
4749 lines
176 KiB

name: Fado
Fado is a traditional Portuguese music genre that is characterized by its mournful
and melancholic tone. It typically features a solo singer accompanied by a guitar
and often tells stories of love, loss, and longing. Fado is deeply rooted in
Portuguese culture and has been recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.
parent: portuguese folk
rank: 1800
"2018": 7DRJMFVoejiXTkj694gioj
"2019": 7JXqY6sJBqbWqIanU41ZKf
"2020": 6Pwc9QewZScGqu9Zc7x4nE
"2021": 3kYdLHbwBOk84QNfvTmaYz
"2022": 7vSv7xn9DjBKjEVNgeP0gZ
"2023": 0LDgleO9tAgFz3TzTMI8AO
edge: 08O8nhbdqcfOGM1DtdcTFh
intro: 4kOYEVelZpQ2VyUWaTLn86
pulse: 6MnvScsakQ1RlDtY2FdnrR
sound: 5yLmmznzjfw9EnWo1MFtdL
fado antigo:
name: Fado Antigo
Fado antigo, also known as "old fado," refers to the early styles of fado music that
emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is characterized by its
simplicity, with just a singer and a guitar, and its focus on traditional themes
such as love, heartbreak, and the struggles of everyday life. Fado antigo is
considered the foundation of modern fado music and is still revered by many today.
parent: fado
localized_name: true
rank: 4827
"2021": 5mCnqGXkDo0t0seFkMVr9I
"2022": 1CmaBFJbeRvSBtNaEh098c
"2023": 5w09oRJgXPKoasQWKqZ9Ee
intro: 15X7d1iAiErPdCjymAfNdt
pulse: 01uYCaqKLVOObJfoZdUbHX
sound: 6kMd7pDwtSA0F7b0RrvsSe
fado de coimbra:
name: Fado de Coimbra
'"Fado de Coimbra" is a traditional Portuguese music genre that originated in the
city of Coimbra. It is characterized by the use of acoustic guitars and male vocals,
which often tell stories of love, loss, and nostalgia. The music is melancholic and
emotional, with a strong emphasis on the lyrics.'
parent: fado
localized_name: true
rank: 4985
"2022": 3RInFgPiMo0c7RUfc7WayS
"2023": 7t4t2apEplWfYWcjzBCTss
intro: 3Zwhcci8WPzB3JQSIgZHXy
pulse: 07rzC2le8n8eSFJ1h4DyAX
sound: 24ThUsj0I1BHKdVe0oIbJS
fado instrumental:
name: Fado Instrumental
'"Fado instrumental" is a variation of the traditional Portuguese music genre, fado,
that focuses on the instrumental elements of the music. The genre features guitar,
mandolin, and accordion solos, with little or no vocals. The music is often used as
background music in restaurants and cafes.'
parent: fado
localized_name: true
rank: 5223
"2021": 2rATdBZgAO4ciT02TWglOz
"2022": 4YqThmpO2JS0zfSU4XIfiO
"2023": 3lZV6YBzVGv48mGSUVu5AT
intro: 37VdasuGfSsqf4zjfvlsxA
pulse: 3cbir82REgmBiABDuZZSYV
sound: 2w0tfXHDvjHmSqZ3Pi1OuJ
name: Fake
'"Fake" is a modern music genre that blends elements of pop, hip-hop, and electronic
music. The genre is characterized by its heavy use of autotune and electronic beats,
with lyrics that often focus on partying and materialism. The music is popular among
younger audiences and is often associated with social media influencers and
parent: viral pop
rank: 3774
"2019": 7yqBsMbysYu6xKr707J1zp
intro: 02o6k1swe7h0Cfm7NE6GiF
pulse: 6nQzuZBhZM3rFjcuxft9X4
sound: 69tQwg4PtwjL7IvXHd1Wyi
fallen angel:
name: Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel is a genre of music that explores the darker side of human emotions,
often featuring haunting melodies and melancholic lyrics. It is characterized by its
somber and introspective tone, as well as its use of minor keys and slow tempos.
This genre is perfect for those who appreciate deep and introspective music that
delves into the complexities of the human psyche.
parent: gothic metal
rank: 2884
"2020": 3T4jBpjzcQNNgPd8Q85jUi
"2021": 1JZPywYRcQ0najhjyxKgsG
"2022": 3xljSvz4GWHc9hFbD9Rssv
"2023": 6hsNUrGDf338zzIinXYpPu
edge: 2fxGAz2DGX3Tdl7emj0AND
intro: 2ZZ2CcPfzrpYwsICyRiINb
pulse: 5XLjEHGiIxbuyklFzqP4QE
sound: 5Voot6Qf3OJX5KukZ1dn4n
family gospel:
name: Family Gospel
Family Gospel is a genre of music that celebrates the joy and love of family and
faith. It is characterized by its uplifting and positive lyrics, as well as its use
of harmonies and call-and-response vocals. This genre is perfect for those who
appreciate the power of music to bring people together and inspire feelings of hope
and unity.
parent: gospel
localized_name: true
rank: 2887
"2019": 290LXGi75EBXTk5Dx5ZQ3B
"2020": 1HTM9J7Z81250yehZmWsPM
"2021": 5UsOlMcmndnvoqzrWsnpme
"2022": 1msWgihgh1bqvEu3qksx6u
"2023": 2vGetPdOwzOGiox5YtnIEA
edge: 3qh9Tzj4Kp17eXDV95uZgz
intro: 0ba3vXLwczIANDSjXqRdQH
pulse: 0p7YFg6jQdEYRG1fG3loHu
sound: 6uEYJ1Ag6Hj6GlVMbNzh93
fan chant:
name: Fan Chant
Fan Chant is a genre of music that is specifically designed to be sung by fans at
sporting events. It is characterized by its simple and repetitive lyrics, as well as
its upbeat and energetic tempo. This genre is perfect for those who love to cheer on
their favorite sports teams and want to be a part of the action.
parent: event
localized_name: true
rank: 3574
intro: 4gf0bJ0vq16igtlHqMBfxJ
pulse: 3S8QnMe4w0uc30AXAp6uFc
sound: 1vop8KpVahupGKRDvAWDrr
name: Fantasy
A genre of music that is often inspired by fantasy literature, films, and games. It
typically features epic orchestration, soaring vocals, and mystical lyrics that
transport the listener to a magical realm.
parent: folk
rank: 2119
"2022": 5aiKmXzt1UGX1thM81HRHW
"2023": 6ttOQZvnHl6UZak3Pcqzr5
edge: 3O92BbVJa5UzJmryM8CT4Q
intro: 0fihUZCCTETIdHiL7uaNQe
pulse: 1zws4Fpet00yiTNaN03V75
sound: 7yZS6e9IMeOkEzIydo1FYB
fantasy metal:
name: Fantasy Metal
A subgenre of heavy metal that combines the power and intensity of metal with the
fantastical themes of fantasy. It often features fast-paced guitar riffs, thunderous
drumming, and operatic vocals that tell tales of knights, dragons, and other
mythical creatures.
parent: metal
rank: 1211
"2023": 43iFR63lQt2GjDKRblDkyw
edge: 2fogLXehsdIyPlgF9WAhpa
intro: 7nAq8sgfoC9z9sWRx92In6
pulse: 7FuuI5fJstBhBAncsPA1KX
sound: 6Ny1iKKUSQteHqrGDyQrmT
faroese folk:
name: Faroese Folk
A genre of music that originates from the Faroe Islands, a small archipelago in the
North Atlantic. It is characterized by its haunting melodies, intricate vocal
harmonies, and the use of traditional instruments such as the fiddle, accordion, and
mandolin. The lyrics often tell stories of the island's history, culture, and
natural beauty.
parent: folk
language: fao
country: FO
localized_name: true
rank: 5471
"2020": 7byCsJjiVPj7VsnqDO1XDq
"2021": 2v0eZI3iwQ7cAv6qDw7LFh
"2022": 3MgyRCbRn3MTGOggMfMUqd
"2023": 7oP8KAVOFyb1ofmJ1jxju5
edge: 2jrwFDifvVLaG9HfSjCaxN
intro: 463NsMpbx9kSw5txLyzWPi
pulse: 7lNkFQ42MNuyB3k25m6G3E
sound: 09doQtFZ7g2HTJzmGEYC9l
faroese indie:
name: Faroese Indie
Faroese indie is a genre that emerged in the Faroe Islands in the early 2000s. It is
characterized by a DIY spirit, dreamy vocals, and experimental instrumentation.
Faroese indie bands often incorporate elements of folk and post-rock into their
sound, resulting in a unique and atmospheric sound.
parent: indie pop
language: fao
country: FO
localized_name: true
rank: 4558
"2020": 4aBwP1xjWEGsSEqNmni8Ci
"2021": 5rCRHO5c2jxIlqWAvIK7Ip
"2022": 6NLEVcztrgI7uAT8a0gNj4
"2023": 3bIlL7WFIPZWoUSOsEqpJy
edge: 1M7zZXK0TtQl32Tj09XcgM
intro: 0tRFGDvIUkklzBfmtkiwbL
pulse: 2jRp9IxtTfjZGnlJ2j0rRT
sound: 54r2OpIsl3hhvSpEDIZesr
faroese jazz:
name: Faroese Jazz
Faroese jazz is a genre that has been growing in popularity in recent years. It is
characterized by a fusion of traditional jazz elements with Faroese folk music and
contemporary influences. Faroese jazz musicians often incorporate the use of
traditional Faroese instruments, such as the langspil and the Jew's harp, into their
compositions, resulting in a distinctive and innovative sound.
parent: jazz
language: fao
country: FO
localized_name: true
rank: 6246
edge: 1M8QhX0OL6H6dITwllHjEA
pulse: 02c6Z0cwtn2KR3jB59Kb95
sound: 2cEtqSZ5rvZH6yvzqyLgFE
faroese pop:
name: Faroese Pop
Faroese pop is a genre that has been influenced by both Scandinavian and British pop
music. It is characterized by catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and heartfelt lyrics.
Faroese pop musicians often sing in English, but also incorporate the Faroese
language into their songs, resulting in a unique and multicultural sound. The genre
has been gaining popularity in recent years, with several Faroese pop artists
achieving success both domestically and internationally.
parent: pop
language: fao
country: FO
localized_name: true
rank: 3905
"2018": 5nxS4ocULOeBo4LgXPjWx3
"2019": 1sHx1yzfKF0pTzME5x1bPY
"2020": 4UW1GrDkT8B9hXpT2nh7ya
"2021": 6xPrJqYxPPRYld7yOWS3GO
"2022": 2mKvz8yUkLCG4NNHNiHD2F
"2023": 7KQRl1nnOvXLOZcJ91b5ru
edge: 22DyS50JjgQ76yxAmEGUjJ
intro: 5Rcc8A66JBS36QtDeoyOK6
pulse: 0DyxFgZD4EmwVWXgBBPstU
sound: 2i2FDkvTFSKP0D68hXwqNm
faroese rock:
name: Faroese Rock
Faroese rock is a genre of rock music that originated in the Faroe Islands. It often
incorporates elements of traditional Faroese music and lyrics in the Faroese
language. The sound of Faroese rock is characterized by heavy guitar riffs, powerful
vocals, and driving rhythms.
parent: rock
language: fao
country: FO
localized_name: true
rank: 5027
"2022": 4SRL58QcEKi1gGLtR4kJ6t
"2023": 4xLhVqwXN2UyXEwawvIzC7
edge: 1Ipmc2ZJY926pG6rb2pGg9
intro: 5NblejhGxjJuQ5bjThZFYf
pulse: 3lQ3hXqSFuvt8TBm5owETC
sound: 4MdZYecJOgWqR3vkRl6Fvy
fast melodic punk:
name: Fast Melodic Punk
Fast melodic punk is a subgenre of punk rock that emphasizes speed and melody. It
typically features fast-paced drumming, distorted guitars, and aggressive vocals.
The lyrics often deal with social and political issues, and the music is often
associated with a DIY ethos and a rebellious spirit.
parent: punk
rank: 4053
"2018": 6aUYHEOny1VfHkO0s3sCYj
"2019": 1DA5CVoKs7Pc7xlRzgJhJB
"2020": 0DNqcwQLRmShr4NUKRzyp3
"2021": 52SYsM402Vu9lMpI5A3fUs
"2022": 6i8oM6glWbUYS6VhhN7XBi
"2023": 0TutHB6Rgq5M97nhus1mDe
edge: 7C597ioCjiPDKjT269WB7B
intro: 5o8EMYBEDxaP8EMWpU6fZ3
pulse: 49RLgZOTwPNb64mH0aSU3S
sound: 08cijle4wA9ijkgwYToaxe
name: Festigal
Festigal is a genre of Israeli pop music that is popular during the holiday of
Hanukkah. The music is characterized by catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and lyrics
that celebrate the holiday spirit. Festigal is often performed by children's choirs
and features a mix of traditional and modern Hanukkah songs.
parent: children's music
language: heb
country: IL
rank: 4005
"2021": 756afo44ddPK6L7fEbLsCb
"2022": 4sVhwdCPNTu6r2ediRDR7a
"2023": 5bL7Cz4KpoWf2Nq4hiJB0i
edge: 1LiFLb0ObAnpkSu8a3csqc
intro: 2K6bX5waUcu7gkT0YVfyH7
pulse: 2qVIYE8k8ZO1Za7O80Hs3h
sound: 5KQBeEusXD5IQ5NIjxek94
fictitious orchestra:
name: Fictitious Orchestra
This genre features a grandiose sound, with an imaginary orchestra playing in the
background. The music is often cinematic and dramatic, with sweeping orchestral
arrangements and powerful melodies. Fictitious Orchestra is perfect for epic film
scores, video game soundtracks, and other dramatic media projects.
parent: soundtrack
localized_name: true
rank: 3751
"2022": 0qRivysaolCxpRWulkOSVi
"2023": 2lp5EENBymUcUuanU8gb2U
intro: 7kkdIBzdwEibzylwnfVaBw
pulse: 6W4iuLxQon0LSpsHVVRBLl
sound: 7vWzKkx25Ypq6GaaCVN4KK
fidget house:
name: Fidget House
Fidget House is a high-energy, dance-oriented genre that blends elements of house,
electro, and techno. The music is characterized by its frenetic beats, glitchy
samples, and catchy hooks. Fidget House is perfect for clubs, parties, and other
high-energy events.
parent: electro house
rank: 2505
"2019": 4g67DzPAgCsVvMS8yX5z8h
"2020": 0UDia4MSF7KNNNZBTL4Q9O
"2021": 5JNu75JuKrTcf1YSbrmjun
"2022": 5q1AqE6DlvQNW1lmHOlO6z
"2023": 2t9pyt5CmyAnRLAkDdol4N
edge: 3imy9jjRdf6NBFJugYqVPx
intro: 0hPqbGEIZOmb0Vd30uu4qU
pulse: 3JD2dGQ4rtSZhvyMIAOf3f
sound: 6vat2V2zBVw4cVQyp62EBQ
field recording:
name: Field Recording
Field Recording is a genre that uses recordings of natural sounds and ambient noises
to create music. The recordings are often manipulated and processed to create unique
textures and rhythms. Field Recording is perfect for creating immersive soundscapes,
experimental music, and ambient compositions.
parent: experimental
localized_name: true
rank: 5804
"2021": 38f0fYkw5kXBjnCFEUP9qN
"2022": 4Dj6pSfUa682WoqA04psqu
intro: 75KxgkiuGzPlhs2UN9lcDc
sound: 2ftTVWxFD0bhsQq37jAk5D
fife and drum:
name: Fife and Drum
Fife and drum is a traditional music genre that originated in the southern United
States. It features a small flute (fife) and a percussion instrument (drum) played
together in a rhythmic and upbeat style. The music is often associated with military
or parade music and has been passed down through generations of African American and
Native American communities.
parent: blues
rank: 6055
intro: 5VrKnk2n9FNWfgIJiC3H2V
pulse: 3s6glRjhxoTUzlX0AnR6dz
sound: 47qloHCA0Ygkm4Jn1pOYNt
fijian pop:
name: Fijian Pop
Fijian pop is a contemporary music genre that blends traditional Fijian melodies
with modern pop music. It often features upbeat rhythms, catchy melodies, and lyrics
that celebrate Fijian culture and identity. The genre has gained popularity in Fiji
and among Fijian diaspora communities around the world.
parent: pop
country: FJ
localized_name: true
rank: 3739
"2020": 02ww6rDOwUDACaP6L32Xxs
"2021": 7m2VSdqFhdXuhSlGBshrNs
"2022": 4K9yGtW3c3JcnWAeigoWe3
"2023": 0QfEoXZ6vC1F9f4E0CbxWi
edge: 5mw6a12ALtjDwBJar4vdUs
pulse: 7dWCFchN8wucEr99wcxso4
sound: 7Jra6ipuy04OfcvYlcZwCS
name: Filmi
Filmi is a music genre that originated in India and is often associated with
Bollywood films. It features a blend of traditional Indian music with Western
influences, including jazz, rock, and pop. The music is often accompanied by
elaborate dance routines and is known for its catchy melodies and emotive lyrics.
Filmi has become a popular genre not just in India, but also in other parts of the
world with large Indian diaspora communities.
parent: soundtrack
country: IN
localized_name: true
rank: 15
"2018": 7AMjn3XXQ2P8306PFZVELN
"2019": 11cI2MXfsHHxd4bCQC4jw3
"2020": 4nQ48UQL4PID0l3vkk5TnS
"2021": 4wyO1ouh7Z1S381G8d1vYa
"2022": 3xPhhrHapUKRrHSsJxxhs8
"2023": 19tJXN6CHxSBUpovtfSmCr
edge: 5gdOIusazvfiC9BKj5UyAS
intro: 2rMbhRrwEwWjccpybMQ8wX
pulse: 3M5RTa7XLBZFTAztnaQIGc
sound: 1uny7o4LNoe7C5qJJ8S1k1
filter house:
name: Filter House
Filter house is a subgenre of house music that incorporates samples and techniques
from disco, funk, and soul. It is characterized by its use of filters and effects to
manipulate the sound, creating a distinctive and groovy rhythm. Filter house tracks
often feature chopped-up vocals and funky basslines, making it a popular choice for
dance floors around the world.
parent: house
rank: 409
"2018": 3Qq0DibST5dx5XBVaYwzoa
"2019": 3apmn6HT9ZP7XbN8lkLG14
"2020": 3wIU6B9N45QxVPyR4fGkUw
"2021": 5e1DqSwPkOlzJpz3Ka1WiF
"2022": 5nVY1dJiSQKXizlbLVTK9i
"2023": 1fLoMEpm818HUN3rVRSZGL
edge: 3BfZ90uiVhtu8w5Kg6rNr6
intro: 5VrPb5V2FSfh2fGYvbTuoG
pulse: 7j21J89Fa4yRlpjxGiZX4t
sound: 5oZMnQNApteFlWDTo0xrtb
name: Filthstep
Filthstep is a subgenre of dubstep that is known for its heavy, aggressive sound. It
features distorted basslines, intense drops, and a focus on high-energy beats.
Filthstep tracks often incorporate elements of other genres, such as metal and
hip-hop, and are designed to be played at high volumes. It is a popular choice for
fans of intense and energetic electronic music.
parent: dubstep
rank: 1155
"2018": 1Lus2LLPrndI9h7kXBEQ5I
"2019": 2Qog3B8MnpcBKpnYBggJoN
"2020": 1Bkp0wZNmSpEc0Z6ABY2rH
"2021": 6DVCgAWLClYDQigEcM0iqb
"2022": 3s3YwzRJkEJAZCaJSVTG9O
"2023": 2E3XuGP4P4tNGNSjtpOWqx
edge: 4nDP1UQvInka4qgSP3oBCb
intro: 4TYOCzpG8IULGdOQf6Ir7g
pulse: 6xYviIn3vxe8yOy4ACeZIL
sound: 0osSe1116rhifh5KwidIGJ
name: Fingerstyle
A guitar-centric genre where the player uses their fingers to pluck the strings
instead of a pick. The result is intricate, melodic compositions that often
incorporate elements of blues, folk, and classical music.
parent: instrument
rank: 2291
"2018": 55InThg4SNeyAnmPtSJdKF
"2019": 57wp2vudFiWKkVG1E1ly8M
"2020": 5KWB4rfWknlg6Feru4pe4F
"2021": 7vv3Zj91jNrRz1nnIkKORG
"2022": 5o8nvKihyERWxa766nxeZ4
"2023": 0hUeQIFHvmpBkze9KQLyjz
edge: 68Pk1vRgxgPSMIvtlijJi6
intro: 4E13Lew9zLJWtOKpoE4oIQ
pulse: 43wvVCe0MSMwzRNIwonbY3
sound: 4ErdfOdFfbDdISqqgv23GV
finlandssvenska musik:
name: Finlandssvenska Musik
A genre of music originating from Finland's Swedish-speaking population,
characterized by its use of Swedish lyrics and a blend of traditional Scandinavian
folk influences with contemporary pop and rock sounds. The genre has gained
popularity in recent years, with many Finnish-Swedish artists achieving success both
in Finland and abroad.
parent: folk
language: swe
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4512
"2020": 0LIJEkFErt5PKiv5Nucgse
"2021": 2vKox6ctwS2jJFWVl9X6RQ
"2022": 1LvBuEdA8toqB1gjsWNKNR
"2023": 1HM8jK2xHNZyHNyI3BPB2c
edge: 6cGZguoCau8EZuct4iCSXp
intro: 5eLfvkNGIVTJt0owsIT7aH
pulse: 35xSHLhDY9XCftvKHohYbS
sound: 1tMMOjnFvzARz0bvIZ3p2w
finnish alternative rock:
name: Finnish Alternative Rock
A genre of rock music that emerged in Finland in the 1980s, characterized by its
experimental, non-conformist approach to music-making. Finnish alternative rock
bands often incorporate elements of punk, metal, and electronic music into their
sound, resulting in a diverse and eclectic range of styles. The genre has produced
many influential bands, such as HIM and The Rasmus.
parent: alternative rock
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 2092
"2020": 5cOG09Tf0p8NlOxTPsz9Pg
"2021": 1calI3XhSXp2gZRNn9VkUp
"2022": 1XY0LyobT3bpOPoeZZQrKm
"2023": 4eMuuCkMXAVRLashVA3q5x
edge: 7KSORPT52tGJkf5FuHfBZx
intro: 0oKxBrELBQjkd7Mh04z3tG
pulse: 179C8MKnjMaijoMkIKgRHv
sound: 1cxkt9NI4V0glkXJsY0eMo
finnish black metal:
name: Finnish Black Metal
Finnish black metal is a subgenre of heavy metal known for its aggressive and dark
sound. It often features fast-paced guitar riffs, blast beats, and guttural vocals.
The lyrics often touch on themes of nature, paganism, and folklore, reflecting
Finland's rich cultural heritage.
parent: black metal
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4306
"2020": 2EU6c14jtCAN9V9Vrx7l74
"2021": 5jgCYWf5TXMk2LKBYkRZoa
"2022": 7CGMv2mtp1taQPbmFFJF3C
"2023": 362rtTlflYKwKi9QqrIWIW
edge: 66tFh07JryNxD9JVm1irjb
intro: 3jMoH1Sb1pGP38rs9ijv2g
pulse: 2yqePS6sTEWyVxGYLrMc1z
sound: 0VIFRdDKyTqPghiYUu191o
finnish blues:
name: Finnish Blues
Finnish blues is a genre of music that combines traditional blues elements with
Finnish influences. It often features melancholic melodies, soulful vocals, and
intricate guitar work. The lyrics often touch on themes of love, loss, and the
struggles of everyday life. Finnish blues artists have gained international
recognition for their unique sound and emotional depth.
parent: blues
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 5033
"2020": 51qO6cQznmwqBa9W0ZpbGs
"2021": 6TFj6UaRvFbg3H1wYfQAeS
"2022": 2H1SeimilfScYlkhEVDrs8
"2023": 5No8SqQ140fh9bLG5jNAfa
intro: 49o6qQIlaLmff4a0fHnQbH
pulse: 5MsVcIbWcpv5EqRMC019XJ
sound: 2MZlB7n6QqUMbSTne8xIxM
finnish choir:
name: Finnish Choir
Finnish choir music is known for its beautiful harmonies and rich vocal textures. It
often features a large group of singers, arranged in a complex and intricate manner.
The lyrics often touch on themes of spirituality, nature, and the human experience.
Finnish choirs are renowned for their precision and attention to detail, and have
gained a reputation as some of the best in the world.
parent: choral
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 5264
"2018": 716AUlr00lAHlOj1BjhtTe
"2020": 2lE0m82mdL0csMk36btBGb
"2021": 3CKxQa4JMPLlRXRADWfMVh
"2022": 0e8uLfTY7QZCqL9qiarUZ2
"2023": 1nXE1TG2JBmEoOME2NhoFB
intro: 4mJXKiqKVfCvYqkpWrI62T
pulse: 51aRt7fiGk3U9n2b4sw5DL
sound: 1o2j62emAHuERgjPZaI362
finnish classical:
name: Finnish Classical
This genre encompasses the works of classical composers from Finland, such as Jean
Sibelius and Einojuhani Rautavaara. Known for its sweeping melodies, lush
orchestration, and connection to the country's natural landscape, Finnish classical
music is a cornerstone of the country's cultural heritage.
parent: classical
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 2780
"2020": 275BRQ3UxbaIxiA39TXePn
"2021": 3VGsvXNXpfprn6a20PL0UQ
"2022": 79xEbinH9LNjBBjf6rTRu9
"2023": 7ozf2Q2Jb3AmvzW057GGfS
intro: 7i2AbyvmLWmkhGcywaYVsY
pulse: 4LP1WoAwGmQLww5WtRsxlx
sound: 24b96cJDoOKjQBeHGCLoH5
finnish contemporary classical:
name: Finnish Contemporary Classical
This genre is a more modern take on classical music in Finland, incorporating
elements of avant-garde, experimental, and electronic music. Composers such as Kaija
Saariaho and Magnus Lindberg are known for pushing the boundaries of traditional
classical music while still maintaining a connection to Finland's rich musical
parent: contemporary classical
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 5846
"2022": 1oXiJa3Kz1qPfNlWRboQ6J
intro: 189431buOTVBwZ0EUU0dex
sound: 6tDtq3CEyXbQVmJ5xaPHDC
finnish dance pop:
name: Finnish Dance Pop
This genre is a lively and upbeat style of pop music that originated in Finland in
the 1990s. With catchy hooks, pulsing beats, and infectious rhythms, Finnish dance
pop has become a staple of the country's music scene. Artists such as Darude and
Bomfunk MC's have achieved international success with their high-energy tracks.
parent: dance pop
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 836
"2018": 6ehWrpFHrUA0ehPmYoPKy1
"2019": 02gyv0B7pFMUcgcute5UPu
"2020": 2YSCVPAqkcbR1C1D87u2vp
"2021": 32rOM6C6UR1ByOzyxYGuG3
"2022": 4AqrXMg7c0HL29xAd9hurv
"2023": 6Pkeu6haAavmV20XqcKwyq
edge: 7mv2EtulUPBBoNmRMUjkwE
intro: 6cPCwRGHX7TBm2aED9DI1y
pulse: 5r3IYZTOfh5kUzBLJyw2GY
sound: 18sKpIGOaFlR5256AqCh2E
finnish death metal:
name: Finnish Death Metal
Finnish death metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that originated in Finland in the
late 1980s. It is characterized by its aggressive and fast-paced sound, with growled
vocals and intense guitar riffs. Finnish death metal bands often incorporate themes
of darkness, death, and violence in their lyrics.
parent: death metal
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 2198
"2019": 2YTMHnKNyrhwKRLT1u65F2
"2020": 1Cer8jHB5bRzvMRAWPUrJV
"2021": 4MoukCtDk16pliu3f23cYn
"2022": 1Y3AWzp69prB6TEQnJzndi
"2023": 4tIhGNxXi2EKuoggfpipA2
edge: 2PN1GY09PKrBSQPfaQ36fI
intro: 2DovM8uUlXWpZUJtLYQwYc
pulse: 7ABQmVNPJi3rSJYTzDtwPk
sound: 7Ky7mnFOobBYJMFnNtLN8O
finnish doom metal:
name: Finnish Doom Metal
Finnish doom metal, on the other hand, is a slower and more atmospheric subgenre of
heavy metal that also originated in Finland in the late 1980s. It is characterized
by its heavy use of distorted guitars, slow tempos, and melancholic melodies.
Finnish doom metal bands often explore themes of sorrow, loss, and despair in their
parent: doom metal
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4530
"2020": 7FC7uMkgJLSz1VIXrEpA0n
"2021": 3eZedxKsKvQQrKcSkeeEpd
"2022": 2z9rQmX1Ob4ePCPxblFSW9
"2023": 5uJCwU2ex0cJtds1dnQqtx
intro: 0ep0KAZ8s7x3ODKMB6IXCa
pulse: 7fN88MV86GRJ65ETVyclgD
sound: 4PjGW8CyIEts0ZsMkVWou9
finnish drill:
name: Finnish Drill
Finnish drill is a relatively new subgenre of hip hop that emerged in Finland in the
early 2010s. It is characterized by its aggressive and energetic sound, with
fast-paced beats and rapid-fire lyrics. Finnish drill artists often incorporate
elements of trap music and gangsta rap into their music, and their lyrics often
focus on themes of street life, violence, and crime.
parent: drill
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 2409
"2021": 7AixlBkv5pMsbxum8FdCRj
"2022": 4ZCRQPQTGDtfQrFoVdQS1J
"2023": 0Ltk5cBP8N41aFEkOFVkQc
edge: 2SZWB21Ys5uDKf3TAKR6DZ
intro: 2Xkdu6jagH2hBwvTHWuXZn
pulse: 07IPwqzCkhwI7Zv5rJUEKD
sound: 4AJ7AKAVHpeY9DRDEctqYy
finnish edm:
name: Finnish EDM
Finnish EDM is a high-energy, danceable genre that blends electronic beats with
catchy melodies and driving basslines. It often features big drops and builds, with
a focus on getting the crowd moving and keeping the energy high.
parent: edm
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 2242
"2019": 5lycbVJpyh4d23xe8W8ltI
"2020": 4k3NatLBeAlmcGGgSLgPCB
"2021": 4Zvq59ZzfKBTD1hdNrnMpk
"2022": 62GsBdBWOJnZRm9ITQj70P
"2023": 3b19WxLBNitx78ChHCtw0M
edge: 02YHUG83AC2mT2Y9fMEN6M
intro: 5htcg03sDVjEhDXZwDyi69
pulse: 49wJ44ThvVbhpVRgKkKcqY
sound: 4PRZ9KAdx0LySGaCA45AtW
finnish electro:
name: Finnish Electro
Finnish electro is a more experimental and avant-garde style of electronic music
that incorporates elements of industrial, noise, and post-punk. It often features
distorted vocals, harsh percussion, and unconventional song structures, creating a
dark and edgy atmosphere.
parent: electro
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4675
"2020": 0jKiRiEP2YHNmtuL9nq1HW
"2021": 7IUHtQijvC2QJKH5cMGoD2
"2022": 2N0Nu9sHKQMOunDciaerqf
"2023": 33lXLdRcgUaNE13eRH2JsV
edge: 24NEXnDUd2SH8wXhh0xq90
intro: 5HL2OEkbLXf3Y8raumju1r
pulse: 45ax5lEHdkSod0z6eMtmjB
sound: 6kWL50uF6lux1Jiw9M5yhW
finnish electronic:
name: Finnish Electronic
Finnish electronic music encompasses a wide range of styles, from ambient and
downtempo to techno and house. It often emphasizes texture and atmosphere, using
intricate sound design and subtle rhythms to create immersive sonic landscapes. This
genre is known for its attention to detail and its ability to transport listeners to
otherworldly realms.
parent: electronica
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 5523
sound: 1thKr5e2Vm58eAyvPU6Uoh
finnish experimental:
name: Finnish Experimental
Finnish experimental music is a genre that pushes the boundaries of conventional
music, often incorporating unconventional sounds and techniques. It is characterized
by its unique and innovative approach to music-making, and often incorporates
elements of noise, avant-garde and electronic music.
parent: experimental
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 5310
"2021": 3dmUgZOnHacO0bFhDN529u
"2022": 7dE7IUYalyQl0O5dHmPZvU
"2023": 0wXkARZEtLG7gLIRzyA8WO
pulse: 1CWxZCQn0BgigT9C0UR9yB
sound: 3jyyfQn4I5SOTmaOZQ1NSK
finnish folk:
name: Finnish Folk
Finnish folk music is a genre that is deeply rooted in the country's cultural
heritage. It is characterized by its use of traditional instruments such as the
kantele and the accordion, and its lyrics often reflect the country's history and
mythology. Finnish folk music is known for its haunting melodies and intricate
harmonies, and is a beloved part of the country's musical tradition.
parent: folk
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4830
"2020": 40rG2oY9dm1fbr2dKfWPYy
"2021": 2ZbjGv1LmhKYWoK1xEfSnB
"2022": 1n8ylntFVnZD1zF3P5yewb
"2023": 15aC4lLEjaChoJD7OhHSZz
edge: 0bRRi40plgDitE1ZlIUALC
intro: 5MJKDwSIswMPEIzhM5376M
pulse: 4HFQJh1ys9ugpFFWHQiOwo
sound: 4whPdnPMrHNeuHtDyyNWjY
finnish hard rock:
name: Finnish Hard Rock
Finnish hard rock is characterized by its heavy guitar riffs and powerful vocals.
The genre emerged in the 1970s and has since become a staple in Finnish music. Bands
like Hanoi Rocks and Negative are known for their energetic live performances and
catchy hooks.
parent: hard rock
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 3000
"2020": 2F8ZXD796lGaaG6yz8oVWc
"2021": 3P7J8gldhlN4BGtIDYFcuE
"2022": 6tDyrcufVZwdpQj8WGsFTp
"2023": 5m9AFFp2mErutAXJAEP8JV
edge: 7hSA2ufvd72cKJtxN0OfB5
intro: 3iVnSbOrWOIpzmNqZAoNbk
pulse: 2q5xQLhdevGpdjOPYgTTxX
sound: 6o5FOjzzal4sPtjeonHloI
finnish hardcore:
name: Finnish Hardcore
Finnish hardcore music is a genre that is characterized by its aggressive and
fast-paced sound. It is often associated with punk rock, and is known for its
intense and energetic live performances. Finnish hardcore music often features
politically charged lyrics, and is a popular choice for those who want to express
their frustration with social and political issues.
parent: hardcore
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 5328
"2019": 3OcGc0BsSxo6i55cHu9F8y
"2020": 2pgbxE98GDAo6fNxmlGbSn
"2021": 0Au60G6Khn4f1pkca37zi5
"2022": 6pOsCBSwf9VvEXu5tBjeHY
"2023": 3XLraw6qs3maQO4rTT24Ld
edge: 78mO5qhuHJqMKMnUckLQoP
intro: 1r7mo09nsiPXNPyGYr6g0a
pulse: 6Jx1v7N3vsoHezSy8CVW2u
sound: 6WlczMff7aDWRAux11Pj9M
finnish heavy metal:
name: Finnish Heavy Metal
rank: 1986
"2020": 5tTcPojDe7oSLQbr9dVRhw
"2021": 07wDk5ni6oqGLGw29NcS0u
"2022": 4vWYVjuNH6IL3yEBLnjhOp
"2023": 3j1Gw58IjlH1l7FMUOw1qa
edge: 0Ke01S9ZpyWtdrvZJaHx9H
intro: 26ekYF8vwVecUVgCYo79hN
pulse: 3dciBqWcHv61jqBYETj53c
sound: 1UJTujbW6NmQ1xqzNcDaY7
alias: finnish metal
finnish hip hop:
name: Finnish Hip Hop
Finnish hip hop emerged in the 1990s and has since become a vibrant and diverse
genre. Artists like Cheek and JVG have achieved mainstream success with their catchy
beats and relatable lyrics. The Finnish hip hop scene is known for its unique blend
of traditional Finnish sounds and modern production techniques.
parent: hip hop
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 685
"2018": 7qH2OTEWHJR41LgiBpZASs
"2019": 6qZjkjo6USqPDxPDnk6aiu
"2020": 7E1ExH8xV0FWnEy3W51q2Q
"2021": 08Mv7JQ7DEOwFSTjx848zj
"2022": 72fJ7r4q5Hr3DtXjhYBrzH
"2023": 18l1ZFsXH9AEOVBTfumaCx
edge: 4FsGNrnJq1udBYxOW51wk8
intro: 324UX24tYc5PWK52zMnUlx
pulse: 0fkrlyCBjnDzfSNhdLks5f
sound: 1YGvJM20VrskrnSGuT0V2W
finnish idol pop:
name: Finnish Idol Pop
Finnish idol pop is a genre of music that emerged from the popular television show
"Idols". It is characterized by catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms, with a focus on
showcasing the vocal abilities of the performers. The lyrics often touch on themes
of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery. Finnish idol pop has become a staple of the
Finnish music scene, producing many successful artists.
parent: finnish pop
localized_name: true
rank: 4992
"2020": 6CRTShw7LahUaVd7b8v7ZM
"2021": 7wMe9l47lvp2GkdffX7yMs
"2022": 2u9z32fllPIvy8v4fMPGXb
"2023": 2VcGf3vhtAuSCipffrUOlA
intro: 0bR4rdFdXFBzK83ftYDr1j
pulse: 5HV9MSLyejaCizHya5jlGu
sound: 2XFcxayFDZXADbCqlSfSjK
finnish indie:
name: Finnish Indie
Finnish indie is a genre of music that is characterized by its independent and
alternative nature. It often features unconventional song structures, experimental
instrumentation, and introspective lyrics. Finnish indie artists tend to be highly
creative and innovative, often pushing the boundaries of what is considered
mainstream music. The genre has gained a dedicated following in Finland and has
produced many influential artists.
parent: indie rock
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 3086
"2018": 3O6CjopTkUku6ft0WSnsRf
"2019": 0fLuoFbYbWatbzSRxM3xjz
"2020": 6Ugwcj3DpMM5Obi0jjQW5j
"2021": 4OzD7NWFsDkCgfxjEVE0yY
"2022": 0qOq4Zf3SdiuJYezZBqAL3
"2023": 14VzRaNsGdsu3KeJbPAr5H
edge: 6HhQxagxNbeUUSQzlnhuRi
intro: 4Lt9nrfD7ZLByZyKgh8Vpm
pulse: 2hnB25Lc35wnV4QSJk1EM4
sound: 6c1jaXKDRjxRN9X2NumZ3g
finnish jazz:
name: Finnish Jazz
Finnish jazz is a genre of music that has a long and rich history in Finland. It is
characterized by its improvisational nature, complex harmonies, and virtuosic
instrumental performances. Finnish jazz artists often draw inspiration from
traditional Finnish folk music, incorporating elements of it into their
compositions. The genre has produced many world-renowned musicians and is highly
respected within the international jazz community.
parent: jazz
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4364
"2018": 1ppM3olTZNRuS9zj34tsOH
"2019": 4zNReswyXrhMnBZhunROqs
"2020": 3rWtYraO8b43QKMt1b3IZ9
"2021": 2aivtw7s59Rn4q9HvhdjFN
"2022": 2jRhOM9udLtr9OywTLl3A0
"2023": 5srtgPrrMlyWYEh3YJZAtV
edge: 66haLTE5C93fHZCxWvoxHL
intro: 0xD3QMBxDYwD6i7jiWN5b0
pulse: 78HOuCWViRPaGy0TemsP3Q
sound: 6WxllqF4D8Gj8Veg1WBY0r
finnish melodeath:
name: Finnish Melodeath
Finnish melodeath is a subgenre of death metal that incorporates melodic guitar
riffs and harmonies into its aggressive sound. Bands like Children of Bodom and
Insomnium are known for their technical proficiency and use of melancholic melodies
to create a unique and powerful sound.
parent: melodic death metal
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 2083
"2020": 3vdJwA4vmJPwjWbu3kdiTi
"2021": 0dSEyC3xyxk2IrHbn9YosI
"2022": 75GxZXBr0m5zAyH7xretJq
"2023": 3Me6BRSsXXgYAreea9OlmZ
edge: 4KZUZKEl1VPNwOcNGaecYE
intro: 4Lu5Khgj8zObjJTSLjR5Gk
pulse: 3VRB6xU4TvDx5uHySCr2gC
sound: 1h7iHbS21hpvGF5ZnzLN3Q
finnish metal:
name: Finnish Metal
Finnish heavy metal is a subgenre of metal that is known for its aggressive sound
and dark lyrics. Bands like Children of Bodom and Nightwish have gained
international recognition for their technical proficiency and epic compositions. The
Finnish metal scene is known for its tight-knit community and passionate fanbase.
parent: metal
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 1198
"2018": 2M96mTlt3WiVakrQgzmooW
"2019": 7nHT6bhJpjDk8YphuVtSyc
"2020": 1iJXA5Hy3m2h6hefD2GjFA
"2021": 7zqQ57YvGF97EpbSxoMKLz
"2022": 24bckKerei0ZHdK5ObfhJP
"2023": 2SHpwGw9xFWuGvA020NNN6
edge: 6S9wDyOBBLXoHw5AOolIk0
intro: 5SsKhhiFFIl1NczIgVZBNb
pulse: 4mRYJGH5DH3EjiLBcFoR6Y
sound: 18oX7hhCoQ3AIQyBmtD6Fn
finnish metalcore:
name: Finnish Metalcore
Finnish metalcore is a subgenre of metal that blends elements of hardcore punk and
metal. Bands like Mokoma and Medeia are known for their aggressive sound, use of
breakdowns, and incorporation of melodic elements. Finnish metalcore often features
politically charged lyrics and a DIY ethos, reflecting the punk roots of the genre.
parent: metalcore
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4662
"2020": 1P8mM5hq4akGWmMOiVsNi8
"2021": 29jfJ9WY9yqsPPaRaKTtqE
"2022": 3XVz3JreivEiZ3Rb0nkqIU
"2023": 3T2NgDr6luzNk6xjWnXlxs
edge: 2TniHhMpUxyNQ6OwiWyImH
intro: 3rpDotSebqQs0mXgm2MD7X
pulse: 4kGjfZjyLTEsaC2L0Smnt5
sound: 4E95uV8A7beH7t5SolOBjX
finnish modern jazz:
name: Finnish Modern Jazz
Finnish modern jazz is a genre that combines traditional jazz elements with
contemporary Finnish influences. It often features complex rhythms, improvisation,
and a focus on melody. Artists in this genre include Jukka Perko, Verneri Pohjola,
and Iiro Rantala.
parent: finnish jazz
localized_name: true
rank: 5149
"2020": 6A601uz0xIuzsnvNOrIK9u
"2021": 7eXR1A9dzSOsAG3CnaZlxY
"2022": 6PIQUy1aADduZIe43M2zdb
"2023": 20o5nRIUmbJdm2RQRYiUon
edge: 7MAnUsjVvufWIQI2KCt91C
intro: 2bN7k21rIWAIo6enXpPhkZ
pulse: 6EjTApueuoEoJJO4mE5MRm
sound: 0347Gq2PVivirfybqYlvcf
finnish new wave:
name: Finnish New Wave
Finnish new wave emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s as a response to the punk
movement. It is characterized by a DIY attitude, minimalistic instrumentation, and a
focus on social commentary. Bands in this genre include Siouxsie and the Banshees,
Joy Division, and The Cure.
parent: new wave
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 3869
"2020": 53TMNfqFNMkfEdhVO94JFe
"2021": 62Tu1mdRPQMj8tiLIG4i70
"2022": 5LGDRrP3ijOqjTXXe9xrut
"2023": 0X3w62VpbNj0NnfzVV7Oe6
edge: 0df9HXtH2OEr8SKLAEE9h4
intro: 4sSrL6t287AccOwLTWYZp0
pulse: 396t1UaoekFyE45c7FpWl9
sound: 6yjR6aJHgo1U4xZtCfnnpI
finnish pop:
name: Finnish Pop
Finnish pop is a genre that encompasses a wide range of styles and influences. It is
often characterized by catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and a focus on
radio-friendly hooks. Artists in this genre include Alma, Jenni Vartiainen, and
Robin Packalen.
parent: pop
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 671
"2018": 0JPNDS1KBu4ARWns24pgzu
"2019": 1eLq3tw1oPCDzckPf0dH30
"2020": 5iNM2dQp9SnggQcs73Blde
"2021": 7bCZ3osyzISNeVCs4fBPEF
"2022": 5gAhmc5mRbafgB9ISN25GU
"2023": 06dciOYHWupTGqmybxizWO
edge: 2MXesHwMsnEwYiv1fhItKo
intro: 1vtTt1eLsev1JL6k6s7h9w
pulse: 16nMSxq0SFe3pwrQAXVexg
sound: 3rjPCrrCjMZwWDlAIRu44q
finnish pop punk:
name: Finnish Pop Punk
Finnish pop punk is a high-energy, upbeat genre that blends catchy pop melodies with
punk rock attitude. It often features fast-paced guitar riffs, driving drums, and
lyrics that touch on themes of youth, rebellion, and heartbreak.
parent: pop punk
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4100
"2020": 0hKIKUa1WIskOojZpNBzBQ
"2021": 2SPJarP3qkn1wXK7nI1832
"2022": 2LjGHrTCmcb6vxHmL0m4bI
"2023": 7ghLT2gM4cqTPxAMP6hqzE
edge: 6WRUTOcpT6kvXaa98Mi67h
intro: 2qL24xHqBjU2aV1JhRAiGl
pulse: 3xWlBkkbzbvQHncOgBQacM
sound: 5AnKiIswDra20Mmmoe4aPs
finnish post-punk:
name: Finnish Post-Punk
Finnish post-punk is a moody, atmospheric genre that emerged in the late 1970s and
early 1980s. It draws on the raw, angular sound of punk rock, but adds elements of
art rock, goth, and new wave to create a more complex and introspective sound. It
often features dark, brooding lyrics and intricate instrumental arrangements.
parent: post-punk
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 5181
"2021": 0Kd4EkFXxnCHtXL3ZThbR9
"2022": 4qcdWBcOfEJmnies1Xo3eg
"2023": 0b3WS21srEaEq6mwbxGzf2
intro: 0H3REHofUNFGwy06HpcaAJ
pulse: 3mGYXS56oVILyJ7UCy8pcu
sound: 72rILJ1Fw18i5bRYWoOuhd
finnish power metal:
name: Finnish Power Metal
Finnish power metal is a fast, aggressive genre that combines the speed and
intensity of thrash metal with the epic, melodic sensibilities of classic heavy
metal. It often features soaring vocals, virtuosic guitar solos, and lyrics that
touch on themes of fantasy, mythology, and heroism. It is known for its bombastic,
larger-than-life sound and its emphasis on technical skill and precision.
parent: power metal
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 1280
"2020": 77GkyW6VptNPdknuCeB7rv
"2021": 0lnf4jFmMwiZM8yUmmEaux
"2022": 3XtC8eduv4BsMupYEBRhTp
"2023": 2qxglO1bGT93wQJNHFM2I7
edge: 6c7S0ivFNfYmerFQYegt7j
intro: 5MiMmHUf0jzgYmV3UJwe96
pulse: 38K0Ndsq8KmFQ6zmINyU5W
sound: 33KhDl0itx7zYyzuEhwDQA
finnish progressive metal:
name: Finnish Progressive Metal
Finnish progressive metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that combines the complex
rhythms and technical proficiency of progressive rock with the aggressive sound of
metal. Characterized by intricate guitar riffs, complex time signatures, and soaring
vocals, Finnish progressive metal often explores themes of mythology, fantasy, and
science fiction.
parent: progressive metal
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4234
sound: 1B8OWWOqc7hn1ajJpv4768
finnish progressive rock:
name: Finnish Progressive Rock
Finnish progressive rock is a genre that blends the experimental sound of
progressive rock with the melodic sensibilities of classic rock. Often featuring
complex arrangements, extended instrumental passages, and poetic lyrics, Finnish
progressive rock is known for its use of unconventional time signatures, intricate
harmonies, and virtuosic musicianship.
parent: progressive rock
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4430
"2020": 3PDTJXKupCojYZuZ99Alyh
"2021": 4n9Tyt60Xbv9x7dp3V01VP
"2022": 1T7sDahGioaUudxH5lCRF5
"2023": 5trmjQdfecvCl07lPklk3I
intro: 5Y1XrBogr9y5sy6xizNJUu
pulse: 6l9MzhpPoIkNUuJMEcHQNV
sound: 26rQLpFzrmqS9ZvfBsLUZm
finnish psychedelic rock:
name: Finnish Psychedelic Rock
Finnish psychedelic rock is a genre that emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s,
characterized by its use of trippy, mind-bending sounds and experimental song
structures. Drawing inspiration from the psychedelic rock scenes of the United
States and the United Kingdom, Finnish psychedelic rock often features swirling
guitars, hypnotic rhythms, and surreal lyrics that explore themes of consciousness,
spirituality, and the human condition.
parent: psychedelic rock
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 5425
"2020": 4GGND0k7dCUis714TWA5BI
"2021": 2idUwPe8Vhu6pTujX3QYql
"2022": 1VGy8sB4fJcjnuMmN3IRNn
"2023": 1OWyar4RzKhOGOfSsI6D2l
intro: 2uMreRAID2Uu4QMsDC6iWK
sound: 3YYCtoClqVQZxgvG3nzVLH
finnish punk:
name: Finnish Punk
Finnish punk is a high-energy, rebellious genre that emerged in the late 1970s. It
is characterized by fast tempos, aggressive vocals, and politically charged lyrics
that often address social issues. Finnish punk bands often employ raw, stripped-down
instrumentation and a DIY ethos, emphasizing authenticity and authenticity over
technical proficiency.
parent: punk
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 2970
"2018": 4cBvmkQVD1R3IEiOpLuwcu
"2019": 6pqcYZwsqiFyXuX29DnnsR
"2020": 73OpWrqBQPegksPwlKwMyl
"2021": 4fkBV75fQ7tQBA88UBSz9g
"2022": 0ZsD8Qbuf2cJi1MnbD85BF
"2023": 2Q3Uye1sc3DAgskJRk6BfI
edge: 7DfFsNOdmfMcc9RUndtlXl
intro: 2DibTwQFHQfNjdAVk8ijdP
pulse: 6OFnGfaMUjTcT5C9LzIdOY
sound: 3JICuz8Q3T8mtXBYNIxwcd
finnish reggae:
name: Finnish Reggae
Finnish reggae is a genre that combines the laid-back rhythms and soulful melodies
of Jamaican reggae with Finnish sensibilities and influences. Finnish reggae often
features lyrics sung in Finnish or English and addresses a range of social and
political issues, including poverty, inequality, and environmentalism. The music is
typically characterized by a relaxed, groovy vibe, with prominent basslines and a
strong emphasis on rhythm.
parent: reggae
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4450
"2019": 5bXVjG7ZncsbW7ImIlTpQ3
"2020": 6giMPTJ1s4x3HeYFzQw16u
"2021": 4ebzRP234VcMSnzWeDDwJz
"2022": 1lLVsfUAKqaWAyWiJvsCzb
"2023": 1qOFpih0viqG1MASTo4mRE
edge: 3iOmxgqW31ErxoAqnmZxko
intro: 1pX7mV88tc1qRU7Cc1Sji5
pulse: 0EHH5waYpVm2H1QVRvKMf7
sound: 1htrcOgeBDoRSY5QvBW1YW
finnish rockabilly:
name: Finnish Rockabilly
Finnish rockabilly is a high-energy, retro-inspired genre that draws on the sounds
of 1950s rock and roll. Finnish rockabilly bands often feature twangy guitar riffs,
pounding drums, and catchy vocal hooks. The music is characterized by a sense of fun
and nostalgia, with lyrics often celebrating the joys of youth, romance, and
rebellion. Finnish rockabilly also often features distinctive fashion and dance
styles, with fans sporting leather jackets, pompadour hairstyles, and swing dancing
parent: rockabilly
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 5706
"2020": 1VkrpmDXZDBpAG0h3ruA5O
"2021": 348QliAoYWVprCVbPX2Lww
"2022": 6spxKQOadGH6USUWkvJ7cg
"2023": 3zhyFW8al2Pwan89Q6QHfs
edge: 1MI1PsNvz4IRzJam1HsMaN
intro: 1NlO2sHWPpjdgwXrGR4bQ4
pulse: 0QJAO83eYSBNMQYwjroWbI
sound: 0NpfMj7fmwjbNa3DBI7zIg
finnish soul:
name: Finnish Soul
Finnish soul is a genre that combines the smoothness of classic soul with the
melancholic and introspective themes of Finnish culture. It often features lush
arrangements and emotive vocals that express the complexities of life in the Nordic
parent: soul
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4478
"2020": 1PQyLUxJk33Bo9bV6DzT30
"2021": 6MbOMoaBroMskeZp4MKjFa
"2022": 1yKwDdE2pyl1Cwfj8EbVQQ
"2023": 5TfyCPYxy1qPdbWNraXes3
edge: 3SNERX3NsLSxpKhcgfNMll
intro: 2qB7hkhl3ZKJgnO743Edt3
pulse: 3fttymh1RU66QrK6u0J3f1
sound: 70P0tTdAfXkHX7gqIl8qdA
finnish tango:
name: Finnish Tango
Finnish tango is a unique style of tango that has been adapted to Finnish
sensibilities. It is characterized by its slow, melancholic tempo and its emphasis
on storytelling through music. Finnish tango often features lyrics that deal with
themes of love, longing, and loss, and is a beloved genre that has been popular in
Finland for over a century.
parent: tango
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 5208
"2020": 2ePJVqxm62vkwDlvnesc5d
"2021": 7BpyIOn7JzBbNAQLJQAgM1
"2022": 5aOegCleLQgk2ygxIMOJd0
"2023": 0zbWG5QzHstoUZ9SDa6ONs
edge: 2pdDb67ocdoLJ3YHmk1ZV7
intro: 5zmEBvP0y988hEaSLSqjH2
pulse: 2iBr66MJWdnGr6YgGEaPAZ
sound: 3UKdkSRc7cRlLvSH9EPyC2
finnish techno:
name: Finnish Techno
Finnish techno is a dynamic and evolving genre that draws inspiration from the
techno scenes of Berlin and Detroit, but with a distinctly Finnish twist. It often
incorporates elements of ambient and experimental music, and is known for its
driving rhythms and hypnotic melodies. Finnish techno has gained a loyal following
both in Finland and around the world, and is a testament to the country's vibrant
and innovative music scene.
parent: techno
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 5674
sound: 5HV5mTZCAuvBlRKvuNxAFu
finnish trap:
name: Finnish Trap
Finnish trap is a subgenre of hip-hop that originated in Finland. It is
characterized by its heavy basslines, trap beats, and dark lyrics. Finnish trap
artists often incorporate elements of Finnish culture and language into their music,
creating a unique sound that is both gritty and melodic.
parent: trap
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 1762
"2020": 0NLmp1kQsNaQNrhZmXZ2AU
"2021": 3aSXOCRqzxbYc6dRjiPDsy
"2022": 1D6Tcm4FCQIWpwt9HEjmMb
"2023": 7CdRxFrnPuwbgKkD5qI9do
edge: 7bjAxeKczRNaMSHUGyM8L9
intro: 2qxMBxLrkuRi8hMozt6OjQ
pulse: 4rtAb5UY99HubTq0EhxZ3C
sound: 2qIykQqS2iwSA4lkVUR48b
finnish worship:
name: Finnish Worship
Finnish worship is a genre of Christian music that originated in Finland. It is
characterized by its use of traditional Finnish hymns and psalms, as well as
contemporary Christian music styles. Finnish worship music often features lyrics
that focus on themes of faith, hope, and redemption, and is popular among
Finnish-speaking Christian communities around the world.
parent: worship
language: fin
country: FI
localized_name: true
rank: 4688
"2018": 6LFzbKyWNWF6KHkvoz9oqE
"2019": 1lIHzcsWLuNhh3V1KKYyxn
"2020": 5wHXP3u7sM6rjhNEKqUaUZ
"2021": 1l0Me30IXGmwMuW8P0EJdb
"2022": 1VZODMtjcrgB9xgbtXlqbx
"2023": 1jvpfD3lhQGTEPvLa5FFxP
edge: 7cCe3vE37IwR7WYw4dHdvx
intro: 4RdLGWLphtWdaf5RCGzWhc
pulse: 66hkq7B0dJOk4aLA0M3I7i
sound: 4uYiWvGxE9KuBnhBGiaiKF
firenze indie:
name: Firenze Indie
Firenze indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in Florence, Italy. It is
characterized by its use of lo-fi production techniques, unconventional song
structures, and experimental instrumentation. Firenze indie bands often draw
inspiration from the rich cultural history of Florence, incorporating elements of
Italian folk music and classical music into their sound. The genre has gained
popularity in recent years, with many Firenze indie bands gaining international
parent: indie rock
language: ita
country: IT
localized_name: true
rank: 5319
sound: 6Lf0nQTwJHF2BIqZWI1KST
name: Fisarmonica
rank: 5390
"2022": 1cMfKduNNSfTMkIfX9aTTn
"2023": 53t8Z8ZuKVGTe2SEKoyjJ8
edge: 0yNJXLlyEo3oa7d94MxENt
intro: 48ew0yZRzSB4koAbuP6ZNg
pulse: 7tEeh6oL4j1UchxBxHrX3E
sound: 3NN5dcWIgMWa2pz4hhubJb
alias: organetto
name: Flamenco
Flamenco is a traditional style of music and dance that originated in southern
Spain. It is characterized by its passionate and emotional performances, which often
feature intricate guitar playing, handclaps, and foot stomping. Flamenco music is
known for its distinctive rhythms and melodies, and it has influenced many other
genres of music around the world.
parent: folk
language: spa
country: ES
rank: 1177
"2018": 23a1SJLJGjjXHWUKkTPEib
"2019": 0m0281rgWgrVdyehXuQgHU
"2020": 7KhvAjqeLz2xhwEkidiYYC
"2021": 30yAU9aWutBaZA92NZ2XZj
"2022": 5Mi9YV2y8OrCQo0qKbFFZk
"2023": 0zKB58xovFjwfN1rfMhoBm
edge: 08tiXO2MCyRhIYJHypDkKL
intro: 5IaGffGwhs5NLzpd5yvbSU
pulse: 0uTfHeo5DaGm2CNDv0Daen
sound: 0Z6ypDDrXad1QMj5EapMEV
flamenco fusion:
name: Flamenco Fusion
Flamenco fusion is a genre of music that combines traditional flamenco elements with
other musical styles, such as jazz, rock, or electronic music. This style of music
is often experimental and innovative, and it can be enjoyed by fans of both
traditional flamenco and contemporary music. Flamenco fusion allows artists to
explore new sounds and push the boundaries of what is possible with this iconic
parent: flamenco
rank: 1951
"2020": 4DsuSvHmeF7fyXPpr0jrCZ
"2021": 1WHfDYYMEl2vkuZQMhWYo9
"2022": 2sjEE3PE8IYFdJaCZfWbjQ
"2023": 3tyxTkkHaGEqJqh9vrnrbT
edge: 3dJigt1tO81QhKELcZ6AVc
intro: 7rgtUFzGfg1jTNRoheLlEv
pulse: 1EX2vvLPjECUaVM2pnShmZ
sound: 4Einuc4YSVyKxX8tiXXnDM
flamenco guitar:
name: Flamenco Guitar
Flamenco guitar is a style of music originating from Andalusia, Spain that features
intricate guitar playing, passionate vocals, and intense rhythms. It is often
associated with the gypsy culture and is known for its emotional depth and
parent: flamenco
localized_name: true
rank: 2413
"2018": 5ZFDEBwoQVQg2OfvOarUHC
"2019": 1kNdSmkOvVE1a3EARffmae
"2020": 1NSQCfL14gXuqJDQn1gyEG
"2021": 3MZnOWMHr5PuwLXte53seu
"2022": 6Q1oFTqUCvpfx1teSCIv4j
"2023": 2Kz1TEU7IAOC2DksqozTe3
edge: 0yFwI2g69ZRACq37HBjwU8
intro: 2yRwutxQnS53r2UABegpEY
pulse: 37vEzr9Rlut0sMARWnrxjM
sound: 0IqRtRiN7mb32cAmyt7G13
flamenco urbano:
name: Flamenco Urbano
Flamenco urbano is a modern take on traditional flamenco music, blending elements of
hip-hop, reggaeton, and electronic music. It often incorporates electronic beats and
features rapping or singing in Spanish.
parent: flamenco
localized_name: true
rank: 490
"2020": 3ZpdaYUGWjIIQCWJG2ClWK
"2021": 7bfFrDUlzn5k8GFGWK5dEO
"2022": 0uVoF99XVHJZYPkcsSGc0Q
"2023": 0OjpmOVWlKv59KvJLZWM2V
edge: 5XSiwAQHojmMDB8qefrfNP
intro: 36X1ybzkjsHvGiQQIVWzDY
pulse: 1hDumTmiBvf9XV6KovYGTm
sound: 21XVVIqOYYoX4krT44mMiL
name: Flashcore
Flashcore is a subgenre of breakcore that is known for its short and intense tracks
that often last no longer than 30 seconds. The music is characterized by its frantic
and chaotic sound, with samples and beats chopped up and rearranged at breakneck
speed. Flashcore is a genre that is not for the faint-hearted and is often used as a
form of musical shock therapy.
parent: breakcore
rank: 5991
sound: 6qovw3cxQkd56G3MWoAThC
flemish folk:
name: Flemish Folk
Flemish folk is a genre of traditional music from Flanders, a region in Belgium. It
features a variety of instruments, including the accordion, fiddle, and bagpipes,
and is often accompanied by dancing. The music ranges from lively and upbeat to
melancholic and reflective, and often tells stories of everyday life in the region.
parent: folk
language: nld
country: BE
localized_name: true
rank: 3969
"2020": 582qLWxKUzCTepPm73Qbnh
"2021": 4TiZM85ErK3ZzOK0qX7wdp
"2022": 1mXHj0LEgRvfT468mGA6c2
"2023": 0hadVlcbu444kWnergTbXh
edge: 5Ken6ahK1XoTrVlNhYTEZW
intro: 0AOVejRuKezLMGYj9KXVZh
pulse: 73dOsZcP3mbW2IE20vSiYI
sound: 2fiAtiIalythHfTVGJRJWM
flick hop:
name: Flick Hop
A subgenre of hip hop that incorporates elements of funk and soul. Flick Hop is
characterized by its upbeat and energetic rhythms, catchy hooks, and playful lyrics.
The genre is often associated with dance and party culture, and has gained
popularity in recent years due to its infectious sound and positive vibes.
parent: hip hop
rank: 3711
"2020": 2MSXHosaWWOepdEbXzuanf
"2021": 7mMRyWnoLIS87f6zBOHGkO
"2022": 0wpluAVNoLfdh737KkTAUy
"2023": 1iuuqgj7wbc1HzVOWrngPd
edge: 5tjTsrzIyHZdlFPEJcjH4r
intro: 1D0REp3sOHRSHypYtczMtY
pulse: 5KoUpRfJu3DViYa3Xye0cc
sound: 0OsEPF4sygsCEU6RWd5TWl
flint hip hop:
name: Flint Hip Hop
A unique style of hip hop that originated in the city of Flint, Michigan. Flint Hip
Hop is characterized by its gritty, raw sound, and its focus on social and political
issues. The genre often features hard-hitting beats, aggressive lyrics, and a sense
of urgency that reflects the struggles of the city's residents. Despite its
underground status, Flint Hip Hop has gained a dedicated following and is seen as a
powerful expression of the city's identity.
parent: hip hop
country: US
rank: 1967
"2020": 3yA3xLYAYuM0vcnHN08vmR
"2021": 2NJbCWYUdqzNzs2CoLcg7d
"2022": 1X7yBYPAJotiiVNA6pL0Mr
"2023": 6xaFJkVi89jJLz88WjvxMI
edge: 0Px0AIzHIiqtFdF2rFGjGP
pulse: 4MbuBTi6rAcAm296PEgwMo
sound: 73iWcBhVWPCK0lRl6BjuAT
float house:
name: Float House
A subgenre of house music that is characterized by its dreamy, ethereal soundscapes
and hypnotic rhythms. Float House is often associated with the feeling of
weightlessness and the sensation of floating, and is designed to create a sense of
relaxation and meditation. The genre is popular in yoga and meditation circles, and
has gained a following among those who seek a more contemplative and introspective
musical experience.
parent: house
rank: 957
"2018": 6ksgj81ZFkbZRyZlV1LvOi
"2019": 0fJy78zz2avUaQDus4sMhw
"2020": 7r3dWp1Lsh7O11rW8uGKLg
"2021": 2sMAitavNbugXLNQHzBpzR
"2022": 0XDKvI8Te6TU026eAns18E
"2023": 0g84eYGs5oxP1nLf24IJjP
edge: 0mJ3mPdWU6KJs92HMSiFyC
intro: 6nVtwZNN4GE4qtf15pS40p
pulse: 12KMzBB5Cg4tkpO83ZkSmn
sound: 4CvNSwKn7f9ngVLlP2Jr0O
florida death metal:
name: Florida Death Metal
Known for its brutal and aggressive sound, Florida death metal emerged in the late
1980s and early 1990s. Bands like Death, Morbid Angel, and Obituary pioneered the
genre, incorporating elements of thrash and punk to create a unique style of extreme
metal. With growled vocals, lightning-fast guitar riffs, and pounding drums, Florida
death metal continues to be a force in the metal world.
parent: death metal
country: US
rank: 2598
"2020": 2TaoD5AX5F6rYJuLrn8dis
"2021": 5NqmxGu2mRHyMGt9ZrRLVc
"2022": 0CxO1KY403gI5eAtj62E9y
"2023": 0p3xN2ecbru1mR9r0vaSi3
edge: 3zChHFjRQeF7UHkbbJhzV7
intro: 7DD9rvOMYLyNOb37p838j8
pulse: 2u5idENJDD4RRIFn7tsoz3
sound: 2yAIbLXe1tpWjvYZiAVr4M
florida drill:
name: Florida Drill
Florida Drill is a subgenre of drill music that emerged from Florida in the early
2010s. It is characterized by its heavy use of 808 drums, fast-paced flows, and
dark, menacing lyrics.
parent: drill
country: US
rank: 456
"2022": 564pxKMN0sL9BYVHdfAlwu
"2023": 6h8IZjeDEGXANH2k6ijbxx
edge: 76ZN2FCOQFufcRgpb5HA8B
intro: 7apjlCaMsQIhJmC2eFMFVO
pulse: 5chGRwvhRoiV7QGh54vq86
sound: 5BnmykWeS0YYxI7VH9lZjP
florida hardcore:
name: Florida Hardcore
Florida hardcore is a subgenre of punk rock that emerged in the 1980s. Bands like
Against All Authority, Hot Water Music, and Poison the Well blended punk, metal, and
ska to create a high-energy, politically-charged sound. With fast-paced guitar
riffs, shouted vocals, and pounding drums, Florida hardcore is known for its
aggressive live shows and DIY ethos.
parent: hardcore
country: US
rank: 4525
"2020": 0BfJHmWbdJQKWLJKbHoPOj
"2021": 4Y7YyHzljAxzDotiEZ2MzN
"2022": 4vpOBuVd84dkwuK4MlGN90
"2023": 7sbJDSeP86cVY2t8L8y1DJ
edge: 2BxApOZE3HKOkASmFeDffP
intro: 1u3OSiT6rAdfHpLZ3qYcRP
pulse: 50PCoJYNfX1GkHzTbHpZ8V
sound: 0TnfKtQvtS8fcWUgXXBj8w
florida rap:
name: Florida Rap
Florida rap has a unique sound that blends trap, bass music, and Southern hip-hop.
Artists like Kodak Black, Denzel Curry, and Rick Ross have put Florida on the map
with their distinctive flows and gritty lyrics. With heavy beats, catchy hooks, and
a focus on street life, Florida rap is a reflection of the state's diverse culture
and urban landscape.
parent: hip hop
country: US
rank: 261
"2019": 5QqCMwTLw5XuEGtMGojesS
"2020": 0cmihQRkqzsY4csSHrks0m
"2021": 76xxQagM2nFabsRF0SI4Hy
"2022": 4kbsSWVcbxW2hiTli9p9Hj
"2023": 2mFnyp5mSMnv8kBj5cnvfz
edge: 2CTq5OQ94Z1u2yRfY8NwnQ
intro: 4kecPPCWViEZrphExVR8iu
pulse: 0Uw6BIqjQgRfo85INePyO8
sound: 5NELYHLIR9VEbXvj9h52vV
flute rock:
name: Flute Rock
Flute rock is a subgenre of rock music that prominently features the use of the
flute as a lead instrument. It combines the energy and intensity of rock music with
the mellowness and expressiveness of the flute, creating a unique and dynamic sound
that is both soothing and invigorating. Flute rock bands often incorporate elements
of folk, jazz, and classical music into their compositions, resulting in a diverse
and eclectic range of styles and influences.
parent: rock
country: US
rank: 2036
"2021": 0TD5loe9zjElIfJ4OuqVDr
"2022": 2aC6VrfPM2QyNLGBQsrgkP
"2023": 5N5cjgVU44xsZXY7OgSIVO
edge: 3wYYzqgnVd4VFNn9HlNVbW
intro: 0FcxRYOHWWTH0Gx8iuxdY4
pulse: 285VLU25fMVgTybnwcwLAp
sound: 4MWPOsshMgyRmHmGj7cvQN
name: Fluxwork
Fluxwork is a genre of electronic music that is characterized by its use of complex
rhythms, intricate melodies, and experimental soundscapes. It draws inspiration from
a wide range of musical styles, including jazz, funk, and classical music, and often
incorporates elements of glitch, IDM, and ambient music into its compositions.
Fluxwork artists use a variety of digital and analog tools to create their music,
including synthesizers, drum machines, and samplers, and are known for their
innovative and boundary-pushing approach to electronic music.
parent: electronica
rank: 2302
"2018": 2DveEIkdRZ3djOsV9yilPr
"2019": 1eTkKkeEm4IeEI9PdkPpfj
"2020": 0jlHVPET0dcTSwKpvuQYx6
"2021": 4vqbZ6Nd0w8szCtqUQ8njE
"2022": 1bPosQXIQ2vdmOGXjXsRTH
"2023": 09bU628uPiirurMSjw7hSx
edge: 6wEz6nfkkIigHczLBcQg4Z
intro: 2lS40tdSIsLtSbgYIs8lxe
pulse: 7gHqAFr4QrYc99XCziBHl9
sound: 1iAyidkrH72ukfG3BSHTqL
fo jing:
name: Fo Jing
Fo Jing is a traditional Chinese music genre that originated in the Tang Dynasty
(618-907 AD). It features a variety of instruments, including the guqin, pipa, and
dizi, and it is characterized by its slow and meditative melodies. The music is
often used for relaxation, meditation, and spiritual practices, and it is considered
a form of art that reflects the harmony between nature and humanity.
parent: chinese traditional
rank: 4413
"2021": 1vAHyhz41330lNzXeG93Q2
"2022": 3MSh4FXZZSBD1ixlYrcC5W
"2023": 1Ur7uHy7ciD8x8iojW4li5
intro: 76ngBeMayHhqk2xXaeuryb
pulse: 563mpL2sXqytkUzf9bVVKT
sound: 4Svlg7olD7nlAaE9j93K5m
name: Focus
'"Focus" is a genre of music that is designed to help you concentrate and get things
done. It features calming and soothing sounds that can help you relax and focus on
the task at hand. The music is often instrumental and can range from classical to
ambient to electronic. Whether you''re studying, working, or just need to unwind,
Focus music can help you stay productive and focused.'
parent: chill
rank: 1062
"2018": 0i2vanWll0GJhT5XCEjQ9p
"2019": 3kuk2SWBKwaDLsbUbpVBGh
"2020": 5dlZzHsmfMz3CmLDZwXISU
"2021": 2h1pfGUE04RAFZX8oFZptz
"2022": 7eMY0wCQXPRRfFfukUM5Ln
"2023": 5CIAIKsUpCDSxcy7mzPksA
edge: 3ZbnID79LxVurkrb4Aby4u
intro: 1D3TZF7YZr7iP6dkwriaY6
pulse: 5hVzzSy0xqdULKe4eH4W7c
sound: 6fzw3GiLktfRKczD6sl6mT
focus beats:
name: Focus Beats
'"Focus Beats" is a sub-genre of Focus music that features instrumental hip-hop
beats. The music is often lo-fi and chill, with a laid-back vibe that can help you
stay focused and motivated. The beats are perfect for studying, writing, or just
relaxing after a long day. With its mellow rhythms and smooth melodies, Focus Beats
is the perfect soundtrack for getting things done.'
parent: focus
rank: 1597
"2020": 0Tecm7gtmFpIJCEKJ9GdB5
"2021": 5ZhlfmXIv01fgVYavINa4Z
"2022": 76HjyviNq3WMwnVdh5FRty
"2023": 1RDBc6iBOf1GIxeIoyojUT
edge: 1ShjohlxgQH8os0aXk4Wnd
intro: 6MQS6zUNVMPkyexSnfaP3k
pulse: 6dS6riwEqfGyrPj9zcW24H
sound: 4s0siSTRtglRvQKxpWJ6pM
focus trance:
name: Focus Trance
Focus trance is a subgenre of trance music that emphasizes on creating a hypnotic
and meditative state of mind. It features repetitive beats, minimalistic melodies,
and atmospheric soundscapes that aim to induce a trance-like state in the listener.
The music is often used for relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness practices.
parent: trance
rank: 4168
"2018": 5Q7dyztSNZdufoH0UWwNdz
"2019": 33ciwrJFtgg8SREUgJLvlT
"2020": 12fqPjGQXTAoGjK1rVCUCB
"2021": 0G7Wfy5MTU0dqMH9Zd17qs
"2022": 2zgdMOBJ1BW047p9lWM5A3
"2023": 3kexBcprqrY9S9YYpvbOxW
edge: 54hjLJIWL4MI8l5F9iffhO
intro: 6KCwGRFVe2lLyWAHUqKZ4x
pulse: 7A8EnNU59wMeJf8gnkYi0X
sound: 1N88gD04NZ5Q8RdDl27Cve
fogo pentecostal:
name: Fogo Pentecostal
Fogo pentecostal is a Brazilian music genre that blends traditional African rhythms
with Christian themes. It is characterized by energetic percussion,
call-and-response singing, and lively dance moves. The music is often associated
with Pentecostal churches and religious celebrations, and it is known for its
passionate and uplifting spirit.
parent: christian music
rank: 2134
"2022": 2nNwRSdhjMp238wNemf6f5
"2023": 1aEFCQLiWOXIn4AUDFznwq
edge: 3WdMILChVfHPfWvpQIB4MY
intro: 27eUu57BNnpBXwSwVZea4t
pulse: 0eW1m9wswC7p0dTm1vlMP6
sound: 1Jsfl0NuEH9YUjNhOGVcis
folclor afrocolombiano:
name: Folclor Afrocolombiano
Folclor afrocolombiano is a traditional music genre that originates from the African
roots in Colombia. It is characterized by the use of drums, maracas, and other
percussion instruments, as well as call-and-response singing. The music is often
accompanied by dance and is deeply rooted in the history and culture of
Afro-Colombian communities.
parent: folclor colombiano
localized_name: true
rank: 2886
"2019": 3mmj65vPm0jR04TMRkRtJZ
"2020": 0B8VH7pJg9rNM2CB1AFkqI
"2021": 4WkjHQ9U3Wo1RBRKdRdWeF
"2022": 5rlobxqSZHN3oecyPY2wxs
"2023": 2ugqH0qwVKVJzfozyGtWE9
edge: 6KyPG1bsDnJ1Q4oEoeYkhq
intro: 3LZrYJeVFr0KsCyetYb8U6
pulse: 5cTe6sTY0pgrUXDFznhZ2c
sound: 1lfIJ8IDE8KkDiZkqdhmGj
folclor colombiano:
name: Folclor Colombiano
Folclor colombiano is a diverse music genre that encompasses a wide range of
traditional music styles from different regions of Colombia. It includes cumbia,
vallenato, bambuco, and many others. The music is often played on traditional
instruments such as the guitar, accordion, and maracas. The lyrics often tell
stories of love, nature, and life in rural areas.
parent: folk
language: spa
country: CO
localized_name: true
rank: 2386
"2020": 4mQJU6fASrcl5FlNO93Rl4
"2021": 3dIUGKCjPA0FPxatHQIA6p
"2022": 7syrFEbAHZ2dkBmxNzjFhu
"2023": 67roYLIS5KIlVpfngCEdEJ
edge: 6WJEYp294R2oZpkb7KZ7SN
intro: 0Kud5eQJZ1yGG9KxRz88VO
pulse: 1oTm5OC17kcw3LI3PUEkPe
sound: 0XsYSjgy8rwnIKalWCm9d2
folclore castilla y leon:
name: Folclore Castilla y Leon
Folclore castilla y leon is a traditional music genre from the Castilla y Leon
region of Spain. It is characterized by the use of bagpipes, tambourines, and other
percussion instruments. The music is often played for celebrations and festivals and
is deeply rooted in the history and culture of the region. The lyrics often tell
stories of local legends and folklore.
parent: spanish folk
localized_name: true
rank: 5630
"2022": 2enltp1zbedlJpmK6v58hC
"2023": 5DupPhU6JDHfRYcjAqkMsE
intro: 6OprCfbadghkJZljD85x8m
pulse: 2Z9VdMP4QAA0HuIu1Fv7un
sound: 6pLovvr2TYx2A5LR0bkFh7
folclore extremeno:
name: Folclore Extremeño
Folclore extremeno is a traditional music genre from the Extremadura region of
Spain. It is characterized by the use of the guitar, tambourine, and castanets, as
well as the use of traditional costumes and dance. The lyrics often focus on themes
of love, nature, and daily life in the region.
parent: spanish folk
language: ext
localized_name: true
rank: 5940
intro: 77EXRaZuHfaat0lPglH4vd
pulse: 4lkGU0JHgecMI6upX2Fobb
sound: 1AxYzZcSydLbVfJCceXqJl
folclore jujeno:
name: Folclore Jujeño
Folclore jujeno is a traditional music genre from the Jujuy province in Argentina.
It is characterized by the use of the charango, a small stringed instrument, as well
as the bombo drum and quena flute. The lyrics often focus on indigenous themes and
the history of the region, as well as social and political issues.
parent: folklore argentino
localized_name: true
rank: 3498
"2020": 1rr0JPXwD8tugGLvHwxbdN
"2021": 1lGdCZ0FD1EtOP7WHEwO6M
"2022": 17K6lc3HhpVX8quaLVByDI
"2023": 6i2hHmn2vWj0raf5jAyLkE
edge: 0AEpi1esdxMTTbUsH3cbn1
intro: 5FrsFVLnwTLvgJ4iJjUXTg
pulse: 6cdnJqzoypJXsCHEVhOR7R
sound: 0EYTpPWigiU1BEGKHVgkVN
folclore navarra:
name: Folclore Navarra
Folclore navarra is a traditional music genre from the Navarre region of Spain. It
is characterized by the use of the accordion, tambourine, and castanets, as well as
traditional costumes and dance. The lyrics often focus on themes of love, nature,
and the history and traditions of the region.
parent: spanish folk
localized_name: true
rank: 5985
"2022": 6u7bmIQnlGyZHL7rWd8V3Y
"2023": 3zRL9qsnqwybWCWBiNG81v
intro: 70CW069uhtp9d0qsaBw8ye
pulse: 7ehOMNfkaHhgUWf9ApytKd
sound: 0uLPqu4EhudWJADwbdrltv
folclore portugues:
name: Folclore Português
rank: 5460
"2021": 7nMmiXoX5U8VVj7N4xczV6
"2022": 42As56liEB7xYILeicFBTa
"2023": 4KmIJxLuji82puTiM0vsAF
intro: 2Vdu9Vz84HiU0VmYy8zZKv
pulse: 0h9h98z006UdgUEn2izVPk
sound: 3weJSiTAEBXFb2GGzQdzDH
alias: portuguese folk
folclore salteno:
name: Folclore Salteño
Originating in the Salta region of Argentina, folclore salteno is a vibrant and
energetic genre of music that features a mix of indigenous and Spanish influences.
It is characterized by the use of instruments such as the charango, bombo, and
guitarra criolla, and often incorporates elements of dance. The lyrics typically
focus on themes of love, nature, and social issues, and are sung in Spanish.
Folclore salteno is a celebration of Argentina's rich cultural heritage and is
enjoyed by people of all ages.
parent: folklore argentino
localized_name: true
rank: 1791
"2020": 2W2V3YwZMrRn1qVdG4jZqB
"2021": 5kXBPZJ2AFjdh4vGsJoMjv
"2022": 7M0aq8TLt8IL3x0oYgSYyg
"2023": 44cMhq4Te7zMGiQo4y0ygR
edge: 0vjRgcXlDT3Pcw7wwbTrPz
pulse: 3XAKXdjbKDw0usFGlWoeHn
sound: 4xrXe1xRIsfgcVzDayZb9j
folclore santiagueno:
name: Folclore Santiagueño
Hailing from the Santiago del Estero province of Argentina, folclore santiagueno is
a genre of music that is deeply rooted in the traditions and culture of the
parent: folklore argentino
localized_name: true
rank: 2412
"2020": 4t3lrUowPgwI7lGiKwPRle
"2021": 7gEPRoo2vFkKIOdYJwHAMD
"2022": 6JInQrorBqLg9rSjhoWoJj
"2023": 7kVtN315qIXCz6qa6WR9Nv
edge: 5TZ3BR6XE8D9bYhniovwJC
intro: 5Gn2zfVaH9O5f6728XemNx
pulse: 52bGAMIbU9FtWxYPelpQ07
sound: 3kG5Lj4MeQlkDdMmXVWSh0
folclore tucumano:
name: Folclore Tucumano
This music genre originates from the Tucumán province in Argentina and is
characterized by its use of traditional instruments such as the charango and the
bombo. The lyrics often tell stories of the region's history and culture, and the
music is deeply rooted in the traditions of the Andean people.
parent: folklore argentino
localized_name: true
rank: 2915
"2020": 2K0mnonvzRNYh71RmsME9M
"2021": 3vNrHPHRSUWKD4T3rX7f4H
"2022": 1M8dg5WZXJb2oguyr1HsLf
"2023": 7AWTAFCYuwXdkjs3hsFU6W
edge: 6mruUAG7iUit3Y9tTQRRWb
intro: 3YHDHobWf1ijW4ZxSDzE0t
pulse: 2dWsE4XBar1c8koUFCLPFq
sound: 5c81UwzYNYiV0qlSA9eQ8x
name: Folk
Folk music is a genre that has been around for centuries and has been passed down
through generations. It is characterized by its simplicity and use of acoustic
instruments such as guitars, banjos, and fiddles. The lyrics often tell stories of
everyday life and struggles, and the music is often associated with rural and
working-class communities.
rank: 166
"2018": 3jsjSfcCc86VUT1hbE12tQ
"2019": 7sCXz96cJs0V9WOn72GrKs
"2020": 3mmKKZ4OCupBtI6Qbp3C2G
"2021": 3JPgwIuzU8ZPzM3pHw7CO5
"2022": 27cW5OAFMGADkiqbEOonku
"2023": 0VN27jagU18j8Runp8BZ3b
edge: 6qk4UvyofQUXyJqvivQfcs
intro: 4J2aGJCcVvPIgBOWgRZ0p3
pulse: 65CCbP9Z50Lt0PSNw5MvRB
sound: 4JuKjgd76AZn2fUaeXNCuo
folk black metal:
name: Folk Black Metal
This is a fusion genre that combines the rawness and aggression of black metal with
the acoustic instruments and storytelling of folk music. The lyrics often deal with
themes of nature, mythology, and paganism, and the music is characterized by its use
of distorted guitars, blast beats, and traditional folk instruments such as flutes
and bagpipes. It is a unique and powerful genre that appeals to fans of both metal
and folk music.
parent: black metal
rank: 4013
"2020": 6TjEF0tLdjfxzyHkYUsqbX
"2021": 70UvpZBvtwOAWP3Uc3iPvV
"2022": 4dRWguUis0fTiyJi54PKGI
"2023": 3GojkNPcPQWOPOO06WtAcv
intro: 5z46szwReusRLwqcYbfdTg
pulse: 4bSaGRnVcEwcJZjv02k6vf
sound: 2Aah9Z4XH3yjHhPjFOCwh5
folk brasileiro:
name: Folk Brasileiro
This genre of music draws upon the rich cultural heritage of Brazil, incorporating
elements of African, European, and indigenous music traditions. It is characterized
by its upbeat rhythms, intricate guitar work, and poetic lyrics that often touch on
themes of love, nature, and social justice.
parent: folk
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 999
"2018": 0acZqwdl5O241gRAmPAOc2
"2019": 3xoau9130vp2Bh5bnvo9bU
"2020": 2joA1Q074m7K1q4OhM6WCI
"2021": 3mAXJxhRryzuctZ0WURHIt
"2022": 0yBzC0Z2ZiNaQ9uUWQeIZE
"2023": 534mbw09pgqjGoES341lnx
edge: 5cSkPw7lSZ7JIRUUFGxnge
intro: 3pkRnxsGw9KPje738MlGxU
pulse: 2GmY6DesfBnOqeiGNTuhep
sound: 7uLxM93RjHpW2dYdtjZVBa
folk cantabria:
name: Folk Cantabria
Originating from the northern region of Spain, folk cantabria is a traditional form
of music that celebrates the unique cultural identity of the Cantabrian people. It
is marked by its use of traditional instruments such as the bagpipes and tambourine,
as well as its haunting melodies and lyrics that often reflect the region's rugged
natural landscape.
parent: spanish folk
rank: 5631
"2023": 0Zmx2SgWCtM4zAGBhFkvHR
intro: 6mONpapAWMgtNSCrRwxKJ6
pulse: 0DpAR3lFMY9Pn4IXyfcsBp
sound: 6HWRCXOfkaPlg51mhlJZTC
folk metal:
name: Folk Metal
A subgenre of heavy metal that incorporates elements of traditional folk music. It
often features the use of acoustic instruments like the flute and accordion, as well
as lyrics and themes inspired by folklore and mythology. The result is a unique
blend of aggressive and melodic sounds.
parent: metal
rank: 1503
"2018": 0fi11O335qfxTNBQh7WRk8
"2019": 1w11Th6avOwsvmiOv3obEj
"2020": 70oSIH18p9KrTODHPOeboN
"2021": 5GFFcYRiSa9KVN98H3tGOi
"2022": 7oAySLfwhTspwAliM9xaiu
"2023": 2MtlI2bgFYeT1lXDLoYOx4
edge: 1tjv8DUnxyZmar4MlvsyPq
intro: 5BVA9ihJWb378owx4dipmS
pulse: 3TR9QZngbFiH6ilgoRTMUj
sound: 5E9beuWK1DSrB7BLNqXqCD
folk metal latinoamericano:
name: Folk Metal Latinoamericano
This is a variation of folk metal that incorporates traditional Latin American folk
music. It often features the use of instruments like the charango and quena, as well
as lyrics and themes inspired by the region's folklore and history. The result is a
fusion of heavy metal and traditional Latin American sounds.
parent: folk metal
language: spa
region: LA
localized_name: true
rank: 5242
intro: 32pnnSt1ZubFuSS8rRdxfd
pulse: 2mwU7hFhn7dzJKfyXL2Hh6
sound: 1dB6n4Nqw4Di2OseuSOFuA
folk punk:
name: Folk Punk
This genre combines the DIY ethos of punk rock with the storytelling and acoustic
instrumentation of folk music. The lyrics often address political and social issues,
and the music is characterized by fast tempos and aggressive vocals. Folk punk has a
strong underground following and is often associated with anarchist and
anti-capitalist movements.
parent: punk
rank: 1196
"2018": 4tJtmryIxmAYVF0zhskYrZ
"2019": 7u7VfKzA7xKe8b00vMBXGh
"2020": 2gFT5sX9k2KX7Tf6UUfe7v
"2021": 3KoK4BmHbQH0rM0IMWg0KW
"2022": 6T7KYs5oCtytwt0AtUFDSm
"2023": 4C8FrlMV5W8lFL5aUKN8ph
edge: 0Ep7FLBgLZwpba9aO8L8ge
intro: 7zncNRYO46dXtDCmo13Bd4
pulse: 6J5aXIGSDEei4tlvpeNaMr
sound: 2FY0iRROQx0marHTDB5ntD
folk rock:
name: Folk Rock
Folk rock is a genre that blends elements of traditional folk music with rock and
roll. Characterized by acoustic instruments, harmonies, and storytelling lyrics, it
emerged in the 1960s and has since influenced many artists in the rock and pop
parent: rock
rank: 98
"2018": 0MILIb3ynM8YRAUBswghk2
"2019": 5zh1DKQ7ZcMwj2LNvKEl78
"2020": 2iX7N3WpgeA4058sPnWznP
"2021": 23WwNxXukpgaBxgitnHzqV
"2022": 0s9qKoV9Nm1tFJuz5M3qhB
"2023": 7tIVmFAe8chelUu4GwGmmh
edge: 60XxqQu3Nb6leNBsobgiFO
intro: 6HFzgiHu4szH2LZZFJzLg0
pulse: 4ZIEj9lMuHex76kLtwCyuG
sound: 0TTsY3zQAYz6NppoHDR5MA
folk rock italiano:
name: Folk Rock Italiano
Folk rock italiano is a subgenre of folk rock that originated in Italy in the 1970s.
It combines traditional Italian folk music with rock and roll, often featuring
lyrics about social and political issues. The use of acoustic instruments and
harmonies is also common in this genre.
parent: folk rock
language: ita
country: IT
localized_name: true
rank: 1474
"2020": 2WEBxXPOytGLoF47n2IO9J
"2021": 79YlOGWdp2SYRnLmaoJaqm
"2022": 4olVOnLPJsueBqoUtaYZrt
"2023": 3I4KdeRfi3vlLPVJni1H2i
edge: 6T3HcsE7Lrf5ikLtzZrS7h
intro: 5tI4kvR9x7zXxaw6aq09DA
pulse: 4M7w427aPJasbYchjaNeJm
sound: 4tXvolMJX9FQDMZaSVgA12
folk siciliana:
name: Folk Siciliana
Folk siciliana is a genre of folk music that originated in Sicily, Italy. It is
characterized by the use of traditional instruments such as the tambourine,
accordion, and guitar, and often features lyrics about Sicilian culture and history.
The music is often upbeat and lively, and is still popular in Sicily today.
parent: folk
language: ita
country: IT
localized_name: true
rank: 5194
"2022": 0rjnX5hplJdRckqU6gmoHP
"2023": 4JkkEkSXZqAEfWuMMv9Ybh
edge: 5nFwF2be1pmldLdmqQgbFA
intro: 1FJcYUgySyK9VhLAuJ7TIC
pulse: 6PWxwokhYkqwqoe0qSgrdd
sound: 02bWbrKu0xnt5nt1S6xCCU
name: Folk-Pop
This genre blends elements of folk music with pop sensibilities, resulting in catchy
melodies and upbeat rhythms. The lyrics often focus on personal experiences and
relationships, and the instrumentation may include electric guitars and drums in
addition to acoustic instruments. Folk-pop has become increasingly popular in recent
years, with artists like Mumford & Sons and The Lumineers achieving mainstream
parent: pop
rank: 188
"2018": 6l3ZgOipyOsjnQAmHM31f6
"2019": 2bS6VLYJeCXiZ1ya7n81aX
"2020": 4ePCzuK4Q3peVkfFHyHMCm
"2021": 1t6PxuT54PopygzRmqDUVo
"2022": 6zJc2Y43YMhncY1pfviIal
"2023": 17lPBBKydIANuljOYwM2gW
edge: 2aDrZAZ1UeWo33uWaDvcJN
intro: 6d48sKbCGZM5aOJlXlGHLn
pulse: 1Rt7M9ZfoA6fVu8EniQASz
sound: 1RWc3d424qgjr8HTwCVh6A
folklore argentino:
name: Folklore Argentino
This genre of music is deeply rooted in the cultural traditions of Argentina,
drawing upon the country's rich history and diverse ethnic makeup. It is
characterized by its use of traditional instruments such as the guitar and
accordion, as well as its poetic lyrics that often explore themes of love, loss, and
social justice. The music is often accompanied by traditional dances such as the
chacarera and the zamba.
parent: folk
language: spa
country: AR
localized_name: true
rank: 879
"2018": 1xjCzBCK3S7rqiOPPbwJto
"2019": 5U8JcW2tcuSFJS31Oo5trY
"2020": 5PVynV1i6JjPfLxrgV73Bd
"2021": 69PWkoRPIwPvAZ0vyqKl61
"2022": 75UOcKEC9fIDcXNmd7Em9y
"2023": 7DuwfEtxTPTcX8Okvgje97
edge: 32JdSuvtvMSRRvXG6Dihdt
intro: 0HkxPOoT2nfp4zeH1AQLRQ
pulse: 5wGgZCxRYN0FhEytDIhRfW
sound: 4MEHK2ca0qSJhJJvLA0raB
folklore boliviano:
name: Folklore Boliviano
Folklore boliviano is a genre of traditional music from Bolivia that is deeply
rooted in indigenous culture. It features the use of instruments such as the
charango, quena, and panpipes, and often tells stories of everyday life and the
struggles of the indigenous people.
parent: folk
language: spa
country: BO
localized_name: true
rank: 2490
"2019": 32cWp9dQhXXJwfNpC8Fmds
"2020": 2cSb55rItrdNSmgGAtnrKx
"2021": 2rVJ1cIlSb7k8jQuSQy2Pp
"2022": 5Obc8dhcpWl29SqGjiwqBL
"2023": 6SHhFlpSbg4QMN8nOfE9pt
edge: 5I22S3OoEzCXrS48RqzDBR
intro: 7CJwkUbNqZKVmWTWIP0wI3
pulse: 2n8XCgX6rPEugRsEfYyyJ2
sound: 3EnKUu6KTDlaIFT27E0hsf
folklore chileno:
name: Folklore Chileno
Folklore chileno is a genre of traditional music from Chile that reflects the
country's rich cultural heritage. It incorporates elements of indigenous, European,
and African music, and often features instruments such as the guitar, accordion, and
bombo. The lyrics of folklore chileno songs often focus on themes such as love,
nature, and social justice.
parent: folk
language: spa
country: CL
localized_name: true
rank: 3273
"2020": 7f7MRAxd7f3kf7M9N8E8pL
"2021": 1U0zG8B9G4r9JpO0B4tITg
"2022": 6Yq3GbtrF88X7V5HLoW2hz
"2023": 1JkYstwpUdiwGEgjhERyBB
edge: 6WBziHK7TudIuwsysKj7xV
intro: 2Db4zgAY0g2gsGjQABvkGQ
pulse: 40mhQglg3zvXIKhDca3nIX
sound: 4Gr9r6eahRlkpflu763K1Q
folklore cuyano:
name: Folklore Cuyano
Folklore cuyano is a genre of traditional music from the Cuyo region of Argentina,
which includes the provinces of Mendoza, San Juan, and San Luis. It features the use
of instruments such as the guitar, charango, and bombo, and often tells stories of
life in the region, including the struggles of rural farmers and the beauty of the
Andes Mountains. The music of folklore cuyano is deeply rooted in the region's
history and culture.
parent: folklore argentino
localized_name: true
rank: 4466
"2021": 4fHPuUHzN1Cvq5xRuPoPEN
"2022": 0REoIXEFi9np3DbdkFFZeZ
"2023": 7DCQXpcuh5t7asQiFGfL1a
edge: 1mJB0NjyzZ16TWDvY0Am7j
intro: 5uSCXtFhGe3LPBwX2lev5y
pulse: 4lXCNZdtQqBgCqvS3JhxZI
folklore ecuatoriano:
name: Folklore Ecuatoriano
This genre of music originates from Ecuador and is deeply rooted in the country's
culture and traditions. It features a blend of indigenous and Spanish influences,
with a focus on the use of traditional instruments such as the charango and quena.
The lyrics often tell stories of rural life, nature, and social issues, and are sung
in Spanish and indigenous languages.
parent: folk
language: spa
country: EC
localized_name: true
rank: 2297
"2020": 28W2suBIEhuXIigEsB6WhF
"2021": 21uex0w0LuuvJFDP5WPojf
"2022": 2kUvEVwHWHkjAG5AkPXR2d
"2023": 6zMQaMfuQMJ9CCYO0Pe8i4
edge: 3SlnMouu7SqXgvvPvw5r6A
intro: 6dkd81Ck65AKuEIr74qoXO
pulse: 0y559p6ImUgstLTFF9Jyym
sound: 61SGkW9FkioyT880cxk73k
folklore nuevo argentino:
name: Folklore Nuevo Argentino
Folklore Nuevo Argentino is a modern interpretation of traditional Argentine folk
music. It emerged in the 1960s and 70s as a response to the country's political and
social upheaval and features a fusion of traditional rhythms and instruments with
contemporary sounds. The lyrics often address social and political issues and are
sung in Spanish.
parent: folklore argentino
localized_name: true
rank: 2909
"2019": 73HUy2YBRWPqAR0Hsg1VD7
"2020": 1Irt2LGNnP4IoA3Xqc917m
"2021": 61wa9SlFZBUxOumnsBvHo2
"2022": 01vM8X0rl2Lp1MKnwa8Htu
"2023": 5zRpnq9zYOWkWb7ltJPgMR
edge: 46DiM76PktewRzXe6M4tYq
intro: 0YfBOHIa4QGCwxDnvhtQhT
pulse: 0dowKTM5Yqie6W71uOluXA
sound: 6tkDudfPkHyBopqdFxQBxf
folklore panameno:
name: Folklore Panameño
Folklore Panameño is a genre of music that originated in Panama and is deeply rooted
in the country's Afro-Caribbean and indigenous cultures. It features a blend of
African, Spanish, and indigenous influences, with a focus on the use of traditional
instruments such as the conga, timbales, and maracas. The lyrics often tell stories
of love, nature, and social issues and are sung in Spanish and Afro-Caribbean
parent: folk
language: spa
country: PA
localized_name: true
rank: 5817
"2021": 6MeO5H0R8zaViSragIONmV
"2022": 3SqGt9C3elF90e2LBfa6gA
"2023": 4IY3Yepl6O3QJAGGk8Ec2L
intro: 4mJ5EPcExKt3TcCvPza3bS
pulse: 1sZXWhMpsolC9dZMiTJmZc
sound: 4BuZUQhlBoWtjHVGBI4vKJ
folklore paraguayo:
name: Folklore Paraguayo
Folklore paraguayo is a traditional music genre from Paraguay that features the use
of the harp, guitar, and accordion. The music is characterized by its upbeat rhythms
and lively melodies, often accompanied by traditional dance. The lyrics often focus
on themes of love, nature, and the struggles of rural life.
parent: folk
language: spa
country: PY
localized_name: true
rank: 2832
"2020": 2zt5wgWYMMtB7Vostn6AaV
"2021": 29RZKOYam4SjJIskd9kKRD
"2022": 2NFgRKj1R4hKhMFnZBL56s
"2023": 6OLz11sRzWSqFgki7MmGJ5
edge: 2MoQIrqi68Euvp637RxEop
intro: 4hDmGXCKAHqznPLyNx51j7
pulse: 0iQcI1qF09S1dXBr3naJi6
sound: 5l5denoQepuhub22UhwhSb
folklore peruano:
name: Folklore Peruano
Folklore peruano is a genre of music from Peru that reflects the country's diverse
cultural heritage. It incorporates elements of indigenous, African, and Spanish
music, featuring instruments such as the charango, quena, and cajón. The music often
tells stories of Peruvian history and culture, with themes of social justice and
resistance to oppression.
parent: folk
language: spa
country: PE
localized_name: true
rank: 2651
"2019": 4GXg8DCsst3AL42HoTGRAF
"2020": 3en4JS0wkyfBSn9eHaWWNC
"2021": 0lx7GIhSN6946MB6rkr3Lz
"2022": 5xjvCZLDc1X2Fif0zjyQW4
"2023": 4nARrykrkH7hZrzScu2QNQ
edge: 0uDZ2ZvlCiYY2fTVwRAAr1
intro: 4fCUoGKGKCjOXC9B1Q7pt4
pulse: 35oZVmQCvnSjC98XkzNnsB
sound: 0QbcHoXOyUvJK1oKSn5Vgy
folklore quebecois:
name: Folklore Québécois
Folklore quebecois is a traditional music genre from Quebec, Canada, that features
the use of the fiddle, accordion, and guitar. The music is often played at social
gatherings and dances, featuring lively rhythms and foot-stomping beats. The lyrics
often reflect the daily life and struggles of the Quebecois people, with themes of
love, nature, and community.
parent: canadian folk
language: fra
localized_name: true
rank: 5996
intro: 6FR0eRNKQzDaElhfnc2aF4
pulse: 5SbWT9lnINa56PfbTPlrwh
sound: 1dYPwHG9KYpf9sYClhTC2k
folklore surero:
name: Folklore Surero
This traditional Argentinean genre is characterized by the use of the guitar and the
accordion, accompanied by lyrics that tell stories of rural life and the gauchos.
The rhythms are slow and melodic, with a strong emphasis on the vocals and the
instruments. It is a genre that celebrates the traditions and culture of the
Argentinean countryside.
parent: folklore argentino
localized_name: true
rank: 2431
"2021": 4uqkvhMgzCTwnDF6o6n33w
"2022": 7KJu8AUkhw2uq9J2rhdKWQ
"2023": 37a0HNNleKcEs6twZpdqK8
edge: 6IdTciapum8WEhyaohCRJy
intro: 5UKFCJ26d4SCIe04LVm7Jx
pulse: 3CRyXp8722Cdq8dNA2eGvW
sound: 3kznfCszuHhUojhZvXzdFC
folklore uruguayo:
name: Folklore Uruguayo
This genre is deeply rooted in the traditions and culture of Uruguay. It is
characterized by the use of the guitar, the harp, and the accordion, accompanied by
lyrics that tell stories of love, nature, and the countryside. The rhythms are often
fast-paced and lively, with a strong emphasis on the vocals and the instruments. It
is a genre that celebrates the rich history and culture of Uruguay.
parent: folk
language: spa
country: UY
localized_name: true
rank: 3770
"2020": 6VlJ4Ycd0iXywjoIuMdGuo
"2021": 0xrK99pxlUiKMAtCl47oji
"2022": 4fYNa2ogl6W3R9zMaexudx
"2023": 7ACbMuqOARoyfukkSO13l1
edge: 7HVJaVvlo63JIJKGSPjrso
intro: 4ypNqXIfvycLYwzd4qODmk
pulse: 59Plr4C8HjSEW9xwLvesGy
sound: 1cwrDRcEeToEkkBZZapTVp
folklore venezolano:
name: Folklore Venezolano
This genre is characterized by the use of the cuatro, a small four-stringed guitar,
and the maracas, accompanied by lyrics that tell stories of love, nature, and the
Venezuelan people. The rhythms are often upbeat and energetic, with a strong
emphasis on the vocals and the instruments. It is a genre that celebrates the
diverse cultural heritage of Venezuela, blending Spanish, African, and indigenous
parent: folk
language: spa
country: VE
localized_name: true
rank: 3569
"2020": 5xTChOy0G3OD1BfPK6ytaS
"2021": 2Pv2Q0QrR8JZ2fgrPrkSVD
"2022": 6d2L8E4YRYq8WBHSpJVH4W
"2023": 11qzTAct36XGa9G0r9L4Ec
edge: 3LrV5GxeUilC43OROUqbAb
intro: 1Ihge5PHjnXf8wFVAljr5b
pulse: 2F8ZgsgfdTa1DPfh2EGTdn
sound: 6kKNRaYd2zKj3f25SOjSjo
folklore veracruzano:
name: Folklore Veracruzano
This genre of music is rooted in the traditional folk music of Veracruz, Mexico. It
features a mix of Spanish, African, and indigenous influences, with a focus on
stringed instruments like the jarana and harp. The lyrics often tell stories of
love, nature, and daily life in the region.
parent: folk
language: spa
country: MX
localized_name: true
rank: 4439
"2020": 1eTZ8XREqNdtdSaf3QdGlQ
"2021": 75PxaPOS5rMIRLaP8Ao0wQ
"2022": 4FEkUNJniut4a2EWtQVoFQ
"2023": 0A3TkvlAMLL9LSxv5pxS3h
edge: 60pN2HjIDaUCjCKFfWrgfF
intro: 1Rr3dXw2iwz1YF4e8vkMer
pulse: 703lTCjsnTDAPy7FkKbS60
sound: 2GJg3GhMmDjsldc2PZkEyw
name: Folkmusik
Swedish folk music is a genre of music based largely on folkloric collection work
that began in the early 19th century in Sweden. The primary instrument of Swedish
folk music is the fiddle. Another common instrument, unique to Swedish traditions,
is the nyckelharpa. Most Swedish instrumental folk music is dance music; the
signature music and dance form within Swedish folk music is the polska.
parent: folk
language: swe
country: SE
localized_name: true
rank: 3014
"2018": 53Oa9OzXipgdoIE04M8hFi
"2019": 4i5z1deRhnpPZ7O4FInLou
"2020": 4GXmWkFNk1iLiaX5vTUjcT
"2021": 3YTUXhBbYWfRCGwb5G3xs8
"2022": 5kr0c6IfOTGeJBu7RMLrtr
"2023": 0zCYnaIhzh89JhDsqssosg
edge: 0tipS4BqW0qhcTxvmNHXFk
intro: 23szNsPOUbjH5exjFU2lF8
pulse: 4yMOjLZNQ71bx32cIjZpAf
sound: 3cOxzJaR7I8ejYJfLUOx3f
name: Folktronica
A genre that blends traditional folk music with electronic beats and production.
It's characterized by the use of acoustic instruments such as banjos, guitars, and
fiddles, mixed with synthesizers and drum machines. The result is a unique sound
that combines the warmth and authenticity of folk music with the energy and
experimentation of electronic music.
parent: electronica
rank: 1549
"2019": 0CkfR0r76Rcg4wFdfe9ZYb
"2020": 6BdCy4OVOhxN6DJBn7pYzM
"2021": 7bKZo8JZhzRkrpz7Hy12Zp
"2022": 6sNnLXTg5bsT9xEnKofMbh
"2023": 2g0cK4dnWuapKVVbqKSS8f
edge: 6AFpWxuZ9ilKZ18aVhADWh
intro: 2GSptZ6E13xEYoMfPAPb3J
pulse: 4IE7FQf31Z0wi7aFyc6G5r
sound: 6JPd0xG3fBmhUSlxsTfPyW
name: Football
A music genre that is inspired by the sport of football. It features anthemic and
uplifting melodies, often with lyrics that celebrate the spirit of teamwork,
perseverance, and victory. It's commonly associated with stadium chants and
sing-alongs, and is popular among football fans around the world. The genre has also
been used in advertising campaigns and as theme songs for major football events.
parent: event
localized_name: true
rank: 2935
"2020": 0TP02coJhssF7iTA1lAg46
"2023": 1nFvYted0VfU1XUdEzdIdq
intro: 5m4MMoGtRoan4ZAbhwdrjq
pulse: 34ELlraBv4ErZX0G2aYCZU
sound: 3kNWVqxt0cR2phbffWW78v
name: Footwork
A genre of electronic dance music that originated in Chicago in the early 2000s.
It's characterized by its fast-paced beats, intricate footwork dance moves, and
chopped-up vocal samples. The genre has its roots in juke music and is often
associated with the city's underground dance scene. Footwork has gained popularity
in recent years, with artists from around the world incorporating its unique style
and energy into their music.
parent: house
rank: 3451
"2019": 2gePjLzt2dNPHU08wK7gui
"2020": 5Airo4uWQES1QYWuhjrKDB
"2021": 2God7f4nUswGNGxgEiRr5X
"2022": 0DUbOJpmwGwcDvZd29DhRj
"2023": 100JinCGcw1P26Exa9xMnS
edge: 79l2eUsJkxS6KtUT7fX8eJ
intro: 2se3vZpRa30Bufps5MpivT
pulse: 3F86IpnrIWN43eJOX1TJnq
sound: 2TGq3rEqYHLaHh8cFyg8vm
forest black metal:
name: Forest Black Metal
Forest black metal is a subgenre of black metal that incorporates themes of nature
and mysticism. The music is characterized by its raw, atmospheric sound, with
tremolo-picked guitar riffs and blast beats driving the music forward. Lyrics often
focus on pagan or folkloric themes, and the music is often associated with a
reverence for the natural world.
parent: black metal
rank: 5145
"2021": 2JjkpE3SMYcCLJhIV4eIvj
"2022": 1Vz1gaRb4fXhAVHn8mw2C1
"2023": 1k7fSsxMUBPq2mpronNVDI
intro: 46Ma7U2U83qW1f5qLihQgJ
sound: 1dYuF5eAwrYfg7j9Z7Cmk0
forest psy:
name: Forest Psy
Forest psy is a subgenre of psychedelic trance that draws inspiration from the
natural world. The music is characterized by its organic, earthy sound, with
swirling synths and tribal rhythms creating a hypnotic, trance-inducing atmosphere.
The genre is often associated with outdoor festivals and gatherings, where dancers
can connect with the natural world and each other through the music.
parent: psychedelic trance
rank: 4117
"2019": 4UA3u8XvrMW6Lo99O4Xg74
"2020": 0WD8zjT5NqV8JyNwfP9Hbm
"2021": 47LqKOX4iXwIYLkLxK4e0s
"2022": 3AtmHY0Zpm2F3UnYgUnU6p
"2023": 0HGCDxQM5S9dlMois5EJpn
edge: 1SfpfYuSx30Ok0kZ08ms56
intro: 6Aasxj4ssGQcQptHJ6Ij59
pulse: 4N9HcY8LTaV6VJH0oRcJCe
sound: 7615WtgKBqapPBpBB9lxUW
name: Forró
Forro is a traditional music style from northeastern Brazil that originated in the
19th century. It is characterized by its upbeat, accordion-driven sound, with
infectious rhythms and catchy melodies that are perfect for dancing. The lyrics
often focus on themes of love, romance, and rural life, and the music is often
associated with festive celebrations and social gatherings.
parent: folk brasileiro
rank: 179
"2019": 2jVdRoHHMpGrQPXFieYW0L
"2020": 5rWIoh8NnsaaoGVop3qMnT
"2021": 69LKOO4bMMWypQ3QRKkUMJ
"2022": 4Ablrqcn0ZrxoPBk85qFiC
"2023": 6u06TQ30Cb6yR56VO33Szp
edge: 2GHNlLpl8JTBU7ASkUngQR
intro: 6UBbdyLNXjkd8vGXliMFMs
pulse: 1jXpmBWRuAhEZTIuUNJDq5
sound: 6aRR1ZmHR6ehjbhlsoctG1
forro de favela:
name: Forró de Favela
Forro de favela is a subgenre of forro that originated in the favelas of Brazil. It
is characterized by its raw, energetic sound and incorporates elements of funk and
hip-hop. The lyrics often reflect the struggles and realities of life in the
parent: forro
rank: 1153
"2020": 6TA4QQX1r6kA4CvdZxOlAS
"2021": 6pSp3u80HuGrXT5Gscr4kQ
"2022": 5mOtreaOKsc81kvcRs1Dh8
"2023": 0YiparWhkJffmowqQUyv49
edge: 1dzbZDFHb650qvTas9bBhT
intro: 4D1JgnAYqoc8lY8PACWiqQ
pulse: 6bUetRSjMRK9f9sOX2K54M
sound: 6rgJa4JpxjExztCelf11Fd
forro gospel:
name: Forró Gospel
Forro gospel is a genre of forro that incorporates Christian themes and messages
into its lyrics. It is often performed in churches and religious gatherings and aims
to spread the gospel through music. The sound is similar to traditional forro, but
with a spiritual twist.
parent: forro
rank: 2988
"2020": 3OrlsUXal7bRa1eDuOwrFd
"2021": 5fpcmngou54wAuorkjVVlP
"2022": 0oPs6ZyHuCzK43THNBMhTo
"2023": 4I5zUlidWb1ViVitejGlCa
edge: 52CDIqYQr5LJ1FGVIyApdK
intro: 561k0Jpxlbzp9qRdgLKMAF
pulse: 3a20ybA5V1FLQgd0iqFoRg
sound: 2i62IT8MhgcxSXVpeq5ZT1
forro instrumental:
name: Forró Instrumental
Forro instrumental is a type of forro that focuses on the instrumentation rather
than vocals. It is often performed by skilled musicians who showcase their talents
through intricate solos and improvisation. The sound is typically more laid-back and
relaxed than other types of forro, making it a great choice for background music or
for listening to while relaxing.
parent: forro
localized_name: true
rank: 4608
"2021": 1RzY49bPeEi2H0uPwNlwMT
"2022": 4kmlnYmA9l5jC81DzPuLOM
"2023": 3dmVENOMtl4KmS3gi2oifd
intro: 58WHVN8fTmeFlwDFcoXCbl
pulse: 1XK9SomF96IV9io68JyojU
sound: 3zLoWBeQkil0PcY4oFndPa
forro manauara:
name: Forró Manauara
Forro manauara is a modern take on the traditional Brazilian genre, featuring
electronic elements and catchy rhythms. Originating from Manaus, the capital of
Amazonas, this genre is characterized by its upbeat tempo and distinctive accordion
parent: forro
localized_name: true
rank: 4445
"2020": 3HoDMVXEff2Vpm2CtoXwpO
"2021": 5emgKud3g5LCtpnqpg9Vgf
"2022": 2nD2duSkBF83BDLVwljPbK
"2023": 1fDWVnBEOI7liuH3vfPMc4
edge: 6hJGmWrwfW8YYcUx1xpbJ0
intro: 2fc3O6B56NldovOgPHLgIx
pulse: 4l3DnVBabkdQa2J8VeElqs
sound: 1KEkhbwh9el79SK5AsyjLP
forro tradicional:
name: Forró Tradicional
Forro tradicional is the original form of forro, a popular music style from
Northeastern Brazil. This genre features accordion, zabumba, and triangle as the
main instruments, and its lyrics often tell stories of rural life and love. Forro
tradicional is known for its energetic dance style and is an essential part of
Brazilian cultural heritage.
parent: forro
localized_name: true
rank: 2718
"2020": 1xajxQBCxLsCH6SDGE1bvK
"2021": 1zTMMiiCPKYuePZCdkVqHS
"2022": 1WB1kERiz5d1jgeJY8cqew
"2023": 7aN64YvxETSPUBRbX89Gze
edge: 0p65R2FJ1Hozd7OqN70QzK
intro: 4vXXlSY7xdAFPAZHDrXSn5
pulse: 2REZOG0E3Rgzi1isNRdQ4b
sound: 3op82yklunVucRFcANaJFS
fort wayne indie:
name: Fort Wayne Indie
Fort Wayne indie is a subgenre of indie rock originating from Fort Wayne, Indiana.
This genre is characterized by its DIY ethos, lo-fi production, and introspective
lyrics. Fort Wayne indie bands often have a strong local following and are known for
their intimate live performances. This genre draws inspiration from a wide range of
musical influences, including punk, folk, and alternative rock.
parent: indie rock
country: US
rank: 5316
sound: 0H95fS5W9aklfBdcfmysVU
fort worth indie:
name: Fort Worth Indie
Fort Worth Indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in Fort Worth, Texas.
It is characterized by its DIY approach, lo-fi sound, and emphasis on local music
scenes. Fort Worth Indie bands often incorporate elements of country, blues, and
folk music into their sound, giving it a distinct Texan flavor.
parent: indie rock
country: US
rank: 3357
sound: 4B9jeYUnBAFF8eBoIv4ryd
name: Fotbollslåtar
Fotbollslåtar, or football songs, are a genre of music that originated in Sweden and
is closely associated with football culture. These songs are typically anthemic and
upbeat, with lyrics that celebrate the joys of football and the camaraderie of
supporting a team. They are often played at football matches and are a key part of
the fan experience.
parent: football
language: swe
country: SE
localized_name: true
rank: 1658
"2021": 4ADXGDSTRambDJNmy9H7Sn
"2022": 2lVk8plO7zMjC6mvg2hfZ8
"2023": 4IWupmkvBxBGmwb66zXd7h
edge: 5jLZ6XLOOCjyhd605tA7UH
intro: 4UanspxhHjKESkB6Luu9pk
pulse: 0xl0Dl3uyLKG22sCeSvavq
sound: 2pmUHfzCVyrWGCUkmF4xah
fourth world:
name: Fourth World
Fourth World is a genre of music that was coined by composer and trumpeter Jon
Hassell in the 1980s. It is characterized by its fusion of traditional and
electronic music, with an emphasis on non-Western instruments and rhythms. Fourth
World music often creates a dreamlike, otherworldly atmosphere, and has been
described as "a music of the imagination." It has influenced a wide range of
artists, from Brian Eno to Björk.
parent: chill
rank: 1633
"2018": 0gNTXgdn257uPnKGTXoLQ5
"2019": 3D6oMEdk96TSibDwTq18kO
"2020": 4kubRMejy1kJZ8gsegvYzi
"2021": 0hklk2N3D5ibEBKyKwvGNJ
"2022": 2KCRdrvaUd1DskD2lpaCpz
"2023": 1GRJt3e0jF8CvYyWgRPXLu
edge: 23mynjn0donoMdnpsCHQ5f
intro: 38EyUZGqjmJNYA5i0PFbxG
pulse: 6BTn4IQSodNWiurSOAvQfx
sound: 334HQUev7fUfGPdNWg73Xa
name: Frafra
Frafra music is a genre of traditional music from the Frafraland region of Ghana. It
is characterized by the use of xylophones, drums, and flutes. The music is often
accompanied by dance, and the lyrics are usually in the Frafra language. The music
is known for its energetic rhythms and vibrant melodies.
parent: ghanaian traditional
rank: 5803
sound: 1rFCFsXPW2dQ7XdlskNYN0
franco-flemish school:
name: Franco-Flemish School
The Franco-Flemish School was a group of composers who dominated European music in
the 15th and 16th centuries. They were known for their intricate polyphonic
compositions, which were often performed in churches and courts throughout Europe.
parent: polyphony
region: EU
localized_name: true
rank: 4528
"2020": 2nj5wbhRScAAPTJ7VQy9TQ
"2021": 0MiL51282doEHa4qFPOPhA
"2022": 65Flj4thZuuylT6Oan5MLZ
"2023": 0DqRJ7cwdCQJIpSiMDakNJ
edge: 2mLE533lTafCsIvCgQxWrw
intro: 1OqtuZw0gZkP9dAZTF45Pe
sound: 2xtljicTTSctDvj5UUlWCJ
frankfurt electronic:
name: Frankfurt Electronic
Frankfurt Electronic is a subgenre of electronic dance music that originated in
Frankfurt, Germany in the 1990s. It is characterized by its hard, driving beats and
use of synthesizers and other electronic instruments. Frankfurt Electronic is often
associated with the techno and trance genres, and has been influential in shaping
the sound of electronic music around the world.
parent: german electronica
localized_name: true
rank: 2792
"2020": 5a07YwwsqkQOz2TsVrYPSy
"2021": 2nwcdRvA4tzSlI0MaBRcsX
"2022": 17nQNBbCWynhi4jnzluhGQ
"2023": 1hv7aJedNdOSQUXy2pSYpC
edge: 6Gmee2yr78iPlQK7CkNcbP
intro: 5K620XQnaXWD8omKuUJsJx
pulse: 0oCo0rBihtOQq5PgLFjcKB
sound: 20wI9KYEcMyhlyPdVMJmMA
frankfurt indie:
name: Frankfurt Indie
Frankfurt Indie is a genre of alternative rock music that originated in Frankfurt,
Germany. It is characterized by its raw and unpolished sound, often with
introspective lyrics and a DIY approach to production. The genre is heavily
influenced by punk and garage rock, and often features distorted guitars and driving
parent: german indie rock
localized_name: true
rank: 5215
sound: 0Av2pdWJqTIoVGKEVQjojm
name: Frauenrap
Frauenrap is a subgenre of German hip-hop that focuses on female empowerment and
feminist themes. The lyrics often address issues such as sexism, misogyny, and
gender inequality, and are delivered with a confident and assertive flow. The beats
are typically minimalistic and bass-heavy, with a focus on creating a space for
women's voices in a male-dominated genre.
parent: german hip hop
localized_name: true
rank: 815
"2020": 6ygk9XZ9mKwJPImfxvEtkq
"2021": 5Uqb06DrqUETOGKEzDbUIh
"2022": 7oAyF0sJiVGIH9jmO7xIrX
"2023": 3BqLrr5ldI9SYT8WyuRgyW
edge: 6vCSj9zZH2HD1KrrIxX0GU
intro: 3ZHR0YPpByYAVldNat5wf3
pulse: 71hvYCUQB1xLa8Ypg8U1iL
sound: 4OnbZkownuQYWGsJ3pvWxf
freak folk:
name: Freak Folk
rank: 2619
"2018": 6cayj7I3CtihwKSZjHOEDO
"2019": 7JEkxduTfbCJGP3HdHWENP
"2020": 6cDnj1cp1jIU9yYMpRZACK
"2021": 47sjHPBJyaDqjH32oSSPsX
"2022": 1miMY6uccGdS2aOa53Pezx
"2023": 1UW7JkAxqn6JBF7BI8v6OA
edge: 0yFw1Qgvfqy1qho9dLwi6I
intro: 2LhIfc3F0GRtoSLEbyZ1Ys
pulse: 6lTqLDdcZ6tOi2YVZEC5eA
sound: 4KgZ9ZN10RfjRxBYkj6tTK
alias: psychedelic folk
name: Freakbeat
Freakbeat is a subgenre of British rock music that emerged in the mid-1960s. It is
characterized by its fast and frenetic rhythms, distorted guitars, and psychedelic
soundscapes. The lyrics often address themes of rebellion and non-conformity, and
the genre was heavily influenced by the mod subculture of the time. Freakbeat bands
often featured prominent organ and bass guitar parts, and were known for their
energetic live performances.
parent: rock-and-roll
rank: 4103
"2019": 6CsXGIjBoinV0Yaj9NMlAw
"2020": 3We7Dj7pg0CjQsjJGMwqLi
"2022": 3Nkvt3P3caTudAwdcxJBEg
"2023": 0PYX1xExLCRDBDfZN1XQeN
edge: 5pd4gQuC5dN1XaCXz5uiJm
intro: 0tf1mJFGYtuMh4L9tEwD0z
pulse: 4OsnVF9y1r7Spd34o4bGwn
sound: 4XvaxZIdz8XNZqbckxbfYV
free folk:
name: Free Folk
Free folk is a style of experimental music that blends elements of folk, jazz, and
improvisation. It often features a stripped-down, minimalist approach to
instrumentation and emphasizes spontaneity and improvisation. Artists in this genre
include Loren Connors, Jack Rose, and MV & EE.
parent: folk
rank: 4904
"2021": 2zMINZS9aLcLpNxv7edk02
"2022": 63bB08i7EertXmkq4C18Rv
"2023": 2GncjsKSvYbRXp2nT4fYxh
intro: 7BriZEFSjucR2OlCin67sL
pulse: 0ecvbiL2hbVmFS4VBYYX5k
sound: 63PEOiPwgBRps6iW2emDAl
free improvisation:
name: Free Improvisation
Free improvisation is a genre of music that involves spontaneous creation of music
without any pre-planned structure or composition. It is a form of musical expression
that is completely free from any rules or guidelines, allowing the musicians to
explore their creativity and take risks. The focus is on the process of creating
music rather than the end result, resulting in unique and unpredictable
parent: free jazz
localized_name: true
rank: 5117
"2018": 52T5UZoPZkF2dJqsp9l83b
"2019": 60bIzWuRKjqXsaPn9ajstd
"2020": 5SprqV1Sql3hqYG0hKHNeb
"2021": 2JTczMhnwjoXZJzY6mY2YS
"2022": 3Sm7NcaaYdAhVJRlOx0IrF
"2023": 1a1xlHhuj12wgBg1Y6fefR
intro: 1874RWRXJa1eDVbzkfAz1O
pulse: 1zjr2PAajVZgaDz0ARIvWK
sound: 2NMVEGeiUeIosCna7tcMUp
free jazz:
name: Free Jazz
Free jazz is a style of jazz that emerged in the 1950s and 1960s, characterized by
its use of improvisation and experimentation. It is a genre that emphasizes
individual expression and creativity, with musicians often playing at the limits of
their technical abilities. Free jazz often features unconventional instrumentation,
extended techniques, and non-traditional structures, resulting in a sound that is
challenging and unpredictable.
parent: jazz
rank: 2227
"2018": 1cIFDNe261g8nftbc2A9Pg
"2019": 2g2BR1tZIOJYWYNZ0AW16c
"2020": 6JsN05NUdHka7B80Fq0PbL
"2021": 4RjJYsyz0hUWwlNabi17bK
"2022": 2n3H0meMBbg9o2dOHSdDeo
"2023": 3AM2pLitsuzCyRoyOLvADd
edge: 3cTUhBHrBzfVOnLFqYFGqS
intro: 7izS2rc2MT5cfzn4mFMiiZ
pulse: 6tYc4M6UkfzDCtNa2hLqew
sound: 3nxdNdIA45HbkTwzlqZjQ0
freeform hardcore:
name: Freeform Hardcore
Freeform hardcore is a subgenre of hardcore punk that emphasizes experimentation and
improvisation. It often features unconventional song structures, dissonant
harmonies, and abstract lyrics. Artists in this genre include The Ex, Dog Faced
Hermans, and Melt-Banana.
parent: hardcore
rank: 3176
"2021": 7qj1PULzRuP5ey3Ny6rfkD
"2022": 2T4zDNuyVHczxatfJM7jS0
"2023": 0zdumzwtb2nhvFQrzTw9St
edge: 4mNQX3R3JtQ8afUBGIvbUn
intro: 4gqsmNokoRBnfrz5B2a8xD
pulse: 0W3MzfVlVPnoGAbsrbHUgk
sound: 72P9BYdfc0XmY16sNnNpdi
name: Freestyle
description: ""
parent: disco
rank: 1364
"2019": 1aOoKILtvUtfoZ62B1uTJ5
"2020": 0LTj0lnzcL6xljSZPLssdP
edge: 5fCKuMcMFCfuC0hPRnnkK1
intro: 01SAilcFAOKDm3nt9JbnWm
pulse: 1SBherc83MsfoSlIHoTDBf
sound: 3QuJzF7D2tot4yN1lqIVLn
fremantle indie:
name: Fremantle Indie
Fremantle indie is a subgenre of indie rock that originated in the port city of
Fremantle, Western Australia. It is characterized by its dreamy, atmospheric sound,
often incorporating elements of folk and psychedelia. The lyrics are often
introspective and poetic, reflecting the laid-back, bohemian lifestyle of the city.
parent: australian indie rock
rank: 2480
"2020": 1Ub4QjyrLqP9eQ5SvIPo2c
"2021": 06xfzxLKgvm9lBlCiLShHy
"2022": 53QsGLCXW4WKqRvXj6Cj5O
"2023": 7kDQdzmFE3Ys79bK0fIO4z
intro: 4rtir6YIa1xWVtkHQZZRMy
sound: 0LIRzPCFAI0uaKNyYMeWBq
french baroque:
name: French Baroque
French baroque is a style of classical music that emerged in France during the
Baroque period (17th and early 18th centuries). It is characterized by its ornate,
highly decorative style, featuring elaborate melodies, intricate harmonies, and
virtuosic instrumental solos. French baroque music often incorporates dance rhythms
and is known for its grandeur and opulence.
parent: baroque
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 2624
"2020": 32TKCz4Vqt4OBbL7zrsKx5
"2021": 591yEEoDmM48GPoOjxFqvp
"2022": 6608BKTJ1HQyyRnK2Q7nwb
"2023": 3BjjVHpv8rJHdxDjU4IMDY
edge: 0FyXE7D7EybDZS4UAM5LQe
intro: 3oc1uv0bJMC1MnbDOx4hFB
pulse: 3x7x84Rl8PVOgakNkTx5ub
sound: 0mrfzeghcUlwuaNTCdCFZx
french black metal:
name: French Black Metal
French black metal is a subgenre of black metal that originated in France in the
early 1990s. It is characterized by its aggressive, raw sound, featuring fast,
tremolo-picked guitar riffs, blast beats, and harsh vocals. French black metal often
incorporates elements of folk and medieval music, and its lyrics often explore
themes of paganism, nature, and anti-Christianity. It is known for its dark,
atmospheric soundscapes and its use of non-traditional instruments such as flutes
and bagpipes.
parent: black metal
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 3907
"2020": 3KgiquQYGIAi7RsJyQpRPX
"2021": 2ajUbizatWBFfTgCj9uLtM
"2022": 6xHjjIXTxs1wLB7Y0wEAEw
"2023": 79fy7zag7MWumbLWUbxBiY
edge: 6WjZW4JRnTwFFL8MLGc5Cw
intro: 03rwYQ86dRJ1xQDYAaPiXE
pulse: 2sZCxbtoksrD7fEhfCqYx5
sound: 2jqAkE36tKTG48IdPF1917
french classical piano:
name: French Classical Piano
French classical piano is a genre of music that focuses on solo piano compositions
from the classical period of French music. It features highly technical and
intricate compositions that showcase the virtuosity of the performer. French
classical piano is characterized by its elegant and refined style, with a focus on
melody and harmony.
parent: classical piano
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 5682
"2020": 5AzrzftaPi0pVsrMLdhQbv
"2021": 3APaqyqw3BginUpi6E2DrP
"2022": 5FUlcgyNFwOIyU8zAm7mX9
"2023": 6smc01258MJLYK1xSgn74G
edge: 00ZvOTOZqzKhYY9pS96FOn
intro: 18PmGxyDdrlDcSDST824c5
pulse: 2NQ100KiTNVDllZKfdb2fA
sound: 2KkLEZecIyFOblj7RdJQDI
french contemporary classical:
name: French Contemporary Classical
French contemporary classical is a genre of music that combines traditional
classical elements with modern techniques and styles. It features innovative and
experimental compositions that push the boundaries of classical music. French
contemporary classical is characterized by its use of unconventional
instrumentation, complex harmonies, and dissonant melodies.
parent: contemporary classical
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 5901
sound: 1FYtDs08idk3VjvtgKRjZ7
"2023": 5ygmqXKAh0pfWelqFJ1QZz
french death metal:
name: French Death Metal
French death metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that originated in France. It is
known for its aggressive and intense sound, characterized by fast-paced guitar
riffs, blast beats, and guttural vocals. French death metal bands often incorporate
elements of black metal and thrash metal into their music, creating a unique and
brutal sound.
parent: death metal
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 2235
"2020": 3gRgD2sMbDWgWzRJm9psVH
"2021": 1S4Ke5Uml69244nc2vLkFi
"2022": 3kqtzi8Gk9LqDKlMWEUlG7
"2023": 0NsbmnNMNMpQD1MLUk4CDp
intro: 2hAdIlwWXyFhWgyfeT6nl6
sound: 6jFV4GfPYaxmcEfcigCPww
french dnb:
name: French DnB
French dnb, or drum and bass, is a high-energy electronic music genre that
originated in the UK but has gained popularity in France. It is characterized by
fast breakbeats, heavy basslines, and chopped-up samples. French dnb often
incorporates elements of other genres such as jazz, funk, and hip-hop, creating a
diverse and eclectic sound.
parent: drum and bass
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 4127
"2020": 37HCZ3LtRcYPIMsMnFHJS5
"2021": 4PrEihzvvlfD3X9ED6TwiC
"2022": 4F0buECLeykIY6JGKqb0yh
"2023": 1Pwtu5UAoMs2mgG02ssdg4
edge: 6TkQx8WDjuP0DSw53PHF6C
intro: 3EYjwv7uFNtKEkm72mIxNV
pulse: 1vLTWp6hHNIsyd4W3qbH4L
sound: 3Dz0w0CGiJkHCpOKEISUeN
french dub:
name: French Dub
French dub is a subgenre of reggae that originated in France. It is characterized by
heavy basslines, reverb-drenched drums, and a focus on instrumental arrangements.
French dub often incorporates elements of electronic music, such as synthesizers and
drum machines, creating a futuristic and experimental sound. It is known for its
laid-back and chilled-out vibe, making it a popular choice for relaxation and
parent: dub
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 2862
"2019": 4KqOAw0esSlzgdkSBfBXPX
"2020": 5NawQfHbcE5qieteghI7JV
"2021": 0RMLnWiAnK8JXKNKq9pLeU
"2022": 1jHaNi6iLDvJ4io2rzOssh
"2023": 0lpmH9OWzTqDpG10tfTrga
edge: 0aRu50BlLaLXZ6eQoCg7Qa
intro: 4cJBWIJuWcacISCyrJoU01
pulse: 4jzNvCoAu9I7uN6mmK9iR6
sound: 1voV4h6VlOXXGfPiHfhXOp
french emo:
name: French Emo
French emo is a subgenre of emo music that originated in France in the early 2000s.
It is characterized by emotional lyrics, melodic guitar riffs, and a punk rock
influence. The music often deals with themes of heartbreak, loneliness, and
alienation. French emo bands often incorporate elements of post-hardcore and indie
rock into their music.
parent: emo
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 5087
"2023": 2RqWhAYMgToYW1MWxcmnmj
intro: 3hM1eHmmsWHI8qsFU0av8P
sound: 1d6f6Y2mLEgdYGIS1z7daV
french experimental rock:
name: French Experimental Rock
French experimental rock is a genre that pushes the boundaries of traditional rock
music. It often incorporates elements of avant-garde, electronic, and jazz music to
create a unique and unconventional sound. The lyrics can be abstract and poetic, and
the instrumentation is often complex and unpredictable.
parent: experimental rock
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 5823
sound: 1LIS1YWqU2NRSVl7aAINyv
french folk:
name: French Folk
French folk is a genre that celebrates the traditional music of France. It features
acoustic instruments such as the accordion, fiddle, and guitar, and often includes
vocals sung in French. The lyrics often tell stories of rural life, love, and
nature, and the melodies are simple and catchy.
parent: folk
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 4462
"2023": 16S7N9P5zFAAYIzU2nTzSP
intro: 69PKaLyUPjzxdMOn2A9Ltd
pulse: 49UZrBP6yPC5uXQm2eGd11
sound: 4DhvRzyECHRaUL64HLGVvK
french folk pop:
name: French Folk Pop
French folk pop is a genre that combines the traditional sound of French folk music
with the catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms of pop music. It often features acoustic
instruments such as the guitar, accordion, and mandolin, and the lyrics are often
sung in French. The songs are usually upbeat and catchy, with a focus on love,
relationships, and everyday life.
parent: folk-pop
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 2633
"2018": 4YKFAduwOE6ZiwJfKIo4lH
"2019": 1eViQ0yf0C3OYrLXknrlaH
"2020": 3dXT6rnj9iDFW97Mg0MH4j
"2021": 6gVjT4NAfToTldzM7HnZJX
"2022": 0aEHKRP6Cg7AyCq27I4qQt
"2023": 4YRxNWAat1scP1CEotn1GB
edge: 2BVtmty5PyYgrByjLFZW4z
intro: 005c9fqWaCKAJ4Z47BGkVs
pulse: 3RJGrahxQCuAniUVPykqWt
sound: 6X9nqrlhVwQT5EjQHRZxG7
french garage rock:
name: French Garage Rock
French garage rock is a raw and energetic subgenre of rock music that emerged in
France during the 1980s. It is characterized by its lo-fi sound, distorted guitar
riffs, and fast-paced rhythms. French garage rock draws inspiration from American
garage rock bands like The Sonics and The Stooges, but adds its own unique flavor
with lyrics sung in French and a distinct French punk attitude.
parent: garage rock
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 3833
"2021": 5UnIAj9kIfdKweyrOIgXqB
"2022": 7FmDmEt3RcxO00kAIyYfnY
"2023": 6qxz4O6aiZePTSWbTMNoDw
edge: 0KJlHf0G21u9KWmkrNTF4W
intro: 6pJwXxGxu3ycZX457tmTEr
pulse: 5LqYNEaXI3XhHJnbcWD6Y2
sound: 5iOc0x0rzYpvshIYzaa15A
french hardcore:
name: French Hardcore
French hardcore is a subgenre of punk rock that originated in France during the
1980s. It is characterized by its fast-paced, aggressive sound, heavily distorted
guitar riffs, and shouted vocals. French hardcore draws inspiration from American
hardcore punk bands like Black Flag and Minor Threat, but adds its own unique flavor
with lyrics sung in French and a distinct French punk attitude.
parent: hardcore
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 4581
"2020": 5OZWqjHfQsDNBOKHzChgHb
"2021": 458c3zJjnNxL561Y2pfPd4
"2022": 1h9B0ElxhUgH0h8GSqYozZ
"2023": 5FjdrHQPqi59MNOLZ3b6j8
intro: 1Yx6A94uLlVA4kNyDbTTBA
pulse: 369vJwlGtP8WoAqn2Vy5cL
sound: 1Sk5IqSLHTu67qMC0g0fsw
french hip hop:
name: French Hip Hop
French hip hop is a subgenre of hip hop music that emerged in France during the
1980s. It is characterized by its use of French language and its incorporation of
French cultural elements. French hip hop draws inspiration from American hip hop,
but adds its own unique flavor with lyrics that address social and political issues
specific to France. French hip hop has become a major force in French music, with
artists like MC Solaar, IAM, and Booba achieving international success.
parent: hip hop
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 51
"2018": 3GXpDzI4QnhmJthY6iA5FO
"2019": 7oiIUGUqyFcRaBpeDhNE9r
"2020": 3I9vjb4ynpmm6h7Z6aAguU
"2021": 51OHG6yDFS1nUXPXFUYoZq
"2022": 5bFYgRH3SYpXEbcVfxM4Mk
"2023": 3JZ44uLrY1QqALFFiltbXK
edge: 0L5VPnAySQVlovi31NADJo
intro: 3EC99l0epZRYMHSiM8aTOI
pulse: 5Norj8O6LDJlM6Qgucn0b5
sound: 1Wc17kLi2R2EsIACx5ElYt
french indie folk:
name: French Indie Folk
French indie folk is a genre that combines the traditional sounds of folk music with
contemporary indie elements. It often features acoustic instruments like guitar,
banjo, and mandolin, as well as poetic lyrics and a focus on storytelling. Artists
in this genre include the likes of Pomme, The Pirouettes, and Fishbach.
parent: indie folk
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 2528
"2020": 60udifwGVwtGYmuKdYxLC1
"2021": 1r90NQvsRsRZ8GtcwSbprE
"2022": 28axV243C16gK4aqN3wpHJ
"2023": 68oWaLe4H5EBVSehGwsidF
edge: 3E4kARtGsXKt4H8B8mvDbL
intro: 51wf0Xv2l4ZkW8qK0AxCiS
pulse: 72Z8WvujMgEC6BtyZfL7tG
sound: 4xsPUaS4EwvnxnOgU7AgOF
french indie pop:
name: French Indie Pop
French indie pop is a genre that takes the catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms of pop
music and infuses them with a unique French sensibility. It often features
electronic and synth elements, as well as bright, colorful production. Artists in
this genre include Christine and the Queens, L'Impératrice, and Yelle.
parent: indie pop
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 447
"2018": 3hx8saONl5WNqrtLS4DOgP
"2019": 4EvpeZbEGxIvydDNA0dUak
"2020": 4c9Ccygakc5Jl2uuBSrShv
"2021": 5qjsDZhRvjxMTbCpxoAKqs
"2022": 3JaRqdFFKTXmhK9Ec9wMJx
"2023": 1ZHC5GmT3RXBia6fXmUzBQ
edge: 4dcnR3QfwFQX3YXrlHcCcR
intro: 6XKFsEug3PrC2oVfWtmQea
pulse: 4dOo0vIZfqyac3481Qt3fq
sound: 7pSUsof5crZi6c4k8Hun3q
french indietronica:
name: French Indietronica
French indietronica is a genre that blends the atmospheric, experimental sounds of
electronica with the DIY ethos of indie music. It often features glitchy beats,
ambient textures, and dreamy vocals. Artists in this genre include M83, Phoenix, and
parent: indietronica
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 686
"2018": 3QWeoA6c7qJ6ccN3BPjHD1
"2019": 2eoX7SxTFnL1pafFnJCWWc
"2020": 77UqFh7OJNino9BErxpC3I
"2021": 7ijkIjgMbPXmuOPtSh8v6J
"2022": 4mIeRFdoGnZxOAdBZXu3FK
"2023": 0QKs2kMMzjFlQHwx2tVjS8
edge: 6TkgRBVOTy2cjErDzmYu06
intro: 7CG6X1XPqtrWney1wBMc84
pulse: 2byHACo4Ml7k03NIjDdotY
sound: 2himelMaFON7yDwQf9P8Kq
french jazz:
name: French Jazz
French jazz is a genre that blends traditional French music with American jazz
influences. It often features accordion, guitar, and saxophone, and has a romantic,
smooth sound that is perfect for a relaxing evening. French jazz has been popular
since the 1920s and continues to be a beloved genre today.
parent: jazz
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 1823
"2019": 7vUwYu3o4SqZ1UgnBeyo6f
"2020": 4pup76ofblVgSvK79TkKqN
"2021": 1OcGMUoi0EScxVnIoFILPQ
"2022": 7nQIHnIshELTIUJihdvlq8
"2023": 74Hyq0qwpj2ZoBXkiF1oqW
edge: 2Wt3DxtrgYU49zTUfpnTZW
intro: 0GpyRhk7BCFV4WRWd5PPrb
pulse: 3y49qfTOL021tLyopnAWjW
sound: 0sbP0IrO1mrNWiKvuPzDRt
french metal:
name: French Metal
French metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that originated in France in the 1980s. It
is characterized by its aggressive sound, fast-paced guitar riffs, and intense
vocals. French metal bands often incorporate elements of punk and thrash metal into
their music, creating a unique and powerful sound that has gained a dedicated
following around the world.
parent: metal
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 1944
"2019": 0ddfRVasg5PUELimg3zB1d
"2020": 0sop7GkTjmtY1a31vU70oJ
"2021": 2uXu1T48NhDxL5arHAoA5W
"2022": 0yD0tWR51EiFldOcksLWBP
"2023": 2whc1xQOGWTJTc02xHUcE6
edge: 1lJRB2hxxONklJ0R4W3mmw
intro: 20xAhZL1yQrStzT0ORqk14
pulse: 2628MNG09FveB7RO6lglo2
sound: 6WUkO8l7dwfRtklnzNToRw
french movie tunes:
name: French Movie Tunes
French movie tunes are the soundtrack to some of the most iconic films in French
cinema history. From the romantic melodies of Amélie to the jazzy tunes of
Breathless, these songs capture the essence of French culture and have become
synonymous with the films they accompany. French movie tunes often feature
orchestral arrangements, piano, and accordion, and are a must-listen for anyone who
loves French cinema.
parent: soundtrack
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 2452
"2018": 2jt2fq8A47AtsL7xOjecOY
"2019": 1DtGsUheO7TnXNk3MWG1PC
"2020": 74UvdrRSuF6aJqEuyYoLhi
"2021": 3oDFex2GWwBXdPQJR3JFR2
"2022": 1MkewJnnMZn7ZC3CwC2tX0
"2023": 3TynDQK0TkxmXgqJKb7SYg
edge: 46joy92CKgkxFa3K68itfl
intro: 7aubfRj3DxD0EuCSv59aKu
pulse: 3TyawsVinPonao1JOmSsLb
sound: 4XtqklANeRcUs9OYeasbxD
french oi:
name: French Oi
French oi is a subgenre of punk rock that originated in France in the late 1970s. It
is characterized by its aggressive and raw sound, with lyrics often focused on
working-class issues and social commentary. French oi bands often incorporate
elements of ska and reggae into their music, creating a unique blend of genres.
parent: oi
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 4746
"2021": 2Gu907jb8cvrzib5w6IGIj
"2022": 2tSmYQSNAsyE4HbRR85DUP
"2023": 7C2vQhurdMzknJphcnd9ZH
edge: 2CcmSEwm5flZo5A7EzFiBv
intro: 1NsxUvXl8MVYunxqEHnjEO
pulse: 2hPAlwqXVJxT8KRKLuqdsL
sound: 2PtDS8FDWNsuHmiJZhjY66
french opera:
name: French Opera
French oi is a subgenre of oi music that originated in France in the late 1970s. It
is characterized by its aggressive and raw sound, with lyrics often dealing with
working-class struggles and social issues. French oi bands typically have a strong
sense of national identity and pride, and their music often reflects this through
the use of French language and cultural references.
parent: opera
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 1627
"2020": 2Tj4bOV9xRWJ2HXm2brSTT
"2021": 0u95BfNc5ucH2sjG2VXKoH
"2022": 5ZojNwvth6038t6ABSRAvo
"2023": 3EkNK9CtQsSsnmNYPHQC9K
edge: 3fDab21pjXn7YP9Rc8gf4C
intro: 43rckh96a9PM0hHr39vCkZ
pulse: 0ohUPOJWnLrP1X2ZxXiZ22
sound: 0AOzKluE1BrzvAAGnoV66A
french orchestra:
name: French Orchestra
French orchestra music is a classical music genre that originated in France in the
17th century. It is characterized by its use of large orchestras, with a focus on
melody and harmony. French orchestra music often incorporates elements of opera and
ballet, and is known for its elegance and sophistication.
parent: orchestra
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 5997
"2020": 2qSbpFIVfxTxpdXJmZ1xDi
"2021": 1leMVf93yZOqR4T4aC8wp6
"2022": 6TWsaOy82NvzUSpbzMTsvK
"2023": 3TZSV385kyKSvzmxmNb72z
intro: 6BNEj4u49IZq4Og31BSkOC
sound: 6tdOM6oZTKZc3vYXEtqNlA
french pop:
name: French Pop
French pop is a genre of music that originated in France and is characterized by
catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and lyrics that often focus on love, romance, and
everyday life. It is known for its use of electronic instrumentation and its ability
to appeal to a wide audience, both in France and around the world.
parent: pop
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 194
"2018": 7tjO5ndueWoYrOcpRjreLD
"2019": 3NIpzQ4wVzJGfthJIOGbJz
"2020": 7yIKS9ase4Xr2Gu5M84vBi
"2021": 59zvfxna4G1zCBDnNwFPJT
"2022": 48gUbqpqFXTVYEP0FgXfnP
"2023": 2DDA6YIs0mXo4vKVt8qUTs
edge: 3ZVGDRWhvZBMJEXU83sw3B
intro: 2xwohkhCm6sL29mjYZY9lz
pulse: 1vEn4qOlqVZvMAUpbjFW8S
sound: 03csHhetcFo29YHV4Z9A3g
french post-punk:
name: French Post-Punk
French post-punk is a subgenre of punk rock that emerged in France in the late 1970s
and early 1980s. It is characterized by its use of angular guitar riffs, driving
rhythms, and socially conscious lyrics. French post-punk bands often incorporate
elements of funk, jazz, and avant-garde music into their sound, creating a unique
and experimental style that has influenced many other genres of music.
parent: post-punk
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 4110
"2020": 34IyfD3F5hiDNehS1DXgqM
"2021": 6sLrrymcpgPuXm0MD91NGe
"2022": 5A8Uaqih28jhtyHmysRhBn
"2023": 0f84U2pXw2h9AyGWJej7eE
edge: 0UAszWfUjwKQrulCGFiag0
intro: 0GHoZOqjbD5AFjuHOLGykY
pulse: 2fN59mhiMJspgPkvsIWakq
sound: 00y5CS1HijU14hGpBeXfw8
french post-rock:
name: French Post-Rock
French post-rock is a genre of music that emerged in France in the 1990s and is
characterized by its use of atmospheric soundscapes, intricate instrumentation, and
a focus on texture and mood over traditional song structures. French post-rock bands
often incorporate elements of jazz, classical music, and electronic music into their
sound, creating a unique and experimental style that has gained a dedicated
following among fans of the genre.
parent: post-rock
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 5284
"2021": 70LySMLxvFYGVqCAW1kUjQ
"2022": 1j6fpSEct1vJTqLxu1hSV6
"2023": 6jJpFG6Lbjk5Y5IZVQQwIJ
intro: 3TgzCKf9PpSlUyrx5ShEry
pulse: 2YMeF3R7Ee8T2RfTlv1al2
sound: 66GxbkUX9OZikMgn338pz6
french psychedelic:
name: French Psychedelic
This genre of music is characterized by its experimental and trippy sound, often
incorporating elements of rock, pop, and electronic music. It emerged in the 1960s
and 70s in France, with artists like Serge Gainsbourg and Jacques Dutronc paving the
way. French psychedelic music is known for its dreamy, otherworldly feel and its use
of unconventional instruments and sounds.
parent: psychedelic pop
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 2310
"2020": 2XlDMTMrT2FjnHuXwTTCUo
"2021": 2jBrS1WGhZ8R9MvUSG7kSD
"2022": 1UnPLjIv2RZBWscXHVGnlK
"2023": 1T5SJm3d50OqFiqfr2pCsv
edge: 6kRZDrIpsvNXJv96ri2mE0
intro: 4mazA2IOzu2TcdFpAsNvaN
pulse: 44Y4zrwTPpx5N1csRwQRda
sound: 6J5kK4nUeKrVSGA63WVn5K
french punk:
name: French Punk
French punk emerged in the late 1970s as a response to the mainstream music scene.
It is characterized by its raw, aggressive sound, political lyrics, and DIY ethos.
French punk bands like Les Wampas and Bérurier Noir were known for their energetic
live shows and their rejection of societal norms. French punk is a subgenre of the
larger punk movement, and it continues to influence musicians today.
parent: punk
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 3051
"2019": 6pXx9EQKMZunmi5jmD5v09
"2020": 4BFZ4DSgiZSDw1EdHHsPTF
"2021": 00emotmKHy4EQQv52hfSXu
"2022": 4CCp4hBjHeR9SbduQGoauI
"2023": 0wV51sjM3k1n3JxC8zKUcS
edge: 6aBHNIgj8BeozrJmnVdtba
intro: 2jc2rLFHe7OM8CG42oaL6A
pulse: 3Di62CEd7HXFzOBiIWnTYS
sound: 55zQD9JY29hERJC2iLmacZ
french reggae:
name: French Reggae
French reggae is a fusion of Jamaican reggae and French music styles, such as
chanson and pop. It emerged in the 1980s and gained popularity in the 1990s, with
artists like Alpha Blondy and Tiken Jah Fakoly becoming household names. French
reggae often incorporates political and social commentary into its lyrics, and it
has a laid-back, sunny sound that reflects
parent: reggae
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 1166
"2018": 0s9Mtqryvjf1g2BdIxuXUN
"2019": 2Xbl56hWqVAmZlnixsZPnG
"2020": 0e6nuA8BsjxqKhasVLCOIx
"2021": 2gjE3QFeWmpXSzWltzZPT0
"2022": 4hx4UTzUtLDTL1tRcwgzZD
"2023": 5nBU0RBTGXToRKOEOY6M8b
edge: 5PxRXHYzAr1QxAsHnVAC2m
intro: 3tFtizUYDsyXKQZYzPBso8
pulse: 6km8lJ5SKFDnagTYCLX6pI
sound: 47v1NcKNyzVdhTWdCtl8HE
french renaissance:
name: French Renaissance
French Renaissance music is a style that emerged during the 15th and 16th centuries.
It is characterized by a complex polyphonic texture, with multiple voices singing
different melodies simultaneously. The music often features elaborate ornamentation
and intricate harmonies, and is typically performed on instruments such as lutes,
harpsichords, and viols.
parent: renaissance
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 5314
"2021": 3Rs4hTsSdUOPeVu1CL4dHs
"2022": 56HjzULPjs55DKzyIeXM1f
"2023": 5FjnJfGZRDPEruJupI98zC
intro: 3CbGQv1kforEtRBIwkrLJK
pulse: 4WfHVFgaUNFIM1H0Qa3MKF
sound: 495wgS8hTHf6bcIVjOdClc
french rock:
name: French Rock
French rock is a genre of rock music that originated in France in the 1960s. It is
characterized by its upbeat, energetic sound, with driving rhythms and catchy
melodies. French rock often features lyrics sung in French, and draws inspiration
from a variety of musical styles, including blues, jazz, and folk music. Some of the
most famous French rock bands include Téléphone, Indochine, and Noir Désir.
parent: rock
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 467
"2018": 6Uz68bwWO3P4KtMJwGR9Qy
"2019": 5nRBpcHuxyaL2LRq5E5Dga
"2020": 4AE7PE0ciWwHfrvKDYPgAG
"2021": 5FAV9HfHeu3CoFBGSMejHw
"2022": 5MdqyJCLsoXTfP77OL5iPt
"2023": 6Z8hA0l9M0awnq1EaQsVLZ
edge: 3PnoVLy0NsI3MaVAchrLhw
intro: 40bWx4mvvvoKmeivczurJc
pulse: 4kbZVwMt1ptMZPouVeGOYZ
sound: 6uL4zN0tryTmOsrhcknaIS
french rock-and-roll:
name: French Rock-and-Roll
French rock-and-roll is a high-energy, guitar-driven genre that emerged in the 1950s
and 60s. It draws inspiration from American rock-and-roll but adds a distinct French
flair with lyrics in French. The genre is known for its upbeat rhythms, catchy
hooks, and rebellious attitude.
parent: rock-and-roll
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 5396
"2022": 2xIVgPIacLv9AHGCd77bMs
intro: 52rfEHbTwgIqhL9Xkciihc
pulse: 1hNaH39LpDdX9wPpLUHkxl
sound: 7rgZxT8hUhdyyhHSPjOiwx
french rockabilly:
name: French Rockabilly
French rockabilly is a subgenre of rockabilly music that originated in France in the
1980s. It is characterized by its fusion of rock and roll and country music, with a
focus on fast-paced, danceable rhythms and twangy guitar riffs. French rockabilly
often features lyrics sung in French, and draws inspiration from classic rockabilly
artists such as Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash. Some of the most famous French
rockabilly bands include Les Forbans
parent: rockabilly
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 6043
sound: 6l73EcAEl0oEthiybGL7Gz
french romanticism:
name: French Romanticism
French romanticism is a genre that emerged in the 19th century and is characterized
by its emotional intensity, lyrical beauty, and focus on personal experience. The
genre is known for its lush orchestration, expressive melodies, and themes of love,
nature, and spirituality. French composers such as Hector Berlioz, Claude Debussy,
and Maurice Ravel are known for their contributions to this genre.
parent: classical
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 1305
"2020": 2l1GUR9OrxGnSHQqpDovDA
"2021": 5tIzVQ7YJwdrW5H6l4oG5M
"2022": 1tmFsuB3sES0nZUa5knKNq
"2023": 05z0s5aBvJNcym9Al4W2LY
edge: 4TB4Ycad3LHjxzeElHHo6f
intro: 7e3n6g8tBbCdlEFYJVZo0V
pulse: 2IHRUbOQImi7J7K96VNsWn
sound: 3BZGhiDEQ4ubD6WcMKZawB
french shoegaze:
name: French Shoegaze
French shoegaze is a subgenre of shoegaze that emerged in the 1990s and is
characterized by its dreamy, atmospheric soundscapes, and introspective lyrics. The
genre is known for its use of effects pedals, distorted guitars, and ethereal
vocals. French shoegaze bands such as Alcest and Lantlôs have gained international
recognition for their unique take on the genre.
parent: shoegaze
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 1300
"2021": 5QfJVfYHNJJJymI6gE8zCk
"2022": 2qXIwlCIfENfjPtnpnoGy8
"2023": 5EAKWWiTyXgM5mzzKPIHnQ
intro: 6j5kkPOHy5EPBKTiqoCxmE
sound: 1zUlfEkaAo7zS5TWEuHXz2
french soundtrack:
name: French Soundtrack
French soundtrack music is characterized by its ability to evoke emotions and tell
stories through instrumental and orchestral arrangements. It is often used in film,
television, and other media to enhance the visual narrative and create a captivating
parent: soundtrack
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 1130
"2019": 0wuT3Fn7Yb3uyRWVLQs0ly
"2020": 5PYzeXl5EqVEr8ae4bIOih
"2021": 20SCc7CXxFshISIeAvI4Nk
"2022": 7azNxmQueWoY0lIJ0vIUdO
"2023": 3IU9N6QEI7enAaNQKk2CkT
edge: 6blS2gmYd5Gdb8mAqtojUo
intro: 7oMa6gLhb0yDW5HPJ4hBou
pulse: 4dTGAn6lEjTHrv1fYIjUbG
sound: 7t1aXa1i7A4leCY06e8GKn
french stoner rock:
name: French Stoner Rock
French stoner rock is a subgenre of rock music that combines heavy, distorted guitar
riffs with psychedelic and bluesy elements. It is known for its slow, sludgy tempo
and introspective lyrics that often touch on themes of existentialism and nihilism.
parent: stoner rock
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 5071
"2021": 337RYwIf44DZrMuRxlPB2U
"2022": 5GS5SpdEBK2fPFzbzenazn
"2023": 2btA6k61cHVugrRLyvaZbd
intro: 2T5OoheWzz79IhzA6Kh6Mh
pulse: 440Nrgl1lhsV1vv7APZbgr
sound: 2xTOmn6xG4eR2nns5GE1Iy
french synthpop:
name: French Synthpop
French synthpop is a genre of electronic music that emerged in the 1970s and 80s,
characterized by its use of synthesizers, drum machines, and other electronic
instruments. It is known for its catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and often playful
lyrics. French synthpop has been a major influence on contemporary pop music and
continues to be popular today.
parent: synthpop
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 762
"2020": 3XLWBZt0gSgh6fkeaArxAn
"2021": 4I3VIPw9Srw5W6ASWHVGeT
"2022": 21DinuuBtLpM3fW18uRRe8
"2023": 2B6j7KDvUx5fPEtgHwJq3o
edge: 01NcWlTfm6hDDav9xTs8Xo
intro: 5ajduOXAsJfIYPB2N0RWQ8
pulse: 6bilq1Vd0CADhIT2OhqLLJ
sound: 767e9eYAfk4bApi2vMIK32
french tech house:
name: French Tech House
French tech house is a subgenre of electronic dance music that originated in France.
It combines elements of house music with techno, creating a unique sound that is
characterized by its deep basslines, intricate percussion, and melodic synth
patterns. French tech house is known for its energetic and uplifting vibe, making it
a popular choice for club and festival settings.
parent: tech house
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 1687
"2020": 2G6wqGSxgpWsw2L76YVia1
"2021": 6MgCZzEen4pttpmvQBzaSE
"2022": 16vfhJlqZBtFy3HY9WgkZY
"2023": 4bQ65NjPJi5MBPQOzaRF1H
edge: 15CHl8WHOq93Qs77TzKHBo
intro: 2TUq4TNlFYXJ1ANSSuouGV
pulse: 3o9o8PWLMpnJZpycke87NA
sound: 0mAuWjb7YCXDfP1oaVTSDk
french techno:
name: French Techno
French techno is a genre of electronic dance music that emerged in France in the
early 1990s. It is characterized by its use of heavy, industrial sounds, driving
rhythms, and dark, dystopian themes. French techno often incorporates elements of
acid house, industrial music, and Detroit techno, creating a unique sound that is
both intense and hypnotic. It is popular in underground club scenes and has
influenced many other electronic genres.
parent: techno
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 1509
"2019": 6TO0dYceSjXkGp7WdvIcao
"2020": 6MWWgIzjZrgGdr4p01fnzh
"2021": 2w1F8Nlwv2sJP9FeyebOyd
"2022": 03zUOGmCNlMCWncy0zBJIy
"2023": 5Y1drw7Aa2WGD9KbnroxiQ
edge: 5djMdXtmpoORJt4bJWe0dF
intro: 6ODWgI6kcpxDfjUCnyX0pT
pulse: 7aAsVvMPx845EnzG0Be9ZG
sound: 0eHVWJjMBIcxsdcgc6gtXt
french worship:
name: French Worship
French worship is a subgenre of Christian music that originated in France. It is
characterized by its use of traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs, often
sung in French. French worship music is typically performed in churches and other
religious settings, and is focused on praising and worshipping God. It often
features simple, acoustic instrumentation and emphasizes the importance of community
and fellowship. French worship music is a popular choice for French-speaking
Christians around the world.
parent: worship
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 2700
"2018": 6R5bXWouCBMBj37XjwaWKU
"2019": 5OJ7Wz7FJPsOtgUH5vEZuJ
"2020": 0fjkR9eolhUWAXYsgvEAws
"2021": 2keGROqKofRAnQ3laZW4GL
"2022": 5Kt4XGzJXYKutqMaaRTzqu
"2023": 4NHPojWjzZfFWEMYJdYdxo
edge: 1hxbERTXEFVesGiACv1oOz
intro: 2ykyX0oZXPhylom7kXmmgp
pulse: 3zAyorGlCUKdicziwcAJHy
sound: 22eZWJypNyQmV4ut5JwWhW
name: Frenchcore
Frenchcore is a subgenre of hardcore techno that originated in France. It features
fast and aggressive beats, distorted synths, and intense, high-pitched vocals.
Frenchcore is characterized by its high energy and frenetic pace, with a focus on
creating a chaotic and intense atmosphere. It is often associated with the French
rave scene and is known for its extreme and uncompromising sound.
parent: hardcore techno
language: fra
country: FR
localized_name: true
rank: 1561
"2019": 09Nj0VaNEImBylR6abMFVV
"2020": 0PFPzBLfJKhPWWZVmgOPX2
"2021": 6pzNj66aSiGk4ibVwJXBRR
"2022": 2JoGWeS71ZSvt61FBBYXbp
"2023": 49WQa3MzP7vxa69C084R5a
edge: 1GQW8VDZb9HjqTktT29c7K
intro: 6CCIvnWsiXL8Kyd55SvwD5
pulse: 7sdyTF5JceeYOlvKZfs4fx
sound: 3b9YnVCg1sEUoXlRwQvBV2
name: Frevo
Frevo is a fast-paced Brazilian music genre that originated in Recife, Pernambuco.
It is characterized by its energetic rhythms and brass instruments, often played
during carnival celebrations. The music is heavily influenced by African and
European styles, creating a unique sound that is both vibrant and complex.
parent: event
rank: 6046
"2023": 2rqZJc7GGmoYITdPUh9DD4
intro: 3tK5bABTZHrYDiPYwfEReg
pulse: 5OvTgXcUrUrHqnHfPbbUKj
sound: 1Qc7lRgdYegu5Cjz1XAX5x
friese muziek:
name: Friese Muziek
Friese Muziek, or Frisian music, is a traditional music genre from the northern
region of the Netherlands. It features a mix of accordion, fiddle, and vocals, often
sung in the Frisian language. The music is known for its lively and upbeat rhythms,
making it a popular choice for dancing and social gatherings.
parent: dutch folk
language: fry
localized_name: true
rank: 4384
"2021": 0fJxxJsBiT70jW1FlZRRT4
"2022": 5UY17aFc70g5yvO2nAYQE6
"2023": 4e08A3ZHrnYkB6MkCO209K
intro: 6JTglLevY9I745iTwd9nyn
pulse: 6LtSReYiPa6w0vy7uLs88r
sound: 20HRTITUogLdPSLtNjLiY6
name: Fuji
Fuji is a popular music genre from Nigeria, often described as a mix of traditional
Yoruba music and modern pop. It features a blend of percussion, brass, and
electronic instruments, creating a unique and dynamic sound. The lyrics often focus
on social and political issues, making it a powerful form of expression for Nigerian
artists. The music is known for its energetic rhythms, making it a popular choice
for dancing and celebration.
parent: dance
language: yor
country: NG
rank: 4741
"2020": 6KdPnmwogMJZsN5sI3flsU
"2021": 00p8SDxdKpNyIsMLSj25ze
"2022": 1iY7deuKHVppdG82LHhbDI
"2023": 5CHdkRkXAOF49BgpsBE7at
edge: 5Igzvubq4sH0xvAOk07Jwx
intro: 2Nonou0I4tjAASFr8iP4Wl
pulse: 0C7nfAGIFaljtoNZnhdCFA
sound: 2dSueCb8JMaLfE3GQvIz6w
full on:
name: Full On
Full On is a subgenre of psychedelic trance that emerged in the early 2000s. It
typically features fast, driving rhythms, heavily processed synthesizer sounds, and
psychedelic visual elements in its live performances.
parent: psychedelic trance
rank: 2904
"2018": 50xHqTEQAyo6aL3NynOmSg
"2019": 7K8o5d9lpX0d7e0lvR93dX
"2020": 3QM6kLHHIc9u4vcYxZrVh0
"2021": 70DRLI68owtdCT0zsuWMRp
"2022": 6QlSDmIkpuCTPoGfCBAiL3
"2023": 5WH5vabmwYrd6ciADISZzD
edge: 1UMO0ZeYeOK4qJsMIxoOrS
intro: 49OqRqSLocDnN13tMoTqMv
pulse: 1Z0mhq8nYQx1NJIPKZ20m9
full on groove:
name: Full On Groove
Defined by its infectious energy and pulsating beats, full on groove is a
high-octane genre that keeps the dance floor alive. With its driving basslines,
catchy melodies, and uplifting vibes, it is designed to make you move and let loose.
This genre seamlessly blends elements of various electronic music styles, creating a
sonic journey that captivates and energizes listeners.
parent: full on
rank: 5147
"2023": 3xXaeoEkdHMYpJk6aUBvlh
edge: 3l0lLZfr55iASHgCqxPqvq
intro: 1xV7eJnpMBNFnt2Qn8ZFx8
pulse: 3YkMzSbndv7qhvelnXMrla
sound: 2lbHERHD6RghHnEbEORx67
name: Funaná
A lively and upbeat music genre from Cape Verde, characterized by its fast-paced
rhythms and accordion-heavy melodies. It's often accompanied by traditional dance
moves and lyrics that tell stories of love, joy, and daily life.
parent: reggae
language: por
country: CV
rank: 3072
"2020": 74JyD6tdr4ejkuuXmpgxmf
"2021": 789TFloLpqgfoXELlPKsjw
"2022": 7p8uxyIDNU4V4681qma5RD
"2023": 6WEFvSBWPQNtDGp8jhSpyQ
edge: 0VFZ6jKFb2UieRkvVKZQpq
intro: 6VSK7Zu80t2WgsunYbLwWE
pulse: 6BSof7pNt4ahKMaTRn1XjJ
sound: 2heQcYVOsKpYjaKfm3Tyfs
funeral doom:
name: Funeral Doom
A subgenre of doom metal that is slow, mournful, and atmospheric. The music is
characterized by its heavy use of distorted guitars, slow tempos, and droning
vocals. The lyrics often deal with themes of death, despair, and the afterlife.
parent: doom metal
rank: 4977
"2020": 0g3Hhy5gPdTlAGkCYxoAyO
"2021": 0OdrlT0BJBXf8n93i18uqL
"2022": 3DUmfJXdnhuYBxh0wpX3J8
"2023": 3CKaZGAxHlFw0EBQaj9x2g
edge: 0XPvkaqLpReYQkGrUK5mG4
intro: 0zBlDRvaVkIU782MMHMyAX
pulse: 2BZjNfhicI1v7iBK0ljIOm
sound: 1v1cvGLu2qZlFWiK2B8s5V
name: Funk
A genre of music that originated in African-American communities in the 1960s and
70s. It's characterized by its groovy basslines, syncopated rhythms, and soulful
vocals. Funk music often features brass instruments, electric guitars, and
keyboards. The lyrics often deal with social and political issues, as well as themes
of love and sexuality.
parent: soul
rank: 231
"2018": 6we8IDg7Z7m5Yf2T82SeVC
"2019": 5O0KNirvNPihS0Geu82D3w
"2020": 4KVvCcTexR6QTgqlIBIhnU
"2021": 5qOXuAA4n3SWtN2fJ3e99k
"2022": 06r5wBybLriShMS7T7zp2d
"2023": 58VATXP0gEjxBNi6TtzONE
edge: 37gFuY8RXItPbVFFNTNzjr
intro: 0PSoJFWi3EaeEuMMulvOZl
pulse: 5aWZkLwEeuL4qFODoJd5S4
sound: 0MBvtOIm5fuBbRHEltDY8A
funk 150 bpm:
name: Funk 150 BPM
'"Funk 150 bpm" is a fast-paced and energetic subgenre of funk music, characterized
by its high tempo and heavy basslines. This style of funk is often associated with
dance and party scenes, with its upbeat rhythms and catchy melodies sure to get
people moving.'
parent: funk
rank: 935
"2020": 78WtZFwSct15HfvPGKFDpe
"2021": 272KSlRoUpYYBttLTMq5se
"2022": 1dKh1ZpDC3LX1NjJrolPal
"2023": 67m4toH40bRvIERRY4jeJf
edge: 4HJpRS1lwruGUgqZJluoDR
intro: 3sCfx4yi7GWUZ3Vg5qtXcm
pulse: 5FwafqgRNYx2BajisICqnd
sound: 1xeC9MJ6OC2ddKdtYQjxS4
funk bh:
name: Funk BH
'"Funk BH" is a style of funk music that originated in the Brazilian city of Belo
Horizonte. It is characterized by its fusion of traditional funk elements with local
Brazilian rhythms and instrumentation, resulting in a unique and vibrant sound.
Often featuring brass instruments and call-and-response vocals, Funk BH is a lively
and infectious genre that is popular throughout Brazil.'
parent: funk
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 639
"2020": 4rH6gZbBLGEiFu4jF0toty
"2021": 3gs490KiBcjYGNk6fBNMAo
"2022": 2Kf01Kx6DJuWHHz105bg9n
"2023": 6lXZn2SHdZv1xvE71L6pGw
edge: 57SwvujqI7puUf1X8LsTTH
intro: 1xdgT3pYJNtn0FsDA4VmmF
pulse: 0XOGykXt7gFNZYMprQTqUb
sound: 7EkuObU6WHy1QEBwyGZgYm
funk capixaba:
name: Funk Capixaba
'"Funk Capixaba" is a subgenre of funk music that originated in the Brazilian state
of Espírito Santo. It is characterized by its use of electronic beats and
synthesizers, as well as its incorporation of local rhythms and styles. Funk
Capixaba often features explicit lyrics and is popular in dance clubs and parties
throughout Brazil.'
parent: funk
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 3306
"2021": 7EzQYPzfOENuGIkB0hAs02
"2022": 5y5NbFjCnwgwNG7OdYPw88
"2023": 3CghgXabWmeoqM0Sqn081B
edge: 17BgRHGCrSd0vDlthIH8wF
intro: 1t0gaNu6r5wOZlqgoPcV7o
pulse: 5FYQaHAosHMWw05ttwOIa9
sound: 5s6WNpuQnEZUivQy8MGQwP
funk carioca:
name: Funk Carioca
Funk carioca is a genre of music that originated in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It's
known for its heavy basslines, catchy rhythms, and explicit lyrics. The music is
often associated with the favelas of Rio, where it's popular among young people.
Funk carioca has become a cultural phenomenon in Brazil, with many artists achieving
mainstream success.
parent: funk
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 134
"2019": 4B6oAnliKq3oRvKMAp1pNw
"2020": 2FH41dV2FbLPLPgwH7w8E2
"2021": 1fmhaoCGS7i3ai185IvkX5
"2022": 3TmzoYpyqdG60o2uHyaVRi
"2023": 4X7NyAFBF6ybOoCzVkjBlz
edge: 3GXAifCY8YqrvmaaHa1kK0
intro: 1ldvfK1ek3d2fxwMNlryiX
pulse: 13ehXpahXcI7VW0VGuxPIJ
sound: 1aAckG2NI0cuL7QDKVeV2N
funk consciente:
name: Funk Consciente
Funk consciente, also known as conscious funk, is a subgenre of funk carioca that
focuses on social issues and political commentary. The lyrics are often critical of
social inequality, police brutality, and government corruption. The music is popular
among young activists and progressive-minded individuals in Brazil.
parent: funk
localized_name: true
rank: 347
"2020": 21pVjHf7aSOvUS2WU0lUds
"2021": 5U0ibRDTo8FrlFbMVTVHTt
"2022": 4lJ4skvLvDnCbGJZhnxcZc
"2023": 3VUbos4GW8LhqsfyDCbtPx
edge: 0kbkpN3FrpZ1irkcGdqNo4
intro: 3HK1Ah08iCBz2cBhJT8VyX
pulse: 09mbcgSS57AOPRarZZxaC7
sound: 1pYXwb6K11YUZWvulG8LfM
funk das antigas:
name: Funk das Antigas
Funk das antigas, or old-school funk, refers to the early days of funk carioca in
the 1980s and 1990s. The music is characterized by its use of samples from American
funk and soul music, as well as its upbeat and danceable rhythms. Funk das antigas
is nostalgic for many Brazilians who grew up listening to the music, and it
continues to be popular today.
parent: funk
localized_name: true
rank: 1016
"2019": 28HlKbpcAF766bRc8aMNHd
"2020": 5SvQVzdLD7tnbH6wZRxPdM
"2021": 0ZWsHXGlXrefbZYy5TzFfO
"2022": 4SyqDObw9YPvMsI26ZiGr0
"2023": 6jB9xGJiJpBMOn2r3bKcUb
edge: 3jrSDi5VArCJ1Etm81GODI
intro: 0Qrt32Nd76EgK9fqEU78dm
pulse: 4QCBNog7J1jlBqBNnask50
sound: 0igK9QIsRHR6PpMAoLRZJQ
funk evangelico:
name: Funk Evangélico
Funk evangelico is a subgenre of funk music that emerged in Brazil in the late
1990s. It combines the upbeat rhythms of funk with religious lyrics, often sung in
Portuguese. This music is popular among evangelical Christians in Brazil and has
been criticized by some for its commercialization of religion.
parent: ccm
localized_name: true
rank: 3082
"2020": 6BPTWZyTdZ3ghlV2D6hhgi
"2021": 15wOp5ydtewWsKYuENk0xm
"2022": 1OoU2JPBSQ4REIlN3XUMSe
"2023": 7kHoqiF2y44xdnn1WMZ1C7
edge: 4TU16F4kv4ehQ2Lfbxd0DW
intro: 7kDdA5USCEaJtudnVyiAUg
pulse: 0hI0sZJFtXeSjqVPL5anLI
sound: 7a1oABbPxSKFGu9UHx4oD9
funk mandelao:
name: Funk Mandelão
Funk mandelao is a style of funk music that originated in the favelas of Rio de
Janeiro in the 1980s. It is characterized by its heavy bass lines, fast tempo, and
aggressive lyrics that often deal with issues of violence and social inequality.
This music is popular among young people in Brazil and has been associated with gang
parent: funk
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 1007
"2021": 2iMd54qfsLh4cBFsGP5qLZ
"2022": 4rW1nIt7LXRnDn8ZjBuHVz
"2023": 4fkTH2S1xpdKrY7sq82TlK
edge: 3Au4SMQSR2wVmtOoyrLD5I
intro: 1GU4PUP3i9wYsvaaASzwfZ
pulse: 2ddk4iTKZSDOuWgNoIShKI
sound: 1dXtLBMyIsFiuBlwoVmXg5
funk melody:
name: Funk Melody
Funk melody is a romantic subgenre of funk music that emerged in Brazil in the
1990s. It features slower tempos and softer instrumentation than other types of funk
music and is often sung in a falsetto voice. This music is popular among young
people in Brazil and has been criticized by some for its sexually explicit lyrics.
parent: funk
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 2247
"2020": 2mKwIIBeUntNZMOiKQTu2Y
"2021": 2F6KWzaEw5fBuz2ODpUY4W
"2022": 7CV0B9j0ufzc8r7rlJjrJx
"2023": 37JF00BSWL80TE556VRzvv
edge: 0bCei9UBvaPuV2harVTx0D
intro: 4I5OIJxCCF8lVie5jrL37v
pulse: 1gxIKbkugCZ7vMZZwWIj44
sound: 3dI8uN2meX1IvAYwqVcmwW
funk metal:
name: Funk Metal
Funk metal blends the heavy, distorted guitar riffs and pounding drums of heavy
metal with the groovy basslines, horns, and vocal stylings of funk music. It's a
high-energy, head-banging genre that's all about getting down and dirty on the dance
parent: metal
rank: 192
"2018": 6pBy1IAhWmrpJ3yOtnQYHj
"2019": 0xeXynyh9Y3U5ywFvOLVhX
"2020": 5gAfgoUWPhEn2o5vCChTUO
"2021": 6p0iSqfb5t3cAbQqdFkbDM
"2022": 3uX5r8QY2zEIURvYhfjZC2
"2023": 1MNKDB8eUqXYTX3wtF1UFm
edge: 15YP10gfLWkwgsQ17dyUSK
intro: 6GVmQ21uXK4KJBnMMZEIeu
pulse: 56WaeJQuh2CcP8zqu4XJxb
sound: 6JqQli6WY1G043Mihy3MBp
funk mexicano:
name: Funk Mexicano
Funk mexicano is a fusion of traditional Mexican music with funk, resulting in a
lively, upbeat sound that's perfect for dancing. It features the use of brass
instruments, percussion, and accordion, combined with the funky basslines and
syncopated rhythms of funk. It's a uniquely Mexican take on funk that's sure to get
your feet moving.
parent: funk
language: spa
country: MX
localized_name: true
rank: 3392
"2020": 5dn9AxgDZT7Q1NzUPBMVjK
"2021": 1cwAlchXXIaJuOH1vIlWUz
"2022": 6yApuxPzH48Gn1YLqdKEiI
"2023": 1qVwZuJhxyXeJaXn79p6Q3
intro: 06W1ZQzKQxKLYAh69Numjn
pulse: 3jJQNUMzQgPd8OJhaBtJN9
sound: 4tuh0hKWxyrxLpEcjnaQmw
funk mtg:
name: Funk MTG
description: ""
parent: funk
rank: 205
"2022": 1xWHcR7kcO8kRccEog8Fsr
"2023": 0LLmhuUZWxpq8Ux1e22qwY
edge: 1r4tU8mEw0Zl04n5tS2J32
intro: 2tV0qaqL3T5r2MDkcPOtbP
pulse: 5Mw9MJRLGtiqxGVPi8rRFn
sound: 7qgTJhcHV88KAk7zILiOLL
funk ostentacao:
name: Funk Ostentação
Funk ostentação is a Brazilian music genre that originated in São Paulo. It is
characterized by its ostentatious lyrics, which often focus on wealth and luxury.
The beats are heavily influenced by funk carioca and electronic music, with a mix of
hip hop and rap. The genre gained popularity in the early 2010s and has since become
a staple in Brazilian music culture.
parent: funk
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 517
"2019": 4QoLsi23JgHu4BCzxsvcZZ
"2020": 15eIOo96y3za6gJMA0gl92
"2021": 0mmChxArBkk1R1WSxF109N
"2022": 7C0DiMbrHR8Ga2kotlqCv5
"2023": 7uJs3Ds7wZ7YFwEg5cby2I
edge: 5GrvWJIWLjWg0c04Pq0M6X
intro: 6sCNjD57IxXMYpxas40Zlk
pulse: 4XM0Z3mdWpTU3vrRoyRDnG
sound: 47f23xvBayJUjEhAlUB7xS
funk paulista:
name: Funk Paulista
Funk paulista is another Brazilian music genre that originated in São Paulo. It is
similar to funk ostentação, but with a heavier focus on social issues and politics.
The beats are also heavily influenced by funk carioca, with a mix of hip hop and
rap. The genre gained popularity in the mid-2000s and has since become a voice for
the marginalized communities in Brazil.
parent: funk
language: por
country: BR
localized_name: true
rank: 256
"2020": 1e7oQSaH83vX5h5ZKwhW5e
"2021": 7cSup9LjOwbDXLRBkvQmix
"2022": 3k5d4b0hbiW3bKkZr5cWZI
"2023": 7r6WZ2XRqlz0dkqvpUPEgx
edge: 0qQZjDdgMbyuIYr81qgjgG
intro: 4LwYKMg0u7vR8LMs7qatzU
pulse: 4fi2lUxt5EJBEwPGygFaby
sound: 6YHx5ZIQqpfrxKEsw77EDU
funk pop:
name: Funk Pop
Funk pop is a fusion of funk and pop music, with a focus on catchy melodies and
upbeat rhythms. The genre originated in the 1980s and gained popularity in the 1990s
with artists such as Prince and George Clinton. Today, funk pop is still popular
with artists such as Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson, who have incorporated funk elements
into their music. The genre is known for its danceable beats and feel-good vibes.
parent: pop
rank: 613
"2020": 0cnSVgMTPc9E1PNH0nHkdI
"2021": 0OgUPXf8ix2cQXCCE6vDJr
"2022": 0cEyZsryCSQ5KgpWpvXbJ7
"2023": 4Y8wiJYofXYk4SgyVQz56Z
edge: 604TLuLgADipwCKGBnO2k8
intro: 3NvGy4R2NZbhUSs8dxXeFA
pulse: 2KkhEYKUcDeCxcuQGxzOdC
sound: 2R2YtEbMWrq5u7Pu3TLKRa
funk rj:
name: Funk RJ
rank: 281
"2022": 3IfId45sfqdoFPbXb8Lgdp
"2023": 06JrnyHgw79VrSHOtFBY8K
edge: 2vtnLmLvUKOytFJXhWNgTH
intro: 0kMzA5gEi4vTabV5BgOcC8
pulse: 6qZZINYiOForNxWhXtkBlk
sound: 4YyikjHPefH5dYGjgQ6zem
alias: funk carioca
funk rock:
name: Funk Rock
Funk rock combines the heavy riffs and rhythms of rock with the groovy basslines and
syncopated beats of funk. The result is a high-energy, danceable sound that's
perfect for getting crowds moving.
parent: rock
rank: 242
"2018": 2MZz0pjcxOpKq7GSww5Y4f
"2019": 7dOfnD5YpJcs7XNwj2KM1d
"2020": 3iH41Oks7t74eZec9fW3V0
"2021": 6GjXiFVkC1mR3d0QfKfMUA
"2022": 7EiTHZ2YyEwaS1RxcOlJMZ
"2023": 0IiW0LxvpRGDLJPBG3VTGZ
edge: 2EAAoWvpoNWFwNjhL9xyl0
intro: 4TpwQAJetxOjzAc2g7NrV0
pulse: 6FRFv24bLWiyNQmJua28kE
sound: 2v7uYvX2h5hNSukaqp9LCb
funk viral:
name: Funk Viral
Funk viral is a subgenre of funk that's known for its catchy hooks, infectious
rhythms, and upbeat, party-ready vibe. With its emphasis on fun and positivity, funk
viral is often used in viral videos and social media content to spread joy and
parent: funk
rank: 996
"2021": 6ymFeRpvNGx9YzESFaj1no
"2022": 5L1TILmYDBEGeKBPitwnJN
"2023": 1R51T0L1PJXrN1Sfo3k6z3
edge: 41kLvmD8OVTwZ1ZruNRAem
intro: 3Fux4YgkaStXy4KlWbXMCV
pulse: 0rY3rZXngBi43NZyhghgh3
sound: 6lulrwh852gB3WirPe1e4p
name: Funktronica
Funktronica is a genre that fuses the groovy rhythms of funk music with the
electronic textures of modern production. It often features funky basslines, catchy
melodies, and glitchy effects, creating a danceable and energetic vibe.
parent: funk
rank: 2190
"2023": 0bpQaGg3VcIsd0yWkwqXWd
edge: 4MNWjVS7xkdJvxujffQyJG
intro: 7e8m6rDL8CPnoTyI89BxgW
pulse: 4AcH4zBl4h6pHisxnrIWPU
sound: 7u5AZPIkUnl4iuQt63nclw
funky breaks:
name: Funky Breaks
Funky breaks is a style of electronic dance music that combines the funky grooves
and rhythms of funk with the hard-hitting beats and basslines of breakbeat. The
result is a high-energy, dancefloor-friendly sound that's perfect for getting crowds
moving and keeping them grooving all night long.
parent: breakbeat
rank: 2863
"2019": 6XlHWBLPRqWksmNPK02Wvi
"2020": 4LzDOxa6VLKd84KWGoL48X
"2021": 2G4Ro98FfUizaIxTHqxBEg
"2022": 20zAZaGEQz4OuI3GHflIcL
"2023": 5xnd4iz3Y2V1BbfeHrGCSW
edge: 0hvSyMvbUILuHPcLCAlSN0
intro: 3FgHaDRJQvrh2hhpZpovNd
pulse: 0tED0zw9ALVAtr5kOn1gJS
sound: 4r7k2gHiV5NG8ErBhXySbS
funky house:
name: Funky House
Funky house is a genre of dance music that blends elements of funk, soul, and disco
with house beats. It often features groovy basslines, catchy melodies, and soulful
vocals. The sound is upbeat and lively, perfect for getting people on the
parent: house
rank: 2214
"2021": 1BJ2JuWMEC8XrA7ClIHGAp
"2022": 6RAjPlbkQ75bZIXxj1B6WR
"2023": 6Wzwl8h5IrOYFBgcuHYkPe
edge: 2EPucSUAk6FebRYSBylDIi
intro: 3wvotpz85jrS3I4DqzN6li
pulse: 1BSwbhHVFgqzxPjWPSzKCV
sound: 1ZwOZItEvdtWZuTVFQfwJs
funky tech house:
name: Funky Tech House
Funky tech house is a subgenre of house music that combines the funky grooves of
classic house with the futuristic sounds of techno. It features driving beats, deep
basslines, and intricate percussion, as well as catchy hooks and vocal samples. The
result is a high-energy sound that's perfect for peak-time sets.
parent: techno
rank: 2506
"2018": 1LFx158T0QFJHE916QG2DA
"2019": 0kHRjPhwWunX8dI6kOAJ9K
"2020": 7xVMRQrhVXb9iTaaA8tGA1
"2021": 7zJtlcKK1KDnzGeD9iQUv6
"2022": 7qjJlzWaYsrmzepVuOa3EK
"2023": 6oWPU8PK5ZsLo0yEuljGgg
edge: 1rRsAa5MZdhLIryDLqSftx
intro: 4HK7OeprrAo0r2xZgwA5u8
pulse: 1Pku5jBToAZT8kZ96gVGpW
sound: 7DMszOOe5DQPifzW4EHD7w
name: Furry
Furry music is a genre of electronic music that is popular within the furry fandom.
It is characterized by its upbeat and energetic sound, often featuring animal sounds
and samples. The lyrics often revolve around themes of escapism, fantasy, and
anthropomorphic characters. Furry music is a niche genre, but has a dedicated
following within the furry community.
parent: electronica
rank: 2166
"2023": 13C2mTSMV7gtr9nF3FCsgm
edge: 5TcLHAVoY6TF7127Qg6cQR
intro: 2NqKEeHOjzud83Vdktcp6A
pulse: 3ZQJtA5g3QWcK4pZQgrsPo
sound: 7o9a21HReswib5OcWqGNFK
name: Fussball
Fussball is a genre of music that originated in Germany and is associated with
football (soccer) culture. It often features chants, sing-alongs, and crowd noise,
as well as traditional instruments like horns, drums, and accordions. The lyrics are
usually simple and repetitive, designed to be sung by fans at matches. The sound is
upbeat and celebratory, capturing the excitement and passion of the game.
parent: football
language: deu
region: DH
localized_name: true
rank: 2757
"2020": 6j0kXX1GNrYJw82jpHWBEQ
"2021": 1qi4HWXFbO44LrWw5icIQN
"2022": 1uQ0wY6uX8WJ7oFzpsDpyZ
"2023": 0rqFFnb4b8ancw124Ca12j
edge: 6Ukpzuh5n2hSLVBfJ2zn7E
intro: 7v02hSgE1R0HIrgpghO6ws
pulse: 5Dc841SIrdIIpAmvBRRg6b
sound: 5zBCYWc3g9sxUMqPHMvERG
future ambient:
name: Future Ambient
Future ambient is a subgenre of ambient music that incorporates futuristic and
experimental elements. It often features atmospheric textures, ethereal melodies,
and soundscapes that evoke a sense of otherworldliness. The use of electronic
instruments and effects is common, and the overall sound is often dreamy and
parent: ambient
rank: 4045
"2022": 5Pb19p3W5z4Tr6bJcDpe26
"2023": 5p2BpSGpLpiyYKcym9OhrC
edge: 54Js1eRxIlXFNVdbuy8PQp
intro: 49yX0U7FmLIJJvmbL5UA7p
pulse: 3tiQzQfsIGNVEJgwxyIDbv
sound: 07Dm64w1XhUXaXDOtfXlNy
future bass:
name: Future Bass
Future bass is a genre of electronic dance music that emerged in the early 2010s. It
is characterized by its heavy use of bass and trap-style beats, as well as its
incorporation of elements from other genres such as hip-hop and R&B. The sound is
often futuristic and experimental, with producers using a wide range of electronic
instruments and effects to create unique and innovative sounds.
parent: edm
rank: 1235
"2020": 72CodVQ14h4TMirzTc2sbr
"2021": 7ey015GFAoBINIiDm00FhG
"2022": 3evs2kICx55ah0rPrX5nwt
"2023": 5zgf7yw8dpntr51pqjcm2Y
edge: 0mlljzLstMHJjsqTFNyKVw
intro: 7pc3DAuxNmB09wnCm5cOLf
pulse: 0X9Vgj1KScuuaTPI5gpCQl
sound: 0HL0ITC4buCPYJaJHqwbMm
future bounce:
name: Future Bounce
parent: bounce
rank: 2603
sound: 0mf43n3zvTz6LwGaq2wQw5
"2023": 1FtzG3ngTzjTQfoD9FAoJO
future funk:
name: Future Funk
Future funk is a genre of electronic dance music that blends elements of funk,
disco, and house music with futuristic and experimental sounds. It often features
groovy basslines, funky guitar riffs, and soulful vocals, as well as electronic
elements such as synthesizers and drum machines. The sound is upbeat and energetic,
with a focus on getting people dancing and having a good time.
parent: funk
rank: 1776
"2018": 1bCZCQ3EAkR8u5EfPkfz4t
"2019": 3j8671nJtn3YARa3q9kez7
"2020": 3My0tJNZVO8Ek6t40tMKeG
"2021": 4eSCpr82LnSdYH7cVaBfDA
"2022": 3KTu1DZqjeayyyW7ORM5vH
"2023": 1wnBx6snSSiNW9mrbHhkVv
edge: 2ZPyHyEWzlAX1NGDtO6CNX
intro: 6resAIPAMnsOGPUgjulyTC
pulse: 4UvqW4Va6NDjRJ3ymoNRGB
sound: 7t0fe3aPR0OoVQQi6VDkeC
future garage:
name: Future Garage
Future garage is a subgenre of UK garage that combines elements of garage, dubstep,
and house music. It features heavy basslines, chopped and screwed vocal samples, and
a distinct atmospheric sound. The genre emerged in the late 2000s and has since
gained a dedicated following in the underground electronic music scene.
parent: uk garage
rank: 885
"2018": 0xxtRNOewiX5BPDgTu9vB4
"2019": 76kh8RV5qmKcb3iyeqMtHN
"2020": 7ipAKgRCIdqn83vAFDLQbW
"2021": 6XufG5sai0njOP1kHL0nsf
"2022": 72nFejn4qeXaFG1QQe09bP
"2023": 6XC7DFZWLgT2quV0YUeW2Y
edge: 1fnWyYm72krsY52U73eNA5
intro: 0OcrGw0UsZbEJGTIDqGKEV
pulse: 29iWj6j2KYEZDjPib8BWSh
sound: 62T9WUAB2E7Xw6PmHRSlaQ
future house:
name: Future House
Future house is a genre of electronic dance music that combines elements of house,
deep house, and future bass. It typically features upbeat, energetic rhythms, catchy
melodies, and heavy basslines. The genre emerged in the early 2010s and has since
become popular in the mainstream EDM scene, with artists like Tchami, Oliver
Heldens, and Don Diablo leading the way.
parent: house
rank: 1217
"2019": 2giw74Es9xkeDM44Y7Bry8
"2020": 19cWpfYUSKJm2kNhhiggwv
"2021": 5NCUIgAXUUL3QamVtkghTa
"2022": 6nwxExpsExVuClF62ir1i7
"2023": 6IwX4GKLO2gCAAWnns81tj
edge: 7vc8xLFzcM7vbO3tunzHCW
intro: 3Q4hrhzpJKAtUbt6J8iHGI
pulse: 06YMoxaawO9VsncUCuwa98
sound: 2u6y2dDw8lKwW389jYEMoN
future rock:
name: Future Rock
Future rock is a subgenre of alternative rock that incorporates elements of
electronic, hip hop, and pop music. It typically features heavily processed guitars,
electronic beats, and melodic vocals. The genre emerged in the early 2000s and has
since gained a dedicated following, with bands like 30 Seconds to Mars, Linkin Park,
and Imagine Dragons leading the way. Future rock is known for its anthemic choruses
and high-energy performances.
parent: rock
rank: 1729
"2019": 7EDwAFCTLgd31p8ISIy6LE
"2020": 35ZFwM81MAOvHTeqN8tyIf
"2021": 0oZ3FNKmyirvPWIMXoKc00
"2022": 4pwjmDkXbnwkxe7ksSyDzk
"2023": 0Ve4iaxheSsygAuCNrkhCY
edge: 2D0BLLmL7S1FHtxkqcpHQq
intro: 0dLtDwARhEVElwUKmXhlAE
pulse: 7p7Fwhg5JEaQI4axfY4k6y
sound: 5u8tbxvQvJtevUBqXAwJFs
name: Futurepop
Futurepop is a subgenre of electronic dance music that emerged in the late 1990s. It
combines elements of synthpop, trance, and techno, and typically features upbeat,
melodic rhythms and optimistic lyrics.
parent: pop
rank: 2304
"2018": 2WRTfVuer9DSovxRxgjwnF
"2019": 6d87FwL9AJE3yWFOMOZ3sk
"2020": 2khZOLRtn3GyTs2zrw0gin
"2021": 07BOzmVv4LBSi2QbCEPhiH
"2022": 3YXr9k2SZKkHevHYXX85lL
"2023": 1hJVGpYhYZL31xVrSc7GUj
edge: 4kBC1hAKwBLBz6QOKKsSe4
intro: 0opcCVbGt0CiCBnnzcuq45
pulse: 2bCChfCGwOVMH9TVsRMloR
sound: 5kLBrUOkzY9M7hbXfNE98t
futuristic swag:
name: Futuristic Swag
Futuristic swag is a genre that combines futuristic electronic sounds with hip-hop
and R&B elements. It has a smooth and confident vibe, with lyrics often focusing on
success, luxury, and self-confidence. The beats are often heavy and bass-driven,
with glitchy synth sounds and autotuned vocals adding to the futuristic feel.
parent: hip hop
rank: 2328
"2021": 0ZnfEUghXkA3PBCDGbgtHF
"2022": 0F8LtnVZbEKZ32RmJnkxpM
"2023": 0DA3sjinC0M3Qdd7JhK8WC
edge: 0KhcsjOqVpmSKFeBLeTbxa
intro: 7nSx4YN0kiWQPUmd1BhTrO
pulse: 5GGp08aq3322ZYCUf0qVD7
sound: 5Q5r9dFetZWkQ3hSro5d8e
fvnky rimex:
name: Fvnky Rimex
Fvnky rimex is a genre of electronic dance music that combines elements of funk,
disco, and house music. It is characterized by its funky basslines, groovy rhythms,
and catchy melodies. The music often features remixes of popular songs from other
genres, such as hip-hop and pop. Fvnky rimex is known for its upbeat and energetic
sound, and is popular in nightclubs and at dance parties.
parent: indonesian viral pop
rank: 707
"2023": 2BGXZBOe5een9pqyMwPb3X
edge: 2W4exdwtjPq92l86yx4PSu
intro: 5aDaPId7sMkxwmmge6I61w
pulse: 4m7SK1pXKOYwb0Dc7Mk3r6
sound: 0Re6qLjokHfCHLgTmL9DeF