pop
Brass band pop infuses the vibrant sounds of brass instruments, such as trumpets,
trombones, and saxophones, with catchy melodies and pop sensibilities. This genre
combines the energy and excitement of brass bands with contemporary pop elements,
resulting in a dynamic and infectious musical style that gets people dancing and
singing along.
parent: pop
localized_name: true
rank: 3144
"2023": 3zjLN2ctJatjy5XMu5I3Ns
edge: 2S2piyqRMEN604o1uaUaKt
intro: 6I623u6RHMU3MIvQk09VQ7
pulse: 3ZsgMBgpWEYOJRcD52L6Or
sound: 5W4WhpU7Kh07UlqYs4GtF7
brass ensemble:
name: Brass Ensemble
A brass ensemble is a small group of brass players that typically includes trumpets,
trombones, French horns, and tubas. These groups may perform classical music, jazz,
or other styles, and often feature tight harmonies and intricate arrangements. Brass
ensembles can range in size from a quartet to a full brass choir.
parent: classical
localized_name: true
rank: 4817
"2018": 7Cr6eC5VHGtjaHTOX4T5tT
"2019": 0J6c7khD2s8ZYwn3WyEodq
"2020": 1RYLQvJ4xzxU2N1aRI01rD
"2021": 0fdtj4IZKDyo8H6v1nG9Qk
"2022": 4KRJPOWXtO5mSC4DS54eyY
"2023": 5x1PvFy9Jxa36PtgdCKxSS
edge: 4yhxKlLndXtpMsR18Mxnzj
intro: 1R0GKkurzjz58FM37FfV2g
pulse: 3uImkChwNBRVbuF1ouFRKn
sound: 5gi35SWBRo7VuSZeZ3es2A
brass quintet:
name: Brass Quintet
A musical ensemble consisting of five brass instruments, typically two trumpets, a
horn, a trombone, and a tuba. The brass quintet repertoire ranges from classical to
contemporary, and the group's unique sound is often used in ceremonial or
celebratory events.
parent: classical
localized_name: true
rank: 5698
"2022": 2S2iIwQ7UHHecKp3hszWTm
"2023": 6LciyPT6hUVVOZR8D4bJPd
intro: 6Oc7hSJttdIVHiJ3JYzGlu
pulse: 66nUpxXQ6TvcvsTPyW12ct
sound: 0k0wYWN9getqOUOgswJU03
brazilian bass:
name: Brazilian Bass
A subgenre of electronic dance music that originated in Brazil, characterized by
heavy basslines and syncopated rhythms. Brazilian bass often incorporates elements
of funk, hip-hop, and other Latin American genres, and has gained popularity in
clubs and festivals around the world.
parent: edm
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 2053
"2020": 1gcHV55FVOssNC5MGbMKpO
"2021": 45yOkNwLrm1uu9Io0jxUdS
"2022": 6KaYdVxSUNLdZpMnmZp36M
"2023": 1W9RiR43H3k3DuGUl01amp
edge: 2Qf0i47YAf4aGYhDrhdr0M
intro: 1GVtqdqsg5vSqVXe7OuTR9
pulse: 0Zys73loc75EGXgyjU7ofL
sound: 1rhRPl3CJrszlIzllhvW25
brazilian black metal:
name: Brazilian Black Metal
A subgenre of heavy metal music that originated in Brazil in the 1980s,
characterized by fast, aggressive guitar riffs, blast beats, and harsh vocals.
Brazilian black metal often incorporates elements of Brazilian folklore and
mythology, and has been associated with controversial themes such as Satanism and
parent: black metal
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 5169
"2021": 3xiXsuiUakEI7rdBpp21D2
"2022": 26OENfQAx592rvGFTrbTqR
"2023": 5HvxEc2f7pkPnbEebWauUB
intro: 1wYIWzFzr9Iao4b4WngqBn
pulse: 4x8AoFGFGfgwumptD2k6uO
sound: 0Q1Bwu1jOnw7Nob2UXWgEu
brazilian blues:
name: Brazilian Blues
Brazilian blues is a fusion of traditional blues music with Brazilian rhythms and
instruments. It often features soulful vocals and a strong emphasis on guitar solos.
The lyrics typically touch on themes of love, loss, and struggle, but with a
distinctly Brazilian flavor.
parent: blues
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 4339
"2021": 5NCQHN1GJZZ3IC7Z9PmHnQ
"2022": 0lFTORJUdbHomogJOy0uUF
"2023": 5YPmHtH5kQDH6bvDhAOnqA
intro: 0GwFap1i04xPwBaxo0qi2U
pulse: 5qiRwlnht2QObTnRzFbZMm
sound: 3IOfbuF67ilbd54avE0h4P
brazilian boogie:
name: Brazilian Boogie
Brazilian boogie is an upbeat and danceable genre that emerged in the 1970s. It
combines elements of funk, soul, and disco with Brazilian rhythms and
instrumentation. The music is characterized by its infectious grooves and catchy
melodies, often featuring horns and percussion. The lyrics typically celebrate life,
love, and good times.
parent: boogie
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 2105
"2020": 2rv0eSLTMqPRYaZpODYP5l
"2021": 0X7SXn2j0JB9izw7osTW5g
"2022": 6iEOYJrJa1tN9iTuU30NK6
"2023": 6XOvQi20PLuLyhrUEwKOxM
edge: 3rBj4AfNjiXz5DzXSoZvh9
intro: 50jofx2qe0v8S0gG3wXxrQ
pulse: 71Wo294YlbszX2W8ha1bHJ
sound: 44ddQ4g1xnn8o0SRo1hgPa
brazilian ccm:
name: Brazilian CCM
Brazilian CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) is a genre of music that combines
Christian lyrics with Brazilian rhythms and instrumentation. It often features
uplifting melodies and positive messages of faith and hope. The music can range from
traditional hymns to modern pop and rock styles, with a focus on encouraging
listeners to connect with their spirituality.
parent: ccm
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 1033
"2018": 1qc12ooJnahAWX9mNzuG7u
"2019": 2fgM8MVqPuVTeYL1MNiQ7L
"2020": 376MvjkxU6akfGqNumr4z2
"2021": 5OnOhD6YEX2x5qlVwNLsnt
"2022": 776UZ5E60irR9x7B5JZsow
"2023": 7BUQEHUcJOhFFWJpqd1Lba
edge: 0ChmFyb2cnuXPy279AEFM8
intro: 2RLg6VUjo4KBAGGIDYp5ov
pulse: 23mJ8eu7ag2Zh7lsB0PPGy
sound: 2UNqwQnjDTvppqW0gW3frK
brazilian classical:
name: Brazilian Classical
Brazilian classical music refers to the traditional music of Brazil that has been
influenced by European classical music. It is characterized by the use of orchestral
instruments such as violins, cellos, and pianos, and often incorporates Brazilian
rhythms and melodies.
parent: classical
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 2383
"2018": 3SPw6MX0qgnuUv9iezRZvX
"2019": 0ckSo7h6fsSDwugE8y0ksK
"2022": 3z3fyfmhwBgQBUZxWszGeV
"2023": 5QGJPOab8Tz5YcT0IkO7WQ
edge: 6xXhC1csl090U3JFTLg3qm
intro: 7DYHikkkznSG8dvfz8jEpx
pulse: 6ids19DtY60QMfOnsBaiiZ
sound: 3nSUnrG5uxrF31ZNPMJxEc
brazilian classical piano:
name: Brazilian Classical Piano
Brazilian classical piano music is a subgenre of Brazilian classical music that
focuses specifically on solo piano performances. It showcases the technical skill
and virtuosity of Brazilian pianists and often features original compositions or
arrangements of traditional Brazilian songs.
parent: classical piano
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 6085
"2020": 5fhVQ0rx8hx0pxsSVX69qm
"2022": 4y1UqMGlEULknU04D5gP9e
"2023": 7as4tUC6b2f69mwf8FZj2y
intro: 3yjDgXXk8FvPgrl22VQAwt
pulse: 671Z4bdeXx64mNdabfiUU7
sound: 6c2XUzTGkczJ3WZ6e3uvbL
brazilian contemporary classical:
name: Brazilian Contemporary Classical
Brazilian contemporary classical music is a modern interpretation of Brazilian
classical music that incorporates elements of contemporary music genres such as
jazz, rock, and electronic music. It often features experimental techniques and
unconventional instrumentation, and explores themes related to Brazilian culture and
parent: contemporary classical
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 5654
sound: 61shI6mTi5fmb4S9CZFq55
brazilian death metal:
name: Brazilian Death Metal
Brazilian death metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that originated in Brazil. It is
characterized by aggressive and fast-paced guitar riffs, complex drumming patterns,
and harsh vocals. The lyrics often deal with themes such as violence, death, and
social issues. Brazilian death metal bands are known for their technical proficiency
and intense live performances.
parent: death metal
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 4630
"2020": 5sslbyr9opGqB56QmDbDl3
"2021": 7Jq9xBvAPeovyGbWOHN96L
"2022": 6QxNOuMcF4CR97O0zu2V86
"2023": 4Duk9KeIt9sPlPk1P9DQNO
edge: 52yBDZubwfFLI4CKVajOD8
intro: 5Fou4dFjZHQLxi77nJiFN6
pulse: 7zpYwRe4Eo8wAvOrA12m4w
sound: 2cnwzTMVQuEALb2Ekj3Gjf
brazilian dnb:
name: Brazilian DnB
Brazilian DnB, or drum and bass, is a high-energy electronic music genre that
originated in the UK but has gained popularity in Brazil. It is characterized by
fast breakbeats, heavy basslines, and chopped-up samples. Brazilian DnB often
incorporates elements of Brazilian music such as samba and bossa nova. It is a
popular genre in Brazilian clubs and festivals, with a dedicated fan base.
parent: drum and bass
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 4061
"2021": 02QOONJNjo1O6s5GCIjORG
"2022": 0AIkLCsHg8wSeg84quKxKK
"2023": 1o4cGelwjUUnAaWI4s9ytU
edge: 69IWIrZ3csQvWc9f5jUKva
intro: 26TOGpZxS2G9630ROl2pXo
pulse: 2hkKolDp8mfLhz2zkRnVN2
sound: 3H0z2PNzgD8BqBbRUnkVy9
brazilian doom metal:
name: Brazilian Doom Metal
Brazilian doom metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that emerged in Brazil in the
1990s. It is characterized by slow, heavy, and melancholic guitar riffs, dark and
introspective lyrics, and a somber atmosphere. Brazilian doom metal often draws
inspiration from Brazilian folklore and mythology, creating a unique sound that
blends traditional Brazilian music with the heaviness of doom metal. It is a niche
genre within the Brazilian metal scene, but has a dedicated following.
parent: doom metal
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 6174
sound: 45hFa5uFEeE5MMWJ6ycGzL
brazilian edm:
name: Brazilian EDM
This genre blends traditional Brazilian rhythms with electronic dance music,
creating a high-energy sound that's perfect for the club scene. It features heavy
basslines, catchy melodies, and plenty of percussion. Brazilian EDM is all about
getting people on the dance floor and keeping them there with infectious beats.
parent: edm
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 723
"2019": 0EPFIJQ9JFrfkFrBjxzRR8
"2020": 6u0AgWIhYzSebluqt4XRk5
"2021": 51CfGp5SYYwOTe8qBWhdry
"2022": 3OyIbKoHc6x7JdWQunJI95
"2023": 3HbtYbJDfY9XjvuzE6PaME
edge: 7EnGikk7HLyXkjibn3g7DY
intro: 1ubwqSiqgRyAINShjQZx9m
pulse: 14ZPw7QNzmZjQ3iGn4rhxH
sound: 5VJcwlSzgFtpClXb8xtXs6
brazilian emo:
name: Brazilian Emo
Brazilian emo music is characterized by its emotional lyrics and introspective
themes. It often features melodic guitar riffs, driving drums, and passionate
vocals. This genre grew out of the American emo scene but has evolved to incorporate
Brazilian influences, such as samba and bossa nova. Brazilian emo is all about
expressing raw emotions and connecting with listeners on a deep level.
parent: emo
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 1937
"2019": 45zkHmkqJYOHZFtrySMTCp
"2020": 5dqQmxTC6HbG4DXh7l7LWi
"2021": 1RahbiISuFLkLwJ1RUdIig
"2022": 1Q91vPcD5jRhJSlShdbuIG
"2023": 122G19QfMPsVVCu8Q7nqc4
edge: 6E1nyZo9R0bSGpsf8r9kPc
intro: 6pn4KhSHeqVt3GoGMhg3dE
pulse: 4G32aT1H58ikvxFASGkFGQ
sound: 4529JKPn5nYRNB3e3JHJ3D
brazilian experimental:
name: Brazilian Experimental
This genre is all about pushing boundaries and exploring new sounds. It incorporates
elements of jazz, rock, electronic music, and traditional Brazilian music to create
a unique and unpredictable sound. Brazilian experimental music can be challenging to
listen to at times, but it's always interesting and thought-provoking. This genre is
perfect for people who are looking for something different and are open to new
parent: experimental
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 4258
pulse: 5Nb71FF0AkjDFp42zS0wNt
sound: 3j1YYS7Palpfb92qd9x7vl
brazilian gospel:
name: Brazilian Gospel
This genre combines the uplifting message of gospel music with the lively rhythms
and melodies of Brazilian music. It often features powerful vocal harmonies and a
mix of traditional and contemporary instrumentation, such as acoustic guitars,
percussion, and keyboards. Brazilian gospel music is popular among Christian
communities in Brazil and around the world.
parent: gospel
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 213
"2018": 2VCeilOqJeiLCu8sJ0tMZ3
"2019": 0UaKiytlXAoGwZFBRvP1FK
"2020": 3sMkBdIzolJlscSpPZ3Bn9
"2021": 0ZkG05hVCYDk8j9NKYEPNq
"2022": 7LrecuNwj8S0lIB4psDuyH
"2023": 1kYRN8kCkwHqLbZdsAQeR6
edge: 6OkcrXFIUN5NvMU3fCW2fD
intro: 412FRiBNsXLcrnMSoMBCPo
pulse: 1nmzTRwhFbLO239ONpVFkO
sound: 6Xxksk0PXng2x9zF30Yzg7
brazilian grindcore:
name: Brazilian Grindcore
This aggressive and fast-paced subgenre of heavy metal is characterized by its
short, intense songs and abrasive sound. Brazilian grindcore bands often incorporate
elements of punk, hardcore, and death metal into their music, creating a chaotic and
brutal sound that is popular among extreme metal fans. The lyrics often deal with
social and political issues, and the music is known for its raw energy and
parent: grindcore
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 5941
"2021": 7ac0CiJHuMAjMOXRCx7wd3
"2022": 2EUPDjgv5UXwDelFVI9KoN
"2023": 5QfamH414RH3uIisT6xoZt
intro: 7gWoGqz5HljDz3MWPd6n7l
pulse: 1ukFs1cYGhoJnJKpMY7CQQ
sound: 0YE2Cngaa0qD0vM3VgEL2A
brazilian groove metal:
name: Brazilian Groove Metal
This genre blends the heavy riffs and aggressive vocals of metal with the rhythmic
grooves and syncopated beats of Brazilian music. It often features complex
polyrhythms and intricate percussion, as well as melodic guitar solos and powerful
vocal performances. Brazilian groove metal bands draw inspiration from a wide range
of musical traditions, including samba, funk, and jazz, creating a unique and
dynamic sound that is both heavy and danceable.
parent: groove metal
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 2805
sound: 3EP7fmtL45NXEL0tpoO2ca
brazilian hardcore:
name: Brazilian Hardcore
Brazilian hardcore is a high-energy subgenre of punk rock that emerged in the late
1980s. It features fast, aggressive guitar riffs, pounding drums, and raw,
aggressive vocals that often address social and political issues.
parent: hardcore
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 3060
"2018": 5wtZ0wFF5wUFFsjUIow9PR
"2019": 2KyzLibvkZ0N0xJZ6qWhOS
"2020": 3bJegdigrt4ixBQsLkPb5A
"2021": 3rnBVs1QCU4bM77iLnloNH
"2022": 4CP1EmYY33VWS10CLjNLdv
"2023": 3DLa6Xi0Md3NQ4u5zhn9Y3
edge: 6qG5S24I0pijew8t4fBtLe
intro: 5vbkqwFMMkov110HyULRm0
pulse: 4CqpgKlWOrcwpAtIAmISdM
sound: 6aanKgTfkuFFjiP1YW9HBE
brazilian heavy metal:
name: Brazilian Heavy Metal
rank: 5849
intro: 69XQsXjHxIPCL5gzhVtzzc
alias: brazilian metal
brazilian hip hop:
name: Brazilian Hip Hop
Brazilian hip hop is a dynamic and diverse genre that blends the rhythms and
melodies of Brazilian music with the lyrical storytelling and social commentary of
hip hop. It often features a mix of Portuguese and English lyrics, and draws on a
range of musical influences, from samba and bossa nova to funk and reggae. Brazilian
hip hop artists often use their music to address social and political issues,
including poverty, inequality, and police brutality.
parent: hip hop
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 235
"2018": 3RSglfGrhhzpfJIzdhVJtJ
"2019": 12ZIEOTG7ds9oC4VNvtOnP
"2020": 4MQNNJ6DoNHCdG1VQCbTwN
"2021": 7bqKDFc9F8leuSXhefTaqY
"2022": 3UZARj4SSyPyciSMHcODB3
edge: 7euaBue9CBITDTajARz50V
intro: 76vrGwmyQefVA6qJQTzha7
pulse: 4AebIAmCL5jeTn4e16m1wK
sound: 2CBOZqWolmSfOeXAo8mCFZ
brazilian house:
name: Brazilian House
Brazilian house music is a fusion of traditional Brazilian rhythms and electronic
dance music. It features upbeat tempos, pulsing basslines, and catchy melodies,
often incorporating elements of samba, bossa nova, and other Latin American styles.
Artists like DJ Marky, Gui Boratto, and Alok have helped to popularize Brazilian
house around the world.
parent: house
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 2440
"2018": 3zkNOvBUP8gpQD1uRVyFrL
"2019": 15UjdVu2PG1Xls4F4LETpb
"2020": 2BdTs1VSn97rbPnnAM6knI
"2021": 1KRtwzJt0W6IM756OqS6od
"2022": 3afhvgXam4fNQZi7KcASTu
"2023": 0uSIUPsbUbiKVoPAGHd3QG
edge: 2ae0WoEmv6R3JBYfu5BGKn
intro: 4ChcrgNILp5YxPzMa2wcjd
pulse: 03zqALTquhsBRQiD3yHUvO
sound: 258fthdJsWF17XxHpTaTtF
brazilian indie:
name: Brazilian Indie
Brazilian indie is a genre that emerged in the 2000s, characterized by its DIY
approach and eclectic sound. It blends elements of rock, pop, and electronic music
with Brazilian rhythms and instrumentation, often featuring socially conscious
lyrics and experimental production techniques.
parent: indie pop
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 1935
"2018": 5Zkt3264IAzGOKdyiYC4VJ
"2019": 4PZSWNaYL2LM5Hb6HtdavO
"2020": 0XknriU08T7JCzHc4m9XFc
"2021": 0ogrkMlaOC4tRG2JJMUYGD
"2022": 6CBRVqZ5kJYTfDcdYXyCiy
"2023": 4aZtVhhKXx10byLGDu8RKB
edge: 4GEFlyxzNIlX60bGebX1pQ
intro: 4tqScIPWzegzZ2yu25n8FD
pulse: 749MlO2KmBhIkUoGQGvEdL
sound: 70f3S3d60uyOdssfCZ9AEe
brazilian indie rock:
name: Brazilian Indie Rock
Brazilian indie rock is a subgenre of Brazilian indie that emphasizes the rock
elements of the sound, with distorted guitars, driving rhythms, and catchy hooks. It
draws on influences from both Brazilian and international rock scenes, creating a
unique fusion that reflects the country's diverse musical heritage.
parent: indie rock
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 4292
"2018": 6aJbNp3krSHWlVb3T6kjFA
"2019": 5NxWqwFUDKj8zp3zA8Fip1
"2020": 69xlZnEeRiujDIDa7mnMml
"2021": 7uXqcMvHIQMAyAScYmHZgW
"2022": 7xUKCbhN7tA1eNgMRoaZDk
"2023": 4INVlPp1kDI1XUErjh6ALd
edge: 7yAT9GVxB8OvAJbMaWJ3XK
intro: 4NqA0kkuF614GdcnDR9SJN
pulse: 0RUNzZneSCAhCAJwiny6Z1
sound: 0NLw6Vs4WhPF1UF2ade0QR
brazilian jazz:
name: Brazilian Jazz
Brazilian jazz is a genre that has been thriving since the 1960s, blending
traditional Brazilian rhythms and melodies with the improvisational techniques of
jazz. It features virtuosic instrumental performances, often incorporating elements
of samba, bossa nova, and other Brazilian styles. Brazilian jazz has produced some
of the country's most celebrated musicians, including Antonio Carlos Jobim and João
Gilberto, and continues to evolve and innovate to this day.
parent: jazz
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 1102
"2019": 71C1gNPfsAiKZ1FHbfn48Z
"2020": 5kCb6GAN6dYEj7EI4znTwK
"2021": 4eEVRYDiNx0nKHobWs8HKb
"2022": 3qP0LIAYy6IPY0mJTXZ3jn
"2023": 1AyXrIutKNfEhcwlFVXdYA
edge: 0E3zg5gc6rkH4nx4ipMdnQ
intro: 62CD0PKI9Cr1VQwcaZPIGW
pulse: 66jxYlEOCD99r1tV9b3xRA
sound: 2MYwrfTz2d13WUqmKfg6ts
brazilian lo-fi rock:
name: Brazilian Lo-Fi Rock
Brazilian lo-fi rock is a genre that combines the raw, DIY production style of lo-fi
with the rock music of Brazil. It often features distorted guitars, simple drum
beats, and introspective lyrics. This genre is known for its laid-back vibe and
introspective lyrics that often explore themes of love, heartbreak, and the
struggles of everyday life.
parent: lo-fi
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 4959
"2018": 0E2wZvaio5cP2s95FStj5i
"2019": 52ieGm1Wh5pg9YZ3p05omW
"2020": 7iieB7AN3cDDiXsjk5sUeI
"2021": 2sqPDMUtezMid6Dfvhpv4R
"2022": 7tMMNEfkXIe1QvN8K0HrH8
"2023": 4ZuNUnqm17Q0K6cwPB8fsE
edge: 63X9hchQCE1vbOKafnOtVc
intro: 6iie8dRU7vmEbzWhArA2Ix
pulse: 6QZXtooRZqjqW6JZ6zlGDa
sound: 0MgTVZhnxixIfszqQRnx6v
brazilian metal:
name: Brazilian Metal
Brazilian metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that emerged in Brazil in the 1980s. It
is characterized by its fast-paced, aggressive sound, with heavy use of distortion,
double bass drumming, and complex guitar riffs. Brazilian metal often features
lyrics that address social and political issues, as well as themes of violence,
death, and destruction.
parent: metal
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 1917
"2018": 1CR6ADwR1HpzWRLe4O4REl
"2019": 2to3Rmzy1u9oHFTNY3hCw6
"2020": 1pKgTn1u9v3Zb7LYW2buHp
"2021": 0PzYWiFAUsWQx8FjshJ12f
"2022": 4eQ1OaRS53pBgCU7qvL7UL
"2023": 26UmW7PbVsiJm29VeSszZR
edge: 1CrpY6xDEoZlSiEHQcuqS8
intro: 7FYmAqtFL9x6Yedq5P0k7H
pulse: 3qHT7crv4CyH5S1JbCqSUR
sound: 08nXOyhmTz2IN8HqBtJIXa
brazilian metalcore:
name: Brazilian Metalcore
Brazilian metalcore is a fusion of Brazilian metal and hardcore punk. It is
characterized by its heavy, chugging guitar riffs, breakdowns, and screamed vocals.
Brazilian metalcore often features socially conscious lyrics that address issues
such as politics, religion, and personal struggles. This genre is known for its
intense live performances and energetic mosh pits.
parent: metalcore
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 5202
"2021": 33zx8RwmVEkaPtBBBB3cGf
"2022": 5s1BIzJ9ddMz8VeIGif9Hx
"2023": 0ub9pSNH5RhxynE4D964fA
intro: 7DOQjxQ5yPgCDb0WvThAW9
pulse: 7ECbzDrvzuCh0XErPVoqrt
sound: 2lybnXPgntmfOoxDm31UQR
brazilian modern jazz:
name: Brazilian Modern Jazz
Brazilian modern jazz blends traditional Brazilian rhythms with modern jazz
harmonies and improvisation. The result is a sophisticated and complex sound that
showcases the virtuosity of Brazilian musicians and their unique approach to jazz.
parent: brazilian jazz
localized_name: true
rank: 3763
"2019": 6xDxzjgDwRttGqnhazj4Tf
"2020": 1cdfzGYpMNrJsxqzwJyiI2
"2021": 4A5Hq8phqlqgyl6oBEYoJL
"2022": 0YrRqX2DQKZCjiAiHYvKBG
"2023": 7AGls1yqwVBl2AOYAuOkG6
edge: 3LnEH2RJMv5tTbW4FugedZ
intro: 1KIp1iMbXMLgp3rX3JTHm3
pulse: 248l7jeBwVRMOOblfvMMav
sound: 1wQ6t8Bo3Th1vLzFKK0Veu
brazilian percussion:
name: Brazilian Percussion
Brazilian percussion is a vibrant and energetic genre that celebrates the rich
history of Brazilian rhythms and instruments. From the samba to the maracatu, the
music is driven by the infectious beats of the pandeiro, surdo, and other percussion
instruments that are at the heart of Brazilian music.
parent: percussion
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 3338
"2021": 2WkpYIhlX08kFCzlxDcu83
"2022": 0T2UaryVAOjaWe8grrauPu
intro: 5FLB4ZUQr8dQEihgw2lETT
pulse: 2X831yMhqsqd1dk5Kn200y
sound: 6odC8x54AS8rzUqHupqLDS
"2023": 7hnM0U7DPDjZraSNhExyoN
brazilian post-hardcore:
name: Brazilian Post-Hardcore
Brazilian post-hardcore is a genre that fuses the aggression and intensity of
hardcore punk with the rhythmic complexity and melodic sensibility of Brazilian
music. The result is a powerful and dynamic sound that combines driving rhythms,
intricate guitar work, and impassioned vocals to create a unique and compelling
musical experience.
parent: post-hardcore
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 3941
"2019": 34d2dmah0QIs2HnBu2k06y
"2020": 7d625vWasAMp3wtwgDVBpx
"2021": 08MTF7y2Nbifs65hxh5Ohq
"2022": 21wLhqis2cfbs2rpwcPI9W
"2023": 1T15LU1tpvLkT0gwPV9d8E
edge: 0tUiXxkGqEKPrU9ljA2SZV
intro: 4J1G0F15c4ussQgD1YIiaf
pulse: 5X4obfEqXmtWzn946tAZYw
sound: 5pOUlWdNexlBRsBFJ6d507
brazilian post-rock:
name: Brazilian Post-Rock
Brazilian post-rock is a genre that combines the atmospheric and experimental
qualities of post-rock with the rhythmic and melodic elements of Brazilian music. It
often features intricate guitar work, dynamic drumming, and a range of textures and
moods. The music is often introspective and contemplative, evoking a sense of
nostalgia or longing.
parent: post-rock
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 5903
"2020": 0Ztv7NeqYOBATvHwwF5QOI
"2021": 5glP5YUN4iMszKFNQl0LfL
"2022": 2pNfXki2AYwVnO7TYFMy84
"2023": 3rciFlgqqDIzGMe0kTsbNN
intro: 1f8VE9gQ46xxVtvB1PltKJ
pulse: 38WVbB4MEg4REFfjpm1tfK
sound: 4SZH8SQnuslwyddvWjY2Lx
brazilian power metal:
name: Brazilian Power Metal
Brazilian power metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that emphasizes speed, technical
proficiency, and melodic hooks. It often features soaring vocals, intricate guitar
solos, and driving rhythms. The lyrics often focus on fantasy, mythology, and epic
storytelling, with themes of heroism and triumph. Brazilian power metal bands often
draw inspiration from European power metal, but infuse their music with a distinct
Brazilian flavor.
parent: power metal
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 3207
"2020": 2PixqBOnLF8CxX7MDNnN7f
"2021": 5iu8agefJE0F6GEg1xmL5h
"2022": 2hspw8QByTPpZ9fqiiejPj
"2023": 54Oy35uhv4cxpW0WbtzBgO
edge: 6gcUThJkKnaPI3mx0GzsxG
intro: 7zsixQj8nz9TzKXduUdfIe
pulse: 5bYDQVoLcoo154WBGJn7nm
sound: 3l3PfTmx8jHrp0NeeEDkLt
brazilian progressive metal:
name: Brazilian Progressive Metal
Brazilian progressive metal is a genre that blends the complexity and technicality
of progressive rock with the heaviness and aggression of metal. It often features
intricate time signatures, complex song structures, and virtuosic instrumental
performances. The music is often epic in scope, with themes of science fiction,
philosophy, and social commentary. Brazilian progressive metal bands often push the
boundaries of what is possible in music, creating innovative and challenging works
that reward careful listening.
parent: progressive metal
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 2761
"2020": 5oniaHEFsSk1n9aBPrhJVR
"2021": 0TAiC7gyb4jQK7dC7Jq1nY
"2022": 48UkKFfgVBDlE9wHqiZHis
"2023": 7g3U5auhSJ0EdvwOybwIXt
edge: 6O3tz9BwobtuQz9yNndTpF
intro: 6uSK66KbAHvvk1qKVVOOPz
pulse: 1OxjamLa4RB8W3LzqrhNmT
sound: 1kymVzLVYVIaSutk4cwaRX
brazilian punk:
name: Brazilian Punk
Brazilian punk is a subgenre of punk rock that emerged in Brazil during the 1980s.
It's characterized by fast-paced and aggressive music, with lyrics that often
address social and political issues. Brazilian punk bands have a DIY ethos and are
known for their energetic live performances.
parent: punk
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 1735
"2018": 2fTEu3CklKAOxjrSnT0g2N
"2019": 6wZVrJQGlnrw0HXWWQmlRo
"2020": 0lFCYFjevsmm37Yjhhx8As
"2021": 0X8GSdstfyC2oGXHqKImvp
"2022": 3h0TVhfKCpIzjFW6tigZXA
"2023": 4IyAKMkVj6PVzTbsk0844H
edge: 3My1yzNxE9u1CrnYI1773D
intro: 5atI5cMkVPyx9UEWum6EWc
pulse: 0VXPD0DK1bRrMALHmI8GLr
sound: 0GhyufHLiAxUoRloo1mZM1
brazilian punk rock:
name: Brazilian Punk Rock
rank: 2660
"2020": 4Ax5JpUkTSPvZs7RaVyBKh
"2021": 48YDU5WBET1slx31VW8oBR
"2022": 0WxPB1JcR1tjkE4RizVJmW
"2023": 5gOzepWu4bluoxOhNdkSoq
edge: 777YCnLjcm6lXi1LNr2ZyE
intro: 6TG1MVNaFgZ07NcmUKpftg
pulse: 6Hm1Odz139sEYBGxuueBF3
sound: 62ZdK92qdn11OQmpgvteAd
alias: brazilian punk
brazilian reggae:
name: Brazilian Reggae
Brazilian reggae is a genre of music that emerged in Brazil in the 1970s. It's a
fusion of Jamaican reggae and Brazilian rhythms, such as samba and forró. Brazilian
reggae often features lyrics that address social and political issues, as well as
themes of love and spirituality. The music is characterized by its laid-back,
rhythmic groove and use of traditional Brazilian instruments, such as the berimbau
and cuíca.
parent: reggae
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 404
"2018": 2Ql3xhuDm3F6c6c37DSZys
"2019": 079sJe5pGVHZ3AkzsWMeSf
"2020": 5JgUqUfJelKg70JbQEAqm2
"2021": 1Nr4tkLkQrTo5GdPPnSMCK
"2022": 7qlaUZiviNit6opP6MK5EP
"2023": 12yu5anyZ5rbs50KYpqFIE
edge: 7gcO6F0e3HeBJpfSxHzxLU
intro: 2yqsNlxBquCZqTxkwHlOJp
pulse: 6HcTbCMkrNtTEIOYlbNISl
sound: 7v4hGOiOxpMW8fldbY63kd
brazilian rock:
name: Brazilian Rock
Brazilian rock is a genre that blends the sounds of traditional rock music with
Brazilian rhythms and influences. It often features lyrics in Portuguese and
incorporates elements of samba, bossa nova, and MPB.
parent: rock
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 255
"2018": 37er29Bn491IbsVCn7oRn5
"2019": 5dyv2YWTsgiyoIkImCPWIs
"2020": 0rKEvA5FWR8qpUyf3wR1Li
"2021": 2QdTHf3t6oOLB0kdUKxoMl
"2022": 43v7Z99bBAdkqkVgtbhZwq
"2023": 0VvLf9sAGQhCbGXqad6L9k
edge: 4st57D3JY1a8dmXDCeVuZq
intro: 52nIEtlwl7dp5WWLjSv25g
pulse: 1H4oU7rjy740wpPeVGBlID
sound: 3nExI3KhiOs9fFobjdHzfj
brazilian rockabilly:
name: Brazilian Rockabilly
Brazilian rockabilly is a subgenre of Brazilian rock that draws inspiration from the
American rockabilly movement of the 1950s. It features a mix of rock and roll,
country, and blues music with a Brazilian twist, often incorporating the use of
upright bass, twangy guitar riffs, and vintage-style clothing.
parent: rockabilly
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 5639
intro: 24Dllw0iybewMJ4F72Cr0r
pulse: 3Fa923LWdPD6Kj6Zu7rTWP
sound: 1qFGMmJE3ks2kMWwvwNbSb
brazilian ska:
name: Brazilian Ska
Brazilian ska is a genre that fuses the upbeat rhythms of ska music with Brazilian
styles such as samba and forró. It often features brass instruments, fast-paced
guitar riffs, and lyrics that touch on social and political issues. Brazilian ska
has gained popularity in recent years, with bands like Skank and O Rappa leading the
parent: ska
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 3567
"2021": 63jHg2Epjz32CBPhJyJoWh
"2022": 7MpRTA2R8TFFS4lBs1HUNr
"2023": 67PuRcdOM097KKipBegZip
intro: 3uD3Yf5VA85zx3mYSejg3n
pulse: 1tvLPdf6xFiCDIrDKqYhrY
sound: 0bgZ30O6JZuMkNXLcHmOK0
brazilian soul:
name: Brazilian Soul
Brazilian soul is a genre that fuses American soul music with traditional Brazilian
rhythms and instrumentation, resulting in a smooth and groovy sound. It often
features powerful vocals and lyrics that touch on social and political issues.
parent: soul
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 1953
"2019": 0HwxwUgaNnn2nntLP5Fy7z
"2020": 48Ppw4xmzJc7MttWmYjYlI
"2021": 2ZDriFGpZvsRqSgWj1VyZL
"2022": 7195SyOgct4q0LWylab2Wo
"2023": 0bmUTv0ikSEGZZkpLkukZv
edge: 6QqSXCgMQPwjV0V9oiGMRn
intro: 3u0CBXXDsb8bCHKGPJU9Qa
pulse: 3AWZ04gJS4BVOMRWFkYwwV
sound: 1ZaBZfYeCQoWj4ToBFE7Wg
brazilian stoner rock:
name: Brazilian Stoner Rock
Brazilian stoner rock is a heavy and psychedelic genre that draws inspiration from
classic rock and metal, as well as Brazilian folk music. It often features distorted
guitars, intricate rhythms, and introspective lyrics that explore themes of
spirituality and introspection.
parent: stoner rock
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 5643
"2021": 72SM1wS5S7RVbN8SPjDzTF
intro: 1mpiH614JvDzxXYiHz7MBU
pulse: 5rlUsgnsQ6KSSb0ambmgSI
sound: 3WINZ8hNPKCwu0BfDcr0GY
brazilian surf rock:
name: Brazilian Surf Rock
Brazilian surf rock is a high-energy genre that blends surf music with Brazilian
rhythms and melodies. It often features fast-paced guitar riffs, driving percussion,
and catchy hooks that evoke the sunny beaches and carefree lifestyle of Brazil's
coastal regions.
parent: surf music
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 5923
pulse: 1ulSImuX5cFyeWHGsTDzuS
sound: 7Hbtyb8qY5vz3IBYDvypYg
brazilian tech house:
name: Brazilian Tech House
Brazilian tech house is a subgenre of electronic dance music that originated in
Brazil. It combines elements of house music with techno, creating a sound that is
both groovy and energetic. With its infectious beats and catchy melodies, Brazilian
tech house is perfect for getting people on the dance floor.
parent: tech house
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 4145
"2020": 0E530Aw5EzK2DY3inLJfgR
"2021": 5i8HsBUBhSXRrYFZkGZtsz
"2022": 1t9oZ0IpTEGoSi7pqweZyG
"2023": 4VErDoKJgiI9YkAaGkpVOe
edge: 0JWjW1PWeza0cfp8U6KMaN
intro: 5dleeylr33ER7oStFIERs6
pulse: 2zghk2kDv95ZCTHh9n8i0E
sound: 3zUYANulWztUKlnipQD8ZH
brazilian techno:
name: Brazilian Techno
Brazilian techno is a style of electronic dance music that originated in Brazil in
the 1990s. It is characterized by its fast-paced beats, heavy basslines, and
futuristic soundscapes. Brazilian techno is often associated with the underground
club scene and is popular among fans of electronic music around the world.
parent: techno
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 4052
"2020": 0HRudPOh5MCp5ticR8Gfr6
"2021": 4aa3yvLYFObUhCdQeMFmEe
"2022": 1gGM02YraMR168xinkdZDc
"2023": 7uxYSBqznGcSIhxpdUwd5W
edge: 1cGISC1AlyhVK0umHsq9f1
intro: 10Ldo7vaOMs7FeKsskuPTg
pulse: 1VYEOLccBW7h5lwZ0HSo9V
sound: 59m4dGWhNOmDno7HRVSMps
brazilian thrash metal:
name: Brazilian Thrash Metal
Brazilian thrash metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that originated in Brazil in the
1980s. It is characterized by its fast-paced, aggressive sound and politically
charged lyrics. Brazilian thrash metal bands often incorporate elements of punk rock
into their music, creating a unique blend of genres. Some of the most popular
Brazilian thrash metal bands include Sepultura, Ratos de Porão, and Korzus.
parent: thrash metal
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 2659
"2020": 4WaknkDRM68gZft3LQm34h
"2021": 6QAGIYGM5MpoHGnj1g4IBs
"2022": 4M9fz8gf94fIAzEQXx00Dj
"2023": 31IcIHkWEmzqJFUMz6eNxX
edge: 5A6QZow0fQgEl2akG0burv
intro: 1VxH5MZxnu8shMIU5pNY2b
pulse: 0Kdby3gkGcahdq5ZR0VOcR
sound: 7roO0fEOrwx0GdJlqB3gSH
name: Breakbeat
A rhythmic style of electronic dance music characterized by the use of broken
rhythms, with the beat typically being sampled from funk and soul records.
Breakbeats are often heavy on the bass and drum patterns, with a focus on creating a
groove that is both danceable and catchy.
parent: edm
rank: 1191
"2018": 4MsIImJOqIPvKNHk0kSFk1
"2019": 6VQdLOk8O74uOqZB7MgSVt
"2020": 0C3CEdX9J6HQzVzTkP9Odd
"2021": 0B6of99LkkG31yxy5zXCCH
"2022": 0gPGWzBsowRTV91kWopCAH
"2023": 1xg5lA2l6I8Ef8ZbIIW54b
edge: 1Bqku0n67l0svEkQWMRk8q
intro: 5jU8k9UsaPPgWyxFjB2f1L
pulse: 39uFDwxUXi34C4CXzhyuBI
sound: 1yckyfEZtFkkq7UPXHbLwi
name: Breakcore
A subgenre of electronic music that is characterized by its extreme use of
breakbeats, distorted and chopped-up samples, and aggressive sound design. Breakcore
often incorporates elements of noise, hardcore techno, and other experimental
genres, resulting in a chaotic and intense listening experience.
parent: hardcore
rank: 3209
"2020": 1NGh7DVxiCNYlFvgu9FxTP
"2021": 3U3loC1rNuizhq8Khk69mn
"2022": 2E60Lf1qLOP9ZcyNlMYcOX
"2023": 0JE0Z35KN4j10h0YZuskFs
edge: 2Ys6Z19opYZhDtS4V4VmUQ
intro: 5YhEhRKlKHKa0yHE1qmAly
pulse: 26zp5smksDu0ZbOhPGxyRR
sound: 3OBvO6hmsS5BsYbciDddW7
name: Breaks
A genre of electronic dance music that is characterized by its use of breakbeats,
typically sampled from funk, soul, and rock records. Breaks often incorporate
elements of hip-hop, with scratching and vocal samples being common features. The
tempo of breaks can vary widely, with some tracks being slower and more atmospheric,
while others are fast-paced and energetic.
parent: edm
rank: 4681
"2020": 02AI9w7aQnsdSPW4ja0GCO
"2021": 3DS67ZSbBTIxPV072Faak5
"2022": 7nOBDFJ8hOakwhGFmZ52Z6
"2023": 4zYlRQOdUexxcQJPokT32w
edge: 0QuPbX7uL5iegLxYn3Rj3i
intro: 3XttbaEJatWtPmp6dQ4Jgk
pulse: 2FccMlKs8eJ3osuaIy3jPz
sound: 3sY5WhiXGA6c0l7TCOETnJ
name: Brega
Originating in Brazil, Brega is a genre that features romantic lyrics and slow tempo
melodies. It often includes the use of accordion and guitar, creating a nostalgic
and melancholic sound.
parent: pop
language: por
country: BR
rank: 1386
"2018": 5GmXXX8L0UBjMpFZILzdce
"2019": 41mwQG8gGiRq82miPrMbol
"2020": 5vNZ0V8rad8w5Jt9vIgdAF
"2021": 2PEcvwwrH8A8COVI2eB0rU
"2022": 4GLDIEgtPBxWDGbLsVosUb
"2023": 4uQLMPlhVi1jOZSr2wXci4
edge: 7q41zoObLMDStedo9yejEN
intro: 47Yj7MkcCNa2mNfDxGRXcZ
pulse: 3WJzxU3EQD0ioaoC3xHO5M
sound: 7eGVwau0N6LFe0tDGSgnfE
brega funk:
name: Brega Funk
A fusion of Brega and Funk, this genre is characterized by its upbeat tempo and
energetic rhythms. It often includes explicit lyrics and references to party
culture, making it a popular choice for dancing and clubbing.
parent: brega
rank: 1720
"2018": 05Y0pQUEYoKZ0wtwarUAGq
"2019": 2s11I0WIuVDGivAm6kKWNu
"2020": 1ORtGUNwQvvwKNYUgF8c9n
"2021": 3XBY5julyNYV5SPnQ1MV8y
"2022": 1pwzuAYRW6XtExv0fr32wi
"2023": 5iE3tkj6yfduUHg0nBMhDw
edge: 4fsi5Z5fX353qkeTVYja49
intro: 3wM20TrDFIknpWT9eBEPo4
pulse: 1ONC98nTMHMyIRhEs53wW6
sound: 2s2ntVO9pqBxQy2q9CD7ov
brega paraense:
name: Brega Paraense
Hailing from the northern region of Brazil, Brega Paraense features a mix of
electronic and traditional Brega sounds. It often includes the use of synthesizers
and drum machines, creating a unique and modern twist on the classic Brega sound.
The lyrics often focus on love, heartbreak, and the struggles of everyday life.
parent: brega
rank: 1351
"2022": 77mpcMSy5RbJEaNXr6Lkrn
"2023": 27HnzVM00OEnV7W5wXgF8v
edge: 15EtWNaTC5owo6uUi4aNZ2
intro: 1nKXklMwogLRs2uV51Dksi
pulse: 1K6GzasksAddNpdm3xslzS
sound: 52tw6RvfXQJqEwbXPICg84
brega romantico:
name: Brega Romântico
This Brazilian genre combines romantic lyrics with electronic and pop elements. It
often features synthesizers, drum machines, and catchy melodies that make it perfect
for dancing. Brega romantico is known for its sentimental themes, such as love and
heartbreak, and has gained popularity in recent years.
parent: brega
rank: 1646
"2019": 4MppBiJUvpC9FDvBad4r6F
"2020": 2LHyUmmi4nwJJIgF9110nh
"2021": 3OkEBlepC9Tw2F5G4FWizc
"2022": 0zfTDAozRloGKMnIS4bSFK
"2023": 678kTiNW97RdPmPCjWbbJ6
edge: 7sWbZk8kWeSvK1gK3Hzxm2
intro: 5SmsN8LjtgIDLNxBuGv1kh
pulse: 5JEJXJYnUZfnI5VObA4Y1I
sound: 3k1aIY9ATvM4X6PvEYW7V1
brega saudade:
name: Brega Saudade
Similar to brega romantico, brega saudade is a genre that mixes romantic lyrics with
electronic and pop elements. However, the focus here is on nostalgia and longing.
The melancholic melodies and emotional lyrics make it a popular choice for those who
are missing someone or something.
parent: brega
rank: 2207
"2022": 19txOZ2p9iHjCYRuC19MiE
"2023": 4PqZbAViFGxzokIXz1jaec
edge: 65VucOvS0rE5EQk2sCwKWf
intro: 153cImWXqYsKmSQ5AbdgNf
pulse: 4oK1eKVhdy3wD1hju8yY6z
sound: 4rLIrvfZlqHUdU46iaUe6M
breton folk:
name: Breton Folk
This traditional music from Brittany, France, is characterized by its use of
bagpipes, flutes, and fiddles. The songs are often sung in Breton, a Celtic
language, and tell stories of the region's history, culture, and traditions. Breton
folk music has a lively and energetic sound that is perfect for dancing and
celebrating. It has been passed down through generations and remains an important
part of Breton culture today.
parent: french folk
rank: 3800
"2020": 0NthjNUlGUGZyD9HgioMdj
"2021": 6mHwxcGsUsNFyyMFZqZemr
"2022": 6ThHj5uqXkM4Crmftg6Lvd
"2023": 4nHQRvev3gQRBWsmlLoPTB
edge: 4AVE2Jv5UwQWIqfh7tqEHt
intro: 15zouK3O9D3b7da2PwOZHy
pulse: 4OO3JbgUbDgu72sGbivjGe
sound: 2Q9yQfdM8baHqEn3tWn23K
brighton indie:
name: Brighton Indie
Brighton Indie is a sub-genre of Indie Rock that originated in Brighton, England. It
is known for its jangly guitar riffs, catchy melodies, and introspective lyrics.
Bands in this genre often have a DIY ethos and are influenced by Post-Punk and 80s
Indie Pop.
parent: english indie rock
rank: 937
"2018": 3emhfR72xbGjaMj66DGuei
"2019": 5TFxypaQAQBPjkKBgXFHZp
"2020": 3XFR0uXYYUzrFvo8eWUvDu
"2021": 1mFeQ537wh3kFcSPjvvfIT
"2022": 5bMTaNWWapNELGu59ONnBG
"2023": 2rKNJONQ1I4SUBks779PzF
edge: 02mUhQMKWYQFS13YOgasGu
intro: 4HQWIrTaLosX3sZiGkwewF
pulse: 6xAenyvvv9H4tjSY4LNNoJ
sound: 6kntHMhgGR82iUBGGodqW5
brill building pop:
name: Brill Building Pop
Brill Building Pop is a style of Pop music that emerged in the 1960s from the
songwriting factories located in New York City's Brill Building. It is characterized
by its catchy hooks, polished production, and emphasis on songwriting craft. Many of
the biggest hits of the era were written by Brill Building songwriters, including
Carole King, Neil Diamond, and Burt Bacharach.
parent: pop
country: US
rank: 784
"2018": 14drTi3VUeYRGVJIxLJUDU
"2019": 6RWlTFWa59cSah0n0mtakn
"2020": 5sQVQOil7BT7MzDTMUWZ4Q
"2021": 37fHAHbTj81vMXXBVqNEvk
"2022": 2Yal8OOffvkMIGqC3d8wmg
"2023": 6CpykeL1NTcjrCjBMUdHvI
edge: 4vHCnAXvisvXUNzmOxEIyf
intro: 4AxEb970HcXrcBCYmF9qY7
pulse: 0lo7JhWwUxvkEDubEyIPrr
sound: 1afcjkK4GbaOpct5MpecCQ
brisbane hip hop:
name: Brisbane Hip Hop
Brisbane hip hop is a subgenre of Australian hip hop that originated in the city of
Brisbane. It is known for its laid-back beats and introspective lyrics that explore
personal struggles and the challenges of everyday life. Artists in this genre often
draw inspiration from their local surroundings and incorporate elements of reggae,
funk, and soul into their music.
parent: australian hip hop
rank: 3303
"2023": 1E8DlFMiVfGyKTRoRGYiTk
edge: 0gHQlSlCxdmq6qdUNhY3vH
intro: 1X76DcOLl2ERbpfKzkpvSl
pulse: 5hWofTOsLAQy9zebWvnxM2
sound: 1zU9A3egIFexjJqvvAztak
brisbane indie:
name: Brisbane Indie
Brisbane Indie is a sub-genre of Indie Rock that originated in Brisbane, Australia.
It is known for its lo-fi production, DIY aesthetic, and melancholic lyrics. Bands
in this genre often draw influences from 90s Indie and Alternative Rock, and are
characterized by their raw, emotional sound. Some of the most prominent Brisbane
Indie bands include The Go-Betweens, The Grates, and The John Steel Singers.
parent: australian indie rock
rank: 1765
"2018": 3nf3NQktdzYVlCuBGmjseg
"2019": 6JjnPQINt7S8SE53NmDNJE
"2020": 5cOpphpBLf95eEef8u0HEA
"2021": 1UdQ2deStk7LGddjkoOJuN
"2022": 438xMPM9XbzOYrJAekQpMR
"2023": 1jcuq5DAO81UYYHSFZyka6
edge: 1bjXLiMRrVIHNnPSS1SJ2g
intro: 0hrwoNpIJBptcgRMwSl0Sm
pulse: 0AmlajSuGNJkkjqtvoMcaX
sound: 7GrVgeOVSntOJRJrzecUl3
brisbane punk:
name: Brisbane Punk
Brisbane punk is a genre of music that originated in Brisbane, Australia in the late
1970s. It is characterized by its fast-paced, aggressive sound and politically
charged lyrics. Brisbane punk bands often have a DIY ethos and a strong sense of
community, with many of them playing in small venues and releasing their own music
parent: punk
country: AU
rank: 3534
"2022": 5pZj9z8BtM0Ss5mxBdv84J
"2023": 0qXWroJDL8A1ZvF9Lap7bZ
edge: 7nSYFvlpaYsvghmMX1GoTk
intro: 0T58d6nc6PrgxFWSJDYwYs
pulse: 6GoIHnkdSwctaHnAcVmRL1
sound: 7p0kJWBVE4VFrVW6zs25kC
bristol electronic:
name: Bristol Electronic
Bristol electronic is a genre of music that originated in Bristol, England in the
late 1980s. It is characterized by its use of electronic instruments and a wide
range of influences, including hip-hop, reggae, and dub. Bristol electronic artists
often have a dark, moody sound and a focus on atmospheric textures and soundscapes.
parent: electronica
country: UK
rank: 3320
"2020": 5wwOcRyvXJmTiV03VCEDPr
"2021": 7Jz7XJwp7MsueipjdUA03A
"2022": 69sAg75LP3KmxAYqRJ93Va
"2023": 3lK5s4qPsrZe7900MEmgVW
edge: 6OcFJu0173u4XM60bC95Um
intro: 3KAdS84lDU5coBzmIZWMdV
pulse: 5KKobiNln3lRQ6d4saRKdP
sound: 12zyNBOOFIiVBjfcdTo0Gx
bristol indie:
name: Bristol Indie
Bristol indie is a genre of music that originated in Bristol, England in the 1990s.
It is characterized by its jangly guitars, catchy melodies, and introspective
lyrics. Bristol indie bands often have a lo-fi, DIY aesthetic and a focus on
creating music that is both accessible and emotionally resonant. Many of these bands
have gone on to achieve mainstream success and influence a new generation of indie
parent: english indie rock
rank: 2324
"2020": 3h9eVe1efHCt26Yky6VwW4
"2021": 2HECNAMll813tBYhs94Cxc
"2022": 5sIQTEzf8E6QNdIT3pJV6w
"2023": 3Ysclf3VydFJHb1TlKXrZt
edge: 3awVkZVirF9f0fJaWta4qj
intro: 5rVaQq4Axs7eUwKf1vbygd
pulse: 4ng4PYM3ca5OjuJIHTJfT9
sound: 6i6Y1J0QeCy1nnBL59MShA
brit funk:
name: Brit Funk
Brit funk is a genre that emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s in the UK. It
combines elements of funk, soul, and jazz with a British twist. It's characterized
by its heavy use of bass, horns, and synthesizers, and its danceable rhythms.
Popular bands in this genre include Level 42, Light of the World, and Incognito.
parent: funk
country: UK
rank: 1938
"2020": 7ybijxBopBUnrx4xMUQWkc
"2021": 0Fv4fy51yGzp9IIzgRcBt5
"2022": 4haIjBYyuiojjRnxmck3Pw
"2023": 3cp83h0N7r0G8RVC5ODcvm
edge: 2pdDWliYsxOEs9iY6kxzwB
intro: 4iPJHsdgCBTdQ0IXYELnNW
pulse: 7dwX6i3reWmP5CcerKFzXk
sound: 4rAO16HPp9ZQZ4bvclqVWe
name: Britcore
Britcore is a subgenre of hip hop that emerged in the United Kingdom in the late
1980s. It is characterized by its hard-hitting beats, aggressive lyrics, and
political themes. Britcore artists often address issues such as police brutality,
racism, and poverty, and their music is known for its confrontational style and
uncompromising message. The genre has influenced many other subgenres of hip hop,
including grime and UK drill.
parent: hardcore hip hop
country: UK
rank: 4907
intro: 4G0ZpTjxeBUV6qJBlGuZfA
pulse: 0cnK2qSkYA2hk4RJK8hFvz
sound: 3Ku6x4O3yZobgHR8y6KSnq
british alternative rock:
name: British Alternative Rock
British alternative rock is a diverse genre that emerged in the UK in the 1980s.
It's characterized by its rejection of mainstream rock and pop, and its focus on
experimentation and individuality. Bands in this genre include The Smiths, Joy
Division, Radiohead, and Oasis. British alternative rock has had a significant
influence on modern rock music and continues to evolve and innovate.
parent: alternative rock
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 1335
"2018": 1vKvK7sgbe2rW4nq67Nt8E
"2019": 4UVWJ6dXW3SADHxw56cKHO
"2020": 3q7Q2bqPX9XMbfHWlT4HB9
"2021": 4pyivccaf0hw3ZPRhN7B8S
"2022": 47CfLXMe06DBYNeNDqzQYF
"2023": 1dzQzIruymu4jF7t4Kymtw
edge: 0zECPL3bPvGkSqGFim06Yr
intro: 5gKUJzqKpHsEynz4Sqtt51
pulse: 4wl11LquT093dhOgl3wtti
sound: 05orH2qSCaMxEhFeaND3Yh
british black metal:
name: British Black Metal
British black metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that originated in the UK in the
early 1990s. It's characterized by its aggressive and raw sound, fast tempos, and
dark themes. British black metal bands often incorporate elements of folk music and
pagan mythology into their music. Popular bands in this genre include Cradle of
Filth, Anaal Nathrakh, and Winterfylleth. British black metal has a dedicated fan
base and continues to push the boundaries of extreme
parent: black metal
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 3296
"2020": 0UvtdfVZ49DNhlh4QvFm87
"2021": 5lSxsfqz6a4LiLov4UY3fV
"2022": 27bFmp0pXRF02umWE9u4Do
"2023": 54QzeMfhNPba1Sicx4THl8
edge: 10GHJFNi3gythKEw7yxn3f
intro: 2Wxyhkt2746uhCEvMIhvRG
pulse: 0WkZ5pCDvvLA1RQs0NdtzA
sound: 3OBMtOkVBAydo8hxzubKJp
british blues:
name: British Blues
British blues is a genre of music that emerged in the 1960s and is characterized by
its use of electric guitars, harmonicas, and a strong emphasis on vocals. It draws
heavily from American blues music but has its own distinct sound and style. Some of
the most notable British blues artists include Eric Clapton, John Mayall, and
Fleetwood Mac.
parent: blues
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 795
"2018": 3QEgrxKJPNTZQgRg9LrM2c
"2019": 4BA48VDXh6fPoUINNM23IF
"2020": 6WZiqo4SRSS58j4KucU84s
"2021": 4qtvSJPeVXqVxyuI0Qyh4r
"2022": 2Gv0aZDvty3wNa8ekiR0LS
"2023": 5oilcKtUh8By4lReI6Rlwz
edge: 7tThsZHhTchl076akfI1DJ
intro: 3VDhtZLezgGD1ZGVRFxDtt
pulse: 6wMGnUiQD1yf3G9Ft0f3rD
sound: 5gYoPWpfoYkFxdS7a15WBO
british brass band:
name: British Brass Band
British brass band music is a traditional style of music that originated in the
early 19th century. It features a range of brass instruments, including trumpets,
trombones, and tubas, as well as percussion instruments like drums and cymbals.
British brass band music is often associated with parades, festivals, and other
community events, and has a rich history and tradition in the UK.
parent: brass band
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 5200
"2021": 1MxFJeoJwCiCHTrFP7wioK
"2022": 6i3NMYbXkzXZIZ4jSvnTda
"2023": 2YqEzhaWZARnIPPzLq6TJQ
edge: 40q1D8JThLbGb8VEx9LGct
intro: 4XbPUefQNS4WiflodB6328
pulse: 1H6hK0HTpAIg2nHNjAMYvG
sound: 0ccmoySgXs0AELQNSidOup
british children's music:
name: British Children's Music
British children's music is a genre of music that is specifically designed for young
children. It often features simple melodies, catchy lyrics, and upbeat rhythms that
are easy for kids to sing and dance along to. British children's music can cover a
wide range of styles and genres, from nursery rhymes and lullabies to pop songs and
educational tunes. Some of the most popular British children's music artists include
Raffi, The Wiggles, and Laurie Berkner.
parent: children's music
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 1768
"2020": 3PPGjfvAmeMC0o3JeEifz5
"2021": 3QKAwbUmUDlO5EAbXKSreA
"2022": 4iKrzIJWLQa28u5FMNzj80
"2023": 42m0r3MFK1YkdJZ16VbpI9
edge: 6DdbD36Mlyw56N4f8Ejnys
intro: 1slv7fOXQqZAVaJe05ebd4
pulse: 1zi2jgjvbzhxdEX16oDXzs
sound: 6CXOnBtD2z6rNI9G6APj8X
british choir:
name: British Choir
A British choir is a group of singers who perform together in harmony, typically in
a classical or religious setting. Their voices blend seamlessly to create a powerful
and emotive sound, often accompanied by an organ or other instruments. The rich
tradition of British choral music includes works by composers such as Handel,
Vaughan Williams, and Britten, and is celebrated around the world for its beauty and
parent: choral
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 3566
"2018": 5sa3qc8sLz0AVp7Sr1J4Mi
"2019": 1Kj9BUlemcYB9ygD7y5vko
"2020": 2zPwNduz9zgVx8NuZCFRvk
"2021": 16rtvfZOjVuC2kL0AWnJVj
"2022": 0LUrlGC0pul2JtMG3OLKLb
"2023": 2PbvdvfWI712Y5w3wG2TZa
edge: 0dUOZjJHf3GxRyo0F53Gnn
intro: 7EcDDrK7duBRqKMQncEeCu
pulse: 6DaWLIW6SjK2PJ0uw3hgou
sound: 06Bclwc54xNjzibZZKl6KX
british classical piano:
name: British Classical Piano
British classical piano music is characterized by its refined and elegant style,
with a focus on technical precision and virtuosity. Composers such as Elgar, Vaughan
Williams, and Britten have produced works that showcase the full range of the
piano's capabilities, from delicate and lyrical melodies to thunderous and dramatic
chords. British classical piano music is highly regarded for its sophistication and
complexity, and is enjoyed by audiences around the world.
parent: classical piano
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 5184
"2020": 1NUuDIJR4kx7e0FGkdrHKr
"2021": 27aD1uqe1b0vsOngJ0bd5o
"2022": 2ZsA3K4Zv1TJ1vlRDohGna
"2023": 6yNzP4JI8s7DsL2LgSiLBE
edge: 7z0a6r27PRCwctqrgzhAzq
intro: 2nHgdLOws07MjsE7rmYJ5U
pulse: 6HNMbVGTJb73PV53yUHTHN
sound: 1B6F2FbtDNniCVjROeU0ga
british comedy:
name: British Comedy
British comedy is known for its dry wit, satire, and irreverent humor. From Monty
Python to Blackadder, British comedians have a long tradition of poking fun at the
absurdities of everyday life, politics, and society. British comedy often relies on
wordplay, irony, and sarcasm, and is beloved for its cleverness and subversive edge.
Whether in stand-up
parent: comedy
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 3510
"2018": 63sfezrFCeCcVLxDeOIASh
"2020": 4Y7Hcjmq0PLD5D0E25xPOm
"2021": 7DxFmw2RVzWocJKANfLb5O
"2022": 2BBwPs3mTl5xHBAP7Dd4fS
"2023": 3Ozg5LHhGKv4uignD4hXfX
edge: 16t9nXGOi0hvTCT7bwyhgX
intro: 1h41uBuEyVe1kEvz1RSEfV
pulse: 5ObD24JsxGhi2fLHIXGoL4
sound: 6N4OIZFag86xkAX8mtAdgs
british contemporary classical:
name: British Contemporary Classical
This genre features modern classical music composed by British artists. It often
incorporates electronic sounds and experimental techniques, while still maintaining
the traditional elements of classical music. The music is complex and
thought-provoking, and is often performed by orchestras or chamber ensembles.
parent: contemporary classical
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 3042
"2020": 4AruM4f1GH7OU83uZXGKZQ
"2021": 54WdNj6In3B8tjgvcN4ZWp
"2022": 17GjVB4NwoL5b1MGieHU0X
"2023": 7HtllH5Gi1gJOlLZkapG5Z
edge: 10iRzdRU7mtoIhA85H8t6k
intro: 4kcDQ5lMIqpsSljhipCrJp
pulse: 0xBjPJvSkwJncLZlHlrNJI
sound: 191fWkH2OE2jHsG0o2zxAP
british country:
name: British Country
British country music is a blend of traditional country music with British folk
influences. The music often tells stories of rural life and features acoustic
instruments like guitar, fiddle, and banjo. British country artists often
incorporate elements of pop and rock into their music, creating a unique sound that
appeals to a wide audience.
parent: country
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 3087
"2019": 2c3ATdT9Y6W0mJqi9TE8bm
"2020": 2x0nWYt4zulpn1TJt0Na6S
"2021": 3mKqYHn5JtLcE8lWRNw5zi
"2022": 384Hg1Alr4YZemCwbcbToZ
"2023": 6uHtQBtrk0twugBQMzGY9s
edge: 4X7IK4V9nslD3txosS4UL3
intro: 699URHs7HJ704jhjxrwbcR
pulse: 3YheoR5ALLDQqICvfuORJr
sound: 45GY1sw2pj0LitunAGcMz6
british dance band:
name: British Dance Band
This genre was popular in the 1920s and 1930s and features upbeat, danceable music
played by large ensembles. British dance band music often includes brass and
woodwind instruments, as well as piano and drums. The music is nostalgic and upbeat,
and is often associated with the glamour and excitement of the jazz age.
parent: jazz
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 3280
"2022": 5IvYRUqHvf9R47g5OXaMZY
"2023": 7e3XbsRJhe4OC7AcBxqIlZ
edge: 3xbA3cT13ZX5QxLQPtpPdX
intro: 6NHJ2NYBOzwXGRG5SsnyFZ
pulse: 3UqK3ejomxITxRvK9N0Mhn
sound: 0siH6CPssx5JoGoqfz5ahx
british death metal:
name: British Death Metal
British death metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that is characterized by its
aggressive vocals, fast-paced guitar riffs, and intense drumming. The lyrics often
deal with dark and violent themes, and the music is known for its raw and brutal
parent: death metal
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 3324
"2020": 5xrv0BAzgauG202Xv0eRbu
"2021": 5sxQLdCNLNJAKgsJRvHueL
"2022": 3IbpiSygyoTpbXk6au5nGx
"2023": 1pSGcDs0940AwbwK5qwgPU
edge: 6mIevszidJ7EyP61NQgdqc
intro: 7C3vB0IlhPTGeMpdwZqMFf
pulse: 1yNr2meGQpkTvZ0viSdoV7
sound: 0CxGe6CAsVFQ36LNkTA54T
british electroacoustic:
name: British Electroacoustic
British electroacoustic music is a genre that combines traditional acoustic
instruments with electronic sounds and effects. The music is often experimental in
nature, and the focus is on creating unique and innovative sounds that push the
boundaries of traditional music.
parent: modern electroacoustic
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 5883
sound: 1IxeQOKZy4mzWWSTyEIPAC
british experimental:
name: British Experimental
British experimental music is a genre that encompasses a wide range of styles and
techniques, from avant-garde jazz to electronic noise music. The focus is on
exploring new and unconventional approaches to music-making, and the results can be
unpredictable and challenging. The genre is often associated with artistic
experimentation and boundary-pushing.
parent: experimental
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 3883
"2020": 7fcS54sGWqDGYZWfqA77i2
"2021": 1drgEj8F7ZeVQI0pBwBtBd
"2022": 67wQD8TEziznAmQBmD01Vp
"2023": 5b8FOPzzExtcvVrFuq4RjA
edge: 4ysQvEPc8dlKmF4A1XChiw
intro: 5TOFICm4VIVwfDeWb2eUiQ
pulse: 2pgHFrrIxnT0tP3CzwaMh9
sound: 7yYi9aJirMqgnn5XlqOkZp
british folk:
name: British Folk
British folk is a traditional genre of music that has been passed down through
generations. It features acoustic instruments like the guitar, fiddle, and mandolin,
and often tells stories of love, loss, and life in rural areas. The music is
typically gentle and melodic, with a focus on storytelling and emotional depth.
parent: folk
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 1004
"2018": 6fTUi8jcrjNZkrPFu5kQbY
"2019": 4Cj7vlUOu3DxEluGJJpLXI
"2020": 3CZevnS3FjKOjGZMAERzq4
"2021": 7Aq0gzg3gc9Fr8i6Xhajos
"2022": 3wyy1iwleYp6w40CzcftdQ
"2023": 7MYMuJpyVCvxVIN9FVuJbr
edge: 6ZZpCP6Boe2FHVCfDsz0d1
intro: 77dgUUwRvE0V7aZbhmudWF
pulse: 4AxQk5bkwLZgZntotwwA8w
sound: 1m7KQp2pFxqhVvXnde3nNe
british grindcore:
name: British Grindcore
British grindcore is a subgenre of heavy metal that emerged in the 1980s. It is
characterized by its aggressive, fast-paced sound, distorted guitars, and guttural
vocals. The music is often political and confrontational, with lyrics that address
issues like war, social inequality, and government corruption. It is not for the
faint of heart.
parent: grindcore
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 3659
"2020": 11p7HWvrmxm1uQ3u8EtjHD
"2021": 0NwyuaTrjddOPBGhNMlEBm
"2022": 4TI7pYBgtUYAz02kTnJtBr
"2023": 7yxWCMDMqsNrhIwoVJb8Vv
intro: 4IlXBFaQzzmIORxHmRjaUK
sound: 7hPv9n2p7juD8FpGxnvQpX
british indie rock:
name: British Indie Rock
British indie rock is a genre of music that emerged in the 1980s and 90s. It is
characterized by its melodic, guitar-driven sound, and its focus on introspective
lyrics and personal storytelling. The music is often associated with youth culture
and rebellion, and has been influential in shaping the sound of modern rock music.
Some of the most famous British indie rock bands include Oasis, Arctic Monkeys, and
The Smiths.
parent: indie rock
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 1018
"2019": 6U88VAQjM1Z2WbEnmmFG0F
"2020": 1eDeuXRRQf6rdzGYlGf48Q
"2021": 7c6Oo3Fk6NSKAibMMlwup9
"2022": 1FGjZwKWN0t2s9j9noxqR4
"2023": 5X3L83k3y3TMD2jInrcIIo
edge: 4CQqrfOuQ6IZsZlfY8zewY
intro: 7GdWQodCnuQXTNjUn2ogHp
pulse: 03qPmtHZW23NgQn7eQlF57
sound: 0ARblR7ZK5o8QPd3dNnjqr
british industrial:
name: British Industrial
A subgenre of industrial music that emerged in the UK during the late 1970s and
early 1980s. It is characterized by its use of electronic and mechanical sounds,
harsh vocals, and a focus on themes of societal decay and dystopia.
parent: industrial
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 3881
"2020": 09ExecKIBxywcj36lh8N5P
"2021": 34tUJv0dO9U3RhIppwX85O
"2022": 7ClAiKNKfaheBmYS1IKIV4
"2023": 29joufzXxZoeNDtdnUF2uL
edge: 3ygJBX7KODIkiKHfPD4lT8
intro: 2thEs36dFE5sVXXj4KXt2C
pulse: 7iMqaTeb92ctyaGtPGmTt4
sound: 2w6OEmFNpIydAbrB8m0DIX
british invasion:
name: British Invasion
A musical movement that occurred in the mid-1960s, in which British rock bands such
as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and The Who gained massive popularity in the
United States. The music was characterized by its catchy melodies, energetic
performances, and incorporation of American blues and rock and roll influences.
parent: uk pop
rank: 184
"2018": 2wGiPe5OD8OPNrs3j6HufC
"2019": 2mJIMWppVFX36krXKg54Nn
"2020": 2nIKmvbtjRya7hxYjpdA7O
"2021": 62AHhfXSbLeZsgwA8l5V55
"2022": 6r55KIGaXf4qnyr70KSRw6
"2023": 51uDOu8UkpCl6kStOaHWq4
edge: 6qqjaVROHRh5KYjeOM0aL4
intro: 6Mflsbsobx8NvRVblGi4RT
pulse: 2884AlchLX6yoeX2L7wb5g
sound: 4UptWIEPwIimCpCHayG4yZ
british jazz:
name: British Jazz
A genre of jazz music that originated in the UK during the 1920s and 1930s. It is
characterized by its use of swing rhythms, improvisation, and a focus on melody.
British jazz musicians such as George Shearing, John McLaughlin, and Stan Tracey
have made significant contributions to the genre.
parent: jazz
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 2173
"2018": 1EQqzx4PSMJysRnycBSUy6
"2019": 4BUcS4oRnNvnkx7mMex4qm
"2020": 48PO9xBoKzrzcNxRz3DcYK
"2021": 50Bs1WfdFpEq9WPafHe9xC
"2022": 09lxUEgo22OwQeIPx33fEN
"2023": 6apvy5Gl29oQRAHhuA8NOi
edge: 0sj4OSIKzx8A6yYLldvU8g
intro: 6MJhTUy3UaMsxbevLGQQ8x
pulse: 4Dyd0TP1BWNWhhC4er5U18
sound: 0LCXuAqnGnHjIORznov5OB
british math rock:
name: British Math Rock
British math rock is a subgenre of rock that emphasizes complex rhythms, angular
melodies, and intricate time signatures. It often features unconventional song
structures and a heavy use of effects pedals. Bands such as Foals and 65daysofstatic
are known for their technical prowess and experimental approach to rock music.
parent: math rock
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 4270
"2020": 77V5IGxxW1k4yzBqfHj75C
"2021": 4xRuUHbsqYWHV1EGy71vEA
"2022": 7l6ab3Uc0OWFSM50MUxo8z
"2023": 0q6fqX7ybmBtbQfZ87cKz6
edge: 4hXR33WkVV6l0O5YD6g7jm
intro: 5HBVibzgTEuwL3v1quGzpQ
pulse: 5MgI5vhDrENE21vfzP0oZO
sound: 4A25PQ7cmCfzglHhmU6dGW
british modern classical:
name: British Modern Classical
rank: 2339
"2020": 2ukwoLQkdS6BLXpXXYDWcJ
"2021": 0yBmOmuuIYz0CMh2uAqD51
"2022": 6i3eZC5qia189xub58c8mw
"2023": 7klahSqdyQQQyBUzoiKZIr
edge: 57hVgO4E59eTl8rdqIYRyM
intro: 2AOAv9Lk3LOpVYI9GsO0BI
pulse: 4avRqhGq5bxwjpkQlt80ie
sound: 4HozwtuUKoDxCR0GrX7o8L
alias: british contemporary classical
british orchestra:
name: British Orchestra
British orchestra refers to any orchestra based in Britain, whether it be a
traditional symphony orchestra or a more specialized ensemble. The country has a
rich history of orchestral music, with world-renowned groups such as the London
Symphony Orchestra and the BBC Symphony Orchestra. These orchestras perform a wide
range of repertoire, from classical masterpieces to film scores and contemporary
works, and are known for their technical excellence and musical versatility.
parent: orchestra
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 2877
"2020": 3CG3o9JPpjMm322wxST9BH
"2021": 5RfKpmqQX47lXDjG1BXqws
"2022": 3MQh3MGT1tO3e3edH7oaIA
"2023": 01v3Y7VeMVjwCIEwmExRj6
edge: 6GQVK441dTzSQ5bkW46Knp
intro: 1v7c7xon6Wd1YNFlHFWGQU
pulse: 69pFSK1V0aWFzG4O8594lt
sound: 6Mo9RKaNJKLiaTwmEifJmh
british post-rock:
name: British Post-Rock
British post-rock is an experimental music genre that emerged in the late 1990s. It
is characterized by the use of unconventional song structures, ambient soundscapes,
and complex instrumentation. This genre often features lengthy compositions that
build slowly and incorporate elements of electronic music, jazz, and classical
parent: post-rock
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 3687
"2020": 5VNRrwRGLQKdj9FYcqXVKO
"2021": 270IFVpnFrcSplCiybOBtv
"2022": 5fZ0mjykd3GUyhoxckWloD
"2023": 68CZ3eHf1ZXeCP6gj9feGA
edge: 3hds08trVaar0lSyc3sN2Z
intro: 5XCMyOavRe0Bs7QzhfibSZ
pulse: 7u4izG7xNDcyDYtrNcyO9X
sound: 7Ccp38dYsbJlU0FvQjjadQ
british power metal:
name: British Power Metal
British power metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that emphasizes fast, melodic
guitar riffs, soaring vocals, and fantasy-themed lyrics. This genre is known for its
technical proficiency and epic, anthemic sound. British power metal bands often draw
inspiration from medieval history, mythology, and literature, and their music is
often associated with a sense of adventure and heroism.
parent: power metal
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 2182
"2020": 6dIbYiNHKywurSf25UswOL
"2021": 4cv5BK5eTtMozotQszLgE9
"2022": 38diaObVQGrIsnr9ks6Kev
"2023": 78C8C0F6wh6nWoiJK6jffR
edge: 1OtAYecN2m6BI0sp5JBNeG
intro: 3XykeAybw40TGIYvCghGWU
pulse: 3QG1PvV8roKBdPfTxdmXUe
sound: 3RXQ3Vu6OkKnehN0QE0H2F
british singer-songwriter:
name: British Singer-Songwriter
British singer-songwriter is a genre that encompasses a wide range of styles and
influences. It is characterized by the use of acoustic instruments, introspective
lyrics, and a focus on personal storytelling. British singer-songwriters often draw
inspiration from folk, blues, and rock music, and their music is known for its
emotional depth and authenticity. Some of the most famous British singer-songwriters
include Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, and Leonard Cohen.
parent: singer-songwriter
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 720
"2019": 5Spd7oMEZ2msAEBwmyaE2w
"2020": 3AvwX6EytwYe01DoGLeC0w
"2021": 5swspvBKXuIICkkdewaT90
"2022": 2BNxokbRUAXF0XnW1l655G
"2023": 0CFdcaGJOHNWgNGSwmtxhM
edge: 4L03x7PXcUZG07nHjvL6x8
intro: 3aCdx2Xnayamf5ZCvrJBEo
pulse: 4y1rNYY6XRVkwVv3tLJMmY
sound: 6lEM8mYvo3M5ntO3FAiIvt
british soul:
name: British Soul
British soul music emerged in the 1960s and 70s as a response to American soul
music. It features smooth, soulful vocals, lush arrangements, and a focus on
personal and social issues. Artists like Adele, Amy Winehouse, and Sam Smith have
helped to revive the genre in recent years, while classic acts like Sade, Simply
Red, and Seal remain influential.
parent: soul
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 171
"2019": 1kOcc0g2Q91kXmwoQ6Namn
"2020": 0RtEjtUYew7pw4zkrHST3v
"2021": 638nUspB2p2uZQ85BiWcLP
"2022": 5kwnjExdOs2uLcqNA8AcfS
"2023": 52glwIrB8CqFK5Qw3xKGhy
edge: 3gGWauwiK5WsoZHZWHU5VU
intro: 6WBMq41pkjpjlLBCCTS2SX
pulse: 4WZFBGnlYz4vvEGZql02PY
sound: 4Ar1S6TuqmS0R2RV59AR1k
british soundtrack:
name: British Soundtrack
British soundtrack music is a genre that is characterized by its ability to evoke
emotions and enhance the visual experience of films and television shows. It is
known for its use of orchestral instruments, electronic elements, and vocal
performances. The genre is often associated with epic and dramatic soundscapes that
transport listeners to different worlds and time periods. It has produced some of
the most iconic and memorable soundtracks in cinematic history.
parent: soundtrack
country: UK
localized_name: true
rank: 730
"2018": 7bWTSTr8VcGz7jk8FHqYjz
"2019": 5wuYCLjAmR4COh5JU6SVnA
"2020": 3QSmabqTOFZvO9fvQ1Hjz3
"2021": 1GTdW5wDtfugGYN2IYWdaZ
"2022": 3C2vG4kTNGMU2FJ6ebE6gy
"2023": 1TobZIjJN77AKZF64N3IS0
edge: 4Ohr9QLLpwoOYcZTenNR1V
intro: 2FUFtLUwtfKiBwInFxcoTo
pulse: 7KW4OTzJKFz9l6MWMRdylz
sound: 7jcM11GE25u4XbhzuU7wYv
name: Britpop
A music genre that originated in the UK in the 1990s, characterized by catchy guitar
riffs, upbeat melodies, and lyrics that often dealt with British culture and
society. Bands like Oasis, Blur, and Pulp were prominent in the genre, which helped
to define the sound of British rock in the decade.
parent: alternative rock
country: UK
rank: 288
"2018": 580Y2geBH4sBauuNLbUIji
"2019": 13fXLyVJ4Ldi2RqE3wkZL9
"2020": 2hca5byDTBjCHPZDNMjVDs
"2021": 6LRvBN0XX7PPQ8LNUlCh6k
"2022": 5uwaGTn6ee6R5CVq9iBCBy
"2023": 5a7zeg7FNOU5Go4aY1pYnu
edge: 22OjDeDG9z72P0lCxPJBTd
intro: 027sUIKR9p32i1YitEJnUb
pulse: 3dSDip8Jr7smldOrvb34bb
sound: 5H4y9vLqOhWGn0xsExGxKb
britpop revival:
name: Britpop Revival
A genre that emerged in the 2000s, characterized by a revival of the sounds and
styles of the original Britpop movement of the 1990s. It features catchy melodies,
jangly guitars, and lyrics that often reflect the everyday experiences of
working-class British youth.
parent: britpop
rank: 2222
"2022": 66o4DYviOzk7tREMD6AF0T
"2023": 21A1fSu9bGQnsoV9E7oVlk
edge: 4NbknS0Dk6r0g2r23kCUbq
intro: 7BlYgej7VJz90NKeTqgxKC
pulse: 1JAaYUAnDdy0hFQ3KHZN7E
sound: 6jOp6WuIpRNcUXOVDrIqTm
brno indie:
name: Brno Indie
A subgenre of indie rock that originated in the Czech city of Brno. It often
features a mix of traditional Czech folk music with modern indie rock sounds,
creating a unique and distinct sound. Brno indie bands often sing in Czech and focus
on themes of identity and cultural heritage.
parent: czech indie
rank: 5293
"2022": 2rQThRzZh3U24vczU3LZIG
"2023": 2CEhOQp1mfn0P6BKE96CAc
sound: 2R43pT4MhjcaNqZPilGtkI
name: Broadway
A genre of musical theater that originated in New York City in the late 19th
century. It features elaborate song and dance numbers, dramatic storytelling, and
often tackles serious social issues. Broadway shows have become a staple of American
culture, with many iconic productions becoming household names and spawning hit
songs that have become classics.
parent: musical
country: US
rank: 405
"2018": 3Fbv9pqul4r49E20T0HKXA
"2019": 70v8kUNNIDWkUBpwhbAgJO
"2020": 41ceVyDDZpcBkSbJP91R22
"2021": 17MmNQRCLoquWN4HgK8iJG
"2022": 0GLAp9JwSXNmt4gXm1xNCH
"2023": 4hvAAlJn94TfJC8fgzJ0WX
edge: 1nswpZ30059iJa3CmB3pub
intro: 0afrM5mmm0ZzcK7NE42g83
pulse: 0ikuMeTZDE6SSpu1vks5um
sound: 1n5lZH4Z7y6R254fFzL04j
brockton hip hop:
name: Brockton Hip Hop
Originating from the Massachusetts city of Brockton, this subgenre of hip hop is
known for its raw and gritty sound. Brockton hip hop artists often rap about their
struggles growing up in the city and the harsh realities of life. The beats are
heavy and often incorporate elements of trap music, while the lyrics are
introspective and often politically charged.
parent: hip hop
country: US
rank: 5307
"2021": 7kOq4RLd50ChDYIFbQVOi6
"2023": 0ZPb3j16X8nxP2Uy9zvtoI
intro: 1BvUQI00Uc1311qEzykkCN
pulse: 0PRa4iKUGKCf02S4vjXOSA
sound: 0QXxPjOe7pTq0MQdanjWrx
broken beat:
name: Broken Beat
A UK-based genre that emerged in the late 1990s, broken beat is characterized by its
off-kilter rhythms and complex jazz-influenced chord progressions. The genre is
often associated with the West London music scene and has been described as a fusion
of jazz, funk, and electronic music. Broken beat tracks often feature live
instrumentation and a wide range of influences, making it a diverse and eclectic
parent: house
rank: 4068
"2019": 3IBrDLjRnAIqYiYbttIJpR
"2020": 2sc0HIsMrtUY7C0Mgdlgkn
"2021": 4kTU0PVA7tF5GUw5O22Yrq
"2022": 767qbKNAIm6MdX9fiY4rag
"2023": 4adPy2iTV7TVhDv9ObnFIt
edge: 2rJCT32NMpHvzzraBL3em7
intro: 7i40TO3art5qWCX0QuRZHC
pulse: 27mpDGDImXQUy6Ds4KqWbw
sound: 1rnJHknpDL8e9EjJeI7d1V
broken transmission:
name: Broken Transmission
Broken transmission is a genre of music that incorporates distorted, glitchy sounds
and samples to create a sense of disconnection and fragmentation. The music often
features unconventional rhythms and structures, with a focus on experimentation and
sonic exploration.
parent: experimental
rank: 3583
"2023": 77tPMDs0pNdflJ84awCDqq
edge: 3dDgu1C6Xg2Arg7DV50s5u
intro: 2UD4tJD3AnbSqPd0uLmjMH
pulse: 7tMkK4tEaf3XNdYMbQ4IiF
sound: 1qubOOGbin1gborc1nAMdJ
bronx drill:
name: Bronx Drill
A subgenre of drill music that originated in the Bronx, New York, Bronx drill is
known for its aggressive and confrontational sound. The beats are typically dark and
ominous, with heavy basslines and distorted synths. The lyrics often depict the
harsh realities of life in the Bronx, with themes of violence, drug use, and gang
activity. Bronx drill has been criticized for glorifying violence and criminal
activity, but it has also been praised for its
parent: drill
country: US
rank: 776
"2022": 6f7Moc5Wwz7sfsrvEXRtjx
"2023": 70uyibsGXoWLqi8k6JMMOL
edge: 1A5ZuZtaMUM6yH6Lyifwtv
intro: 3C5M6BoTIcqy38HWXNQRj0
pulse: 7dqhjiseAsf3VQDM5xW71k
sound: 4b6QNIix3G6y2Ylsj2gC73
bronx hip hop:
name: Bronx Hip Hop
Bronx hip hop is a subgenre of hip hop that originated in the Bronx, New York City.
It is characterized by its use of hard-hitting beats, aggressive lyrics, and a focus
on social and political issues. The genre has produced some of the most influential
artists in hip hop history, including KRS-One, Grandmaster Flash, and Afrika
parent: hip hop
country: US
rank: 1294
"2019": 4VzORSSWiu9LOIfTy841da
"2020": 7yEbULxRUWtZs0usOoXeJC
"2021": 0T6sVFvlkhcuR2QifJWUsM
"2022": 0VYo3HW6W47qv1TexfR5In
"2023": 6vo7pXSNexci9wnzqHCLlz
edge: 56l15WwO2zQdK8uzJy7bqa
intro: 6GlT8wXxYMp7Ruygy1eNFY
pulse: 4fzmQvEM4NfolDrhpcr1HX
sound: 4diPkvLp8ZKMhERnlQjNe8
brooklyn drill:
name: Brooklyn Drill
Brooklyn drill is a style of hip hop that originated in Brooklyn, New York City. It
is characterized by its use of heavy bass, aggressive lyrics, and drill-style beats.
The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists like Pop Smoke and
Fivio Foreign leading the charge.
parent: drill
country: US
rank: 270
"2020": 1pN560HuGrO6dAQ7UVSYdV
"2021": 6WsbU2b7WUSFAUdxonAoz6
"2022": 3ghixvNyZdGxKfLFkjjfU0
"2023": 3FHWs95EUXmpI3UKNPnhxH
edge: 3aiFMSDP5eHl6HYZLSMlUS
intro: 08bzskaiVjsmmjxE8V8HmF
pulse: 3AJTY2mZXctGgBCUgYV3IW
sound: 6cKDwODDI0Cxba36w964fK
brooklyn indie:
name: Brooklyn Indie
Brooklyn indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in Brooklyn, New York
City. It is characterized by its use of lo-fi production, introspective lyrics, and
a DIY ethos. The genre has produced some of the most critically acclaimed artists of
the past decade, including Grizzly Bear, Dirty Projectors, and Vampire Weekend.
parent: indie rock
country: US
rank: 292
"2018": 7b3Ls06yWKAlTlAMFoy3Cl
"2019": 105tjSkJiIBZCRkq7H2UDA
"2020": 6D7oPS25M4K94aFxKEMhZQ
"2021": 0DpYnVseLanFXXjqWU6oV7
"2022": 3mQAnFUTsfyLtWsSrGrJ26
"2023": 15EDEcBYyQfc30w9twiKdV
edge: 623kCZmu2MdPpnO3YbMRZW
pulse: 5OS9vdYZ0T3P8WGr5Wvb8c
sound: 78MPGFVq0C4yrfvgxZKngM
name: Brostep
Brostep is a subgenre of dubstep that emerged in the early 2010s. It is
characterized by aggressive, high-energy beats, heavy basslines, and distorted
synths. Brostep often incorporates elements of other genres such as metal, hip-hop,
and trap, and is known for its intense drops and frenetic rhythms.
parent: dubstep
rank: 203
"2018": 4gxgisJBCS5dgKHDgixg2n
"2019": 3YRjmRLMRWoTd9KWDHD2IK
"2020": 5vu0sgV7mLRyizE0F57XIP
"2021": 3MCxKYUyQZOu9D3n7QpZOd
"2022": 2Vrg0iFVHCF6vG1HFJuWPp
"2023": 3DviDxZUEEqbeOoiBAawLm
edge: 3nRTRdjUdUECjE5hPzl4JD
intro: 1xyXVViSQFo39hoakyKJw8
pulse: 6bCqBFgmREk0td3dB13zlm
sound: 6dvgLyeXG3HLGqtMa8wAX0
bruneian indie:
name: Bruneian Indie
Bruneian indie is a genre of music that originated in Brunei and is characterized by
its independent and alternative sound. It often features lo-fi production and
introspective lyrics, with influences from various genres such as indie rock, folk,
and shoegaze.
parent: indie pop
language: may
country: BN
localized_name: true
rank: 6247
sound: 6ZQxOyGxVqXgamO6o8v8z0
bruneian pop:
name: Bruneian Pop
Bruneian pop is a genre of popular music that originated in Brunei Darussalam. It is
characterized by upbeat, danceable rhythms, catchy melodies, and lyrics that often
address themes of love, relationships, and social issues. Bruneian pop draws
influences from a variety of other genres, including pop, R&B, hip-hop, and
traditional Bruneian music.
parent: pop
language: may
country: BN
localized_name: true
rank: 2032
"2021": 0SNh67XhWH8ghOeTlyosAg
"2022": 2lch7I2FXN0oESUfmgCChE
"2023": 4OGaE5vhfDhstEdxppaqVB
intro: 3J9ndjm0onmw2kkaRXvjti
pulse: 3cxZ5WnQhqnzkGuOMdTiGq
sound: 1iwTy2uKXpyBTGKbZ9Kgj5
brutal death metal:
name: Brutal Death Metal
Brutal death metal is a subgenre of death metal that emphasizes on aggression,
speed, and brutal lyrics. The music is characterized by heavy distorted guitar
riffs, blast beats, and guttural vocals. The lyrics often deal with violence, gore,
and death.
parent: death metal
rank: 1397
"2018": 0cKWXdhg93cu5dcWEFMyPc
"2019": 5qyavMCnvWrmDi8KjJv4By
"2020": 4to4xcSiqh7Np6gjOBYYhS
"2021": 46uvWXM7ym3ta5fHHP6Raz
"2022": 29KGay699Tl6lX8CkkuG31
"2023": 7u3LqKvwbuM0FS7G00Kwbp
edge: 58NNgXctfn1gC4uaQoRV7r
intro: 3xtb1S1QvSgx3qEXTCfili
pulse: 38RjBEsjLy9rvijg6zEJ03
sound: 20conlxRjnUqSRorkKq1l7
brutal deathcore:
name: Brutal Deathcore
Brutal deathcore is a subgenre of death metal that emerged in the early 2000s. It is
characterized by extremely heavy, distorted guitars, guttural vocals, and complex
rhythms. Brutal deathcore often incorporates elements of other genres, such as
hardcore punk and mathcore, and is known for its intense breakdowns and aggressive,
violent lyrics. The genre is popular among fans of extreme metal and has a dedicated
following worldwide.
parent: deathcore
rank: 2641
"2018": 4w73WWH1nh06pf1tQoLZyX
"2019": 0maLwokFatQHWbDP23YKQW
"2020": 1QfAbjGbfzhDHTKb7dmodj
"2021": 7iGKaoEJXTjTBbARfDldO0
"2022": 23oSQWwAW35gl8NQYViw72
"2023": 69b3SzGARGbdvnh5qxzOpZ
edge: 1ZVs9Y8Sx2jVTrgGfDz95h
intro: 2GMaCE19l5NsxhJIFTAXAF
pulse: 6BYOXD8Rd0Y7zStPU5SW7H
sound: 5cU8GY8cqeSTkgTXaYzo5z
bubble trance:
name: Bubble Trance
Bubble trance is a subgenre of trance music that incorporates bubbly and playful
sounds with a fast-paced beat. It often features high-pitched synths and a euphoric
atmosphere that creates a sense of energy and excitement.
parent: trance
rank: 1282
"2018": 3mq6qpQhLBRsYIQUECf7n5
"2019": 5RHVYOo4Mmw2LQ4BPhTxBr
"2020": 1yHSTahrqFU5ditPcNjq7J
"2021": 3xZbhOm1phABGtLpriAKqA
"2022": 5ePgXOZsHDQizEB9NqlIKf
"2023": 0iemQ02FtUopGSLIciQo1V
edge: 2rsJMaost0fUaN35fBlQqO
intro: 3wzLz628pFXC0GPo3JhAmS
pulse: 2fMtNWuphm9RRaEvWTIk5G
name: Bubblegrunge
In the mid-1990s, rock critics labeled a type of music “bubblegrunge” because it was
a poppier ("bubblegum") version of grunge, which had dominated the alternative music
scene in the early 1990s. Bands like Collective Soul, Bush, Third Eye Blind, and
Matchbox Twenty were all part of this genre.
parent: grunge
rank: 500
"2020": 4wfNZqJRP4PxCvoFSRR4k6
"2021": 6UNWLPwQ5MEYKJ1VFhz1yl
"2022": 1sHqs620nsJx2tpyKKFSTS
"2023": 2Imlbie69Bd9vdxN91v2HQ
edge: 5wbNxzpcTezHp0FJUDZBQA
intro: 0N1nT1SqHqf4MDM93kWYTF
pulse: 2IBhzKtfH95JDk5OvGjni3
sound: 0JrzRKCHxv8xnuAvMk5Rnd
bubblegum bass:
name: Bubblegum Bass
Bubblegum bass is a high-energy, upbeat genre of electronic dance music that draws
inspiration from pop, hip-hop, and club music. The music is characterized by its
bright, sugary melodies, heavy use of autotune and vocal manipulation, and frenetic
beats that are designed to get people moving and dancing.
parent: edm
rank: 2436
"2023": 0fj8eB7fTP8Leoggodr37Y
edge: 3oMNDyZv3zgtckZsK4CX3s
intro: 3BPflrhBDa3rydnk5Muwrm
pulse: 0XMq2J5rSWr6RBMOgavzGL
sound: 4rpC86Mx9pl3zjqhWJjoHX
bubblegum dance:
name: Bubblegum Dance
Bubblegum dance is a subgenre of Eurodance music that emerged in the late 1990s. The
music is characterized by upbeat and catchy melodies, simple lyrics, and a danceable
rhythm. The lyrics often deal with love, partying, and having fun. The genre is
often associated with the Scandinavian music industry.
parent: eurodance
rank: 1015
"2018": 0f24tPnBBYtnsn7eoofcHm
"2019": 3baXgp4FvMzyYhcynKxRSl
"2020": 3N78iSwJ74brNXwXhORtiw
"2021": 1O2ia7erTSSQMeXJsD0Thh
"2022": 03HoqycUREdMzuxRi9y7l1
"2023": 5jrzfLstTkYb05CO80AQdm
edge: 1FX7rypoV6uHEAHyjnZrC7
intro: 2hmvVp20WIyoPK1DnbQFSM
pulse: 6vLY9e1YRvdHFddpaXi8Qy
sound: 2FYJ3kw41qQGBtIDhusO7L
bubblegum pop:
name: Bubblegum Pop
Bubblegum pop is a subgenre of pop music that emerged in the 1960s. The music is
characterized by upbeat and catchy melodies, simple lyrics, and a light-hearted
tone. The lyrics often deal with love, romance, and teenage life. The genre is often
associated with the innocence and optimism of the 1960s pop culture.
parent: pop
rank: 598
"2018": 2OHDNEBbfsrcWZIHeMm1yv
"2019": 7Ac7xFR56Cs5467nLtkve3
"2020": 1O18FpFBWiCh2AYlcRETK0
"2021": 65FMYZaahycBFtL0ZVRmos
"2022": 0Jo8T2b6VXbQM15ebFnZPM
"2023": 0esuE3M3N7HC6lNHjlFVr4
edge: 0jyKIwkzdCV5qTGqgSO4Ih
intro: 50iowKml2hwbgA3MTMKYUZ
pulse: 6pAb9ImimhtSqGIcIX89Ct
sound: 6GLXp5kwSs0HRDnh6fqKKZ
buffalo hip hop:
name: Buffalo Hip Hop
Buffalo hip hop is a style of hip hop that originated in Buffalo, New York. It is
characterized by hard-hitting beats, gritty lyrics, and a focus on street culture.
Buffalo hip hop artists often draw on their experiences growing up in the city to
create music that reflects the struggles and triumphs of urban life.
parent: hip hop
country: US
rank: 1387
"2020": 3KDrOXo5PVireh8wBQsOmV
"2021": 7fc6uIxhICvrGN0ptSQPFM
"2022": 65HDveIYd5VZBGISRX5m4l
"2023": 4uZRLjcj8IqurwlorPmcR3
edge: 1tXbLb6KGggCXqW7JYk9GZ
intro: 5XhfBx194pMWp0ewSKtd8G
pulse: 1l9XBShNMTSVACl7ucD2ML
sound: 0uivlRLR2faPoiuYrimbxE
buffalo ny indie:
name: Buffalo NY Indie
Buffalo NY indie is a genre of indie rock that is heavily influenced by the music
scene in Buffalo, New York. It is characterized by a DIY ethos, with many bands
self-recording and self-releasing their music. Buffalo NY indie often features
dreamy, atmospheric soundscapes and introspective lyrics that explore themes of
love, loss, and personal growth.
parent: indie rock
country: US
rank: 3848
intro: 7v5t64dJyasRdrKi8PVFQe
pulse: 3pU1yetPZ1qbzdAYK70QkF
sound: 0IwWYZCm6MJHuzknIZHw7B
buffalo ny metal:
name: Buffalo NY Metal
Buffalo NY Metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that originated in Buffalo, New York.
It is characterized by its aggressive and intense sound, with heavily distorted
guitars and thunderous drumming. The lyrics often deal with themes of violence,
anger, and social injustice. Bands such as Cannibal Corpse and Every Time I Die are
prominent examples of this genre.
parent: metal
country: US
rank: 3046
sound: 0Xnd1ETzdiJF6DTM9ORCtO
bulgarian electronic:
name: Bulgarian Electronic
Bulgarian Electronic is a genre of electronic music that originated in Bulgaria. It
is characterized by its use of traditional Bulgarian instruments and rhythms,
combined with modern electronic production techniques. The sound is often upbeat and
danceable, with a focus on melody and rhythm. Artists such as KiNK and Petar Dundov
are prominent examples of this genre.
parent: electronica
language: bul
country: BG
localized_name: true
rank: 4876
"2020": 6zjROBMHOA9c030ULb95nK
"2022": 0Nd3be1YEB6eAnfFMUWKHE
"2023": 3pyFEAENNOURlyql7vtwM1
intro: 0fZGRCwhGLfEubQgPIdYlW
pulse: 2EQ9F7IPKLTUIrIlvZPi6F
sound: 2t1WqQPQV53p3b807i2IHv
bulgarian experimental:
name: Bulgarian Experimental
Bulgarian Experimental is a genre of music that pushes the boundaries of traditional
Bulgarian music. It is characterized by its use of unconventional sounds,
structures, and techniques, often incorporating elements of noise, avant-garde, and
free improvisation. The sound is often unpredictable and challenging, with a focus
on experimentation and exploration. Artists such as Ivo Papasov and Milen Kirov are
prominent examples of this genre.
parent: experimental
language: bul
country: BG
localized_name: true
rank: 6139
sound: 6kWfC5lHYMJFMHVC22pkFX
bulgarian folk:
name: Bulgarian Folk
Bulgarian folk music is a traditional genre that features complex rhythms and
haunting melodies. It is characterized by the use of traditional instruments such as
the kaval, gadulka, and tambura, and often tells stories of love, loss, and life in
rural Bulgaria.
parent: folk
language: bul
country: BG
localized_name: true
rank: 5451
"2023": 26g4JTNWayuQBzt4KJm4ap
intro: 0qznnMDLbr2jJTt36khiCz
pulse: 6Vbe5ZVevAYjJggYnpBLfk
sound: 6tQ9lxPQZazIl7NzChB3Ad
bulgarian hip hop:
name: Bulgarian Hip Hop
Bulgarian hip hop is a relatively new genre that has gained popularity in recent
years. It combines traditional Bulgarian music with elements of hip hop, creating a
unique sound that reflects the country's cultural heritage and modern urban life.
parent: hip hop
language: bul
country: BG
localized_name: true
rank: 2827
"2018": 6W9KxUMDOvL2kjZpL8Fb0C
"2019": 6Dfq8uqmxI1loBGc4vYtQw
"2020": 12c2woDmMtDHK2Cqi3Ox1L
"2021": 4ugeHrE64LFLOktLWp8pmk
"2022": 212hjZi7Yabveg81Rp0NIX
"2023": 0gngNO3yIYvYD5j4GFyUDZ
edge: 18zp7XBQT0p0JKFHLHwqFV
intro: 5jbJqFH30QdJwldsJD2dXi
pulse: 3We7Mr0Z2FfpBC4xEAbZAi
sound: 4CEY5gI3L7e6VhdDKbNfRR
bulgarian indie:
name: Bulgarian Indie
Bulgarian indie music is a diverse genre that encompasses a range of styles, from
dreamy pop to experimental rock. It is characterized by its DIY ethos and
independent spirit, with many artists creating music outside of the mainstream music
industry. Bulgarian indie music often explores themes of identity, politics, and
social issues, reflecting the country's complex history and cultural landscape.
parent: indie rock
language: bul
country: BG
localized_name: true
rank: 5517
"2021": 0VYJNI7AUj37fnuWZwXb5d
"2022": 5Yh44eSxbbJlj3dSBaKS7O
"2023": 72hDskkVlaAjzhVBdAQnr9
intro: 4A3l00ByinTQEkddoXnQPE
pulse: 3Ok2txcRFjX7cgttN724yb
sound: 1lHoOhw2kbYv0614Wj72AM
bulgarian metal:
name: Bulgarian Metal
Bulgarian metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that incorporates traditional Bulgarian
folk music elements, such as the use of kaval and gadulka, into its sound. It often
features complex rhythms and melodic structures, and is known for its powerful
vocals and intense energy.
parent: metal
language: bul
country: BG
localized_name: true
rank: 5763
sound: 444iyrQpCfopAxHXu3YtLF
bulgarian pop:
name: Bulgarian Pop
Bulgarian pop is a popular music genre in Bulgaria that combines elements of
traditional Bulgarian folk music with modern pop sensibilities. It often features
catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms, and is known for its danceability and sing-along
parent: pop
language: bul
country: BG
localized_name: true
rank: 1349
"2018": 0tLGozTehIko1GPEbVljRo
"2019": 5LdKSuf5SuWphpBr2VZCL1
"2020": 2dedKArvCWqkhHk8hcKv2z
"2021": 4yzbW8YRyATlYcnAaQjTGB
"2022": 4KEbbIBl1JXlsw2AVKMqnY
"2023": 4x0QBG6yY4Dwo93PfIVINe
edge: 1S0XskE9DQYBP71HCgqRYf
intro: 3DR26PO10f5LDqViaqkoSr
pulse: 04EOgdy9WaBDVcRWMPHtMD
sound: 72tss1btQXuReBr6b4oKJQ
bulgarian r&b:
name: Bulgarian R&B
Bulgarian R&B is a subgenre of R&B that incorporates elements of traditional
Bulgarian music, such as the use of the kaval and the tambura, into its sound. It
often features smooth vocals and soulful melodies, and is known for its romantic
themes and emotional depth.
parent: r&b
language: bul
country: BG
localized_name: true
rank: 4774
"2022": 6JFmSMUqzJge71CrCoq3Lm
"2023": 5ReVowrms5Hu5kDwc8LzDA
edge: 3EVbdsFnb5inKdhx2tOzMD
intro: 7fDEgMEsslQ6CTwjAORfsB
pulse: 670XJ0Jxnc3rfcAUotHapi
sound: 1VyGrIxu31o7efsCAqfubh
bulgarian rock:
name: Bulgarian Rock
Bulgarian rock is a genre that emerged in the 1970s and gained popularity in the
1980s. It is characterized by a fusion of Western rock music with traditional
Bulgarian folk music. The lyrics often touch on social and political issues, and the
music is known for its energetic and powerful sound.
parent: rock
language: bul
country: BG
localized_name: true
rank: 3961
"2018": 1AQHRrmM9Sl6QTGpxwUAHK
"2019": 4MO4XfVnhSs8CXiMf3sFDM
"2020": 6JbAObTae8eeHi638Bcmkh
"2021": 0bUC5XMAHEfvnx6EdXtJKY
"2022": 2Svd5f9p0iYNzw0Djb8Wb0
"2023": 77d8JkKTP8n9hIfvCIWDlI
edge: 4cHFJSnf8lXWHSTRPoda6F
intro: 36V16DKGp3a7jzAuCrV1Nw
pulse: 1wNrDKvrsUIpXtAFwU00rX
sound: 3VKkzhc2BBXqtDDKgA1L8E
bulgarian trap:
name: Bulgarian Trap
Bulgarian trap is a relatively new genre that has gained popularity in recent years.
It is a fusion of trap music with traditional Bulgarian folk music. The beats are
heavy and often feature traditional Bulgarian instruments such as the kaval and
tambura. The lyrics are typically in Bulgarian and often touch on themes of love,
money, and success.
parent: trap
language: bul
country: BG
localized_name: true
rank: 2767
"2022": 77OFCJp2SYkBFdYSQrd2dV
"2023": 3bK3EYVmMnyjvW4i7StR1t
edge: 65S4PXQksVGmr3kZj7BxOK
intro: 4gv1v8Lb1qUJoAwO6vs9qS
pulse: 4pbk3BlPFWxpdgIRwCDWJt
sound: 4D579AitDZxdDNJ5jfA582
burkinabe pop:
name: Burkinabé Pop
Burkinabe pop is a genre of music that originated in Burkina Faso in the 1960s. It
is characterized by a fusion of traditional West African rhythms with Western pop
music. The lyrics are often in French or one of the local languages and touch on a
variety of topics, including love, politics, and social issues. The music is known
for its upbeat and danceable rhythms.
parent: pop
language: fra
country: BF
localized_name: true
rank: 5057
"2021": 0sR6KEIDfxKRp4rTAqG5z5
"2022": 3Im9Ne6LcyfVwsO1bbTwMu
"2023": 15TtWPWmYV2D9cjoxaJL0q
intro: 511z42ZuUy9K1zpkUJKduf
pulse: 1RaaxaGGdkfgtjzwNX9Kbp
sound: 1f3EkWxQLUCTXMNfSkqCWa
burkinabe traditional:
name: Burkinabé Traditional
Burkinabe traditional music is deeply rooted in the country's cultural heritage and
is often performed during social and religious ceremonies. It features a variety of
instruments, including drums, flutes, and stringed instruments, and is characterized
by its rhythmic and energetic sound.
parent: folk
country: BF
localized_name: true
rank: 6215
sound: 0FDqAqhTKhwFOLFcOxJKRR
burmese pop:
name: Burmese Pop
Burmese pop music is a popular genre in Myanmar that incorporates elements of
Western pop music with traditional Burmese melodies and instruments. It often
features catchy hooks and upbeat rhythms, and the lyrics typically focus on love,
relationships, and everyday life.
parent: pop
language: mya
country: MM
localized_name: true
rank: 2315
"2018": 6Gt7IHmzhpsCP1oGhGlEiX
"2019": 2VCr398yim7srjBgSVOCTj
"2020": 1mlyh9IhpgcohNknF8ZC3R
"2021": 2PJyWcJBkELgPwzDrq8te0
"2022": 4pZFAbBjB23QxgSCsaT5Mq
"2023": 5DVDhibJqW5OEqCrRXkC2P
edge: 7LR1DEUn3mHj5A3wcJxa67
intro: 45fkEhO7VFMh9qa6KsCbeq
pulse: 1OKEsQ7U2dfXKO8BRWfbEM
sound: 2FT7VePCW7ScsRA25KuenF
burmese traditional:
name: Burmese Traditional
Burmese traditional music has a rich history that dates back centuries and is still
an important part of Myanmar's cultural identity. It features a variety of
instruments, including the saung (a type of harp), the hsaing waing (a percussion
ensemble), and the pat waing (a drum circle), and is often performed during
festivals and religious ceremonies. The music is characterized by its complex
rhythms and intricate melodies.
parent: folk
language: mya
country: MM
localized_name: true
rank: 6239
sound: 0FemlmnruZEJogqocbcZ7e
burundian pop:
name: Burundian Pop
Burundian pop is a genre of music that blends traditional Burundian rhythms with
modern pop elements. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and
often features lyrics in Kirundi, the official language of Burundi. The genre has
gained popularity in recent years, with artists like Kidum and Sat-B becoming
household names in the region.
parent: pop
country: BI
localized_name: true
rank: 4902
"2020": 0sxoAXCp4ZY2oGHnzc1h5e
"2021": 77rGu2z1zuLLOtsNIonVSD
"2022": 0Z5o0kQzHEDBZzZFniWQmS
"2023": 7EL2Wh4I483PQoccRSCJuo
edge: 3u55oawnTs2SCw7YIJPBxk
intro: 1EwTcpmkKFYfaIjhUyByBW
pulse: 24YMwjGMTyX2fhTwJWxpoL
sound: 4K4MjKuhjuDfuvl7XFoJzj
burundian traditional:
name: Burundian Traditional
Burundian traditional music is an integral part of the country's cultural heritage.
It encompasses a wide range of styles, including drumming, singing, and dancing. The
music is often performed during ceremonies and celebrations, and is characterized by
its intricate rhythms and harmonies. Traditional instruments like the inanga and
ikembe feature prominently in the music, which has been passed down through
generations of Burundian musicians.
parent: folk
country: BI
localized_name: true
rank: 6241
sound: 1M7XycuFu8GTTCZ4SwPRBB
bury st edmunds indie:
name: Bury St Edmunds Indie
Bury St Edmunds indie is a genre of music that emerged from the small town of Bury
St Edmunds in Suffolk, England. It is characterized by its DIY ethos, lo-fi
production values, and introspective lyrics. Bands like Gaffa Tape Sandy and The
Soft are prominent in the scene, which has gained a following in the UK indie music
community. The genre often features jangly guitars
parent: english indie rock
rank: 5911
sound: 3hUSSC8liqZwkDkAKoXEmK
bush ballad:
name: Bush Ballad
A genre of Australian country music that tells stories of rural life, the outback,
and the people who live there. The songs are often slow and melancholy, with lyrics
that evoke a sense of nostalgia for a simpler way of life.
parent: australian country
rank: 3610
"2020": 6QyQkYwfhTJo3UoGQyW2I2
"2021": 5BoaQkdS12zzjj9tTPXxeZ
"2022": 5MYlPUsDLxlOKSkL5Pf8GD
"2023": 37cfdwo2JKNRUrCSdPuCgl
intro: 2xyBipuXbw7Xk3OosEXSCv
pulse: 0VuPRI9cScuGX5oSSjx1Or
sound: 5CsdQrrAgQycaViamtpJtb
name: Byzantine
A style of sacred music that originated in the Eastern Orthodox Church. The music is
characterized by its use of complex harmonies, intricate melodies, and ornate vocal
ornamentation. The lyrics are typically in Greek or other Eastern languages, and the
music is often performed a cappella.
parent: christian music
language: ell
localized_name: true
rank: 4447
"2021": 3LexcPfC7hd4AvbViUEfof
"2022": 5koHHaVRnnsUlV9QcgQJfT
"2023": 4BAYBM6j3G8WAAE3y8e9xx
intro: 0hY2SmZBQdw5OIOXzNGn4I
pulse: 6D7rTQTDastCij9BRXraNb
sound: 6LeXGKgnoXSoP3J2rdgO5H